Registration of the canteen at the enterprise. Business project for opening a canteen: expenses and income

A good canteen is a competent menu, quality products, friendly service and reasonable prices, for which consumers appreciate it. The dining room as a profitable business is an inexpensive convenient premises, profitable deals with food suppliers and reliable staff. How to combine these two requirements systems into one successful project, which would satisfy the needs of consumers and give a high entrepreneurial profit? In the article, we give an answer to this question and tell you how to open a canteen from scratch for a beginner.

Market overview and development prospects

Trade in this segment Catering per last years experiencing great financial difficulties. The market fell by almost 5%. The main reason for the fall is the growth in the number of restaurants and cafes with a budget menu and cheap business lunches.

An analysis of this information will make it possible to correctly determine the starting points of an entrepreneurial strategy and open not just another unprofitable canteen that barely breathes and brings its owners only headache, but initially to organize a successful enterprise with financial and production potential.

Direct competitors will be:

  • city ​​cafes and restaurants;
  • production canteens of large industrial enterprises;
  • canteens of large office, administrative and educational centers;
  • local fast food outlets and street vendors.

According to all-Russian statistics over the past few years, for each specified group of catering establishments, profits have only grown. But that doesn't mean that businesses that can become direct competitors to your business are necessarily successful.

To get a complete picture of the representation of similar services in the market, it is necessary to evaluate the work of each competitor. We should find their weak and strengths and offer better and better customer service.

Arguments for and against opening a canteen

As can be seen from the review of the catering market, there are many arguments against opening a canteen.

The first group of arguments against - arguments related to the loss of relevance of this business.

Canteens are a relic of the past that does not meet the requirements, experts say. modern society. In their opinion, the main part of the active working population today chooses comfort, a modern atmosphere, interesting design and style solutions in interior design and serving dishes. In order for the dining room to compete and delight customers with novelty, it is necessary to increase the starting and current expenses, which is not always affordable for a novice entrepreneur.

The second minus is significant restrictions in pricing policy.

To be competitive, a canteen must keep a low margin, which is not always enough to cover the cost part. For example, the average markup for a canteen is 150%, for a restaurant it is 350%.

The third disadvantage is the lack of qualified personnel in the labor market and restrictions on the staff.

An entrepreneur who is at the stage of planning a future enterprise must understand that each staff unit is at least 50 thousand rubles of current expenses. The minimum staff for the dining room is 4 people (cook, purchasing manager, distribution worker and cleaner). Earning 200 thousand rubles for staff salaries is a difficult task, so often an entrepreneur has to actively fill two or three vacancies and work on distribution, cleaning and purchasing himself.

Arguments for":

  • canteen - the simplest format of a catering establishment and requires a minimum of start-up capital;
  • a novice entrepreneur will gain invaluable practical experience;
  • this is a good platform for business expansion (experimenting with the format, building a network, selling franchises, etc.).

Step-by-step instruction

The main purpose of the step-by-step instructions is to enable the beginner to estimate the amount of work that he has to do and to help estimate the amount of start-up costs for the project.

We will give step by step instructions how to open a canteen, taking into account the maximum amount of work and costs. It may be possible to discard some steps during the execution phase, but it is better to have a complete picture of the necessary actions in the beginning.

So, step by step plan:

  • marketing research (assessment of competitors and basic consumer requests);
  • search for premises;
  • drawing up a professional business plan for the existing premises;
  • conclusion of a preliminary lease agreement for a room for a dining room;
  • registration entrepreneurial activity(IP or LLC);
  • drawing up a project for the reconstruction of a room for a dining room (performed by a design organization);
  • renovation of premises and purchase of equipment;
  • recruitment;
  • certification of industrial premises in Rospotrebnadzor and obtaining a permit to operate a canteen;
  • preparation of menus and technological maps for dishes;
  • purchase of products;
  • advertising campaign;
  • Grand opening.

How to open a canteen from scratch

Where to begin? From marketing research. Book this job with a professional consulting firm that is well established in your city. This step will cost about 30 thousand rubles, but the benefits of information are incommensurably greater. A marketer's report will help you avoid unnecessary expenses and choose the right strategy for your future enterprise.

Concept formation

This is one of the most important steps in the preparatory phase.

Under the chosen concept, you will search for premises, develop design, create a menu and customer service protocol. The concept should respond to the consumer's request as much as possible.

For example, in a large administrative center, a vegetarian canteen is unlikely to be a success, but nearby shopping centers and sports complexes such a catering establishment will receive a sufficient number of customers.

Dining room concept options:

  • traditional (distribution counter, a wide range of dishes, minimum costs for repairs, equipment and design);
  • modern (self-service, large assortment, additional design and technological solutions);
  • highly specialized (school, social, vegetarian, industrial, etc.).

After the concept is outlined, it's time to draw a portrait target audience.

The target audience

Its main characteristics are age, gender, nationality and profession. The typical target audience of canteens is men from 40 to 60 years old working specialties, as well as lower and middle management.

If the room you have chosen is located in a place where there are few representatives of the typical target audience, then you need to deviate from the typical course and look for your visitor.

When within walking distance to your dining room are educational institutions(secondary special, higher), then it is necessary to orient the design and menu to the needs of young people. If there are a lot of people near you administrative buildings where a lot of women work, then the menu that is interesting for ladies (low-calorie, vegetarian, etc.) will attract attention to the dining room.


The optimal place for a dining room is the commercial, administrative, educational districts of the city. The entrance must be visible from the main roads. It is desirable to have a convenient entrance and a parking area.

There is no need to place a dining room near bus stops and major transport interchanges - such a location does not provide an additional advantage.

