Fire safety classes in kindergarten. Abstract of the lesson "Fire safety" in the preparatory group

Open event on life safety with elements of experimentation "Young fireman"

Target: Deepening the knowledge of pupils on fire safety through research activities.
- to form in children the concept of "fire safety";
- to give knowledge about the causes of fire, to acquaint with fire and its properties;
- to give knowledge and form a correct idea of ​​behavior in the event of a fire, to increase personal responsibility for one's actions; to form discipline, a sense of duty;
- to acquaint children with the work of firefighters, with fire extinguishing means;
- develop curiosity, attention, memory, thinking, speech;
- to cultivate mutual assistance, a friendly attitude towards each other, the need to take care of their safety, respect for the work of firefighters;

Preliminary work: video clip "About fire safety", a conversation with children about fire safety. Reading S. Marshak's poem "The Story of an Unknown Hero", "Fire", consider the cards "Observe fire safety rules."

Vocabulary work: fire equipment, fire hose, soot.
Integration educational areas Keywords: social and communicative development, cognitive development, physical development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Equipment: monitor, video letter; cartoon "Fire safety", equipment for experiments: 6 candles, 3 magnifiers, 1 jar, matches, water, wet wipes, a saucer with sand, a mug of water.

Activity duration: 25-30 minutes.

Event plan:
I. Organizational stage - getting to know the children, defining the goal educational activities together with children - 1 min.
II. Clarification of life safety rules in the course of experimentation.
III. Main stage:
- Motivation of children for cognitive and practical activities (Video letter) - 1 min.
- The game "Stomp, clap" - to consolidate knowledge about the rules of fire safety - 2 min.
- Experimental activities - familiarization with safety rules in experimental work, conducting experiments with fire, developing the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships - 8 min.
-Riddles about primary funds firefighting and firefighting equipment - formation of the concept of "firefighting equipment", familiarity with firefighting equipment - 4 min.

Expected results:
- get knowledge about fire safety rules, rules of conduct during a fire;
- meet in experimental activities with the properties of fire;
- acquire knowledge about the action of fire extinguishing means;
- get acquainted with the profession of "fireman";
- work out coordinated actions in case of fire in the room;
- learn to make adequate decisions within their age.

Event progress:

Educator: Guys, let's greet our guests and each other.
morning greeting
All the children gathered in a circle (stand in a circle)
I am your friend (hands to chest)
And you are my friend (hold out their hands to each other)
Hold hands tightly (hold hands)
And smile at each other (smile)

Educator: Guys, I received an email today, let's read it with you?

Video letter: “Dear guys! I'm the head of the fire brigade. We create squads of "Young Firefighters". Those who wish to join us.

caregiver: Would you like to become young firefighters?
Then I suggest you take special training for young firefighters. We will repeat the rules of behavior in case of fire, work in the laboratory: we will study the properties of fire, we will play smart, courageous and dexterous firefighters.
Educator: Now you will learn about fire safety rules by watching the cartoon. (viewing a cartoon)
caregiver: Guys, you and I once again made sure that you can’t indulge and turn on dangerous devices without adults.
Educator: I suggest playing a game that will help you find out how well you know the rules of fire safety.
"Stomp, clap"
Educator: I will tell you the conditions of the game, you remember.
(If the kids do the right thing - we clap,
If it's wrong, we stomp).
I know now, my friends
That you can't play with fire! (clapping)
Matches are burning merrily
I will play with them (stomp)
Kolya ran away behind the house, where he plays with a fire (stomp)
He's dangerous, Lena knows
The iron no longer turns on (clap)
Tanya and Nina play, they light gas on the stove (stomp)
Klim saw: the house was on fire,
Boy "01" is calling (clap)
Educator: Let's remember with you: "Let every citizen remember fire number 01 or 112."
Educator: And now I will show you how the fire looks on the screen. (fire slide)
What fire?
(Suggested answers of children: Bright red flame, hot fire, burning, etc.).
Educator: Flames are always in motion, they tremble, tremble.
caregiver: And now we will go to the scientific laboratory, but first we will remember the safety rules during the experiments:
You need to behave calmly, do not push;
DO NOT touch objects before the start of the experiment;
It is forbidden to taste substances.
Educator: We agree to follow these rules, well then I invite you to the scientific laboratory? Get comfortable, be careful.
Educator: We are experimenting with fire.
Experience 1. "Fire"
A candle is lit. What did you see?
Children: Fire. (It is bright, beautiful, and attracts attention).
Educator: Do you think it is possible to touch him? Why?
Children: No. You can get burned. If you accidentally drop a candle on the carpet or on the floor, a fire may occur.
Educator: Does fire pollute the air?
Hold a magnifying glass over the flame a little. She will smoke. Why did the magnifier turn black? What's this? (Let children touch, wipe with wet wipes)
Conclusion: When burned, soot and smoke are released, which means that fire pollutes the air.

