Who is a phlegmatic and features of his character. Phlegmatic man: who is this? Strengths and weaknesses of temperament

Phlegmatic is one of the four varieties of human temperament. He has an amazing natural endurance - it is almost impossible to "start" him. He is laconic, calm and balanced. What else distinguishes a person of a phlegmatic temperament? What is a characteristic feature of a phlegmatic person?

Phlegmatic character

A phlegmatic person can be unmistakably identified in a crowd. Its characteristic feature is seriousness. The phlegmatic does not like quarrels and always tries to stifle the conflict in the bud. Therefore, he will be ready to accept the point of view of the opponent, if only to avoid a collision. At the same time, outwardly, a phlegmatic person will look calm. Something, but he definitely will not show his emotions.

Another characteristic feature of the phlegmatic is prudence. He will never rush into making decisions. First, he will weigh all the pros and cons, thoroughly consider the consequences. And after that, it will finally be determined.

A person of phlegmatic temperament is distinguished by conservatism. He does not like changes in life, because it is difficult to adapt to them. In a new team, the phlegmatic will spend a lot of time making friends. After all, he scrupulously chooses the environment, looks at the new person for a long time.

Those who believe that aggressiveness is a characteristic feature of the phlegmatic are greatly mistaken. On the contrary, nature endowed him with emotional balance. Therefore, the phlegmatic does not even need to make an effort to control himself. In addition, if he quarrels with someone, he will be the first to ask for forgiveness.

What do phlegmatic people look like?

Phlegmatic slow, unhurried. Outwardly of a dense physique, likes to eat tasty food. Chew slowly, chewing each bite thoroughly. He speaks slowly, facial expressions and gestures of a phlegmatic person are inexpressive and monotonous. He does not interrupt the interlocutor, listens attentively, nodding in agreement. Always ready to give advice.

characteristic feature phlegmatic is that he is not one of those who pursue fashion. But at the same time he is neatly dressed, preferring business style in clothes.

Working with a Phlegmatic

Phlegmatic is not inclined to leadership. Due to its slowness, it takes a long time to work. But he will never let his boss down and miss deadlines. In addition, he will not leave unfinished work, because he does not like to leave things halfway. Works slowly, but qualitatively. Does not know how to switch quickly, so he is not suitable for work that requires speed and quick decisions.

A characteristic feature of the phlegmatic is peacefulness. It is no wonder that he is loved in the team. After all, a phlegmatic person is able to get along with everyone. It is easy to agree with him, he will give in, go forward, understand and forgive. If someone quarrels, the phlegmatic will reconcile them. Because he can't stand conflict.

Relationship with phlegmatic

Phlegmatic is the perfect family man! He gives his entire salary to his wife. Instead of basking on the beach, he will spend his vacation renovating the bathroom. Warm attitude towards children. They love him for his prudence, gentleness and justice.

In a relationship, the phlegmatic is calm and balanced. It is about him that you can say: “With him, like behind a stone wall!”. He prefers long-term relationships because he does not like parting.

The phlegmatic is constant in his feelings and is strongly attached to his partner. Often love relationship it starts with friendship. Sex in the life of a phlegmatic is not the most important place. He may even forget about him if the partner does not tactfully remind.

Friendship with a Phlegmatic

Friendship with a phlegmatic person is easy and pleasant. He is calm, balanced, does not impose his opinion, does not gossip. Values ​​honesty in relationships. Therefore, many want to be friends with a phlegmatic person. He has many acquaintances, but real friends can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Often such a person has one close friend, but for life.

The phlegmatic approaches the choice of friends carefully. Happy is he who can call him his friend. A characteristic feature of the phlegmatic is his attentiveness to friends. For them, he will always find time, despite being busy. Listen, support, comfort, give useful advice. He can always "cry in his vest", while the phlegmatic himself rarely shares his problems.


Many are interested in: "A characteristic feature of the phlegmatic is ..?". The answer is simple: Patience. As well as peacefulness, kindness and fidelity. Phlegmatic interacts well with all types of temperament. It can have a beneficial effect on an active sanguine person, he will not be pissed off by a violent choleric person and a melancholic person will not be driven into depression. He does not like to show his emotions to others. However, this does not mean that the phlegmatic is an insensitive cracker. He is a wonderful husband, friend and colleague. In his company, everyone is comfortable: both adults and children.

A stable set of innate individual qualities of a person constitutes temperament. It is customary to distinguish four types: phlegmatic, sanguine, melancholic and choleric. Each type has advantages and disadvantages, in order to determine whether the features of a phlegmatic person are expressed in you, you should carefully study his manner of behavior, communication, and so on.

