Indicators of daily egg production of chickens. How many eggs per day are hens of different breeds

Most often, the purpose of raising chickens is to obtain. Chicken eggs are an extremely nutritious and valuable food product that is included in the diet of most diets and contains a very large amount of useful substances and trace elements. In order to obtain the maximum possible number of eggs, the owners choose breeds of laying hens, they are the most productive. Sometimes you can be genuinely amazed to find out how many eggs a chicken lays in a lifetime, the figures can be extremely large. It is necessary to take into account the age of chickens, because their productivity directly depends on it. Some breeds are 6 months old, while others are only 7-8 months old.

How many eggs does a hen lay in a day

An ordinary chicken, when creating the most comfortable conditions for keeping and subject to high-quality feeding, can produce one egg per day. In practice, this figure is often one egg every two days, that is, every other day.

An important indicator that affects the productivity of chickens is the time of year. Many are interested in how many eggs a chicken lays in winter, and so, often not a single one. Often, chickens stop laying in the cold season, and egg-laying is restored only with the onset of spring warming. At best, one egg per week can be expected.

How many eggs does a hen lay in a week

Under good conditions, the chicken lays at least 3-4 eggs per week. The most productive can carry 7. Again, the breed of chicken, feed quality, daylight hours and seasonality play a role.

How many eggs does a hen lay in a month

The number of eggs received per month also depends on the same factors. Usually this figure is at least 15 eggs. The maximum, again, is 30 eggs, that is, one daily.

How many eggs does a hen lay in a year

Laying hens lay at least 200 eggs per year, subject to the rules for their maintenance. The average is 280-300 eggs, and under very comfortable conditions - 330 eggs per year. If the conditions for keeping chickens are unfavorable, egg laying may stop altogether even in the warm season, for example, in summer.

If, however, to determine how many eggs a chicken lays during its lifetime, then its annual productivity and the laying period as a whole must be taken into account. It should last at least 3 years, but chickens can lay eggs even when they reach 4, 5, 6 and even 7 years of age. They usually don't last longer. To achieve the longest laying period, you need to pay a lot of attention to bird feed, enrich it with herbs, vegetables and vitamin complexes.

Many are interested in the duration of the process of egg formation and laying, how many minutes the chicken carries the egg. From the beginning of its formation to the release of the egg, as a rule, 23 hours pass. The formation of a new one can begin in 40 minutes. That is why, understanding how long a chicken lays an egg, you should not expect more than one egg per day from one chicken, they simply will not have time to form.

When does the egg laying start, how much per day can you get, is a rooster needed in the house, what are the features of the process? Anna

When raising poultry of a certain breed, farmers often ask themselves, what will be the degree of its productivity? The amount of quality products that you can get from each adult individual directly depends on such factors as the conditions of detention - the creation of a normal microclimate in the house, the order of feeding.

Eggs have been one of the most popular foods for many years. We eat them in different dishes, rarely thinking about when the hens start to give them, and how many eggs per day a hen usually lays. The start of oviposition is a signal indicating the entry of hens into puberty. If chickens grow and develop normally, then they reach it in such terms that depend on the characteristics of the breed.

A variety of chickens with a combined degree of productivity lays eggs after 6.5 months.

Laying hens, which belong to heavy meat breeds, enter the egg-laying period after 8 months.

Fighting types of chickens produce products after 9 months. Small breeds with a high degree of productivity begin to lay at 5 to 6 months. Layers of small breeds with low productivity will begin to produce products after 7 months. In a chicken belonging to the hybrid autosex type, they appear at 6 months.

Light egg-laying types of laying hens enter puberty after 5.5 months. If the chicken was grown in suitable conditions, it was healthy, then these indicators are relevant. When the puberty of a chicken falls in the autumn or winter month, the temperature indicators decrease and the daylight hours are reduced, it may not begin to rush at the indicated time. The hen, which began to give eggs before the onset of the winter period, provided that it is kept in a warm room and the organization of rational feeding, lays them in the winter.

