Wall decor to expand the space. How to visually enlarge a small room: the right use of color and lighting

For many residents former USSR the question of at least a visual increase in living space is very acute, because after the era of communism, we inherited a lot of houses with standard small apartments. To visually enlarge the space and create the illusion of spaciousness, simple tricks that are accessible to everyone will help.

Enlarge space with mirrors

A mirror placed close to the floor will help add volume to the room, an interesting effect can be achieved if you use mirrors instead of a curb. Perfectly able to cope with the increase in space and a mirrored ceiling. And today it is not necessary to use a mirror for this. Stretch ceilings can create the desired effect. In order to expand the space, they can occupy both almost the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling, and only a small part of it.

Wallpaper - is it possible to visually enlarge the room

Most used finishing material for residential premises - this is wallpaper. In interior design, they play an important role. This or that pattern of wallpaper can significantly change the look of the room, including visually reduce or expand the space of the room.

To make the room seem larger, it is recommended to choose wallpaper in light colors. If there is a drawing on them, it should be borne in mind that large images significantly narrow the space. For small rooms, a small or small ornament is more suitable, it visually removes the surface, as a result, the room seems larger. A good effect can be achieved by combining wallpaper.

To begin with, let's figure out how a drawing can change the optics of space.

Large drawing(image 1) brings the surfaces closer, and, consequently, visually reduces the room, if it is located only on the back wall - the room is shortened.

fine drawing(image 2), especially in light colors, it seems to push the space apart, thanks to which it enlarges the room.

transverse stripes(image 3) pushing the walls apart, as a result the room seems to be lower. If they are located only on the back wall, the room is shortened.

vertical stripes(picture 4) lengthen the wall, thanks to this the room seems higher, and the wider the stripes are, the more noticeable the effect will be.

Cross stripes on the floor(image 5) visually the room is made shorter and wider.

Longitudinal stripes on the floor(image 6) lengthen the room, and the more pronounced their color and the wider they are, the stronger the effect.

Ways to expand space with wallpaper:

  • To level a long and narrow room, you can use wallpaper that has a horizontal pattern, or bring the far wall closer with wallpaper in a warm dark shade.
  • Wallpaper with vertical stripes visually increase the height, but reduce the volume of the room. To avoid this effect, the walls can be decorated with contrasting narrow stripes.
  • Wide and overly bright stripes will make the room look "squat", so try to use discreet colors. Bright drawings are recommended to be included only in places, for example, to highlight zones.
  • To enlarge the room with wallpaper, you can decorate smaller walls with a large pattern, and large ones with a small one. Large patterns are also well suited for zoning a room, highlighting any part of it.
  • Wallpaper without a pattern (monochrome) or with a barely noticeable image creates a depth of perception, thanks to which it well emphasizes interior items. Such wallpapers (but only in light colors) will not only increase the space, but also create an ideal basis for further decoration walls with photographs, paintings, etc.
  • To enlarge small rooms with low ceilings and poor lighting, you can decorate their lower part with darker tones, the upper one with light ones, and make a horizontal strip at the junction.
  • To make the ceiling seem higher, glue the wallpaper only close to it. Wide borders on the walls, having the color of the ceiling, make the room lower, so it is better to refuse them. Only very thin borders are allowed.
  • You can visually distance the ceiling by adding length to the walls. In this case, they should "go" a little to the ceiling. Just paste the wallpaper starting from the ceiling, or paint the ceiling near the walls the same color as the walls. As a result, a strip with the same color, texture and pattern as the walls should form along the perimeter of the ceiling. The size of such a strip should not exceed thirty centimeters; for small rooms, five centimeters will be enough.
  • You can raise the ceiling with the help of photo wallpaper. If you decorate one of the walls with such wallpaper, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room will visually increase. But remember, murals that increase space should only be with a perspective pattern, that is, they should not depict, for example, Brick wall, and the water surface, the field, the road stretching into the distance, mountain peaks, etc.

Expanding space with color

Scientists have long proven that color can affect a person in the most amazing way. Some shades soothe and give peace of mind, others, on the contrary, irritate or even make a person aggressive, others increase appetite, etc. Color can also affect the visual perception of space.

