Warning signs: when to take antidepressants. Weekend depression: what it is and how to deal with weekend depression

Has it ever happened to you that here it is, the long-awaited day off, and you are overcome by some kind of melancholy, uncertainty, thoughts about your place in life and the meaning of life? Not all people are subject to weekend neurosis, but for some, the weekend turns into torture. Why is this happening? Let's figure it out.

The term "weekend neurosis" (Sunday, weekend depression) was introduced in the 20th century by the Austrian psychiatrist and psychologist Viktor Frankl. Weekend neurosis is an alarming condition that occurs at the moment of termination of the usual main (usually labor). This condition appears at the end of the working day, at the end of the week, during sick leave or vacation, on long holidays (New Year, May days). This is an existential problem.

Not all people suffer during the weekend. But some especially active participants in society are subjected to reflections on the meaning of life, the value of themselves and work, etc. That is, for them, the day off is a time for analysis and rethinking.


Weekend neurosis is a dangerous condition. It is fraught with complications such as, and, suicide. Other consequences include irrational models of getting out of the situation: drinking alcohol on the weekend, watching TV shows, eating food, etc. As a result, the day passed - fatigue remained, as did inner emptiness.

There is no single point of view as to how pathological the desire to constantly work. Some psychologists argue that some people really need to be constantly active. Others are of the opinion that this is a pathological inability to relax and rest, dangerous with psycho-emotional and physical exhaustion.

In other words, people who are accustomed to neurotic fuss do not know how to live differently. They have a specific concept of comfort. However, everyone knows the expression “movement is life”, so I think this is a matter of individual and personal characteristics.


Weekend neurosis has two main characteristics:

  • and, turning into a panic, a sense of danger;
  • depression, boredom, a feeling of inner devastation in moments of inactivity or solitude.

Some people think they forgot to do something or feel an inner sense of tension and the need to run somewhere. This includes dizziness and headache, sleep disturbances (including insomnia), lethargy, apathy, muscle pain and clamps, colds or other illnesses.

In an attempt to kill time and disguise loneliness, people:

  • recruit work at home;
  • go shopping in search of something (they don't know what);
  • start repairs, which, in general, are not needed;
  • go to cafes, bars, clubs, call friends, go to visit, etc.

In general, a person tries to do everything not to sit quietly at home.

Who is prone to weekend neurosis

Why, for some people, a day off is a long-awaited joy, and for others - torment? It's all about. Weekend neurosis is experienced by those people who cannot be alone with themselves and their lives. Such people load themselves with business as much as possible, come up with tasks and entertainment, but if one day they find themselves alone, outside the turmoil that masks the inner emptiness, they will experience a state similar to depression. Thus, awareness of the meaninglessness of life and one's own inner emptiness is the cause of the weekend neurosis.

There is a second category of people prone to weekend neurosis: businessmen and careerists, that is, those people for whom a forced day off is a stagnation in development. Some people work "from call to call", perceiving the weekend as a gift. Other people are constantly evolving. It is noted that people with higher education are more prone to neurosis, who regularly improve their competencies, invest a lot of effort, time, energy, and money in themselves and their lives.

However, sometimes phrases about the desire to develop and grow as much as possible are a manifestation of rationalization, that is. Sudden business trip? Fine! Go out on a day off? Certainly! This really contributes to professional growth, a career, but the question is how good it is for health and. If workaholism and other excessive activity is a disguise of some kind of unsatisfied, attempts to compensate for something, then this will not work for a long time.

However, those who “rewind” the deadline at work are also prone to weekend neurosis, especially on Sunday evening. In this case, it is caused by a negative attitude towards work. If a person spent the weekend for his own pleasure, and in the evening he realized that tomorrow he would again go to an unloved job, to “survive” for another week, then neurosis will not keep you waiting.

Thus, weekend neurosis is subject to:

  • people for whom work is;
  • people who do not see the point in their work and are not satisfied with it;
  • workaholics, people who do not know how to relax (not able to relax).


In psychology, there is an opinion that weekend neurosis occurs in those people who are afraid to see something in their lives, have some problems. During the daily hustle and bustle, there is no time for this, and in moments of solitude, all problems are evident:

  • dissatisfaction with oneself and work;
  • crises;
  • unpleasant emotions and feelings, including old ones that have accumulated over the years (resentment, disappointment);
  • inability to self-organize and plan one's own life;
  • fears, etc.

And even through everyday worries, notes of longing can flicker. Why? Because I'm tired. Everything is the same: grocery shopping, cleaning, long-deferred household chores. And so week after week - a wheel for a squirrel. With such awareness, as a rule, an existential crisis begins. And if loneliness is still on the face, then neurosis absorbs a person with his head.