Experience 2: "Fire breathes."
There are two candles on the table, light them. We cover the burning candle with an empty jar. The flame quickly went out. Why?
Conclusion: There was gas left in the jar, unsuitable for breathing, neither man nor fire. So the fire goes out if there is no air. Surprisingly, fire breathes! Do not be surprised, he is as alive as we are. What does a person breathe? (air, oxygen)
Educator: Just as we put out the candle by covering it with a jar, you can put out the oil that has caught fire in the pan. Simply cover it with a lid. Flow fresh air intensifies the fire. If the fire is small, how can you try to put it out?
Children: Throw dense fabric or a blanket.
Educator: What else can put out the fire?
Children: water, snow, sand, earth.

Experience 3: "Extinguish the fire"
We light a candle. Pour some water on the burning candle. What happened and why? The same experiment is carried out with earth, sand, snow.
Conclusion: The fire went out because it is afraid of water, snow, it is covered with earth, sand and other non-combustible means.

caregiver: This concludes our work in the scientific laboratory.
Firefighters must be not only brave, but also strong and hardy. The chief of the guard, sent another message, which describes the physical minute of firefighters.
Let's try and make it work.
caregiver A: Firefighters also need to be smart.
Listen to riddles:
Hanging - silent,
And turn it over, hisses,
And the foam is flying.
(Fire extinguisher)
red top,
Two ears, two bows,
Empty so strums
And fill it up - it's silent.
(Fire bucket)
(and what else hangs on the fire shield an ax, crowbar, sand, a shovel - these are tools that dismantle walls and ceilings, open locked windows and doors, hold on to steep roofs, etc.).

What kind of stairs is this?
Grows out of the car
Rising above the house
All firefighters are so familiar.
(Ladder on the fire truck)
(Examining the fire engine)
The fire escape is designed to lift firefighters to the floors of burning buildings, through windows, balconies, and also to work on roofs.
Fire hoses? (Pipes through which firefighters pump water) The barrel is a metal tube, it is attached to the sleeve.
Gas masks help you breathe in a smoky room.

caregiver: Guys, what can you call all these items? fire equipment)

Guys, what did we do today? Why did we do it? What did you like the most? What was difficult to do? Why do you think we need this knowledge?

The head of the guard watched us on Skype and saw how we were training.
So he sent us a "Junior Firefighter" ID. Now you can adequately bear the name of a young fireman!
Listen to your first task: distribute these handouts to parents so that they also know about fire safety rules.
(And distribute instructions to the children: “Fire safety rules for children and parents”).

Elena Velgoretskaya
Summary of fire safety in the middle group

Summary of fire safety classes

Target: Formation of the foundations in preschoolers security.

Tasks: Consolidate knowledge of dangerous objects, knowledge of the phone number fire department guards and your home address.

preliminary work: Reading the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Confusion", reading the fairy tale by S. A. Marshak "Cat house", talking about fire and looking at relevant illustrations, learning poems with children.

Lesson progress:

Guys, do you have good mood? Then let's smile at each other.

"Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other".I smiled at you, and you smiled at each other so that you and I would have a good mood all day.

Guys, look who came to visit us today

Little fox sister. She brought toys (pyramid, doll, typewriter,., matches.)

Guys, are matches a toy?

Oh, someone in the box squeaks? What's this? (matches).

How interesting. Matches say something. The matches say they want to talk to us. She suggests that we light them, when they burn, everyone will be warm and cheerful. (We light a match.)

