Beautiful do-it-yourself ceiling lamps. Do-it-yourself chandelier shades: interesting ideas and how to make them

Sooner or later, the moment comes when the homeowner is firmly convinced that the interior of his apartment needs to be adjusted and certain changes will be made to diversify it and place the necessary accents. What, in your opinion, is the most successful interior detail in terms of decorative and functional indicators? Undoubtedly, these are original lighting fixtures. You can do this by organizing proper lighting room, setting the tone for the entire interior, an integral element of which are shades for lighting fixtures. It is they, being the central element of the interior, that give the room originality, and the lighting - unusual. If you have not carried out repairs in the room for a long time and have not planned the budget, including the cost of lighting fixtures, you can make ceiling lamps for the chandelier yourself. To do this, it is enough to develop the concept of the interior, choose the design of the lamp and make it with your own hands from improvised materials. And so that you can carry out your plans as efficiently as possible, in our article we will tell you how to make a ceiling lamp for a chandelier with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself chandelier shades: a variety of ideas and materials

At all times, things made by one's own hands were valued. They will become not only an original interior decoration, but also the best souvenir for your friends, acquaintances and relatives. What will be required to create a lamp? The basis of any handmade product is an original idea. If you have already decided on the concept of a future product, it is enough for you to make an original frame for a chandelier and stock up on improvised materials, using which you can realize your ideas. Fortunately, there are enough such materials. As a decor for a future exclusive product, you can use the most unexpected materials:

  • woolen threads;
  • wire;
  • Balloons;
  • lace;
  • molds for cupcakes;
  • paper;
  • wine bottles;
  • glass jars and many other improvised materials.

If you encounter difficulties when choosing fixtures, you cannot choose a chandelier shade that matches the style of the interior, or you have found the model you need, but its cost exceeds the cost of a crystal chandelier, we offer you a selection of step-by-step instructions for making designer lamps. As you can see, there are enough original ideas, and if you wondered: “How to update the ceiling lamps on the chandelier with your own hands?”, We advise you to adopt the ideas proposed by our experts.

Plafond for a chandelier made of wine bottles

To start implementing some ideas, only desire is enough. A person who has firmly decided to implement his plan, without fear, crosses the boundaries of the unknown and successfully implements his plan. If you have no experience in building a frame for lighting fixtures, but you really want to do it yourself, you will need a sufficient amount of information, which you can find in our article. Below you will find step-by-step instructions for creating designer chandelier shades that were made by ordinary people who previously had no idea how to make them from improvised, at first glance, unnecessary materials.

So, let's look at how to make a ceiling lamp for a chandelier from wine bottles.

  • The first step involves trimming the bottom of the bottle. To do this, you need to draw a straight line on the bottle. It will be required in order to cut off the bottom of the bottle using a glass cutter;
  • In order not to subsequently injure your hands with cut glass, grind the sharp edges with sandpaper;
  • Pull the wire through the neck of the bottle. After it is inside, connect the cartridge and lamp;
  • Choose a base for mounting and connect the bottles to the selected frame;
  • You can decorate the bottle with various materials or leave it in its original form;
  • The number of bottles taken for a chandelier is variable and can range from one to five to seven or more bottles.

Do-it-yourself ceiling lamp for a chandelier made of threads and balloons

The simplest lamp can be made from threads. The instructions for making such a lamp are so simple that even a child can handle it.

  • Threads. It can be ordinary jute twine or thick cotton threads, the total length of which is no more than 100 meters. Color selection is carried out taking into account your taste preferences and the color concept of the interior;
  • PVA glue and a brush, using which you will apply it;
  • 2 balloons. You will need one of them for work, and the second for testing. It is recommended to use a round ball, which will provide correct form lamp;
  • Petrolatum.

To make a lamp from threads, follow the step-by-step instructions below:

  • The balloon is inflated to the correct size. It is important to remember that the finished thread lampshade will repeat the shape of the ball. Using a marker, draw one or two circles (top and bottom). In this case, the circumference below can be larger. They are necessary in order to delimit the area of ​​​​winding threads;
  • PVA glue is poured into a container and the threads are carefully processed. Using a brush, coat the ball with Vaseline.

