How to plant garlic before winter? Planting garlic: winter and spring. When and how to plant garlic

Planting garlic before winter, when and how to do it right? Differences between winter and spring garlic. Don't miss out on planting before winter. How to define them? Best Predecessors and Choices planting material. Soil preparation and planting technology. Proper care for garlic after autumn planting. And also, how to avoid mistakes when planting garlic in the fall. And finally: it is better to see once - a useful video from experts. And now everything is in order.

Garlic is usually divided into spring and winter. Spring is planted in spring, winter - in autumn before winter. How to distinguish winter garlic from spring garlic by external signs:

Differences Winter garlic Spring garlic
winter and
Shooting There are arrows. They need to be removed, leaving a few for reproduction, as they take away a lot of nutrients. Is absent. The exception is the variety Gulliver.
Number of teeth No more than 8-10 and they are large Many, up to 30 pieces, different in size, small in the center
The location of the teeth Located around the dry residue of the arrow, stem Randomly, in several rows. Smallest in the center
root system Powerful, spring garlic sprouts quickly, as the roots were formed in the fall. It takes about 10 days to root. Only then do the cloves grow, leaves appear.
Landing dates End of September-mid October. 2-3 weeks before frost Early spring, the last decade of March - the beginning of April.
Harvesting July August.Late August, September.
Frost resistance When planting to a depth of 5–6 cm, they can withstand up to -22 ° C. Negative temperatures are poorly tolerated, up to + 3 ° С
keeping quality It is stored poorly, no more than 4-5 months, dries quickly. Preferably store at +2°С-+4°С It is stored for a long time, due to the high density of cloves. Even with room temperature 6-12 months or more.

Main differences winter garlic from spring:

  • winter is more productive than spring garlic;
  • matures faster in August;
  • heads are much larger than spring ones;
  • shoots, that is, gives its planting material;
  • not afraid of frost;
  • more resistant to diseases and pests.

Winter crop ripens 2–3 weeks earlier than spring crop because it has time to take root since autumn. It can grow even at -5°C. And therefore, soon after the snow melts, it already gives the first sprouts.

Planting dates for garlic before winter

The question of the timing of planting garlic arises among gardeners quite often. The fact is that the landing time greatly affects wintering and further harvest this culture.

If planted very early, the garlic can germinate, and the seedlings die from winter frosts. If, on the contrary, the planting is late, then the teeth do not have time to take root and do not tolerate the winter well. According to reviews experienced gardeners, still worse too early boarding so don't be in a hurry.

The timing of the autumn planting of garlic in the fall primarily depends on climate zone cultivation and weather conditions at a given time.

Favorable landing time in the middle lane starts approximately from mid-September and ends in mid-October. Soil temperature can be taken into account to determine planting time. At a temperature of +6…+8 0 C root system formed, but there is no danger of seedlings.

If there is a delay in planting, it can be carried out if the temperature does not drop below +3 ... +6 0 C. The bed after planting will need to be mulched.

What crop is best for planting garlic?

The best predecessors for garlic are considered: cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, legumes. Garlic can also be planted after early cabbage. During cultivation, these crops are not affected by the same diseases and are well fertilized, which is important for garlic. And legumes themselves serve as a source of nitrogen.

Bad predecessors- potatoes, onions, carrots, beets.

After what green manure can you plant garlic

  • for the prevention of garlic diseases, it is very important to plant it after the recommended predecessors;
  • for the same reasons, one should not neglect the processing of planting material;
  • preparation of beds for garlic must be done in advance so that the earth settles a little;

Planting material preparation, separation and dressing of teeth, do immediately before planting.
Many novice gardeners divide the heads into teeth in advance. This is mistake. Separation is preferably done shortly before planting (for example, in the evening of the previous day). In this case, each clove must be carefully examined for signs of rot and various damage. All diseased, damaged, as well as small teeth should be immediately discarded. Do not take cloves from bulbs consisting of only 2-3 cloves (a sign of degeneration).

Useful video: planting garlic before winter

Garlic is a vegetable perennial plant belonging to the Amaryllis family. It has been widely used in cooking and medicine for thousands of years. All parts of the plant are used for food - flower stalks, leaves, bulbs and even arrows. Scientists suggest that garlic is a type of onion. He looks like him in every way. spicy perennial was born in the mountains of Central Asia. Garlic is planted in early spring or autumn. Planting winter garlic in the fall is carried out according to certain rules. If you follow the entire technology of such planting, then the harvest will be rich.