How many eggs per day can you get

The question of how many eggs a chicken lays per day is relevant for all farmers. After all, they often breed poultry in order to obtain this type of product. The average laying hen is capable of producing one egg per day. Birds with a small size quickly reach the period of puberty. How many pieces can be expected from them per year? On average, this figure is 200, while meat breeds produce up to 150 pieces annually. In a month you can get somewhere 15 - 20 pieces.

This is a normal indicator, given that there is a day when the bird does not lay eggs. How many pieces can be obtained in practice? A hen lays one egg every other day during the warm season. By winter, the degree of egg production decreases, many birds stop producing products. How much do the others give? One item per week. This can be associated with natural biorhythms, since under natural conditions birds rush only in warm weather in order to obtain offspring. At egg factories and farms, chickens give up to 320 pieces annually. Many modern breeds have a high degree of egg production. How much can they bring in a day? More than one egg. Accordingly, you will receive more than 20 pieces per month.

How many pieces are given annually by breeds such as Russian White, Leghorn, High Line? Birds of the Loman Brown breed bring products weighing 63-64 grams in the amount of 315 - 320 pieces per year. Representatives of the breed will bring products weighing from 55 to 60 grams in the amount of 200 - 240 pieces. Birds of the Leggorn species carry eggs weighing 55 - 65 grams, of which 200 - 300 pieces turn out per year. High Line chickens produce products that weigh an average of 60 - 65 grams. Answering the question, how many, say - in the amount of 340 - 350 pieces.

Do you need a rooster

Most ordinary inhabitants who do not know about the peculiarities of the life of poultry are sure that a rooster is indispensable in a poultry house. This is an erroneous statement, since the process of laying in adults who have reached puberty is natural and can occur without the participation of a rooster. The main thing to know is that such results of the activity of hens will be infertile. They can be eaten without worrying about the quality and taste properties.

But they are not suitable for obtaining offspring. If your goal when breeding is to obtain egg products, then you can do without a rooster. In this case, summer residents get rid of livestock every autumn, since it is troublesome to keep birds in winter. Few people are in the country all year round. It is better to renew the chicken population in the spring. A rooster will need to be kept if you plan to breed a bird. Because the natural instincts of poultry are to produce more with a rooster than with an incubator.

How is the process

The process of egg formation is interesting. The egg is a large female reproductive cell, of which there are many in the bird's body. The stages of egg formation deserve special attention. The cell consists of a main shell called the yolk. After it has matured, the yolk descends into a special section - it is called the oviduct. The main shell, which is also the yolk, is covered with the next layer in the course of movement - protein. This process can take up to 20 hours.

Before being born, the yolk and protein are covered with a dense layer. The shell serves to protect products from mechanical and other types of damage. 40 minutes after the release of the finished specimen, the next cell appears in the genital tract instead. And everything happens according to the knurled pattern again. In order to receive a large number of quality products, chickens should be provided with a balanced diet, which will become a reliable foundation for the formation of good products in the future.

How to plant a hen? What to do if a rooster fights with chickens? What breed of chicken to start with? This question arises for many beginner poultry farmers. The answers to them are in our video.

Breeding laying hens is an interesting and profitable business. Poultry farmers who have their own chicken coop are provided not only with tasty and healthy meat, but also with fresh homemade eggs. But not all livestock breeders and farmers know the answer to the question: how does a chicken lay eggs? You will learn about this process and other related subtleties from this article.

The reproductive system of roosters consists of the testes, which are located near the kidneys. During mating, they increase in size. The testicles continue with the vas deferens, at the end of which is the seminal vesicle, which contains the spermatozoa. Birds do not have external genital organs. In laying hens, the left ovary, which is also located near the kidney, is considered more developed. It continues with the oviduct, which opens into a special tube connected to the cloaca, the posterior part of the alimentary canal, which connects to the genital ducts. The oviduct has two sections: the fallopian tube and the uterus.

The process of the appearance of eggs in domestic and wild birds is carried out according to one scheme, which is laid down by nature at the level of genetics.

Sexual maturity in roosters and hens

Chickens start producing eggs at puberty.

Sexual maturity in chickens and roosters occurs at the same time.

