Open a second hand store in a small town. Welcome to the reusable world, or the prospects of second-hand

Despite the fact that in the territory Russian Federation Second-hand shops have appeared quite a long time ago, this business area is still interesting and profitable for business entities. Many Russians who want to improve their financial situation decide to open their own second-hand store, where representatives of different social strata will buy things.

Why are secondhand stores popular?

Many people do not understand why second-hand stores are popular not only among low-income, but also financially accomplished Russians. The whole secret lies in the system of work of such outlets, where you can buy both used items and clothes of world famous brands. Second-hand stores often get the most, as well as shoes, jewelry, and various accessories. In such outlets, not only representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, but children and men can dress. To open their own second-hand, Russian citizens need to act in strict sequence, as well as to know what difficulties they can face on the way to success.

What is second hand?

Thinking about the fact that in the Russian Federation, novice entrepreneurs should pay attention to the sphere of trade. What is second hand? This is a store that sells new and used clothes at affordable prices, as well as shoes and accessories coming from the countries of the European Commonwealth. Some people may have a natural question: why do Europeans strive to get rid of not only old things, but also never worn ones? This can be explained by the peculiarities of their mentality. Residents European states it is customary to get rid of junk and things that they do not use long time. To do this, they have a large number of collection points, where they hand over for a nominal fee all things that are no longer needed.

Abroad, all used and new things that the population rents to special collection points, must be sanitized. These activities are carried out in factories where the appropriate equipment is installed. At the factory, clothes, shoes and accessories are cleaned, after which they are thoroughly disinfected and sent to a separate workshop for sorting. After things have been sorted, they are packed and passed on to implementation.

How to open a second-hand store from scratch in Russia?

Before that, in Russia, each business entity must find start-up capital and develop a clear strategy for further actions. A well-written business plan will help with this, which will cover both the financial, organizational and technical aspects of the project.

Advice: as practice shows, such goods are imported to the territory of the Russian Federation by large companies and individual entrepreneurs, who subsequently cooperate with both small retail outlets and wholesalers. If a novice businessman concludes an agreement with such an organization, he will be able to save money on intermediaries.

To open a second-hand store, business entities must act in a certain sequence:

  • develop a business plan;
  • register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • find a room;
  • purchase commercial equipment;
  • hire staff;
  • purchase a batch of goods;
  • start implementation.

Is it profitable to open a second-hand shop in Russia?

IN last years more and more people began to save on clothes due to lower income levels. They buy things made by little-known companies, the cost of which is several times lower than the clothes of popular brands. Despite this, many people have not been able to get rid of the habit of wearing quality items, so they are forced to look for them in second-hand stores. In such stores, Russians can find items from fashion collections that, despite long wear, have retained their appearance.

Every year, the popularity of second-hand stores is growing in direct proportion to the decline in the income level of the population. If a business entity competently approaches the organization of this business, it will be able to return the initial investment in record time, after which it will receive a constant profit.

Advice: budding entrepreneurs should pay great attention to creating a business plan. If they understand economics, they can independently perform all the necessary calculations. Otherwise, they need to seek professional help. Experienced accountants, financiers or economists will be able to create an interesting and cost-effective business project that will allow you to achieve your goals.

Unlike the e-commerce business, secondhand cannot be seen as a seasonal source of income. Such outlets always have their own consumer audience, which, thanks to regular updating of the range, is rapidly expanding.

Where to start a business?

Every novice businessman who plans to open a second-hand store in the Russian Federation must undergo state registration, during which he will be assigned the status of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. Experts recommend doing this business in the status of an individual entrepreneur, choosing a simplified taxation system. For state registration, Russian citizens need to collect the following documents:

  • identification tax number;
  • the passport;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

Advice: registered business entities can start to engage in such trade only if they receive an appropriate certificate valid for 3 years. This document is issued by factories that have sanitized used items.

After receiving a certificate of state registration, an individual entrepreneur must apply to Pension Fund and get the status of a taxpayer in it. In the future, IP (or commercial organization) will pay insurance premiums to this off-budget fund not only for themselves, but also for each employee.

How to choose and equip a room?

To open a second-hand store, business entities need to find suitable premises. The ideal option would be a detached building, which has several rooms and a plumbing unit. Businessmen need to take into account that the area of ​​the trading floor must be at least 40 sq.m. Only those Russian citizens who have an impressive start-up capital can purchase suitable premises. If start-up entrepreneurs are very limited in funds, they should consider the option of a long-term lease.

When choosing the area in which the store will open, several nuances should be taken into account:

  1. When opening a second-hand store, one must take into account the sanitary standards in force in Russia. Such outlets cannot be located on the same territory as grocery stores.
  2. If an individual entrepreneur plans to open a store in an elite area, then it will be difficult for him to find the target audience there.
  3. Such retail outlets located in residential areas and on the outskirts will be very popular. As a rule, not only low-income people live there, who do not disdain used items from Europe, but also quite wealthy Russians who can periodically buy branded items.

