Peach leaf curl - control measures. Why peach leaves turn red How to save a peach green leaves fall

Svetlana asked us the following question: “Why do peaches shrink after a few years of fruiting? How can you return the previous size of the fruit?

It is noticed that on any tree peaches begin to shrink over time. There are several reasons for this.

Lack of nutrition

Peaches may shrink due to lack of nutrition. In order to solve the problem, you should perform a number of actions:

  1. AT spring period use a pruner to cut off some of the branches.
  2. Drill a hole near the tree with a garden drill. Add manure and superphosphate to it.
  3. Under the tree itself, add a few glasses of chalk (2-3).
  4. After the appearance of the ovary, half will have to be removed - after 1-2.

lack of moisture

Peaches can shrink due to lack of moisture. This usually happens when the summer is dry. The fruits not only become smaller, but their taste becomes worse, and pubescence also increases. Fixing the problem is easy enough - water the trees on hot days.

The first time watering is done in early June, then - in the second half of July, then - in August. At the same time, the soil will have to be wetted by about 70 cm, it is at this depth that the roots go. So for one watering square meter account for about 2 buckets of water.

Heat shortage

If climatic conditions are not suitable for peaches, they may shrink due to lack of heat. In this case, there are several ways to get rid of the problem. First you have to choose the right variety. If the variety was chosen correctly, but the plant was still damaged by frost, pruning will have to be done. So the tree will recover much faster.

autumn pruning is prohibited! In this case, the plants are unlikely to survive the winter if you do not live in southern regions. Among other things, so that the fruits do not shrink, it is recommended to thin out the crown. This improves lighting. Another way to restore the size of peaches is to shorten the shoots every year.

Lack of nitrogen nutrition

With a lack of nitrogen nutrition in peaches, the leaves turn yellow and the fruits shrink. In this case, the fruit acquires an astringent taste. Correcting the situation is very simple - just apply fertilizer. Then the harvest will be of high quality, and the supply of nutrients will not run out.

Peach fruits become smaller for several reasons or a combination of them. In each case, you will have to identify why the plant behaves in one way or another, and then correct the situation in better side. In any case, you first need to choose the right type of tree for the region and climate where you live.

How to thin out peaches (video)

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Tatiana 17.09.2015

I live in Stavropol. 4 ago an acquaintance came from Kyrgyzstan and shared a peach seedling with me. And he treated me to several peaches from such a tree - large, sweet. The seedling is well rooted, went to growth. In the second summer, the peach blossomed, and a few fruits ripened, but they were not large. And in the next season: there were already more fruits, but not the same as the friend treated. And this winter spring frosts ruined the buds. I think that this seedling is still not for our climate - it is cold here.

Dmitry 25.09.2015

thanks for useful information. the peach is already 12 years old and from year to year the fruits are less and less. We fill it well, cut it off in the spring, fertilize it with manure, the climate is suitable, because the first fruits were much larger, and the climate has not changed significantly since then, apparently there is not enough nitrogen. You will need to buy nitrogen fertilizer. By the way, the question is, when is it better to apply it to the soil, now for the winter, or already in the spring, when the tree blossoms?

Svetlana R 29.02.2016

Peach is a very harmful and whimsical tree. Very often sick, cold or dry. Sometimes you don’t even know what could have influenced the size of the fruit. But it happens. It is necessary to constantly fertilize, process on a bare tree (preferably with nitrofen), and also process on a leaf that has appeared. Loves water - needs to be watered often. You need to look at the trunks of the tree, if a lot of glue appears, then the tree is sick and this is also reflected in the fruits. If possible, it is necessary to insulate for the winter, since severe frosts fears.

Sergey 03/20/2016

Totally agree with the previous comments that many different factors affect peach fruit size. This is the soil, and pests, and fertilizers, and the climate for certain varieties, and watering. Another reason is the fact that the tree is already old, because peaches do not live long, and recent crops can be much smaller than before.

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This sad picture every gardener has observed: when a rich harvest crumbles day after day and almost nothing remains on the tree. There are only three reasons why peaches fall off.