Pros of accommodation:

  • proximity to food markets, markets and food manufacturers;
  • additional premises for possible expansion;
  • location in the city center.

The location on the first floors of high-rise buildings, along major city highways, as well as in shopping and entertainment centers is considered unsuccessful.

Format selection

The choice of format for a future institution depends on its location and correctly predicted preferences of future customers. It is also important to understand what competitors are already offering visitors.

City canteen

This is a traditional catering establishment, which is open to the public. It can be visited by any client from the street.

Features of the city dining room: a menu from simple traditional dishes, self-service in the hall, distribution from the counter, a higher margin than in specialized canteens.

Requirements for the premises - compliance sanitary norms, rules for organizing the process of cooking and serving visitors in the hall.

Dining room in the business center (open / closed)

The organization of a dining room in a business center is a more difficult, but also a promising task.

The dining room in the business center as a type of business involves a cozy modern interior, high requirements for the menu, design of dishes and their serving, as well as constant monitoring of the wishes of customers. Fulfilling the requirements increases the cost of the project.

Another important aspect: high rental rates in business centers. In order to survive in such conditions and make a profit, canteen owners enter into agreements with the owners of companies located in business centers for partial or full payment for canteen services for employees of these companies. As practice shows, this is the most profitable format for the dining room.

Most business centers are closed establishments with access control.

This circumstance will narrow the circle potential visitors, and will also deprive the opportunity to serve weddings and other festive events, but will add customers to corporate parties, presentations and receptions.

Canteen in a government institution (open / closed type)

Opening a canteen in a government institution is one of the most challenging tasks. The main difficulty is the lack of space that meets the SanPiN standards, which can be easily converted into small production capacity with energy saving mode.

Most profitable option public catering for a government institution - a canteen with an incomplete (pre-cooking) production cycle.

As part of this cycle, finished products are delivered to the canteen, which only need to be heated before serving to the buyer.


For catering establishments with a pre-cooking cycle, the buffet or cafeteria format is most suitable. It is enough to rent a small ready-made room up to 50 m2. On this territory it is necessary to organize a warehouse, a utility room, a showcase with a counter and 10-15 tables for visitors. The barmaid prepares dishes for visitors, she also takes the calculation. The buffet format allows the sale of goods to take away.

Choice according to the form of customer service (distribution line, waiters, free-flow)

The traditional format of customer service in the canteen is the distribution line, where the dispenser works, and the cashier takes payments from customers. But this scheme is not considered unshakable - in pursuit of the client, modern canteens offer other forms of service.

Canteens with waiters - a format that is more suitable for closed canteens at business centers and government institutions.

To ensure the comfort of employees during lunch, corporations and firms can pay extra to the owners and management of canteens for the services of waiters.

Free-flow is the implementation of American and European ideas in Russian catering. In this format, customers have the opportunity to choose dishes and form portions themselves. The dining room is equipped with several distribution tables, on which all dishes from the menu, as well as dishes (plates), are displayed. Customers choose a plate and fill it with ready-made dishes on their own. The calculation takes place at the checkout by weight, quantity or volume.

Canteen business plan with approximate calculations

The dining room business plan depends entirely on its format. But to make it more convenient for a novice entrepreneur to make his calculation, we will calculate a business plan for a small dining room with 40 seats.

Main costs:

  • rental payments for the year (50 thousand rubles x 12 months) - 600 thousand rubles;
  • the cost of reconstruction and repair - 600 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment 500 thousand rubles;
  • salary for 5 employees – 3 million rubles in year.

The average markup for a canteen is 150% of the cost of food.

In order to receive a monthly profit of at least 100 thousand rubles, an entrepreneur must earn 500 thousand rubles. Of this amount, 115 thousand rubles. - purchase of products, 285 thousand rubles. - current expenses and 100 thousand rubles - profit.

The average check of the dining room - 200 rubles. To earn 500 thousand rubles, you will need to sell 2,500 servings. If you break this number of servings into 30 days, it turns out that on average the dining room should serve about 80 people a day.

Project financing

Minimum start-up capital to open a canteen from scratch in rented premises – about 1.5 million rubles. Approximately the same amount of funds you need to have for the period of promotion and the formation of a stable commodity-money turnover. Where to get this money?

This is one of the most safe ways open a dining room - invest your own savings in the business. Yes, an entrepreneur may lose part of his funds if the project fails, but he will avoid trouble and penalties from creditors.

Such a volume Money can be obtained from the sale of real estate. If there is nothing to sell and there are no savings, then you will have to borrow money.

The safest and cheap way borrow money - get a bank loan. Banks are most willing to give loans to those entrepreneurs who pledge their property (apartment, car, etc.). But you can take risks like that only if you have carried out thorough calculations, you have a good place under the dining room and lucrative contracts are outlined with suppliers and customers.

To get a loan from a bank, you need to have a professional canteen business plan.


The most dangerous way to finance a commercial project is cooperation with private investors: huge interest, lack of a clear and logical financing scheme, possible threats and lack of loyalty to debtors.

If you decide to borrow money from a private owner, then offer him a share in your enterprise - let the co-founder also bear the burden of responsibility for the financial success of the canteen.

A method of financing in which the interests of the entrepreneur are protected as much as possible. About 1.5 million rubles are required from you (this is the average price of profitable and interesting franchises at canteens Russian market). For this money, the entrepreneur receives:

  • optimal business plan for the enterprise;
  • project of reconstruction and decoration of the premises;
  • technological maps;
  • employee training;
  • promotional items and marketing plan;
  • contracts with suppliers of equipment and products.

