What is boric acid used for? Boric acid: benefits, harms and application features for cucumbers

Boron is a trace element, without which plants cannot fully "breathe", assimilate calcium and synthesize biologically active substances. That is why boric acid is one of the most popular fertilizers among gardeners and gardeners who dream of a rich harvest. In addition, the drug is very effective in the fight against ants, cockroaches and bedbugs.

Boric acid

Boric acid, or H3BO3 is a finely crystalline, odorless, colorless powder. The crystals are small flakes that quickly dissolve in hot (over 70°C) water. The tool is available for use, both in pure form and in combination with other organic top dressing. Differs in weak acidic properties and minimal danger to humans (class 4, the lowest).

Attention: an excess of boron in plants is harmful to the body - the substance can accumulate in the tissues of a person who eats food overfed with fertilizer and cause serious chronic diseases in him.

In the garden and vegetable garden

Boric acid is widely used in agriculture, however, it can only be useful if correct use. Wetlands, containing a large number of carbonates and too acidic soils.

What's the use?

The main advantages of applying the drug to the soil are:

  • an increase in the ovary and, accordingly, the number of future fruits on the plant;
  • improvement palatability vegetables and fruits, increased sugar levels in beets, tomatoes and corn;
  • rapid recovery of shoots, stems and root system after hilling, transplantation and other changes;
  • increased resistance to frost and drought, to temperature fluctuations;
  • acceleration of growth and development of new shoots;
  • increased resistance to disease;
  • increase in seed germination, etc.

Signs of a Boron Deficiency

The lack of boron in the soil negatively affects garden and horticultural crops. They react differently to a deficiency of a substance, but it can always be determined visually.

  1. The tops of tomatoes die off, and the formation of new stems occurs mainly at the roots. Moreover, young shoots are quite brittle and fragile. The fruits themselves are covered with brown spots in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe top.
  2. Grapes show a lack of boron in the soil through spots on the leaves. These bald spots gradually grow, which eventually leads to the complete death of the leaf. The ovary either stops developing or completely falls off. Young seedlings may dry out during the first two years.
  3. In beets, due to boron deficiency, the leaves first become stained, then they turn black, the disease affects the fruits. They rot from the inside, become inedible, with rotten flesh.
  4. In fruit trees, branches can die, the ovaries fall off, and the fruits deteriorate.
  5. Potatoes suffer from fungal scab - the plant slows down in development, its petioles turn red, and the foliage turns yellow.

Important: excess boron in the soil threatens plants with foliage burns. It turns yellow and curls, and then die off.

Instructions for use

Plants need boric acid in different ways - this must be taken into account when feeding. processing of decorative and fruit crops should last all growing season, at the time of budding and fruit formation. The proportions of boron for plants are very different.

For potatoes

Processing potatoes with boric acid can be done in 3 stages. When the tubers are sprouted and ready for planting permanent place, they can be sprayed with a 0.5-1% solution of the drug. Bushes should be treated with a spray gun over the sheet, using a 0.1% solution, and in the event of the appearance of mushroom scab, dilute 6 g of boron per 10 liters of water and feed the potatoes.

For cabbage

When 2 true leaves appear, the cabbage is treated with the following composition: 2 g of boron per 1 liter of water. It is recommended to repeat the procedure during the period of tying heads and at the time of their filling. This way you can prevent the occurrence of gray rot, achieve a greater density of heads and increase yields.

For tomatoes

When peduncles are formed in tomatoes, but the buds are still “sleeping”, it is necessary to dissolve 10 g of boron powder in 10 liters of water and foliar top dressing.

For cucumbers

Cucumbers "respond" to top dressing big amount ovaries and a rich harvest. For foliar top dressing, use 5 g of the product per 10 liters of water. The procedure is carried out before flowering, and then repeated during the ovary period. If you add a couple of potassium permanganate crystals to the solution, you can get an excellent drug that fights powdery mildew.

For strawberries

Experienced gardeners claim that thanks to boric acid, strawberries become tastier and sweeter, and crop yields increase. To treat plants during the period when flower stalks are formed, dilute 5 g of powder in 10 liters of water and spray the bushes.

For indoor plants

Profuse bud formation lush bloom and high content of chlorophyll in the leaves of indoor plants occurs after the introduction of boric acid into the soil, namely, under the root of the flower. To do this, use 0.2 g of powder per 1 liter of water. If the plant needs spraying, add 3 times per liter of water less acid.

