How to install an iron door in a frame house. Step-by-step instructions: do-it-yourself installation of metal doors in a frame house

Master of Architecture, graduated from the Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. 11 years of experience in design and construction.

What is the difference between installing a metal door in a wooden house and installing it in a stone building? The first and most significant difference is the material of the opening. The whole process depends on it in many respects. Therefore, it is established only when the properties of wood are studied.

The specifics of installing an iron door in a wooden house

At self installation products need to be extremely careful, since even a minor mistake will cause a lot of trouble. Wood is a rather capricious material. And wooden buildings have a number of features that cannot be ignored when installing a steel structure:

When installing a metal door in wooden house it is important to take into account all these nuances in order to prevent deformation and breakage of the structure.

List of required tools

Taking into account technological characteristics building material, for work you will need a set of tools:

  • level;
  • medium-sized scrap;
  • nail puller;
  • hacksaw or chainsaw;
  • chisel;
  • anchors;
  • mounting foam.

Installation instructions

Installation of the product involves a clear sequence of actions. Step-by-step instruction will allow you to get an overall picture of the entire scope of work and not go astray. consists of four stages.

Scheme of mounting a metal door

Opening preparation

The locations of the openings in the building are provided by the project. They are made at the construction stage or cut out with a chainsaw after the construction of the house.

During construction, cut an opening for the door

The width of the opening must be 150 mm larger than required door structure. This is necessary to install a casing with a width of 65 mm. At the top, it is also necessary to leave a gap of 15 cm, which will eventually be closed by settled crowns.

When replacing an old frame door, the preparation of the opening begins with its dismantling. Disassemble the structure will not be special work. For this you need:

Assembly and installation of casing

An okosyachka or casing is called bars along the perimeter of the opening, which form a rigid base for fastening the door. It does not prevent the shrinkage of the wooden structure, but at the same time protects the openings from distortions that appear under the influence of settling crowns. When installing the casing at the ends of the opening, a groove is made with a milling cutter.

To install the pigtail, it is necessary to cut a groove in the ends of the opening

Then a bar is inserted into it. It is also called a sliding bar, along which the whole house settles. The contours of the opening remain unchanged.

A sliding bar is installed in the groove

It is also possible to use others that perform exactly the same function. The choice of connection type is a matter of taste.

A transverse rail is installed at the top, and soft insulation is placed in the gap. The bars on the sides are built up with boards, the width of which is equal to the width of the butt. As a result of these actions, a rough box is obtained, to which they will attach iron door.

Door casing is arranged by analogy with window casing.
Finished casing

Installing the box and canvas

For buildings made of wood, frames with a high degree of rigidity are usually chosen. As a rule, this is a welded mechanism made of sheet material at least 2 mm thick.

The installation of the steel frame is carried out only when the diagonals of the pigtails coincide. If this does not happen, the casing will need to be corrected. Otherwise, the metal frame will become uneven, which will lead to the destruction of the casing.

Before inserting the frame of the front door into the opening, it should be insulated mineral wool and seal the joints. Often there are products with an insulated box. In this case, no additional manipulations are required before installation.

The gap between the door frame and the casing should be in the range of 1.5 to 3 cm. It is filled mounting foam.

After you managed to place the iron box in the opening, align it and fix it. In order for the load to be evenly distributed over the entire wall, it is recommended to increase the number of fastening points.

After installing the box in the opening, it is aligned and fixed

The length of the anchors must not be greater than the thickness of the carriages. The fastening elements are installed in a checkerboard pattern so that they enter the carriage on both sides of the crest.

The next step is hanging the sash. In iron doors, 2 methods of fastening are used:

  • Welded outer hinges. To put on the canvas, it must be lifted and planted upper part loops on the pin. Such fastening is considered unreliable, since the loops are easily cut off.
  • Hidden hinges. They are inserted into the sash, loot and are considered burglar-resistant. To make the installation, you will need a hex key, which twists the fittings.

By opening and closing the door, check the correctness of its hinge.

The correct hinge of the door is checked by opening and closing it.

Filling gaps with mounting foam

At the end of the installation, it is necessary to foam the cracks around the iron box. If you don't want to, cover its edges with masking tape.

After the mounting foam has hardened, its excess is removed. As a decor. In this case, the overhead strips are not attached to the wall, but to the steel box.

The next step in the construction of the house, after the construction of the frame and the installation of the roof, will be the installation of windows and the front door.

Currently being issued a large number of various in design and material for the manufacture of window blocks and doors. We will not dwell further on their construction. In the frame technology you can use any type, as long as they are suitable in size and purpose for this opening.