Description of temperament

Phlegmatic is considered a balanced strong inert type of temperament. It is difficult to bring such people out of a state of equilibrium, since they have a stable nervous system. This phenomenal calmness contributes to the fact that a person tolerates stressful situations well, and appearance You can't even tell that he's angry. The phlegmatic does not like to fuss, he is also devoid of ambition and is content with what he has, does not strive for perfection. It is not difficult to recognize a phlegmatic person in a person, such people are always restrained and expressive facial expressions cannot be seen on their faces, they always avoid conflicts.

Definition test

To determine the type of temperament, there are many laborious methods. The easiest way is to determine the character traits characteristic of a phlegmatic person. To do this, you need to highlight the qualities inherent in you from the qualities below.

  1. Attentive.
  2. Sad.
  3. Methodical.
  4. Shy.
  5. Balanced.
  6. Persistent.
  7. Passive.
  8. Learns slowly.
  9. Peaceful.
  10. Loving routine work.
  11. Slow.
  12. Dreamy.
  13. Pensive.
  14. Controlling yourself.
  15. Calm.
  16. Quiet.
  17. Restrained.
  18. Measured.
  19. Inflexible.
  20. Relaxed.

You can’t expect a complete match of qualities, since there are practically no “pure” temperaments, but if more than half suits you, you can confidently call yourself a phlegmatic.

Principle in communication

people's perceptions and environment phlegmatic people are very different from other types of temperament.

Phlegmatic child

A phlegmatic child is one that seems like a gift to parents. He usually sleeps well, he is calm and is not constantly in the arms of adults, such a baby is rarely naughty.

Sluggishness and inertia can already appear from infancy, a healthy child can lie in one place for a long time, sit or walk. Usually such behavior for parents becomes a cause for concern, but having matured, the baby often plays on his own, surprises his parents with peacefulness and poise.

However, the desire for permanent stability is not always positive. Often such a baby has difficulty getting used to kindergarten, it is difficult for him to communicate with the team. Basically, a child with a predominantly phlegmatic type communicates with one friend, but becomes a devoted comrade for him.

Phlegmatic woman

A phlegmatic woman cannot be called romantic and light, she is rather reserved and closed. It is very difficult to get emotions from her, such a person is close to a man in terms of thinking tactics. Phlegmatic girls try to avoid quarrels and conflicts, so they easily compromise, life with them can please with confidence and calmness, but you should not expect surprises and a riot of colors. Despite the coldness of feelings, such women become attached to a person quite tightly, in relationships they strive for constancy.

Phlegmatic women in work have such qualities of patience and perseverance, so it is difficult to distract her. But in a team, this person can easily get along with representatives of other temperaments.

Phlegmatic man

A phlegmatic man is silent and calm, he is characterized by a cold mind, lengthy reasoning and self-control. He is always balanced, has a firmness of character and a sense of confidence. Such a man will not rush even if he is rushed. He is distinguished by seriousness and restraint from other representatives of the stronger sex. Often does not take part in discussions, trying to remain silent and hide, but if you ask his opinion, he can easily voice it. The manifestation of emotions in such a man is extremely rare, only very significant situations can stir him up. Without evaluating the consequences, a phlegmatic man will not take a single step.

Phlegmatic introvert

As a rule, a phlegmatic person is considered an introvert, since he is mainly focused on himself, on his personal inner world, and in friendship he focuses not at all on in large numbers connections, he is more interested in their depth. Usually such individuals do not act as initiators and are not inclined to long-term communication, although from time to time they still prefer to spend their leisure time in a quiet company.

Phlegmatic extrovert

A person with a predominantly phlegmatic type reacts to everything slowly and calmly, he is monotonous and unwilling to change his environment. And an extrovert is sociable, such a person can be easily seen in the company of people, he does not hesitate to share emotions with others and does not tolerate loneliness at all.

The phlegmatic extrovert is a very complex and controversial personality type and is extremely rare, since these characteristics are in themselves opposite.

character virtues

Among strengths a phlegmatic person can be distinguished by organization, stress resistance, he spends energy measuredly, reliable and obsessed with order both in things and in business. Outwardly, he is confident and calm, so he gives the impression of a stone wall.