1. The tree regulates the amount of the future harvest and sheds the excess ovary itself

This is especially clearly seen in the harvest years, when during flowering stood good weather and the peaches are well pollinated. It should be noted that almost all varieties of peaches are “suicide”. They never drop the extra ovary, and the crop begins to crumble shortly before the crop ripens.

To prevent this from happening, you must manually remove the extra fruits, leaving the largest and removing the smallest. It’s easier to ration the harvest of apple and pear trees - they leave one at a time large fruit in the brush. The smallest peach is harvested, depending on the crop - after one or two fruits.

2. The tree suffers from a lack of nutrition

There are not so many fruits, but the tree drops them anyway. You can correct the situation by adding nitrophoska or any other complex fertilizer under irrigation. And in order for the top dressing to work faster, spray the plant over the leaf with a solution of trace elements - a teaspoon of Sudarushka or Ryazanochka for 10 liters of water is enough for the eyes.

If it has not rained for a long time, it is necessary to water the trees. Lack of water is another reason for fruit shedding. Only its deficiency and excess are harmful. By the way, abroad, peaches are watered once every two weeks, and so that the fruits do not burst from excess moisture, they are sprayed with special preparations.

3. The tree suffers from disease

Another reason for ovary shedding can be cool and damp weather, which contributes to the development of such dangerous diseases as moniliosis, powdery mildew and leaf spot. In this case, it is necessary to carefully examine the tree, identify what it is sick with, and urgently treat it with a fungicide. If you cannot identify the culprit, choose copper-containing preparations (they increase plant resistance) or strobulents (Strobe, Quadris, etc. - they have a very wide spectrum of action).

heavy codling moth

Another reason for shedding peaches may be the attack of the eastern codling moth. She sharpens the shoots from the inside, causing the tops to wither, and does not disdain the fruits. Fortunately, this pest is still quarantined and has not settled in our country. If you see signs, throw heavy artillery into battle - Bi-58, Alatar, Aktar ...

Simirenko's advice

It is useful to focus on the advice of L.P. Simirenko on peach care.

In particular, he wrote that peach trees should be fed after flowering in the form of a mullein solution or moderately watered with water. After the formation of the stone, the trees should be watered abundantly. Watering stops 10 days before the fruit ripens.

During ripening, it is advisable to spray the trees with water every evening and morning: this improves the color and quality of the fruit.

In China, in order to preserve moisture in the soil in peach plantations, the aisles are mulched with sand in a layer of 10-15 cm. Every two or three years, the sand is poured.

This mulching method is especially effective in mountainous areas where there is little rainfall.

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The peach is a delicacy fruit, but first you need to work hard to get it. good harvest. Peach diseases and pests keep the gardener in suspense throughout the growing season. Peaches grown far from their native countries with a warm climate are prone to many diseases. Let's talk about the most common tree ailments and about protection measures.

What diseases affect peach

All fruit crops are affected by one complex of diseases, but each species is predisposed to some of them. And just like the plum with moniliosis, the peach is affected by curliness, more often than other diseases.

Other expected peach diseases:

  • fruit rot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • clasterosporiosis;
  • moniliosis.

The complex of year-round is aimed at the prevention of diseases, the destruction of pests and the increase in tree productivity. If you maintain the agronomic calendar, you can prevent an outbreak of the disease even in an unfavorable summer. Look at the photo: peach diseases and their treatment require strong drugs and protective clothing for the worker.

Klyasterosporiosis or leaf perforation refers to fungal diseases. At the moment of the beginning of development, as if punctures are formed on the leaves, then purple spots appear, the tissue in the circle disappears and a perforated leaf is obtained. At the same time, spores spread to the entire ground part of the plant. Sometimes the same signs on the leaves give an overdose of copper-containing fungicides. If it is peach fungus disease, it will progress rapidly.

