Care and processing of peach from aphids. How to effectively treat a peach tree from aphids

Peach aphid can harm more than 50 types of vegetables (for example, tomato, potato, pepper), green (parsley, lettuce, dill), flower-decorative (gerbera, freesia, tulip, chrysanthemum, gerbera) and fruit (lemon, peach) cultures. Crops are considered unfavorable for the development of the pest population: cucumber and beans.


Aphids feed on plant sap on leaves and young shoots. Feeding the pest leads to the loss of vitality of the host plant and can cause its death. With the development of a greenhouse aphid colony, the leaves of the plants first curl, then turn yellow and die, the flowers may fall off, the buds do not bloom. The pest carries about 100 viral diseases, among which mosaic viruses are the most harmful. Aphids secrete excess sugary compounds in the form of honeydew or, as it is also called, honeydew. In the presence of a large number sugary secretions on plants, soot fungus can develop on them. Covering plants, the fungus thereby interferes with the process of photosynthesis.

How to recognize peach aphids

Wingless female ovoid, about 2-2.5 mm long. The color of the covers may vary depending on the crop on which the pest develops and can beat: yellow-green, light green, pinkish. Eye color brown-red. Juice tubules are cylindrical, widened at the base, occupying a quarter of the body in length. The tail is finger-shaped, yellow, three times shorter than the tubules.

Larvae do not have white-pollinated spots on tergites.

The winged female is 2 mm long, has a black head, mid- and metathorax, and a yellow-green prothorax. On the dorsal side of the abdomen there is a sclerotized central black spot.

Eggs are oval, black with a sheen.

Winged form of greenhouse aphid

The life cycle of a pest

IN closed ground a non-full-cyclic form of the pest develops, that is, colonies are represented only by parthenogenetic ovoviviparous individuals, since full-cyclic development requires the presence of a peach as a second host plant. One wingless female is capable of producing about 20-60 heirs in a lifetime.

The optimal temperature for development is 24-25 ° C, however, the pest tolerates low temperatures and begins to multiply already at 5°C. The development of larvae takes about 20-30 days at a temperature of 5-10 ° C, as well as the average life expectancy of an adult. At 24°C, the development of the larva takes 6-7 days. With a reduction in the duration of daylight hours, winged female peach aphids appear.

Prevention and control measures

Biological control measures

Other control methods

Yellow glue traps are used to monitor winged forms of aphids and prevent the spread of the phytophage in the greenhouse.

The fruitfulness of a peach orchard primarily depends on the quality of care. Mandatory procedure when growing plants, it is the treatment of trees with special agents against diseases and pests. Peach spraying is done several times a year. In addition, each procedure has its own benefits for the garden. We will understand why and how plantings should be treated.

Spring prevention

Spraying peach in the spring is carried out several times. The first procedure is carried out even before bud break. Her goal is destroy all kinds of insects that have overwintered in the bark of a tree and its shoots. As a rule, copper-based fungicides are used for this purpose ( blue vitriol, Bordeaux liquid) or diesel fuel. The latter is actively gaining popularity. The principle of operation of diesel fuel is quite simple: it covers the plant with a thin oily film, which blocks access to oxygen for pests.