Important! Do not apply glue along the entire length of the thread. Lubrication is best done as it is wound.

  • Taking into account the holes obtained after you drew two circles on the ball, wind the threads. Please note that the density of winding depends appearance your future lampshade;
  • After you have wrapped the ball, leave the future chandelier for at least 24 hours until completely dry;
  • After the ceiling of the threads has dried, the ball bursts, and its remains are removed from the lampshade that has become durable. The result of this work is a lampshade made of solid threads;
  • A hole is cut in the upper part of the ball for the cartridge;
  • Finally, check the strength of the lampshade. To do this, insert another ball into it and inflate it. With this technique, you can appreciate the flexibility of the design.

Having made several lamps in accordance with the presented step by step instructions, you can install local lighting in the kitchen or hang a thread lamp in the dining area.

Important! As an additional decoration of the chandelier, you can use the original coloring, artificial flowers or butterflies, beads. Non-standard idea will be the manufacture of several balls, which are fastened in such a way that they resemble a bunch of grapes.

Using the considered principle of making lamps, you can create original ceiling lamps decorated with lace.

Do-it-yourself plafond for a chandelier photo

Shabby chic chandelier shade

You can create spectacular room lighting by making a lamp out of fabric or beads. The result of your work will be a chandelier-chandelier or lamp in the style of shabby chic.

For this you will need the following materials:

  • Wire, hanging planter metal, old hoop or garden basket from which you can make a frame;
  • Cartridge with a lamp;
  • Decorative chains and strong threads;
  • Various beads and seed beads.

The ceiling, made according to the technology discussed below, is a two- or three-level structure of several rings, which are located one above the other and connected by wire or chains. Depending on the size of the rings you choose, the style in which your ceiling will be executed will depend. If you take the rings different size, you can create a ceiling in the style of vintage classics, and by giving preference to rings of the same size, you can become the owner of a lamp in modern style.

Important! Before proceeding with the decorative design of the lamp, which involves stringing beads, color and wind the frame with decorative materials.

Consider the consumption of beads in the process of implementing this project:

  • In the process of making the lower part of the lampshade, you will need beads with a diameter of 16 mm in the amount of 15 pieces per thread;
  • In the process of making the upper part, you will need beads with a diameter of 12 mm from a consumption of 31-32 pieces per thread.
  • By stringing beads on a thread, you can vary the number of threads and the degree of their tension.

Similarly to the described method, you can make a lampshade for a chandelier from artificial fruits. To create the effect of subdued lighting, it is necessary to use dense fabric. A lampshade made using this technique will become an original addition to a country or Provence style kitchen.

Plafonds for chandeliers in the style of minimalism

Plafond for a chandelier from plastic cans or bottle becomes one of the most original lampshades made from waste materials. By making a ceiling lamp in this way, you are betting not only on beauty and cheapness, but also on environmental friendliness.

Due to the fact that the manufacture of such a chandelier shade does not require additional decorations, such as beads or threads, it will be made in the style of hi-tech or minimalism, and you will not face the question: “How to decorate the chandelier shade with your own hands?” . In order to make such a ceiling, which will become the main element of the subdued lighting of the room, you only need colored or matte white plastic.

To make it, you will need the following materials:

  • Base from a 5 liter plastic bottle;
  • A large number of disposable spoons;
  • Cartridge with lamp and wire;
  • Glue necessary for the implementation of high-quality fixation of the elements of the product;

To make a lamp out of plastic materials in the style of minimalism, you need to cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle, and the handles of plastic spoons, and this must be done in such a way that they have a small stalk. Using glue, fix the cut spoons on the bottle that acts as the base. To achieve the greatest attractiveness and organicity of a homemade lampshade, arrange them in an orderly manner, in rows. Each next row must be overlapped, leaving no gaps that can spoil the appearance of the lampshade.

When the chandelier is ready, you will notice that it resembles fish scales. At the same time, it is important to remember that the design of the ceiling is characterized by a sufficiently high density, and therefore, the lighting will become so dim that, most likely, you will need to place additional lamps in the room.

