What does strawberries like shade or sun. How to plant strawberries to get a good harvest: basic principles

Strawberries are considered one of the most delicious and at the same time easy to grow berries. The fruits consist of tender, juicy pulp with a delicious aroma and taste.

Strawberries are very nutritious, contain valuable chemical substances: organic acids, dyes, tannins, calcium salts, iron metals, a lot of sugar, phosphorus, vitamins A, B, C.

Strawberry is a perennial plant that occupies a niche between shrub and herbaceous forms. It has three types of shoots: shortened stems, mustaches, peduncles. It is easy to grow it on any site, observing only a few rules. We will talk about how to properly grow strawberries in this article.

How to grow strawberries on the site?

Where to plant strawberries? Choose a place

Planting strawberries is best done on flat irrigated areas, protected from the wind, where there are no perennial weeds. You can plant bushes between gooseberries or currants. In the garden with big trees It is better not to plant strawberries, in the shade it will not bear fruit well, moreover, when spraying trees, dangerous pesticides can get on it.

Strawberries are unpretentious, can grow on any soil, but still, it gives the greatest yield on light soils rich in humus. Poor fruiting on saline soils, limestone, with a close occurrence of groundwater.

The highest yield of strawberries is observed in the first year, which is why, when harvesting several crops, strawberries must be alternated with other crops. It is better to do this every 3 or 4 years.

It is very important to prepare the soil well before planting. The richer she will be nutrients, the more powerful root system, therefore, fruiting is more productive.

To successfully grow strawberries, the soil must be prepared a month before planting. Dig up to a depth of 30 cm. For planting in the spring, the soil is prepared in the fall. For 1 sq.m. up to 8 kg of compost, about 100 g of superphosphate, 30 g of potassium salt are added. Loosen and level the soil.

How to plant strawberries correctly?

Planting strawberries can be done from spring to autumn, but best time for planting bushes - the end of summer, the beginning of autumn. The bushes must have time to take root, get stronger in order to endure the winter.

Choosing planting material, give preference to plants with a well-formed rosette, with 3-4 leaves, in the center of the growth bud should be undamaged, dense, green. Roots up to 6 cm long should not be overdried, have a good lobe.

There are several ways to plant strawberries. simple strawberries better planted in rows. On the prepared plantation, rows should be marked at a distance of 50 cm from each other. In each row, prepare shallow pits, between which there should be from 20 to 30 cm, fill them with water.

Two tendrils can be planted in one hole. Before planting, cut the roots to 4 cm so that they do not bend in the ground. Sprinkle bushes with earth, press. Further, a little secret, as if pulling each bush up a little by the leaves, this must be done so that the heart (rosette) is cleared of the soil and does not rot in the future.

After planting, it is important to properly water the strawberries. You need to water around the bush and make sure that water does not get into the center. Before stable rooting of seedlings, strawberries need to be watered both in the morning and in the evening.

Some gardeners use black film when growing strawberries. Under it, the soil warms up well, mustaches do not take root, there are no weeds, and the soil remains loose and moist. At the same time, the berries are always clean and dry.

Continuing the theme of planting strawberries, we want to offer you an instructional video on how to plant strawberries correctly.

Propagation of strawberries

Continuing the topic of how to grow strawberries, it is important to reveal the issue of its reproduction. Strawberries propagate in several ways: by dividing bushes, by seeds, or by seedlings from mustaches.

  • To get the latest high-yielding varieties, for growing remontant strawberries without a mustache, seeds are used.
  • Varieties that do not have mustache growth are propagated by seedlings obtained by dividing the bush. The bush is dug out of the ground, divided into bunches with roots, which are then planted.

The main method of reproduction, the fastest and most reliable, is mustache seedlings. Ready rooted shoots are dug up, separated from mother plant, cut the roots to 6-7 cm, extra leaves, leaving 3-4 leaves.

Seedlings should have a well-developed bud (core), an overgrown root system. The dug seedlings are dipped into an earthen mash for a while so that the roots do not dry out. It is better to plant it on the same day.

How to care for strawberries?

Soil for strawberries and fertilizer

In early spring, it is necessary to clean the strawberry plantation with a rake. All dry leaves, dead mustaches, dried bushes are raked out, they are carriers of pests and diseases.

After that, the soil must be well fertilized. mineral fertilizers, add humus and loosen well. Throughout growing season the soil should not contain weeds, be always loosened and well, but moderately watered. When the ovaries begin to form, the soil must be moist, the yield will depend on this.

For 1 sq.m. up to 30 liters of water are consumed, after each harvest, refreshing watering is carried out - up to 10 liters per 1 sq. m.

Mulching strawberries

When ovaries begin to form, it is recommended to stop loosening the soil and mulch. best material for this - rye or wheat straw. So that the weed seeds and grains in it do not sprout, the material must be prepared in advance: shake the straw, moisten with water and leave in the sun, the seeds will germinate.

After the straw dries well, you can use it as a mulch. For the same purposes, hay is suitable, cut before the formation of seeds in the grass.

