The timing of the implementation of ready meals in the refrigerator. For everyone and about everything. Meat storage temperature

Shelf life of food in the refrigerator

Tasty food

The temperature in the main part of the refrigerator is about + 5 degrees C, you can adjust it depending on the temperature in the house. The hotter it is in the kitchen or in the house, the less it is necessary to load the refrigerator (turn the relay in the direction of division with the number 2 or 3).

What packaging to store food in the refrigerator

All products in the refrigerator must be in their packaging (factory or in bags, foil, paper (plain or parchment), cling film, bowls, plates, saucepans, etc.) or they must be put in special containers (for vegetables and fruits , eggs, cheese, etc.).

Raw, ground meat: 1 or 2 days Various cuts, roasts and steaks: 3 to 5 days. Citrus fruits: 2 to 6 weeks Grags: 1 to 3 weeks Melons: 1 week Ovens and nectarines: 2 to 3 weeks Gloves: 1 to 3 months Other fresh fruits: 3 to 5 days. Asparagus: 2 or 3 days Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, green pea, green onion, greens, lima beans, mushrooms, rhubarb, summer zucchini: 3 to 5 days Cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, lettuce, peppers, beans and tomatoes: 1 week; carrots, parsnips, radishes, turnips: 2 weeks.

  • Sausage: 1 or 2 days.
  • Heapy meat: 3 to 5 days.
  • Fresh chicken: 1 or 2 days Chicken corn: 3 to 5 days.
  • Fresh fish: 1 or 2 days.
  • Shellfish: 1 or 2 days.
  • Fish from fish: 3 or 4 days.
  • Egg products: 1 or 2 days.
Remember that these are only recommendations.

Strong spirits must be stored upright in the appropriate compartment of the refrigerator, and all spirits and other beverages must be kept tightly closed.

It is forbidden put a piece of sausage or some boiled pork just like that, without packaging, on a shelf. Some microbes or bacteria always live even in the cleanest refrigerator, and even on food. Do not speed up the process of their reproduction.

For many of your meals, if you plan ahead, you might consider freezing them. This is especially useful when preparing soups or mountain pot dishes ahead of time. For items that may lose their appeal after a few days in the fridge, such as fish, you may also want to build your meal plans to eat these foods earlier in your weekly meal schedule.

First of all, consider this warning from the Ministry Agriculture US as another one of your meal planning basics: "When in doubt, throw it away." Trust your sniffer! you covered it complete guide. Some of the right ingredients know right best places to store them and for how long. Let's look at a few storage myths and common confusions, starting with the rack and pantry.

It is forbidden leave in pots with soup, stew and other homemade food that is put in the refrigerator, spoons, ladles, forks and other foreign objects that can form a gap (if the lid is not tightly closed, the finished dish will deteriorate faster).

In addition, some partially opened dishes give off their own smell, which can be unbearable in combination, for example, herring and cake (if they exchange smells). There are also dishes that can actively absorb someone else's smell. In general, do not be lazy, be careful, do not scatter food without packaging on the shelves of the refrigerator, close the lids, and throw away the missing food and dishes in time.

Garlic, onion, and shallots: These allusions can be stored in a cool, dry place for up to two weeks. In the refrigerator, they will become mealy and lose most of their flavor. Tomatoes, potatoes and winter squash: While it may seem sacrilegious to leave vegetables out of the fridge, trust us: they should be stored in a cool, dry place.

Bananas, citrus fruits, and melons: Like the vegetables listed above, these fruits are best left on the counter. After cutting, they should be taken to the refrigerator; otherwise they will dry out. And to revive the crispy bread that was kept more than a day just put it in the oven for a few minutes. Meat: Meat is best stored in the coldest section of the refrigerator: the bottom. Removing retail packaging and processing meat in foil can extend shelf life, but you should try to consume refrigerated meat within 4 days of purchase.

Vegetables, fruits and herbs in the refrigerator

To store vegetables in the refrigerator, there are usually vegetable containers (pull-out) or a stationary shelf with a rising or sliding door. As a rule, this shelf is located at the bottom of the main chamber.

If you put vegetables, herbs and fruits in the drawers of the refrigerator in bags, they must be untied or pierced with a hole so that the fruits and herbs can breathe.

