Strong conspiracies on the money tree. A conspiracy on a tree at the door of the house for money and financial luck

It happens that the cause of illness lies in our subconscious or inner state of mind. In this case, drugs rarely help get rid of the disease. If you cannot be cured, then we suggest you try conspiracies for diseases. They will strengthen your energy, with the help of which you can overcome any disease.

Conspiracies from diseases are also useful for those who are often sick and in need of vitality. With the help of magic words and rituals, you can protect your body and increase energy.

Conspiracy on a tree

For this plot, you will need a strand of your hair. Cut off your curl and wrap it in a rag. Go to the forest and find a young but strong tree. It should not have growths, rot, hollows or dry branches. It should be straight and branched.

Bury your lock of hair under the very roots of this tree and say the words: “My disease is my sadness, I bury it in the ground you, I say goodbye forever. Drink the juice of the tree, drink the energy of the tree, drink the life of the tree, but don't touch me. May it be so".

After these words, leave the forest. Do not look back, otherwise the disease may follow you.

The sickness will begin to fade as you have given it to the tree. As soon as you feel better, do not be too lazy to go into the forest, find that very tree and make sure that the conspiracy against the disease has worked. If the tree begins to dry, rot, or some deformities appear on it, then the ritual has worked, and very soon your ailment will come to naught.

Conspiracy from illness to water

After that, dry yourself with a towel, get dressed, take a bucket and collect the remaining water from the bath after bathing. Go outside and pour water on the ground, preferably under the roots of a shrub or tree. Say the words: “I washed and bathed in illness, and now I’m sending her home. No, now I'm sick. It's all gone to the ground."

These conspiracies from diseases will help you strengthen yours and heal from ailments. Of course, one should not rely only on alternative medicine. But do not forget that sometimes only with its help people were cured of a variety of diseases. And in order to always stay healthy and beautiful, do not forget to press the buttons and

26.05.2014 09:25

Many have heard about love spells - love spells that allow you to win over the face of the opposite ...

Sometimes, in order to heal, you need to resort to the help of magic. Nowadays, there are more and more...