When the disease appeared folk remedies she can't be defeated. It is necessary to apply fungicides, such as Skor, Crystalon or Delan, in a double dose, if guided by the instructions.

can spoil the development of peach on the Black and Sea of ​​Azov. For middle lane This disease is typical for gourds and berry crops. At first, the leaves of the tree stand as if sprinkled with flour. Later, the leaf is deformed, the shoots become thinner. The taste of the fruit changes. The fight against powdery mildew is carried out with the help of Topaz, fresh mullein mash, cutting of infected shoots. Effective against powdery mildew colloidal sulfur.

Compliance with growing technology, prevention of peach diseases and the fight against them, as in the photo, will keep the garden healthy.

Leaf curl disease is the most dangerous

Overwintered spores of the fungus germinate into shoots and leaves in early spring, having overwintered on plant debris from the previous year. The causative agent of leaf curl disease is introduced into the leaf. The first sign is the formation of red bubbles on the leaf blade. But if the leaves have already hung on the tree for 2 weeks, the disease is powerless.

The fungus is introduced into the plate 5-8 days old. The leaves are destroyed, and together with mature spores fall to the ground. Young branches of fresh or annual growth and their wood are damaged. The buds of this year are deformed, there will be no harvest next season.

How to treat peach leaf curl disease? Immediately! As soon as they saw the first signs - young leaves, still green, began to swell, it is immediately necessary to apply copper-containing fungicides at the recommended dose. In this case, it is necessary to immediately start sanitary pruning, scrap, pinching sheets until the disease has captured the entire crown.

Experts and practitioners say that among peach varieties, some are more resistant to leaf curl:

  • Redhaveng;
  • In memory of Rodionov;
  • Bagrinovsky;
  • Morettini;
  • Simferopol early.

How can you deal with peach leaf curl with folk remedies? In the eradication of the disease, the main thing is speed. Effective drugs Little. If the disease was detected at the beginning, you need to manually remove the leaves, cut off the branches on which they were attached, and be sure to burn.

Pollinate the tree with a mixture of sulfur powder and fluffy lime, spray with 1% colloidal sulfur, but only on a hot day so that the temperature is above 25 degrees. You can use Biostat. For the second treatment, prepare a 3-day infusion of tobacco dust. Can be sprayed with a mixture of slaked lime and clay slurry, applying it to the leaves after each rain wash or shedding. Practitioners warn that if fresh galls appear, you need to switch to fungicides.

Preventive methods of dealing with peach curl begin in the fall. It is during this period that it is necessary to clean the garden from winter tenants. As soon as the air temperature has dropped to 10-5 degrees, it is time for prevention:

  1. Inspection and sanitization of the trunk, broken branches.
  2. Free the trunk circle from all residues, burn the leaves and branches, loosen the soil or lay fresh manure over the entire area, without digging, let there be a crust. This is a 3 year feed.
  3. In the spring, treat the buds with a copper fungicide, and then prune. After treatment with Topsin M, but before the leaves appear.

Spray young leaves with Champion. In the future, if swelling appears, 10% mullein infusion will cope with them. A neglected garden will be free from diseases within 2-3 years.

This is the answer to the question of how to treat a peach from leaf curl. The scheme is applied in private gardens in Ukraine. Systemic treatments allow you to get rid of the main fungal diseases even in warm rainy years.

The basic principles of disease control are the ability to grow a healthy strong tree. Then it itself will resist diseases and pests. To do this, you need to find a light slope, with a barrier from the northern faith. Peach does not tolerate any shading. He loves fertile soil, regular watering and deep standing ground water. If there is growth in winter, the tree will wake up. The roots will withstand the winter cold of +25 degrees for 3-4 days, and 35-38 degrees for several hours. Whitewashing the trunks and manure in the trunk circle will help reduce the risk of frostbite.

Selection of drugs against peach curl - video

Growing peach on your own plot is not the easiest task. Not only that, not every region can be suitable in terms of climatic conditions, so also a variety of misfortunes will periodically try to leave the gardener without a crop. And to provide the tree healthy life, you need to know all the possible troubles in person. Controlling diseases and pests is an important step towards a healthy, bountiful harvest.