The shape of the lamp may be different. One option involves a lamp in the shape of a lotus. However, other equally original decorations can be made from plastic spoons.

Another option for lighting fixtures made, one might say, from waste, is a ceiling lamp for a chandelier made from the bottoms of plastic bottles. It will appear lacy and, at first glance, consist of many small flowers.

Important! The lampshade made of plastic bottles can be not only white, but also colored - therefore, you will need to choose colored bottles or paint the finished product in the desired color: from gold, copper and steel to pink and black. If you hang a finished lampshade in the kitchen above the table, it will be a great addition to the dining area.

A variety of ideas for decorating do-it-yourself chandelier shades

How to dim the light in the room?

One of the “tools” for creating an intimate atmosphere in a room is the organization of subdued lighting, and the main way to implement this idea is lampshades, which first appeared more than two hundred years ago and replaced their predecessors - dampers for candles and torches. If earlier they were made only from fabric, today for their decorative design it is common to use crystal and broken glass. Today, design art has reached its apogee of development, as a result of which the decorative design of hand-made products can be carried out using almost any materials.

Important! Today, the designer in the course of his work is not limited in the choice of materials for decoration - in the process of making lampshades, he can use any details. At the same time, it is important to maintain a sense of proportion and taste, creating harmonious combinations. decorative elements.

A cozy lampshade, decorated with hand knitting, will become the best gift mother or grandmother.

Original lampshades for handmade sconces

Sconces are multifunctional wall lamps. Thanks to the diffused and subdued light they create, they can be placed in recreation areas and not be afraid for your eyesight. Today, there are modern sconces that involve regulating the flow of light into the room. Such models must be installed in rooms during the operation of which it is necessary to change the direction of light flows. If you want to become the owner of designer, unusual bras, create them yourself. Handmade Wall lights, in the process of creating which you will be able to show your individuality, will most successfully fit into the holistic concept of the interior of your room.

Branch sconces are distinguished not only by fast and simple manufacturing but also original appearance.

The style of do-it-yourself ceiling lamps can be different and depends on the stylistic concept of the interior in which you plan to place them. In this regard, we can safely say that the answer to the question: “How to paint the chandelier shades with your own hands?” strictly individual.

If you complement the interior of the children's room with sconces, you can diversify the room, making it bright and perky. By hanging a sconce in the bedroom, you will make it more comfortable, bringing a touch of peace. Dinner in the kitchen, decorated with sconces, will become more romantic.

The baby's room can be decorated with a sconce in the shape of a birdhouse. To do this, it is enough to fix the birdhouse on the wall and bring a lamp with a ceiling into the middle.

DIY decorative LED lamps

Due to the growing popularity of LED lamps, they are used not only in work, but also in domestic premises. One of the advantages of LED lamps is the possibility of making them yourself. To make an LED design at home, you will need separate LEDs that are installed in the body of a faulty lamp equipped with a power supply.

To replace a traditional incandescent lamp with an LED one, you do not need to dismantle the lamp or make adjustments to its design. Self-made LED lamps are most often part of decorative lighting, more often - the central element of ceiling lighting.

For the manufacture of stylish LED lamps, you can use a variety of materials:

  • metal;
  • the cloth;
  • beads;
  • LED Strip Light;
  • old lamps.

Variety of LED lamps

Fabric LED lights can be used for decorative design premises and even clothes shown at fashion shows. The use of LEDs allows you to place the necessary accents on your tapestry.

This DIY beaded LED lamp will become a work of art, eye-catching and enthralling. From beads you can make both small table lamps and large-scale decorative panels from beads with illumination.

If you plan to use a handmade lamp as a decorative detail in interior design in classical style, in the process of its manufacture, it is recommended to use metal elements for the base.

The procedure for manufacturing an LED lamp from an LED strip

The LED strip is a flexible board with built-in LEDs and current-limiting resistors. To make a lamp, you can cut a section of tape to the required length. The supply wires are soldered to the contact pads located next to the cut lines. There is an adhesive film on the back of the board. To cut the tape, you can use ordinary scissors.

