Ancient and folk conspiracies for love. Conspiracies of the Old Believers: the powers of the ancient gods will resolve any issues

Since ancient times, it was believed that witches are female individuals leading a solitary lifestyle. Basically, they settled in dense, impenetrable forests, where they could create their villainous machinations without attracting much attention. There they collected miraculous herbs and roots, outlandish plants and mushrooms for their black deeds.

Witches: who are they and do they have a place in a world where everything is so unsteady, incomprehensible and relative?

Witches, as a rule, become by nature. For example, if only women or only men are constantly born in the pedigree of three generations, these are potential witches and magicians. If such a representative is taught witchcraft, the person will feel great power. Such people often know that they are unusual, they, not understanding what they are doing, can harm others. It has happened more than once in life that a random word thrown in anger very soon comes true. It is the forces given by nature that find their application.

You can become a witch unwittingly. Many have heard that when dying, a witch must transfer her power. As a rule, she knows about her demise a couple of days in advance and can prepare. But in extreme cases when this is not possible, the witch realizes that devilry will not let her go, but will begin to torment her with terrible torment. In a moment of agony, she is ready to throw off her power on anyone, it is enough for a witch to touch a person’s hand.

By transferring power without knowledge, the successor is doomed to torment. The transfer of knowledge by mutual agreement has several other forms. This phenomenon is called the confession of a witch. Depending on the physical condition, it can last more than one day. Starting her monologue after midnight, the witch speaks until the first cocks, and then falls silent to continue the next night.

The successor cannot write down, so she has to remember everything that is said. To simplify this, the elder witch denounced knowledge in a story, which is why they say “Confessions of a Witch”. An important nuance is the choice of a person to transfer knowledge. It was necessary to choose a worthy and stronger successor. Not devoid of logic Confession on his deathbed, because, having full knowledge, the newly minted witch could use them against the Master.

See also a documentary video about the book of witches:

But there are those who consciously train to become a witch.

The last kind of witches are conscientious disciples. These people, being aware, have chosen the path of witchcraft and divination. Experts assure that almost everyone can. If you decide to do black magic, you need to perform a ritual ceremony and read the words to become a witch. The ritual of initiation itself requires purity not only of the body, it is obligatory strict post for three days, but you also need to wear clean clothes.

Your mind must be sober and not clouded by "for courage" alcohol or other intoxicants. Choose a room for reading the dedication, which really no one will enter and interfere. Before starting the ritual, light the lamp, and from that day let it burn for forty days.

Reading requires reverent awe, respect and faith in the importance of what is happening. You need to be aware that when you initiate, you take responsibility. All your words will have a different weight and power. It will not be possible to scatter threats to the right and left. After reading the text of the initiation, you will gain power over the spirits, they will obey all your orders. After all, every spell is an order from a witch to be performed. So, if you are ready and aware of your actions, then you should read the following words:

After the completion of the ritual, the person goes to sleep and should not communicate with anyone that day.

The concepts of "black magic" and "witch"

The concepts of "black magic" and "witch" in the minds of modern man have a pronounced negative connotation. But a witch is not someone who only does evil to people. The word "witch" comes, first of all, from the word "know", that is, to know.

Witches are different.

  1. There are witches who help people solve their problems, heal them and never do evil. White witches usually do not hide from people and are always ready to help. But blacks can not be seen right away.
  2. There are also witches who work only for their own benefit and do not refuse any, even the dirtiest work. These are black witches.

It must be understood that black magic is not a priori "evil", it has nothing to do with Satanism. Of course, you may have to call on the powers of demons and spirits, but definitely in the vast majority of rituals you will not need sacrifices, tormenting black cats and drinking blood. You yourself decided to learn the ancient spells of witches, which means you must be aware of the dangers of your choice.

Witchcraft should not be taken as something fabulous and fantastic, a la Harry Potter - this is a real teaching. According to the principle of influence, the directions of witchcraft can be divided into two types: active and passive.

  1. Calling demons and spirits, healing or damaging a person is the activity of active witches.
  2. Passive adherents of magic are limited to divination, predictions, reading amulets, creating amulets. Active witchcraft requires a large energy expenditure of the witch.

Real spells for beginner witches are not hard to find. Printing houses regularly release new books about magic, and there are many sites on the Internet with this theme. The question of the authenticity of such abundant information, everyone decides for himself.

Outside the 21st century. The age in which most of the supernatural phenomena received scientific rationale or has been refuted. However, the world is so diverse that it regularly supplies the human mind with new mysteries. In all ancient cultures and at all times, there have been women endowed with superhuman abilities. Their role in Everyday life was and remains such to know the answers to these riddles, to help people who do not know, to cope with difficulties.

Witchcraft and its various varieties have been known since time immemorial to the ancient Egyptians and the inhabitants of Mesopotamia, especially the Babylonians. Human interest in everything mysterious has always been. People were attracted by the unknown forces of a powerful nature.

Just imagine how much knowledge about the power of spirits has been accumulated over the years, centuries! It is difficult for a simple layman to call magic a science, but it is as old as the world, and this has long surpassed any of the sciences. Magic allows you to know, if not everything, then a lot. It's not even about book knowledge about damage, diseases, etc., magic reveals the secret of that side of life where mathematics, biology or physics could not look. It is pointless to deny the interaction of mind and soul, but it is very important to understand it.

In ancient times, it was easier to come to terms with magic, you could either know a lot or know nothing. The witch could be a priest, a healer, a healer, which means she had power over people. Then, with the development of culture, and therefore, with the appearance of grains of knowledge among ordinary people, it took a division into right and left, good and bad. So it was easier for a person to understand what was happening around, so he naively believed that he knew about good and evil.

In the course of development, the initial symbols and knowledge changed their meaning, a person replaced concepts in order to learn how to control the world. He continues to do so even today. For instance, chinese character from ancient Yin-Yang. Modern man claims: the meaning of the sign is the opposite, feminine and masculine, good and evil.

But the ancient Chinese put a different meaning:

  • Yin - shady mountainside
  • Yang is sunny.

Where is good and where is bad? Mountain alone! Witches, perhaps, are those people who retain the original meaning of being and do not try to adapt or modernize it.