Any tree can either help or harm a person. In this topic I will publish what I myself know about the properties of trees. Their useful and harmful qualities. Some trees have their own signs. They are carved from the required type of wood, then stained with their own blood, or with paint containing your blood. In this case, it is necessary to splash out what you want from this tree. It can be everything that is included in the main properties of a particular tree. There will also be hours for communicating with the trees. Many of them are different. But first, before communication, you need to establish a connection. To do this, you need to bring gifts to the Forces of the place, and then to the tree itself. By the way, it is believed that trees love when they urinate under them. But, of course, this does not need to be done with enviable constancy. Only once, if there is a desire, to establish a connection. The first contact is different for everyone, when you approach the tree, read the plot until you feel a connection. Now this is your tree. Conspiracy: "The tree is mighty, hear my word. I notice you, open my heart. It will get better, it will get better, it will be covered with moss, it will be in peace, I (name), will not forget me forever. My word is strong."
Rowan - tree-warrior. Its ripe bunches are used at the wedding to protect the newlyweds. Until the berries turn pale, the mountain ash will not lose its strength. The mace of Perun is made from mountain ash, and its berries are the frozen fire of lightning. She is not afraid of lightning, so she is planted near settlements, temples and temples. I carry a sprig of mountain ash with me always when lightning flashes, because I am terribly afraid of them. Pagan witches made toyagi (wands) from mountain ash to work with the power of lightning.
The spirit of mountain ash is the keeper of secret truths that are associated with immortality and the personal freedom of the Gods. Amulets are made from it to protect against temptations. The mountain ash protects from the forces of the Dead World, including from the Navi souls, in part, from the husks. But it does NOT protect directly from the World of Shadow and Sorcery, as many people think. She can help with this, for example, during a ceremony, but this does not go into her direct properties!
Rowan can drive away Morok from a person and return it to the real world. To do this, on any of the rowan nights, its branches are harvested. They are tied with a red thread or yarn in the form of an equally runic cross. Then they speak it, drip wax from a candle three times, dip it three times in water from three sources, and fumigate it three times with protective herbs. Lay under the bed or at the door (depending on what you need). It also drives away bad thoughts and dreams.
The strength of the mountain ash is quite tough, it penetrates us through and through. Many may feel uncomfortable with her. It cleanses our body of dirt, rot, salt, poisons, expels them with sweat and waste.
In addition, mountain ash helps a woman gain sensuality, learn to get joy from love pleasures. Rowan especially patronizes women after forty years. For such women, she paints a mature period of life. bright colors gives a second youth. To be found with a tree mutual language, you need to eat five rowan berries and say:
“As you are in me, so I am in you, I became dear, not a stranger, help me, mountain ash-mother, like a beloved daughter, like a dear sister. So be it.”
You need to start communicating with the tree from about 5-10 minutes, gradually increasing to an hour, because people who are heavily polluted will feel bad at first. More than an hour don't hang out with her! You need to stand with your back, leaning against the trunk of the spine. So she not only cleans, but also tears off all bindings!
Rowan rises in the summer at about 10 am, the peak of work is from 12 to 16 hours. Falls asleep around 2 am.
Rowan Nights. Spring Rowan Nights.
The first nights begin from the moment the mountain ash blossoms. It's about seven days. Rowan branches are used in love witchcraft. For example, after a date, they circle with this branch the place where the date took place. Then you light it and read it into the smoke 9 times: “Sparrows, Sparrows, Violent Winds, you fly, fly, and bring (name). Oh, fly, fly to me (name), lead, lead, carry his thoughts! Pour the ashes into the footprints or under the threshold of the groom, and carry the rest of the twig with you. By the way, mountain ash is somehow associated with sparrows. Therefore, any rowan nights are also called Sparrow nights. If there is a connection with Berikapka, then it is much easier to work with mountain ash.
Rowan flowers develop vision. They are kept near the cards.
The second nights begin when it fades. At this time, it is used to get rid of ailments. A young tree is split in half to the very base and crossed from East to West through it with a conspiracy from the necessary pain. This is especially good for patients with hernia, skin ailments and with a sore spine. You just need to plant a few rowan trees in return.
Harvest branches for cleansing fires. The third spring nights begin as soon as the mountain ash has faded and the berries have begun to set. On these nights, coins were buried under the mountain ash for a good life. The branch plucked in these nights brought offspring. You need to whip your wife or cattle))). She also helped from omenyshey.
Summer rowan or sparrow nights.
It's about a week between June 17th and 26th. When the night is like one "hop" of a sparrow! During this period, rowan leaves are harvested. Suitable for various potions and love spells. Collect around midnight, especially if the night is stormy. Also at this time they cut toyagi.
Autumn Rowan or Sparrow Nights: These are the seven days between September 14th and 22nd. Harvest rowan berries. They can not be broken, only cut! There is a belief that rowan beads give beauty, and a bracelet - marriage. By the way, a fresh rowan twig with leaves, dipped in swamp water for 3 hours, makes it drinkable! It can disinfect any water.
At this time staffs are being cut. More precisely, this is the traditional time for this. There is a pagan rite on the Autumn Equinox for a rowan wreath-amulet.
On the day of the equinox, they break beautiful branches of mountain ash with a ransom and read incessantly a conspiracy: “Roll like a horse, Share Thin, destroyer. Roll, pull away, fall through, break away from the threshold, unhook from the porch, hang down from the gate, break away, unhook, fall through, lie down in the nettles, Pyosya, Leshova, help the Devil, roll from the threshold! To do at noon without tools and threads. Weave a wreath with your bare hands, and go home with it, and read in a whisper or mentally incessantly a conspiracy until you hang it on the wall at home.
Here's what I found on the net:
Rowan - the most magical plant. Its wood has a unique quality - to dampen inertia, so handles for sledgehammers are made from it. The tree itself has an unusually strong energy, controls the entire forest. Since ancient times, the sick were taken out under the mountain ash, as the strong astral energy of the tree healed all diseases. Rowan berries save from intoxication. They are given to the patient to chew, as rowan increases resistance to oxygen starvation. Rowan jam calms the nerves, and the liver is treated with tree bark. Rowan fruits have a hemostatic, antimicrobial, contraceptive, diuretic, laxative effect, reduce fat content in the liver, normalize metabolism, eliminate vitamin deficiency, help with anemia and exhaustion of the body, reduce blood cholesterol and arterial pressure, improve heart function, increase the strength of blood vessels. Rowan is very useful for diabetes, obesity and thyroid disease. Masks from rowan fruits eliminate wrinkles, give the skin freshness and a pleasant matte pink color.
(Toyagi is, like, wands, only in the Slavic tradition. And equal-fleece means equilateral)
Wood is an energy absorber. Both black and white. Depending on the period in which it is addressed. It helps to throw off troubles, troubles, pain, especially if it is of an inflammatory nature. Dorsal, dental and so on. From back pain and dryness, the patient wore a red belt tied to the body for 3 days, then went to the aspen, asked to take away thinness, and give lightness. And tied a belt to the trunk. From a toothache they took a piece of an aspen branch, cut off on Saturday. He was tied at night to a sore spot, then thrown away or buried in the ground.
Aspen is one of the entrances to the underworld. At about 3 am, with the third cocks, the aspen opens a channel in the dungeon. Along its trunk, all the Uncleanness around descends, along with everything that happened around during the whole day, as if taking information. Therefore, near the aspens, there is always rarefied air. Around noon, having cleared the space, it begins to calm down, and raises the cleared energy up the trunk. With sunset, Pekelnye spirits rise up it.