Character flaws

Among the shortcomings, the first place can be given to high inertia, since such a person is not inclined to change, which is why he often switches poorly to other things. He would rather be doing one thing all day long, even if it is confusing and difficult. Excessive restraint sometimes prevents interlocutors from understanding his attitude towards them and the conversation as a whole, often phlegmatic people are considered indifferent to everything due to the lack of expressive facial expressions. Secrecy scares others from such personalities.

Who is a phlegmatic? A phlegmatic person can be called a calm, reasonable and balanced person. Such a person is very calm about almost everyone. life situations, and is never at the mercy of excessive emotions. The phlegmatic is diligent, he does not strive to do the work as soon as possible. Such a person performs his duties with great diligence, and is able to cope with the most overwhelming work.

The phlegmatic is slow when it comes to making important decisions. He needs long time to decide, but such a person is distinguished by perseverance. Having decided to do something, he almost never changes his mind.

Phlegmatic perfectly hides true emotions. It may even seem to others that such a person does not feel anything. In fact, he is just as emotional as anyone else. Unlike others, the phlegmatic has the ability to hide true emotions. He does it so skillfully that even the closest people may not be aware of his true feelings.

It is almost impossible to unbalance such a person and force him to show true emotions. Getting along with a phlegmatic is very simple. He is non-confrontational, but very poorly adapted to new conditions. By nature, he is a conservative, and denies any innovation. The phlegmatic loves to be alone with himself, loneliness seems to him an opportunity to think about his actions and weigh everything.

Before making an important decision, the phlegmatic will seriously think about his actions. He needs to be sure of the correctness of his decision before committing a rash act. The actions of such a person may seem stereotyped, he is not prone to unexpected actions. However, such a model of behavior is quite satisfied with the phlegmatic. He does not like unexpected surprises, and prefers to live by strict rules.

Phlegmatic can be called a unique person, because he can find mutual language with a person of almost any temperament. Despite the fact that the phlegmatic is not prone to rash decisions, he can inspire confidence in others and encourage them to important achievements.

Phlegmatic is somewhat similar to an introvert. He also tries not to talk about what is happening inside him, tries not to advertise his mood and prefers some kind of secrecy. Such a person has quite normal self-esteem, in some cases it may be slightly underestimated.

How to recognize?

Usually, this is a calm and peaceful person. He has many close friends, they can easily entrust him with any secret, because this person will definitely keep their secret. Phlegmatic does not like surprises. He tries to protect himself from various incidents, and follows the intended path.

The phlegmatic is prone to creating a family and helping loved ones. Such a person will do anything for the sake of people who are dear to him. He will definitely help his wife around the house, and will not leave his beloved children unattended. A phlegmatic woman tries to give her family all her love without a trace.

From the phlegmatic side, they give the impression of being very cute and good people. Those around them are drawn to them, because they always help their loved ones. Phlegmatic people are not prone to quarrels. Even in conflict with someone, they almost never raise their voice, and do not go over to insults. This phlegmatic person is the one you can rely on. He is trusted with the most responsible and hard work, because such a person is able to perform it perfectly.

Phlegmatic people love and appreciate praise. They will try twice as hard if they hear nice words. Such people are not distinguished by a weak character, but very often they can become victims of someone else's anger. A phlegmatic person will almost never respond to offensive words, not wanting to enter into an unwanted conflict.

Phlegmatic people value stability. They love order and would not trade it for anything else. Such people tend to avoid innovation, they may not change their behavior patterns throughout their lives. Clutter makes the phlegmatic feel insecure. Violation of the usual rules deprives the phlegmatic of comfort, unsettles him and becomes a real tragedy.

Such a person does not seek to stand out from the crowd. He will never wear flashy clothes in an attempt to demonstrate his individuality. Outwardly, they try not to stand out, and do not differ in something remarkable. People of this temperament prefer simple, discreet clothing. He may seem very quiet and boring, but only close friends and acquaintances know that they have a very interesting and intelligent person in front of them.

Phlegmatic people are so unwilling to change the usual layout of life that they can be in it throughout their existence. Such people will not change jobs, just because they are not able to get used to a new one. The best thing that can only be for a phlegmatic person is the world around him, which does not change at all over time. For a person with such a temperament, this is a real paradise.

Such a person is very valuable because he almost never panics. In the most difficult and stressful situation, he is the only one able to maintain common sense and soberly assess the situation. Such people are simply irreplaceable in the team. They can easily calm others down and defuse tense situations with common sense.


A phlegmatic person can get along well with a choleric person. A person of this temperament is very calm, and is able to withstand even the most unbalanced person. In most cases, the choleric person cools down very quickly, looking at the calmness of the partner.