The disadvantage of this scheme of work is the need to deduct a percentage of income to the franchisor on a monthly basis.

Requirements for the premises

The dining room should have equipped production, trade, storage and administrative premises. Each type of premises has its own requirements.

Production premises of the canteen:

  • can not be placed in the basement and basement parts of the building;
  • they should have both artificial and natural lighting;
  • area - at the rate of about 6 m2 for each working employee (excluding equipment);
  • ceiling height - from 3 m to 4 m;
  • supply and exhaust ventilation;
  • the walls are closing ceramic tiles up to a height of 1.8 m, the ceiling is painted with light colors.

Plumbing, sewerage, heating, ventilation and Electricity of the net should be in good condition, design capacity - to exceed the planned loads.

Documents for the premises

The main document that determines the rights and obligations of the tenant of premises for the dining room is a lease agreement. We advise you to carefully approach the development of the project and the conclusion of this agreement. Do not download a sample lease agreement from the network. Most the right decision- Get a lawyer. This step will incur additional costs for initial stage, but will avoid many troubles in the future.

In addition to the contract, the tenant must have:

  • a plan-scheme of the premises that are leased to him;
  • copies of documents confirming the right to use land;
  • copies of communication schemes and acts balance affiliation communication equipment;
  • counter books.

Documents must be current. To confirm their authenticity, the lessor is obliged to certify the copies with his seal.

Engineering and design

The project for the reconstruction of premises for a dining room is the document on the basis of which the tenant must make repairs, lay networks and install equipment.

If the premises have already been used as a dining room, and the tenant has no ideas regarding redevelopment or refurbishment, then the project does not need to be ordered.

When even minor changes in the design of premises or an increase in the power of networks are planned, then a project is indispensable.

Today, most designers additionally offer clients and design solutions. But this needs to be agreed upon at the stage of preliminary negotiations and agreement on the price of design work.

The canteen project is undergoing a mandatory sanitary and epidemiological examination.

Canteen equipment

A full-cycle canteen should have the following production facilities and equipment:

  • professional plates;
  • proofing cabinets (for own baking);
  • fryers;
  • refrigerators and freezers;
  • assembly line for distribution;
  • planetary mixers;
  • meat grinders;
  • mixers;
  • bread slicers;
  • vegetable cutters;
  • set of dishes;
  • dishwasher equipment;
  • showcases and refrigerated counters;
  • hall furniture (tables and chairs).

At the initial stage, many items of equipment can be purchased as second-hand. There is also the option of buying equipment on lease (installment payment).

Registration of the dining room as a business and permits

It is necessary to deal with the registration of permits for the canteen already at the stage when there are preliminary agreements on the lease of premises and a business plan, sources of financing are known.

State registration and obtaining taxpayer status

The easiest, fastest and cheapest stage. It will take several days and about 3 thousand rubles to implement it. Documents are submitted to the Federal Tax Service at the location of the canteen or the registration of its founder (if the owner of the canteen is an individual entrepreneur).

Coordination of activities in state supervisory authorities

After passing the state registration, completing the reconstruction and installation of equipment, the entrepreneur can apply to the supervisory authorities for permission to start work.

The main permit document is the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor.

It is issued after the entrepreneur has collected and submitted the following documentation:

  • a document confirming the right to use the premises (lease agreement);
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion;
  • garbage collection agreement
  • contracts for the supply of products;
  • passports for the ventilation system;
  • employees' medical records.

This is an indicative list - more detailed information can be obtained from the regional office of Rospotrebnadzor.

Choice of the form of settlements with visitors (cash, non-cash, credit cards)

The best option is to provide customers with the opportunity to pay in ways convenient for them. The easiest, most reliable and cheapest way to pay is cash. To accept cash in the hall must work cash machine. If the taxation system allows you to work without it, you must approve the form of the check that will be issued to the client when paying for the service.


70% of the success of the canteen is the right selection of staff. An experienced, accurate and conscientious cook, an active purchasing manager, an executive cleaning lady, friendly employees in the hall - without the daily contribution of these employees, the dining room will not be able to exist.


This is a document that reflects the organization of wages in the enterprise. The schedule should include all the positions that are necessary to ensure the operation of the enterprise. This document indicates the official salaries, which must comply with the conditions of remuneration agreed with the employee upon employment.

Working hours and labor protection

The regime is approved by the head of the enterprise. Information about the opening hours of the institution is posted at the entrance to the dining room. Additional approvals for the opening hours of the canteen are not required.

Typical working hours of the dining room: from 8 to 15.00 on weekdays, on weekends - banquet service.

If the canteen works in several shifts, then the administration is obliged to comply with the norms for the production of employees. Thus, work near the furnace in the production workshop is considered to have harmful working conditions, and in some cases this workplace must be certified.

Organization of the technological process in the dining room

The peculiarity of the dining room is a simple familiar menu with dishes from inexpensive products.

Typical menu:

  • borsch;
  • two types of soup;
  • two types of cereals;
  • five salads;
  • four types of meat products;
  • three types of processed vegetables;
  • tea, coffee, milk and fruit drinks;
  • sauces and seasonings.

The menu is compiled by the chef or production manager in the dining room and submits it to the director for approval. No other approvals are required.

Technological maps of dishes for the dining room

Technological map of a dish is a recipe that prescribes the cost of products for preparing a dish, processing modes and time, the final yield of a portion and calorie content.

For all dishes served in the dining room, technological cards must be available.

If the chef deviates from these cards, the products should not be allowed on the dining room counter.

Technological maps are developed by food industry technologists. Samples of these cards are freely available online, but canteens can also order custom ones.