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    What garlic to plant in the fall

    Garlic according to its properties is divided into winter and spring. The difference lies in the fact that the spring species is planted in the spring, and the winter species in the autumn before winter. But spring garlic is usually used because it can be stored longer. However winter view also has high quality and has its advantages:

    1. 1 In spring, gardeners are busy with other work, and in autumn there is enough free time. The period for planting garlic in the fall is not regulated by strict dates. Therefore, landing work can be carried out indefinitely.
    2. 2 Winter garlic is resistant to frost, winter frosts, as well as spring low temperatures. Spring garlic may die during spring frosts.
    3. 3 In autumn, planting material is larger than the spring plant species. Large heads will allow you to grow good harvest. If planted in the spring, then by this time the garlic cloves dry out.
    4. 4 The winter variety is more resistant to pests and diseases than the spring variety.
    5. 5 Planting winter garlic in the fall does not require serious care. The earth is soaked in autumn large quantity moisture, which makes it possible to endure the winter cold well.
    6. 6 Harvest ripens earlier compared to spring planting. This can be seen from the presence of garlic in stores. There is usually sold winter species.
    7. 7 Autumn planting allows you to get a better harvest than spring.

    Therefore, businessmen are trying to apply the autumn type of planting. It brings more profit. To get a rich harvest, it is better to observe the planting dates.

    Varieties of garlic for autumn planting vary in head size, spiciness, ripening time, and storage capacity. They are divided into two varieties:

    1. 1 Forming an arrow.
    2. 2 Non-shooting.

    At first, an arrow with air bulbs appears. Planting garlic bulbs in the fall produces individual cloves that are well suited for fall planting. The second species does not form bulbs.

    Planting dates for winter garlic in the fall

    The timing of planting garlic in the fall depends on the climate of the region in which you are going to plant it. Also, the time when to plant garlic is affected by the current weather. Most often, in the fall, garlic is planted a couple of weeks before the onset of frost. During this time, the plant will already give roots, but there will not be green leaves yet. The best temperature for planting should be between 10 and 12 degrees. Although it is possible to plant at a lower temperature, but not in frozen ground.

    If the landing time is divided by region, then experts advise the following dates:

    1. 1 For middle lane Russia: late September - early October.
    2. 2 Southern strip: end of October - beginning of November.
    3. 3 Northern regions: late September - early October.

    In addition to the recommended timing, each gardener makes his own observations. For example, many plant garlic before the Feast of the Intercession. They are sure that in doing so they will get a rich harvest. Others plant after the holiday, choosing sunny weather. Therefore, it is better to land in the fall, depending on the weather conditions.

    Planting garlic in the fall - instructions

    To get a rich harvest from even and large heads of garlic, you must do the following:

    1. 1 Decide where the landing work will take place.
    2. 2 Prepare the bed and land for planting.
    3. 3 Select high-quality planting material and prepare it for planting.

    Landing place

    You need to choose a place where garlic will grow in advance. This plant loves sunny places. Therefore, it is better to define an open area away from trees. good place there will be a small hill or bed. If you plant garlic in a lowland, then after the snow melts in the spring, the plant will be in the water and begin to rot.

    Such work must be done 30 days before the start of planting. This is necessary for the subsidence of the earth in the garden. Do not forget to select for the beds the area with the most sunlight. Then, in the selected area, dig the ground onto the spade bayonet. When digging, remove all debris and weeds. Next, apply fertilizer to make the soil more fertile.

    The soil for planting garlic needs soft, loose, containing nutrients. The spicy plant loves the earth passing water and air. Soil acidity should be neutral. You can not choose sour, dense and clay soil. Sandy soil is suitable for planting, but will need frequent watering.

    If there is no other area other than clay, then it can be loosened. To do this, add sand and peat to the ground. Also, for soil preparation, mineral and organic fertilizers. If you are used to using organic fertilizers, then add:

    1. 1 Mature manure or compost. It is brought in at the rate of one bucket per square meter.
    2. 2 Wood ash at the rate of two cups per square meter. The ashes are poured into the landing site.