Establish contact with a melancholic also does not represent special work, but the couple will turn out boring, and the relationship will be monotonous. Relationships will greatly tire both partners, they simply will not find common interests.

Things are quite different in the case of sanguine people. They can make an excellent union. The phlegmatic person will become attentive and caring, and the sanguine person will bring new colors to their life together.

In some cases, the union of a phlegmatic person with a phlegmatic person is also possible. However, it should be remembered that in most cases, some kind of life circumstance can connect them.

The male

Such a man is silent, smart and reasonable. In most cases, it causes sympathy in women. The phlegmatic tends to right decisions, goes with everything cold head and is able to inspire confidence in others. He never rushes, and almost always turns out to be right.

It is almost impossible to see the manifestation of the emotions of such a man. He hides his true feelings very well. He always considers the consequences of his actions.


Such a woman can be called very strong, calm and balanced. She is not frivolous, she takes decisions seriously. The phlegmatic is not inclined to arrange scenes of jealousy or constant tantrums. Many men prefer women of this nature to marry.

The phlegmatic is quite slow, but does her job perfectly. She is stubborn and persistent in all her affairs, never leaves what she started and always brings things to the end. She is almost always flawless, and never loses her shine.

A woman who knows how to control her feelings, emotions and does not give in to momentary desires is a real phlegmatic. The girl takes every decision with all responsibility, thinking through every step she takes. What other features do phlegmatic women have, you will learn right now from our special material.

Character features

Once you are in big company, then it will be absolutely easy to single out among all a woman who, by her nature, is a phlegmatic person. A phlegmatic girl is distinguished by a measured gait, a calm and even strict expression on her face, and her silence.

The characteristic of a phlegmatic woman describes her as a calm person who knows how to control her feelings and never follows her emotions. Before solving any issue, problem, the girl carefully thinks through her every step, weighing all the pros and cons. Spontaneous and rash decisions are not for her.

Such a girl is absolutely impossible to piss off. In any situation, she remains calm. A phlegmatic woman never behaves quickly or aggressively in public, she is always restrained, calm, and sometimes even too passive.

Such a person can partly be called a little closed. After all, even people from a close circle sometimes do not know what is going on in her soul and what she really thinks about.

Another feature of the character of phlegmatic people suggests that they are conservatives. Such people do not like change, do not like surprises and are not ready for spontaneous actions and manifestations of feelings. Phlegmatic people get used to one thing very quickly, it can be very difficult for them to part with people, places to which they are very attached. The description of the nature of such women also suggests that more than anything else they are afraid to leave their comfort zone. Any change instills fear in them. Phlegmatic people are afraid of change, they are afraid of losing their sense of security.

Despite the fact that the phlegmatic girl is quite balanced and calm, it is very difficult to build relationships with her. She is in no hurry to let men close to her, and in order to win her heart, he will have to try very hard. A man who manages to win the heart of a phlegmatic woman will be very lucky. A woman is able to become a truly good wife, a caring mother and a hospitable hostess.


Like any person, phlegmatic women also have their pros and cons. Let's start with the advantages of their difficult nature. The main advantage of such women can be called self-confidence and inner peace. Unfortunately, not all women have these qualities. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are mostly overly quick-tempered and emotional people, but not phlegmatic women.

Another main advantage of such women is that they know how to truly be friends. Such a girl is always happy to listen to all the problems, help to calm down and will definitely give good advice. Men and women are drawn to such people because they feel confidence, strength, support and responsiveness in them. After talking with such women, it becomes much easier. Despite the outward impregnability and seriousness, phlegmatic people know how to be the soul of the company, cheer up and charge everyone around with positive.

Another advantage is that a phlegmatic woman easily finds a common language with almost everyone. Even if a girl enters a new team or new company, then for a very a short time manages to find a common language with colleagues.

main feature such a woman in that she never tries to change people and accepts everyone as they are. For this, she is appreciated by her friends, colleagues and relatives.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that the owner of this character is completely disinterested. That is, she will never communicate with a person for the sake of profit. On the contrary, such a girl is ready to help everyone, while not demanding anything in return. Reliability is another positive trait of her character. If a woman promises something, then she will definitely fulfill it, you can always rely on her. A phlegmatic woman loves very much when she is praised for the work done or for the help provided. One has only to praise her once, and she is ready to work and help with even greater dedication.

Perseverance can also be attributed to the positive character traits of such a lady, since it is thanks to this quality that phlegmatic people always achieve their goals. If a phlegmatic takes on any business, then he will definitely bring it to the end, despite the various difficulties that may arise along the way. Such women always find a way out of any, even very difficult situation. In addition, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity with such a character are distinguished by diligence, hard work, honesty and an excellent sense of humor.