How to work with suppliers

To get fresh, high-quality and inexpensive products from suppliers, you need to order large quantities of goods from them and pay your bills on time. It is better to look for suppliers near the dining room so that transportation does not affect the quality of the products and is not expensive.

The best option is to work with wholesale depots and direct producers of agricultural products. In the dining room, supply issues should be decided by the purchasing manager.

Advertising and marketing

How to be remembered by the client? Marketers give a simple answer - come up with your own chip.

You can give free rein to your imagination, but within the planned budget. Some eateries offer free sauces to customers, others give away every fifth meal, and still others provide free access to a coffee machine and W-Fi.

In the business environment, it is considered a justified measure when up to 10% of the monthly budget is allocated for marketing and promotional activities.

Calculation of profitability and payback schedule

With a competent start and verified financing of the project, it is necessary to wait for it to reach self-sufficiency no earlier than in a year and a half.

An approximate calculation of the output of a small dining room to self-sufficiency:

  • starting investment - 1.5 million rubles;
  • monthly costs - 400 thousand rubles;
  • monthly income - 480 thousand rubles;
  • monthly income - 80 thousand rubles.

With such indicators, the initial investment will gradually pay off in 19 months.

Business plan for opening a canteen with 100 seats in a city with a population of 180 thousand inhabitants.

How much money do you need to open a cafeteria

According to preliminary calculations, about 1,378,900 rubles will be allocated for the opening of the institution:

  • Redecoration and design of the premises - 250,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment (thermal, technological, furniture, etc.) - 778,900 rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials and ingredients - 100,000 rubles.
  • Business registration, approvals and permits - 50,000 rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 200,000 rubles.

Dining room opening plan

According to the business plan, the process of opening an enterprise will look like this:

  1. Search for the location of an object (room)
  2. Registration of IP in the IFTS
  3. Conclusion of a lease agreement
  4. Repair and design of the future dining room
  5. Coordination of the object with SES, fire inspection and district administration
  6. Purchase of technological, thermal and other equipment
  7. Search for suppliers of raw materials and ingredients
  8. Search for the staff of the institution
  9. promotional activities
  10. Opening an institution

Marketing and Advertising

The institution will be opened on the campus, in close proximity to a large educational institution (200 m). We believe that this is a very good location, since about 6,000 people study at the university. Students and teaching staff The university will be the main customers of our canteen. In addition, there is a residential area nearby, which will only add customers to the establishment. Of the competitors, it is worth noting, first of all, buffets located in the buildings of the university and a small dining room located in the main building of the educational institution. The cons of competitors at first glance are as follows:

  • Poor customer service
  • Poor range of food
  • Lack of interior design
  • High price level
  • Small capacity of the customer service hall

Product Description

The menu of our dining room will include the sale of first courses (soups, pickles, solyanka, borscht, fish soup), second courses (roast, French meat, goulash, beef stew, escalope, etc.), side dishes (cereals, pasta, potato puree, stewed cabbage, buckwheat, etc.), salads, flour confectionery and drinks. The institution will work daily, however, the main flow of customers will go on weekdays from Monday to Friday. The average check of the dining room, according to the preliminary plan, will be 110 rubles. The average attendance per day will be 350 people, per month (22 days) - 7700 people. Thus, the estimated revenue for the month of work will be 847,000 rubles. The dynamics of revenue in this case will depend on the work of the university. During the period summer holiday and all sorts of holidays, attendance and income will drop sharply.

Thus, the estimated annual turnover of the enterprise will be 7,932,000 rubles.

Download the business plan of the dining room

Premises selection

For the organization of the dining room it is planned to rent non-residential premises 155 sq. m. On the ground floor of the building there is a grocery and flower shop, which ensures high attendance of the object. The room has all communications necessary for organizing a dining room: hot and cold water supply, electricity, ventilation and sewerage systems. Overhaul not required. There are two exits from the premises, which is also a prerequisite for the functioning of catering establishments. The rental price will be 86,250 rubles. per month. According to the business plan, the premises will be divided into a visitor service hall (90 sq.m.), a kitchen (40 sq.m.), warehouse space(15 sq. m.) and a lavatory (10 sq. m.). The dining room will be designed light colors with color motifs.

What equipment to choose for opening a dining room

It is planned to spend about 778,900 rubles on the purchase of equipment. A complete list of our dining room equipment will include:

  • Distribution line - 114,000 rubles;

Thermal equipment

  • Electric stove - 15,000 rubles;
  • Roasting surface - 12,500 rubles;
  • Rice cooker - 2,300 rubles;
  • Deep fryer - 4,000 rubles;
  • Boiler (2 pcs.) - 6,000 rubles;

Technological equipment

  • Meat grinder - 25,000 rubles;
  • Potato peeler - 30,000 rubles;
  • Vegetable cutter - 12,000 rubles;
  • Slicer - 15,000 rubles;
  • Mixers (4 pcs.) - 40,000 rubles;

Refrigeration equipment

  • Refrigerator - 31,000 rubles;
  • Cooled table - 52,000 rubles;
  • Freezer - 50,000 rubles;

Neutral equipment

  • Washing bathroom - 3,500 rubles;
  • Shelving - 6,000 rubles;
  • Production table - 3,000 rubles;
  • Carts-studs for trays - 10,000 rubles;
  • Exhaust umbrella - 9,000 rubles;
  • Hand dryer - 4,000 rubles.