    If you use mineral fertilizers, then it is better to use:

    1. 1 Superphosphate: 20 grams per square meter.
    2. 2 Potassium sulphate and saltpeter: 20 grams per square meter.

    Mineral and organic fertilizers can be mixed with each other. After fertilizing and digging the earth, the bed needs to be leveled and wait for autumn. Many gardeners disinfect the soil with copper sulfate before planting garlic. Although after landing, such processing can also be carried out.

    Selection of planting material

    To choose the right garlic, planting seeds in the fall should take place using large healthy heads. Each of them should have about 5 large teeth. Small seeds will not give a good harvest.

    There should be no mold or rot on the teeth. Inspect them carefully for stains and damage. If there are any, do not use them for planting. All good tines must be undamaged and must be sheathed. It is necessary to divide the head into teeth before soaking before planting.

    Preparing garlic for planting in the fall

    Before planting the teeth into the ground, they must be prepared in advance in the following order:

    1. 1 Carefully separate the teeth from the head, avoiding damage to the outer shell and the bottom, from where the roots sprout. Many gardeners clean the bottom from plaque. This allows the plant to give good roots. In this case, care must be taken not to expose the tooth and remove the shell.
    2. 2 Then all the teeth need to be sorted, and select those that do not have damage. If you plant spoiled teeth, then it will infect other plants and itself will not give a normal crop.

    After that, it is necessary to disinfect the planting material. There are several ways to process before autumn planting:

    1. 1 Soak the teeth in a special solution called "Maxim", which is sold in garden stores. Soaking is done for half an hour.
    2. 2 For more serious disinfection of garlic, Fundazol is used for soaking. It comes with instructions that are easy to follow.
    3. 3 For disinfection, ordinary potassium permanganate is also often used, soaking the garlic for 30 minutes.
    4. 4 Copper sulfate is also suitable for soaking. It is dissolved 10 grams per liter of water to make a 1% solution. Soaking time is also half an hour.
    5. 5 Phytosporin is often used for soaking planting material. In this case, it is enough to hold the teeth in the solution for 10 minutes.
    6. 6 According to an old custom, garlic is kept in a saline solution for 30 minutes. To do this, dissolve 2 tablespoons of salt in a liter of water.

    Of all the ways, everyone chooses best option. You can experiment by trying several different soak solutions. Plant garlic soaked in different solutions in separate rows and record. In the fall, look where the crop turned out.

    If you place the teeth high, then in winter they will freeze, if they are too deep, they can rot, and they will germinate for a long time.

    Instructions for planting winter garlic:

    1. 1 Determine the landing site.
    2. 2 Prepare the soil and make a bed.
    3. 3 Select planting material by soaking and disinfecting it.
    4. 4 Make holes or grooves.
    5. 5 Plant garlic according to the rules described above.
    6. 6 Cover with fertile soil.
    7. 7 You can carry out additional disinfection with Fitosporin, according to the instructions attached to it (10 grams per bucket of water).
    8. 8 Mulch the bed if planting takes place in a cold region.

    How to care for winter garlic

    AT northern regions before the onset of frost, a bed with planted garlic must be covered with sawdust, straw or pine branches. You can also use special materials for shelter. In the spring, covering material must be removed with the onset of heat. Mulch is left, and sometimes even garlic is grown in it.

    In dry autumn weather, it is advisable to water the beds so that the teeth gave faster roots. Of course, the main care work awaits you in the spring. After the snow melts, you can see green sprouts. There is no need to water them yet, as the melted snow has nourished the earth with water.

    In the subsequent time, you will have to loosen, weed, water and fertilize the plants. In addition, arrows must be removed in a timely manner.

    Mistakes when growing winter garlic

    Regardless of the experience gained, gardeners often make mistakes in growing garlic. This mainly comes from poor knowledge of what you need to pay attention to in this work. There are several possible erroneous actions that gardeners perform when growing winter garlic:

    1. 1 During the purchase of planting material, sellers do not know the exact name of the variety, or they mix different types seeds. Therefore, you can purchase the wrong variety that is required for planting in the fall. Experts advise in this case to prepare your material, or carefully deal with the purchase.
    2. 2 Planting garlic without outer shell. Without it, the teeth in the ground deteriorate and rot. Out of ignorance, gardeners think that the shell needs to be removed, and it interferes with the roots. But without it, active decay occurs.
    3. 3 Planting garlic is done immediately after preparing the beds. This is wrong fit. After adding organic and mineral fertilizers it takes time for the earth to be nourished by them. In addition, the planted teeth after the subsidence of the earth will be too deep. This will negatively affect germination and subsequent growth.
    4. 4 Early planting. With such a landing, the weather is warm, and there will be a rapid growth of shoots. When the cold comes, they will freeze.
    5. 5 Arrows are left on the plant in spring. If you leave it, then the strength of the plant will go to the creation of bulbs. As a result, the head of garlic will be smaller. Therefore, the arrows must be removed even when they are formed.