Ants fight

Boric acid is an excellent tool in the fight against ants. Once in the body of an insect, the drug destroys it nervous system causing first paralysis and then death. Within a month, you can get rid of the entire colony of insects in the house, including even the uterus and individuals that never leave the anthill.

There are several ways to fight: you can simply sprinkle the anthill with powder, or you can prepare a solution of 100 ml of water, 5 g of borax and 1 tablespoon of sugar / honey. Pour into a saucer and leave on the trail of insects. You can also make balls from 2 egg yolks and 0.5 teaspoon of boric acid. Lay out on the trails and near the nest.


Precise observance of proportions is the first rule in the use of boric acid, regardless of the form in which it is used. An inexpensive, but very useful powder is able to “make” flowers fragrant, berries and fruits ripen faster and become sweeter, and vegetables “sick” less and delight summer residents with a bountiful harvest.

Boric acid (H₃BO₃) is a fertilizer that contains high concentrations of boron, effective and affordable. Accelerates metabolic processes in plant cells, promotes better penetration calcium, enhances root growth.

Boron is a growth stimulant and adaptogen. Its deficiency negatively affects the development, flowering and ability to bear fruit in horticultural and horticultural crops. The chemical is found in the soil in the form of salts that are easily washed out. Therefore, in regions with a humid climate and frequent precipitation, there is a shortage of boron in the soil.

Boric acid is an excellent microfertilizer that will be useful for almost all horticultural crops.

The hazard class of the drug is IV, that is, it is practically harmless to humans. Boric acid for plants is used in dissolved form and in dry form to enrich the earth.

What is so useful boric acid

Boron is found in soil in small quantities. Especially it is a little on calcareous, sour and sandy soils. When growing vegetables and fruits in such a land, it is imperative to make this element for digging.

The benefits of boric acid for plants:

  1. Forms the reproductive organs;
  2. Promotes rapid seed growth;
  3. Together with calcium, it participates in the formation of stem walls;
  4. Increases shelf life and yield up to 30%;
  5. Restores seedlings after transplantation;
  6. Promotes the formation of buds, ovaries and roots;
  7. Increases the resistance of seedlings to sudden changes in temperature;
  8. Synthesizes phytohormones;
  9. Participates in the formation of pollen;
  10. Affects the process of lignification of shoots.

Video: Informative video about the use of boric acid in gardening

Signs of a lack of boron in horticultural and horticultural crops

  • young upper leaves turn pale, acquire a light green hue and begin to twist from the top to the base;
  • leaf veins turn dark brown;
  • the seedling blooms poorly or flowering does not occur;
  • the fruits of vegetables and trees are deformed;
  • small areas of the bark on young shoots die off, the leaves are covered with a bluish bloom.

If you notice this - immediately apply the drug. Boron is a mobile element that is easily washed out groundwater from the soil. Therefore, it must be applied to the ground every year.

When nitrogen fertilizers are applied, the boron deficiency for vegetables and fruit trees increases

How to dissolve boric acid in water? Heat a small amount of liquid to 70°C and add the granules. Next, bring the solution to the desired proportion with cold water.

How to foliarize with boric acid:

  1. Work with the substance should be carried out in the absence of rain;
  2. Use funds personal protection during contact with a chemical;
  3. The solution should not be stored for more than a day.

If the doses of fertilizer application are not observed, an overdose is possible. For example, if after two treatments with this element the sheet continues to turn yellow and dry out, you do not need to apply a loading dose of the chemical a third time. Find the causes of this phenomenon. This may be a deficiency of iron, nitrogen, or errors in care.

Excess boron appears on adult lower leaves. Red spots appear on them, which gradually increase in size. Over time, leaf tissues die off.

This is how an excess of boron appears on the leaves of plants

In case of an overdose, the fruits will ripen quickly, but will not be stored.

Application on grapes, strawberries and fruit crops

Boron is used to feed all fruit trees, shrubs and strawberries.

Grape. It has a large need for boron during the flowering period. It accumulates in the flowers of grapes and plays an important role in the pollination process. With a lack of an element, pollen is formed slowly. Therefore, top dressing of grapes with boron - milestone in vineyard care. Indicators of the lack of an element are the appearance of yellow spots on the leaf and the absence of a normal ovary (pea). Application scheme: 1st time - before flowering (10g per 10l), 2nd time - after 10 days, 3rd time - during fruit growth.