Diseases and pests of the peach tree

Peach is characterized by all the main stone fruit diseases - leaf curl, fruit rot (moniliosis), powdery mildew, cytosporosis and clasterosporosis. In addition, sometimes it is attacked by pests - aphids, eastern codling moth, fruit mites, fruit moths, weevil. The gardener needs to react in time and get rid of problems.

The peach tree is a good target for diseases and pests, so you should not sit back, even if a variety resistant to many adversities grows on the site.

Table: disease-resistant peach varieties

Photo gallery of peach diseases and pests

Fruit mite sucks the juices from the tree Curly hair can leave a peach without leaves Aphids multiply quickly and cause great damage to the plant
Eastern codling moth is one of the most terrible pests Powdery mildew is easily rubbed off with a finger at first, while it looks like white felt Fruit rot spoils the crop and spreads quickly in the area

Peach diseases and their causes + photo

All diseases that can be encountered when caring for a peach are conventionally divided into three groups - diseases of the leaves, trunk and fruits. Of course, this does not mean that this or that ailment affects only the fruits or the trunk, but it manifests itself most clearly on a specific part of the tree.

leaf diseases


Clasterosporiasis is one of the most common and unpleasant diseases that affects almost the entire tree - leaves, buds, flowers, ovaries and shoots. The disease manifests itself most clearly and most noticeably on the leaves, on which brown spots with a dark red border appear - the foci of fungus damage. Damaged leaf tissue dies and falls out, leaving a hole. It is because of this that klesterosporiosis got its second name - perforated spotting.

Klyasterosporiosis is called perforated spotting, because. leaf spot disease

The fungus, which is the causative agent of the disease, penetrates into the tissues of the peach tree and forms a mycelium there, which gradually penetrates into the cells of the plant and causes their death. The problem is that hiding on the shoots, flower buds and affected branches, it easily survives the winter and begins to spread to healthy parts of the tree when positive temperatures occur. It is important here to detect the symptoms of the disease in time and rid the peach of those parts that have already suffered. That is why early spring pruning, which is carried out with the onset of warm weather, plays such an important role as both prevention and treatment. Sections after treatment are disinfected with a solution of lime with the addition of copper or iron sulphate.

In the process of treatment, such well-known drugs as Hom and Meteor are used. Spraying is carried out three times - during the swelling of the kidneys, as well as before and after flowering.


Leaf curl is also not a gift - in a wet, rainy and protracted spring, the disease gets every chance for successful development and reproduction, attacking the leaves first. As soon as the leaves bloom, it will already be possible to see on them, in addition to the usual Green colour also purple. A little later, a border of the same color will appear. After a week or a little more, a gray coating can already be seen on the back of the sheet. The disease affects the shoots, and after a while the leaves curl and fall off, leaving the branches bare. At the first frost, the shoots are doomed to death. A tree affected by curly almost ceases to bear fruit, and those rare specimens that did appear have a damaged pericarp.

Curly - fungal disease, which is one of the most common

To avoid yield problems, diseased shoots should be pruned before the start of the sporulation period. In autumn, before the rains begin, the so-called blue treatment is carried out with preparations containing copper. In the spring, the preparations "Skor" and "Horus", as well as "Hom" are used. Looks like this simple circuit so: first, during the growing season, the peach is sprayed with copper oxychloride, and after 8-12 days, Horus or Skor is used.

Video: peach leaf curl, control methods

powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is one of the most dangerous diseases affecting shoots, leaves and fruits. It is easy enough to calculate white coating, which at the initial stage can be erased with a finger, but then it coarsens, turns brown and turns into dark spots. Shoots touched by powdery mildew lag behind in development, are damaged and die. Thanks to its sharp suckers, the mycelium successfully sucks out everything it needs from the tree. nutrients. The wind facilitates the easy movement of spores and spread to large territories. The disease is especially severe during drought.

Powdery mildew quickly spreads over the site and captures shoots, leaves and fruits

In order to prevent the disease from developing, the affected shoots, leaves and fruits (still belonging to the tree or already fallen) are removed. As a therapeutic measure, "Topsin" or "Topaz" is used at the end of flowering.