As a housing for a homemade lamp, you can use an old, used lamp.

Manufacturing procedure led lamp from an old lamp is not difficult.

Disassemble the old lamp by gluing on it inner surface led strip. printed circuit board, removed from the old lamp, can be used as a power supply for a new lamp. The instruction for the manufacture of the lamp, presented in our article, involves the use of a transformerless power supply equipped with a ballast capacitor.

A lamp made in accordance with the presented scheme is suitable for illuminating the work area.

Having made a selection of circuit elements, place them on the board. In this case, unnecessary parts from the old lamp must be removed. After that, connect the tape to the power supply, assemble the lamp and connect it to the network.

LED lights are more relevant than ever. They can become both the central lighting element of the room, and its decorative component. After reviewing our article, you are convinced that making lamps with your own hands is a fairly simple and, at the same time, creative event, and as for the use of home-made lamps, you can find it yourself.

Shade table lamp, chandeliers or floor lamps were created in order to dim the light of the lamp. However, this accessory can wear out over time, losing its aesthetic appearance. In this regard, many owners have a dilemma, throw away the working lamp or try to restore the lampshade using the old frame. There are many ways to remedy the situation with a little imagination.

Lampshade decor with flowers

Original lampshade decor

Lampshade decoration idea

Products handmade are very popular today. You can create a new lampshade for a chandelier or floor lamp from any material at hand or purchase some of the components at a needlework store. The simplest and available materials for creativity - paper, plastic, thread or fabric. You can also create original decoration for a lamp from old disks, natural materialsvine, shells, stones or broken glass. Fabric lampshades made of jeans, burlap, linen ribbon also look original. As additional elements decor, you can use beads, buttons, satin or rep ribbons. This article contains interesting and unusual master classes on self-registration lamps from different materials.

Below is a table showing some types of handmade chandeliers, and what materials are needed to make them.

Luminaire type

Basic materials

Short description

Degree of difficulty

Tetra chandelier

Empty tetra bags

From empty Tetra Pak packs, 21 mm and 19 mm strips are cut out, from which hexagons and pentagons are made. The lamp is assembled using the origami technique

Wire chandeliers



Steel and copper wire

The easiest way is to wire the template for the lampshade in the form of a spiral. It can be a bucket or a flower pot.

Plafond from plastic tableware

Empty 5 liter plastic bottle

Disposable plastic spoons

Thermal gun

The bottom of the bottle is cut off.

The handles of the spoons are broken off, and the main parts are glued to the bottle, imitating fish scales. For this, a thermal gun is used.

If desired, spoons can be painted with acrylic or spray paint.

Disc light

laser discs

Wooden round base with a diameter slightly larger than the disk

3 metal racks

Long fluorescent lamp

A hole is drilled in a wooden base for a starter with a switch and a lamp is mounted. It is also necessary to install metal racks on which the disks will be strung.

Holes are drilled on the disks for the racks, and then strung on them.

Hanger chandelier

wooden coat hanger

2 metal round bases of different diameters

The smaller base will serve top chandeliers. Hangers attached to both bases different angles vertically, forming a trapezoidal shape of the lampshade.

Decorating the lampshade with ribbons and beads

Lampshade decor with flowers

Original lampshade decor

Lampshade decoration idea

Lampshade decoration with accessories

Ideas and their implementation

Create a paper lampshade - the easiest and most affordable way. Its disadvantage is the fragility of the material. For a longer service life of such a chandelier, you can use cardboard. Below are a few examples of how to create a lampshade using paper.


To make such a decor, you will need the following materials:

  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • Thread (it is better to use nylon thread, it is much stronger than usual);
  • beads;
  • colored paper;
  • ​ plastic or wooden round base (diameter is selected individually).

The essence of creating a lampshade is to string various decorative elements on a thread and fasten it to the base. To do this, it is necessary to cut out various details from colored paper. They can be shaped like butterflies, hearts, birds, animals, ballerinas. Such parts are attached to the thread with glue, and several beads of different diameters are strung between them. To create a three-dimensional element, such as a heart, you need to take 3 identical blanks and glue them together.