If we talk about the shortcomings, then they certainly exist. These women adapt very poorly to new places, to new surroundings. Phlegmatic people are always categorically set on moving to a new place of residence or to new town. They can decide on this only in last resort, and in a new place they will settle down for a very long time, trying to recreate the same home comfort which they have lost.

These women love to listen, but they don’t know how to show their emotions at all. Of course, such a character trait can be attributed to shortcomings, since the lack of emotionality sometimes greatly hinders them in personal life. Excessive sacrifice is another character trait that prevents them from living. Phlegmatic people are ready to sacrifice everything in order to help close person. But unfortunately sometimes it happens that some people brazenly use it. Moreover, such women cannot always distinguish what kind of person is in front of them, how sincere he is, what goals he pursues.

On the characteristics of the character of phlegmatic women, see below.

Temperament is a stable set of individual innate personality traits. Traditionally, there are four types: sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic. This article will discuss who the phlegmatic is, what features are characteristic of him, whether his compatibility with other types of temperament is possible.

Key Features

Qualities that are characteristic of a phlegmatic person:

  • slowness;
  • equanimity;
  • constant level of mood;
  • imperceptible expressions of their emotional experiences;
  • poor facial expression;
  • difficulty in switching activities;
  • difficult adaptation to a new environment, conditions;
  • constancy of feelings;
  • slow development of new forms of behavior;
  • possible lethargy, indifference, laziness.

The phlegmatic, due to his strong nervous system, is emotionally stable. At the same time, his mental processes also have an inertia that prevents them from experiencing and expressing strong overwhelming feelings. A person who has this type of temperament usually adequately evaluates himself, is self-confident, while without bragging and self-confidence. Sometimes, under adverse circumstances, he may underestimate his abilities and experience uncertainty.

You can recognize the phlegmatic by his restraint, not particularly expressive facial expressions, avoidance conflict situations. These traits can manifest themselves positively, turning into pluses, but sometimes his peacefulness leads him to choose the path of least resistance and avoid those situations in which his help or expression of his own opinion is required.

A phlegmatic person is usually an introvert. At the same time, he is more sociable than a melancholic, and does not mind spending time in quiet company. From communicating with other people, he does not expect surprises, he likes a measured quiet life.

An introvert (from German introvertiert “turned inward”) is a person who, by his mental make-up, is focused on his inner world and is not inclined to long-term communication. Extrovert is turned to objects outside world. It is generally accepted that the sanguine and choleric are extroverts, and the melancholic and phlegmatic are introverts.

Phlegmatic is a good listener who does not interrupt or criticize, speaks to the point.

However, the positive aspects of a person can in some cases turn into minuses. So, a person who is dominated by a phlegmatic type of temperament tends to accumulate negative emotions, which leads to periodic “explosions”.

Another weakness is low adaptability to changing conditions. This affects the fact that he is afraid to take responsibility and is afraid to make a mistake.

Lack of emotionality and seeming indifference are another disadvantages that characterize this type of temperament. A person, according to others, often lacks passion. In those cases when the choleric will be loudly indignant and screaming, the melancholic will cry, the phlegmatic will only shrug his shoulders, remain silent or calmly express his point of view.

Famous phlegmatic people, known in history, are the fabulist I.A. Krylov, physicist I. Newton, Field Marshal M.I. Kutuzov, as well as British Prime Minister W. Churchill. In literature, there are famous phlegmatic characters, detailed description given by the authors. For example, Porthos, one of the musketeers at A. Dumas, Sobakevich in " Dead souls» N.V. Gogol, Pierre Bezukhov in "War and Peace" by L.N. Tolstoy.

In childhood

This is a child about whom they say "gift" - from birth, parents practically do not know troubles with him. He is calm, sleeps well, does not require constant presence in the hands of adults, is a little capricious.

The main features of the phlegmatic - inertia and slowness - can appear already from infancy. A perfectly healthy child may not roll over, sit or walk for a long time, which becomes a cause for concern for parents.

Having matured a little, the kid surprises with his poise and peacefulness. He often plays on his own without requiring the presence of his parents.

However, his craving for stability can go sideways - the child is hard to get used to kindergarten and hardly begins to communicate in a team. Often a phlegmatic person is slow, which can irritate educators and become a reason for ridicule of classmates.