Fish: Before refrigeration, dry the fish piece completely and wrap in wax paper. It usually keeps in the coldest part of your refrigerator for up to two days, but be sure to check the smell before you cook it. If it smells too fishy or has color, discard it. For bonus points: store the wrapped fish on a bed of ice in the refrigerator and change as needed.

Hot smoked fish

Brette Warshau is an Associate Editor at Food. She is a reader, a cannibal, a culinary thrill-seeker, and a peasant. Delicious source of staples fatty acids Omega 3. Scottish quality salmon is a tasty and highly nutritious food containing protein, vitamin A, a number of B vitamins, and the minerals calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sodium and zinc - all of which are vital important components for a healthy balanced diet.

If you leave fruits, vegetables and herbs in tightly tied bags, without air circulation, moisture released by fruits and herbs will accumulate under the film, and everything will gradually begin to rot or mold.

How to speed up the ripening of fruits in the refrigerator

If you bought unripe fruits, put an apple in the bag with them and they will soften faster. And if all the fruits are very ripe, then store the apples separately.

Scottish quality salmon is also a major source of vital omega-3 fatty acids. Scientific evidence has shown that increasing consumption of oil-rich fish like salmon can help. Provide healthy pregnancy for mother and child, maintain a healthy heart, reduce the chance of developing coronary heart disease, reduce high blood pressure, inflammatory disorders such as arthritis, autoimmune disease, and also improve kidney function in some people by maintaining healthy skin, and especially can help to improve psoriasis. Omega-3 fatty acids are also essential for healthy growth and development in unborn and newborn babies and toddlers, in particular for optimal brain and vision development.

How to store a started lemon in the refrigerator

The cut lemon should be put on a saucer and stored in the refrigerator in open form. On the cut, the citrus will dry out a little, but inside it will be quite suitable for further use. A started lemon on a saucer can be stored in the refrigerator for a very long time (and 2 weeks or more) until it dries. But I hope you use it (lemon) in tea, salads, meat and fish before the citrus dries.

How Much Omega-3 Fatty Acids Should We Consume?

So if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should include oil-rich fish like salmon as part of your diet - in short, grandma's story that fish is good for the brain has received scientific backing!

Great for family and easy to cook

Salmon is an ideal healthy food for both children and adults. It's really versatile, so there's no need to prepare separate meals for your family - look for boneless cuts for kid-friendly convenience.

It is impossible to cover a started lemon (for storage in the refrigerator), because moisture will accumulate under the lid and the lemon will become moldy very quickly.

How to store fresh meat from the market before cooking

It happens that after shopping or going to the market and buying meat (minced meat or fish), you get so tired that you don’t have the strength to cook, or even just wash, chop and marinate. And then the packages with meat and fish need to be put in the refrigerator, let them cool and wait for you for several hours.

Baked, steamed, grilled, steamed, roasted, microwaved, or barbecued, there are an almost endless variety of ways to cook salmon. Scottish quality salmon is readily available from fishmongers and supermarkets throughout the country; but whether you're after fresh or smoked salmon, make sure it carries the Tartan quality mark. When you see salmon bearing the sign Tartan quality, you can be sure that you buy salmon from cool clean waters Scotland.

This is a sign that tells you that it is fresh from the lake. You will find the Tartan Quality Label as a label on repackaged salmon parts or as a gill tag on whole salmon. To ensure you buy the freshest salmon every time, make sure.

You can put fresh meat or fresh fish in an enamel, plastic or glass bowl, covered with a plate or lid, but be sure to leave ventilation holes for the meat to breathe.

It also cannot be left without ventilation holes packages with fresh meat, fish and minced meat, if you put the food in the dishes directly in the bags. I either untie packages or poke holes with my finger.

Salmon are silver in color, with bright eyes, gills are pale pink, there is little or no smell, and the flesh is cold and hard. It is good at the date of sale, the flesh is orange-red in color and has a moist appearance, the packaging is hygienic and sealed. Below are some healthy weights to help you when you buy raw, unprepared salmon for cooking as a main course.