If insecticides are added to these drugs, the effectiveness of the treatment will increase.

trunk ailments


Cytosporosis is a fungal disease that affects the bark of a tree. More precisely, the bast is a layer located between the bark and the wood, which acquires a dark brown color during illness. You can detect this disease by withering, drying tops of the shoots, as well as brown smudges and spots on the bark. From the tops of the shoots, cytosporosis descends, capturing the skeletal branches and trunk. After the defeat of the latter, the tree will be under serious threat.

Cytosporosis is a fungal disease, but unlike fruit rot or powdery mildew, it settles under the bark

Branches damaged by the disease are immediately removed. Shortening occurs to a length of 0.8 - 1.5 m, sometimes the entire skeletal branch is removed, but on condition that not a single millimeter of diseased bast remains below the cut point, otherwise cytosporosis will not stop. cut pieces of wood, and withered trees should be burned immediately or taken out as far as possible. The first option looks preferable, since the infection travels long distances without any problems, and there is no guarantee that after a while the disease will not return to your site.

Since cytosporosis primarily affects weakened trees, it is necessary to observe full complex agrotechnical measures, such as timely (and, most importantly, correct) pruning, regular watering, timely treatment of wounds, etc.

A good means of preventing and treating cytosporosis is 3% Bordeaux liquid (lime per 10 liters of water), used for spraying in early spring (before leafing) and autumn (during or after leaf fall).

Fruit diseases


Fruit rot or moniliosis, monilial burn - all these are the names of one disease caused by the same fungus, which affects flowers, leaves and branches during flowering, and later fruits. The monilial burn got such a peculiar name, because the leaves and fruits affected by the scourge look like burnt ones. The disease manifests itself especially clearly on the fruits on which brown spots that deform them. These spots spread over the fruits, and light gray or gray pads of spores appear on them, forming concentric circles. The wind easily transfers spores to other trees, and if the weather is cool, damp, the disease spreads rapidly across the site, affecting almost all, without exception, fruit plants.

Moniliosis causes the fruits to rot on the branches up to their complete wrinkling and drying.

As a preventive measure, periodic pruning of the tree is carried out to prevent thickening of the crown. The parts of the plant found affected by moniliosis are removed. Prior to flowering, they are treated with the Chorus preparation. After flowering, "Topaz" is used, and after it - "Topsin". Thanks to this approach, not only the pathogen is destroyed, but also its carriers, which are oriental codling moths, geese, weevils and boucars.

Fallen fruits damaged by moniliosis are immediately collected and carried far beyond the site, and in the fall they are removed from the trees.

Table: peach diseases, treatment and prevention

Disease nameRemedy for treatmentDosageMultiplicity of treatments
ClusterosporiasisHom (copper oxychloride)40 gr per 10 liters (2 - 5 liters per tree)Triple treatment - during bud swelling, at the beginning and at the end of flowering
Meteor4 kg per hectare
3% Bordeaux liquid

300 gr blue vitriol and 400 gr

lime per 10 liters of water

Treat in autumn after leaf fall
leaf curl3% Bordeaux liquid

300 gr of copper sulphate and 400 gr

lime per 10 liters of water

By sleeping kidneys
2% Bordeaux liquid

lime per 10 liters of water

By the opening buds
1% Bordeaux liquid

lime per 10 liters of water

On vegetative shoots

40 gr per 10 l

During the growing season in combination with preparations "Horus" and "Skor"
Horus3.5 gr per 10 l
Speed2 ml per 10 liters of water (2 - 5 liters per tree)8 - 12 days after the application of "Hom"
powdery mildewTopsin15 gr per 10 lAt the end of flowering
Topaz2 ml per 10 lAt the end of flowering
Fundazol10 gr per 10 lIn combination with drugs "Topsin" and "Topaz"

First spray before flowering

Cytosporosis3% Bordeaux liquid

300 gr of copper sulphate and 400 gr

lime per 10 liters of water

Early spring (before leafing) and autumn during or after leaf fall


40 gr per 10 l

During the growing season

fruit rotHorus

2 - 3.5 gr per 10 l

Before flowering

Topaz2 ml per 10 lAfter flowering
Topsin15 gr per 10 lTwo weeks after treatment with Topaz

Pests and their control


Aphids - perhaps the most frequent uninvited guest on peach trees. It settles on young shoots, sticking around them and sucking out the juices vital to the plant. The seedlings begin to hurt, dry, the leaves crumble. While the number of aphids is small - it is easy to crush it with gloved hands right on the spot, but if you show slowness, this pest will significantly increase its population, and then you will have to resort to potent pesticides, since weaker solutions will no longer have the desired effect.