The specific time is determined by the breed of the laying hen. Young birds of the egg breed can lay eggs after 17-20 weeks, meat and egg breeds begin to produce the product no earlier than six months. Meat individuals rush no earlier than 8 months after birth.

A distinctive feature of birds ready to produce eggs is a bright red comb. Juveniles, not ready to roost, are distinguished by a small crest of a pale pink hue. A productive laying hen can be identified by its appearance - it is medium-sized, has a dense skeleton, its plumage is well developed, its wings are massive, the scallop hangs to one side. Also, a good laying hen has a large and soft belly.

The onset of puberty in chickens of different breeds

The onset of puberty depends not only on the age of the bird, but also on the diet. If you properly feed the chicken and carefully care for it, the laying hen will begin to bear fruit on time. Sexual maturity also depends on the time of hatching. Winter or early spring hatched chickens begin to lay before their counterparts.

Sexual intercourse in chickens

In each herd there is one leader - the strongest and strongest rooster. When the laying hen molts, the male does not pay attention to her, on the contrary, he chases the female and ignores her. But as soon as the molt ends, the male begins to walk around the chicken he likes and scratches with his lowered wing. The rooster shares its prey with the laying hen, thereby giving its attention. During the mating process with his beak, the male holds the hen by the back of the head, saddles it and makes several rapid movements (tramples).

Roosters are able to mate 10 to 50 times a day - it all depends on the specific breed.

The cloaca of the rooster turns outward and meets with the cloaca of the partner. The seed, which is secreted by the gonads of the rooster, penetrates into the female, into her genitals. Moving through the body of the chicken, the spermatozoa move to the egg, and the egg is fertilized. The seed is able to remain active in the body of the chicken for up to 20 days - all eggs that will be produced during this period are fertilized.

If you place an egg against the background of a light source, you can understand if you should expect chickens. Look closely at the product - if you see a clearly visible dark spot (embryo), the egg is fertilized.

Video - How does a chicken lay eggs?

The appearance of the egg

  1. The genitals of the animal contain many eggs that are at different stages of maturation. Each of them is placed in the follicle, from which the already prepared egg moves into the oviduct. Thus, the first stage of egg formation is the maturation of the egg.
  2. The egg moves through the genital tract, and it takes about 20 hours. During this time, the egg forms protein, shell and other membranes.
  3. It takes about 30-40 minutes for an egg to move into the esophagus. If two eggs are in the birth canal at once, then the egg will have two yolks. It happens that the second yolk comes out with a delay, so the first egg will have a shell, but the second one will not.
  4. If the egg is fertilized, a small white spot about 3-4 mm in size appears on the surface of the yolk (germ disc).

Do hens lay eggs without a rooster?

The natural feature of laying hens is their ability to produce eggs regardless of the presence or absence of a rooster in the house. The body of laying hens contains an ovipositor that functions independently. It forms the yolk, which is covered with protein and shell, moving through the sections of the ovipositor without an embryo. Of course, such eggs differ in structure from fertilized ones, but the taste will remain unchanged. Some inexperienced farmers believe that the fertilized yolk has a richer color, but this is not the case. Color saturation only reflects the diet of the laying hen and its habitat.

Why is there a rooster in the chicken coop?

Despite the fact that the male is not involved in the process of egg production, he plays an important role on the farm. The presence of a rooster ensures high performance of laying hens. If earlier there was no rooster in the house, when it appears, the hen begins to rush less often, but after a few days everything returns to its usual course, and the performance of the hens increases. In the presence of a rooster, hens behave quieter and calmer, do not fight and do not become aggressive. A correctly chosen rooster is the owner of the house, which will protect the family from other animals and other enemies.

Some roosters may be aggressive towards other residents of the house. They appropriate their food, peck and injure the hens. It is better to isolate the individual immediately - such a rooster negatively affects the health and productivity of birds.

A rooster is a necessary element of a productive herd of laying hens

Eggs without shell

If a young laying hen lays small eggs or products consisting only of protein, this is completely natural. Poultry farmers define such eggs as fat - they are formed when a protein clot appears in the oviduct, enveloped with a shell. But what to do if an already adult chicken produces eggs in a film, without a shell? Most often this happens due to a lack in the body of the laying hen of the most important elements for life: calcium and phosphorus.