Don't forget that if a recipe calls for flaked salmon, a 175g salmon steak will cook about 100g of fish once you discard the skin and bones; and if you need to cut or strip smoked salmon, look out for salmon slices. Then repeat the process on the other side, removing any small bones. Let the salmon cool in the juices for at least a few hours, or ideally overnight. Carefully lift it onto a plate or serving dish and gently scrape the skin with the palm of your hand. If you like, remove the brown cream cheese from the spine and sides of the fish in the same way.

  • Remove any scales by running a sharp knife diagonally across the skin.
  • Remove the head by cutting off the gills and the rib in front.
  • Cut the salmon along the belly and carefully remove the innards.
  • Rinse in cold water.
  • Fillet, make a cut near the shoulder, turn towards the tail, keeping close to the bones.
  • Remove the tail.
  • Hold the salmon at the tail end and slide the knife under the skin towards the shoulder.
Try to avoid garnishing cooked salmon more than two to three hours before serving, and remember to refrigerate it until it's ready to serve.

What happens if raw meat lies tightly closed for a long time

If you suddenly forgot to untie bags of meat, fish or semi-finished meat products and the products have already begun to plow, the situation can be saved by washing the pieces in cool water and soaking the meat (fish) in lemon juice or table vinegar. The acidic environment beats off the musty smell.

The classic dressing for boiled salmon is spicy, finely chopped cucumber, lemon, and herbs like dill and fennel. Apical jelly is easy to find in stores and is great for keeping small cucumber or lemon slices in place. Or you could use 300 ml thick cold mayonnaise to serve rosettes on the fish. Place peeled shrimp in rosettes of mayonnaise and garnish with sliced ​​lemon and cucumber or lettuce, fresh watercress, or dill sprigs.

Before cooking whole salmon, wash it under cold running water to remove any stray scales or bones. Bake salmon in foil own juices to keep your taste and kindness. Keep salmon portions moist while grilling, choose thicker cuts as thin ones will dry out faster. Spread some melted butter into pieces for about 20 minutes before you press them. Two minutes before you grill, sprinkle some salt to draw out the natural juices. Refrigerate for a few hours or freeze for a short time before cutting the cooked salmon into slices or strips. This will help cut the flesh to keep its shape.

  • Drink it dry, both inside and out, with kitchen paper.
  • Never wash portions of salmon as you will lose all the juices.
  • Instead, pat the salmon all over with a piece of damp kitchen paper.
  • If not, reseal the package and bake for another ten minutes.
  • Leave the salmon in the package for 5 minutes.
  • Lift it carefully out of the foil and remove the skin before serving.
Marinade adds a little extra flavor to your salmon fillets and steaks and is one of the easiest and most effective ways to cook salmon.

If, due to improper storage, you started to smell the minced meat, but only just barely and you dared to cook it, then you need to add more onion, garlic, basil, and a little mint to the minced meat. This will take the bad smell out of the meat. You can grate a little lemon zest into minced meat with a smell, and sprinkle the fried cutlets with lemon juice. If the stuffing smells very bad, I advise you to throw it away immediately and not regret it, health is more expensive.

Store it overnight in the refrigerator in front of the frying pan. The frying pan is simple and effective method cooking steaks and salmon fillets. Marinate salmon or season with freshly ground salt and pepper. Because steaks are slightly thicker than fillets, they will need a couple of extra minutes to cook.

Brush some butter or oil on the surface of your salmon before cooking. Wrap whole fish or cut heavy aluminum foil to make them easier to handle. General rule for a salmon cut, allow two to three minutes on each side. When you toss salmon pieces for skewers, leave the skin intact to keep the flesh together during cooking. Applying too soon can burn and blacken the salmon. To check if the salmon is done, gently nudge it with a fork. It's ready when it pops lightly. Steam parts of salmon microwave oven by placing them in the center of lightly dampened kitchen paper. Bring all the corners to the center and roll them up before placing them on the microwave plate. Then leave it to stand for 3-5 minutes as it will continue to cook.

  • Apply toppings with sauce during the last few minutes of cooking.
  • Two will take three to four minutes.
  • Arrange the steaks in a dish with the thickest pieces around the edges.
  • Remove the salmon, wrinkling it slightly and spreading it in the middle.
Salmon is best when fresh, but it freezes well, raw or cooked.