    Winter garlic is best planted in the fall. During the winter, he adapts, hardens. Subsequently, you need to do everything right: prepare the garden bed, the ground, process the teeth in the solutions and plant them. All work must be carried out in a timely manner and according to the rules.

    Garlic is a prophylactic against colds

    Types of winter garlic differ among themselves in head size, number of cloves, keeping quality, taste and even aroma. You can choose a variety with good keeping quality, desired bulb size or number of cloves.

    Name Characteristic A photo
    Alcor mid-season With a sharp taste and high yield. Qualities: frost resistance, dense head, up to 5 cloves, no more than 35 g. Well stored.
    Belarusian early ripe Large (50-80 g), sharp, with good winter hardiness and keeping quality. Disease resistant. Up to 8 teeth.
    Gribovsky jubilee mid-season Frost-resistant variety with a flat-round bulb up to 40 g. Qualities: drought and disease resistance. There are up to 10 cloves in a bulb.
    Lyubasha mid-season High-yielding variety with excellent winter hardiness and resistance to drought and fusarium. Large onion (up to 120 g). Well kept.
    Sail mid-season The variety is considered medium-sized (30-50 g), high-yielding. Pests and diseases: stem nematode, peronosporosis, bacterial rot.
    Podmoskovny mid-season Excellent frost and disease resistance, medium head (60 g), well stored.
    Spas mid-season A large variety (100 g), combining such qualities as winter hardiness, excellent keeping quality, and disease resistance.

    To plant garlic in the winter correctly, you need to understand what kind of culture it is and what its requirements are. After planting the clove, the plant begins to build up the root system. For successful wintering roots should grow 10 cm, and green feathers not show up from the ground.

    Plan winter landing such:

    1. We take into account the landing time.
    2. Choice of location.
    3. Soil preparation.
    4. Planting material preparation.
    5. Planting teeth or bulbs.
    6. Care and feeding.

    Now let's look at all the points in more detail.

    When exactly to plant garlic in the fall: planting on time is the key to a good harvest

    Experienced people believe that planting winter garlic should be carried out some time before the onset of frost. If your planting material consists of bulbs, then they are planted 2 weeks in advance, and if with teeth, then 3-4 weeks before frost. On average, you need to keep up to last days October. In Siberia, garlic is planted in September.

    Sometimes inexperienced gardeners ask if it is possible to plant garlic in November. We answer: it is possible, subject to a long, warm, dry autumn. The deadline is the first of November.


    You should not focus on exact calendar dates, it is better to take into account weather forecasts and a drop in temperature below +10 degrees.

    For those who like to work lunar calendar: in 2018, the days from 11 to 15 and from 24 to 26 October will be favorable.

    Garlic arrows are eaten

    When Not to Plant Garlic

    Early planted winter garlic will definitely germinate. This dramatically reduces winter hardiness and endangers the entire future crop. If, on the contrary, you are late with planting, then the plant will not have time to develop the root system. In this case, in the spring you will find completely empty beds.

    Choosing a place and predecessors

    According to the rules of crop rotation, it is better not to plant such a crop after onions and garlic, as they have already taken the necessary substances and compounds from the soil. You should not choose a place where carrots, beets, turnips, late pumpkins grew. After these crops, the soil will not have time to recover by the autumn planting.

    Most good predecessors- These are zucchini, eggplant, cucumbers, peppers. They have a short growing season, and they take slightly different compounds and a different concentration of minerals from the soil.

    Preparing the soil for planting

    A month before planting a garlic crop in a sunny open area or garden bed, it is covered with humus or compost at the rate of 5–6 kg per square meter, 20–30 g of superphosphate and potassium salt are added. You can sprinkle the ground with sifted ash, from a consumption of 100 g per 1 m². After these procedures, all the soil is dug up on a shovel bayonet and leveled with a rake.

