Do-it-yourself mirror framing: design options, materials and techniques. Self-decoration of a mirror What can be made from a mirror with your own hands

The mirror in the house is not only a necessary and convenient household item, but also a beautiful interior component that can expand the space and fill the room with light. By itself, the mirror does not stand out with any aesthetic appeal, it is the frame that makes it spectacular.

A mirror with a frame should harmoniously fit into the overall style of the house and can become a unique interior decoration. Wall mirrors in a frame can be made unique and luxurious if you decorate them with your own hands.

Showing imagination and using simple improvised items, you can create an amazing decoration for a mirror, in which a piece of the soul and the warmth of your own hands are invested.

Frames of kitchen products and household utensils

An aged mirror, in an unsightly frame or without it, can be decorated decoratively using various, sometimes the most unexpected household items. Their use in an unusual role creates an amazing effect that can change simple and accessible things beyond recognition, breathing new life into them and filling them with a different meaning.

Product decoration

Various kitchen foods are used as frame material: pasta, coffee beans, peas, beans, lentils or cereals.

To make a spectacular frame for a mirror, do-it-yourself pasta of various sizes and shapes is taken, and carefully glued around the perimeter. To create a certain pattern, pasta is laid out, evenly distributing along the surface, if desired, you can randomly distribute them or give any chosen shape.

Aerosol paint is used to create an original decor. To do this, the surface of the mirror must first be covered with a cloth or masking tape and sprayed with paint.

A charming do-it-yourself mirror frame is ready, other kitchen products or mixtures of them are used in the same way.

Household items for decoration

For small mirrors, you can make a frame using cardboard, plywood or chipboard. From one of these materials, any chosen frame configuration is cut out, larger than the dimensions of the mirror. On the resulting configuration mark the location of the mirror or glue it. The rest of the stencil is decorated with a variety of household items: buttons, shells, fragments of broken dishes, the remains of jewelry or mosaic tiles, eggshells, egg trays and much more.

The variety of used household items is unlimited, personal imagination will tell you which of them can be used to create unique products.

The decor of the mirror with the use of beads, glass beads and glass pebbles looks sophisticated and impressive.

To fix such materials, you need a colorless aquarium silicone glue, which securely fixes the elements on the surface of the mirror and does not damage their transparent structure.

Decoration from disposable tableware

A decorated frame for a mirror with your own hands using disposable spoons can look like a delicate and elegant chrysanthemum.

The handles of the spoons are cleanly cut off and, starting from the extreme row, the configuration is tightly pasted over with the resulting petals, creating a flower.

The outer row should overlap the configuration so that its edges are not visible. Paint of one or different nuances creates a color design of the resulting chrysanthemum, which will be combined with the general decoration.

Massive frames

Wealthy and massive frames with a complex pattern are better suited for a large mirror. They will become an organic completion and a chic edging, which can turn a mirror into an exquisite piece of furniture. Wooden frames are made for rectangular and square mirrors, because it is impossible to bend a rigid material into an oval or circle shape.

wooden frames

The material is wood, making a mirror in a wooden frame heavy. The ability to cope with elementary carpentry work will allow you to use a wooden door trim to make a simple and concise frame.

It is necessary to make four elements for any side. In order for the corners to connect correctly, the platbands are cut at an angle of 45 degrees.

The length of the inner edge of each segment should be one centimeter less than the sides of the mirror. To place the mirror canvas, recesses must be made from the wrong side of each plank.

Triangles are used to connect the planks and form corners, they will also serve as holders for the canvas.

A wooden frame for a mirror with your own hands can be decorated with any decorations. For a discreet interior, it is painted with varnish or paint of any nuance.

Skirting board frame

Imitating a tree, you can use a ceiling plinth, of any pattern and width, in bondage from a personal vision of a future product.

It is recommended to fix the mirror on a sheet of plywood or chipboard, this will give rigidity to the product and allow you to correctly fix the fasteners for placement on the wall. The sides of the frame are cut out of the ceiling plinth, just like the wooden planks, connecting the corners. The length of the inner edges should be equal to the length of the sides of the mirror. A glue gun is used to connect the elements into a single frame. The resulting frame must be covered on all sides with a layer of putty, which is diluted to the density of sour cream.

After it dries, work on the decoration of the baguette is spent, for this they use paint or varnish. For aging, the surface of the dyed frame can be treated with a sponge with golden paint.