On the market, especially for mulching, you can buy Agril black covering material.

Soil mulching allows you to grow large and sweet strawberries: retain moisture, prevent the growth of weeds, help ripened berries not to rot, better color, stay dry, facilitate their collection.

If strawberries are watered by rain, mulching is carried out to a thickness of up to 7 cm in a continuous layer. When irrigating along the grooves, mulching is carried out only under the bushes, leaving aisles for irrigation.

After fruiting ends, all the straw, and with it dry shoots, leaves, are raked and burned. At the same time, all pests and foci of diseases are destroyed.

Further watering and fertilizing strawberries

After fruiting is completed, the plant begins to grow new roots, whiskers, leaves. At this time, you need to feed the bushes with organic and mineral fertilizers, water and loosen the soil. This will ensure the normal growth of new shoots. For 1 sq.m. up to 3 kg of humus, up to 30 g of superphosphates, up to 15 g of saltpeter, 20 g of potassium salt are added.

In summer, the soil should be maintained in a loose, moderately moist, weed-free state. This will allow future color buds to form correctly.

However, it should be noted that excessive nutrition can affect the excessive growth of the vegetative mass, this can lead to stretching, thickening of plants, and the formation of gray rot. So irrigation and fertilization during this period should be optimal.

Frost - how to save strawberries?

During the flowering of strawberries in the middle regions of Russia, frosts are often observed. How to protect the future harvest from them? To combat frost, smoke piles are made around the area with strawberries, they should not burn much, but emit a lot of smoke.

How to make a smoke pile? A stake is driven into the ground, around which a dry combustible material(needles, straw, brushwood, shavings). On top of it - straw manure, tops, raw leaves. All this is covered with an earthen layer up to 6 cm.

If the soil temperature drops to zero, a stake is removed from the pile, and a torch is inserted in its place. Smoke should continue for two hours after sunrise.

Strawberry flowers can be protected by sprinkling, it starts before the temperature drops, and continues after sunrise until all the ice is gone from the plants.

Is it possible to grow strawberries all year round?

Is it possible to grow strawberries not only in spring and summer, but also in winter, autumn, that is all year round? This question interests many amateur gardeners. Yes, you can grow strawberries throughout the year, not only in greenhouses, but even in an apartment. For this, special remontant varieties of strawberries were bred.

Such strawberries do not like multiple transplants, so for it you need to immediately choose a convenient container for growing. In it, it will grow and winter. Most unpretentious variety remontant strawberry is called "Elizabeth II".

Each individual plant will need 3 liters of soil. If strawberries will be planted in a pot or jar, choose a larger container. In boxes and containers, bushes should grow from each other at a distance of up to 20 cm. A popular method of growing is in bags, in this case more than five crops per year can be harvested.

The main condition for growing remontant varietygood lighting, fluorescent lamps are used for this. It is also necessary to ensure comfortable temperature and ventilation. A balcony or a heated greenhouse is best.

How to grow strawberry seeds?

Strawberry seeds can be grown and planted both in the garden and in pots.
This is very easy to do if you follow the following rules.

In the section on the question Where is it better to plant strawberries in the shade or in the sun and how to care for them? given by the author Strela the best answer is to plant in the sun. In the shade, the berry will not be tasty. Mustaches must be chosen correctly and dropped in. And the extra ones should be removed. Otherwise, they will draw all the forces out of the mother plant.

Answer from drink alcohol[guru]
In the first year after planting, it is recommended to remove flowers. It’s better to remove the mustache too, so that they don’t take away her strength, and leave it next year. I grow in a sunny garden (there is just no shadow on the site yet))).

Answer from opportunist[guru]
Generally for early harvest in the sun, but in the shade it will bear fruit, but the berries will not be very sweet and will ripen later. For rapid growth and development, fertile soil. In order to propagate the mustache, do not cut it.

Answer from paw[guru]
Strawberries should be in the sunniest place in the garden!)

Answer from Neurologist[guru]
In the sun!
Already the berries are tied))

Answer from Ludmila Klochkova[guru]
it is possible that there was a penumbra. I decided for myself that it is easiest to plant strawberries in one row and let it grow by itself. when it will be very densely dig the bed.

Answer from Olga[guru]
Only in the sun In the shade it may not bloom

When I was young, I loved black. And walking under the moon. And the lights big city. In general, she was not original, like many other teenagers - probably an excess of vitality pushed and pushes them to paint their lips with shoe polish. Previously, all such infernal went, fatal ... It seems to me that very few of the women after thirty are total black, unless she has gathered at the cemetery. Georgians do not count - I think they are swaddling girls in black diapers from birth.

It’s not that I don’t like the night, even my favorite twilight “the rift between the worlds” has ceased to appeal to me. And generally cloudy weather. I love the afternoon, when the shadows disappear, when everything is visible to the smallest spider mite ... True, our Moscow region loves to cast a shadow on the wattle fence, from leapfrog with governors to gardens that new investors like to set up in sad forests near Moscow ...