Most good time to communicate with her - this is from dawn to noon. To locate the aspen, approach it from the east side, facing west, and whisper: “I’m talking to you in a quiet whisper, a quiet roar. , chain link (name), help. My word is strong. "
Do not turn your back on the aspen!!! This can only be done by those who know how to behave with her. You need to communicate with her from 5 to 15 minutes!!! Because she is very cunning. You will not even notice how she, despite the fact that she will take away the bad, will also become attached to you and will drink strength from you for several hours. Aspen amazing property influence a person at a distance if she has an attachment to him or has seen him personally for a long time. So don't stay too long. Witches use this property for intended purpose: they tie the clothes of the enemy so that he trembles with fear, like a leaf of aspens, so that he loses his strength, in order to subdue the rebellious, to break, or rather, to drink his will.
Take a shower after talking to the aspen. Aspen is very dangerous for Evil, as it sends it to its destination. But, of course, you need to back it up with certain actions. Therefore, it is used in many rituals to remove spoilage, purification, skids.
But there is one BUT. There are exceptions. The so-called violent aspens. They need to be able to distinguish. The Unclean settles very well in them. She, as it were, is a mutant - the Devil passes, but everything else does not. Such aspens can be seen from the fact that not only the leaves, but also the trunk itself are trembling. Such an aspen will not help you. Wild trees, by the way, are any. Not only aspens. Sometimes they are so strong that just one splinter from it can destroy a house.
According to legend, Judas strangled himself on an aspen tree. And this is a great reason to various ways dragging the enemy into Hell, whether it be damage to hanging or just suicide. Witches have learned to create over time severe damage with the help of an aspen. Since age-old aspens guard the entrance to Hell, and witches cast spells that open this entrance, with the help of aspens, of course. If you want to bring damage during the day, hold in your left hand an aspen root with its sign. Roots - do not clean. Her roots are evil.
Aspen wood is very good at blocking any magical effect. From it they made caskets for witchcraft tools, chests in order to hide something from clairvoyants, since the wood would not let the eye in. She does it better than silk. The veretniks make a chest of aspen to store the icons they blaspheme. Previously, baths were made with crowns and aspen roofing. Since they used to give birth and bathe there to avoid the evil eye and slander. Vedim were locked up and burned in such baths.
I also want to note that the aspen is the voice or “language” of Yanarei. Listening to the rustle of leaves, you can hear individual words and phrases. There is another use of aspen - in money witchcraft.)))) Probably, this is due to the red color of the leaves in autumn. I immediately warn you that it is better to do it in August-September for profit. Here is one way. Get up in the morning, do not wash, do not comb your hair, go barefoot (this is a must) to the aspen, which has a trunk about the size of your neck. Hug her, shake her, and as the leaves fall down, whisper 9 times:
"Sister aspen, give me, slave (name), a tithe from what is, which no one can count. Money would come to me, they would find me to live, not to grieve, not to be sad about money, to spend it in joy "It's a joy to receive new ones. Give me some money, little aspen sister! Give me some money, don't be stingy, otherwise I'm barefoot!"
Then hit your forehead three times on a tree and go home without looking back. As an offering, the aspen loves feather grass and rye rolls. In pagan Russia, by the way, it has always been considered a Stribog tree !!! Not Madder, as many people think! You can collect, in principle, at any time in early spring, preferably on the New Moon. The most best aspen who grew up in the swamp!
In other words, hazel. This is a shrub. But has a very strong qualities, which are unique to trees. Tree of divination, witchcraft and justice.
It is advisable to turn to him for strength at the end of summer - the beginning of autumn, while the nuts are ripening. Before communication, you need to draw a circle around yourself and the tree with a dried twig. When you leave, break the circle. Hazel helps to increase the level of strength and emotions. So don't come with big problems and lots of negative thoughts. The hazel function is to double and multiply.
As an offering, pour milk in the spring, and when the nuts are ripe, put cottage cheese. He loves the grass Petrov Cross very much. Their connection is very strong, since the Petrov cross grows on hazel roots most often. People can ask hazel for justice. Very helpful in these matters.
Witches use to enhance the witch's gaze. As it rains, or better in the morning dew on the Black or Full Moon, read the plot, running your hands into the leaves of the hazel; you need to stand near the tree, and after each time moisten your eyes, only 9 times:
"A wolf has a wolf's eye. A lynx has a lynx's eye. A falcon has a falcon's. And a hazel has a prophetic one. He sees everything, knows everything, (name) teaches me. not visible to the human eye, buried from mortals. What will come true, with whom it will become - let me, (name), be revealed. And may my word be strong!" Kiss the tree 3 times and return home without looking back.
Yanarei loves hazel very much. Many Bessy take shelter from lightning under it. Hazel is not afraid of lightning. Lightning does not strike a tree, but sometimes it happens that nuts burn out from the inside after strong thunderstorm nights. If you need to hide, it is better under a hazel. On stormy nights, a hazel rod is broken. It helps to drive out rodents.