Peach aphids can be green, orange, and yellow - the color changes, the essence remains


Weevils damage buds, buds and flowers by gnawing out stamens, pistils and petals. Sometimes it spreads to young leaves. Small holes are created in the fruits for oviposition. They are carriers of the main fungal diseases of peach.

The surest action will be the chemical treatment of the tree before the buds swell. Good trapping belts are applied above the stem, removing damaged buds (these usually show a brown top) and removing exfoliating and dead bark. Whitewashing the trunk with lime also makes a good contribution to the fight against weevils.

Weevils damage buds and spread fungal diseases


Ticks are known for their ability, like aphids, to suck out all the useful and nutritious substances from a tree. They successfully winter in the bark at the base of large branches and in the warm period are able to weaken the plant so much that its shoots stop developing, dry out, the yield decreases significantly, the tree stops bearing fruit, and the leaves lose color and fall off.

Regular peach pruning, keeping the trunk circle clean, whitewashing the trunk and installing trapping belts help to cope with the tick. But also greater effect achieved with the use of drugs such as "Fitoverm", "Neoron", "Apollo" and "Karate".

Fruit mite indiscriminately attacks any fruit trees, including peach

fruit moth

Fruit moth delivers the most trouble in the form of a caterpillar, which in the spring is taken for buds, and then for young shoots. Since the pest gnaws out their core, the shoots begin to wither and die off, the tree may shed its leaves. One caterpillar is capable of destroying 5-6 shoots, which is already significant damage. AT adulthood caterpillars climb into dry leaves, bark or earth in the trunk circle.

Moth-damaged shoots are cut and burned. The same is done with carrion and root shoots. A good result is achieved with regular loosening of the soil and the imposition of trapping belts on the trunk and skeletal branches.

Fruit moth damages shoots, causing the tree to stop developing

Eastern codling moth

The eastern codling moth hibernates on damaged shoots, in cracks in the bark, and also under fallen leaves. Caterpillars feast on young shoots, small ovaries, and even peach pits that have not yet had time to harden. The codling moth, like aphids, is a carrier of various fungal diseases, including moniliosis, so you need to get rid of it immediately.

This is how peach fruits slightly damaged by the eastern codling moth look like

Table: pest control methods

PestRemedy for fightingDosagePeriodicity and frequency of treatments
Aphid2% Bordeaux liquid

200 gr of copper sulphate and 250 gr

lime per 10 liters of water

Spray before winter
1% Bordeaux liquid

100 gr of copper sulphate and 150 gr

lime per 10 liters of water

Treat before and after flowering
Confidor0.25 l per hectareDuring bud formation
Dandelion infusion

400 gr leaves and 200 gr stems

roots (collected during

flowering) pour 10 liters of warm

water. Infuse for two hours, strain

and spray

During the growing season
Weevillime milk for1.5 kg of freshly slaked lime per 10 lBeginning of kidney swelling


2 ml per 10 lDuring the growing season
5 ml per 5 l (2 - 5 l per tree)Triple Spray: Phase green cone(the beginning of bud break), the end of flowering and ten days after it

colloidal sulfur

80 gr per 10 l

During the growing season from 1 to 6 treatments with a difference of one day


1.5 ml per 1 literDuring the growing season twice with a difference of two days
15 ml per 10 l (from 2 to 10 l per tree

depending on age)

One treatment per season no later than 45 days before harvest
0.4 - 0.6 liters per hectareVegetation period, then at least 30 days before harvest
5 ml per 10 lDuring the growing season, two treatments with a difference of 20 days
fruit moth