The same methods are suitable for correcting the smell of minced meat that has been contaminated with improperly processed kidneys or boar or bull meat (male meat has a stronger odor and you may not like it).

How to eliminate bad smell in the refrigerator

If there is an odor in the refrigerator, urgently find the cause and throw away all spoiled food. If bad smell has not disappeared, it is necessary to rinse the refrigerator with a weak solution of vinegar or a mixture of water and lemon juice.

To eliminate the smell in the refrigerator, you can put a saucer with a slice of black bread in it.

Shelf life of fresh food in the refrigerator

Exists desirable, not really long term storage of products, during which they will be fresh and retain their valuable properties and possible(permissible) shelf life during which the products are still likely to be usable.

Remember that the shelf life of food does not depend on when you put it in the refrigerator, but on when the product was produced and how and where it was stored during transportation from the factory to the store, or from the store to your refrigerator.

If you walked through the heat for 2 hours with a pack of cottage cheese, then its shelf life was significantly reduced, if not expired at all.

How long to keep butter and dairy products in the refrigerator

Butter- better than 7 days, but not more than 12.

Cottage cheese– 72 hours from the date of manufacture.

Cheese - from 4 days to 2 weeks. A whole head of cheese will last longer than a cut piece, which is vulnerable on all sides when cut. It is better to store cheese in parchment paper; in cellophane, it suffocates and molds faster (this harmful mold, poison, you can not eat!).

The shelf life of kefir, milk, curd mass and yogurt, see the packaging.

How long to keep eggs in the refrigerator

Eggs it is better to store from 10 to 14 days. But it can be longer, depending on the storage conditions (temperature and required humidity) and dates of egg production.

For example, the label on the eggs I bought today states: Shelf life and storage of eggs is 25 days at a temperature of 0 to 20 degrees C (at a humidity of 85-88%), and 90 days at a temperature of 0 to 2 degrees C (at the same humidity). The question is, when did the eggs come into being and did not end up in your refrigerator. See the date of production on the packaging of purchased eggs or ask home sellers how fresh their eggs are.

Eggs can lie for quite a long time, especially in the refrigerator or cellar. We once bought domestic eggs in a remote village (about 2 hours away), where the hostess collected eggs from domestic laying hens for several days in order to collect a full bucket for sale. The eggs, waiting for us, lay in a cool place somewhere at home (not even in the refrigerator). And we have repeatedly transported them in the heat, quite safely. To carry a large number of eggs, you need to cover the bottom of the bucket (or other container) with a newspaper, put 1 layer of eggs on it and then all the rest, laying each layer with paper.

How long can you keep meat in the fridge

Remember, the smaller the meat, the faster it will spoil. Best and longest lasting large pieces meat.

Large piece of fresh meat can be stored for 1-2 days in the refrigerator, but no more than 3. The third day can already spoil your mood and lunch.

minced meat(cut into pieces or minced meat), perfectly fresh, can be stored in the refrigerator for 1 day.

Smoked meat- about 10 days, but no more than 14.

If you marinated meat pieces, the meat may well stand in the marinade for a day. But it is better not to overexpose, you can marinate the meat overnight and then cook.

How long does fish keep in the refrigerator

Fresh fish can be cooled in the refrigerator for a day, stored before cooking. It is possible that the fish will last another 1 day, but I would not risk it. Remember that fish is a perishable product, for which there is a single rule.

Every hour spent at room temperature for perishable products(including - fresh, already dormant fish and seafood) means a reduction in the shelf life by 1 day.

And despite the fact that raw fish is stored in the refrigerator for a short time, it is better to deal with it quickly and not tempt fate. Storing fish in the fridge slows down but does not stop microbial activity, so don't get carried away, cook fish quickly. If you have caught a lot of fish, then wash it, dry it with paper towels, wrap in cellophane and freeze if you do not have the strength to clean the fish immediately. Clean it up later when you defrost.

Storing whole fish and fillets in the refrigerator

The shelf life of a whole fish is always slightly longer than a fillet (that is, fish meat without skin and bones, which is already completely defenseless against bacteria and they can attack the fillet all over its surface). Cleaned fish, fillets and whole fish should not be put together so that any bacteria from uncleaned fish do not move to the processed fish).