    Necessarily not acidic soil should contain sand.

    We did not indicate that the bed needs to be cleared of the remnants of the predecessors, because by burying the green mass in the ground, you will enrich the soil with useful microelements.

    Processing garlic before planting before winter

    Planting garlic in the fall before winter is often carried out with the help of cloves. But if you are rejuvenating a variety or want to get rid of the diseases of this crop, then it is better to use bulbs (seeds collected in the summer from opened arrows).

    The processing of cloves and bulbs is reduced to the rejection of the material: the planting material must be clean, medium or large in size, it must have a solid shell. It is preferable to carry out disinfection in a solution (for 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of salt) for 3 minutes, and then rinse the teeth in a weak solution for a minute blue vitriol(0.5 tsp without a slide is diluted with 5 liters of water).

    The depth of planting garlic before winter

    The teeth are planted in pre-prepared grooves. They are made no deeper than 20 cm. It is better to sprinkle the bottom of the grooves with an even small layer of sand. In the conditions of the steppe and arid zone, many gardeners shed grooves before planting with a small amount of water. In the middle lane, this is not necessary, especially in rainy autumn.

    Garlic is planted to a depth of no more than 20 cm.

    How far apart should garlic be planted?

    Let's combine the data on the depth and landing distance into a convenient table:


    If you are late with planting, increase the planting depth by 2-3 cm in order to prevent freezing.

    Planting material is inserted into the grooves manually, bottom down and gently pressed into the ground with fingers. Sprinkle soil or mulch on top in an even layer. If the winter is not snowy, then the beds are covered with plant debris, roofing material or polyethylene. In conditions of abundance of snowfall, no covering material is required.


    Bulbs will be given to next year single tooth large onion. Having dug up a clove at the end of summer and dried it, in the fall it is planted again. On the next year an updated variety with a large head grows.

    How to plant winter garlic in the fall, a useful video will tell.

    Simple rules for caring for winter garlic

    It is not enough to know how to plant winter garlic you need to know how to take care of it!

    Care begins in April. As soon as the snow comes off the beds, it is necessary to remove 2 cm of mulch. This will make it easier for the feathers to sprout. Why not remove all the mulch? The mulching material protects the young shoots and helps retain heat. The first watering is done in May, when only memories remain from the snow, and the soil, obviously, will need moisture. Water the seedlings regularly. Garlic is fed three times: after the appearance of the first greens, urea or a weak solution of bird droppings is added in liquid form. The second time the culture needs a solution of nitrophoska (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water). The last top dressing in June consists of ash (a glass per bucket of water) or superphosphate (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water).


    Before fertilizing, the bed must be moistened to avoid chemical burns!

    In summer, watering is gradually reduced. If the arrows have reached 10 cm, they are broken out, leaving a few pieces to determine the timing of ripening or seed propagation.

    Garlic in nutrition modern man occupies a significant place. Statistics say that the minimum consumption of garlic is 2.5 kg per inhabitant. It turns out that in Russian Federation grow more than 360 thousand tons of this garden vegetable.

    Export is more than 100 thousand tons. The rest is grown locally. Approximately 150 thousand tons are grown in summer cottages and household plots. Of the total garlic grown, more than 80% are winter varieties, which is 120 thousand tons.

    The key to a good harvest will be competent and timely landing. It remains to consider all the stages of preparation and planting of winter garlic.

    The main differences between spring and winter varieties are as follows:

    • spring varieties form a large number of teeth, which are arranged in two rows, the teeth vary greatly in size, in the outer row they are larger. The teeth of the inner row may not have a growth zone;
    • winter varieties form from four to twelve cloves, they are located relative to the central rod, arranged in one row. The size of the teeth is aligned;
    • winter garlic forms arrows in summer, bulbs can be obtained from them. In the future, new planting material is grown from them, devoid of infection and mold fungi;
    • spring garlic has a less pungent taste, even sweet varieties come across;
    • winter varieties are larger, the yield is two to four times higher.

    Attention! In the Russian Federation, winter varieties are mainly grown. Even in spring, you can plant it and get a decent harvest.