Violations can occur due to stress and during a viral infection. In order for the eggs to be strong and healthy, so that there are no bloody spots in them, and the shell does not break before the time necessary for the formation of high-quality products, do not allow disturbances in the hormonal system in domestic chickens. Provide the birds with the right diet, enough free space and care for them carefully.

Composition of a chicken egg

It is laid down by nature that the embryo is located in the egg, which requires a huge amount of elements necessary for its growth and development. What is inside the egg:

  • The yolk contains a large amount of carotenoids - the most important elements for the maturation of new individuals;
  • Protein ropes are attached to the yolk, which is located in the shell, fixing the yolk and allowing it to turn;
  • The protein has a special shell and shell, between which there is an air chamber.

The chemical composition of an egg looks like this:

  • water (73-74%);
  • dry matter (26-27%);
  • fats (11-12%);
  • proteins (12-13%);
  • carbohydrates (0.8-1.2%);
  • the egg contains a certain amount of lysocine, a natural enzyme that prevents spoilage of the product.

Video - How chickens lay eggs in poultry farms

The average person consumes approximately 200 eggs annually. This is one of the most common products, famous for its taste and useful qualities. From an interesting and informative video, you will learn how eggs get to our table, what is the difference between white and brown products, and what way do eggs go before they get to the shelves of supermarkets and shops.

Nature has created a unique product, the benefits and taste of which are indispensable for humans. Follow the rules for keeping laying hens, properly feed the birds and the productivity of the chickens kept on your farm will be high, and the eggs will be tasty and of high quality.

Laying productivity

The number of eggs laid largely depends on the level of care and conditions of laying hens. It is necessary to maintain a comfortable microclimate, as well as provide the chicken with a rich and healthy diet. If the laying hen is not managed correctly, her ability to produce eggs will deteriorate or stop altogether.

Specific figures depend on the natural biorhythms inherent in a particular chicken. Also, the number of eggs is determined by the time of year - in winter, the frequency of laying eggs decreases, and in summer, on the contrary, it increases.

Theoretically, a chicken can lay eggs for 15 years (its body contains from 2 to 4 thousand eggs), but this is impossible, because birds do not live that long. Every year the egg production of hens decreases. After 5 years, a chicken is able to produce from 1 to 2 eggs per week, but old chickens are not kept on the farm - their meat becomes coarse and not tasty. In conditions of large-scale production, a chicken is able to lay eggs for about two years - this is due to the fact that the chicken's body is quickly depleted. They are sent to slaughter or sold to private farms.

Video - How many eggs a laying hen carries a day

The poultry farmer talks about the egg production of Master Gray hens, who live in cages on a private farm. At the age of one and a half years, laying hens produce from 8 to 13 eggs daily. On the video you can see how the farmer communicates with birds, in what conditions he keeps laying hens. It is worth noting that the conditions for keeping chickens in the video are too strict - in order to increase the productivity of layers, it is necessary to place them in a more spacious room.

Increasing the number of eggs produced

Some farmers are faced with the fact that with proper care of hens, the productivity of their eggs is insufficient. There are several useful tips to help solve this problem.

When a hen molts, she stops laying eggs for a while. Some bird owners achieve early molting, creating stressful situations for the hen. The owners keep the birds on a hunger strike and give only water, then the animal begins to molt. After that, you can resume the diet, adding vitamins and minerals that are useful for the body. The molt ends faster, the animal begins to rush.

Features of oviposition of chickens of different breeds

In many ways, it depends on the breed affiliation how many eggs a chicken can carry. There are several types of breeds: egg, meat-egg and meat. Representatives of the first two breeds have the highest performance indicators. Meat chickens are raised for slaughter and subsequent sale of meat.