Dishwashing equipment

  • Dishwasher - 55,000 rubles;
  • Collection conveyors dirty dishes- 16,000 rubles;

Kitchen dishes

  • Gastronorm containers made of stainless steel - 2,000 rubles;
  • Boilers - 12,000 rubles;
  • Pots - 6,000 rubles;
  • Frying pans - 5,000 rubles;
  • Bowls - 2,000 rubles;

Kitchen utensils and other equipment

  • Professional chef's knives - 4,000 rubles;
  • Colanders, cutting boards, ladles, scoops - 2,900 rubles;
  • Hammers, hatchets for beating meat - 1,000 rubles;
  • Potato mashers, pushers, peelers, graters, presses - 1,700 rubles;
  • Crockery and cutlery (trays, forks, spoons, glasses) - 7000 rubles;
  • Overalls (aprons, bathrobes, hats, shoes) - 25,000 rubles;
  • Furniture (tables, chairs) - 150,000 rubles;
  • Refrigerators - 45,000 rubles.


The staffing of our institution will consist of: cooks (6 people), dishwashers (3 people), cashiers (2 people), cleaning lady, administrator / manager. The wage fund will amount to 201,000 rubles per month.

What taxation system to choose for opening a canteen

The organizational form of the canteen will be an individual business registered with the local tax service. As a taxation system, it is planned to use UTII - a single tax on imputed income. This is the most optimal tax regime for catering establishments. With UTII, maintenance is simplified accounting, reporting, it is not necessary to use KKM.

Financial plan

Fixed monthly expenses according to the plan will include:

  • Wage(13 people) - 201,000 rubles.
  • Insurance deductions - 60,300 rubles.
  • Rent - 86 250 rubles.
  • Taxes (UTII) - 8,000 rubles.
  • Utility payments - 20,000 rubles.
  • Raw materials and ingredients - 150,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 20,000 rubles.

Total total expenses - 545,550 rubles. The main costs, as can be seen from the calculations, are wages and raw materials. The amount of annual costs will be 6,546,600 rubles.

How much can you earn by opening a canteen

Thus, the annual net profit of the enterprise will be: 7,932,000 (revenue) - 6,546,600 (expenses) = 1,385,400 rubles. The profitability of the canteen is 21.1%. With such calculations of the business plan, the return on investment will come after 12 months of operation of the enterprise.

Recommended download the business plan of the dining room for only (banner_bi-plan), from our partners, with a guarantee of quality. This is a complete finished project which you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of the project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business for the provision of canteen services

AT all-Russian classifier types of activities for canteens, the OKVED code is 55.30 (services of cafes and bars).

What documents are needed to open a canteen

Legal work of the canteen is possible only if the following documents are available:

  • Certificate of registration of IP in the tax office.
  • Premises lease agreements.
  • Coordination with SES and fire inspection.
  • Permits from local authorities.
  • Contracts with suppliers and service organizations (utilities, garbage collection, pest control, etc.).
  • Staff contracts.
  • Certificates and invoices for food products.

Important point! In the case of checking the activities of the company, representatives of regulatory authorities, in addition to the listed papers, will definitely look at the sanitary books of the canteen employees. Their absence threatens the organizer of the business with a decent fine.

Do I need a permit to open a canteen?

If the establishment's menu does not provide strong alcoholic drinks then no additional permissions are required. Entrepreneurs who plan to sell alcohol must register a legal entity and issue an appropriate license.

After registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC, you need to get everything Required documents. First of all, permission retail from Rospotrebnadzor. After that, contact the local authorities to obtain permission to work in the area. In order to be able to sell alcohol, a company needs authorized capital not less than 15-16 thousand dollars.

In addition, to open public institution in the field of nutrition, you will need the following documents:

  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor. A list of sanitary requirements for the dining room can be found in SanPiN To prepare for all inspections, it is also worth studying the law "On Protection of Consumer Rights";
  • Product quality certificates. In the dining room, all dishes must strictly comply with state standards. You can order such a service at private certification centers that certify that products comply with all requirements and standards;
  • Developed program production control, which must be agreed with Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Permission from Rospozharnadzor. To get it you need to install fire alarm, purchase fire extinguishers, develop an evacuation plan and provide two emergency exits;
  • Agreement on disinfection for air conditioning and ventilation systems;
  • Waste management agreement.

If you have Big City , then you will also need coordination with law enforcement agencies regarding the placement of the dining room. Also, the institution must be equipped with a "panic button".

dining room requirements

You should start by choosing a place and premises. Since the dining room usually does not advertise itself in any way, you need to choose a busy place in the city with good traffic.

Most often, the dining room is located in a separate building or on the ground floor of a residential building. In the latter case, the premises are first transferred to a non-residential fund. It is best to start such a business in a building that already housed an institution of this type.

The most important requirement for a dining room is that industrial premises(kitchen, warehouse) should be separated from the dining room.

For a small dining room you will need approximately 200 square meters. Of these, 100 sq. m. - this is a kitchen and household premises, about 70 - a dining room, the remaining 30 square meters are occupied by a bathroom and a corridor.

Also, any catering must meet the following requirements:

  1. Availability of ventilation, air conditioning and fire extinguishing systems;
  2. Ceiling height from two meters;
  3. Compliance with building codes. Requirements can be found in the Construction Norms and Rules SNiP 31-06-2009 " Public buildings and structures";
  4. Two emergency exits.


Where to start equipping the dining room? With the arrangement of the kitchen and the distribution line. You will need:

  • Tables for cutting and cooking (from $ 50 apiece);
  • Refrigerators and freezers(from $450);
  • Cabinets for cooking and frying (from $ 300);
  • Electric stoves (from $500);
  • Dishwasher (from $3000);
  • Equipment for cutting, cutting products, meat grinders, mixers (such a kit will cost about $ 2,000);
  • Cookware and crockery for visitors ($800-1000);
  • Cupboards for dishes ($250-400);
  • Counters for dishes - a distribution line (from $ 2,000);
  • Showcase for dirty dishes ($200-300).