Storing fresh fish in the refrigerator in a marinade

Some housewives marinate fish fillets all night, and then fry them. I am not a fan of such a long pickling. The fish spoils quickly, hurry to cook it. And eat. Ready-made fried, boiled and stewed fish also do not have to stand at room temperature for a long time. As the pan cools down, place the fish dish in the refrigerator.

How long does fish (ready-made fish dish) last at room temperature

If you can’t quickly put the fish in the refrigerator or you have a feast, the finished fish will stand on the table in the room for 2-3 hours, as is usually the case on the festive table.

How long can mushrooms be stored in the refrigerator

Dry forest mushrooms in the refrigerator can lie until the next day. If the mushrooms are very wet, in sticky mud, they can quickly deteriorate.

In order not to risk it, it is better to immediately clean the mushrooms and boil them for 20-30 minutes. Then change the water, boil for another 10 minutes. And after the heat treatment, the cooled boiled mushrooms can stand in the refrigerator for another day before cooking mushroom dishes or until mushrooms can be preserved.

If you boiled mushrooms, dried them in a colander and packed them in containers, they can be frozen until the next harvest. However, you can freeze fresh mushrooms: washed, chopped, dried and packaged in bags and store them in the same way until next summer and until new mushrooms. That is, the shelf life of boiled or raw mushrooms in the freezer can be 1 year or a little more.

Shelf life of purchased mushrooms oyster mushrooms and champignons look at the package.

How long do fruits and vegetables last in the refrigerator?

Dry vegetables and fruits, which are provided with air ventilation, can lie in the refrigerator for quite a long time.

Root crops are stored the longest: carrots, turnips, beets, potatoes. They can lie in the refrigerator container for more than a month. But control the process, if the vegetable is somewhere damp or spoiled, it will quickly deteriorate and infect its neighbors with mold. Zucchini, eggplant And White cabbage are also stored for quite a long time, it is only necessary sometimes to cut off spoiled leaves from cabbage or cut off darkened areas on the cut of a started cabbage fork.

Of salad vegetables, the most resistant is thick-walled bell pepper(2-3 weeks), cucumbers and tomatoes can lie for a week, or they can deteriorate quickly, for example, if in a store the sellers soaked these cucumbers in water to increase weight in order to deceive the buyer.

The shelf life of fruits depends on the type of fruit and its degree of ripeness (maturity). Good and long (up to a month or more) stored apples, feijoa, tangerines, oranges, grapefruits, sweets, lemons and other thick-skinned fruits that are hard or unripe.

ripe apricots, peaches, cherries, cherries, raspberries, strawberries, plums, nectarines, honeysuckle, bananas will keep well in the refrigerator for 2-4 days. And if the berries and fruits are very ripe, then a day or two. Grape stored for 4-7 days, depending on the condition in which it came to your kitchen, as well as ripe kiwi(hard, unripe kiwifruit can lie for a very long time).

Stores well and for a long time in the refrigerator dry (not wet) currant- black, red, white (from a week or longer, but then the currant begins to dry out. You don’t need to cover it with a lid, just cover it so that the air circulates), dense meadow (field) strawberry-strawberry(up to 5 days) viburnum, wild rose, hawthorn, dogwood, gooseberry, chokeberry (aronia), irga and other berries that do not ooze from a light touch.

Do not cover the berries in containers with a lid, let them breathe.

Storage of cakes and pastries in the refrigerator

If you baked a cream cake, cheesecake, cottage cheese casserole or made cakes with cream, then you should not store them for longer than 2-3 days. Much depends on the products you used in the recipe and how they were processed.

Sweet pies without cream with filling will last about the same. And without filling (biscuits, for example), they can be stored longer. For example, English Christmas pudding - the recipe can lie without a refrigerator for 1.5-2 months. Easter muffins (Easter cakes) will also lie for a week or a half in foil at room temperature, and even longer in the refrigerator.

Before serving, some biscuits even need to be kept in the refrigerator for 1-2 days (wrapped in foil) so that they ripen and show their true taste, for example, like a cottage cheese cake or.