How amazing! The match itself is wooden, its head is made of sulfur. See how quickly it flares up, how beautifully it burns wooden stick the fire is so bright! Oh oh! The fire approaches my fingers, burns them, and it hurts me! Children, help me! What to do?

You have to think.

Guys, think, if I throw a burning match on the floor, what will happen?


Right. The carpet, furniture will light up.

Guys, do you remember what once happened to our fox and her sisters. Remember what fairy tale these words: “And the fox, they took matches. We went to the blue sea. The blue sea was lit.

Tale of K. I. Chukovsky "Confusion"

And who helped put out the fire at sea (Butterfly).

That's what trouble can happen from a small match, our children know about it.

-Child: Do not play, my friend, with a match,

Remember, she is small

But from a small match

The house might burn down.

Guys, what are the matches for?

(Children answer.)

Yes, with the help of matches we get fire.

That's right, fire is beneficial, so it is our friend. And when is he our friend?

When he comes to the aid of a person.

How does he help?

Fire is needed to cook food, to be warm, to be light.

Guys, what do you think, can such an irreplaceable fire become an enemy to a person? Could he be dangerous?

When people carelessly handle fire or when children pick up matches.

-Child: We say that fire is our friend!

But suddenly he becomes an enemy

If we forget about him

He will take revenge on people immediately!

Guys, what if it does happen? fire, What do we have to do?

Need to call firefighters.

What number should you call?

- "01".

-Educator: You can't handle it on your own by fire,

This work is not for children.

Wasting no time,

"01" call soon.

Pick it up skillfully

Not to burn everything.

Guys let's play a game "We have fire

(Children call firefighters stating your home address.)

Riddle about fire truck:

I'm racing with the siren on fire,

I carry water with foam,

Let's put out the fire and heat in an instant,

We are fast as arrows. (Fire engine.)

Guys what color fire engine ?


Why do you think it's red fire engine?

This is the color of danger.


What do you have fire engine?


What is written on fire engine?

- "01"

Right, "01".

-Physical education minute:

Do you know how they reported fire in ancient times(game with a red balloon - children pass the balloon to each other, the word is called by the one who has the balloon in the pause.)

This ball in the hands of not without reason before, if it was fire

The signal balloon soared up

Where people are careless with fire, it will soar into the sky. (Ball)

There now we will be threatened by a strong, fiery one. (Fire)

One, two, three, four fire in.... (apartment)

A column of smoke suddenly rose, who did not turn it off. (Iron)

A red glow ran through, some with matches. (played)

The table and wardrobe burned down at once, who was drying clothes over. (Gas)

The flame jumped into the grass, who was burning near the house. (Foliage)

Who threw strangers into the fire at the same time. (Items)

I saw smoke, don't yawn, but firefighters. (call out)

And hurry up to help you shout, call. (Of people)

Remember every citizen fire number. ("01").

Guys we were talking about fire in the apartment, in the House. There is another house which:

Pines to heaven, birches and oaks. Berries, mushrooms.

Animal paths, hillocks and lowlands.

Soft grass. Fuck an owl. silver lily of the valley,

The air is clean, clean. And a spring with a living

Key water. What is this house? (Forest.)

So what is a forest? Forest is common Home for plants, animals, birds. We are guests in the forest and must behave in such a way as not to disturb the life of its owners.

Look at the picture, what is the boy doing in the forest? (lights a fire in the forest)

What damage does fire bring to the forest? (Children's answers.)

Bonfires, which are bred by vacationers or just pampering children, can cause a terrible disaster - forest fire.

From forest smoke fires can't breathe. The fire makes its way deep into the ground and destroys the roots of trees and grasses, animals die.

And who needs trees in the forest (Children's answers.)

Belke (She builds a nest in the hollow of a tree and finds food in the forest.)

Birds (Build nests in trees, find food.)

Animals (Boars need acorns from oak, the bear eats fruits and berries, arranges a den under the trees, elks eat leaves and shoots from trees, a hare eats tree bark in winter.)

What gives the forest to man?

Beauty, come and admire as much as you want. Without the forest, there would be no oxygen, the source of our life.

What else does the forest give to man? (Logs for the house, boards for furniture, firewood for the stove; mushrooms, berries, nuts and ....)