When arranging such stores, there is no need to purchase serious equipment, for example, or refrigeration units. The first thing that a business entity should do is to bring the premises into proper shape. If there is a need, then you need to change the wallpaper, paint and whitewash the surface. After that, you can start installing commercial equipment. Without fail, there must be counters on the trading floor, as well as showcases, racks and mannequins on which various items of clothing can be placed.

For the convenience of customers, several fitting rooms should be installed, which should have a rubber mat, a chair, several coat hooks and a mirror. It is allowed, as well as an ATM, if buyers decide to pay for the goods in cash. When arranging a trading area, a business entity must arrange the goods in such a way that each client can reach them. Experts strongly recommend dividing children's, men's and women's goods into departments. Thus, for buyers, the process of finding the right thing will be significantly simplified. As for the place of the cashier, here, in accordance with the regulations federal law a cash register must be installed. In the immediate vicinity of the cashier's place, it is recommended to place a table on which the seller will pack the items purchased by customers.

Personnel search

Each business entity must approach the issue of personnel search with full responsibility. This is due to the fact that employees will have direct access not only to commodity values, but also to cash. If dishonest people are accepted into the state, then, most likely, the individual entrepreneur will have to deal with theft at regular intervals. The search for personnel should be started among your acquaintances, about the decency of which business entities have at least some idea. If among friends and relatives there were no people willing to prove themselves in the trading field, then store owners can contact specialized recruitment agencies.

The staff of the store should include people of the following professions:

  • cashier;
  • salesman;
  • accountant;
  • loader;
  • cleaning woman;
  • driver.

Some employees may work part-time, such as movers, driver and cleaning lady. They can come on demand, so they can not be officially entered into the state, but cooperate with them on the basis of a temporary employment contract.

Supplier selection and pricing policy

In order for the store to offer visitors a good assortment, a business entity needs to take the issue of choosing a supplier seriously. If he turns to big company, in which he will buy large quantities of goods, then he will be able to count on discounts. Small wholesalers, as a rule, will not be able to get any discounts, since they are resellers and seek to extract the maximum profit from the process of reselling things.

The ideal option would be cooperation with factories specializing in the processing of second-hand items. This can be done if the business entity speaks a foreign language, for example, English. If his knowledge does not allow even a primitive dialogue, he should involve an interpreter in the process of making a deal. All contact information that the store owner may need can be obtained on the official websites of such factories. Finding them is quite simple - a thematic question is entered into the search bar of any browser, after which all the specialized factories will be displayed on the screen.

Businesses should be aware that used items come from suppliers in the form of heterogeneous goods. They should be classified as follows:

Category Description
Suite Items with store labels. It is allowed to include in this category clothing, the percentage of wear of which does not exceed 5%
Extra New things. allowed to be included in the category used clothes(wear does not exceed 10%), which is in perfect condition
Cream clothes Things that were worn for a short time. May be included in the category of clothing with factory defects
Clothes 3 grades Clothes and shoes that are very worn and in poor condition
Clothes 2nd grade Defective items and badly worn clothes
Clothes of the 1st grade Defective items, quality clothes, shoes and accessories

When forming the pricing policy of the store, the business entity must initially divide the goods into groups. Things that are in critical condition are best sold by the kilo as rags, so they should not be overpriced. For better items and clothes that are in perfect condition even after being worn, you can set different prices, the value of which can be influenced by the following factors: the presence of scuffs and puffs, holes, stains and other damage. For things that belong to the luxury category, it is quite possible to try to set a markup of 100-150%. Garments with defects or minor flaws should be on sale and each item sold at 50 percent off. Those things that do not have special financial value, but are in decent condition, should be sold at a reasonable price, for example, put them in a separate trading area and put a price tag “everything is 350 or 400 rubles”.

Second hand advertising

Before opening a store, a business entity must conduct an advertising campaign that will attract the attention of residents of the area in which the work will be carried out. To do this, you can use outdoor advertising, advertise on radio or local television, hire leaflet distributors. On opening day, you need to decorate the entrance to the store colorful balls and prepare a pleasant surprise for each visitor.

How to open a second-hand store - business plan

In order for the store to bring a steady income, a business entity needs to draw up a business plan. This project should describe not only organizational, but also financial aspects. You can understand what a business plan is approximately, as well as what calculations should be carried out in it, using an example:

The business entity opened a store with an area of ​​40 sq.m.:

  • Rent - 55,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of commercial equipment - 65,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of a consignment of goods - 380,000 rubles;
  • Salary for full-time employees - 55,000 rubles;
  • Advertising campaign - 14,000 rubles;
  • The cost of delivery of goods - 27,000 rubles.
  • Total expenses: 596,000 rubles.