Consider how paints can optically change space:

dark floor(image 1) in combination with light walls and ceiling, pushes the room up and to the sides. The room will seem especially large if the walls and ceiling are the same.

Darkened floor and ceiling(image 2) will make the room wider and lower, its area will be perceived as larger than in reality.

Darkened back wall and floor(image 3), in this case, the floor will be emphasized even more, this will push the room apart.

Darkened back wall and ceiling(image 4) will make the room visually shorter, but at the same time expand to the sides.

Darkened walls and floor(image 5). AT this option the floor connects the walls and seems to pull them together, because of this, the room becomes smaller and lengthens.

Darkened back wall(image 6) deepens the room and is also a good backdrop for furniture and interior items that need to be highlighted.

Darkened side walls(image 7) make the room narrower, it moves apart towards the back wall, floor and ceiling.

Darkened rear and side walls(image 8) expand the room up and down, but at the same time make it closed.

Darkened side walls and ceiling(image 9) the room expands towards the back wall, it seems narrower and longer. At the same time, the light floor does not give a feeling of reliable support.

Colored back and side walls(image 10) make the room closed, but at the same time it seems higher.

Neutral floor and colored other surfaces(image 11) make the room cramped and look like a cave.

Colored all surfaces(image 12) greatly narrow the room, make it gloomy.

Consider a few designer tips on how to visually enlarge a room with color:

  • Light colors expand the space best. pastel shades.
  • Making the room bigger will help the design of the ceiling and walls in one color. Also, the top can be made the same as the walls, but only a couple of tones lighter.
  • If the style of the room allows, you can visually raise the ceiling, and therefore increase the space, using the beams located on it. At the same time, it is recommended to make them white, and the ceiling itself smoky, slightly darkened.
  • If you want to increase the space with color, and significantly - use blue tones, but keep in mind that such shades are not conducive to a long stay in the room. An alternative to blue can be any light cold colors.
  • On the farthest wall of the room, place some bright decor item, so you can create a perspective effect and the room will be perceived as spacious.
  • Try to paint low ceilings only in bright hues, best in white.
  • In order to lengthen the room, decorate the opposite wall with a lighter cold shade.
  • To increase the space, you can use the following technique - to make a floor and decorative elements in one color, and decorate the walls in a calmer tone.
  • Overall furniture that you plan to put along the walls, try to pick up in a color close to the walls, so the room will visually smooth out.
  • You can move the walls apart if you paint the shelves to match them and choose the same color curtains. All these elements will merge and create more air space.

Armed with these techniques, you can easily create a spacious and voluminous interior in your room.

1. The very first thing is color. When choosing materials, choose light pastel colors without bright and dark elements.

2. If you need to lengthen the room, then the opposite wall must be decorated with a colder and lighter shade. If you have some kind of print on your wallpaper, then you need to remember that a large pattern brings it closer, and a small one lengthens it.

3. If the room is long and narrow, then it can be expanded using wallpaper with a horizontal stripe, as well as visually bringing the opposite wall closer with wallpaper or paint in a dark warm shade.

4. Wallpaper with a small floral print will visually enlarge the room, and if combined and glued on the opposite side, more narrow wall the same wallpaper only with large flower, then it will also turn out to expand the room.

5. Low ceilings can be leveled using light, and preferably white, glossy ceiling or more extreme, “mirrors”. If height allows, then you can "play" with multi-level plasterboard ceiling. The ceiling and floor should be light, like the rest of the walls in the room. A light floor with longitudinal lines will also help increase the space. A light glossy tile will also help with this.

6. It is necessary to work very carefully with borders in a small room, there is a risk of reducing it even more.

7. A good tool with which you can always increase or expand the space is mirrors. But the main thing here is not to overdo it.

8. Light and light textiles on the windows will also visually enlarge the space and make the room more airy and bright.

9. Choose simple furniture, preferably with straight lines and functional. In color, it is desirable that it does not differ from the general color scheme of the room. Avoid large furniture. Better put medium sofa and one small chair than a full-fledged seating area.