Therefore, every tree, every bush and blade of grass must be protected, and above all from fire. After all, the forest is man's most generous friend.

Guys, let's repeat the rules fire safety.


1. We do not play with matches.

We don't light matches!

You can't play with matches!

You will remember friends!

2. You can not light a gas stove.

We have a gas fire in the kitchen.

He pulls me like a magnet.

Like a mother, I want to be able to

Turn all knobs on the stove.

And the matches are smart to light.

And turn the gas on and off.

But my mother strictly told me:

To the stove, so as not to stick your hands.

It's dangerous, you know!

While watching me!

3. Do not turn on the iron and electrical appliances.

Do not turn on the iron without your mother at home.

Your house may catch fire by chance.

4. You can't handle it yourself by fire.

This work is not for children.

Wasting no time,

"01" call soon.

Pick smart!

Not to burn everything.

And if there is no phone,

Call the people from the balcony.

Let the boys know

Let the girls know.

Matches, guys, you are not a toy!

Often there are fires in the world

Only because children play with them.

And so let's say it loud and clearly:

Do not touch matches in the house,

They have wild fire in them.

From a spark comes a flame,

BUT fire brings disaster.

Let's say together, guys:

“We won’t take matches in our hands!

Rule one shakes everyone

The rule is the most important!

Both outside and in the room

You guys remember him:

Don't touch the matches, there's fire in the matches!

Guys, try to remember these rules and always follow them so that fire department the car never came to your house.

Marina Denisova

Target: Teach children to behave properly in emergency - fire.

Tasks: Learn to respond correctly and adequately when fire, be able to protect yourself and protect others, know elementary rules behavior when fire learn to find cause and effect relationships.

Develop communication skills, thinking, attention, intelligence, vigilance.

Cultivate a sense of responsibility for your life and the lives of those around you.

preliminary work:

memorization of proverbs and poems about fire;

working with demo "Rules fire safety» ;

games with fire engine.

Materials for occupation:

demo pictures: do not build a fire near wooden buildings, do not leave electrical appliances unattended, do not leave an unextinguished fire in the forest, do not dry things over open fire, do not indulge in matches, with fire call 01; for experience (3 sheets of paper, 3 saucers, water, sand, candle, jar); various machines, including fire department.

Lesson progress:

Sounds like a sound fire engine, with the included siren riding on fire.

caregiver: Guys, do you hear this sound, what do you think it is? (children's answers).

caregiver: That's right, it looks like a ride fire truck. And how are you think: where are you in a hurry fire engine? (children's answers).

caregiver: Yes guys fire department the car can rush fire. Who knows what it looks like fire engine(children's answers).

caregiver: That's right, it's red and there are numbers 01 on the side of the car. Why is it red? (children's answers)

caregiver: Quite right, she colors fire so that everyone can see it from afar (in front of the children are different models machines, including fire department, the child is invited to find among the parked cars fire truck)

caregiver: Well done ... found it right, everyone agrees with ... (children's answers)

caregiver: And who knows the name of the profession of people who ride in this car on fire? (children's answers)

caregiver: Right firefighters(included fireman) .

Fireman: Hello guys!

caregiver: Guys, come to us today occupation the chief specialist of the RD department for the Podolsky district came, captain of the internal service Donskikh Alexander Sergeevich.

(Shows either a picture or actual clothes fireman) . Let's see how you dress fireman what color is his clothes, what material are they made of, what fireman on head. (Story fireman pro clothes) .

caregiver: We found out that fire truck driving to the fire, but tell me what you think, what happens fire? (children's answers)


Yes, probably someone handled the fire incorrectly and it happened fire.

Fireman: Do you know the rules that must be observed so that there is no fire? (children's answers).

caregiver: You said a lot right. Let's say these rules again and remember.

1. Don't play with matches, it's dangerous!

2. Without adults, you can not turn on electrical appliances (TV, iron, heater, kettle, microwave oven).

3. Do not light the gas stove by yourself, and do not dry clothes over it.

4. Do not set fire to dry grass, hay, poplar fluff.

5. Do not throw unfamiliar bottles and spray cans into the fire, bubbles, they can explode.

caregiver: I see that you all memorized the rules well and now you can play a game with me.

(Children stand in a semicircle).