Decorating the lampshade with ribbons and beads

Lampshade decor with flowers

Original lampshade decor

Lampshade decoration idea

Lampshade decoration with accessories

Butterfly chandelier

Materials needed for work:

  • scissors or stationery knife;
  • plain cardboard;
  • glue gun;
  • wire;
  • fishing line or thin twine.

If you do not have a heat gun, you can use silicone rods for it. You can melt them over an ordinary candle.

The wire is needed to create the frame of the chandelier ceiling. To do this, take a piece of wire and roll it into a circle, securing the ends with pliers or round nose pliers. The line will act as a hanging element. It must be cut into 3 identical pieces, the length of which depends on the desired height of the fixture. The fishing line must be attached to the wire base at the same distance from each other.

Decorating the lampshade with ribbons and beads

Lampshade decor with flowers

Original lampshade decor

Lampshade decoration idea

Lampshade decoration with accessories

Next, on a piece of cardboard, you need to draw and carefully cut out butterflies different size. The lower part of the ceiling can be processed with curly scissors. The cardboard itself is folded into a conical shape, and the joint is glued or fastened with a stapler. Its upper part is attached to the frame. Those butterflies that have been cut out can be strung on additional pieces of fishing line, alternating them with various beads, and fixed inside the ceiling. After turning on such a lamp, images of fluttering butterflies will appear on the walls.

Another simple decor idea is to create a chandelier from thick thread or yarn. From the materials for such a handmade you will need:

  • ball with threads;
  • balloon;
  • baby cream;
  • PVA glue.

Decorating the lampshade with ribbons and beads

Lampshade decor with flowers

Original lampshade decor

Lampshade decoration idea

Lampshade decoration with accessories

Initially, it is necessary to inflate the balloon to the maximum round shape and lubricate it thin layer baby cream. This is done so that the threads do not stick to the rubber surface of the ball. Next, the thread is wetted in glue and wrapped around the ball. Winding is carried out over the entire surface hot air balloon, leaving a small part in order to later put it on the base with a lamp. After the thread is completely dry, you can blow off or burst the ball, and you will have the original round lampshade made of threads in your hands.

A more detailed and visual performance of a lampshade for a chandelier with your own hands can be seen in the video of the master class.

Video: DIY lampshade decor

The range of lamps in the shops of your city can be limitless or, conversely, not suit you at all. However, if you are sure that a truly original little thing can only be made with my own hands, - in factory products you will always miss the “zest”, isn't it ?!

If you (in principle) would be ready to go in search of interesting items in stores, but are not yet financially ready for this step, you probably won’t refuse to update the fixtures that you already have in your home either.

In both cases, you probably want to know how to do it quickly and get the original result.

3 guides to upgrade your table lamp shade:

A table lamp suits you, but the look of another lamp is not very good? The techniques in these guides can be used for any other lamp that has a shade, such as a suspended ceiling sconce or wall sconce.

#1: use colored ribbons


Remove the lampshade and measure it to outside. In accordance with this, cut multi-colored ribbons of 2-3 tones harmonious to each other. Using a tube of glue suitable for the fabric, coat each ribbon with it and glue starting from the bottom.

If, in general, the look and color of the lampshade suits you, glue the tapes at a distance from each other. If you want to completely change the look of the lampshade (and are ready for what will turn out to be “intimate light”), tape it completely.







No. 2: a patchwork of napkins for decoupage


Cut the napkins into small pieces. Try on how it will look on a lampshade so that different patterns alternate and look beautiful. When separating the front side of the napkin from the substrate, glue them, spreading the surface of the lampshade with a brush with glue so as not to damage the napkin.

On the top and bottom of the updated lampshade, glue a silk ribbon that matches the tone, preferably a pastel shade, since your lamp will probably look “vintage”.

Using this technique, you can make a patchwork from fabric, the remnants of braid or from colored paper.




No. 3: paper origami lamp for gift wrapping


The paper folding technique has inspired designers all over the world, and you can try your hand at a similar role by decorating the glass lampshade of a factory-made table lamp, for example, from IKEA.