Now it is difficult to comprehend when and how the division of magic into white and black, and their servants into magicians and witches, began. Perhaps, with the advent of a single patriarchal religion, service to higher powers, God, and therefore the function of a priest, a bearer of goodness, began to be tied to the masculine principle ( white magic), while concern about material world(troubles about daily affairs) associate with evil, the beginning of the feminine. And so it turns out that those who practice black magic, struggling with the hardships of life, are witches.

How to identify and recognize a real witch?

Continuing the topic of witches, I would like to pay attention to such an issue as recognizing a true witch. A very original way was found by Serbian researchers of the occult sciences. In one of the abandoned ancient monasteries, they found ancient scriptures with instructions for identifying witchcraft spells in the female population. Everything is simple and at the same time funny, but this method brings a good income in the Museum of Witchcraft.

So, the girl needs to weigh herself twice, the first time by the classical method, and the second time by riding a broom:

  1. If the weight was more when weighed again, this is quite normal and means that the girl is not a witch
  2. But if the weight remained unchanged, it direct evidence of the witch in front of you.

Witches often visit church, feeding on the energy of holiness, and also as part of rituals. As a rule, those who come to the temple of God with the intention of performing the rite are closed from the grace emanating from the icons.

How do they behave in the temple:

  1. They cross their arms, legs, or fingers.
  2. When praying, kneeling in front of the images, they can cross their legs from behind.
  3. It should also alert you if a parishioner is baptized with her left hand and in reverse order(belly, left shoulder, right shoulder, forehead). This ritual is called a neighborhood. Witches can be baptized and right hand, but then after they make a sharp movement with their hand, as if dropping the cross to the floor. best solution will not approach such people and will not take anything from them.
  4. While in the church, the black witch tries not to turn her back to the altar and icons . This is explained by the fact that there are many nerve endings in the spine, and the grace that comes from the images burns the witch's back extremely strongly.. She, even leaving, will be baptized, backing away to the exit and not turning around.

Why do witches come to churches?

It's simple: performing rituals, they spend their life energy. Natural way to fill it for a long time, much faster to feed on an ignorant parishioner. This is done quite simply. The witch, without attracting attention, will go around you counterclockwise, then, as if by accident, pushes her hand, and that's all: she just has to stand behind her back and receive your energy.

If you feel and notice that someone is carrying out such manipulations, do not be shy and hit that person with your left hand, this will allow you to return the effect of damage back. There are a lot of people who experience all sorts of troubles from induced. Very often, people die quickly from induced damage, and from an incurable disease. And very many at the reception of the master exclaim, why do I need this, to whom I crossed the road.

But there are witches who spoil people not for something, but just like that, for fun. We know from history that witches and sorcerers are those who made a deal with the devil himself and sold their soul to them in exchange for knowledge. Perhaps vanity from the possession of sacred secrets pushes witches to create evil.

And yet, not all witches are evil. There are inquisitive researchers in this area, called witches. It is worth recalling: the word "witch" comes from the word "know". Magic is like a mirror, whoever turns to it in search of answers to questions, he reveals his true intentions.

Most Full description in all details - the most powerful old love spells with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

Independent love spells for a guy's love are the leitmotif of this material. In addition, we will touch on gypsy magic and, in particular, love spells for a man. What associations come to your mind when you say the word "gypsies"? Will, mystery and magic. love witchcraft Gypsies are very strong. Being far from a loved one does not mean losing a place in his heart, say the Shuwans, who are in charge of secret knowledge.

TO strong magic I am a gypsy, the magician Sergey Artgrom will be back, and I will start the article by presenting a strong old love spell at the crossroads from the tradition of black magic. How to take a man at your disposal with the help of demonic incredible strength?

Black love spell of a guy at the crossroads - Russian witchcraft

The text of the love spell of this ancient love spell is authentic, which has survived to our time without changes. The rite refers to the ancient methods of a love spell for the love of a guy performed at a crossroads. Read the text of the conspiracy to love, standing at the crossroads, immediately leave the payoff and leave. With the help of the words of the text of a love plot, you can bewitch both a guy and a girl, with some changes in the text, of course.

Village love spells for a guy - the power of ancient witchcraft

Folk magic is very old. Since ancient times, the techniques of village witchcraft have been known. Almost every village, and even in the village, for sure, had its own sorcerer or witch. Village magicians could cure the sick, and often did damage, and ancient village love spells did.

What we call village magic today is a fusion folk signs, whispers and magic conspiracies with an appeal to nature, ancient witchcraft rites, Christian religious mysteries. Can an old village love spell on a beloved man harm him? With professional conduct of love rites, this will not happen. Only independently incorrectly made love spells of a guy lay down in damage.

Witchcraft rituals need to be mastered, understanding what you are doing, plunging into the world of magic and transformations. Reviews village love spells for a guy have different ones from those who did the rites on their own, and from those who turned to the village sorcerers. Such influences on love are very effective, and they directly depend on the strength of the performer.

Village love spells for husband's love can be found in different sources. There are many recipes for biological love spells for a guy and a dry spell, village magicians work both in cemeteries and at crossroads, they also know cathedral witchcraft. In general, village witchcraft is a section of black book practices, and there are many really old magical rites. There are such things as love spells for death, when they force a person to love at the cost of his own life. What quality such a life will be, I think, is understandable.

In this material, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will not give examples of how to cast a love spell on the death of a person. This is not for every magician, and certainly not for beginners, but such practices exist. Apply them, of course, not for the sake of love. This is a heavy, perverted, long-term revenge. The customer of the strongest love spell takes on the role of mistress or master, receiving another person at absolute disposal, at the mercy of his arbitrariness, while forgetting about magical retribution.

The consequences of a love spell on the death of the victim for the customer can be extremely negative. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will not give you such rituals, but I will gladly share a working conspiracy for female love.

This is a simple old village love spell for a girl, or rather, a dryer for food. Read strong love plot for a drink or treat and propose to your girlfriend. To do on the growing moon on Women's Day.

Who did the gypsy love spell - real reviews

Much is said about gypsy magic, there are even magicians who position themselves as experts in gypsy witchcraft, but this is unlikely. Romale gajo, i.e. not to gypsies, the secrets of strong magic are not revealed, it is transmitted within the clan. Yes, to tell the truth, only a few truly own it, purebred gypsies, “black blood” - kalo ratti. A strong gypsy love spell for a guy's love can be performed different ways, allowing to excite young man love, take his heart.