A business entity needs to have approximately 600,000 rubles of start-up capital, thanks to which he will be able to open a second-hand store from scratch. As practice shows, investments pay off in 11-12 months after the start of trading. If an entrepreneur offers the target audience a constantly updated assortment, then the payback period of a business project can be significantly reduced.

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When opening a second-hand store, every Russian citizen must act in accordance with the regulations of the Federal legislation. He must necessarily obtain legal status or the status of an individual entrepreneur in order to pay taxes to the state in the future. Starting entrepreneurs should pay much attention to questions about finding premises, staff, and a supplier. It is worth noting that the actions of a business entity must exactly correspond to the points of a pre-developed business plan. If a novice businessman follows a clear strategy, then his store will be able to quickly recoup the initial investment and begin to generate a stable income.

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When the labor market is calm and Good work almost impossible to find, the question arises of opening your own business. However, you should not believe the tempting offers that this is possible without your own capital invested - it will be required in any case. First of all, you need to decide on the finances that can be allocated for organizing a business, and, starting from this figure, look for a worthy occupation.

If an amount not exceeding several thousand dollars is available, you should pay attention to the business associated with the sale of second-hand clothes. This case does not require special costs. The main expenditure part will be rent and salaries of sellers. However, like any business, the trade in this type of clothing has its pitfalls.

Preliminary preparation

First of all, you need to understand what second-hand stores sell. They sell clothes coming from Europe and America. As a rule, these are already used things. On the territory of these states, there are special points where you can rent or sell old things for a small amount. As a rule, after updating the wardrobe, people get rid of old things.

After collection, worn clothes are sent for processing, which takes place at high temperature and using various antibacterial agents. Heavily worn items are sent for recycling. Wearable items are sent to suppliers.

When choosing a product, the rule applies: the farther the country, the better goods. The highest quality clothing comes from England, and the closer the country is to Russia, the lower the quality of the goods supplied. Deliveries can be divided into two types with a different assortment: original and sorted.


In this case, the supplier packs things after processing, without sorting them. The bag can contain both new things and rags. It all depends on the honesty of the seller. However, fashionable and exclusive pieces are often found in such parties. Bags can be from 50 to 200 kg;


Goods of this type after processing arrive at sorting points. When purchasing sorted things, their purpose is known in advance. This makes the task easier if you know what assortment is needed. In this case, the goods are usually packed in 30 kg bags. Things are sorted into different categories:

  • Seasonal;
  • age;
  • Quality;
  • gender;
  • Typical.

To begin with, it is better to choose a mixed form of trading. You need to decide which product will be most in demand at your outlet, and already in the course of work, adjust the assortment.
When determining the quantity of goods, you can start from the size of the store. Approximately 20 kg per m2 of room area is needed. For starters, it's better to take more of the original. And, of course, it should be noted that every week you need to update the product.

  • Glavstockekondtorg;
  • Mix Europe;
  • Holland trading house.

You can independently reach foreign partners - a trip to the Baltics would be optimal. Perhaps this method will be somewhat cheaper, but you should always remember that the end result will depend on the integrity of the supplier.

In any case, in the initial phase, until the relationship with the seller is established, it is necessary to carefully check all the delivered goods. It is better to pay after receiving.

Necessary package of documents for opening a store

After preliminary research, you can proceed to the formalization of your labor activity. To do this, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur and register with the tax office.

At the same time, it is necessary to determine the taxation system. For clothing stores, two systems are most acceptable, from which you need to choose the best one for yourself:

  • USN. Simplified taxation system, which involves the payment of only one tax for an individual entrepreneur. He may be interest rate from income or from the difference between income and expenses;
  • ENVD. A single tax on imputed income is applicable for certain activities. It is taken from the estimated income and does not depend on the revenue.

To determine the system, you need to work out the structure of your business in detail. The economic feasibility of the chosen system depends on each nuance of the activity. To make the right decision, it is best to contact the experts. They can also help with paperwork.

At the next stage, you need to find a room for the store, and conclude a lease agreement. Obtaining permits for trade and operation of the store, completes the process of registration of basic documents.

However, the specifics of trading in second-hand goods requires additional documents:

  • The conclusion of a sanitary and epidemic station for the premises of the store, as well as it is required to conclude contracts for disinfection and deratization;
  • Rospotrebnadzor permission;
  • Program of sanitary and industrial control;
  • Agreement for the export of solid waste.

It must be remembered that any violation of financial or environmental requirements will entail large money problems. Therefore, the paperwork should be treated very carefully.