The most common property of hazel is help in dowsing. They make a vine from it to find water, treasures, lost things, etc. This is also based on the triumph of truth over lies. To do this, early in the morning, cut a forked branch of a hazel without fruits with your knife. At the same time, say 9 times: “Brother Leshchinushko, I cut off your branch in order to know what will happen, what is, what was, in order to know secret caches, underground waters and lost things. The whole truth is in the barrel, the whole truth is in the hand, the whole falsehood is far away. My word is strong." And bring it home, wrap it in black cloth. Can't get wet!
Hazel toyagi help when working with the North Wind. Highly strong amulet and the component for nauzes is a double hazel nut. This is especially true for twins, triplets and twins. He gives them luck and strength.
There are slanders for a double walnut, so that there is a lot of money. Here is one of them. To slander as soon as the young crescent of the moon appeared, 9 times and carry it with you. It is better to read near the hazel itself. Conspiracy: “As a nut splits, so my money will be found. Let where there was one money, there will be a second, and where there are two, there will be ten. So be it.”
This is not all the abilities of hazel. He treats infertility, and love potions interfere with his sprig, and heals from anemia, and protects from witchcraft, and heals love wounds. Pollen is collected in the spring in the bright sun, on the growing moon, it is mixed with honey. It acts as an aphrodisiac and a powerful biostimulant. Leaves on the young crescent of the moon in the morning dew. Nuts on a full moon in autumn.
I have an aspen cane, I use it to talk with spoiled people, I'll post a photo the other day. Aspen is connected with the Winds? If it's real, I've always felt it. I heard somewhere else that through aspen leaves you can get the gift of eloquence, it seems like with some kind of slander you need to put a leaf on the tongue. I also heard such a thing from a sorcerer that an aspen cane can paralyze a person (paralysis) if you hit it in the neck area.
Signs are cut out either as a talisman for themselves, which will perform the necessary functions, or they are cut into different things. For example, a rowan sign can be cut on a rowan staff. In pagan witches, it is most often mountain ash. The aspen sign on the aspen thresholds is cut, in baths, for everything related to purification. Well, something like that. They cut on the breed of the tree whose sign. Then they are covered with their own blood.
I went down and looked at the hazel for the cane, but I saw that I needed to cut "two horns" - it is more convenient to do this, of course, from a bifurcated hazel - Y-shape, but there is such a dilemma that the staff must be done from the bottom to the top and, in fact, this will not work . I thought about the roots, and it’s not clear with the roots, so I distort the whole forest before I find something suitable. My very old aspen cane:

Cane is awesome. About hazel. I don't quite understand what the cane means to you. This is not a staff, and not a toyaga. I understand correctly? Toyagi is made from a short branch, the size of a forearm, the top of it is where the tree is during growth. But the staves are always turned over. But staves need to be grown. It's in the ground. This can take up to 3-5 years. If you just cut the staff right away, then you can do it in half a year, only then it will be harder to educate him.
By the way, if the branch bends down, that is, shalygovaya, as on striped Christmas candies, then the staff does not need to be turned over. This is a shalygov staff. With him, the Magi went and sorcerers-warriors.