  • If you are spending spring spraying peach before bud break, do not use carbamide or other drugs that include urea. This is a nitrogen-containing substance that affects the vegetation processes. It contributes to the rapid growth and development of garden plantings, so until the plants wake up, you should not use a sort of "growth activator" - it will contribute to premature awakening.
  • The most important event in the life of trees is spraying peach from curly. This is the most frequent illness garden. The disease manifests itself at the beginning of the growing season. The pathogen fungus lives between the scales of the kidneys, and the leaves germinating from them already have a brownish color. Later, the leaves curl up, turn bright red and fall off. Plants show a decrease in vegetation, poor growth and development, which is not surprising. After all, the assimilation apparatus is badly damaged. The fight against the disease begins even before the leaves appear - peaches are sprayed in early spring before bud break, as well as on a green cone. In the first case, one of the above fungicides is used, in the second (if signs of the disease are found), Delan or Horus preparations can be used.
  • Spraying a peach on a rose bud produced to increase the immunity of the tree, as well as for the purpose of prevention against pathogens of a number of diseases: powdery mildew, scab, moniliosis. Here they use the drug Topsin or, again, Bordeaux liquid. Effectively treat the garden with a mixture of fungicide with insecticides (for the destruction of a number of pests: mites, weevils and hatching caterpillars).
  • Spraying peach after flowering- final stage spring processing garden. Here, ordinary urea is quite suitable. It will perfectly cope with a number of pathogens, kill insects, and at the same time saturate the trees with nitrogen.

Important work in the garden does not have to be done by hand. Professional gardeners will do just fine with them. We will take care of your trees efficiently and inexpensively! :)

Summer work

Spraying peach trees in summer has the function of protecting plants from pests that have settled on the tree. Most often, urea is used to control insects. Today it is the most popular fungicide. It, like acid, burns out all living creatures. The main thing is not to overdo it and dilute the urea well, otherwise you can burn part of the tree along with the insects :(

Very important is spraying a young peach orchard. Here it is necessary to carefully select the composition, so as not to destroy the fragile young. Young fruit-bearers are too susceptible to most formulations. Before spraying a liquid (insecticide, fungicide) on all plants, test its effect on one branch. If during the day it will have an absolutely healthy appearance (as before the procedure), you can carry out a protective measure throughout the planting.

Sometimes active substances can be replaced with less harmful ones for young plants: folk compositions. For example, spraying a peach from aphids is carried out using strong-smelling substances: tinctures of garlic, tobacco or lavender. These insects do not tolerate strong odors and run away from the place of spraying substances with pungent odors.

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Autumn time

An important stage in the life of the garden is spraying peach in autumn. It is aimed at the destruction of pathogens of fungal diseases. There is an erroneous opinion that this procedure is unnecessary - it can be carried out in the spring. However, it is not. The fact is that in autumn, with sufficiently warm and at the same time very humid weather, pathogens actively multiply (heat and moisture - ideal conditions for the fungus). In the spring, an infected tree will begin to have problems with sap flow, awakening will slow down, and after that the disease will affect growth and development.

This is the time to spray the peach with copper sulphate, Bordeaux liquid or similar preparations. Do not delay processing. It is better to prevent the disease than to try to cure the affected garden with a bunch of diseased plants.

Schedule and drugs

The timing of peach spraying depends on the location of the garden, more precisely on the climatic zone. The first time the procedure is carried out in March. In warm regions (in the south) - this may be the middle of March, in the middle climate zone- the end of the month, the closer to the north, the more rational it is to carry out the first processing closer to April. In the future, the time of the event is easy to determine - by the state of the tree (observe the growth and development of foliage, as well as flowering). Depending on this time, the duration of the procedure is selected.

The peach spraying schedule is similar to the apple processing calendar, but slightly different active substances are used:

In addition to standard fungicides for garden treatment (urea, copper sulfate, etc.), peach plantings use special means to fight various diseases. The main (most popular) preparations for spraying peach:

Happy gardening! :)

peach spray video

The most common pest on peach is the aphid, especially the large peach, black and green aphids. In the fight against aphids on peach in horticulture, there are various methods.

In the article we will consider agrotechnical, mechanical, chemical and biological methods how to deal with aphids on a peach. Signs of aphids:

  • the accumulation of black, green or brown aphids are clearly visible on young shoots, plant buds, and especially on the lower part of the leaves;
  • leaves and buds are covered with honeydew, a sticky liquid secreted by aphids;
  • tops of shoots and infected leaves curl down, do not develop and dry up, buds do not open, and fruits do not develop;
  • gray-green fleas appear inside the twisted leaves.