Installation of window and door blocks in wooden frame presents no great difficulty. In a wooden frame, you can, without spending a lot of time and effort, change the size of the openings for windows and doors (before they are installed).



The opening for the window should be no more than 25 mm wider than the window frame. The opening height depends on the solution for installing the window sill. Abroad, when using air heating, they use interior design windows without a window sill board. In many ways, this is justified from an aesthetic point of view.

The comfort of any room depends on the degree of its illumination, especially in daytime- natural light.On the other hand, through the window there is a significant loss of thermal energy, which is spent on heating the room during the cold season. The minimum window area, depending on the floor area in which it is located, is given in the table:

* regardless of the use of artificial lighting.

The distance from the top of the window opening to the soffit must be at least ¼ of the soffit width. However, with south side, from the conditions of comfort of the room on a hot summer day, this distance should be no more than ¼ of the height of the window opening. The width of the soffit (together with the drain, if applicable) is at least 2/3 of the height of the window.

The bedroom should have at least one window with an opening sash to ventilate the room. The minimum area of ​​the opening sash should be 0.35 sq. m. The maximum distance from the floor surface to the opening part of the window is not more than 1 m. If the basement window is located below the ground, the width of the pit should be at least 550 mm when the doors open into the room. When opening the sashes outward, this distance increases by the width of the opening of the sashes.

In a hole in the wall window block may be indoor or outdoor. With an internal arrangement, the glass surface, due to air convection, will be better heated, will not sweat, and freeze in severe frosts.

For natural ventilation opening window sashes must have an area of ​​at least:


The dimensions of the doors depend on the functional purpose of the premises. In any case, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of SNiP for the minimum allowable values doorways.

The doors of rooms in which gas appliances are installed must open outwards.

The entrance door to the house should not be higher than 1.5 m from the ground


There are many designs of window and door blocks. Widespread use plastic windows and doors. Wooden structures also reach a new level of quality. main feature modern products - installation without their additional adjustment, which significantly increases labor productivity and reduces construction costs.

If the wall, in the opening of which the block is installed, is strictly vertical, it remains only to align the inserted block in the opening with the help of a level and wedge-shaped gaskets (between the block and the boards forming the opening). wooden block nail through the binding to the vertical posts of the frame, and nail the plastic one using fasteners.

Significantly facilitate the installation of windows lining, nailed with outer side window opening. They must be removed before installing the outer trim. Linings are easy to make from scraps of plywood. They can be installed at the stage of assembling the wall frame, when it is still lying on.

The use of external walls and the use of modern window and door blocks makes it possible to reduce the gap between the opening and the block to 10 mm on each side.

Before installing window and door blocks, it is necessary to determine the method of sealing the joint between the block itself and the vapor-waterproofing of the frame.

Frame technologies during construction own house many hosts choose for several good reasons:

  • High thermal insulation characteristics with good strength and durability.
  • High-speed construction of the house and quick housewarming
  • Availability finished projects with a variety of facade finishes and with the possibility of making the necessary changes. Therefore, because of the cladding, it is difficult to recognize the frame essence of construction.
  • Inside the house, all communications are hidden and do not interfere with design ideas.
  • Thanks to the impregnation of structures with fire-retardant compositions with flame retardants fire regulations are fully respected and the fire resistance of the house is high.
All of the above benefits frame house must match the same worthy entrance doors. Very often, the owners have doubts: is a heavy metal door with the same impressive frame suitable for a relatively light house.

Entrance door to frame house should also protect against burglary, from cold, from noise, plus be a kind of face of the house, its calling card that creates the most lasting first impression for your guests. That's where you have to come from.

What are the considerations

A frame house, for all the typicality of its construction technology, after facing and finishing works always acquires a unique form inherent only to him. First of all, this is influenced by the tastes and, of course, the capabilities of the owners.

Despite the importance of these purely subjective factors, it can be useful to take a break from them for a while and look around. You will see that local conditions have no less influence:
  • climate and microclimatic features - for example, a house will be built on a southern steep slope, moreover, protected from cooling winds, or in an open field in a blown area;
  • the house will be a country house or in a city block of the private sector;
  • criminogenicity of the area - despite overall growth crime, we still have many places with a patriarchal peaceful way of life;
  • the presence of nearby noisy industries, railways.

Types of entrance street doors

First of all, this steel doors- the most common for several reasons:
  • affordable price;
  • durability;
  • strength, rigidity, no chips or cracks.
Have metal doors and the disadvantage is that dents can form on them from impacts, and if the powder coating is damaged, rust may appear.