The choice of premises for trade

You need to start by choosing a trading area. The store does not have to be located on the main streets. Dormitory areas are perfect, where the entire population is mainly concentrated. It should also be remembered that it is forbidden to open second-hand shops in the same area as groceries.

When choosing a room, you need to pay attention to how many people pass near it during the day, whether there are bus stops nearby. Some people are embarrassed to visit such stores, so some distance from crowded places can attract additional customers. But at the same time, signs are installed that attract attention and indicate the way.

The room does not require special refinement. You can make an ordinary cosmetic repair. Of the equipment, first of all, you will need tubes that are attached to the walls. Hangers with clothes are hung on them. At least two fitting rooms are required. You also need a counter and a cash register. With a large assortment, shelves and racks may be needed.

When choosing a room, you should not stop at areas less than 40 m². A small store area will make the business unprofitable. For a large turnover, you need to have a large number cheap goods - only this will contribute to a good profit.

Selection of staff in the store

It's best to start this business like a family. In this case, there will be no need for hired employees. One person can deal with deliveries and accounting. And the second is to be in the store and sell goods. When expanding the business, you can attract relatives. In this case, it is not necessary to control the sellers.

If it is necessary to select sellers, preference should be given to sociable people with experience in trading. At the same time, do not give up probationary period in order to better know the business qualities of the applicant. If financial issues cause difficulties, it is better to invite an accountant.

Advertising company or how to attract customers?

It is also advisable to order business cards for the store and distribute them to customers. In addition, it is necessary to cover the nearest houses and distribute print advertising in mailboxes. With the expansion of the business and its successful development, you can connect the radio and the press.

To promote your business, it is good to create a page on the Internet or use social networks. IN modern world this is a very efficient method.

Which one to buy? Our article will help you choose the most profitable option.

To open a clothing store, carefully study the article.

How to choose a seller? Job description described b will help you determine the rights and obligations of the parties.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a second-hand store

Consider the main stages and approximate costs when opening a second-hand store. All costs will depend on the region of residence, the taxation system, the method of paperwork and many other nuances. Preparation of all documentation. It's hard to give any numbers here.

It all depends on whether the documents will be drawn up independently or professionals will do it. In the first case, you can save a lot.

  • Room rental. There are many factors that affect the cost of rent. On average, this is 50,000 rubles per month for a room of 50 m?;
  • Equipment. These are one-time expenses, in the case of a second-hand store, there is no need for a large amount. Therefore, 50,000 rubles should be enough;
  • Salary. When using hired labor, the cost of two salesmen per month will be approximately 50,000 rubles;
  • Product. For the first purchase of goods, about 150,000 rubles are needed. For repeated purchases, a quarter of the initial amount is enough;
  • The monthly revenue of such a store can be about 300,000 rubles. A second hand store can pay for itself within a year.

However, when opening a case, it should be remembered that all possible risks when doing business, they fall on the owner. Therefore, the success of the undertaking will depend on:

  • Professional skills of an entrepreneur;
  • Business qualities of the store owner;
  • Successful development of trade.
  • The decision must be made on an individual basis after weighing the pros and cons.

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There is not a single person left who does not know what second-hand is. But how to open a second-hand store and where does an entrepreneur start? Today we will analyze this issue in more detail and find out where to start, bypassing the "pitfalls" by briefly examining different CIS countries.

About relevance

Second Hand establishments are increasingly in demand among residents of the regions due to the intensification of the crisis situation in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of the post-Soviet space.

The seller offers to buy clothes that were previously worn by another person, but no longer needed by him. Used clothes cost a lot less, but often look nice, and some models are even branded.

Opening a second-hand store will certainly be cost-effective, especially if there is no standing around. competitive stores. The buyers will be the middle class, who dream of buying just good clothes without overpaying stores for a brand.

Young people, pensioners, as well as parents who are not ready to buy expensive clothes for a child will come, so it is necessary to select clothes that will suit these groups of people. Also, don't expect very large sums of money.

Choice of concept

If you are not familiar with the formats of such stores, they look like this:

  1. Priced - the most frequent sale option in second-hand, causing more confidence in the product from buyers. The goods are on long hangers and are divided into different thematic sectors (children's, sportswear, pants, etc.). The seller individually assigns his own markup for each item (from 300% and above). sometimes worth it separate zone with items at one particular price, where the least selling items are found.
  2. Weighted - things are located on shelves or directly in boxes, less often - on hangers. The price is determined per kilogram of things, for which the seller has special scales. Buyers trust their quality less, but due to the lower cost of the product, it is also relevant. Often, a price reduction scheme is used during the week. For example, the delivery of goods is carried out on Monday, when the cost of things is the highest (again 300% markup). Every day the price decreases, and on Sunday the clothes can be bought almost at their cost price.
  3. Mixed - many entrepreneurs prefer this particular format. Casual wear is also sold on hangers and has its own price, while, for example, baby clothes, sports t-shirts and other cheaper items are sold by weighing.