There are two more popular reasons:

  • Orientation to, requirements and someone's needs ("I have to", "it's customary", "everyone does it"), the lack of one's own internal orientations of the personality is the main cause of weekend neurosis. Man does not know what he wants. The presence of perfectionism and increased responsibility worsens the situation. Often a person feels for spending time on himself or sees it as a missed opportunity (a matter of priorities).
  • Sometimes anxiety before the weekend is a reaction to a pre-losing weekend, that is, a person knows that he will have to do what he does not want to do. For example, go to a formal meeting with relatives. I think everyone knows firsthand how burdensome the approaching unwanted event is. Until it passes, it is very difficult to maintain a positive attitude. Thus, neurosis is experienced by people who know what they would like to do on the weekend, but for some reason cannot. Or is it still possible to cancel an unwanted meeting?

What to do

One might suggest filling your free time with a new hobby, self-development training, or something else, but Viktor Frankl called it a neurotic escape, not a solution to the problem. The solution to the problem is a revision of priorities and, arranging them in such a way that work is not the only thing that fills life.

The work sphere is not the only aspect of life; workaholism probably hides problems in some other area, for example, the inability to build close relationships or the mismatch of the self-concept of the individual. Among the main aspects of human life can be identified psychological, physical, social and professional. For a harmonious life, it is important that all of them are combined with each other and do not conflict with the inner "I".

Actually, the inability to relax is a symptom of many psychological problems. You can cope with the mismatch of spheres of life or inner “I” only with the help of a psychoanalyst, but you can try to describe on your own what exactly you are experiencing, what you are afraid of, what you want. It is also useful to master and relax.


Free time is the realm of the embodiment of our desires and our needs, and not someone else's. Discomfort in their free time is experienced by people who do not know their own desires. They are accustomed to act in someone's interests, to fulfill duties.

You woke up on Sunday morning and, it would seem, you should feel joy and peace because you don’t have to go anywhere today. But instead, you feel tension, your nerves are on edge. Familiar state? About 65% of people around the world feel the same at least once a month. On Sunday morning they are dissatisfied with the fact that tomorrow they will have to go to work, this necessity depresses and spoils the mood for almost the whole day. Hence the weekend depression.

Bad mood turns into malaise.

But this is only half the trouble. Pathological fear of the inevitability of Monday turns into physical symptoms: heart rate quickens, breathing accelerates, sweating increases, headache begins, diarrhea is possible. Nervousness, irritability and restlessness increase. Against the background of such a picture, many people experience insomnia, some fall asleep quite easily, but wake up several times in the middle of the night, remembering that tomorrow they need to perform routine tasks - this happens to schoolchildren or students on the night before the exam.

What to do and how to get rid of weekend depression. Instructions for action.

This problem must be dealt with. Start doing this on Friday, from the moment when you are still at work, but have already started to go home. Open the calendar of your tasks for next week and feel the pleasure with which you will complete them, starting from Monday. Mentally prioritize all tasks, think about how important their implementation is. If there are any papers, arrange them according to the principle “from simple to complex”. Before leaving, take a look around your workplace and smile, rejoicing in the realization of your own importance.

If all this does not help much, isn't it time to quit your unloved job, since it causes you so much grief? Find something more suitable.

When you get home, think about what you'll be doing this weekend. Go out of town, enjoy watching your favorite movies and reading fiction at home? Maybe visit your parents? Find pleasure in everything, relax not only physically, but also morally. To do this, choose a time to be in silence. Meditation is a great way to take your mind off worries and worries.

If you have some business planned for the weekend, rest more often in between. If you do not have time to complete them all - do not worry. When you are busy doing various things and there is no time for yourself, discontent and fear of Monday come. So learn to be a happy person.

In the West, as you know, antidepressants are widely distributed. After the release of the film of the same name, even such a definition appeared - "the Prozac generation" (this is the name of one of the popular antidepressants - Sputnik).

Belarusians are wary of these drugs. Sputnik correspondent Valeria Berekchiyan spoke with specialists from the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health and found out whether it is worth being afraid of antidepressants, who should take them and when, and how not to blink and think of depression.

Last year, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared depression to be the leading cause of disability worldwide, with more than 300 million people estimated to suffer from it.

Symptoms of depression and why Belarusians (not) find it in themselves

Depression is a state of persistently bad mood (at least two weeks), which may be accompanied by apathy, low activity, inability to enjoy or be interested in something. Often, people who are faced with it find it difficult to concentrate and start a new business, their sleep and appetite are worsened, their sexual desire and self-esteem are reduced, and there is a feeling of guilt.

Self-diagnosis of depression is not uncommon. According to Irina Khvostova, Deputy Director for Medical Affairs of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health, there are several reasons.

First, it is indeed common: the lifetime risk of depression is up to 12% in men and up to 30% in women. Secondly, modern people have access to information on this topic, including professional information.