The game is called . I will ask questions, and you should answer in chorus "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends" and clap your hands if you agree or remain silent if the proposed action is wrong.

Who, smelling the smell of burning, reports fire?

Which of you, noticing the smoke, will scream: « Fire! We're on fire!?

Which one of you plays tricks with fire in the morning, evening and afternoon?

Who, seeing the smoke in the apartment, will call 04?

Who does not kindle fires and does not allow others?

Who will discreetly hide matches from a little sister?

Which one of you plays with fire? Be honest about it!

Fireman: Well done.

And who knows what to do if it suddenly happened fire? (children's answers).

1. try first to report fire adults(do not hide even if fire was your fault).

2. Call fire department security on 01, tell me your exact address and what's on.

3. Never hide in a closet or under a bed, firemen it will be hard to find you there.

4. When the house is on fire, quickly run out into the street. Never linger because of toys, a dog or a cat.

5. If there is smoke in the apartment, lie down on the floor (there is less smoke, and try get to the exit from the burning room.

6. Cover your mouth and nose with a damp cloth or any rag item.

7. Not open the window, (this will intensify the burning).

8. If your clothes are on fire, you need to fall to the floor and roll around, knocking down the flames.

10. If an electrical appliance catches fire, unplug it from the socket and cover it with a thick blanket.

And most importantly, DON'T PANIC.

caregiver: Guys, tell me, how can you put out the fire? (children's answers)

caregiver: I'll show you now and you'll see for yourself.

Demonstration of experiments with fire.

Experience number 1. There is a bowl of water, paper. The paper is set on fire and thrown into the water. The paper is off. What conclusion can be drawn - that the fire can be extinguished with water.

Experience number 2. There is an empty plate, a plate with sand, paper. A crumpled piece of paper is placed on a plate and set on fire. Burning paper covered with sand. The fire goes out. What conclusion can be drawn - the fire can be extinguished with sand.

Experience number 3. There is a candle and a jar. The candle is lit and a jar is put on the burning candle. The candle burns for a while and goes out. What conclusion can be drawn - that the fire burns as long as there is air, as soon as it does not receive air, it goes out.

caregiver: Guys, tell me what interesting things you learned today on lesson? (children's answers).

Fireman: Now you have learned a lot about fire and how to extinguish it. I hope that you will always be careful and never play with fire. I have a present for you.

caregiver: Guys, let's say goodbye to Alexander Sergeevich, wish him even more strength, courage, endurance and courage. Thank you for saving so many lives, for your promptness and for your kindness! Good luck, happiness, prosperity!

Related publications:

Synopsis of an integrated lesson on fire safety in the senior group "Do not play with fire" Educational area: "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development", " Speech development". Purpose: To educate children's feelings.

I. The goal is to consolidate knowledge of fire safety rules. II. Material: - handkerchiefs, - signal cards of red and green colors,.

Lesson on fire safety rules on the topic "Matches are not a toy for children" in senior group pre-school block of MKOU "Secondary School No. 6", Nartkala.

Purpose: the formation of competencies in the field of fire safety in older preschoolers. Tasks: to clarify and consolidate children's ideas.

Abstract of a fire safety lesson for children of the senior group of preschool educational institutions Abstract of a fire safety lesson for children of the senior group Purpose: To consolidate the concept of fire safety in children, to convince them of the need.

Summary of fire safety classes in the preparatory group Lesson summary

Summary of the lesson "Fire safety"

senior group No. 6 "Pearl"

MDOU d / s No. 12 "Sun" Anapa 2016


Bulygina Valentina Nikolaevna

Occupation in the system of preschool education.

Explanatory note

The curiosity of children often puts them in real danger, in addition, the abundance of electrical equipment in homes is a common cause of fires. Therefore, it is important to create conditions, as in preschool, and in the family, allowing the child to systematically accumulate experience safe behavior and to save life and health.

Purpose: To create conditions conducive to the formation of fire safety rules in children, in a practical situation, find out the right actions in the event of a fire.