Strawberry. Signs of starvation - deformation and wilting of leaves, shedding of the ovary. Top dressing scheme: watering the earth in early spring (1g per 10l of water), spraying the bushes before flowering (2g per 10l of water).

As a result - high yield strawberries

Fruit trees. Indicators of the lack of boron in sufficient quantities - the leaves thicken, twist; tops of young shoots die off; spots appear in the fruits, similar in structure to a sponge. Part of the pulp becomes tasteless. This phenomenon is especially noticeable on the fruits of pears and apple trees. Scheme of dilution of the drug for trees - 20g per bucket of water. Treat unopened flowers and ten days after shedding the petals.

Application on vegetable crops

Proper use of the drug, in compliance with the norms of application, will allow you to collect a high-quality, healthy crop and extend its shelf life. Feeding vegetables with boric acid includes pre-sowing soaking of seeds, foliar top dressing during growth and watering the soil.

Soaking seeds increases their germination and germination strength, contributes to disease resistance in seedlings. It is necessary to soak them in a solution of 0.2 g per 1 liter.

The use of boric acid in the vegetable garden:

Cabbage. Starvation symptoms in white cabbage - an empty cob; cauliflower has transparent inflorescences, deformed shoots, bad taste. For dilution in water, take 10 g of granules per 1 liter of water. Top dressing of cabbage is carried out twice during the growth period: before flowering and when tying the ears.

Tomatoes. Symptoms of starvation in a tomato are weak seedling growth, the appearance of brown spots on the fruits. The roots of seedlings thicken, swell, their growth stops. For prevention, top dressing of tomatoes with boric acid can be carried out once a month, dissolving 2 g of fertilizer per 10 liters of liquid.

Video: How to significantly increase tomato yields using boric acid

Cucumbers. The main symptom of the lack of an element is a light yellow border on the sheet. Also, with a lack of this element, yellowish stripes appear along the fetus. Spraying is carried out three times, starting from the flowering period and maintaining an interval of two weeks. Consumption for foliar top dressing - 5g per bucket of water. This treatment scheme will prevent the drying of the ovary and increase the yield.

Sugar and table beet. Deficiency signs - apical and gray rot inside a vegetable. Spraying is carried out twice after the appearance of five leaves, with a break of two weeks. The concentration of the chemical is 1g per 10l.

In greenhouses, boron is used for plants by spraying and watering, which is carried out according to the same scheme as for an open area.

Boric acid for indoor plants

If home flower deterioration of foliage proper care, this signals a lack of important substances, in particular, boron. Its lack provokes the cessation of root growth, chlorosis (yellowing) appears, the tops of the shoots die off.

The leaves become thick and break easily when bent. In some flowering plants, such as geraniums, the leaves turn whitish rather than yellow. Buds with boron deficiency can be underdeveloped, small.

How does the drug work on indoor flowers? It stimulates abundant long-term flowering and the formation of new shoots and roots in indoor crops. Dilute powder for foliar feeding - 0.5 g per liter of liquid.

Result proper feeding boron

Granules of the substance are also applied under the roots of potted flowers. This can be done during crop transplantation. Do not allow direct contact of the granules with the roots, as you can burn them. Dry matter application scheme - 1g per square meter. Blooming violets and pelargoniums are especially in need of this element.

Boric acid preparations

Main types:

  • Boric acid is a white crystalline, water-soluble powder. Contains 17% of the substance. It is recommended to use 5g per 10l of water.
  • Borax is a white, crystalline salt. Contains 11% of the chemical. Consumption - 5g per 10l of water.
  • Bornadatolite fertilizer - water-soluble, dry, friable powder. Contains 16% of the chemical. Application - 5g/sq.m. or 1 g per 0.5 l of water.
  • Boric superphosphate - granules of light gray color, boron 0.5%. Used to enrich the land before digging. Scatter - 10g per sq. m.

Boric acid is produced by many companies. One of them is Green Belt.

Complex compositions with boron:

  • Mag-boron (Magnesium-boron-calcium top dressing). Used - 10g per sq.m. or 20g per bucket of spray water.
  • Basfoliar. Contains active substance 17.5%. Massively used for foliar processing.

Boric acid for ants

The substance is also used as an insecticide to control garden and domestic ants. It enters the body, destroys the nervous system, causing paralysis and death. The chemical does not act instantly, so the insect manages to bring the powder crystals on the abdomen and paws to the anthill. The death of insects occurs approximately on the tenth day.