Gypsies know how to control people, how to make them do as the magician wants. It is necessary to form your goal, to have a clear understanding of what exactly you need from a particular person. You need to be able to see and hear in order to understand what kind of person is in front of you. This will help determine the types of love spells for a guy’s love that are optimal for a personality of this particular type. Being observant, you will understand which gypsy love spell for a man's love should be read.

Charm is the weapon of a true magician. Do it in such a way as to charm and charm the loved one you need, no matter if it is a man or a woman. Do not wait for the love situation to be decided in your favor, manage people and circumstances, and do not back down until you get what you want with the help of an old love spell. Do whatever works out for you.

These are the conditions for a successful strong gypsy love spell for a man.

After a magical love spell, you need to wash yourself and say a cleansing gypsy spell:

Ancient gypsy magic - a love spell on a beloved man

If the one you truly love does not know anything about you, this way to bewitch at a distance will help you. You need to find 13 white pebbles on an unpaved road. On the first Friday after the new moon, spread these pebbles on the ground in the shape of a heart. Lie down with your chest on this figure so that your heart is inside this symbol of love. Close your eyes and think of your loved one.

Then lay out the stones in the form of his initials, and again lie down on them with your chest. But, now think about yourself, about your feelings for your beloved guy. Then collect the stones, tie them in a handkerchief, and carry them with you until the full moon. By this time, the guy you dream about will pay attention to you. Now your task is to be able to interest him.

Who did a gypsy love spell on a girl - real reviews of strong magic

How to attract a beloved girl, how to arouse love and desire for sex in her heart? The man himself can charm a girl at home. To do on Friday on the growing moon. For home performance love ritual Must have:

  • soap that the girl used
  • red ground pepper
  • a bowl of clean cold water
  • a drop of a man's sweat

Add a drop of sweat to the water, throw a pinch of pepper, put soap on the bottom of the bowl, first read the words of the conspiracy to love the girl on it:

Visualization needed intimate relationships with your girlfriend. Soap after the ceremony should be discreetly put in place.

Conspiracies and rituals that have come down to us through the centuries

Nowadays, ancient conspiracies that our ancestors used are very popular. Such rites may be several hundred years old, but their magic is still effective. With their help, the ancient Slavs protected themselves and their families from evil, called for money and good luck, or solved personal problems on the love front. You can rest assured that if you decide to use them, then success is guaranteed to you.

Such spells existed in huge numbers, but time has made its own adjustments and now we can’t get to many conspiracies. Below are the most popular rites that have survived due to the fact that they were recorded on paper in magical treatises.

Ancient ritual for female beauty

The effect of this old conspiracy on love extends to the woman herself, increasing her attractiveness in the eyes of the surrounding men. In ancient times, unmarried girls often resorted to it, seeking to quickly create their family happiness.

It is also popular today: any professional magician will offer you to perform such a love spell, since the result of this rite is guaranteed to be high. But it is not difficult to perform such a spell on your own at home.

Such an old conspiracy is complicated by the fact that it is necessary to choose the time very carefully to complete it. It must meet the following criteria:

  • You should have free access to only blooming rose bushes.
  • The ritual itself is performed on a sunny day, but in the new moon phase.

When all conditions are taken into account, go to the bush pink flowers and stop near it, stroking the leaves with gentle movements. There should be no one else besides you.

While performing these actions, say the following words of prayer:

“Like you, blooming rose, queen of all flowers, so I will be a beauty queen.”

When you have finished casting the spell, carefully cut off some of the most beautiful flowers already blooming from the bush, and go home. There you need to peel off the petals from them and dry them in sunlight.

When the procedure is completed, fill them with boiling water and let it brew for a day in a dark place. The resulting rose water can be filtered or left as is. It should be used to wash the face, and each time doing it, one should say the following words of prayer:

“Pink color, there is no more beautiful than you. Rose wash me, share your beauty, so that the servant of God (they give their name) is clearer than a clear month, more beautiful than the red sun!

The infusion should be used all, its pouring is unacceptable. The longer you use such ancient magic, the more beautiful and self-confident you will become.

ancient love spell

Love magic has always been popular, as it allowed to solve a problem that traditional methods simply did not work on: bind a man to yourself and achieve mutual love.

Our great-grandmothers considered the following words of prayer to be the most powerful love spell:

“Lord, help me, Lord, bless the servant of God (the name of the beloved), sprinkle him with holy water. Herod's daughters, get up quickly, stand before me, shake off your curls, and from your curls, and from your elbows, a girl's fever, a dense, burning fever. Shake the servant of God (the name of the beloved), shake his heart, blood, let love flare up in his body for me. So that he does not sleep at night, so that the servant of God (name) suffers for me alone for days. What is said will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Such a ritual should have been performed exclusively during the period of the arriving month, so that with its strength it would reinforce the man’s growing love for you.

To achieve the greatest strength, the love spell was carried out in complete secrecy from other people in an empty room after sunset over the horizon.

Ancient conspiracy against love spell

Our ancestors had special reverence for protective magic: there were numerous amulets and spells in use. They were used both from spoilage and from a love spell.

For example, if you needed to communicate with a person who could obviously harm you and cast love spells, then when leaving the house, our ancestors spoke a small pinch of salt with these words of prayer:

“From far to far, a river flows, wide and deep, bypassing the surroundings, wraps around me, protects from witchcraft and witches, from any spell, from love plots, from love spells and slander!”

Such enchanted salt was put in a pocket and, while communicating with an enemy, they squeezed it in their palms. The words of the spell should be mentally pronounced to oneself and in the soul overshadow oneself with the banner of the cross.

Ancient ritual for money

Mankind has always strived to have a stable financial position, but not everyone has been able to achieve this. In the event that money was sorely lacking, any means were used, and far from the worst of them were old conspiracies for money. With their help, it was possible, both to attract a certain amount of money to yourself, and to improve your financial situation in general.

Ancient rites for money differed from modern ones in terms and objects used in spells. For example, when pronouncing the text of a prayer for money, the ancient Slavs necessarily used words denoting a multitude in nature: fish in the sea, ants in an anthill, stars in the sky. They were compared with the level of future income in order to give it an infinity of understanding.