30 gr per 10 l

During bud break


20 gr per 10 l

During bud break

Eastern codling moth


60 gr per 10 l

The treatment is carried out 3 times per season with a difference of 15 days between peach sprays, starting from the moment of spring emergence of butterflies and excluding flowering


20 gr per 10 l
Rovikurt (25%)10 gr per 10 l

A peach, as a fruit tree, is subject to the same diseases as an apple tree, pear, plum, and others, therefore, in some ways, measures to combat ailments in all cases turn out to be similar. The list of pests is somewhat different for peach, but in this case there are universal means which can be used for most fruit trees. By observing the indicated dosage and carrying out timely prevention, as well as acquiring varieties resistant to certain diseases and pests, you can avoid problems during cultivation and achieve a large harvest every year.


To avoid peach disease, constantly inspect the tree, use preventive methods control of major fungal pathogens and pests. If everything is done on time and correctly, then you can save the peach from death and enjoy a juicy harvest. You should be attentive to all parts of the tree, especially to the trunk.

If brown blotches with a dark red or raspberry border appear on peach leaves, which eventually fall out and form holes, then your tree has been attacked by a fungal disease - clasterosporiasis. In the case of growth, the inclusions merge and form one large spot, which also falls out, leaving behind a vast hole. In addition to the leaves, the fungus affects the buds, flowers and ovaries. The process of their defeat is the same. Infected tissues gradually die, dry up and fall out.

Holes in peach leaves

The fungus feels especially comfortable in wet rainy weather, it winters well on healthy tree organs, forming sporulation. To protect the trees from this peach disease, in the spring, even before the first buds begin to bloom, we carry out. We treat the places of cuts with a thick solution of lime and 1% solution of copper sulphate. When the first signs of the disease are found, we spray the leaves with 3% Bordeaux liquid before bud break and after flowering. If kleasterosporiosis struck a peach during flowering, then we reduce the concentration of the drug to 1% so as not to burn the leaves and flowers.

After the leaves bloom in the spring, you can notice their deformation. Some sheet plates insufficiently formed, others have not yet had time to acquire a saturated green tint, and some even twisted, became wavy, brittle, lost elasticity. If the last leaf variant is present on your peach tree, it is a fungal disease known as curl. Leaf plates affected by the fungus acquire a yellowish-red or light green tint. They soon dry out and fall off. As a result, the tree can completely shed its foliage and be left with bare branches. It ceases to fully produce nutrients and discards fruits that have not yet had time to form.

Signs of leaf curl

In addition to the lack of harvest, peach trees affected by curly lag behind other horticultural crops in development, becoming less resistant to winter frosts. good condition for reproduction of the causative agent of this stone disease is rainy damp weather. The fungus is activated during the spring growing season, first appearing as a purple bloom with a border, and after a week forming growths on the back of the leaf plate in the form of a gray bloom. We treat trees for leaf curl as follows. First, we remove and burn the affected leaves and shoots, and then we treat them with copper-containing preparations, such as Skor, Horus, copper oxychloride, Hom, Oksikh.

During the flowering period, brown flowers may appear on the tree, which darken and dry completely. This warning sign can signal the infection of trees with moniliosis, as a result of which the ovaries are not able to develop, and the already formed fruits are deformed and rot. The fungus is carried by pests of stone fruit crops, such as oriental codling moths, weevils, geese, as well as during pollination by bees from a diseased tree to a healthy one.

Fetus affected by moniliosis

The rapid spread of the fungus is facilitated by wet, cool weather. In a short time, both young annuals and those that have formed mature shoots die. As a prevention of infection, the tree is regularly rejuvenated by pruning dry and damaged branches, as well as removing rotten and unset fruits. And to cure peach trees, spray them with fungicides. The first time before flowering with the preparation Horus, the second - after the start of flowering Topaz and third after harvest Topsin-M, not forgetting to also use insecticides if pests have become the cause of the infection.

Why is the tree “crying” - how to prevent gum disease?