The shelf life of purchased cakes is from 36 to 72 hours, see the label on the package. If the cake can be stored for a month or more, I think it is already completely inedible. And I don't recommend you eat it.

Storing homemade food in pots in the refrigerator

Much of the shelf life depends on what and how you have prepared. Soups can stand for 1-2 days, sometimes longer, but over time the taste of the soup deteriorates.

The stew and meatballs will keep in the refrigerator for 2-4 days. The fish must be used quickly. Fried meat is best eaten 1-2 days in advance.

If vegetables and fresh herbs are used in dishes that have been subjected to short-term heat treatment, the shelf life of such dishes is reduced. If the dish has a lot of hot spices, salt, sugar - such a dish will be tasty and healthy for a longer time.

Storing frozen food in the freezer

All meat and fish that you freeze or put frozen in your freezer should be packaged or wrapped in cling film or placed in special freezer containers. Hardware stores sell special freezer bags that close with a clip or tie, you can also write on them the name of the product and the date you froze (so that you can later throw out the old that you didn’t have time to eat over the winter before the new harvest).

Freezer packaging requirements

Containers and packaging for freezing products should be without any holes and ventilation holes. It is necessary to tightly close the products in the freezer so that moisture does not freeze out and, for example, meat and fish do not dry in the freezer. It is also necessary to pack frozen vegetables, berries, greens in separate bags and tie this package.

In addition, tightly closed frozen foods will not exchange odors.

Butter can be stored for quite a long time, up to several months, in the refrigerator in foil or in other waterproof packaging (which is sold in the store). If your packet of butter is in parchment, I would wrap it in cling film or placed in a package. If you bought a lot of oil by weight and decided to freeze the excess, put it in a bag and tie it tightly.

In the freezer, you can store extra sausages that you obviously do not have time to eat before the expiration date and decided to freeze the excess. But frozen sausages lose some of their flavor.

Freezer temperature

The shelf life of products freezer directly depends on temperature regime. The temperature in the freezer can drop in 3 ranges:

* - up to minus 6 degrees C;

** up to minus 12 degrees C;

*** up to minus 18-24 degrees C.

Asterisks (*) are marked on the freezer door, and you can read more about this in the instructions for the refrigerator.

With 1 star you can store food up to 1 week, with 2 stars - up to 2 weeks, with 3 stars - up to a month.

How to defrost meat and fish

Where to put meat and fish for defrosting

Meat, minced meat or fish that you took out of the freezer can be defrosted in the main compartment of the refrigerator by opening the package for air ventilation. This method of defrosting will be gradual and gentle for meat and fish, but long. If the piece is large, it will be defrosted all night or day in the refrigerator. Meat and fish can also be thawed at room temperature (in a bowl, half-covered so that they do not dry out or suffocate).

How to quickly defrost meat and fish

If you are in a hurry, leave the meat or fish to thaw at room temperature. Some housewives even put frozen pieces directly into cool water (which is still warmer than frozen fish or meat). But in this way, the juiciness of the product is lost and the dish from it will not be very tasty.

IN last resort, you can put a bag of frozen fish or meat into the water so that the thawing pieces do not float in the water, but are protected from it by cellophane and do not give away their valuable substances in vain.

IN hot water it is impossible to thaw frozen foods (meat, fish, other seafood)! You spoil the food - the fish will fall apart, the meat will not be very tasty. And seafood can be cooked at all, they don’t need much.

Those who use a microwave oven can defrost meat directly in the microwave oven. I do not do that.

What to do with meat that has been in the freezer for a long time

If the meat has been stored in the freezer for a very long time (several months) (for example, at a low temperature, from 18 to 24 C), then, of course, it will not become tastier. Most likely, over time, the meat will dry out and then, after defrosting, it is better to marinate the meat in lemon juice, or in wine (unsweetened, sour). In this way, you can improve the taste of old meat and add juiciness to it.

If you forgot a piece of meat in the freezer for several years, are you sure that it is edible? If the fat on frozen meat has already turned yellow, it is unlikely to be healthy and tasty. I wouldn't risk it. Only yard dogs.

All the same applies to fish that have been in the freezer for a long time. It is better to throw out the oldest fish and buy fresh for yourself.