A do-it-yourself mirror frame from a ceiling plinth can become a unique and luxurious part of the interior without weighing down the product.

stucco work

The presence of stucco details in the interior encourages the use of these elements to decorate the mirror. Such decor elements made of gypsum or plastic can be acquired, and amazing compositions can be made from them that decorate mirrors.

The base frame is made of dense material, with a size protruding beyond the edges of the mirror. It is painted white and a canvas is fixed on it. Stucco elements are distributed over the base in a deliberate manner and fixed with silicone glue. Stucco can be left snow-white or using acrylic paints of any color, giving the desired nuance.

The video shows in detail the process of making a frame for a mirror from a ceiling plinth:

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You can imagine a living room or hallway without paintings, vases, figurines and other artsy accessories, but without a mirror - no way! Indeed, this item is necessary in any home, not only to look at your reflection, but also to decorate the surroundings. Often factory mirrors look faceless, unable to reflect the individuality of the room.

Fortunately, an outstanding do-it-yourself mirror decor helps to solve the problem of facelessness. Let's look at the most unusual ways of decorating.

3 tricks for aging a mirror

The mirror with a touch of antiquity looks solemn and tasteful. Naturally, such an item is in perfect harmony with the classic or vintage style - in a modern setting, it looks lurid. How to create the effect of artificial aging at home?

Reception 1 - chemical etching. To form a plaque, it is necessary to purchase a tinted or silver base, etched with a chemical composition. The resulting patina does not reduce the reflectivity, so the mirrors retain their versatility.

Reception 2 - eglomise. The decoration of the mirror with the eglomise technique is quite laborious. It involves the imposition of thin sheets of potali with a gold or silver coating on the base. The main advantage of this technique is the ability to insert a photo between layers for greater decorativeness. Such a mirror acts as an independent art object, but its reflectivity is rather low.

Reception 3 - aging with craquelure / acrylic. To achieve the effect of archaism, it is not necessary to process the entire surface of the mirror - it is enough to age the frame with your own hands. To do this, you will need acrylic paints or craquelure varnish. Paint the frame with silver acrylic, and after drying, apply a mixture of blue and green paint to the surface.

Stucco frame ideas

One of the main features of styles such as baroque, empire and retro classic is the use of stucco. The mirror is no exception. For decorating a mirror with your own hands, both a gypsum mixture and plastic are suitable. Stucco elements can be bought or made independently using ready-made molds.

The base frame itself is made from white MDF sheets. After drying, stucco elements are attached to the frame with silicone glue. Then the remaining glue is removed with a sponge, and the finished molding is painted with white (gold, silver) acrylic paint.

Decorating mirrors with moldings

An easier way to make an original mirror frame is to use ready-made moldings / skirting boards. Styrofoam skirting boards are available in a wide variety of variations, imitating more expensive gypsum stucco. To decorate the frame, you will need an MDF sheet protruding beyond the edges of the mirror. Moldings are attached to the protruding part of the plywood. So that the frame does not look cheap, it is covered with acrylic paints; joints are sealed with putty.

DIY wood mirror frame

Nothing looks more harmonious in the interior than wood. In addition to excellent physical characteristics, this material has an aesthetic appeal, which is why it is considered an excellent tool for creating an original do-it-yourself mirror decor. It is customary to frame square and rectangular mirrors with simple wooden borders, but you can experiment with rounded products.

A mirror-sun looks very unusual in any interior. To make it, you will need wooden blocks (twigs of trees), a plywood frame according to the size of the product, a primer, a glue gun, wood glue, spray paint, sandpaper.

First, we lay the blocks with wedges around the perimeter of the frame. To simulate the sun's rays, it is necessary to alternate short and long bars. Apply glue to the frame and hold each branch for 15-20 seconds. After drying, remove the remaining glue with sandpaper, apply a primer from the spray and leave for 1 hour. After that, cover the sun frame with paint or clear varnish.

Instead of sticks, you can use ordinary wooden clothespins. Just a few minutes - and the frame for the mirror is ready!

Screen painting on the mirror

In order to decorate a mirror, you do not need to be an artist or a hand-made master. It is enough to buy stencils and apply them to the canvas. About everything in order.

We apply the finished stencil to the mirror surface, and then carefully glue it with a roller, preventing air from getting under the film. We apply matting paste on the stencil (not on the coated surface), carefully spread it over the entire film and leave it for 15 minutes. After that, the paste should be removed, and the mirror should be washed under running water. Finally, carefully remove the film from the stencil.