    Benefits of fall planting

    1. In autumn, all beds are freed, only bulbous crops can be planted before winter. The planting date is not strict, an error of 10 ... 15 days will not cause any particular problems for the grown product.
    2. Winter varieties of garlic are not afraid of winter frosts, they easily tolerate spring frosts. Spring varieties are less adapted to cold weather, so they are planted only when stable heat sets in.
    3. Planting teeth for autumn planting are much larger. They grow larger heads. Some gardeners practice planting winter garlic in the spring, there is only one difficulty: to maintain high-quality planting material until this period.
    4. Winter garlic is more resistant to diseases and pests. Spring varieties are damaged by fungi, which can completely destroy the crop.
    5. The presence of moisture in the soil in the fall relieves the vegetable grower from the need to water the plantings, and during autumn plantings they do not carry out weeding and top dressing.
    6. Garlic planted before winter grows faster, as a strong root system is formed during the winter. In the spring, part of the grown greens can be used for food.
    7. Fall planting yield losses are much less. Spring varieties are not characterized by high growth stability.

    Preparing and planting garlic

    Preparatory work start in the second decade of September. At this time, there are quite warm days. At the end of September, preparatory work is carried out with future beds. Landing is desirable to carry out in the first two decades of October.

    It is desirable to be in time before the first frosts. These few warm days will help future plants begin to form a root system. It remains only to carry out a number of agricultural practices in order to prepare the beds and seed.

    landing site requirements

    For planting garlic, a number of requirements are imposed on the beds:

    • for planting winter garlic choose beds located in a sunny place;
    • the best predecessors are tomatoes, eggplants, bell pepper, legumes;
    • planting with compaction is allowed, later in the spring carrots or parsley will be planted between the rows. Plants secrete phytoncides that drive pests away from each other;
    • you need soil with a high content of humus (land saturated with peat is allowed);
    • it is not recommended to plant onions or garlic, as there may be nematodes in the soil that damage the root part;
    • it is not recommended to plant on the beds where they made fresh manure. The heads will be loose, and fungi that cause mold may remain in the manure.

    Preparing the garden before planting

    To grow garlic, you need a fertilized bed with a high content of humus. Therefore, preparatory operations are performed in a given sequence.

    1. It is necessary to make deep digging or loosening. Large lumps must be crushed. in the best way there will be processing with soil cutters to a depth of 18 ... 20 cm or loosening with the help of the "Mole" ripper.
    2. Up to 10 liters by volume can be added to the soil for each square meter of high-moor peat.
    3. Adding 5 liters of sand per square meter will improve the soil structure.
    4. Before digging, gypsum is added (at pH = 6.0 ... 7.0) or slaked lime(at pH = 4.5 ... 5.5) in the amount of 30 g / m 2.
    5. Raise nutritional properties provides boron, so add up to 7 g boric acid for every square meter.
    6. Granules of ammonium nitrate (30 g / m 2), superphosphate (25 g / m 2) and potassium salt (10 g / m 2) will increase soil fertility. They are evenly scattered, and then buried in the ground with a rake.

    Planting is carried out 5 ... 10 days after the preparatory work with the soil in the garden. By this time, fertilizers will evenly dissolve in the soil layer.

    Planting material preparation

    You need to plant teeth, they are prepared according to a certain algorithm.

    1. The largest heads with large teeth are selected (it has been established that when using large planting material, large turnips grow for the next year).
    2. They are carefully dismantled, remove unnecessary husks. Separate the teeth.
    3. Sick and small-sized teeth are discarded. It is impossible to plant material that has exfoliated scales.
    4. Before planting, the teeth are soaked in a solution of pale pink potassium permanganate. Soaking time is at least 15 minutes. More than an hour also undesirable.

    Planting winter garlic

    You can find a variety of recommendations for planting depth. Some recommend planting at a depth of 4 cm. But such a recommendation is not suitable for the Central Region. A dense layer of snow is formed only at the end of December or at the beginning of January. Until then, there are quite a few very coldy which may damage the planting material.

    There are recommendations to plant to a depth of 8 cm, while showing the grooves into which the landing is made. The height from the sides is the specified distance. But when laying out the teeth and back powdering, the teeth will be at a depth of only 4 cm. Therefore, not the most successful option is shown.

    Experienced gardeners use a special device for planting, which is a handle with a diameter of 35 mm and a length of about 1 m. A handle for a shovel is installed at one end, and the other is turned to make a cone. At a height of 13 ... 15 cm from the lower end, a transverse bar is nailed, which serves as a pedal.