The objects used in the conspiracy had the same meaning: for example, yeast dough, increasing in size, or a plant stretching towards the sun.

The most popular and uncomplicated to perform was the ritual with the use of an anthill. To do this, you had to go to a deserted forest and find the largest ant house there. Several coins were put into it, on which the following words of prayer were then read:

“Just as there are a lot of ants in this heap, just as there are no residents in the anthill, so I, the servant of God (name), will have money, it will never be transferred. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, it was necessary to go home and wait for the results.

In addition, once a year, great holiday Christmas, every good believer had to donate some money to the church. From such an offering it was also possible to make a ritual that allows a whole next year not know the need.

“To whom the church is not a mother, I am not a father.”

It was not necessary to skimp on the amount, since in this case the rule applies: the more you give, the more you get.

Ritual for a big wound

Other important aspect the life of our ancestors was a cure with the help of conspiracies. This was due to the fact that there were very few doctors in the past, especially in the Russian outback. And if some kind of illness happened in the family, healers and healers who used complete list magical tricks. Such rituals must be known by heart in every family.

For example, if a person had a large wound with significant blood loss, then such a spell was pronounced, strongly tightening the edges of the wound with his fingers so that the tissues heal faster .:

“Strong the earth, fight the turf, and calm down the blood of the servant of God (name). As the earth falls asleep and smoothes its wounds, so may the wound of the servant of God (name) heal. May it be so. Amen".

This rite was known in every family, and both the wounded person himself and his relatives could conduct it.

An ancient ritual for a serious illness

If a person was struck by a serious illness that chained the patient to the bed, only this conspiracy could heal him.

To read it and help the patient, a special healer was usually called in, who reprimanded with prayers and spells. But often the family managed on their own.

In this case close relative stood at the head of the bed and picked up Orthodox icon, which was called "Three-Handed". Further, for several days, the following words of prayer were read over the patient:

"Preferring Holy Mother of God Virgin Mary, I fall down and bow before you, before the icon of the saint. Remembering your glorified miracle, how you healed the truncated right hand of the Monk John of Damascus, a miracle that was revealed to people from your icon. The sign is still visible on the icon to this day, it is depicted in the image of a third hand. Help me, Three-Handed, help heal God's servant (name) with your hand. Hear me, Holy Mother of God, do not deprive me of your help. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

They spoke at dawn and at sunset, until the patient felt noticeably better.

Strong spell for good luck

Rituals for good luck have always been popular, they do not lose their positions even today. The ancient ritual given below was performed by our ancestors only once in their lives, as it had exceptional strength and power. Therefore, such a ritual should be approached very responsibly.

In order to correctly conduct a conspiracy for good luck, you must prepare in advance three thick woolen threads different colors:

After sunset, left completely alone, it was necessary to weave a braid out of threads, speaking it with such words for good luck:

“I will get up at dawn, having prayed, I will leave the house, cross myself, I will calmly ascend a high mountain, I will look down, all around on all four sides is far away. As on the east side, in a green meadow, a black horse grazes, and violent, and wild, restive. No one has ever saddled him, no one has ever ridden him, neither stirrups nor reins that horse has ever known. I will tame that wild horse, and I will tame the wild horse. He will obediently walk under me and me where I want to obediently carry me. My will is strong as a stone. My word is true, like a prayer. Amen".

Such crafts for good luck should be carried with you constantly on your left hand for a certain period of time. Upon its completion, the threads were removed and set on fire: this was considered the correct end of the plot. Indeed, in the event that you lost or tore your braid, you could begin to be haunted by failures.

Love spell at a distance without photo


We will teach you how to bewitch a man whom you love, but he does not want to get married and help in this strong love spell at a distance without a photo that you will do yourself. The magic of love will help to bewitch a loved one, and he will not even know about it, but his feelings for you will wake up and will increase every day. This ancient love spell was used by girls in ancient Russia and this method prisushki good fellow is actively used knowledgeable girls and in our time. If you do not know how to bewitch a man, spend this simple magical rite- a love spell and quickly get what you want. Each of us wants great and pure love, strong and necessarily mutual. If there are no reciprocal feelings from a loved one, then love magic comes to the rescue, in the arsenal of which there are a huge number of such “chips” that can bewitch a beloved boyfriend or an adult man. The love spell given in this article and carried out without a photograph of the bewitched is done at home and can be used for a beloved girl or wife who has gone on a spree and decided to divorce, for this, in the text of the love spell, you need to swap the name of the girl and the name of the guy.

To forever cast a love spell on a loved one without his photograph at dawn, sitting in bed, read the words of a love conspiracy:

Unknown to anyone, a mighty power is hidden under that stone,

And there is no end to the strength, I release the mighty strength on (the name of the man) the good fellow;

I plant mighty strength in all compositions, half-compositions, in all bones and half-bones,

In all veins and half-veins, in his eyes are clear, in his cheeks are ruddy, in his chest,

In his zealous heart, in the womb, in his arms and legs.

Be you, mighty power, in (guy's name) the good fellow is unbearable;

And burn you, mighty power, his blood is combustible,

His heart is seething with love for (girl's name) love girl.

And there would be a good fellow (the name of the bewitched) obedient in everything

Lovely girl (girl's name) for her whole life.

Nothing a good fellow could dissuade with a conspiracy,

Neither by a sentence, nor could either an old man or a young man dissuade him with his word.

My word is strong, like the combustible stone Alatyryr is white.

Who will drink all the water from the sea, who will pluck all the grass from the field,

And my conspiracy cannot be overcome, the mighty force cannot be carried away.

In most cases, already on the third day of reading, the love spell begins to act and the person shows his feelings.

Three old love spells that you can repeat at home

In love, as many believe, all means are good, including love spells. With the help of these simple magical actions, you will be able to attract the attention of a loved one. and evoke real feelings.

There are many spells and they are all different. Black love spells turn out to be very strong, such as a love spell from Elena Golunova. But you need to be more careful, because sometimes they only destroy the fate of people. We have chosen for you the most simple and least harmful of all love spells, which you can easily use at home if you wish.

Love spell with twigs

The twigs for this love spell must be either from a new broom, or two freshly plucked branches of birch or aspen. You will also need thread. You can choose red or pink. Red color means passion, and by choosing it, you will attract exactly passionate feelings, passion in a relationship. If you prefer more tender and elevated feelings, it is better to choose pink.