Boric acid is a microfertilizer for plant nutrition during the growing season. Timely top dressing can give rapid growth of young shoots. It improves the nutrition of the ovaries and increases their number. In addition, boron is able to protect plants from many diseases.

Plant diseases caused by boron deficiency:
. heart rot in root crops;
. heart rot in beets;
. hollow stem of cauliflower;
. hollowness of root crops;
. brown rot in cauliflower;
. scab on root crops;
. fruit pulp necrosis.

Application of boric acid:

Plants need to be sprayed regularly. Before flowering, during flowering and during fruiting, when the fruits reach normal size. The optimal dosage is 20 g of fertilizer per 10 liters of water. It is this ratio that brings the best result.

Seed germination will improve if treated before sowing. It is enough to soak the seeds in this solution for 12 hours. Seeds of carrots, onions or beets are soaked for a day. The seeds are then dried and sown.

Boric acid solves many problems of fruit plants. Protects against diseases, increases yield by 20-25% and increases sugar content. This makes the fruits tastier and sweeter. In addition, processed berries will not rot or crack from excessive moisture.

Fertilizers must be applied when the fruits have reached their norm, so that microelements can only affect the composition of the pulp.

Presowing seed treatment with boric acid:

Soaking seeds in a solution of boric acid, prepared at the rate of 0.2 g of the drug per 1 liter of water (or -2 grams of boric acid per 10 liters of water.) - renders positive influence for seed germination. Can be used together with other trace elements. Seeds of carrots, tomatoes, onions, beets are soaked for 1 day, cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini for 12 hours.

Pre-sowing treatment of seeds with a complex of microelements:

Mix 1 liter of water, 0.1-0.3 g of boric acid, 0.5-1 g of potassium permanganate, 0.5-1 g of ammonium molybdate, 0.3-0.5 g of methylene blue, 0.1-0 .5 g blue vitriol, 0.2-0.5 g of zinc sulfate. The solution should be prepared as much as is needed to completely submerge the treated seeds. After processing, they are dried and sown.

Main entry:

They are applied to the soil before sowing seeds or planting seedlings of vegetable, fruit and berry crops and flowers at the rate of 2 g of fertilizer (previously diluted in 10 liters of water) per 10 m2, followed by loosening.

Top dressing:

It is carried out with a solution prepared at the rate of 5 grams of boric acid per 10 liters of water (or 1 gram per liter). And first, the drug is dissolved in a small amount hot water, then add required amount cold water up to the norm. The first spraying is carried out in the budding phase, the second - in the flowering phase, the third - during the fruiting period. Boric acid treatment of fruit and berry crops gives an increase in yield by an average of 20-25%. When combined with other trace elements, the concentration of boric acid is reduced to 0.05-0.06%, i.e. 0.5-0.6 g / l is used.

In addition to boric acid, granular boron superphosphate (18.5-19.3% phosphorus and 1% boric acid) or double boron superphosphate (40-42% phosphorus and 1.5% boric acid) are used for plant nutrition.

For feeding berries:

Some gardeners add boric acid to a bucket of water with a pink solution of potassium permanganate at the tip of a knife, mix everything thoroughly and use it to feed strawberries and raspberries in early spring.

Such top dressing not only helps to increase the yield, it also improves the taste of the berries.

In addition to the above, boric acid is used as a component of a complex nutrient solution for soaking seeds before planting: two handfuls onion peel pour a liter of boiling water and mix it with a pre-prepared ash solution in a ratio of 1: 1. For 1 liter of such a solution, add 1 gram of manganese, 0.1-0.3 grams of boric acid and 5 grams of baking soda.

Insect control:

Boric acid is also effective in the fight against insects. With its help, you can get rid of cockroaches and ants. When there was nothing in stores other than dichlorvos, many housewives used boric acid. It was much more efficient and convenient. There was no unpleasant smell, and besides, boric acid is completely harmless to both people and pets.

How to deal with ants:

Why is it so difficult to get rid of ants, because they are very sensitive to poisons? The poison only kills worker ants that are outside the nest. And this loss is quickly replenished, and the number of ants increases again and again.

However, using a simple bait using boric acid can destroy the entire colony. The poison acts slowly, and the ants have time to convey the poisonous substance to other ants.

The bait is very easy to make. 4 teaspoons of sugar are added to one glass of boric acid solution. Pieces of cotton wool or tampons are moistened with a solution and left near the anthill. Periodically changing the moistened pieces, you need to wait until the ants disappear.