  1. Russian white. The young grow quickly, with proper care, the bird begins to produce eggs from 4 months. A laying hen of the Russian White breed can bring up to 240 eggs per year, the weight of one egg is up to 60 grams.
  2. Leghorn. The most popular breed in Russia. It is characterized by high performance, easy acclimatization. The shell is white. A laying hen brings up to 300 eggs weighing up to 65 grams per year.
  3. Loman Brown. The eggs of the breed are brown. Productivity per year - up to 320 eggs, product weight - up to 64 grams.
  4. Hisex is white. The color of the shell is light, as is the plumage of the individual. It produces up to 315 eggs per year, the maximum weight is 64 grams.
  5. Hy-Linot. One of the most productive breeds, produces white eggs. A laying hen produces up to 350 eggs weighing up to 65 grams per year.

In 1971, the following achievement was recorded: a hen laid 371 eggs per year. More about records: history knows cases when nine yolks were found under one shell at once.

Useful properties of eggs

A chicken egg is a unique product for a person that should be present in everyone's diet. The egg contains vitamins A, B, K, E, D, which are essential for the body. The product also contains the following minerals: phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron and calcium. Eggs strengthen weakened immunity, restore the heart and blood vessels, participate in the prevention of the appearance of cancer cells, regulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and strengthen bone tissue. Also, the waste product of chickens has a positive effect on vision and strengthens the nervous system.

Nutritionists recommend eating eggs for expectant mothers - they contain folic acid, which is especially useful for the body during this difficult period. But not only women are shown the use of eggs. Eggs are regularly eaten by athletes involved in hard physical labor and dieters. Thanks to the use of eggs, the condition of hair, nails and teeth improves. Eggs are useful for people of absolutely any age.

There is one main contraindication to the use of eggs - an allergy to this product. It is worth reducing the consumption of eggs if you have diabetes, have problems with the gastrointestinal tract or liver. For more information, please contact your doctor.

Egg laying of chickens is a very important factor, which largely depends on the breed of bird, tt nutrition, temperature and light. In this article, we will talk about how many eggs to expect from a hen and how to increase the egg production of chickens.

Many farmers, and just ordinary owners, would probably be interested to know how many eggs a chicken carries on average per day, week, month and year. We will try to find answers to these questions.

So, one laying hen, if she was provided with competent and proper care, lays one egg a day.

In winter, egg production of chickens decreases. Egg breeds of birds lay every other day, while other laying hens do not lay eggs at all in winter. It's all about the natural biorhythm of the chicken. Since in winter there is no need to breed.

How many eggs can one laying hen lay in a week? It produces three to seven fruits weekly. These indicators are influenced by many factors: conditions of detention, time of year and nutrition. A hen lays about fifteen to thirty testicles a month.

And how many testicles does a laying hen give a year, you ask? In a year, she can carry from two hundred to three hundred and thirty eggs. A big role, of course, is played by proper care, balanced nutrition and the right breed.

How is breed affected?

As you know, chickens are divided into meat, meat-egg and egg. For example, such meat and egg breeds as Orlovskaya, Augsburger, Sussex bring up to 250 eggs a year and at the same time can boast of a rather large weight. The laying hen of the egg breed is light, weighs up to 2 kg, is mobile and graceful, likes to take a walk and almost always finds food for herself. At the age of 4 months, she lays her first fruits.

Do you know how many eggs cross-country birds lay? Egg cross carries up to three hundred and fifteen eggs per year. But it will not work to breed them, they will not produce offspring, since they were bred genetically. Buy these hens at the age of four months.

The most productive crosses are:

  • Hissex white (bears three hundred and three hundred and twenty testicles a year);
  • Isa Brown (gives three hundred and twenty fruits a year);
  • Tetra SL (three hundred eggs per year).

How to increase the number of eggs?

The right breed of laying hen, proper feeding, optimal temperature in the chicken coop, enough light will help increase egg production.

Right choice

To increase the egg production of laying hens, it is necessary, first of all, an egg breed, and not a meat one. Such birds will mature early and produce a fairly large number of eggs. Egg breeds: Andalusian, Italian partridge, Hamburg, Campino, Minorca, Czech golden.

Proper feeding

Nutrition is the main factor that affects the productivity of a chicken. It is necessary to observe the regime and evenly feed the bird. In the morning it is recommended to give food as soon as the birds wake up, in the evening they give food 1 hour before bedtime.