1. Clarify, systematize and deepen children's knowledge of fire safety rules, form the habits of their observance;
2. To form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfire safety in nature, about the danger of kindling fires for environment and your own health. In a practical situation, find out the correct actions in the event of a fire;
3. Consolidate children's knowledge about the benefits and dangers of fire;
4. Introduce children to the fire truck;
5. Make children want to be always careful with fire; to educate in children the need to take care of their safety, a sense of responsibility for their actions;
6. Fix the rules fire safety:
- do not take or play with matches and lighters;
- do not fit objects into the socket;
- do not approach gas stove;
- do not turn on the iron and other electrical appliances for children;
– in case of fire, call – 01 or 112

Introduce a new rule "Children must not turn on electrical appliances."
Dictionary: fire truck, fire extinguisher, hose, pump.

Forms and methods of implementation:

Cognitive research activity:

- search for a way out of a problem situation

Communication activities:

- conversation

- situational conversation

Musical and artistic:

- watching a cartoon

Game activity:

- didactic exercises;


- physical education

Age group:

Older preschool age(5-6 years old)

Expected results:

– Increasing children's knowledge of fire safety.

– Teaching children the skills of correct actions in case of fire.

– Conscious implementation of fire safety rules.

Preliminary work:

– Examination of pictures and posters on fire safety.

- Watching cartoons "Rules for the safe behavior of children in case of fire",

"Cat house"

– Reading fiction:

L. Tolstoy's story "Fire Dogs",

B. Zhitkov's stories "Smoke", "Fire", "What I saw",

poems by S. I Marshak "Fire", "The Story of an Unknown Hero".

– Conversations on fire safety rules;

- Making parent-child crafts on the topic

Material for the lesson:
1. Toy ironing board with iron.
2. Iron container with dry fuel and paper.
3. Fire truck with attributes: fire extinguisher, hose, pump, shovel, folding ladder.
4. Paints, brushes, landscape sheets with painted fire according to the number of children.
5. Reference schemes for fire safety requirements.

Sound recording from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear"

caregiver Guys, do you recognize this music? What cartoons about Masha did you watch? What is our heroine in character?

Children- Cheerful, curious, kind, good-natured.

caregiver- Today our guest is Masha from the cartoon. She asks for a riddle: He is handsome and bright red.
But he is burning, hot, dangerous!

Children- Fire

caregiver That's right, it's fire. Guys, what items give us fire?

Children- Matches, lighters, gas stove.

caregiver“Fire can be big or small, dangerous or useful. Why does a person need fire?

Children– To cook food, keep warm, burn garbage, etc.

(there is a screen, which is decorated in the form of a forest, an adult sits behind it. There is dry fuel, some paper in an iron pan. An adult sets fire to a newspaper, smoke comes out, a smell appears)

caregiver- I think it smells like smoke. Did you guys feel it? Look, smoke is coming from the forest. Is there a fire there? What do we need to do?

Children- We need to call the fire department.

educator b - Here is the phone, what number should I dial?

Children – 01

caregiver- It is imperative to give the address so that the firefighters know where to go.

Invite the child to dial the number and say into the phone: "Come, we have a fire, kindergarten No. 12 "Solnyshko" 12 microdistrict, house No. 25"

(The siren of the fire truck turns on. The Fire Bear arrives and puts out the fire with a fire extinguisher, Masha helps him. The Fire Bear examines the place and finds out the cause of the fire)

To put out the fire, firefighters turn on the pump, let's help the firefighters work with the pump now.

Fizminutka "Pump"

Now turn on the pump

We pump water from the river.

Left - one, right - two.

Water flowed in a stream.

One two three four

One two three four.

Well, we've worked hard.

Fire Bear They left the iron on and left. Did you turn on the iron?

Children- Not.

Fire Bear- Who?

caregiver- This is probably the Goat ironing clothes, went into the forest and forgot to remove the iron. And the goats - mischievous people turned on!

firefighter bear- Do you, children, know that children should not turn on the iron? Remember, children should not turn on electrical appliances, it is dangerous and can lead to fire.

caregiver- Look, children, what an unusual car the Bear has. Who guessed what it's called?

Children- Fire engine.

caregiver- Why do you think it's called that?
That's right, from the word "fire" it is called a fire engine, and the people who put out the fire are firefighters.
What color is the car?

Children- Red.

caregiver Why are fire trucks red?

Children- To be clearly visible.

caregiver– And how does the fire truck go, fast or slow? Why?