Now the original design is in vogue. It allows not only to decorate the interior, but also to emphasize the individuality of the owners of the house. Various accents decorate the interior, among which mirrors occupy an important place. Framing mirrors can be done independently, and for this, different materials are used. With the right choice, the mirror will not only fit perfectly into the existing interior, but will also become its real highlight. How to choose and make a frame will be described later.


With your own hands (a photo of one of the options is presented below) everyone can do it. You need to show imagination and choose the best materials for this work. Creating a homemade frame has a lot of advantages.

So, the master can independently choose the material that best matches the overall design concept in the room. In this case, the frame will be stylish and very interesting. For example, you can make a frame from environmentally friendly materials. In the manufacture of such frames in production conditions, various chemicals can be used that are needed to process the material. However, home-made designs do not need such impregnations.

An important advantage of the do-it-yourself mirror framing (they can be seen in the article) can be considered the low cost of the product. This reduces repair costs. By purchasing an exclusive designer mirror, you will need to pay a significant amount of money.

In this case, the owners receive a unique product. No one else has a mirror like this one. The decor can be very different. Here the imagination of the author is practically not limited to anything. One has only to consider in which room the mirror is located. For almost every room you can choose an original design.

A beautiful mirror will not only make an interesting accent in the interior, but also be able to visually expand the space. This is especially important for small spaces. In the hallway, bathroom, small bedroom, etc., the presence of a mirror is not only welcome, but also essential. So that it is not the same type, similar to millions of other mirrors that can often be found in the interior of houses and apartments, it is worth paying attention to creating a homemade frame.

The framing of mirrors (a photo of one of the options can be viewed below) should be carefully thought out. Otherwise, it will not be in harmony with the surrounding space. Professional designers give some advice on how to correctly fit such a product into an existing interior.

So, when decorating rooms, it is better to give preference to mirrors with small or medium dimensions. If there are several of them, it is better that the dimensions of all the canvases are the same. Also, do not create a frame for mirrors of a non-standard shape. Framing will only be appropriate for a rectangular, square, round or oval shape.

If several mirrors are used in the room, it is better to create frames for them of the same type. So disparate elements can merge into a single picture. This is especially important for mirrors of different sizes.

The frame of a round mirror can be of different shapes. However, it is better if the frame repeats the main shape of the product. This is also true for rectangular or square products. Frames should be consistent with the design of the room. For example, if there is a wooden table in the room, it is better to make a frame made of wood, and the same shade as the furniture.

If a composition is created on the wall from several mirrors, excessive clutter should be avoided. You should not use a large number of similar elements, which are also decorated with a frame. However, in a small room, a composition of 3-9 mirrors will look harmonious. For example, in Khrushchev, such a technique will visually expand the space of the room. Although sometimes one mirror is enough for this.

Designers agree that any handmade product will look good in the interior. At the same time, the general style of the interior should be taken into account. Stucco frames are suitable for a classic design. For modern styles, a simple, concise frame is enough. You just need to show imagination.


To make a frame for a mirror with your own hands, you need to decide on the type of material. Professional designers recommend using one type of finish for this. Do not mix many different materials. They may be structurally incompatible. In this case, the mirror can turn out to be quite heavy.

The most common materials used for this purpose are:

  • Paper or cardboard tubes. Even small children can be involved in this work. So the finished work will be even nicer. Tubes can be painted in almost any color.
  • Polyurethane. This is a durable and lightweight material. It is suitable for creating a frame in a wet room. The frame can be repainted many times. Most often in this category, framing mirrors with a baguette is used. Therefore, this option is suitable for canvases of a rectangular or square shape.
  • Rope. The frame created from a rope or ropes looks original. They can be quite rough looking. This gives the mirror a special decorative effect. The rope is not suitable for finishing in the bathroom or in the kitchen.
  • Mounting foam. This material is used as the main or auxiliary frame. For example, when using a hollow material (bamboo), the foam must be blown into each structural element. However, the frame itself can be made from mounting foam.
  • Wood. Wood is often used to frame mirrors. The material is easy to process, it can be used to make different compositions.

Other decor options

There are other options for framing the mirror. For this, a variety of materials are used. They may be:

  • Metal. To use this material, the master must have certain skills. So, it is much easier to make a frame out of aluminum. He bends well. Compositions of various configurations are created from wire of different diameters. If you want to make a forged frame, here the master will need professional skills in this area. However, the forged frame will look luxurious in the interior.