If security is the most important thing, then buying a metal, and maybe an armored door is the most the best option. But do not forget about an integrated approach - that is, do not forget about a reliable fence, protected windows and verandas.

Relatively new are aluminum doors- they have strong enamel coating imitating any style and color (including wood). But like any metal, aluminum is also prone to dents from impacts.

Fiberglass doors also have a variety of appearance and therefore can support any design style. They have a higher resistance to mechanical shock loads. There is only one drawback - you cannot buy a high-quality door at a low price, and there is no point in buying a cheap one, since it can crack in the cold.

Made of solid wood - this is the traditional design of doors, taking into account the use of new technologies, will probably never lose its popularity due to its solid appearance and respectability. If you do not use valuable breeds, then the need for regular renewal paintwork doors are more than offset by its low cost. Another disadvantage is the relatively low reliability and burglary resistance. Such a parameter as durability varies greatly and depends on the type of wood used.

Composite doors are another promising novelty. Their frame and skin are made of composite (plastics plus minerals plus cementitious fillers) high-strength polymer. The inner cavity is filled with water-based polyurethane foam. ecological basis. Composite doors are characterized by good moisture resistance.

PVC doors with a steel or aluminum frame - they are inexpensive, functional and practical. Strength is given to them by reinforcement and metal tabs. But the appearance often does not match the style of a country house.

Not only design matters

For input street door of a private house, the following qualities are important:
  • reliability and burglary resistance;
  • anti-vandalism;
  • moisture resistance;
  • high thermal insulation;
  • sufficient noise and dust absorption.
Taken together, these characteristics are applied to various materials used for the manufacture of doors, it is easy to summarize - the ideal front door to a frame house will be metal. Its installation is well developed and does not present difficulties for experienced builders.

It is in full swing, and in the previous part "" several questions were considered about which windows to choose for your home, their characteristics and installation methods. In this part, we will talk about the front doors.

Entrance doors can be made of solid wood or metal. In this part, we will get acquainted with the doors made of solid wood.

What is meant by "door"?

  • door leaf
  • door block (frame)
  • architraves
  • canopies (hinges)
  • fittings (handles, lock, peephole, etc.

Rules for installing the front door

When ordering a door for your home, you need to consider that the doorway must be large in size relative to the door frame. It will be better if the gap between the frame and the ends of the doorway is approximately 1.5-2 cm, which will make it possible to better insulate the space between the walls of the opening and the frame. In addition, in this case, it will be much easier for you to install the door.

1. first of all, it is necessary to clean the doorway;
2. after the doorway is clear of debris, install door frame;
3. The next step is to place the threshold horizontally (to determine the angle of inclination, you must use building level) and its fastening;
4. Next, install the door frame in a vertical position and secure it only on the side where it will be fixed door hinges(canopies), - at the top and bottom point;
5. fasten the hinges and hang the door leaf;
6. check how easily the door closes (if the door leaf touches the frame, then it is necessary to fine-tune the door leaf at the points of contact with the frame);
7. evaluate the work of the lock;
8. fix the door frame on the side where the lock is embedded and re-check the door opening and closing and the operation of the lock;
9. if the door leaf does not stick, and the lock closes on certain number turns (usually two turns of the key), you can fix the door frame around the entire perimeter;
10. fill the space between the walls of the doorway and the door frame with mounting foam;
11. after the foam has dried, cut off the excess and fix the trim.

The door leaf is recommended to be fixed at three points to the side of the door frame. If you are installing a custom made door standard sizes, the top fixing point can be 30 cm from the top of the door frame and the bottom fixing point 20 cm from the bottom of the frame.

Door hinges can have a different direction of door opening and are divided into left and right. The door can be opened as left side, and to the right - but at the same time it should only open outward.

Important! When filling the space between the door frame and the doorway with mounting foam, be sure to install two spacer bars in the middle of the door frame, 50 cm apart. This must be done in order to eliminate possible deflection uprights boxes at the time of expansion of the mounting foam.

Frame buildings differ from other wood structures in that they are practically not subject to shrinkage. Therefore, in such a house, doors can be installed immediately after the walls are erected, before they are insulated. Having studied detailed instructions and having experience in similar work, you can install the doors in the frame house yourself, especially if you have successfully completed the installation of windows before.

Door types

By appointment, the doors are divided into internal (or interior) and external (entrance).