Green aphids on peach damage young seedlings. Since their activity causes discoloration, wrinkling and random curling of the leaves at the top, the flowers fall off and dry out.

A large peach aphid sucks the juice from the bark and branches, if it is heavily infested, the bark will be wet and sticky, the upper leaves will tightly wrap up and turn red, and may even fall off ahead of time.

The black peach aphid populates the crown of trees in spring, and already at the beginning of summer it can fly to other crops, especially legumes. Since the black aphid colony on a peach consists of females, they multiply very quickly, which, in addition to the above harm, can lead to the appearance of black sooty fungus on the tree.

Agrotechnical and mechanical methods of control

Before treating peach from aphids with various chemicals it is necessary to use such simple agrotechnical and mechanical methods:

  • weeding or cutting unwanted vegetation, especially perennial species weeds;
  • remove root shoots;
  • clean the lagging bark on boles and skeletal branches;
  • remove aphids on peach leaves with your hands or rinse with a strong jet of water from a hose;
  • invite natural enemies of aphids to the garden: ladybug, hoverfly, lacewing, wasp and small birds planting fragrant spices, nettle and green manure.

Chemical methods of dealing with aphids on peach

These methods consist in the selection of effective pesticides, which can be used to spray peach from aphids:

  1. Before winter - 2% solution.
  2. Before and after flowering - with a solution of your choice: 1% Bordeaux mixture, 0.8% thiozol 80 together with 0.12% fostiol H40, 0.15% vofatox 30, 0.15% dipterex, 0.1% sevinoma 85. Repeat in two weeks.
  3. During the formation of buds - Confidor 0.25 l / ha.
  4. At the first appearance, but only not when the fruits ripen - 0.2% solutions of Bi-58 or Dursban.
  5. For regular fight- 8 ml Aktofit diluted in a liter of water and add 0.02% liquid soap, re-treatment is possible no earlier than after 15-20 days, it is better to carry out before the leaves begin to curl.
  6. Against black aphids - 0.1% solution of thiophos or phosphamide, as well as nicotine sulfate and 0.2% solution of anabazine with laundry soap or lime.
  7. For the destruction of overwintered aphids, before bud break, - 0.5% DNOC solution, can be done once every two years.

Biological methods of dealing with aphids on peach

There are less dangerous means than you can poison aphids on a peach - these are biological. Decoctions and infusions of tomatoes, dandelion, hot capsicum, garlic and onion peel are effective in the fight against aphids.

Of course, in order to get a more useful harvest, it is better to prevent the appearance of aphids on peach leaves using such preventive measures like bringing ashes under a tree and mineral fertilizers, which will increase resistance to peach aphids.


Video: Ants and Aphids How to fight 2 Ants and aphids How to deal 2

    What are the ways to fight

    Way of struggle: agrotechnical

    Fighting with chemicals

    Folk recipes to help

    The best remedy is prevention


So, aphid is a small insect, no larger than 3 mm in size. It is worth highlighting that the most widespread aphid of the following species:

  • blood;
  • aphid large peach;
  • green;
  • and black.

As a rule, if an aphid has settled on a peach tree, then the gardener will see the following:

  • the bloody appearance of aphids is very visually visible, since individuals tend to accumulate;
  • if aphids attack, then dark dots will be visible on the back of the foliage;
  • peach buds will be covered with secretions of this insect;
  • the tops of the pagons may begin to dry out and then die off;
  • spots first appear on the leaves, then they dry and curl;
  • in the very thick of the tree you can see the so-called fleas of a green or grayish color.

If an aphid attacks, then the culture completely stops developing fully, begins to weaken, while the yield decreases several times. Furthermore, sick tree loses its resistance to frost.

What are the ways to fight

  • agrotechnical and mechanical methods;
  • fight with chemicals;
  • folk recipes.

Each of these methods can give good results. Moreover, experienced gardeners strongly recommend not to resort to drugs at first, chemical origin, but try to overcome the invasion with natural and affordable means.