It also happens vice versa: often patients do not notice their illness; then the appeal to the doctor should be initiated by people close to them. With depression of mild and moderate severity, they often turn to a psychotherapist, but this practice is not very popular among Belarusians, experts say.

“Sometimes they don’t go to the doctor because of the “masked” course of depression. Typical symptoms may appear slightly or be absent altogether, sometimes the symptoms of a bodily illness come to the fore - pain in the heart, a feeling of lack of air, uncomfortable / painful sensations from the digestive tract or functional disorders of the intestine. People turn to different specialists, undergo numerous examinations. And only when the treatment does not give the desired result, they are referred to a specialist in the field of mental health," said Lyubov Karnitskaya, Deputy Director for Medical Affairs of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health.

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In some cases, hospital treatment is required. In the aforementioned RSPC, specialized departments have been created for such patients: various specialists experienced in the field of neurotic disorders work with them, and research is carried out to solve the problem in a comprehensive manner.

"There is no need to be afraid of antidepressants, but you do not need to drink without a reason"

Antidepressants are taken so that the symptoms of depression subside or disappear altogether, and the patient who has suffered from it again feels a sense of well-being. In other words, their task is to return a person to normal life. According to Irina Khvostova, one should definitely not be afraid of antidepressants.

"Modern antidepressants are quite safe; they do not cause addiction. But it must be remembered that antidepressants are not sweets, and they have contraindications and side effects. Only a doctor can correctly correlate the expected benefits of prescribing a drug and the possible negative consequences of taking it," - says the expert.

But you don’t need to accept them for an insignificant reason either: according to Lyubov Karnitskaya, sometimes people get by with psychological help even in cases of severe oppression.

"One of our patients - a young woman - suffered the death of a loved one, and soon - an operation in connection with a suspected malignant tumor; after discharge, she received a disability certificate due to a long rehabilitation. Mood and physical activity decreased, thoughts of imminent death appeared, pessimism in relation to life and people, a depressed state, the desire to hide and not communicate with anyone, "Karnitskaya recalled.

While waiting for the results of the biopsy, the woman worked herself up, set herself up for the worst outcome, felt more and more depressed, and then withdrew. In the end, my sister insisted: we need to go to a psychotherapist.

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“A psycho-correctional conversation was held, and when the woman received results about the good quality of education and a favorable prognosis, her mental state improved quite quickly and the appointment of an antidepressant was not required,” the doctor said.

Side effects of antidepressants, according to Irina Khvostova, are rare. However, it is worth knowing that among them are restlessness, increased anxiety or, conversely, excessive calmness, sleep disturbance, nausea; and in some cases, weight gain and sexual dysfunction. The opinion that antidepressants reduce performance is a myth, she said.

“Apathy and decreased activity are symptoms of depression; a person taking an antidepressant may at some point mistakenly conclude that his decrease in performance is a consequence of taking the antidepressant,” the doctor said.

Sometimes, in order to return to normal life, the patient only needs to find and eradicate the "source of troubles" - that which provokes negative thoughts and bad mood.

“A young woman came with complaints of low mood for several months, anxiety, uncertainty about the future, lack of pleasure from her favorite work. From a conversation with a specialist, it became known about a chronic psycho-traumatic situation in the family - baseless jealousy of a partner, constant conflicts,” shared Lyubov Karnitskaya.

The patient had to part with the man. And after a course of psychotherapy, her condition improved even without the appointment of antidepressants.

Who needs to take antidepressants and can I start taking it myself?

Khvostova categorically does not recommend starting the reception on her own.

“This is not the case when the positive feedback from a neighbor or a friend from social networks can serve as a reason for taking the medicine. Professional knowledge and experience are needed to choose the right antidepressant,” she shared.

In addition, these pills do not work instantly: their effect is noticeable only in the third or fourth week of routine use in the correct dosage, which can also be selected only by a doctor.

Saving yourself with antidepressants is advised in several cases. When psychotherapy does not help, and the symptoms of depression (for example, impaired appetite and sleep) are so pronounced that they simply do not allow a person to lead a normal life.

“They are also prescribed if a person has already struggled with such a problem with the help of antidepressants and in cases where there is a high risk of committing suicide,” Khvostova explained.

Another case from practice - a 55-year-old woman survived her husband's betrayal. The mood dropped, the patient stopped taking care of herself, lay in bed and was completely uninterested in others, her appetite disappeared. She lost a lot of weight.

“I began to express thoughts about my unwillingness to live. I categorically refused to consult a doctor (formally agreed to meet with him after lengthy persuasion by the children). The severity of symptoms of depression and the presence of suicidal thoughts required the appointment of an antidepressant,” said Karnitskaya.

Why is the use of antidepressants so common in the West? Often heard that their reception has become almost the norm, even with overwork.