A child in whom the phlegmatic type predominates is an introvert, prefers to communicate with only one friend. If he finds a suitable playmate, he becomes a devoted and conflict-free comrade.

He does not like to participate in competitions, especially for speed, but he is prone to painstaking work and can prepare some complex crafts for a long time, assemble a designer and puzzles. At the same time, if his participation in any event is required, he will prepare for it with all responsibility and will not let anyone down. From childhood, he is laconic and surprises adults with his "childish" prudence.

Parents need to support his self-esteem, because under adverse circumstances (mocking peers, pointing out slowness, inventing offensive nicknames), it can easily fall. A phlegmatic child needs a positive assessment of his strengths: devotion to friendship, caution, high-quality performance of any work.

Labor activity

A person who is dominated by a phlegmatic type of temperament has a good working capacity that does not fall for a long time.

Accuracy, attentiveness, perseverance and the ability to cope with routine work are the main positive features that a phlegmatic person can boast of. The characteristic of the profession most suitable for this person describes areas where the methodical implementation of instructions is required.

Despite the fact that the phlegmatic prefers to communicate little, he is capable of work in which communication with other people is inevitable. However, these should be professions that do not require improvisation, the ability to lure or convince the interlocutor, and also public performance. At the same time, with the desire and perseverance of the person himself, he can master them - a stable type of his nervous system contributes to this. Therefore, if he aims to choose psychotherapeutic activity as a profession or become a sales manager, then he can succeed.

In study or work, a person who has a phlegmatic temperament may experience some difficulties due to:

  • long "buildup";
  • slow start-up;
  • low pace of activity.

A phlegmatic person is not a leader by nature, they rarely show activity, prefers to use proven methods in their activities, but he finds a common language with colleagues. He is hard to lift, but if he takes up work, he does it thoroughly and to the end.

If the phlegmatic takes leadership position, then he can be called a fair and thoughtful boss. However, if he communicates little with subordinates and does not demand enough, the management of an enterprise or firm may get out of his control.

Most suitable professions for a person with a predominantly phlegmatic type of temperament:

  • athlete;
  • accountant;
  • economist;
  • jeweler;
  • corrector;
  • dispatcher;
  • laboratory assistant;
  • database operator;
  • engineer;
  • System Administrator;
  • programmer;
  • some medical specialties;
  • nurse;
  • veterinarian;
  • dog trainer;
  • highly skilled worker;
  • agricultural worker;
  • librarian;
  • clerk;
  • restorer;
  • archivist;
  • florist.

It is best, if in doubt, to choose a profession together with a psychologist who specializes in career guidance. With its help, a person will not only receive a description of his profile, but will also be able to understand what kind of work will be optimal for him.

Family relationships and temperament compatibility

With a phlegmatic, because of his peacefulness, it is not difficult to get along. His balance, which even an explosive choleric cannot shake, is the key to compatibility and a good happy life together. At the same time, he will not allow himself to be manipulated.

A man or woman with a predominance of a phlegmatic temperament usually realistically evaluates his life and relationships. They rarely express a romantic mood, which the partner does not always like. But they are patient and rarely scandal.

The phlegmatic is a wonderful parent whom children love for understanding and justice. Controlling your emotions also promotes productive communication with your children and ensures compatibility with them in everyday life and attitudes.

A woman who is married to a phlegmatic spouse can really feel like behind a stone wall. The calmness of the husband, even in critical situations, has a beneficial effect on relationships.

The phlegmatic girl is balanced, methodical and accurate. A partner can blame her for indifference and laziness, although this is not always the case.

A phlegmatic person can get along with a person of any type of temperament.. Paired with him, a choleric person feels good, who calms down in his presence. Two phlegmatic people create a good tandem due to the fact that both have a strong type of nervous system. In some cases, relationships in phlegmatic-melancholic couples may become problematic due to high level inertia, passivity and "phlegmatic - sanguine", as the latter often claims the partner's inability to openly express his feelings.

Psychologists give advice on how to communicate with a phlegmatic person. You do not need to demand quick decisions and actions from him, and it should be borne in mind that he is “heavy on the rise”. All plans and events must be notified in advance. You should not try to “re-educate” this person - this is not only useless, but can also harm relations with him.

Who are phlegmatic people? These are people with whom it is often easy and simple to get along. You can be sure - if they have chosen someone as their partner, they will be devoted to him. The outgoing confidence from these people often infects those around them. The characteristic of a phlegmatic person is not complete without weaknesses (inertia, laziness), but with perseverance and the desire of the person himself, this does not become big problem for him and others.