Also in the hall for visitors you can put a refrigerator with drinks. Add tables and chairs here (4 chairs per table). Every table should have napkins, pepper, salt. You can find out in advance how much inexpensive dining room furniture costs on the website of any furniture and restaurant supplier.

On average, for the purchase and decoration of 10-12 tables with chairs, you need to invest in the amount of 1000-1500 dollars.

Popular manufacturers of equipment for catering networks:

  1. "North";
  2. Smeg;
  3. Azora;
  4. Airhot (China);
  5. Alto Shaam;
  6. Amika;
  8. UNOX;
  9. Electrolux;
  10. polarair;
  11. Carboma;
  12. "Pole";
  13. "Ariada";
  14. Mariholodmash.


A small, self-service enterprise requires a minimum number of employees. It is necessary to hire two cooks, a manager, a dishwasher, an assistant in the kitchen and an auxiliary worker, as well as a cashier and a cleaner. Bookkeeping is best outsourced.

Costs and profits

Let's analyze in detail the costs of everything you need to open a dining room.

Registration and obtaining permits and certificates - about $ 1000. Rent, repair of premises, installation necessary systems and communications will require investments in the amount of 3-4 thousand dollars. For equipment and furniture, taking into account the choice of the most inexpensive manufacturers, 13-15 thousand dollars will be needed. In the initial costs, we also include salaries for employees for the first month and the purchase of products. That's about $4,500 more.

In total, it will take at least 22 thousand dollars to open a canteen from scratch. At the same time, monthly expenses reach 6-7 thousand dollars. The net profit of such an institution starts at $ 4,000 per month.

As you can see, a public dining room as a business is not the easiest thing to do. But definitely profitable, and with the possibility of expansion. The popularity of "among the people" is growing rapidly, so every month you can count on an increase in the influx of visitors.

Twenty years ago, most canteens operated inside large industrial facilities, government agencies, schools or universities. These were secure facilities that no outsider could get into. Now the situation has changed - canteens are becoming more "folk". It's popular and inexpensive way it’s okay to have lunch or hold some kind of event with the whole team. And it's pretty interesting business which is becoming more relevant due to the outbreak of the crisis.

Types of canteens

Dining room opening is a difficult but profitable business, which, with the right approach, fully pays for itself in a year and a half.

Canteen is a profitable and profitable white business

Canteens are divided into two types:

  1. Closed.
  2. Open.

Closed canteens work to provide food for a certain team. The option is interesting, but it is not easy to launch such an institution. Open dining rooms serve a large number of incoming visitors. This is the most dynamic way of working.

Also, catering establishments are classified according to:

  • location (office, school, hospital, freestanding);
  • principle of operation (closed type, on semi-finished products, pre-cooking kitchen);
  • type of customer service (waiters, self-service, distribution line);
  • payment type (non-cash, cash, credit cards).

Note:in most cities there is an acute shortage of quality canteens. Many people would not mind having a full lunch or breakfast in cozy place for an affordable price.

Bankers almost always positively consider the decision to provide a loan to open a canteen, since this is a completely transparent, legal and profitable business.

Dining room pros and cons

The dining room is open simple principle- to provide a large flow of people with high-quality food in the shortest possible time. On average, a person spends no more than 15 minutes in the dining room, while average check is 200 rubles.

This speed is achieved through a set menu: visitors are offered a choice of several first, second and third courses, already prepared by the chef. This solution has certain advantages:

  1. High throughput, no queues.
  2. The minimum number of staff (savings in wages and taxes).
  3. Predictability and “planning” of cooking.
  4. An easy way to pay visitors.
  5. Practical use of free space and equipment.

A small dining room requires a minimum of staff and investments

It also has one serious drawback: the lack of a wide range of dishes. The visitor can order only what is available - they will not cook separately, as in a cafe.

The most suitable job

The most convenient type of dining room is considered to be the classic free-flow with the acceptance of bank cards and cash. Free flow is self service. Ready meals are displayed in showcases, and the visitor, passing by them, chooses the ones he likes and goes to the checkout. At the checkout, he literally pays off in a few seconds and goes to the hall to have lunch. This is a very practical mode - no one imposes a choice of dishes on the client, waiters are not needed for such work, the calculation is instantaneous. No queues, delays or misunderstandings.

Note:the dining room differs from cafes and restaurants in its format. People come here to eat, not to rest.

Step-by-step instruction

So, how to open a dining room: where to start? The first step is to draw up a business plan, looking for suitable premises, employees and market analysis. Canteens are recommended to be opened near office buildings, business centers, large enterprises, near key public transport stops and in other crowded places. After that, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Concept development. Think about how much space the dining room should occupy, in what style you will decorate it, draw yourself a portrait of the average visitor to study his needs and opportunities.
  2. Find a supplier of canteen equipment. Often, large suppliers also offer the service of designing premises.
  3. Develop a design project according to your concept. Clearly define the purpose various premises, the location of the kitchen, equipment, bathroom.
  4. Based on the design project, it is necessary to create a working project, which includes all engineering systems.
  5. Based on the completed projects, a general estimate is made.
  6. Find a good contractor to take on your project.
  7. Coordinate the available documentation with the relevant authorities. You will have to obtain permission from the SES, UGPS, Technical Supervision, Property Management Committee.
  8. After agreement, you can start repairing the premises and connecting engineering systems.
  9. While the repair is underway, you need to purchase everything you need to work. You will need a cash register, accounting and warehouse accounting systems.
  10. After the completion of the repair, the premises are rented to various commissions.
  11. Supply of equipment and furniture for the dining room. It is most practical to buy it in one place and on a turnkey basis. This will solve the problem with the warranty and maintenance of the equipment, as well as reduce the overall estimate.
  12. Buy crockery and cutlery.
  13. Hire staff.
  14. Open up.