Way of struggle: agrotechnical

As already described above, before arming yourself with a heavy arsenal and attacking uninvited guests, you can try several agricultural techniques that successfully help fight a small enemy, namely:

  • destroy all weeds growing around the peach;
  • cut the entire root thicket;
  • clean the remnants of the old bark, on the trunks and on the skeletal branches;
  • using a jet of water supplied from a hose, remove all aphids placed on the foliage;
  • plant green manure and herbs around the peach.

As a rule, these agricultural practices give a valid result. If it was not possible to solve the problem using these methods, then we arm ourselves with mechanical methods and proceed to the fight.

It is worth emphasizing that mechanical methods aphid control can only be used if the tree has a relatively small size. So, how to destroy aphids, ways:

  • knock down aphids with a broom;
  • destroy with a brush;
  • we tear off all the affected foliage and burn it behind the site.

Well, with the onset of autumn, we begin to dig the zone where peaches are planted. Then, sprinkle the near-trunk circle with ashes well and pour boiling water on top. These methods have the following properties:

Fighting with chemicals

If the above methods did not help, and precious time was lost, you should resort to heavy artillery in the form of insecticides. First of all, it is worth emphasizing that such drugs retain their toxic properties for 20 days. Therefore, in the case when the aphid attacked before the harvest itself, it is strictly forbidden to process with these means.

Of course, processing with chemicals is not desirable. But if it so happened that the army of the most dangerous insect was noticed too late, then only such means can save your crop.

Well, as for the name of the drugs, today there are a lot various means, among which are the following:

  1. If aphids attack during bud formation, use Confidor.
  2. In the event that aphids appeared during the formation of fruits, the Bi-58 solution will become indispensable. The only thing to keep in mind is that this tool is strictly forbidden to use during the ripening of peaches.
  3. If the aphid of the black variety attacks, then Phosphamide will help the gardener.
  4. Well, for the destruction of overwintered individuals, a remedy called DNOC solution is recommended.

At the same time, always remember one simple rule, it is not recommended to constantly process with the same tool.

Folk recipes to help

So, what are the ways to destroy aphids with improvised means:

Onion skin tincture

Then, the tightly sealed mixture is infused for two days and the peach is sprayed with the finished infusion. This procedure is repeated after two days. But as a rule, after the first spraying, the aphid dies or disappears from the tree.

Laundry soap


And the third effective method of dealing with aphids called pepper platter. To do this, take a pack of red and black ground pepper and a pack of dry mustard. Everyone is well mixed, just do not forget to put on a mask and goggles in advance. The finished powder is poured with a bucket of water and everything is thoroughly stirred.

Then, the resulting solution is sprayed onto the tree. From such a tool, aphids will begin to die almost instantly.

The best remedy is prevention

In order not to look for options to combat this insect, regularly carry out preventive treatments in the front garden. To do this, use the following processing schedule:

  • after all the foliage has fallen, the peach culture is treated with Bordeaux mixture strictly according to the instructions;
  • before flowering, peach culture will need treatment with tizol;
  • after flowering, spray the tree with Bordeaux liquid.

It is worth noting that most gardeners are advised to keep a drug such as Actofita in a green medicine cabinet. It is mainly used together with laundry soap as emergency care during aphid attacks.


And one more tip from experienced gardeners: in order for the fight against aphids to be effective, before choosing a particular remedy, evaluate the damage caused to these insects. In this case, you can choose the right tool and minimize losses.

To peach tree could bear fruit, he needs help: take care of him, fertilize the soil, water, and also fight various pests and diseases, which peach has a lot of. It is necessary to spray the peach orchard several times a year, since each spraying aims specific task aimed at combating a certain type of pests. Every experienced gardener knows that this tree needs to be processed. Let's take a closer look at processing times.