At home, they give bran, egg shells, wet potato and grain mashes. If fed with compound feed, then egg birds are given one hundred and fifteen grams per day.

Don't forget greenery too. Fresh herbs are the main source of useful components. Give it to hens every day. Young nettle, dandelion, alfalfa, clover will enrich the body of the chicken with essential vitamins. As a result, digestion will improve and productivity will increase.

Optimum temperature

To increase the number of testicles, it is necessary that the chicken coop is always warm, especially in winter. Most breeds do not tolerate cold well, which is why egg production is reduced. Well insulate the walls and ceiling in the chicken coop. You can turn on the heaters, but at home this should be done very carefully. Regular hypothermia is harmful to chickens and productivity is reduced by twenty percent.

  • meat;
  • egg;
  • mixed (meat-egg).

Interestingly, you can get egg products from all of the above chickens, but its quantity will be completely different. From a meat laying hen in 365 days you can get a maximum of a hundred eggs, but from an egg hybrid - more than three hundred.

How is the egg direction characterized

Before talking about the number of egg products per month that can be obtained from one chicken, it is worth understanding in more detail the characteristic features of these birds.

First of all, this includes precocity. In laying hens, puberty occurs early, and the first eggs are obtained from the 6th month of life.

Egg-laying chickens are light in weight, which on average reaches about 1.5 kg. Also, the bird is characterized by high physical activity. Masonry requires not only the right diet, but also constant movement. If you pay attention to the egg-laying chicken, you will see that the bird is actively moving all day.

Increased consumption of calcium. The bird cannot independently obtain the necessary microelement, which means that you will have to use special top dressing so that the balance is not disturbed.

There is no maternal instinct. During breeding, most hybrids have almost completely lost the ability to hatch chickens, their main task is to lay eggs in large numbers.

To summarize the above briefly, egg crosses have only one positive feature - laying eggs.

A few words about performance

It is worth noting that no one made accurate calculations, there are only approximate parameters for each of the breeds. But even here there is a very serious variation in numbers. The fact is that there are a huge number of factors that affect the performance of a bird. This should include such important indicators as:

  • keeping chickens;
  • seasonality;
  • presence of stressful situations.

On average, in 30 days, one chicken is able to lay about 29 eggs, and in some cases even less. What are the reasons for such indicators?

Here it is worth turning to biology. An egg is a large ovum, which is located in a protein shell and is covered with a shell for preservation. After the yolk ripens and enters the oviduct, the fouling of the protein component begins, the future egg moves forward and the shell forms. Nature has taken a little more than 24 hours for this process, and so far no way has been found to speed up this process. But when adverse conditions appear, the process slows down perfectly.

What does egg production depend on?

First of all, you need to choose the right breed. A record number of eggs - more than 370 - can only be obtained in research farms. Even the most experienced breeders do not get more than 350 eggs from their pets, on average this figure drops to three hundred, which is just an excellent result.

In the following table, you can get acquainted with the various breeds and egg production rates.

Breed name

Number of eggs in 365 days

Average laying weight, kg

Weight of egg products, g

New Hampshire

broken browns

Hisex browns

Hisex white

Ways to Increase Productivity

Every farmer thinks about the egg production of chickens and stable productivity indicators for 365 days a year. To cope with such a task is not very simple, but it is possible if you know some subtleties.

First of all, chickens need to create conditions that are as close to ideal as possible, and provide the livestock with a properly composed balanced diet. Most often, in a small farm, you can notice how in the summer the amount of egg production increases significantly, and with the onset of cold weather it declines. Such fluctuations are called for by a decrease in temperature indicators, even taking into account the fact that the chickens are indoors, in addition, some types of feed are no longer available. But at the industrial poultry farm, the jumps described above are absent due to the fact that the livestock is in approximately the same conditions all year round.

To get the maximum amount of egg production and stabilize performance, private farm owners are advised to pay attention to the following factors:

It is important to remember that with age, the performance of laying hens decreases, and this does not depend on third-party factors.