The spell is done in the following way. Put two twigs on top of each other in a cross and tie them tightly with threads. At the same time, constantly think about your loved one for the love spell to work. After that, say the following conspiracy:

I am a twig (say your name) and you are a twig (say the name of your loved one): as we were tied together by threads tightly, so our love bonds will be indestructible. Here is my word: so be it, now and forever.

In order for the plot to work, say these lines seven times. At midnight, this item must be placed on the threshold of the house of the person you want to bewitch, so that he crosses it in the morning. As soon as he crosses the twigs you tied up, the conspiracy will take effect.

Love spell on a drink

No wonder they say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Why not use this old omen?

It is quite easy to carry out a love spell: after all, there is nothing simpler than speaking a drink that your loved one will drink. Very good if it hot tea or coffee. By the way, it is also convenient, because you can tell fortunes on the coffee grounds. But even if you make a love spell on a glass of the simplest water, the love ritual will still work.

So, you have what the person you are interested in will drink. Whisper the following words into the liquid:

You don’t drink water - you kiss my lips, you don’t see yourself in the reflection, but you imagine everything. As soon as (the name of your loved one) drinks this to the bottom, he will not be able to live without me anymore. May it be so.

Repeat these words 3 to 7 times and wait. The magic of your love spell will soon begin to work.

Love spell with hair

This is very effective method, since you will use a piece of the body of your chosen one / your chosen one. It is best to get a curl, but even using one hair, you can already perform the ritual. Take your hair and tie it with the hair of your loved one. While you are doing this, say the plot:

I knit you with me, I will bewitch you, I will wake up love forever. So that from now on and forever we will be together, you and I. My word is as hard as stone and strong as steel. Now take it and do it. May it be so.

Next, remove the bandaged hair so that they are inaccessible to anyone and no one would find them. think about secret place early. It is desirable to carry out the conspiracy at night in silence and loneliness. You can sit in front of a mirror and light candles. So magic will strengthen its effect.

Some clairvoyants and psychics believe that it is undesirable to use love spells. For example, Elena Yasevich claims that a bewitching person spoils his karma. We wish you good luck in love even without love spells, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Old village love spell

Rites of village magic came to modern world from ancient times. They were developed traditional healers and healers and have stood the test of time. Love rituals were an integral part of folk life in pagan times. It was believed that with their help you can achieve harmony in your personal life.

Features of village rituals

Any village love spell is based on the combination of folk signs with natural attributes, Christian beliefs with pagan cult rites. All such influences are very effective and, if properly carried out, cannot harm a person.

It should be understood that the effectiveness of a love spell related to village magic largely depends on the energy strength of the performer of the ritual.

Demanded Ritual

This rite is remarkable in that it does not give a rollback, therefore, it cannot harm the performer. Such an impact allows you to bewitch both the unmarried and married man. Moreover, in the second case, the rite will be effective only if the feelings between the husband and wife have cooled down, but none of the partners have the strength to decide on parting. This ritual will not succeed in breaking a happy family.

This village love spell is associated with some difficulties associated with the selection of attributes and the creation of conditions for its implementation.

The ritual should only be performed on the third night after the new moon. As an attribute in the ceremony, a fresh egg should be used, which is no more than two days old. That is, it is impossible to buy an egg for the ceremony in the store. In addition, you will need to use three church candles, which should be purchased at the temple on Tuesday, and a photograph of a loved one who is planned to bewitch.

After sunset, you need to retire to a separate room. On the table, candles should be placed in a triangle, inside which place a picture of a loved one, and put an egg on it.

After that, you need to light candles and say the following conspiracy:

After that, you need to take the egg and hit it hard on the photo to break it. The picture must be completely filled with a broken egg. Then the candles should be extinguished and all the attributes should be collected in a bag. It must be immediately taken out into the street and buried at the crossroads, it is possible at the intersection of two paths in the park. It is necessary to bury the package deeper so that no one accidentally unearths it.

Despite the fact that the rite is quite difficult to perform, it begins to act immediately after the egg is broken.

Strong black dryness

There is another strong love ritual related to black village magic. In this regard, it should be carried out in strict accordance with the recommendations in order to exclude Negative consequences, both for the victim and for the performer of the rite.

For such a strong ceremony, you must first prepare:

  • Volt made of wax, which will symbolize your beloved;
  • Twelve new needles;
  • Cemetery soil, which must be typed on the grave of a person whose name matches the name of your beloved.

During the new moon period, in a separate room, three church candles are placed on the table in a triangle. In the center is placed a dish with graveyard soil, in the center of which is placed a volt.

After that, the following conspiracy is read:

After that, you need to stick a needle into the left candle vertically directly next to the wick. After that, you need to speak the plot again. Similar actions are repeated with other candles, while the last one should be the candle installed in the middle.

If the dark spirit agrees to help you, then it will manifest itself by some action, for example, by fluctuating the flame of a candle.

After that, nine needles are stuck into the volt:

  • Three - in the groin area;
  • Three - in the region of the heart;
  • One - in the area between the eyebrows;
  • One - to the left temple;
  • One - in the crown.

When they talk about the need to use grandmother's conspiracies to solve certain problems, they mean that rituals that have come down to our times from antiquity should be used. The charms used in such rites were usually passed down from generation to generation and honed in the process. This explains their high performance. Old grandmother's conspiracies can be both creative and destructive. You can use such rituals to influence almost all spheres of life.

Variants of ancient rituals

Almost all grandmother's conspiracies should be read at midnight during the full moon, it is believed that at this time it is easier to fulfill the message of directed energy. Conspiracies that are used for health and beauty are very common and in demand. In ancient rites, as attributes are often used medicinal plants, that is, healers' knowledge and experience are combined with magic. And this is very effective.

Ritual with plantain

A striking example of such a rite is a ritual using a plantain. For it, you need to pick fresh plantain leaves and boil water in a wide saucepan. Then you need to tear the leaves and throw them into slowly boiling water. At the same time, pronouncing such a conspiracy:

“Intercessors of people living on earth, heavenly angels, I call you. Help the Servant (s) of God (s) ( given name) get rid of ailments and ailments forever. May I be beautiful (s), healthy (s) and cheerful (s). I ask you with all my heart and pray to protect me. Amen".