10. By placing some bright decor item in the farthest corner of the room, you will create the effect of a great perspective, and the person who enters will perceive the room as spacious.

11. Brighten up the room with extra lighting. Apart from sunlight and central lighting, use internal lighting and additional light sources. Sometimes, only due to the right lighting, you can create stunning visual effects. If you are not confident in your abilities, contact professional designers.

12. A lot in a small room small items decor (trinkets, candlesticks, figurines, etc.) will look ridiculous and visually litter the space even more. Therefore, try to remove all unnecessary.

13. Do not take up space in the center of the room, place furniture along the walls and in the corners.

14. Choose "transparent" furniture with glass surfaces.

15. Use mirrors. With their help, you will create depth in the room. Mirrors also make a room lighter and brighter by reflecting natural and artificial light.

16. If you need to divide a room by highlighting some area, use “shelf” and glass partitions.

17. Instead of ordinary doors, you can also put a glass partition into the room.

18. On selection household appliances give preference narrow options. Thankfully today is very wide selection flat wall TVs and narrow monitors.

19. By making a niche with circular illumination in the wall, you will visually push the wall further, which will increase the volume of the room.

20. And finally, if you have the opportunity to combine rooms by removing partitions, use this method as well, but here you will have to work hard and run around all sorts of authorities to agree on the redevelopment of the apartment.

Visual enlargement of rooms is a fairly common technique that helps to live in comfortable conditions while spending the least amount of money.

Properly selected wallpaper helps to visually enlarge the space

The presence of a small room in the apartment may be the result of an unsuccessful layout, but all this can be corrected. In this article, we will introduce everyone how to visually enlarge a room and turn it into a comfortable, functional living space.

First, let's talk about how to visually enlarge a small room and equip it.

In doing so, you need to follow these tips:

  1. choose the right color: the space visually increases in case correct selection the colors of the walls, ceiling, which should be light shades;
  2. skillfully place curtains. If there is large windows in a small room, it is recommended to hang them around the edges, because then the window cuts will appear even larger. Curtains must have the same color scheme as the walls;
  3. use multifunctional furniture. You can’t take it literally so that the necessarily acquired bed, when it is raised, should turn into a beautiful wall. The most common way to save space is a sofa bed, which is comfortable to sleep on, and during the day it is pleasant for guests to sit on it;
  4. apply a large number of transparent surfaces.

Also, you need to try to maintain order in the room so as not to place unnecessary things here.

Use multifunctional furniture and reflective surfaces in the interior

Plus, remember that the space visually expands with the help of a large number natural and artificial light.

How to visually enlarge a room with color?

With the help of an optical illusion, we ourselves will be able to enlarge the space of even the smallest rooms and give an exhaustive answer to the question: “How to visually enlarge a room using color?”

For this you need to remember that:

  1. a bright dwelling will become visually wider and taller if it has a colored floor;
  2. needs to be painted bright color the ceiling, then the room will seem wider, but a little lower;
  3. it is desirable to give the back wall and ceiling one color, then the dwelling will expand, but its depth will decrease;
  4. if only the back wall is highlighted with color, then the side walls will also move apart;
  5. when only paint is applied to the side walls, the width of the room will decrease, and the depth will increase;
  6. if there is a problem with low ceilings, then you need to paint the far and side walls, which will significantly reduce the width of the dwelling.

To enlarge the space, they use white, beige, bluish, light green colors. For painting ceilings, for example, white paint or a tension structure of the same color is used. By the way, you need to know what color visually enlarges the bathroom, kitchen, nursery and other rooms. The conclusion is obvious: it is best to use a white shade.

How to visually enlarge a room with curtains?

If you choose the right curtains, they will visually expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba small room, raise the ceiling, and divert attention from other possible design flaws.

Therefore, curtains that visually enlarge the room should be:

  1. monophonic, since the absence of drawings and ornaments does not attract attention;
  2. simple in form. The fact is that complex structures the area is "eaten up";
  3. with horizontal or diagonal stripes. Thanks to this element of decor, the room becomes visually wider.