On the trunk of almost every stone fruit tree, you can see sticky protrusions that look like hardened resin. This is a gum that was formed as a result of the destruction of cells, their membranes and sugary secretions. This phenomenon is called gum disease. It can be caused by various external factors ranging from improper agricultural practices to unfavorable environmental conditions.

Peach gum disease

Among the most common causes, there is an excess of moisture, a sharp temperature drop, a glut of nitrogenous fertilizers, mechanical damage to the bark of a tree, infections against the background of other fungal and bacterial diseases (clasterosporiosis, moniliosis, bacterial cancer). As a result, cracks and burns appear on the peach trunk in the form of open wounds filled with gum. It is impossible to leave such a tree without care. Gum treatment reduces peach immunity, quality indicators of the crop, and in advanced cases can lead to death. a large number branches and complete death of the tree.

Wound treatment is carried out as follows. Sharply remove the gum and clean the affected area, capturing 1-2 cm of living tissue. Disinfection is done with a solution of copper or iron sulfate at the rate of 3 g of the substance per 10 liters of water. Next, let the wounds dry slightly and cover them from above. thin layer garden pitch. To consolidate the therapeutic effect, before applying the garden pitch, wipe the cleaned places from the gum with fresh sorrel leaves, performing the procedure 2-3 times with an interval of 5-10 minutes.

There are a huge number of peach pests. Special place among them is the eastern codling moth. She is a small butterfly that loves to use given plant for food and as favorable place for wintering. The larvae of this pest are especially fond of eating young shoots of a tree, and adults - unripe fruits. In the cracks of the damaged bark, they lay cocoons, continuing to eat shoots and ovaries. To cope with the invasion of the eastern codling moth, we recommend installing corrugated cardboard or burlap traps soaked in a 1% solution Chlorophos.

Eastern codling moth inside the fruit

Among insecticides, spraying with 10% Karbofos, Benzophosphate, Trichlormetafos, 25% Rovikurt has a detrimental effect on pests and their larvae.

fruity or food moth- Another dangerous enemy of the peach harvest. It is a narrow-winged butterfly of a dark gray hue. Like the eastern codling moth, it also hibernates in the cracks of the tree bark, and in the spring it crawls out of its shelter and eats young shoots along with the core. As a result, not having time to form, the branches wither and die. The larvae of these pests eat peach buds and flowers. As a preventive measure, cut and burn damaged and dry shoots, fallen fruits and leaves. As for the main methods of struggle, they are the same as in the case of the eastern codling moth.

Insect Invasion - How to deal with it?

This familiar enemy cultivated plants often affects peach trees. It's about about aph. Colonies of these small insects damage shoots and leaves, as a result, the leaf plates are folded and deformed, and reddish spots appear at the damage sites. The greatest aphid activity is observed in July. To fight these insects, growing season spray the tree with the solution Karbofos or use the verified folk method, for which dissolve the piece laundry soap in 10 liters of water. For achievement maximum effect when using the second option, leave the peach tree in a soapy solution for 3-4 days. During this period, the aphid colonies and their larvae should completely leave the tree, and the remaining pests can be easily collected by hand.

Significant damage to peach bark is caused by scale insects, which are easily recognizable by their hard shields, thanks to which they protect laid eggs from enemies. A mass accumulation of these pests is observed in May, when the larvae pupate and spread throughout peach tree. By the end of July, they become adults, and the second breeding season begins. For pest control and as a preventive measure, before bud break, we spray the tree with an emulsion mineral oils, and during the growing season - with a solution of Karbofos.

Especially dangerous enemies peach - weevils-flower beetles. Adults of these insects eat buds, flowers and buds, as well as young leaves from the inside. As a result, the tree loses its ability to reproduce and stops growing. In addition, they are the main carriers of fungal diseases. If insects attack the tree after the fruits have ripened, they leave numerous narrow passages in them, where they lay their eggs. Such peaches become inedible, the productivity and quality of the crop is sharply reduced. Good performance in the fight against flower beetles is given by the installation of trapping belts, whitewashing the trunk lime mortar, cleaning wounds to living tissue, disinfection and treatment of dead areas of the cortex garden pitch, pruning darkened buds.