The plot is repeated three times. After that, the water must be left to cool until morning. And in the morning throw it out into the street and say:

“With water - all diseases and ailments. And with me - health and beauty.

Ancient conspiracies are often used to protect the house. With their help, you can get rid of the negativity that, accumulating over the years, braids the home like a cobweb and does not allow positive energy to flow inside. The ceremony is held on the first Sunday of any month. To do this, pick up thin aspen branches and steam them in a bucket hot water. After that, the bucket should be put on fire. When the water boils, say these words twelve times:

“Holy Mother of God, remember your dear home, the one where you were born, where you lived your life, praying in the morning, getting up. In that native dwelling you ate and drank, and there you waited for a sign. Mother of God, bless my dwelling for salvation, cleanse it of all bad filth. Amen".

After that, you need to wait until the water cools down and wash all windows, doors and floors with it. The last thing you need to especially carefully wash the threshold and porch. Then you need to dress in very modest clothes and go to the crossroads, where to pour out the charmed water. On the way, you can’t talk to anyone. All ancient conspiracies are time-tested and will definitely work if you believe in them. miraculous power and comply with all rules.

Rites and magic rituals, have been used by people since ancient times: to fulfill their desires, to get rid of ailments and ailments, to attract wealth and a comfortable life, in order to meet eternal love on earth and give birth to children. The ancient conspiracies and spells that have come down to us in manuscripts and books are still used by professional magicians or in home rituals.

Ancient rituals partially survived to this day

Types of conspiracies

Such rituals, proven over the centuries, ancient prayers and witchcraft, from illnesses, for good work, etc. demanded by both specialists in this field and non-professionals. Interest is shown in them because they act and have a clear and undeniable power. They are carried out using simple attributes, eggs, ribbons, candles, water, etc. are used.

On the territory of Russia, several types of conspiracies and rituals from the Old Believers are widely used, which include:

  • love (prisushki, love spells);
  • social orientation (on power, on struggle, on fisticuffs);
  • healing conspiracies and prayers (from diseases and ailments);
  • conspiracies-amulets (wedding, from thieves, from misfortunes, from damage and the evil eye, etc.);
  • military (from conscription into the army, from injury, from damage to weapons, etc.);
  • commercial (for hunting, for successful fishing, for beekeeping, from mice, etc.);
  • to possess miraculous abilities (to communicate with the other world, to open locks, etc.);
  • black conspiracies (spoil and evil eye);
  • Prayers are non-canonical;
  • magical (to find out the secret, so that there is no frost, to drive away the snake, etc.).

Among them there are very complex Russian conspiracies, subject only to real specialists, people who know their business. And there are simple ones that are made at home, with the help of improvised means.

To work

One of the sought-after old conspiracies is a conspiracy to work. Employment is important for providing for the family and children, for a comfortable existence and material independence.

For getting a job

Receive Good work, with high earnings, a long-standing conspiracy will help. To do this, you should buy a handkerchief for the new moon. Put it on the windowsill, so that the night light illuminates it all night and say 7 times:

“It will be for me, the servant of God (his name), prosperity and good luck on the road. Wherever I go, I’ll find a job and I won’t get a refusal.”

Carry it with you all the time and soon there will be work.

For a good income

Simple, vintage and very effective rite to work with high earnings, do on Friday, after the new moon. You should go into the forest, do not talk to anyone, do not turn around. Find 2 stumps and sit on one of them. Speak the words:

"I'm sitting in this place, and the best place looking for myself. I, the servant of God (my name), will transfer to another stump (really need to transfer) and get a good place the next day. Right. May it be so. Amen".

Get up and go out of the forest, along the same path that we went to the forest. Be silent, do not speak to anyone until the next morning. A job with a good salary will appear in 1-2 days.

For the ceremony, you should go to the forest and find two stumps

For love

The theme of love in conspiracies and rituals is as old as the world. Rites, rituals for love are done by both men and women, Catholics and Christians, sorcerers and old believers, at home and turning to sorcerers and magicians.

The power of the rite gives power to one person over another, makes the husband, who went "to the left" to return to the family, to the children, or the guy to fall in love with a girl whom he did not even think about yesterday.

Slavic love plot on tape

An old Slavic conspiracy on a tape is done if there is a man or guy for whom they have strong feelings, but he does not reciprocate.

For the ritual, you need to go to the birch grove, taking with you 3 red ribbons and running water in the bottle. On the selected birch, tie the ribbons in a knot, wet the knots with water and say:

“Oh, birch, beauty! Help me, help me! Send love and happiness to me! As birds make their nests in pairs, So I want to meet my dear one!

Words should be learned by heart in advance and spoken in a firm, confident voice, not loudly. After the plot, tighten the knots again so that they do not come loose, and return home.

On the way, do not talk to anyone, do not turn around. After 5-7 days, the beloved will come to the house or write a letter.

Conspiracy with a candle for love

Love moves the world, and it has always been so. Therefore, she was attracted and invited to her house. Hundreds of old acting conspiracies have survived to this day. One of them is popular because both men and women can use it. For its implementation, you will need to follow the following rules:

  • buy new candles in the church (3 pcs.);
  • White tablecloth;
  • new matches;
  • wait for the full moon.

On the full moon, when everyone in the house is asleep, they cover the table with a new white tablecloth, put candles on it, light it and read the words:

“Lord, my God, I trust in You and I pray to You. Create a high wall, and a deep pit, and an impenetrable fence. Create an impenetrable longing, three fathoms deep. Create immeasurable height, and immeasurable longing. Close, Lord, the barriers, block the fences, so that the Servant of God (name) comes to me, so that he does not go to another. And if he decides to leave, all the longing that was only created by God will pass to him. Close the fences, Lord, take the keys for yourself, help me, God's servant(name). Until the castle of the Lord God is opened, until then the servant of God (name) will love me. May it be so. Amen".

Extinguish one of the candles and repeat the spell again. Having read to the end, extinguish the second candle and repeat the ritual for the third time.

Put out the extinguished candles together, tie and set fire, so that there is no trace of them. The spell should be read in a whisper.