It is better that the curtains are plain and match the color of the walls.

In addition, there are things whose use in a small room is undesirable.

So, it is impossible for the curtains to be different:

  • large or too colorful pattern, complex ornament. Such decorative elements take up a lot of space, as they are constantly in the spotlight;
  • a large number of folds, since such a load on small windows will make them even smaller;
  • vertical stripes, because from this element of decor a small dwelling will become even narrower;
  • layering, since this not only reduces total area, but the room is made even darker and smaller.

How to visually enlarge a room with wallpaper?

Now we will tell you how to visually enlarge a room using wallpaper for this. Today, they are increasingly trimming walls and ceilings in residential premises. They not only decorate the interior, but also visually enlarge the dwelling.

For this, wallpaper of light shades is used. The presence and the very meaning of the picture also has a great influence on the overall perception: large images make the space narrower, and small ones increase the volume.

It should be noted that thanks to:

  1. large drawing, the surface approaches, which, as a result, reduces the dwelling;
  2. small drawing on a background of light tones, is created optical illusion increase in the area of ​​the room;
  3. vertical stripes, the height of the ceiling increases significantly.

Cross strips push the walls apart, while the ceiling becomes lower

How to visually enlarge a narrow room?

So, for this you must:

  • as far as possible, do not use bright and contrasting tones. To make a narrow room seem larger area, you need to use paints, curtains, pastel wallpaper (light green, light blue, cream, apricot) and white colors;
  • according to the decoration of the walls, floor and ceiling, also select furniture. Please note that the presence of contrast between furniture, for example, and walls, reduces space;
  • try to add as much light as possible, since lighting is key point when opening space, while making it clear, large;

To expand the room, use pastel and cold colors.

  • throw out unnecessary things that create the effect of limited volume. Golden Rule: less things - more room;
  • use mirrors and mirror tiles, which contributes to the enlargement of the volume;
  • put an object that will attract the attention of incoming people in the farthest corner. In this case, the eye will immediately fall on this thing, for example, a beautiful floor lamp, which will help create a sense of perspective.

By following these little tricks, you will not only know how to visually increase the size of the room, but at the same time your home will be filled with air and become much more spacious.

What is the best way to arrange furniture in a small room?

As you can see, you can visually increase the space of a room. different ways including furniture. At the same time, it is very important to place it correctly.

It must be taken into account that:

  • it is best to use furniture with elements of mirrors or glass: a transparent glass table, a coffee table;
  • it is necessary to select such options so that some elements are open type, which will contribute to the free penetration of air, as well as light into the home;

Place furniture along the walls to make the space appear larger.

  • store things, clothes are best in vertical-type cabinets;
  • you need to use lower furniture - stools, coasters, ottomans;
  • it would be nice if the furniture was placed in the corners, which will help free up space in the center of the room.

How to visually enlarge a room is what every third inhabitant of our country thought about. Everyone dreams of having their own corner, not a rented apartment. And if you are lucky enough to have own apartment, no matter what size and parameters it is. AT modern world correct any planning errors possible with the help minimal cost, simply by correctly applying certain means of decor.

How to visually enlarge a room? Actually, it's not that difficult. In order to expand, lengthen or extend the room, you need a very small amount of funds and their reasonable use. Of course, you can expand the space in the room by removing partitions, but this drastic measures. We will advise you how to do it more humanely. The basic principles of creating visual space in the decor include:

  • Color play and optical illusions.
  • and other prints on the walls can visually both lengthen and narrow the room.
  • Mirrors or glossy surfaces greatly expand, if necessary, the space. But their use should be approached very responsibly and carefully. After all, it is important not to overdo it. An abundance of reflective materials can create discomfort for people present in the room.
  • The play of light and shadow.
  • Furniture and its correct location.
  • Decor elements.

To achieve the desired goal, you can use any of these methods separately or combine them with each other.