To the outer and inner doors are presented different requirements. The outer must have high strength and good thermal insulation properties, and internal - excellent sound insulation. Based on the above requirements, metal blind doors with insulation are most often installed as external doors, and wooden, MDF or PVC doors are chosen for internal doors.

In addition, there is a division into types depending on the number of canvases (single-leaf and double-leaf), filling the door leaf (glazed or deaf) and other criteria.

Types of entrance doors

To do right choice, study the offers of the market.

solid wood doors

They are made from different breeds tree. How more valuable breed the more expensive the final product will be. This makes it possible to choose suitable option depending on your preferences and price.

Doors from the array have the following main advantages:

  • environmentally clean materials manufacturing;
  • good soundproofing characteristics;
  • beautiful appearance.

But wooden doors also have disadvantages:

  • low thermal insulation properties;
  • exposure to atmospheric influences;
  • insufficient, in comparison with metal doors, reliability and durability;
  • do-it-yourself installation requires additional skills and abilities;
  • need regular care.

Metal doors

Entrance metal doors are from metal frame and blind linen with insulation.

Metal doors have many advantages:

  • good heat-shielding characteristics;
  • structural strength;
  • durability, reliability;
  • relative ease of installation;
  • do not require special care.

However, it is worth mentioning some of the disadvantages of metal doors:

  • heavy weight;
  • high price.

Types of interior doors

Interior (internal) doors are classified according to the material of manufacture. They are metal, wood, MDF or PVC.

Doors made from MDF are usually finished with veneer or lamination. Veneered doors have more low price compared to solid products. The cost of laminated doors is even lower.

Nevertheless, products made from this material have undeniable advantages. They are resistant to fungi and insects. The main disadvantage of such doors is susceptibility to moisture. In addition, MDF is certainly a less environmentally friendly material compared to wood.

Frame doors

Frame doors are based on a wooden frame with veneer or laminate finish. Corrugated cardboard is used to fill the voids formed by the frame, the frame is sheathed with plywood or hardboard. This is most cheap option frame house doors.

PVC doors

Doors made of this material have many positive qualities. They are quite strong, durable and at the same time undemanding in care. They also provide excellent sound insulation. But when installing such doors in a room, the effectiveness of natural ventilation decreases, since they have tight junctions.

Standard sizes of doorways

Usually at the design stage lay required dimensions door openings, taking into account the required installation tolerances. The distance between the opening and the door frame should be about 1-2 cm.

Installation entrance doors in a frame house, as a rule, it is carried out at the end of the facade decoration. If you want to install the door before that, you should lay an allowance for the thickness of the finish.

The dimensions of the doorways are determined based on ease of use:

  • For entrance doorways - 2100×900 and 2100×1200 mm.
  • Openings for doors in residential premises - 2100 × 900 mm.
  • Dimensions of openings in living rooms and common rooms-2100×1600 mm and 2100×1200 mm.
  • Openings for a doorway in the kitchen - 2100 × 900 mm.
  • In storerooms, utility rooms and bathrooms - 2100 × 700 mm.

Installation of doors in a frame house

The door structure consists of the following elements:

  • door frame;
  • canvas;
  • hinges and lock.

To complete the finishing of the opening, crossbars, a threshold (not always), extensions and platbands are used. The lock is selected based on the place of application. Interior doors fitted with latches. Entrance door locks - locking mechanisms and keys.

Basic installation steps

A prerequisite for minimizing labor costs when installing doors is careful compliance with correct sequence performance of work:

  • preparation of materials and devices;
  • preparation of the doorway;
  • fitting a door frame;
  • box installation;
  • door leaf installation.

Preparation of materials and fixtures

For mounting door block you need to prepare the following tools:

  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • chisel;
  • level (instead, you can use a nylon thread, a description of its use is given below);
  • hacksaw;
  • corner;
  • a small sledgehammer;
  • roulette.

For do-it-yourself installation, consumables will be required:

  • mounting foam;
  • lining bars;
  • self-tapping screws.

Preparing the doorway

When erecting a frame, doorways are usually formed so that they are small tolerances 10-20 mm. However, openings often have big sizes tolerances, for example, when subfloors are not installed level or the walls are “littered”.

Thus, the draft doorways of a frame house always need to be prepared. To proceed with the installation, all of the above disadvantages should be eliminated, otherwise they may subsequently lead to a mass of complications.

Methods for assessing the evenness of walls

There are two methods for checking wall curvature.

Checking with kapron thread

Screws are screwed into the corners of the opening or nails are driven in. Then a thread is pulled crosswise between them, so that the letter X is obtained. In the center, the threads should touch.