In the spring, it is necessary to process the peach. Spring processing of peaches is carried out several times: before bud break, on a pink bud and final, after flowering. Each of them has its own tasks, so it will not be possible to process a peach orchard in one spraying.

The first treatment, early, before bud break, is carried out when the temperature no longer drops below +4 degrees. The goal is the destruction of various insects wintering in the bark of a tree or in its shoots. The procedure is carried out in several stages with an interval of 3-4 days. Use fungicides based on copper-containing preparations(Bordeaux liquid, blue vitriol) as well as solarium emulsion.

Please note that during this period you should not use drugs based on urea. Since it contains nitrogen, which is an active stimulator of vegetation. If such preparations are used before the buds open, they will accelerate the plant’s exit from dormancy, “wake up” it ahead of time, which can lead to malfunctions in further development tree to the point of yield loss.

Spraying during this period also helps in the fight against frizz, itself dangerous enemy peach orchard. The spores of the fungus overwinter, and then multiply on the leaves germinating from the buds, staining them brown. Young leaves curl, dry up and fall off. As a result, the tree grows worse, does not bear fruit. All the same copper-containing preparations help well against this fungus.



Autumn processing is required to suppress the reproduction of fungal spores, because in autumn the most favorable conditions for the development of fungi - high temperature and humidity. If not processed in the fall, then spring, along with the tree, will be met by millions of new fungal spores that have spread along all branches, and the fight against them will require considerable effort, money and time. Therefore, you should not miss autumn - processing at this time is very important and is done for the future.

It is worth noting that the beginning of the first, spring processing depends on the region where the peach grows. In the southern, warm regions, spraying begins as early as mid-March, but the farther north, the dates for the start of the procedure move closer to April - it all depends on the average air temperature, which should not fall below +4 degrees Celsius. Further spraying is carried out based on the observation of the growth and development of the tree - the beginning of the growing season, the appearance of the first foliage, buds, fruits.

  • urea. Carbamide, actively and effectively coping with most harmful insects;
  • copper-based fungicides, copper sulfate and Bordeaux liquid, are used in the fight against most fungal infections;
  • fungicide preparations "Abiga-Peak", "Gaupsin", "Planriz", "Skor", "Trichodermin", "Khoruz", "Tattu". They are used in the fight against most fungal infections;
  • preparations-insecticides "Aktara", "Engio", "Aktellik". Preparations are used against a variety of insect pests;
  • solar emulsion. Effective remedy in the fight against insects. If the plant is sprayed with such a mixture, it will be covered with a film that blocks the access of oxygen to various insects wintering in the bark, which is why they either crawl out or die;
  • folk remedies. Tinctures of garlic, lavender or tobacco have long been used against aphids. If a tree is sprayed with such a solution, insects that cannot tolerate the sharp aroma of the drug will leave the tree.

Processing technology

To achieve the maximum effect, spraying should be carried out according to the rules. If you ignore them, then all your efforts may be useless - you will spend the solution, but do not remove the pests.

First of all, in the fall, before spraying, clean the garden - collect and burn all the fallen leaves, as well as cut dry and diseased branches, and process the cut points garden pitch. In autumn and spring, spraying is carried out on a quiet, clear, windless day, make sure that it does not rain during or in the next 2-3 days, otherwise it will wash away the chemicals. If this happens, you must repeat the procedure. It is desirable to spray in the morning, after the dew has evaporated, or closer to sunset, when the weather is calm. In the spring, during the growing season, if there is no dew at night and your garden is lit, the procedure can be carried out at night. It is necessary to achieve the finest possible spraying of the solution, while treating the entire surface of the tree: trunk, branches, foliage on both sides.

The ability to start spraying on time, choosing the right preparations, can save your peach from death. And knowing the rules of spraying will save you from unnecessary financial expenses for the repeated purchase of drugs and will contribute to the fact that the peach harvest will be born on time and in full.

Video "Spraying peach"

This video will show you how to spray a peach.