How to freeze berries, mushrooms or vegetables

If you freeze berries, mushrooms, vegetables or greens for storage, all products must be washed, dried on plain or paper towels, packaged in bags, divided into portions that will be enough for you for 1 time.

Live yeast can also be divided into convenient parts, wrapped in parchment and cling film (so as not to dry out) and stored in the freezer until the right moment.

How to defrost vegetables, berries and mushrooms

Much depends on where you plan to use these defrosted products, and whether they were stored pre-cut for a dish or all vegetables / mushrooms in large pieces. That is, you have a prepared vegetable, fruit or other semi-finished product, ready for use - boiling, frying, stewing (for example, mixtures like Hawaiian or Mexican) or large pieces that still need to be cut.

If you have a semi-finished product, it is usually thrown directly into boiling water, either into a stewing pan, or into hot oil in a pan.

The rest can be thawed at room temperature and then used in dishes for other purposes.

How to choose good frozen food in the store

When choosing packages of frozen food in the store, remember that you need to choose only products in packages (intact), with information about storage, composition and manufacturer in Russian. And the products you have chosen should be stored in freezers with a temperature not higher than -18 degrees C.

If the products are covered with a layer of ice or frost, then they have already thawed and should not be used for food, vegetables, and fish, will spread in the dish. In addition, re-frozen foods lose many valuable vitamins and minerals.

Useful tips for buying a refrigerator from a simple user - reviews, little secrets.

Food storage standards are written in various manuals. For businesses Catering they are strictly regulated by SanPiN, but at home everything is a little different, besides, not every house has a large refrigerator in which you can place all the products on different shelves.

Tidying up the fridge

Commodity neighborhood is a term that defines not only the possibility of storing food on one shelf in a supermarket, but also in home refrigerator. Failure to follow the simplest rules can lead to contamination of products with diseases and the transfer of bacteria, which in turn leads to food poisoning. FROM financial side- the right neighborhood of products keeps them fresher longer, which means you will throw away spoiled goods less.

We put everything in the refrigerator on the shelves

The most important rule: meat and all meat products should be stored on a separate shelf, wrapped in polyethylene, or in a plastic container. The most dangerous neighborhood with meat for milk, eggs, ready meals.

Fish and meat can be left on the same shelf, but then separate them zonally, for example, meat on the right, fish on the left. At the same time, it is desirable that this be the coldest shelf - the lower one, above the compartment for vegetables and fruits. It is also good to defrost meat here - the minimum temperature difference will help preserve the taste, although such defrosting will take longer.

According to the laws of physics, warm air rises, no matter where your freezer is located. Leave the upper shelves for low-perishable products: ready-made meals, preparations, boiled vegetables, canned food. Also define citrus fruits, bananas, pineapples here. But keep in mind that bananas release ethylene and provoke the rapid ripening of neighboring fruits, so do not pack them and keep them at a distance.

Despite the fact that many manufacturers of refrigerators equip one of the compartments on the door with a special stand, eggs should not be stored there. The temperature in this part is the highest, and when the door is opened, warm air enters the food stored there. Put the eggs in a resealable box and put them on the inner shelf so they keep their freshness longer and taste qualities, after all eggshell has pores that absorb odors.

On the door you can store sauces, jam, wine, unopened milk bags, butter, margarine, sweets, open canned food (no more than a day), bread, if you need to keep it longer (it must be wrapped in something breathable: polyethylene with holes, cotton fabric, paper).

For all dairy products, determine separate zone. Try to in open packages there was no air access. It is better to pack hard cheese first in parchment, then in polyethylene, and store brine only in its own filling.

An ideal place to store bread is a bread box. It is better if it has several compartments, for different types products.

Storage conditions for fruits and vegetables

Store fruits in the refrigerator separately from vegetables. At the same time, apples do not need cold, only darkness. Tomatoes do not like cold temperatures below +8°C. Therefore, it is better to store them in a dark, cool place or on the top shelf of the refrigerator, without any packaging. Cucumbers, cabbage and Bell pepper do not pack tightly, they need ventilation, and do not wash before storage. It is better to wash the greens, dry well and put them in a bag.