The set menu is not very varied, but nutritious and tasty

Some nuances

Before opening, you should develop a work scheme: how many cooks work, how many employees serve food on the distribution line, what time your establishment works. In parallel with this, you should do advertising - you will need a sign, banners, flyers, streamers and other outdoor advertising. Also, be sure to provide the cashier with a terminal for paying with cards - now more than 80% of the active population use them, and not cash.

It should be understood that this is only general information About, how to open a canteen from scratch. In the process, you will have to do many more small tasks: train staff, obtain permits for cash registers, coordinate the menu. But all this is a routine that is done once - you will not return to this again.

Equipment selection

The equipment in the dining room plays a key role - it determines the cost of opening and the number of customers served. For a small dining room for 10-20 people at the same time, you can get by with a classic cafe kitchen. If you are visited by 30-50 or more people at the same time, then you will need a good kitchenette with showcases. If there are more than a hundred customers, then you need a full-fledged kitchen and a distribution line that allows you to serve ready-made meals to people.

Of the mandatory equipment in a catering establishment, there must be:

  1. Tilting boilers of suitable size.
  2. Refrigerated tables.
  3. Electric stoves.
  4. Powerful grinders.
  5. Convection ovens.
  6. Vegetable cutters.
  7. Several refrigerators.
  8. Good dishwasher.
  9. Scales.
  10. Production tables.

Kitchen utensils are purchased separately: you will need a set of frying pans, pots, pots, knives, graters, rolling pins, bowls and other small things.

Your dining room should be cozy and beautiful - keep order and cleanliness

Business plan

Now let's look at the indicative canteen business plan Of course, everything strongly depends on its location and other factors, but we use average figures for megacities (St. Petersburg, Moscow, Novosibirsk) for a canteen with a capacity of up to 40 people at a time.

Expenditure part:

  1. Room rental and utilities will cost you about 1.5 million a year.
  2. A complete set of equipment, utensils, furniture - 1 million rubles.
  3. Staff salaries, taxes - 2 million a year.
  4. Other expenses - 500,000 per year.

In total, you will need about 2.5 million to open, the cost for the year will be 5 million rubles.

In this article, you will learn how to open a canteen from scratch, how to start a catering business and how much it costs. It describes all important points: from registration with the Federal Tax Service, obtaining permits, certificates to market analysis, marketing, selection of equipment and personnel. Also given helpful videos on this topic.

Brief business plan for opening a canteen

The first and important step in organizing an institution is a dining room. We offer a short version.

  1. Market analysis: competitors, demand, potential customers, market capacity.
  2. The choice of the institution format: open, closed, franchise.
  3. Marketing plan (studying the target audience, forming the assortment, determining the location of the dining room, etc.).
  4. Financial plan (calculation of start-up capital).
  5. Business registration (IP or LLC, OKVED choice, tax systems).
  6. Obtaining permits from SES, fire service, Rospotrebnadzor and other authorities.
  7. Purchase of equipment, furniture, appliances for the hall and kitchen.
  8. Supplier search.
  9. Hiring.
  10. Advertising and promotion of the dining room.

Each step is performed in the above sequence. And you need to start with market analysis.

Analysis of the catering market in the selected city

Market analysis is carried out to assess the future prospects of the dining room in terms of locality where she will work. This must be done as soon as you come to open an institution.

When analyzing the market, attention is paid to:

  • competitors, their strengths and weaknesses;
  • the state of the market;
  • target segment;
  • the level of prices and profits in the niche.

These points are enough to assess the state of the market in a particular region and determine the future prospects of the dining room.

When analyzing competitors, you should pay attention to their assortment, quality of service, working hours, additional services, prices, location and other parameters. The received information is divided into two blocks:

  1. Competitive advantages.
  2. Competitive weaknesses.

Based on such a table, you can understand how to stand out from competitors and come up with a USP.

An analysis of the state of the market should be understood as the conjuncture, trends and reaction of the target audience to new proposals in the field of catering.

Analyzing the target segment, you need to understand who the potential customers of the canteen are, what requirements they place on such establishments, what they base their choice on and what is the level of demand for catering services. The information obtained will be needed to marketing plan.

Once the market analysis is done, you need to decide on the type of dining room.

Concept: institution format

Dining rooms are of several types.

  • Closed - located on the territory of enterprises (factories, combines, other production organizations) or in educational institutions (schools, colleges, universities, etc.).
  • Open - public canteens located in any part of the city outside the territory of enterprises. The classic type of institution, which is most often located in the city center or near educational institutions, public places and business centers.
  • Po - open canteens with an assortment established by the franchisor.

Which format is more suitable for the future dining room, the head decides for himself. Here you need to remember about the analysis of the market and its data.

Marketing Plan: Developing a Business Strategy

Having studied the market and decided on the format of the dining room, you need to draw up a marketing plan. It must contain:

  • The finished name of the institution.
  • Information about the target audience.
  • Assortment of goods.
  • Additional services.
  • Dining room location.
  • Pricing policy.
  • promotion methods.