  • Mirror frame. This technique allows you to create an elegant object for decorating different interiors. You can make transparent coatings on the surface of pieces of mirrors, which will give the surface a certain shade. A frame is created from such separate multi-colored fragments.
  • Leather. Mirrors in a soft frame made of this material look stylish and impressive. In this case, the frame can be voluminous. To do this, a synthetic winterizer or other similar materials are added inside. This framing option is well suited for decorating the interior of a living room or bedroom.
  • Gypsum. Can be used as a supplement. However, gypsum can also be used to create an original frame for almost any mirror. Stucco molding is created from it, which looks spectacular in a classic interior.

Color selection

Framing a mirror, large or small, should be carefully considered. The choice of color is important in this case. It is selected in accordance with the shades chosen for the decoration of the room. You can use contrasting colors. Since the mirror is a decorative element, its frame can be bright. This allows you to create accents in the room.

Black and white frames are a classic. They will fit into almost any interior. In this case, the focus on the mirror will not be made. The frame under gold, silver or copper looks spectacular in the interior. Such a frame attracts attention, looks luxurious.

The colored frame looks original. For a child's room, this option is perfect. If the composition uses two or three close shades, you can create a mirror frame in almost any room. In this case, the color must be chosen in accordance with the decoration in the room.

In some cases, it is better to leave the natural shade of the frame. Such a solution would be appropriate, for example, when framing mirrors with seashells or natural wood. In this case, the frame can be coated simply with a colorless varnish.


Framing the mirror with a tree looks impressive. To create such a decor, a variety of materials are suitable. Wood is an environmentally friendly material. She has the beauty of texture and form. If this material is used in a damp room, special impregnations must be used. They prevent the development of rot on surfaces.

It is best to cover the wood with a clear varnish. So it will be possible to emphasize the natural beauty of this material. However, other options are also possible. Paints for gold, silver, as well as other shades look spectacular on wood.

Wood allows you to experiment. To create a finish, both logs and branches or bark are suitable. For example, you can cut many ovals or circles from a small log with a jigsaw. Their diameter is from 3 to 15 cm. A frame is assembled from such elements. Each individual circle is glued to the next one, as well as directly to the mirror surface.

It is possible to cut structural elements of various shapes from bars, planks. Creating a composition from them, it is easy to achieve a stunning decorative effect. If the master knows the technique of wood carving, he can create a real work of art. Various curls, textured elements are cut out on the surface of the boards. Such handwork looks stylish and elegant.

Branches are also suitable for framing. Having collected the required amount of this material in the nearest park or forest, you can add compositions of incredible beauty from them. Such frames look openwork, original. Before you fold the composition of the branches, they are painted in a suitable shade or varnished.

How to make a frame?

How to make a wooden mirror frame? First you need to prepare the material. It must be dry. Otherwise, over time, the product may be deformed. In addition, you will need special fasteners, as well as tools. Structural elements are fixed with self-tapping screws, corners and special glue. You need to purchase materials for decoration. It can be paints or varnishes. If necessary, they purchase ribbons, stones, beads, etc.

The tool is selected according to the type of construction. If you want to create a simple frame, it is enough to prepare a hacksaw for wood and a hammer. For more complex designs, you will need a screwdriver, drill, furniture stapler. A ruler or tape measure, a pencil will also come in handy.

For example, you can make a frame from a door casing. In this case, you get a stylish and concise frame. A plank is created for each side of a square or rectangular mirror. The inner edge is made 1 cm shorter than the outer. The edges of the cuts should be at an angle of 45º.

On the reverse side of the slats make a small indentation. It will be installed. To fasten the planks together, you will need to use special carpentry corners. They are also needed to fix the mirror. After preparing all the details, you can assemble the structure by installing a canvas in it.

Previously, wooden elements must be coated with an antiseptic, and when it dries, with varnish or paint. Only after that you can start assembling.

If pieces of bark, branches and other similar materials are used to create a decorative frame, they are also first treated with an antiseptic, dried with high quality, and then coated with varnish or paint. Further, using a special carpentry glue (transparent), all parts are assembled into a single structure.

Ceiling plinth

To make a frame on a mirror with your own hands, you can use a regular ceiling plinth. It can have a smooth surface or have an interesting pattern. The width of the frame should correspond to the size of the mirror, as well as the dimensions of the room.

Various skirting boards are on sale. To create a frame, foam or polyurethane foam products are suitable. The first option is cheaper. However, it is a soft material that is easily dented and scratched. The mirror should be located in an area where mechanical damage to the surface of the baguettes is excluded.