Wallpapers and prints for rooms

Wallpaper is perhaps one of the most available ways expanding the space of the room. But not everyone knows how visually correct. The first thing you should pay attention to is the drawing. He can play a cruel joke if you do not know how to choose it correctly. It is important to remember a few rules:

  • A strip or other pattern is characterized by its thickness, diameter, and also the distance between them. Very thick lines can cause the opposite effect of what you wanted to achieve. Thin lines will not only help to make the room look taller, but if used correctly, they will visually push the walls apart. Too much large drawings can significantly reduce the space.


How not to make repairs if you have a low ceiling

Let's start with the most important: what not to do and what design solutions- a taboo for the owner of housing with low ceilings.

The first thing you should give up- These are bright and catchy ceilings. If you succumb to fashion trends and in a room with a height of 2.20 meters, make a bright red ceiling, then be sure that the room will look ridiculous and miniature.

The same applies to dark ceilings and overly colorful ones. Light pastel colors are also not an option. A light beige ceiling will “crush” no less than a colored one. The best option, after all, is white.

Second - no multi-tiered compositions. If the low ceiling is made voluminous, then it will look just awful. And the ceiling will seem larger than the whole room.

Third - forget about wide baguettes and plaster molding around the perimeter of the ceiling. This is all - only for high walls, within three meters. Even at a height of 2.50 meters - a wide baguette with an ornament looks out of place and visually makes the room lower.

Fourth - avoid large chandeliers, that hang on chains. Not only that, in this case, there is a great chance to catch on her head, she also visually reduces the room. A chandelier designed for halls with high ceilings and hanging in Khrushchev makes a miserable impression.

Fifth - carpet with a large pile - not your case. Such a floor visually raises the level of the plane and, as a result, the ceiling seems lower.

Sixth - do not try to make the ceiling and walls too contrasting. blue walls and a white ceiling, for example, is much worse in this regard than light blue walls and a white ceiling.

Most the best way for low rooms - white walls and the same ceiling.

Moreover, without any baguettes on top and other plane separators. Do not worry, it will not look boring, because, in this case, the emphasis is on completely different elements: decor, textiles, furniture.

But, if this is too radical and bold for you, then, at least, do not make a strong contrast.

To "raise" the ceiling - you need to lower the floor!

If your apartment is old, Khrushchev-built, then the floors are probably made of wood. If you remove this flooring, you can "win" about 5-7 centimeters.

By and large, this is not so much. If you stop only on this method of “stretching” the walls and neglect the rest of the tips, then this maneuver may not be noticed. But, in the heat - the floor will lose a lot. Yes, and in soundproofing properties. Do not forget that the floors in the houses old building- quite thin and after you remove the thick flooring, you will hear everything that happens at the neighbors.

Therefore, this method of raising the ceiling is not the best and it is not necessary to use it at all. Only in extreme cases and then, if you have a real replacement for the tree. If we are talking about putting linoleum instead of boards, it is better to abandon this idea.

Reflection on the floor - visual illusion of height

But if the floor is made glossy, the effect will be.

Any reflection, even from the ceiling, even from the floor, visually “pulls out” the walls. What to make the floor from so that it shines?

A good option is a stone coating, like onyx. This stone, due to polishing, reflects surfaces like a mirror. But cheap and available material you don't name him.

A great alternative to natural gloss is self-leveling flooring.

There is already a lot of room for imagination here.

It can be made simply glossy, or it can be voluminous, with a 3D effect.

But, nevertheless, it is better to stop at more simple version and don't complicate.

Not always a three-dimensional pattern is able to “lower” the floor. More often it turns out the other way around and until you do it, you won’t know.

Since the picture in the catalog and real view such a floor in the room - two big differences, as they say in Odessa.

"Raise" the ceiling with glossy stretch materials

The owners of premises with low ceilings often do not even consider the option of stretch ceilings. For one simple reason: for their organization, it is necessary to fix a profile that will “lower” the ceiling by 5-7 centimeters.

But, the effect of "landing" will come out only if you choose a matte finish. And, if you take the gloss, then the situation changes radically.

These 5-7 cm are real, they will be more than compensated by the reflective effect, which visually “raises” the ceiling.

White gloss looks especially good. He is able to transform even a very small room with low ceilings.