If you have ever done origami, you will surely easily assemble star figures from strips of wrapping paper cut 10 cm wide. The first photo is what should happen, the second is a template made of white tracing paper that repeats the lampshade area (it must be cut and pasted on the lampshade to close the glass), two recent photos- stages of folding stars. Once everything is ready, glue them onto the tracing paper covering your lampshade.

If you are not confident in your origami skills, look for ready-made stars in stores for decorating gifts from a matte or silky (but not shiny!) Ribbon, and then glue them in the same way (on tracing paper).






Remnants of fabric, colored paper or original labels- any of these materials are suitable for the patchwork technique, which can turn a banal lamp into an inimitable vintage piece.




from tapes:

Even if there are no leftover ribbons in the house, you can always go to a sewing accessories store and find amazing “trophies” there - ribbons for your interior (style and color palette). Minimum cost - maximum effect




from paper:

Take a look around: what “paper” is there in the house that is suitable for decorating a lampshade? Serving napkins, confetti or origami figurines that someone in the household loves to fold - all this and much more will surely give you an amazing idea.




application "to the light":

This the way is fine in the case when the lampshade (or part of it) is made of white material or glass, i.e. it will be good to “highlight” the photo pasted on such a surface. It looks very unusual, but it is very easy to do: just find a suitable photo and transparent glue that leaves no residue.




from fabric:

The house of most needlewomen is always full of remnants of fabric. Before you - another way to "attach them to the case." Choose what you like best! Completely change the lampshade by pulling a new fabric over the old frame? Make an applique on the old lampshade? Or sew a romantic “skirt” for him?





Another extremely simple method with instant results. For a glass lampshade you will need vinyl stickers, for fabric, respectively, - stickers made of fabric on an adhesive basis (sold in sewing accessories stores and salons “for needlewomen”).





And here you almost completely change the look of the lamp, most likely, the household will be sure that you bought a new one. But you know the secret: look for volumetric elements that you attach to the old lampshade. Silk roses, small polyurethane vignettes (the ones used for ceilings) or even a slipcover made from an old sweater are just a few ideas, others will come to your mind quickly enough.





And a few more interesting solutions. Geographic Maps, lampshade - display for photographs, imitation of watercolor technique on glass, playing cards, rope made of exotic materials, the remains of jewelry.

And the most interesting thing about this kind of creativity is that once you start, you won't be able to stop! After the first successful result, you will look critically at any “standard” lamp, anticipating different ways change its look! However, maybe it's for the best? ...







Even a person who does not have experience in hand-made can make a lampshade with his own hands. Any work is used suitable materials: fabric remnants, paper, thread, glass, plastic bottles, cups or spoons. The product can be given any shape, decorating it with beads, beads, feathers, dried flowers, hand-painted. The choice of style and style of the lampshade depends on common idea interior. Ready product will transform a standard floor lamp, ceiling lamp, sconce or table lamp.

New life for plastic utensils

When thinking about how to make a lampshade, pay attention to the simple and affordable materials available in every home. Try to make an elegant and unusual ceiling with your own hands. As a material, use ordinary plastic spoons. Such a product is ideal for the kitchen, depending on the color of the spoons, it can be pure white, cream, green, orange. It is easiest to make a frame for a lampshade with your own hands from a large plastic bottle with a cut neck.

For work you will need:

  • a large five-liter bottle;
  • sharp knife;
  • wire cutters;
  • glue gun;
  • cord with cartridge.

The number of spoons depends on the size of the structure. Carefully cut off the handles with wire cutters, only the main parts with a notch are needed for work. Cut off the bottom and neck of a plastic bottle with a sharp knife. Fasten the parts of the spoons with the convex side up. Start work from the bottom edge of the future lampshade, attaching the parts close to each other. Place the second row with an overlap, in the form of scales. The neater the spoons are attached, the more beautiful the finished product will turn out. When finished, thread the cord with the cartridge through the holes and screw in the light bulb.