Polyurethane foam baseboards are more expensive. However, they are more reliable. Their surface is less susceptible to mechanical stress. When creating a frame, you can not be afraid that the product will be damaged by an accidental impact or inaccurate movement. In operation, polyurethane foam baguettes are more durable.

Manufacturing procedure

How to make a mirror frame from a ceiling plinth? First you need to fix the mirror on a chipboard or plywood sheet. This allows you to create a reliable product. Next, 4 sides are cut out of the ceiling plinth. The inner edge should correspond to the length of the mirror, and the outer edge should be larger. From the bottom to the top edge of the plinth, you need to draw a line at an inclination of 45º.

The parts are connected with a special glue. It should dry well. This design, for obvious reasons, is suitable for a rectangular, square canvas. When all parts are dry, the product is covered with putty. Particular attention is paid to the joints. There should be no bumps, gaps.

When the putty dries, it needs to be painted in a suitable color. In this case, you need to ensure that paints and other building materials do not fall on the surface of the mirror. It can be closed with special masking tape, which does not leave marks on the surface. The paint is more convenient to apply with a sponge.

If desired, you can add decorative elements. It can be beads, beads, ribbons or lace. Lots of options. Natural materials are also suitable for these purposes.

Round mirror design

The framing of a mirror of a round or oval shape can be made of paper lace. This will create home comfort in the room. Similar napkins are sold in stores with disposable tableware. These laces are often used for serving if a cake is laid out on a dish.

To create such a frame, you will need double-sided tape, spray paint, scissors, covering paper. The technology for creating a frame is quite simple. First you need to paint the lace with an aerosol. The composition dries completely in 2 hours.

The back of the mirror should be pasted over with double-sided tape. The protruding excess is cut off with scissors. The protective film is removed. The mirror is applied to the dyed lace. This option is suitable for small canvases. If the mirror is overall, it is better to use a special adhesive composition. Otherwise, the fixation may not be strong enough.

You can use lace as a stencil. In this case, it is carefully glued to the front part, and then the paint is applied directly to the glass using a spray can.

Having considered the options for framing mirrors, you can create an original decor. It will be in harmony with the interior, adding a certain charm to it.

Mirrors in a stylish frame can be a spectacular touch, emphasizing not only the theme of the interior, but also its exclusivity. Consider 4 options for decorating frames for mirrors with your own hands, which will become an ornament for various design solutions.

Idea number 1. Art Deco sun mirror

The basis of this decor is wooden material. If pieces of bars or boards remain after the repair, you can decorate the original decoration for the hallway or living room. No surplus? It doesn't matter - simple branches will do!

To make a "solar" mirror you will need:
Round mirror sheet with flat edges (25-35 cm in diameter);
Wooden material (180-200 pieces of straight branches or thin sticks, 20-30 cm long);
Base (a finished round frame into which a mirror is already set, or a circle cut out of plywood);
Glue gun;
wood glue;
masking tape;
Primer (spray);
Aerosol paint or varnish.

Let's get to work:

1. We glue the boards in wedge-shaped sections of 6 pieces so that a circle is formed. To simulate the sun's rays, you need to alternate long boards with short ones, thick with thin ones. The main thing is that the width of the material is the same.

2. Glue the finished frame or plywood ring into the center of the wooden circle. It is recommended to put the press on top of the circle and leave the product to dry for 4-6 hours.

3. When the glue hardens, glue the mirror sheet in the center of the plywood circle. To hide the unevenness of the transitions, we fix rectangular blocks of the same size in one or two rows along the perimeter of the mirror.

4. The finished product must be primed, varnished (for example, colorless polyurethane) or paint - it all depends on the color scheme of the interior.

If branches are used instead of boards, the algorithm of actions is even simpler. But with such material it is more convenient to decorate a mirror in a ready-made round frame with a small corner recess.

1. Prepare the branches: rinse (sand, steam in boiling water, or leave with bark), dry, trim the edges.

2. Close the mirror on the front side with paper and masking tape. On the frame from the inside, apply a diagonal “marking” for future rays. Attach long and thick branches to it with a glue gun, holding each for 10-20 seconds until the glue sets.

3. Fill in the sectors in a circle, alternating short and long branches for a more organic and spectacular result. Remove markup. Leave the workpiece until completely dry.