Mirror ceiling

The same effect will be if instead of paint or stretch ceiling you will finish the ceiling with a real mirror.

It is quite expensive and not suitable for all premises. For example, for a bedroom and a bath - it will be good, but for a living room - not very much. Uncomfortable and too bold.

Good results are obtained if the mirror elements are made partially, and not in a continuous array. For example, mount a mirror around the chandelier and along the perimeter of the ceiling. And unobtrusively and raises the visual level.

What is still better in our case: tension or dyed?

We considered several options, but the most real and affordable of them are glossy stretch ceilings and ordinary ones painted white.

What is better, more practical and more efficient? Of course, the glossy ceiling - good decision. But, it is not suitable for all rooms.

For example, for a bedroom, the reflective effect is bad, since, in addition to the floor, glare from lighting fixtures will be reflected on it.

And this means that when you raise your eyes up, they will blind you. Also, if you have some kind of showcase, lantern or signboard glowing in the night outside your window, it will definitely be reflected on the ceiling and will interfere with sleep.

Of course, the problem of the reflection of light from the street is solved with the help of thick curtains. But nothing can cope with the sconce, which is located directly in the bedroom.

Therefore, our answer to the question of what is better for the bedroom: gloss or painting, we answer with all confidence - painting.

But for the rest of the rooms, you may well choose a stretch PVC coating.

Removing all horizontal decor elements from the walls

Much depends on how the decorative elements are located and in what plane they are directed.

You can make a white and glossy ceiling, but if you hang horizontally elongated shelves on the walls, then the whole “lifting” effect will simply disappear.

Remember the first law in clothes for fat ladies? It says they should avoid horizontal stripes! They visually stretch the body in breadth. The same thing happens with the wall if there are long, horizontal shelves on it. The wall looks wider and lower...

In addition to hanging elements, you should also avoid drawings that “pull” the wall in different directions.

We select a vertical wallpaper pattern

So, based on the above, you need to select vertical drawings. The best option is a regular strip. It can even be bright enough - the effect will be very obvious. But a barely noticeable strip, even in the form of convex details, can also work wonders!

In addition to wallpaper, it is advisable to use other vertical decor items: long, tall pictures, floor-to-wall mirrors, various elongated shelves and racks.

What ornaments should be avoided in wall decoration?

The worst option in the case of low ceilings is a large drawing.

For example, bright spots of large flowers or geometric figures. Such details can literally compress the wall and make the ceiling visually lower.

We fix the cornice correctly

Cornice - very important detail! If your goal is to visually raise the ceiling, then you cannot mount the curtains in the standard way: on the cornice, which is located on the wall.

The best option it is a stringed, hidden cornice. It can be made at the junction of the stretch ceiling and wall, or, using a special plasterboard niche.

But most importantly, to achieve the effect that the fabric was flowing directly from under the ceiling. This is a very strong "trick" that can visually raise the ceiling.

We buy a low ottoman instead of a standard sofa

And now we will tell you how to visually increase the height of the ceiling with the help of furniture.

If you put standard, high sofas and armchairs, then the distance from floor to ceiling will look less.

And the higher the legs and backs are, the more noticeable it is.

But if you choose a sofa oriental type, that is, one that is located almost on the floor - this produces a stunning visual illusion.

The same goes for coffee tables and other furniture. low table- raise the ceiling, and a high cabinet - lower it.

Don't forget lighting!

If you want to know how to visually increase the height without resorting to any reconstructions and repairs at all, then we will answer you: with the help of good lighting.

Believe me, bright light can work wonders! True, the illusion of expanding the premises will be only in evening time when the light comes on.

It is very good if you put a pair of tall floor lamps. They will serve additional source lighting in the evening, and during the day - "stretch" the walls due to its vertical shape.


In conclusion, I would like to say: you should not choose any one option for visually increasing the ceiling.

All methods must be used in combination. Well, or at least most of them. Not everyone will like low ottomans instead of standard furniture, but the rest of the other techniques are quite simple and unobtrusive. Only an integrated approach can transform a low Khrushchev building beyond recognition!