You must first register your business. Suitable legal form for this is Individual entrepreneur.

When choosing a taxation system, stop at UTII, in last resort USN. It will also be important to obtain permits from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station and the fire service, but you do not need to make a license. You will also need a cash register, and it must be separately registered with the tax office. Last moment will become SES Certificate.

Looking for a reliable supplier

A novice entrepreneur initially enters into an agreement with one or two wholesalers in the region, because this option is good for starting a business from a financial point of view. Approximate step-by-step instruction as follows:

  • Look for a person who is experienced in this market with about 5-7 years of experience.
  • If in the list of his goods there are clothes from the most different countries- you are extremely lucky, as this will increase your assortment and popularity with buyers.
  • Keep track of discounts, and also try to buy more goods, getting a discount for wholesale.
  • Try to understand current trends and make sure that the supplier has the latest fashion items.
  • Compare prices and assortment from different suppliers, finally compiling an even base.

There is also the option of purchasing branded, but outdated items from official representatives. The variety of products and their quality will bring you extremely pleasant reviews from customers, as a result of which word of mouth will play. Already untwisted in the case of knowledge of English, you will be able to purchase goods from Europe on your own without intermediaries.

Here are some tips for buying goods in your own store:

  1. When receiving bags of goods, weigh each one right on the spot, checking the weight with the data recorded on the invoice.
  2. Transport only bags sewn with thick threads so as not to lose the goods.
  3. Buy goods with the expectation that at least about ten kilos of things should fit in the retail area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe store per square meter.
  4. Agree with the supplier that you want to check not only the weight, but also the contents of the bags, returning low-quality goods back.
  5. Look specifically at the wear and tear and not the quality of the materials, and only then on the relevance, from a fashionable and seasonal point of view.
  6. Particularly thorough checks are required in the areas of the inner side of the thigh and knees in trousers, the abdomen in skirts, underarms with cuffs and collars in shirts and blouses.

If you still get a defective product, it can be resold as a rag. Their purchases of rags are carried out by car washes, oil cleaning factories, as well as some similar services.

We are looking for a room

To open your own second-hand store, you need to choose a suitable institution. Pay attention to the area - it should be at least forty square meters.

It is worth looking for a room in the city center only in a small regional town; in larger regional centers, a second-hand store will still pay for itself.

It is not necessary to do repairs, but this will help attract more buyers, especially if the design style is successful and original. When choosing a room, carefully weigh its pros and cons: spaciousness, the presence of natural light, the need for cosmetic repairs, convenience of layout and, of course, rent.

Making a comfortable layout

Each store uses advice on a sales-friendly layout. For example, a large hand, like any supermarket, should have lockers for visitors, where they can leave things.

For a small establishment, this will be superfluous, but you can’t forget about fitting rooms. The minimum number of fitting rooms is two, and each should be equipped with a mirror, a mat, several hooks, and preferably its own lighting.

You will probably need shelving for other things and shoes, as well as areas with boxes for things by weight. The area for the seller must also be comfortable. In addition to the checkout, there will be scales and a packing table, a return or hold area.

According to sanitary standards, it is necessary to ventilate the room daily, conduct it wet cleaning, wash windows and shelves, and sometimes even clean up the area adjacent to the store. Opening a business means starting to take responsibility for your project, and therefore it is important to follow all the instructions of the authorities.

We select personnel

The state will need a set of vacancies for both regular store: administrator or director, several sellers and a cleaner. At first, it is worth taking on the functions of leadership: this will help you not to spend money on another person and independently control the progress of your project, learn latest news about business.

At first, two sellers will also cope with the work of the store - one must find at the checkout, weighing and packing goods, the second to help customers and monitor the state of things on the trading floor. Also, sellers must perform the following functions:

  • Place goods in the hall before the opening of the store.
  • Monitor the safety of things and their accounting.
  • Track which product is sold most popular, take into account all the "I want" from buyers for the next delivery of goods.

In addition, the state may have a special person involved in PR secondhand in social networks and the Internet. This will allow you to create your own online store of goods.

We calculate the costs

Expense line Amount of expenses, thousand rubles
1 Initial rent for two months 100 – 150
2 Repair (cosmetic) 20
3 Furniture 50
4 Public Utilities 10
5 Paperwork 5
6 Purchase of goods 150
7 Salesperson's salary 20 x 2
8 cleaning lady salary 10
9 Marketing Campaign 15
10 taxes 30
11 Unexpected expenses 10
Total: 440

Remember that you need to enter monthly expenses, which will include rent and utilities, wages to employees, additional purchases of new goods and taxes.