    Landing is done like this.

    1. Rows are planned (the distance between the landing rows is 18 ... 20 cm).
    2. Teeth should be planted at a distance of 70 ... 80 mm. It is this width that the pedal on the landing gear is also made.
    3. They mark the hole, install the device, step on the pedal. A hole is formed.
    4. A tooth is lowered into the hole.
    5. Using the width of the pedal, mark the position of the new hole, form it and plant the next clove.
    6. In a similar way, all the harvested material is planted in the garden.
    7. The attached video shows in detail how to best plant garlic.

    Planting garlic as a compactor

    Gardeners experienced in growing the most different cultures, organize combined landings. With this method of organizing plantings, plants located next to each other support growth and feed neighboring crops.

    Garlic crops are especially helpful for garden strawberries. The smell of a spicy vegetable drives away pests and additionally nourishes the sweet berry.

    To obtain high-quality carrots, its crops are also combined with plantings of bulbous crops. onion fly can damage garlic, but the smell of carrots repels the pest. The carrot fly can also do quite a bit of damage to carrot plants, but it doesn't like the smells that bulbous plants give off. She doesn't even sit where the garlic grows. Therefore, this is one of the most successful landing combinations.

    Already, many vegetable growers practice the simultaneous planting of garlic and rows of carrots in the fall. In the spring, both types of vegetables are early taken into growth and give a good harvest, providing mutual protection.

    Bed warming

    So that the winter frosts do not freeze the garlic crops, they are insulated. As a heater, you can use:

    • straw, to prevent freezing, it is enough to lay a layer with a thickness of more than 3 ... 5 cm;
    • hay, it cakes more strongly, so a layer of about 6 cm is needed;
    • leaves fruit trees enough good insulation, lay a layer 5 ... 8 cm thick;
    • the use of non-woven fabric does not allow the wind to supercool the soil, so even one layer of material protects against freezing to a great depth.


    At correct execution all stages of planting winter garlic for the next year can be obtained decent harvest this culture.

    Garlic, which is planted before winter, is called winter. It differs from spring (planted in spring) garlic not only in terms of planting, but also appearance. Many summer residents opt for a winter variety due to big size heads and large teeth. To get a quality harvest, planting garlic before winter should be carried out according to a certain technology and in compliance with the deadlines.

    The timing of the autumn planting of garlic directly depends on the depth of the cloves. Most often, the teeth are buried in the ground by 3-5 cm. Such a surface planting should be carried out 2-3 weeks before the expected frost. In regions with a cool climate, they prefer to plant garlic at a great depth - 10-15 cm. The planting time also depends on the weather conditions of a particular area.

    In outskirts of Moscow

    The climate of the Moscow region is temperate continental, with a pronounced seasonality. The middle zone is characterized by warm summers, moderate Cold winter sufficient thickness of snow cover. AT last years there is also a general trend of strong warming. Winter in the Moscow region began to come later, there are less and less severe frosts and more and more thaws.

    The maximum amount of precipitation occurs in the summer season, in winter they blow strong winds with a predominance of northern, western, south- western direction. In fact, winter in this area lasts 5 months. Snow cover appears in November and disappears by early April. Taking into account weather changes, planting garlic before winter in this region should be done from September 20 to October 10. In more southern regions The deadline has been extended to November.

    The length of the Urals from north to south is more than 2000 km. It is clear that the climate of the northern and southern Ural regions is very different.

    • In the Northern Urals, it is recommended to start planting winter garlic in mid-September. If the autumn weather has settled earlier, then you need to plant garlic in early September.
    • For the Southern Urals, planting dates are shifted to the first ten days of October. Corrections can be made weather.

    On a note! folk omen says that it is time to plant garlic when the birds began to fly south for wintering.

    AT climatic conditions In Siberia, the right time for planting winter garlic falls on the period from September 15 to October 5. If you plant cloves at this time, before frost they will have time to take root and form sufficiently long roots without the formation of leaves. It is better to plant garlic to a depth of about 10 cm. After that, the bed is well watered - this increases the winter hardiness of the crop.

    Climate Leningrad region considered special. It is characterized by unstable weather conditions, due to the frequent change of air masses. Dry and very cold arctic air comes from the Kara Sea. Cyclones come from the western direction with cloudy, windy weather and precipitation.