If you do not have a cellar, a garage, a cold pantry, then potatoes and beets are stored only in the refrigerator, especially in winter when the heating is on. For carrots, garlic and onions, you can find a cabinet away from heat sources and put them in drawers or baskets.

Shelf life of products without labels

A product bought in a supermarket must contain full information on the conditions and terms of storage on the label. And how long to store fish, meat, milk bought at the market? How long can you eat prepared meals?

Meat shelf life

Chilled lumpy meat is stored up to 72 hours (temperature 0 +8°C). At the same time, meat on the bone - up to 48 hours, as well as small pieces. Minced meat - no more than a day, but if onions and spices are already added to it - no more than 12 hours.

Chicken carcass or parts, in the refrigerator - up to 48 hours. Minced chicken - up to 12 hours, minced fillet - up to 24 hours. All by-products (slaughter animals and birds) - 24 hours.

Freezing meat significantly increases the shelf life. If the temperature in the freezer is below -18°C - up to 9-12 months. Of course, you should not resort to such long storage, because the taste is very affected. If you freeze the meat, and then put it in the refrigerator, then you can store it for up to 5 days.

Fish at a temperature of 0 to +8°C is stored for up to 48 hours. Minced fish, cutlets - no more than 12 hours. In deep freezing, it is stored for up to 10 months, but it is better to avoid this, as the taste of the fish changes dramatically.

Shelf life of prepared meals

The optimal shelf life of ready meals at home is 72 hours. If you are confident in the quality of the raw materials, it can be longer, but the food must be tightly closed, for example, in plastic containers, and do not forget to warm it up well when serving. Heat only the amount that will be eaten.

Shelf life of salads

Any salads fresh vegetables and herbs, such as arugula or lettuce, are not subject to storage. They can be prepared in a couple of hours, and seasoned right before serving.

Salads from boiled vegetables and meat, seasoned with oil or mayonnaise (vinaigrette, olivier), according to regulatory documents governing the storage time finished products in public catering, only 6-12 hours are good. At home with proper storage period can be extended up to 48 hours.

Shelf life of dairy products

Fresh milk is stored in the refrigerator for up to three days, boiled - up to five. Kefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk - 3-5 days. Sour cream - 4-5 days. Cottage cheese - 3-4 days. Cheeses - up to 10 days in the refrigerator, up to two months in the freezer.

How long can desserts be stored

Homemade cakes and pastries at a temperature of +4 - +6 ° C with cream:

  • from protein - 96 hours;
  • creamy - 72 hours;
  • custard or cottage cheese - 36 hours;
  • sour cream - depending on the type of sour cream: you can increase the shelf life up to 72 hours using pasteurized sour cream with a long shelf life.

We eradicate the love of shopping for future use

Most modern housewives spend most of the day at work, so they try not to leave the refrigerator empty: “What if I stay late at work and my children or my husband get hungry?” So in our free time, we go to the store and buy food for the future, and then each revision of the refrigerator ends with the discarding of spoiled goods. It is impractical from the point of view of economy, firstly, and secondly, a child who is not aware of the expired expiration date, for example, of yogurt, can eat it. IN best case the child will get an intestinal disorder, at worst - poisoning.

In your free time, make a rough menu for the week ahead, write down a list of necessary products, go to the supermarket or the market. If you consider it necessary to buy additional "sweets" - take one or two units. Does your child have a milk dessert as a snack, but want something different the next day? Do not then take a package of four pieces.

Worth buying:

  • canned food that does not require storage at low temperatures;
  • cereals, but do not forget that insects can start in them, so it is better to store them in jars with a tight-fitting lid;
  • frozen semi-finished products: if they are made from natural ingredients, then their shelf life at temperatures below -18 ° C is usually about 60 days, if preservatives are added - up to 9 months, so read the labels carefully;
  • fresh chilled meat, if frozen immediately, will keep in the freezer for up to 12 months.

Even if the product long term storage, it is better to buy one that has a closer production date: such a product has undergone fewer violations of storage conditions during transportation and display on the shelf.

Any product can be stored longer only if it is indicated on the packaging. Read it carefully - do not forget that we are talking about the health of you and your loved ones.