Video: second-hand - how to open a store?

Is the business profitable?

The last thing that interests the readers of our article is whether it is profitable to open a second-hand store in your city? You need to understand that this business is seasonal, so the profit for the month will change every time. On average, after the payment of all expenses, the owner is left with about 70 thousand rubles per month for the sale.

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In Russia, second-hand stores gained popularity as soon as they appeared (it was in the early 90s of the last century), and are still in use. folk love and respect. Someone likes to buy inexpensive clothes, someone is attracted by the opportunity to find original things there, often branded and completely new, at more than modest prices, so there are fans of such stores in many segments of the population.

And the fact that such clothes are in constant demand, for an enterprising person, can be a reason to think: how to open a second-hand store. To organize such a business, you need to find out where it is better to buy goods, how to sort them correctly, what prices to set, where it is more convenient to locate an outlet for them, and much, much more.

Where does second hand come from?

Used clothes come to Russia, as a rule, from European countries. There it is customary to hand over things in good condition (and sometimes new ones - if they don’t fit or don’t like it) for a small fee at collection points. From there, the clothes go to specialized factories, where they process them in a special way (they do this with steam with disinfecting compounds). After that, the disinfected and clean clothes are sorted and sent for sale. Its implementation is carried out by large wholesale companies, which, in turn, supply small wholesalers, including store owners, with second-hand goods.

Professionals are well aware that second-hand is heterogeneous. Clothing for secondary sale can be of several varieties. And anyone who plans to work with her needs to understand them.

  • Suite. New clothes with labels, as well as clothes in excellent condition, their wear should be no more than 5%.
  • Extra. New clothes or clothes in very good condition. Its permissible wear is 10%.
  • Cream. Clothes with little wear, necessarily the absence of marriage, sometimes there are new things.
  • I grade. Mostly high-quality clothes (as well as shoes and accessories), but sometimes marriage occurs.
  • II grade. Quite worn, often defective things.
  • III grade. Clothes and shoes are in poor condition.

Where to find a supplier

When planning and deciding how to open a second-hand, priority should be given to finding a supplier. You can find one wholesaler in your city and take all the goods from him, this option is good because you can get additional discounts for large volumes. And for starters, this is a good tactic.

However, over time, you should try to work with other suppliers - each has its own conditions, prices, sources and product features, so you can choose the most beneficial option for yourself.

You can also work directly with the factory. This will require knowledge foreign language and at least minimal experience of working with foreign entrepreneurs. You can find such factories via the Internet, contacting them also does not present any particular difficulties. TO additional costs in this case, you will need to include the delivery and the cost of travel to the selected country (one or two first batches should be accompanied personally, and only then, having made sure of the reliability and conscientiousness of the partner, as well as the quality of the goods, it will be possible to order it without personal participation).

Room selection and arrangement

To organize a second-hand store, you will need a fairly large trading room - at least 40 square meters. meters. Since you are dealing with an inexpensive product, you can only talk about significant profits if there is a large turnover.

It is also worth looking for a place with a low rent. There is no need to open such a store in the center of the city - inexpensive clothes will be in demand on the outskirts, in sleeping areas. You just need to make sure that your competitors are not nearby, and the outlet is located in a crowded place - and you will definitely find your customers.

Important! Sanitary standards do not allow second-hand shops to open in the same territory as grocery stores.

There is also no need to invest in expensive repairs: there is no need for luxurious furnishings here. The room should look clean and tidy, and even if you have to make repairs in the store, it will cost a fairly modest amount.

Also make sure that the room is bright enough and well ventilated. Second hand - a store where they linger for a long time, because desired product quite difficult to find, so a large crowd of buyers is not uncommon here.

As in any clothing store, yours should have a fitting room, and preferably two or three, so as not to create queues and not to unnerve customers. The booths must have a mirror, rug, hangers and hooks on which customers can place their clothes and bags.

The goods are usually located along the walls, on shelves or hangers, as well as on special island structures in the hall itself. Things should be easy to approach, so you need to make sure that there is enough space between the hangers. If you sell used shoes, you will need special racks for them. The same goes for bags and other accessories.

You will also need a cash register (a cash register must be registered with the tax office), equipped workplace cashier, packing table.

Store assortment

As a rule, second-hand stores offer 80% of women's clothing and 10% of men's and children's clothing - it is in this proportion that there is a demand for this type of goods. But depending on the location and target audience of your store, this ratio may change. For example, if you opened near a cluster of children's institutions, it is worth increasing the number of clothes and shoes for babies. If there are universities nearby, or student hostels, youth clothing will be in demand, and for both sexes. The store, located in a small town, will successfully sell durable and wearable clothes for every day.