    Sometimes weather conditions change dramatically even within one day, and it is very difficult for weather forecasters to predict these changes. In addition to weather fluctuations, the region is characterized by strong winds, up to squalls, snowstorms, snowfalls, fogs, severe frosts and intense heat, droughts and floods.

    For planting in the Leningrad region, zoned varieties of winter garlic should be taken. These include: German, Dobrynya, Alcor, Podmoskovny, Novosibirsk, Replicant.

    The end of September can be called the end of September for planting winter garlic. In the south of the Leningrad region, landing can be carried out a week earlier, in colder parts of the region - a week later.

    The roots of the plant are poorly developed, they begin to grow at a slight positive temperature. This process occurs within 1.5 months after planting. When garlic takes root, it is able to endure winter frosts. That is why the plant needs a certain amount of time before frosts begin.

    Planting garlic is carried out with individual cloves. Preparatory work includes dividing the head into individual teeth, followed by sorting of the planting material and its processing. Garlic cloves can be large, medium and small. Their size should be taken into account when landing. Large cloves are deepened by 8-10 cm, smaller ones - by 6 cm.

    Planting material must be clean and healthy, without damage. If the batch prepared for planting contains too many cloves with stains and traces of rot, it should be completely replaced.

    Important! Do not use for planting heads that contain only 3-4 teeth. Such a small number of lobules indicates the degeneration of culture.

    Garlic must be completely dried so that it does not start growing. Its bottom is normally light gray in color. In order for the crop to grow well in spring and be resistant to diseases, it is recommended to carry out pre-planting treatment. This can be done in one of the following ways:

    1. Soaking garlic in a pink solution of potassium permanganate before planting for 30-60 minutes.
    2. Treatment with 1% copper sulphate solution. Garlic cloves are more convenient to soak in the evening, and plant in the morning.
    3. Disinfection with saline solution: 3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt are dissolved in 5 liters of water and the garlic is soaked for 3 minutes, then dipped in a solution of copper sulfate for 1 minute and immediately planted.
    4. Processing can be phased. First, garlic is soaked in a solution of nitroammofoska for one day, then in a strong salt solution for up to 30 minutes. The third solution should contain 1 tbsp. a spoonful of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water, garlic is soaked in it for one minute.
    5. Ash solution use: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ash is mixed in a liter of water.
    6. Soaking in a solution of the drug "Maxim", which is considered a natural antibiotic and protects plants from many diseases. For processing, one ampoule of the drug per liter of water is used. Pickle the garlic in the solution for 30 minutes.
    7. Treatment with Phytolavin. The tool protects the culture from bacterial and fungal diseases, root rot.
    8. The use of Fitosporin-M. This fungicide is often used for pre-sowing preparation of garlic - it increases the immunity of the plant, making it resistant to diseases. Fitosporin-M is diluted according to the instructions. The teeth are soaked in it for 1 hour.

    In addition to preparing planting material, you should also prepare the bed in advance. The further development and growth of culture will depend on the quality of the land.

    We prepare the beds

    Experienced gardeners who plant garlic every year before winter have their own secrets for planting and caring for this crop. Heed their advice:

    • Planting garlic in high places should be avoided. ground water, otherwise in the spring with the advent of heat, the vegetable will simply be washed away by their streams.
    • The culture is not planted in the ground, which was previously fertilized with manure. Otherwise, the plant will have lush tops and frail heads. Plus, garlic grown on manured soil often suffers from fungal diseases.
    • Only when planting after the right predecessors can large heads be obtained. If it is impossible to observe crop rotation, plant Vicia sativa peas in the garden first. This plant is an excellent green manure that will enrich the soil with compost, loosen it and disinfect it.
    • Before winter, it is best to plant a purple-striped variety, which is better than others adapted to the winter cold, unpretentious and well stored.
    • The earlier you plant the garlic, the deeper it should be planted.
    • Ideally, garlic should be relocated annually. You can return it to the same bed again no earlier than after 5 years.

    When and how to plant garlic before winter: video

    Planting garlic before winter: video

    Compliance with all these rules will provide you with large and strong heads of spicy vegetables. Be sure to grow garlic in your area. Through their useful properties it will prolong your youth, preserve health and beauty, add bright shades of taste to cooked dishes.