“Most likely, this is an erroneous impression: after all, people can simply mention that they are taking these drugs without going into the true reasons for the treatment (only the doctor knows the depth of the problem). Do not forget that in Western culture it is customary not to “cry in a vest”, but look successful and prosperous, even experiencing depression. However, antidepressants around the world are prescribed only if there is a medical indication for this, "said the specialist.

Antidepressants are sold in Belarus only by prescription. With proper use, their effectiveness is undeniable, but their use can have side effects, and sometimes quite pronounced. Therefore, their use is possible in our country only under the supervision of a physician. But getting to him is not so difficult - just make an appointment with a psychotherapist at your place of residence or contact a psychological help service.

In this case, two different mental conditions are described, which can even be called diseases. The first is seasonal emotional disorder (SAD, from the English. SAD -seasonal affective disorder), caused by a lack of sunlight. It affects 10% of the inhabitants of the temperate latitudes of the globe. The second is holiday depression, it is also weekend depression (holidays depression), its causes are loneliness, unfulfilled hopes. SRS causes symptoms ranging from simple sadness to severe depression with sleep disturbances, increased anxiety, unexplained mood swings, overeating, loss of libido, and even lethargy. There is even evidence that SR is transmitted as a contagious disease.

Depression: what happens under the crust

The nature of this ailment is not fully explained, but it is believed that it is associated with a biochemical imbalance in the hypothalamus (hypothalamus) - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brain responsible for mood, appetite and sleep. Scientists believe that seasonal emotional distress is caused by a lack of sunlight. The light-sensitive pineal gland, located in the cerebral cortex, receives light energy through the optic nerve and produces the hormone melatonin, which affects the internal biological rhythm and plays a significant role in coordinating the work of the endocrine glands. The less light that enters the pineal gland, the more melatonin it produces. And he, in turn, suppresses the rate of biochemical reactions, lowers body temperature - a person tends to sleep, lethargy and fatigue pile on.

The hormone serotonin, produced by the cerebral cortex, also affects the emotional state of a person and is responsible for the self-preservation instinct inherent in all living beings. Lowering its level provokes fears. That is why in the dark a person is overwhelmed by anxiety and a sense of insecurity. An excessive level of serotonin leads to overexcitation, aggressiveness. Serotonin is also responsible for the feeling of hunger. People with SAD are particularly sensitive to the seasonal drop in serotonin levels.

Seasonal Emotional Disorder: Just Turn on the Lights!

Ways to prevent SAD are simple. First of all, light the room as much as possible. Try to get enough daylight into your room, and turn on all the lamps in the evenings. A daily one-hour walk during the day helps to overcome the problem.

Some doctors advise people suffering from SAD to go to the solarium. But this does not help many, and they are prescribed antidepressants. An effective treatment for 90% is light therapy: a special device (laser, light emitting diodes, fluorescent lamp) delivers a charge of bright light with waves of a certain length.

Experts believe that the procedure changes the biochemical balance of the brain, increasing the level of serotonin and reducing the production of melatonin. Some fitness centers have special light booths, each of which is four times brighter than conventional sources.

Communication with optimists and thoughts that summer and the sun are just around the corner help to overcome the SIR very effectively!

Weekend depression

Not so with weekend sickness or holiday depression. Studies have shown that about 3% of people experience weakness, muscle pain, nausea, and even cold symptoms on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Most explained their condition by stress arising from the difficulty of psychologically switching to rest. At the same time, the more responsible and stressful the work was, the harder a person endures the weekend.

Relaxation is difficult and even stressful. Rest for many becomes a problem due to the need to “re-establish” relationships with loved ones. The immune system cannot always cope with such loads. Holiday depression - stress from expectations, the need to buy gifts, spend money, remember those who are no longer with us, take stock, alas, not always comforting, etc. It is possible that the true cause of holiday depression is our attitude towards the holiday. We are waiting for miracles, fulfillment of desires, changes for the better, but dreams do not come true, bitter disappointment comes, which does not leave us for some time.

The easiest way to combat holiday depression is to load yourself up with work or play, depending on your personal preferences and life's necessities. Time will fly by quickly, the holidays will pass, you will again go to work - life will flow along the usual course. But know: on the next holiday or weekend, sadness will come again.

The second way to overcome holiday depression is more difficult: take a piece of paper and write down on it what you expected from the last holiday. It could be a holiday or just a weekend. Then mark those of them that have come true. Having found unfulfilled desires, make a plan on how to fulfill them, without linking them with dates, and start acting.

It is a fact

If you don’t have either seasonal emotional disorder or holiday depression, don’t rush to rejoice. Perhaps you are prone to weekday syndrome, which affects half the world's population. It is characterized by the inability to quickly move from a festive mood to solving everyday problems and can develop into a serious psychological illness. It is harder for men to adapt to gray everyday life. Instead of plunging into the maelstrom of everyday life, they fall into melancholy.