To make it easier for customers to choose, the goods should be sorted. Men's, women's and children's clothing must be sold in different places, in turn, it must be divided by name - shirts, dresses, blouses, jeans, skirts. You can sort the goods by quality: the more expensive one is displayed separately and sold by the piece, and low-quality clothes can be sold by weight.

You should not divide the store with partitions - it will be difficult for sellers to keep track of the goods. Sadly, it is in second-hand stores that a lot of thefts are committed.

So that the goods do not stay on the shelves (and its quick turnover is very important in such stores), everything that has not been sold for certain period, set discounts and arrange regular sales.

Although the interest of buyers in inexpensive clothing is a fairly constant thing, there is some seasonality here too: the peak of buying activity occurs in spring and autumn. There is relative calm in winter and summer. The most unproductive months for such a store are July and January.


If the store is small, one cashier is enough. For a 100 sq. meters will need 2-3 sellers, one of which will act as a cashier. If the turnover is large enough, you will need to hire an accountant.

The success of the store will largely depend on the skill of the sellers, and therefore their selection must be approached carefully.

Business registration

To open a clothing store, enough. by the most convenient systems taxation will become (if possible in your area) or .

This activity does not need to be licensed. Enough to get permits to the premises from the SES and the Fire Inspectorate.

One more important document, which you should have - a certificate of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, it should be issued by the factory along with a batch of clothes. It is valid for three years.

We draw up a second-hand business plan

How much will you need to invest in a small store with an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 50 square meters. meters? Let's calculate:

  • rent of premises and utility costs - 50-55 thousand rubles;
  • store equipment - 50-70 thousand rubles;
  • sellers' salary - 40-50 thousand rubles;
  • funds for the purchase of goods - 300-350 thousand rubles.

Thus, it turns out that you can start this business with 500 thousand rubles. About 450 thousand in this case can be monthly revenue. However, it must be remembered that a third of this amount will have to be spent on the purchase of a new product, and therefore the net profit will be about 70-100 thousand rubles.

As a rule, a second-hand store pays off in 6-12 months, but with good luck, this can happen even earlier.

Store advertisement

A store of this type simply needs advertising, especially if it is not located in the most crowded place. However, there is no need to launch a full-scale campaign, it will be enough to post ads on nearby streets, distribute leaflets or put them in mailboxes.

Promotions and discounts will attract buyers - inexpensive clothes are bought by those who would like to save money.

Many Russians believe that second-hand is things for the poor, so they do not visit such stores. But this is not so - in second-hand you can find very high-quality and branded items at quite affordable prices. Most Russian-Chinese consumer goods are clearly not up to the quality of European or American second-hand goods, so more and more people are dressing in them. Especially in a crisis.


Before opening a second-hand store from scratch, Let's see what it is and where it comes from. Secondhand has become popular in Russia since the nineties of the last century - cheap and high-quality clothes were bought by weight and sold in specialized stores. Secondhand items are collected by special enterprises in the EU and the USA - there they are carefully sorted, disinfected and packaged in groups.

Second hand is a great opportunity to buy branded items at an affordable price

These factories receive clothes collected by various public and charitable organizations. Here you can find absolutely new things in packaging and with stickers, donated by stores that are closing or have decided to update their assortment, as well as slightly worn clothes and shoes that, for one reason or another, did not fit people or are not used in everyday life.

The main advantage of the second store is the opportunity to buy unique branded clothes at an incredibly low price. A lot of Russians completely dress in second hand, not because they don’t have money for new clothes but because they don't want to buy consumer goods. Parents of young children become frequent customers of such stores. The fact is that children's things are often more expensive than adults, while the child wears them for a maximum of two seasons. Therefore, parents do not want to overpay and buy cheap things. good quality which are then simply thrown away. The target audience stores:

  1. People with medium and low incomes.
  2. Young people.
  3. Parents with children under 16.
  4. People who love exclusive things.
  5. Customers looking for inexpensive "work" clothing.

Especially the number of second-hand customers grows during the crisis - people quickly wear out their clothes and do not want to spend a lot of money on new ones.

Note:about 70% of your assortment should be women's clothing. The remaining 30 percent is divided into men's and children's clothing.

This principle only applies if you sell clothes in a general store. If you have a themed store (children's, men's, women's), then this division will be incorrect.


In order to start working, you will need a certificate of registration of IP. It can be issued in a couple of days at the local tax office. You will also need to get:

  1. Permission to conduct trading activities.
  2. Tax registration document.
  3. Shop lease agreement or proof of ownership.
  4. Certificates from fire inspection and sanitary stations allowing the operation of the store.
  5. Certificate of the payer ENFL.
  6. A journal in which your income will be taken into account (it is issued upon receipt cash register).
  7. Certificate of disinfection of things (issued by the supplier of the goods).