When drawing up a marketing plan, it is worth relying on data obtained during market analysis. The main attention is paid to competitors, target audience, assortment and services.

Such a plan must be created by thinking through everything to the smallest detail. Because it is he who will help make the dining room profitable. And the haste in compiling it can lead to a quick collapse.

Canteen registration: form of management and taxation

For activities in the field of catering, it is enough to register individual entrepreneur and obtain a trade permit. But if it is planned to create a network of such establishments, then the best option will be LLC.

For the dining room:

You can get acquainted with other activity codes for canteens in class 56 of OKVED of the Russian Federation.

The entrepreneur chooses the system of taxation at his own discretion. It can be UTII, STS 6% or 15%.

Permits for the dining room

To obtain documents permitting the activity of the canteen, you need to contact:

  • Sanitary and epidemiological service;
  • fire service;
  • Technical Supervision Service;
  • GIOP;
  • State property management service;
  • Rospotrebnadzor.

To open an institution, you must have the following package of documents on hand:

  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.
  • Food quality certificates.
  • Production control program ( routing), agreed with Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Fire department permit.
  • Contract for disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems.
  • Agreement on waste disposal and garbage disposal.

You will also need a current bank account and registration of a cash register.

Sanitary and fire safety requirements

Sanitary requirements

Sanitary requirements for canteens are prescribed in SanPiN Of the main provisions, it is worth highlighting:

  1. You can only open a canteen in a building that meets sanitary rules and norms and having a conclusion from the SES.
  2. Regardless of the ownership of the building, the establishment must be constantly supplied with cold and hot water, be connected to sewerage, heating and equipped with ventilation and air conditioning systems.
  3. The kitchen and workplaces of employees must be maintained correct temperature and air humidity established by SanPiN.
  4. All rooms should have natural and artificial lighting.
  5. Walls in the kitchen should be finished with materials that can withstand disinfectants and wet cleaning, and ceilings cannot be lower than 1.7 m.

FROM complete list Sanitary rules and regulations can be found in SanPiN

Fire requirements

Fire safety requirements for canteens are regulated by the GUGPS of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation: GOST, SNiP and SP. These include:

  • Mandatory installation in all premises fire alarm and smoke ventilation systems.
  • Availability modern means firefighting.
  • Creation of unhindered access to escape routes and emergency (emergency) exit.
  • Prepared evacuation plan and log fire safety.

Read the requirements in detail fire safety can be in:

  • GOST R 50762-2007 and GOST 12.1.004-91;
  • the federal law No. 123-FZ " Technical regulation on Fire Safety Requirements” and Federal Law No. 69-FZ of December 21, 1994 “On Fire Safety”;
  • SNiP 21-01.-97;
  • SP from 1 to 6, 13130.2009.

Equipment for the hall and staff workplaces

The choice of equipment directly depends on what dishes will be served in the dining room, whether pastries, pizza, etc. will be prepared. Therefore, it must be selected based on the future assortment. But you can highlight the mandatory equipment.

  • Tables for cutting meat, fish, cooking, cutting pastries and other dishes.
  • Electric stoves, ovens, braziers and cupboards.
  • Refrigerators and freezers for storing food and drinks.
  • Dishwashers.
  • Cabinets for dishes, crockery and cutlery.
  • Hoods and air conditioners.
  • Dispensing line.

The staff will need furniture, office equipment, cash register, telephone, etc. For visitors: tables, chairs and hangers.

Canteen staff: which of the specialists is needed

The staff will depend on the range of food on offer. But to minimum set employees include:

  1. Manager of the dining room (kitchen, visitors' hall).
  2. Chefs and cook assistants.
  3. Workers to work on the food distribution line.
  4. Ancillary workers.
  5. Dishwasher and cleaner.
  6. Cashier and accountant (accounting can be given).

Since canteens often work seven days a week, at least two people are needed for each workplace.

Where to look for product suppliers

Before moving on to establishing relationships with suppliers, you need to make a list of supplies. It may include various products (dairy, flour, confectionery, etc.), as well as tablecloths, napkins, cutlery, crockery, etc.

The best suppliers of products are their manufacturers. For example, dairy products can be ordered from a dairy, vegetables from private farms, meat from a slaughterhouse or slaughterhouse.

You can also find product suppliers on the Internet. But here it is worth checking them carefully - read the reviews, make sure there are legal registration on the website of the Federal Tax Service, and then talk with a representative by phone.

When choosing a supplier, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • How long has the supplier been on the market.
  • Does it offer product samples before ordering.
  • What are the terms of payment, returns, deliveries and minimum order.
  • Are there any discounts for regular customers?

It must also be remembered that while the buyer checks the supplier before cooperation, the supplier also checks the buyer. Therefore, the head of the dining room must have all the documents in order.

Advertising and Marketing: Canteen Promotion

Before the opening of the dining room, a noticeable sign should be placed above the main entrance to attract the attention of the target audience.

  • Handing out leaflets on the street.
  • Distribution of advertising booklets to mailboxes in nearby areas.
  • Advertising in local print media, radio and television.
  • Advertising in public transport and public places.
  • Advertising on the Internet through targeting and .

It must be remembered that no one knows about the dining room yet, so people need to be lured with a good assortment, favorable prices and promotions in honor of the opening. With sufficient budget, you can organize a concert inside or near the main entrance.

How much does it cost to open a canteen and what is the profit

About 1,500,000 rubles will have to be invested in the opening of a public dining room. But the final amount of costs will depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe institution, the assortment and additional services.

The payback of such a business is 1-1.5 years. Experienced canteen owners claim that in the first year you can earn about 30,000,000 rubles a year.