A shady garden is not a garden, but a mockery. People sometimes turn to our company with a request to turn some part of the garden into a vegetable garden. Only this garden they bought in the forest. In a spruce forest, for example ... - thoughtfully shrugged Irina Alexandrovna Sakharova, landscape designer, author of more than 30 gardens, teacher and landscape writer. She was the one who gave the last lecture on ornamental garden which I will break down into several parts.

In the shade, the possibilities of a landscape designer are limited, and it is generally better to break his garden into light sunny places. But you have to go to various tricks so as not to lose a client ... Most vegetable crops they are light-requiring, and in the shade, many vegetables stretch out, lie down, but do not die somehow ... But some cultures put up with the shade ...

I wrote down her list for Sakharov. Decorated with photos of their bags and comments.

1. Celery - I think that the lecturer had in mind the petiole celery, because the leaf celery is not at all popular with us, but the root one still needs the sun ... petiole celery I will sow in the winter and in the spring for seedlings. I have big plans for him...

2. Lovage - I grew lovage ten years ago, but then when building a house, the bush disappeared, and I did not renew it, because there are so many celery leaves - why else lovage? Although my neighbor told me that the lovage is still different, and besides, for many years. Maybe I'll take him...

3. Ramson - according to Irina Alexandrovna, wild garlic looks very decorative in tree trunks, but it has a short period of decorativeness, very quickly nothing remains of it until next spring ...

4. Rhubarb - rhubarb is my shame, I haven't been able to grow it from seed for two years now. I will try a third time. Already bought two packs.

5. Leek - it’s for sure that leeks are quite shade-tolerant, the season before last it grew next to apple trees, nothing really survived and gave full legs in white hussar leggings ... And onion does not grow in the shade - falls apart ...

6. Beans (bush) - that beans (bush) even bear fruit in the shade for me, to be honest - a revelation. I will try to sow a bag of seeds under the apple tree, but I have very big doubts ...

7. All salads - and about salads (lettuces), I think the lecturer who gave us a lecture on salads before Sakharov would have doubts. The teacher from timiryazevka clearly told us that salads do not like shading ... But I think that the truth is somewhere in the middle.

8. Spinach - I don't have spinach seeds. Because it's stupid to grow spinach when there are so many nettles and chard in the spring. And lettuce ... Therefore, I bring a photo of my attempt number two - strawberry spinach, which last year I did not grow to the state of berries - was weeded by guests under the pretext of helping me in the fight against quinoa ...

9. Radish - if the sun falls for at least two hours ... I know from my own experience that a radish will not put up with a shadow. It will just pull out quietly and that's it ...

10. Parsley - curly parsley is especially decorative. But I don't have one, so this is it. In general, you can sow all the near-stem circles with parsley - score a dream.

11. Mint and other spicy herbs - In general, Sakharova spoke very warmly about herbs. She even dictated her recipe energy drink. A bunch of mint + pear or kiwi, break everything in a blender and drink every day in the morning. But at the expense of "other herbs- I am very skeptical about this. Mint, yes, but basil, hyssop, tarragon, marjoram… Well, I don’t know…

12. Chard - I don’t know how red-leafed, but the green chard in the photo of the lecturer’s shady garden grew just fine. At the expense of the red-leaf is not clear.

13. Mustard and other green herbs - in fact, Sakharova spoke only about mustard, "other green herbs" - this is my addition. But I can say for sure that both arugula and watercress will quite easily put up with shading. And borago. - taste qualities will be worse, but strawberries generally like shade. So I would like to next year plant one of the trunk circles remontant strawberries- see what happens...

In general, so many different shady vegetables. There simply aren’t enough trees on the site to fill their near-trunk circles. Here's the problem again...

Strawberries are one of the most popular berries (except that it can compete here). It is valued for its excellent taste, excellent aroma, beneficial features and most delicious compote which is obtained from it.

It is not surprising that many gardeners and gardeners try to grow it on their plots in the summer, and in the winter in greenhouses. However, not everyone is able to shoot big harvest because this culture is finicky. It is difficult for novice gardeners to grow this queen of berries and create all the conditions for abundant fruiting.

To understand all this, you should use the tips that will be useful at all stages of growing strawberries.

The main mistakes when growing strawberries

  1. Too dense and frequent planting. Strawberries grow quite well and planting bushes too often will interfere with development.
  2. Not cutting the "antennae". Many gardeners prefer not to cut the so-called mustaches of strawberry bushes, as it grows with their help. But this is quite bad for the crop. Growing strawberries spend less energy and substances on the formation of berries. So if your goal is precisely the berry itself, then these very mustaches should be trimmed from time to time
  3. Landing in a place that is illuminated by the sun all day. Despite the fact that strawberries are a sun-loving berry and need a lot of it, too hot exposure to the rays can lead to shrinkage and sunburn. Provide either partly shade plant or a special shelter-canopy.

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SHIELD BLUEBERRY Shield (or tall) blueberry is the most common blueberry variety cultivated in household farms. Berries