I don’t know the function of toyagi, I learned from you, and the Spirit showed what it should be, just showed what it should be in the end, it is waist-sized. It is just the same and should give the functions of vision, this is how the cane should look like: Addition about Aspen, that she takes away her strength when next to her there will be bindings to a person. Very often I use it in such a way as to weaken a person and drive up fear, then the rite falls more strongly. I do it as follows, I go up to the aspen, go around it, make an incision with a knife, put my nails and hair there, a piece of a person’s clothes, grease it with a fresh broken egg on top. "Aspen little sister, find (name), ruin (name), pull the juices from him, shake your soul, don't let (name) sleep, take everything, fill (name) with fear," - read 7 times.
I'm leaving. After that, after a week, you can conjure, witchcraft will go faster, since the person will be weakened. By the way, I wanted to say something very important, an incorrectly taken branch or part from an aspen can deprive you of sleep, there will be terrible insomnia from which it is not so easy to get rid of. Aspen elements can block very well or drink well, you can’t keep it next to you for a long time.
Aspen bark can be drunk by adding a spoonful to tea to prevent any latent current sores, it cleanses the body, calms, and makes it more balanced. Aspen bark contains a natural antibiotic. It is necessary to take the bark in the spring.
Tree of warriors, fire, Spring Equinox. This is due to the fact that alder protects. Protects warriors on the battlefield, the family from any encroachment, one person, if you like it. They made amulets for warriors from it. Just like that, you can’t tear its branches and bring them home - there will be a fire. Therefore, sorcerers sometimes do this, but with the words, they say, I’m not tearing you, but the rabina (name) is tearing with my hand, and they plant it in the enemy’s house.
The strength of the alder is stormy, eccentric. It excites our whole body and soul, so at the beginning it will not be very pleasant to communicate with her))). She takes off headache, spasms, normalizes vascular problems. But it is better not to linger for a long time, as there may be confusion and discomfort. She is a very wise tree, a storehouse of knowledge and strength, a lot can help to understand and learn. But she is very self-sufficient, so you can’t communicate with her on an equal footing, there must be a distance between you.
Alder falls asleep at midnight, wakes up with the third cocks instantly. The peak of strength and thirst for communication comes in the afternoon. You need to lean on it with an even spine, spread your arms in the form of a rune of the World (bird's foot). You can read the spell:
“Wake up, wake up, bow down to me. Bend over with your curly branches, with your rich leaves, with your earrings removed. Listen. Help. Protect. My word is strong."
From its wood, you can make a charm for people who are engaged in communication with people, contracts (because in ancient times contracts were sealed under alder), advertising, etc. To do this, a sign in the form of a bird's foot is cut on an alder plate. Dye it with the blood of the person who will carry it. Wrap in white cloth and wear in secret from everyone.
The alder has red juice, it is the blood of Yanarei. So it doesn’t make sense to cut and tear just like that, the Bes will punish. To him, she is sacred. Alder produces the best coal for forging swords and for burning herbs and resins as a sacrifice. Its wood is very resinous, does not rot, and watermills and bridges were built from it. This also reflects the agreement between Aspid and Yanarei.
Best of all, alder listens to women, especially older ones, those who are at the head of families. Since she vehemently stands up for families and everything connected with it. It also gives wisdom in matters of infidelity and problems with husbands and wives. A husband who is going somewhere for a long time can secretly sew alder cones into the seams so that there will be no betrayals. Only in these matters will help earrings, collected exclusively with their own hands.
As gifts, the alder accepts red drinks, jelly. There is also gray alder, here it is strong on the full moon, it helps pregnant women, fortune-tellers, drives people crazy, etc. And everything that was written above refers more to sticky or black alder.