Seeing the object of your sighing on the street, whisper:

“The Lord God created woman for man. I love this woman, I attract her, I attract her. There will be a servant of God (name) mine. Amen".

For the ritual you will need three church candles

To attract wealth

Money, treasures, riches have always worried people no less than love. It was not easy for simple Russian peasants to get money. In rare moments of rest, they thought about how to feed their large family. Some worked hard and thus ensured their existence, others wanted to get countless treasures through spells. Therefore, rituals appeared that helped attract wealth.

Money spells and rituals have a very different focus:

  • for a good job;
  • to find a treasure;
  • to receive an inheritance;
  • for a good seller;
  • good luck;
  • etc.

Slavic conspiracy for good luck

The plot is strong and successful. Before performing it, you must wear a grandmother's dress or shirt. In this attire, one should ask for help, so the call of the ancestors will be heard sooner. The one who asks must have all teeth intact. So the conspiracy will not lose force, as was believed in the old days.

Take a pitcher of pure spring water and place it in front of you at midnight. Under these conditions, the words of an old conspiracy are read:

“Running water, In a drought, let me get drunk, So that I am warm in the cold, So that I am satisfied when I am hungry, So that it is not fierce, but okay and smooth. My word is strong and sculpted, it is said - it will come true.

They say it 7 times. After pouring from a jug on your hands and wash your face. Get into bed without saying a word. After this old conspiracy, luck will settle in the house, it will always go nearby.

In the text, words and phrases cannot be interchanged. Before the ceremony, learn everything by heart. Read with full confidence in success.

The plot should be read on a jug of spring water

Conspiracy for money

With the help of spells and special rituals, money can be found right on the road or receive an unexpected inheritance.

For a conspiracy for money, an old spell and 5 white candles from the church are used. Set them on the table in candlesticks, cover the table with a new, always light tablecloth and cross yourself three times.

“My hope and support, Jesus Christ. The Blessed Virgin Mary is my support. They walked across the sky, carrying sacks of money, those sacks opened, and money fell from heaven. I, the servant of God (name), walked the earth, found that money, collected that money, carried it home, lit the candles, and distributed the money to the family. As the candles burn out, so the money will come to my house. Forever and ever, Amen."

Higher powers will hear the prayer and help to gain wealth, in one way or another.

To health

The Old Believers used a huge number of rituals, runes, prayers and conspiracies in various cases of life, including health issues. One of the rites that has come down to our times is simple, strong and popular. It was more often used for diseases of the tendons, severe burns and other severe pains.

Any person in need reads, grandparents for grandchildren, mothers for children, healthy for those who suffer. To do this, put your hand on the patient’s forehead and say:

“I will become blessed, I will go to the blue sea on the blue sea, the white-flammable stone Alatyr, on the stone Alatyr the Goddess Jiva sits, holds in white hands white swan, plucks the white wing of a swan. As the white wing bounced off, so bounce, jump, jump back from (the name is spoken) native flames, fevers and fevers - Hoarse, Lomey, Decrepit, Dormant, Windy, Confused, Zyabukha, Shaking, Fire, Pukhleya, Yellow, Nemeya, Deaf, Karkusha, Looking, Khrapusha. From a violent little head with clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from a white calf, from a zealous heart. I came from the wind, go to the wind, I came from the water, go to the water, I came from the forest - go to the forest. From century to century. The mermaid walked along a forest path, scratched a tender leg, and from that wound, yes, not blood-ore, but from that wound, yes, pure water. Yes, the water is pure, that flowed like a stream, and that water passed all over the earth. Yes, on that island and on that Buyan, on that Buyan, yes, a mound is high. On the mound that stone-alatyr lies in full breadth. Do not lift it, do not roll it up while the human race lives on earth. Like water flowed under that stone, and behind it the disease forever. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be! The Wanderer Lies down, my Light Guardian, given to me by the Patron-Kin for protection, I ask you diligently: You enlighten me today and save me from all evil, guide me to a good deed and direct me to the righteous path, may all my deeds be for the Glory of Svarog and Kind of Heavenly. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be! Oh, mother Lada, mother Swa (heavenly) pure! Do not leave us without love and happiness! Send your grace on us, as if we honor and glorify you Now and forever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be! Until the end of time, while the Yarilo sun shines on us!

For the Old Believers, such healing ceremonies were commonplace and were considered the most reliable remedy for all diseases.

After the ritual, the patient will quickly fall asleep. His sleep will be calm and serene. After a while, he will fully recover. The reader will be like a prophet of the Old Believers at his head.

If the plot is read from a burn, then the bandage from the wound is removed after a few hours and washed with holy water. The wound will not hurt and heal quickly.


Conspiracies, spells and rituals that came from antiquity are time-tested and work great if they are performed correctly. Conspiracy texts are not just a set of sounds, they carry a certain power. Therefore, it is impossible to use magical rituals, read ancient conspiracies and spells that work, for the sake of fun. Higher protective forces do not tolerate ridicule and severely punish them.

Basically, all modern rituals, one way or another, came to us from ancient times. forbidden ancient magic and ancestral spells were able to prove that the knowledge of all the rules and regulations plays a key role. If a person performs the rite in a modified form, then all the actions that were performed can turn against him. Especially if he doesn't know.

When casting spells, you need to follow certain rules:

The pronunciation of the conspiracy is carried out in a quiet and clear voice.

· The spell must be learned by heart in order to avoid pauses and hesitation.

Before you begin to perform, you need to set yourself up psychologically and achieve perfect well-being.

You must experience only positive emotions.

During pronunciation, a person must believe in what he says and only then will he receive in full.

In addition, he must be sure that everything will work out, and he will achieve the goal for which he is using ancient magic.

Ancient rituals and spells

In ancient times, each conspiracy had a name - a grimoire. Often books that contained information about such rituals were called the book of a magician or witch. Such records contain rituals that can solve any problem of a person. However, it is more suitable for beginners.

There are many legends around each book. So far unknown exact date grimoire writing. Previously, it was believed that only its owner could use the rites that are described in it.

Today we will analyze what can be useful ancient magic and spells that are described in magical books. Each of them will have a different execution process and effectiveness. If you prefer this particular category, do everything clearly according to the instructions.