Everything necessary permissions and certificates can be obtained in a month if you already have a room. Without a room, you will not be able to take shape, so pick it up right away.

Clothes are sold in bales of 100 kg

Where to find suppliers

Let's figure it out how to open a second hand store: where to start and what needs to be done. First, decide on the suppliers. The first step is to find one of the largest available in your area and sign a contract with him to supply a large number of things. This will allow you to purchase goods at a good discount and immediately fill the windows. Then look for smaller suppliers offering interesting terms.

The second option is to work directly with factories. But this requires large volumes of sales. Usually second-hand city bases work according to this principle. Factories sell clothes in bales of 100 kilograms, and the minimum lot is usually at least a ton. Of these 100 kilograms, about 50-60 percent of things are suitable for sale in a store, the remaining 40 are usually sent to the markets. In any case, it is profitable - a kilogram on wholesale usually costs a couple of euros, and the real selling price of a thing can be hundreds and thousands of rubles.

By choosing the second option, you can earn a lot more money, but the investment will be serious. You will need to drive to the factory yourself to establish contacts and conclude a contract, arrange delivery and customs clearance. If you are a responsible customer, you can negotiate with factories to defer payment or even pay after the sale, which will significantly reduce the cash gaps of your company.

What to do with marriage?

If you work with a regional supplier, you will be able to choose your own items for sale. You can buy jeans separately, shoes separately, jackets or T-shirts separately. When working with a factory, there is no such possibility - you just buy a bale of clothes. In one bale, approximately 40-50% of the goods will be unsuitable for sale in the store - they can be sent to markets or second-hand for the poor. Of these 50 percent, 10-20% will be frank marriage, which cannot be used for wear and sale. Such things are sold as rags in service stations, factories, printing houses for 0.5 ye per kilogram.

Focus on women's clothing

Room selection

To open a store, you will need a room with an area of ​​​​50 m2. It is not necessary to open in the center - sleeping quarters will suit you. Well-established places near bus stops, shopping centers, in the private sector. There are no special requirements for the room - it must be neatly decorated. Organize several fitting rooms in the store, install racks with hangers for hanging clothes, make a sign - and you can open. The room should be spacious and light enough, at the entrance you can install several lockers in which visitors will leave their bags.

For the sale of shoes and bags, you will need special racks. Divide your store into several "rooms" - let there be trousers in one part, jackets in the second, T-shirts in the third, etc.

The store will also need to install a cash register with a cash register and a table for packing purchases. Separately, it should be equipped with a staff room: here your employees will change clothes, have lunch and store various equipment. The best way to work is to choose such that people can get to you after work. For example, from 10 to 20. You can make Monday a day off - on Saturday and Sunday the number of customers is very large.

The main thing for your store is cleanliness. Wash floors regularly during the working day, keep walls and window sills clean, and remove all kinds of debris. Provide staff necessary quantity drinking and technical water if yourThe building does not have a permanent connection to the water supply.


Usually, 3 workers are needed for a standard store with an area of ​​50-60 meters. You need:

  1. Two sales consultants.
  2. Cashier.

The duties of a cleaner are usually performed by the seller in the absence of customers, which saves on wages. If you are opening a really big store or are going to build a network, then you will need an accountant who will deal with all financial and tax issues.

From the equipment you will need racks and display cases for clothes


An advertising campaign should start even before the store opens. Hand out leaflets and flyers, put up a few banners, decorate your space with a themed theme, create a good sign. In parallel, you should do advertising on the Internet - let's advertise on local forums, bulletin boards, create groups on social networks and post information about updating the assortment. Conduct regular promotions, create a discount system for regular customers, make discounts for pensioners and students - all this will form your circle of regular customers.


Calculate second hand business plan quite difficult - it all depends on many factors and the chosen method of work. But it is quite possible to give average figures. The expense part includes:

  1. Paperwork, purchase of a cash register - 10,000 rubles.
  2. The rent is 25,000 rubles.
  3. Salary - 80,000 rubles.
  4. Purchase of clothes (from 500 kg) - 150,000 rubles.
  5. Advertising - 15,000 rubles.
  6. Equipment and repairs in the premises - 100,000 rubles.
  7. Utilities 10,000.
  8. Other expenses, including taxes - 10,000 rubles.

In total, you will need about 500 thousand rubles to open (this is enough to pay rent and pay wages for a couple of months).

The profitable part of the store directly depends on the number of customers. If you have no competitors in the area and you have carried out competent advertising, then average profit per month will be about 80-100 thousand rubles minus all fixed costs. That is, all investments made will pay off in a maximum of six months (taking into account the fact that there will not be very many customers in the first month). This business is great for beginners who do not have serious start-up capital. In just six months, you will fully recoup your investment and be able to open another store in a new area, creating a whole network in your city.

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