For witchcraft, earrings are collected in the spring on the new moon, and for treatment, the autumn of late fertility, immediately after full moon. Toyagi is cut from it when the sun is in the lion, in the second lunar quarter. To work with the bishop of all Fiery Demons, with Fire. Previously, they cut for Horse. There are many conspiracies on alder: from slander, for the longevity of the elderly, for prosperity in the house, for honoring the elders, from the betrayal of the husband, from the evil eye of the family.
Here is an example of a conspiracy from the evil eye of the family. In early spring, as the earrings appear, come to your tree, hug and whisper three times: “The alder is handsome, the alder is curly, it grew in an open field, in a wide expanse. Everyone went, envied her, everyone went, teased her, slandered her. And she was not afraid of either people's rumors, or evil slander, or someone else's slander, or wind-bad weather, and so in all her years. So my family, chain-links (name), would not be afraid of the evil eye, or damage, or any other illness. The storms of life would not shake her, would not break her worldly burdens. My word is strong."
Pinch off an alder branch with earrings and hide at home near front door.
Alder is quite difficult to approach. I also heard the following, that something like a pipe is cut from alder, and you can do a lot with it.
They work with Fire, just like that. In pagan times they worked with Horse. According to my tradition, this is earthly fire. Horse warms the house (in the oven), so everything related to the family and the hearth also applies to alder. I know about the pipe that they cut out with several holes, and that you need to remove the bark with the help of willow branch. She, like a whistle, should turn out. When you remove the bark, you need to read the plot. Just what, I don't know. But, it seems, it does not control fire, but winds and something else.
Semargl is the Fire of the Family. Blood. In my opinion, again, Semargl flew to Diva-Earth Mother with his wives-shores. There were seven of them. They became the progenitors of all people. After his death, he became God Rod, in another way - the Prophetic Raven, the shepherd of human souls. It is not true that Rod is the supreme god, Rod appeared when people appeared, as such, on Earth.
As for fire, technically yes. Lightning is Heavenly Fire. Although I met other opinions that Heavenly Fire is shooting stars, since they have great power that can fulfill our desires, because a shooting star is followed by a channel that breaks through protective layer earth. And lightning, they say, is the Middle Fire. But, I do not look that far, so for me, lightning is a manifestation of Heavenly Fire.
Seven wives of dragons. According to the same scheme, the yasuras are built. I also perceive that there is earthly fire, there is heavenly fire and the fire of the Family - that is, the highest fire. By the way, it’s good that I mentioned meteorites, you can also do a lot of things with them and conjure the weather and a lot of other things, it will be necessary to describe somehow.
As for the pipe: you can call fires with it, scare away the beast "like they are afraid of fire", I even heard this (this is from Chernobog), that it seems that they somehow blow into it especially and the sorcerer in front of those around him a short time appears in a terrifying form, it's like intimidation. But its main purpose is to convene Demons for help.
Warrior tree. Doesn't go to sleep for the winter. Its properties are ambiguous: in summer it takes more power to give it to the Earth, and in winter it gives more. It is best to turn to spruce from the winter solstice to the spring equinox. But, even taking away strength, she does it gently, without pressure, and will not take more than she can take from us.
Spruce loves silence and tranquility, so the approach to it should be especially gentle. * Depends on the weather a lot. The fir cone is a symbol of the fire of life, the beginning of health restoration. You do not need to plant a lot of spruce trees near your house, because a few trees can be oppressive. Spruce forest grows in front of the Kalinov Bridge, there is a hut of Baba Yaga.
Despite such properties, spruce needles are very swift in their force orientation. It is very well used by witches. Especially in harmful sorcery. Spruce needles can separate lovers, with spruce paws they pave the road of Death to the threshold of the victim, or the road of the enemy from home to graveyard. It is known that spruce paws are thrown in front of the coffin of the deceased so that he does not return. Such branches are picked up and used to curse an annoying person and drive him away from his home. It is not recommended to build a house from spruce, because coffins were mainly knocked together from it. It is good to make coffins for volts from it. It came from the fact that peoples living close to spruce forests buried the dead under spruce trees. Especially mortgaged dead or criminals (live). They found an inverted or lopsided spruce tree (its roots diverge on the surface of the earth with the sun, and a void forms under them), or they themselves twisted a little out of the ground, laid the dead or alive in the void, cut down the trunk (sometimes not) and put the tree in place. In the same way, hunters and forest dwellers arranged caches and treasuries.
When seeing off the deceased or to get rid of a person, spruce broom they swept the house to the threshold, left the rubbish outside the threshold, and put the broom itself on the threshold for the night. Early in the morning, the broom was burned away from home (not with bare hands). It is also useful to fumigate the house with spruce resin - this repels pain and misfortune.

It is good to communicate with spruce, especially in winter time to gain strength and improve health, but you can also in the summer, if you know the approach. Her energy is warm. To do this, choose a spruce about 10 meters high, no less. *To just chat or get some strength, it is not necessary to come close to the trunk. But for full communication, you need to settle down between its roots with your back to the trunk, raise your hands and hug the trunk. It will be good to sprinkle the legs with needles (fallen) or snow. Conspiracy with this:
"On the west side in the thicket of the forest, El-Mother stands, does not sway, digs its roots into the ground. Under its roots lies a power that is immeasurable, unseen, heard. Do not crush, do not overcome it neither people, nor winds, nor high rocks. Share with me, El-Mother, a power, put it in my body, in my arms and legs, in my every bone, in my every vein, in my red blood, in my zealous heart, and leave it there for my whole life . My word is strong!
It will be good to chew a little needles from spruce and swallow.
The tree is really strong. * It was considered a symbol of the family tree, along it the spirits of the dead flew up to Iriy and could not return back, because the paws spruce along the road when the deceased was carried out.