You can also make a ceiling lamp for a chandelier from plastic bottles. Cut out of them decorative leaves, and then assemble an effective composition. The unusual design looks especially beautiful when the light bulb is on. The craft will decorate the nursery or hallway, it will look spectacular on the veranda or loggia. For work you will need:

  • soldering iron with a tip for dry soldering (bronze nickel-plated);
  • dark green plastic bottles yellow color;
  • coarse thread;
  • acrylic adhesive;
  • scissors;
  • thick wire;
  • glue gun;
  • chuck with cord.

From the walls of the bottles, cut out leaves with cloves. The size is arbitrary, it is better if the leaves are different. Heat up the soldering iron and gently trace the contours of the leaves with a stinger so that they melt slightly and curl up. Be careful not to damage the blanks.

Draw the veins with a gentle touch of the soldering tip. Make the central vein deeper, put a thread in it and lightly melt the edges. When right amount details will be done, soak the threads with acrylic varnish using a pipette. Dry the blanks. Assemble them into an arbitrary design by gluing them to the frame with a gun. There are a lot of ideas on how to make a frame for a lampshade. The easiest way is to roll it out of thick wire and glue it to the ceiling with a gun.

According to the described technology, you can make a lampshade for a table lamp with your own hands. The product will give a dim diffused light and will easily fit into a high-tech interior.

What can be created from threads

From durable thread, cord, twine or jute rope, you can make a magnificent lampshade suitable for an eco-style interior. It is suitable for ceiling lamp or floor lamp, decorate the living room, nursery, hallway or kitchen. Such products look very elegant and open summer veranda.

For work you will need:

  • about 100 m of strong, harsh thread or rope;
  • inflatable silicone beach ball;
  • PVA glue;
  • a plastic cup;
  • scissors;
  • cartridge with a cord;
  • glue gun;
  • petrolatum.

Inflate a beach ball and smear Vaseline on the surface. Make a small tool for threading. In a plastic cup, make 2 holes located one opposite the other. Set the glass on a saucer and pour PVA glue into it. Pull the thread through the resulting design, and then wrap the ball around it in random order. The denser the threads are wound, the less transparent the finished product will turn out. When the work is finished, set the workpiece to dry for 24 hours.

Gently release the air from the ball and remove it from the resulting ball of thread. Vaseline prevents the threads from sticking to the surface, so this procedure is done without difficulty. Cut out two holes, one opposite the other. The top should be small, the bottom should be wider. Pass a cord with a cartridge through the holes, fix it in the upper part with glue so that the lampshade holds tighter. A hand should pass freely into the lower hole, this is necessary to replace the light bulb.

The finished product can be decorated by gluing coffee beans, beads or dried leaves. Attach the decor with a few drops of hot glue from glue gun. There are a lot of ideas on how to make a ceiling lamp for a chandelier with your own hands, but first you should try the simplest ones. basic options. It remains only to hang the structure from the ceiling and screw a suitable light bulb into the cartridge.

Classics of the genre: comfort with tassels

A special comfort in the house or in the country will create a lampshade made of fabric: matting, canvas, chintz or linen.

Sewing it is easy. A strip of the required width is cut out of suitable matter and sewn onto machines from both edges. Then the matter is collected in a ring, a cord is pulled into the upper drawstring and pulled together so that the lampshade forms dense assemblies. The resulting product is put on a frame that will retain a beautiful rounded shape.

Options for how to make a frame for a lampshade can be searched in various Internet sources. The easiest way is to use a thick wire rolled into a ring. You will need two or three of these blanks of different sizes. The smallest ring is attached to the upper part, the middle one is glued in the center, the bottom ring should be the largest. The finished product at the bottom can be decorated with a fringe. It is also appropriate to decorate a fabric lampshade with bows, embroidery, beads or sequins. The choice of decor depends on the style of the room.

A lampshade for a floor lamp, made independently, will be inexpensive, and its appearance can be quite worthy. Such a product will great gift, children can be involved in the manufacture, they will really like this leisure option. Even kids can create a do-it-yourself ceiling lamp for a floor lamp; this work will be a reason for pride and a real decoration for a children's room.

Photo gallery

We bring to your attention a successful selection of 36 do-it-yourself lampshade photo ideas.

Update a lampshade for a floor lamp with your own hands, make a new one or repair an old one good idea to give a fresh gloss, a new mood to your home.