If this is not the case, it is necessary to slightly move the lower part of the opening into the right direction. To do this, you need to use wooden block and a small sledgehammer lightly tap the bottom of the opening on each side. This should be done until the threads stretched in the opening touch each other.

Building level check

If there is a level, you can use it to check the evenness of the walls and determine whether the wall of the frame house has a blockage in any direction.

When applying the level, the bubble should be exactly in the center of the window. If the bubble is misaligned, the position needs to be corrected. light walls sledgehammer, achieving the central position of the level indicator.

Checking the levelness of the strapping

The horizontality of the strapping elements is checked with a level. All existing deviations from the horizontal are eliminated by laying the remaining trimmings of sheathing slabs or other material of suitable thickness available on the site. Putting bars, achieve the central position of the level indicator.

In the same way, check floor level in doorway . When installing on a clean floor, the position of the threshold is adjusted by the thickness of the lining. For rough floors, an allowance for the thickness of the planned floor covering should be laid.

Checking and adjusting the clearances

If the doorway in the frame house has significant tolerances, then they should be reduced. This is done using plywood, OSB or board inserts. They need to be nailed or screwed with self-tapping screws on the sides and along the upper part of the opening, thereby achieving a gap not exceeding 2 cm. Gaskets are not suitable at the hinge attachment points, as this will make it difficult to adjust the position of the canvas relative to the box.

Sample door frame

Fitting the box allows you to evaluate the magnitude of the resulting gaps. This is important because the box must be installed tightly into the opening. First of all, it is recommended to remove the massive door leaf from the hinges in order to facilitate the fitting of the door frame to the opening and its alignment with the walls.

The next step, using a level or plumb line, the position of the structure is aligned with the opening in vertical planes.

Box installation

After preparing the opening, you can proceed directly to the installation of the box. First you need to drill holes for self-tapping screws in the threshold (if the box is with a threshold) and in vertical butts. Then the box is installed in the opening and fixed in the upper part of the jamb with two gaskets. These gaskets should be placed on opposite sides.

Next, between the opening and the box, with a step of 30 cm, spacer bars are placed. In places of fastening with self-tapping screws, in the places where the lock, latches and hinges are located, the bars are not placed. The box is set straight and fixed with self-tapping screws.

The first five fasteners are installed with self-tapping screws in certain places and in the right order so that you can adjust the position of the door. Self-tapping screws for fastening are selected in such a way that their length is three times the thickness of the box (butt).

First mount is next to the top loop, as high as possible. Gaskets are not placed behind the first fastener, they are already in the upper part of the jamb.

Second mount located at the top of the door frame, as high as possible, on the opposite side of the first fastener.

Before attaching the lower part, check the position again with a level and, if necessary, move the bottom of the box in or out. And also you need to remove the remaining irregularities of the walls. If it is not possible to completely eliminate the curvature, then this can be done before the fourth mount. You may also need additional gasket for fixing the box in front of the third fastening.

Third mount located as close to the floor as possible at the bottom of the door frame.

Fourth mount is located at the very bottom of the box on the opposite side from the third one. This is very milestone before it, the remaining irregularities should be corrected.

Fifth mount. Due to the load from the mass of the door during operation, the gap above the upper hinge will increase. If this problem is not eliminated, the door will begin to rub against the box.

To reduce pressure on the top of the box and the hinge, you need to install a long self-tapping screw so that it penetrates not only into the box, but also into the end of the opening by 5-7 cm. It should not be tightened, later it will be possible to adjust the position of the door in case of precipitation.

Rules for filling the mounting gap with foam

To better fill the gap with foam, you can use mounting angles. By moving them back and forth, you can at the same time adjust the door frame in the opening.

It is better to use professional mounting foam with a special gun. It should be applied thin layer and gradually so that the foam can dry before applying the next layer. By filling the entire space in this way, it will be possible to save the foam without cutting it off after the work is completed.

Door leaf installation

At the final stage, the door leaf is hung and the quality of the work performed is evaluated. Opening should not cause difficulties, while the door does not touch the threshold and jamb.
After the installation is completed, the working gaps between the opening and the box are also filled with mounting foam. Before doing this, you should remove the door leaf and install spacers along the height of the door.

Or you can use cardboard spacers, place them in the gaps between the canvas and the box and close the door tightly until the foam dries. Platbands and dobors are installed after the final finishing of the walls.

Video: installation of the front door

Thus, it is quite possible to install a door in a frame house with your own hands, if you carefully follow the sequence of work and follow all the rules and requirements. If you have any questions or some points are not understood, watch the video.