The tree in itself collects all the forces of nature that help man. If you have any trouble, you can safely turn to the tree for help, be sure to get it. To do this, you need to choose a tree, come close to it, press your cheek against the trunk, hug it with both hands and say:

On Mount Zion, on Mount Tabor, there stood a cypress tree, that tree was cut down, a cross was put up, Christ was crucified. Tree of God, Life-Giving Cross, help me, come on, defend me from storms and adversity. Amen.

Say this and stand for two or three minutes, clinging to the tree. Then hug him one last time and go your own way. Bad thoughts subside, the anxiety will pass, hope will appear, and after it there will soon be a way out of the situation.

Any tree can help anyone. Do not listen to those who say that trees are good and evil, some strive to suck energy from a person, while others, on the contrary, support him. These are all idle notions, so that life does not seem insipid. Another thing is that it would be nice to have your own tree, which would take care of the constant care of your home. So that there was prosperity in the house and no misfortunes were terrible for him. Of course, it is logical that this be a tree growing near your house.

So let's figure it out. Is there a tree near your door? If it grows, but you did not plant it, do a ritual to domesticate the tree. It is made in the spring - in April-May. To do this, you need to tie the three lower branches of the tree with charmed blue satin ribbons.

On the ribbons they say the following words:

Tree, tree, you stood, tree, not well-groomed, not groomed, not dressed up, not equipped. From now on, I call you mine, dress you up, equip you, court you. As I take care of you, so you take care of my house, evil people drive away, let the good ones, who come with dashing, if their eyes, whip them with branches. You are my tree, I am your master. Amen. Amen. Amen.

When you sit down to drink tea in the evening, pour a cup of unsweetened tea and pour it under the tree, saying:

Help yourself, little tree, drink for health, for growth, for staying.

And when you go from home or to the house, both you and your family, smile at the tree, touch it, say “hello” or “good night” to it affectionately. This is where it will become yours. And then there will be less quarrels and swearing in the house because of nonsense, and the house will become warmer.

And after a month it will be possible to carry out a ritual so that the tree begins to attract money to your house. You will need a glass of ordinary water, seven yellow coins and wax of one church candle. Throw coins into a glass of water, let wax drip from a lit candle there. Throw out the contents of the glass under the tree, lean against its trunk with your back and say:

I pour water, I throw wax, I plant money. You, a tree, grew out of a small seed, the seed fell into the ground, hatched, broke through as a sprout, reached for the sun, poured juices, removed the leaves, blossomed with flowers, became heavy with fruit. So my money would have hatched, made its way, stretched in growth, poured profit, removed gold and silver, flourished with goodness, turned into bread and salt. As long as the root is in the ground, the money is in the treasury, the treasury is in the bag, the bread is on the table, and I myself, the young servant of God (name), in gold and silver. Amen. Amen. Amen.

For twenty-one days you must not eat meat, fast, and water the tree every morning, even before you wash yourself, do not miss a single day, otherwise the tree will not help. After that, twenty-one days you can eat everything, and water the tree every evening, immediately before going to bed. After that, the conspiracy will work, and wealth will come to your house.


A money tree or a fat woman can be found in almost any home.

After all, people have long believed that this plant with rounded leaves attracts money to the house.

But if it just stands on the windowsill, there will be no sense.

You need to take some action on it.

Namely, proven and very strong and effective conspiracies on the Money Tree, which will help pave the way for money in your home.


1. Buy 7 candles in the church. Pour water into a glass to water the tree. Count 7 coins one penny each.

2. Exactly at midnight, close yourself in the room and light the candles so that a vicious circle is formed. Inside the circle should be a money tree.

3. Gradually pouring water on it, say 7 times in a row from the sheet written magical conspiracy for money: I put coins in the black earth, I silently steal money from a tree. Let it bloom in my house, It will bring a lot of wealth with it. I drive away the lack of money rock, It will no longer set foot on the threshold. Amen! Amen! Amen!

After each reading, bury one coin in a tree pot. When the candles burn out, wrap their remains in a sheet with a conspiracy and bury them in the ground where a person’s foot does not set foot. It is believed that candles will absorb the energy of poverty nestling in your home.


You will need seven coins worth 10 rubles. This conspiracy is made to attract finance at exactly midnight in a room where you will be alone with the money tree. Consistently and evenly stick coins into the ground, reading a strong magical plot written on a piece of paper:

Let the tree grow in the house
It will bring me a lot of money.

I'll hide a coin in a damp earth,
Husband (wife) will bring a big salary.

Rich people will give bounties
I don't care about money anymore.

May it be so! Done three times!
Key locked! Amen! Amen! Amen!

When all the coins are in the ground, continue to take care of the money tree, not forgetting to water it.