How can you make a lampshade for a floor lamp with your own hands, if the old one is worn out or no longer corresponds to the new time or the new tastes of the owners.

Everyone loves floor lamps. This is the most versatile light source. It is so comfortable to sit under it with knitting or a book, it can be moved, it is mobile and is an interior decoration. Therefore, the decor of the floor lamp so attracts the eyes of needlewomen.

Many lamps are inherited from previous generations, and, perhaps, at first, they push it somewhere, but then the aura of old household items becomes attractive. There is a desire to repair the old floor lamp, update the lampshade and all this at home.

This is a good idea, now there are so many ideas around and the possibilities for their implementation that it is simply embarrassing to sit idly by. To arrange a hauling lampshade on an old frame or to remake a floor lamp is completely up to you, the process will be exciting in any case.

Lampshade frame

From wire disposable hangers

Using pliers, unroll and straighten wire from disposable dry cleaners hangers.

Using a ruler and wire cutters, cut two pieces of straightened wire to the desired length. The length is equal to the length of the perimeter of the floor lamp shade

Use pliers to make a circle with each hook and loop wire to hold the circle together

Measure and cut two pieces of straight wire equal to the height of the lampshade + hem allowance for the hinges

Bend loops at both ends of these wires, use a round stick and pliers

Slip the loop at one end over the circle and pull off, and the loop at the other end over the other circle. Do the same with your own hands with the second wire. To secure the frame structure.

Glue the loops. Adhesive for metal « Cold welding”, “Epoxilin”, “Superglue”.

Cut 4 pieces of wire to size equal to the radius circle minus the radius of the small circle for the light bulb, plus hem allowances for the hook. You can calculate the radius from a known circumference using a formula known from school, or you can use online calculator at

Make a small circle for the light bulb with your hands from a piece of wire a little longer than the circumference of the light bulb socket plus an allowance for the hook. Connect the wire into a ring and glue the ends

Attach all 4 needles to the big circle and to the small one.

wire mesh

For a floor lamp you will need 2m of mesh 40cm wide

How to sew a fabric lampshade video

What can be made

Do better with what you know how to do. If you knit well, show off the knitter's talent, if you embroider boldly embroider a plot that beckons you. The main thing is to do it yourself. Your guests will gasp with delight and admiration.

Fabric lampshade

A very convenient option if you need to update or repair with your own hands at home. And it happens that the furniture has been updated and you need to change the colors of the accessories. Or, finally, the most beautiful embroidery is finished and it turned out to be appropriate for a floor lamp. Padding saves in many cases, see detailed wizard class on the site.

You can make a lampshade for a floor lamp or a table lamp in minutes, or you can create a masterpiece from the world of lampshades with your own hands for weeks.

Master class fabric lampshade. Master class fabric lampshade with paper pattern

Lampshade in macrame technique

A macrame lampshade can be found even on the street, as an attractive advertisement for a store or a cozy cafe.

Thread lampshade

Surprisingly, threads have been used for this purpose for several decades. The threads create a particularly cozy look, whether they are tightly attached to each other or scattered in sparse, light, elegant weaves.

  • Choose threads for harmonious combination with room interior
  • Use dense, thin threads, they hold their shape and color better. Loose gain glue and become faded.
  • Before winding the threads, grease the ball evenly with petroleum jelly
  • Use transparent glue that becomes glassy when it dries.

For a black lampshade, we took a skein of black satin thread and 2m of strong black braid.

crochet lampshade

Crocheted lampshades look incredibly cute and cozy at the same time, and at the same time can be exquisitely stylish. Create an exclusive thing with your own hands. Even for beginner knitters, crocheting in a circle is a simple thing. And for experienced needlewomen, a whole expanse of ideas is more complicated.

A lovely lampshade for a flat kitchen lampshade is crocheted according to the pattern. The diagram is attached below.

Wooden lampshade

Wooden lampshades are made from slats or from a single piece of wood. The mind-blowing video shook my imagination.

Video how to make a floor lamp from a log with your own hands

A selection of photos for inspiration and pleasure

Ideas used in the article:,,

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