Children“Quickly, to save the house and the people.

caregiver- Guys, think and tell me, is it possible to use a fire truck for other purposes? Why?

Children- No, what if there is a fire, but there is no car.

caregiver- That's right, the fire engine is this car special purpose, it is red so that it can be seen from afar. Red is the color of fire. The fire truck is going fast to put out the fire and save people.

Red car rushing
Faster, faster forward!
The commander sits in the cockpit
And the seconds count.
- Push it a little more -
He tells the driver
Do you see the window in flames?
This house is on fire.
Maybe there were children
People are waiting for us...
- Everything is clear, - the driver answered,
Giving the car full throttle.

K. Olenev.

caregiver- When a car is driving along the road, you can not only see it, but also hear the siren. Why do you think it sounds so loud?

Children- To be heard and let other cars pass.

caregiver– Right for other machines to hear sound signal and give way to the fire truck. Mishka, what else do you have in the fire truck?

The firefighter bear shows the objects and invites the children to repeat:

- This is a fire extinguisher that contains a special foam. I also have special hoses, which are called "Sleeves". Water is pumped into the hoses by a pump. If the fire is high, then a folding ladder helps to get inside the burning house and save people. There is a shovel.

Masha and the Bear say goodbye to the children
- It's time for us guys to leave, and you follow the fire safety rules so that the fire truck never comes to the kindergarten and to your house. Remember that a fire is easier to prevent than to extinguish. Goodbye.
caregiver- And now I propose to play firefighters. On the table are leaves on which fire is drawn, “put out” it with blue paint.

At the end of the lesson, fix the fire safety rules with the children according to the schemes:

  1. do not take or play with matches and lighters;
  2. do not fit objects into the socket;
  3. do not approach the gas stove;
  4. do not turn on the iron and other electrical appliances for children;
  5. in case of fire, call - 01.

caregiver- You memorized the fire safety rules well, I suggest you find the Goat and introduce her to these rules.

Abstract of a fire safety lesson for preschoolers: "Young firefighters"

MKDOU No. 3 "Birch"

Educator: Alipkacheva A.G.


To generalize and consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of fire safety, the causes and things that contribute to the occurrence of a fire;

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the clothes of a firefighter, the things that he needs for work; learn how to act in emergency situations;

Consolidate children's knowledge about various types transport; learn to distinguish and name a fire truck by structure, color;

To consolidate children's knowledge of numbers and numbers from 1 to 5; about colors, namely red, yellow, blue, white, black; learn to navigate in space;

To teach preschoolers to answer the teacher's questions, develop speech, replenish lexicon; teach children to form adjectives from nouns;

Teach children to be polite, do not forget to say hello and say goodbye to people

Cultivate politeness, teach to carry out labor assignments.

Previous work: looking at illustrations depicting a fire truck, studying the poem “We will play as firemen ...”, talking about a fire truck, how to behave in a fire, looking at illustrations “Firemen work”.

Dictionary: iron, matches, boots, hair dryer, siren, cabin, body, water tank, fire hose, ladder, fire extinguisher, helmet.

Equipment: 5 children's tent houses, a Beaver toy, numbers from 1 to 5, a fire truck toy, a steering wheel toy, yellow and red scarves - 14, a cistern, a fire hose picture, flame pictures - 4, a doll, red vests for children - 6, helmets - 6, fire suit for an adult, helmet, materials for games "Dangerous objects" (Candle, matches, iron, hair dryer, comb), "Things that a firefighter needs" (fire extinguisher, boots, helmet, bag, book, gloves, fire hose, toy), dishes, teaspoons, sweets, tablecloth, audio recordings - phone call, fire truck siren.

The course of the lesson in kindergarten for fire safety

Org.moment. Greetings

Educator: Kids, please look at me. What clothes am I in? What is this suit called? (Fireman).

Yes, well done! What color is he? (Red).

What do firefighters wear on their heads when they go to put out a fire? (helmet).

Children, why is he wearing a helmet? (To protect the head from impact, from fire).

Why do firemen need clothes? (To protect the body and skin from fire, burns).

Why does he need boots? (To protect the legs from burns).

Teacher: Well done guys! Oh, look, another guest has come to us.