The 7 coin plot should bring the first results in a few weeks.


1. Light seven candles.

2. Place a money tree nearby.

3. Slightly moving your lips, almost inaudibly read the incantation lines:

A tree is a tree, you are famous for money. Let there always be money in my house, and you grow, distribute wealth. Amen!

Best of all, money tree conspiracies work if you plant and grow it with your own hands.

You need to plant a fat woman in a green or black ceramic pot purchased on the growing moon.

Next Wednesday, put 8 coins of the same denomination on the bottom of the vessel, turning them upside down. Plant a money tree, stroking the trunk, with the following words:

“You grow, and I flourish in wealth. This is my will. May it be so!"

Place a pot with a money tree in the southeast side of the house - the sector of wealth, making sure that cleanliness and order always reigned around the plant.

Every time you water a fat woman, say this conspiracy (mages advise watering a flower only on Wednesdays).

Every time you water a plant, you should imagine how as the green tree grows, personal financial well-being also grows.

You can decorate the money tree with special pendants by hanging them on red threads. You can buy such pendants here. It is very important to believe in what you are doing, and then all your wishes will come true. Without faith, any, even the rarest and most powerful conspiracy, will be powerless, like any goal that you persistently strive for.

Read also.


The tree in itself collects all the forces of nature that help man. If you have any trouble, you can safely turn to the tree for help, be sure to get it. To do this, you need to choose a tree, come close to it, press your cheek against the trunk, hug it with both hands and say: “Tree-tree, wise serpent, help me, the servant of God (name), in grief-adversity, in misfortune-bad weather, in fierce anguish, in unshod poverty.” Say this and stand for two or three minutes, clinging to the tree. Then hug him one last time and go your own way. Bad thoughts will subside, anxiety will pass, hope will appear, and after it there will soon be a way out of the situation.

Any tree can help anyone. Do not listen to those who say that trees are good and evil, some strive to suck energy from a person, while others, on the contrary, support him. These are all idle notions, so that life does not seem insipid. Another thing is that it would be nice to have your own tree, which would take care of the constant care of your home. So that there was prosperity in the house and no misfortunes were terrible for him. Of course, it is logical that this be a tree growing near your house.

So let's figure it out. Is there a tree near your door? If it grows, but you did not plant it, do a ritual to domesticate the tree. It is made in the spring - in April-May. To do this, you need to tie the three lower branches of the tree with charmed blue satin ribbons.

On the ribbons they say the following words:

A ribbon is woven around a branch,

A ribbon will wrap around a branch,

To make a branch our friend,

From evil weapons.

And the tree became ours,

So that our house is a full bowl,

So that we do not quarrel, do not worry,

They didn’t get sick, they didn’t dog,

They didn’t butt, they didn’t balk.

If the enemy comes to us,

Turn from the gate.

Key, tongue, lock.


When you sit down to drink tea in the evening, pour a cup of unsweetened tea and pour it under the tree, saying: “Drink, father, drink, mother, a wooden tree, our friend”.

And when you go from home or to the house, both you and your family smile at the tree, touch it, say to it affectionately “hello” or “good night”. This is where it will become yours. And then there will be less quarrels and swearing in the house because of nonsense, and the house will become warmer.

And after a month it will be possible to carry out a ritual so that the tree begins to attract money to your house. You will need a glass of ordinary water, seven yellow coins and one church candle wax. Throw coins into a glass of water, let wax drip from a lit candle there. Throw out the contents of the glass under the tree, lean against its trunk with your back and say:

There is a tree (name the tree) under the window,

It stands, does not move, does not move,

Neither right nor left

Worth it alone

Yes, he counts his years.

It was you, the tree (name the tree), nobody's

And you, the tree, became mine.

We will love you

Yes, appreciate, yes water,

Together we do not know grief.

Do not know fierce poverty

Do not know the money account.

Tree, help

Rescue us in everything.

And whoever says otherwise - that eye out.

Key. Lock. Language.


For twenty-one days you must not eat meat, fast, and water the tree every morning, even before you wash yourself, do not miss a single day, otherwise the tree will not help. After that, twenty-one days you can eat everything, and water the tree every evening, immediately before going to bed. After that, the conspiracy will work and wealth will come to your house.


Find a young aspen in leaves, tie its trunk with a green ribbon, say:

How do I, the servant of God (name), know your secret life,

So would you, a servant of God, pour chervonets into my hem.

Wait, wait, eat the stars from the sky.

Here are the cross.


On the last words, fold the index and middle fingers on the right and left hands with crosses.