How to get the love of the chosen one using ancient magic

Every spell that was used in ancient times was written in Latin. To date, each of them has been translated verbatim, but still some of them may differ from the original spells. At that time, no paraphernalia was used, therefore, we will not need it either. It will be enough to memorize the text:

The book testifies that it is necessary to pronounce words only in the growing phase of the moon after the first twilight has appeared on the street. When the time is right, cast the spell:

« With black eyes from heaven I will cut through the human dark forest. I choose two bodies of young people (yours and the name of a loved one), I mix souls in them, I clothe them with a wedding. Drink them a cup of love to the brink. Whoever does not hear my word, that last day breathes!».

Take the pronunciation of the conspiracy seriously. After all, spells are a very complex science. And if you use - then be especially vigilant.

How to get good luck with the help of ancient rituals

ancient ancestral magic for good luck was used to attract rain and thereby get big harvest. The requirements of the people of that time were different from ours, the magical mysteries were created to achieve goals that today seem to us meaningless.

In order to get what everyone wants, you need to do a set of actions. First, you will need to go to a less passable place and build a fire. It must be made of wood. Secondly, you need to learn a spell that will give strength to this rite. The time of the event should be in the evening. In order for the fire to burn and not go out throughout the process, choose oak or birch. In addition, you will need to make a sacrifice in the form of some personal item.

After the fire is lit, start reading the words:

« Sweetie, mother! Rainbows and a yoke, spread throughout the earth. Walk on it, happiness will be ahead! Open its doors so that we can get through!».

Forbidden magical mysteries

The forbidden magic of the ancients was often used by witches and black sorcerers. She had a striking effect. But, few could decide to take advantage of such sacraments. Therefore, these rituals could not reach our time. They have been too modified and now they cannot give what they could before. But, nevertheless, you can try to achieve your goals with its help.

There is a spell that was literally translated from Latin. It will help to get wealth, luck and even love. It can be applied to both men and women. To do this, you will need herbs. They need to be collected at dawn, and then dried for a week. You must put them in casual clothes and carry with you all the time.

« My spells are powerful, they will help me find happiness. Witchcraft lives in me. In spite of everything, in spite of everyone, I will find everything that I need. May it be so forever and ever».

Forbidden Magic of the Ancients is capable of much and should be used only in the most extreme cases, when other rituals were ineffective. Do not try to modify the plot - especially if it is or, but read it as written above and then you can make all your most secret desires come true.

What is the oldest magic

Mailer's magic is considered the oldest. It has been used in Egypt for many centuries. To perform the rituals that relate to her, it was necessary to draw pictures on the rocks. Thus, the performer could show the higher powers exactly what he wants.

The original rites that were used by the people of those times had no consequences. This happened due to the fact that all actions were carried out in full accordance with the instructions.

To date, none of the rituals has survived to our times. Each of them has been modified, which will not allow to obtain such an effect that could be realized earlier.

Rites were held before military campaigns. They helped the army to win even in the most difficult and bloody battles. Rituals were used to cure this or that disease, to gain wealth and so on.

Naturally, the most ancient magic was quite complicated, but the result that could be obtained with its help paid off all the efforts. However, everything remains a mystery to this day.

Old Russian magic

Magic sacraments in Russia played one of the key roles. Rites were used not only to gain love and wealth, but also to bring rain or get a good harvest.

Magic of ancient Russia was very strong. Often, to perform rituals, huge fires were lit and conspiracies were read. In some cases, sacrifice may have been used. People of that time believed that if they offered a sacrifice to the Gods, they would fulfill all desires.

Today there is a ritual that has not been changed and is able to bring a result that will please every person. It is used to obtain mutual feelings of a loved one. It can be applied to both men and women.

The traditions of that time have not been changed and to perform the ritual, you will have to build a large fire. While reading, you will need to add herbs to the steel, which you need to collect on your own, then dry them and prepare them. welcome.

After the fire is lit, pick up the plants and read the plot:

« Adversity, storms, nothing will affect our love. The bird will fly in, take the news and tell the whole world that we are with you (name of a loved one). From now on and forever, I will be your favorite!».

All the time that you read these words, throw into the fire earlier harvested herbs. The effect of the deed will not be long in coming, since the magic of ancient Russia is very strong.

What did the ancient symbols mean?

Ancient symbols of magic used to convey higher powers what the person who has used this or that rite wants. Each of them had its own meaning and was used for completely different situations. in some way very similar to them.

╦ - this symbol meant what the person wanted to receive better life. It was used in rituals for good luck and wealth. The gods to whom the appeal took place could understand what a person wants and gave it to him in the shortest possible time.

☼ - such a symbol meant that the population did not have enough rain or harvest. In some cases, it was used to get rid of frost. To date, there is little information left on how to use it.

╪ - this sketch has two lines that symbolized fate different people. The symbol was used in order to receive the love of a person who is at a great distance.

 - was used in order to achieve a fatal outcome in a particular person. The symbol refers to Black magic and was actively used by sorcerers and witches.

These are the most common ancient symbols of magic that were used by our ancestors. Unfortunately, all the sketches could not be preserved and it would not be possible to bring all the desires to life with their help.

ancient egyptian mysteries

Egypt gave rise to magical mysteries. The first rites or rituals began to be applied in this place. The priests were able to understand that with the help of magic, you can take advantage of all the benefits of life. They used it to solve all kinds of problems that had completely different directions.

Magic ancient egypt numbered more than one thousand rituals, but, unfortunately, humanity is not destined to find out their true purpose. This happened due to the fact that the ancient people of Egypt did not want to share their rituals with the rest. They were sure that with their help they would be able to rule the world.

Each ritual had the most difficult process of execution. In addition, the time allotted for this could take several years. Their rituals were not at all like modern ones. Their implementation may require specific actions that are beyond the power of modern man. Often, for magical mysteries, a sacrifice in the form of a person was required. That is why many nations have abandoned it. The magic of ancient Egypt was not in demand, and all the rituals were dissolved over time.

Ancient magic of the gods was very strong and capable of solving any problem, in principle. But, today it is impossible to use most of the magical mysteries. Some rituals have been preserved, but modified, which will not allow you to get the effect that was possible in those days. This article has presented several ordinances for you to choose from. Use them and you will get everything you want.

If you have any questions, please contact me through the "contact the magician" form and I will answer them.