Children, who is this? (Beaver). Let's say hello to him (children say hello to the beaver).

Kids, he told me that he also wants to be a firefighter, but he doesn't know anything about a fire, or about the things that a fireman needs, or about a fire truck.

Let's help our Beaver (Yes).

Let's first tell the Beaver about the fire, from what it can happen.

Didactic game"Dangerous Items"

Educator. Children, there are things in front of you that can lead to a fire, and there are things from which a fire cannot happen. Put on a yellow table - things that can cause a fire. And explain why (Children lay out and explain).

Well done boys. Let's get some rest now. Let's get these scarves! What color are they? (yellow and red). Okay, now let's play.

Physical education minute

We'll play firefighters

We quickly unwind the hoses,

Like this, like this

We quickly unwind the hoses.

Here we have a fire

We will extinguish it

Like this, like this

We will extinguish it.

And now we squat

Looking under sofas

Like this, like this

We look under the sofas.

We put out the fire

And they quickly sat down on the chairs.

Educator: We played well, and now let's tell our Beaver about the fire truck. Look here it is (it is on the table, we are considering it).

What color is she? (Red). Do you know why the car is painted red? (Because it is the color of anxiety, it is clearly visible).

Another blinker. Show me where she is. What color is she? (Blue).

What is the name of this part of the car and for whom, what is it for? (Cabin - for the driver and firefighters, body - for fire equipment: water tanks, fire hoses, fire extinguishers, fire escape).

Girls and boys, let's tell you again and show Beaver what things a firefighter needs.

Didactic game "Things that a firefighter needs"

Educator: Look at all these things and tell me what one thing can be put in a fireman's bag and why?

Children make up things and say why these things are needed for a firefighter at work.

Well done, everyone put together what our rescuers need to do their job.

Phone call.

Hello, fire Department. Listen to you. What happened? So, we're leaving now. What is your address? Street _________, number ___.

Our dear Beaver and children, Katya had a problem. She was playing with matches and forgot to put out one match. The fire started. Can we help Kate? (Yes).

Then look where our fire engine is, where are our clothes, fire equipment. We quickly put on vests, helmets and go to Katya on ______ street. (We determine the driver in the car).

Let's leave sooner. Can you tell me what number to dial when there is a fire? (01, 010 or 112).

The siren turns on.

The guys arrived quickly. We get out of the car.

Children, let's see, and we came to that street. Look carefully. What is drawn here? (Mushrooms). Does this mean the name of the street? (Mushroom).

And we need Cherry Street, 5. Oh, look what is drawn here (Cherry). So this is the street ... (Cherry).

Where is house number 5 here? Children, look at this house number (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

Here is the house we need. Take a water tank, pull out a fire hose and put out the fire (Children put out the fire, save Katya from the house).

Well done lifeguards. We managed to put out the fire in time. Otherwise, a little more and our Katya would be left without a home. You are real firefighters.

Outcome. Reflection

Educator: Children, what did we do today? (We were firefighters, put out the fire, helped Katya).

Can you play with matches? Candle? Why? (No, because there will be a fire).

Who should you contact when there is a fire? (Firemen).

What is the number to call the fire brigade? (01, 010, 112).

What should you say when firefighters are called? (What happened and the address - street and house number).

Without what firefighters will not be able to extinguish the fire? (Without water tank, fire extinguishers, foam tank).

What did you like about the lesson? (Answers of children).

Educator: My assistants told me what firefighters wear, the things they need, what kind of car they have. We also know that when we call firefighters for help, we dial a phone number, and we also tell them the address - the street and the number of the house where the fire broke out.

Children, Beaver is grateful to you for what you told him and showed him, he says goodbye to you. He needs to return home and now he will definitely know what to do if there is a fire and maybe our Beaver will also someday become a fireman (Children say goodbye to Beaver).

Oh, children, look, Katya prepared a treat for us and our guests because we put out the fire in time and saved her and her house.

We say to all guests - bon appetit! And now for our driver we go to the next challenge.

Goodbye! (Children say goodbye and leave).

Educator: This concludes our lesson, until we meet again!

Summary of fire safety classes for preschoolers:

"Young Firefighters"

MKDOU No. 3 "Birch"

Educator: Alipkacheva A.G.