4. Using sandpaper, remove the remaining adhesive.

5. Without removing the protection from the mirror, prime the branches with a spray, leave for 30-60 minutes. After - cover with varnish or paint. A day later, when the protective coating is completely dry, attach a hook or loop to the back of the base - and the mirror can be hung on the wall.

Although a sunburst frame is a typical art deco feature, such a mirror will also fit perfectly into a country or eco-style interior.

Idea number 2. Mirror made of mosaic pieces

Such decoration of the bathroom will be appropriate in any style, because the main material here will be the remains of ceramic tiles used in wall or floor cladding. The main thing is to choose the right ornament. For modern minimalist designs, geometric patterns and contrasting abstractions are suitable, for romantic and “rustic” styles - floral ornaments, for classic interiors - floral motifs and patterns imitating inlays.

For work you will need:
A sheet of plywood or MDF, cut into the shape of the desired mirror;
Ceramic tiles, mosaic;
Glue for tiles;
Mirror cloth;
Tile cutter;
Putty knife;
Grout for seams;
A container for diluting the solution;
Gloves, dry rags, sponges.

Action algorithm:

1. Glue a mirror sheet onto a wooden sheet. Around we draw patterns that will determine which fragments of ceramics will need to be made. Of course, the larger the details of the picture, the faster and easier it is to frame the frame, but complex ornaments with alternating small and large mosaic pieces look the most advantageous.

2. Using a tile cutter, cut out tile fragments of the desired shape. Put the finished pieces on the frame.

3. After manufacturing all the details, we evaluate the result. If the drawing coincided with the "reality" - you can fix the fragments with glue and leave to dry for a day.

4. After drying, it is necessary to process the seams. To do this, prepare the grout: dilute the mixture with water to the consistency of thick sour cream. Next - apply the mass between the fragments of the picture (where with a spatula, and where with your fingers - just do not forget to protect the skin with gloves!).

5. Remove the remaining grout with a damp sponge and polish the finished mosaic with a dry cloth.

Idea number 3. Mirror in the style of pop art, country, Provence, etc.

For the design of such mirrors, a smooth, without carving and other decorations, wooden frame is ideal (the wider the better). If you couldn’t find a finished one, you can make it yourself from a piece of plywood or MDF and a glued flat mirror (as in the previous example). Decorative elements must be selected based on the theme of the interior.

For pop art, vintage, modern, glass stones, Swarovski crystals, coins, pearl beads, buttons are suitable.

For country music - shreds of fabric, burlap, plant roots, dried flowers, beans, buckwheat, sunflower seeds, pumpkins, coffee, figured vermicelli, cinnamon sticks and other home supplies.

Well, to create a piece of the seabed in the style of Provence or the Mediterranean - stock up on small shells, pebbles, sand, dried starfish and algae (you can bring from a trip or buy a ready-made set for aquariums in the store).

To make a frame with your own hands, you will need:
masking tape;
acrylic primer;
Transparent universal glue (if the decor is massive - for example, a rapana shell, it is better to use super glue);
Tweezers and scissors.

We act in stages:
1. Rinse decorative elements thoroughly (especially when it comes to natural materials).

2. Using adhesive tape and paper, close the mirror sheet so as not to stain the surface with glue.

3. First stick on the frame parts of a large size and, preferably, symmetrically.

4. Use tweezers to fill in the voids with small elements. For the smallest fragments (groats, beads, sand), you can use the spraying technique: apply glue to the frame, pour filler, gently press with a brush, wait until the glue is fixed. Shake off the rest of the material by simply turning the frame over.

5. After drying for a day, you can apply a colorless varnish - this coating will give the product a slight sheen and further strengthen the structure.

Idea number 4. Mirrors with stucco

For historical styles (baroque, classic, empire, retro, etc.), gypsum stucco molding or its modern imitation is perfect as an interior decoration - moldings with characteristic curls, which are covered with gilding.

Necessary materials:
2 sheets of MDF / plywood;
Stucco elements;
Silicone sealant;
Gypsum powder;
Acrylic paint (white);
Gold, silver and pearl tinting powder.

1. To make a frame, cut two holes in MDF sheets: one is the size of a mirror, the second is 1 cm smaller for a clearance for fasteners.

2. We cover the tree with white paint.

3. Part of the molding elements can be prepared with your own hands (for example, oval medallions). To do this, you need to remove the molds from the finished fragment with plasticine, cover them with silicone sealant, smooth with a brush and leave to dry for a day. After the form, fill with gypsum mixture diluted with water and get ready-made parts.
