Autumn planting of crocuses: we decide on the timing. Planting crocuses

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- Banat crocus (Crocus banaticus) comes from the Balkans.

It is recommended to plant crocuses in random places for 3-5 bulbs, for this, use a shovel to make a depression of 8-10 cm, after planting the bulbs, water the soil abundantly so as not to forget the place, designate it as you like. Caring for crocuses on the lawn is simple - applying organic fertilizers, careful lawn treatment. Note that tulips and daffodils are planted on the lawn in this way, but they do not decorate the lawn as luxuriously as crocuses.

Growing and caring for crocuses

Scottish, two-flowered crocus - there are also autumn-flowering varieties, the color is white, the petals are purple on the underside.


It is necessary to store crocus bulbs in the house, that is, away from rodents. These are the main enemies of the plant.

Planting crocuses at home has another important recommendation. If these plants are not frost-resistant enough, they must be mulched.

Planting crocuses in the fall in the ground is characterized by the following features:

This plant belongs to the Iris family. About 80 of its species and more than 300 varieties are known. Crocuses are divided into two large groups:

After preparing the beds for planting, you need to find out when to plant crocuses in the fall or earlier? summer months suitable for planting late flowering varieties. And for early spring, the best time to plant crocuses is in the second half of September. In October it will be too late, because the plants will be weak.​

You need to dig up the tubers depending on the flowering time. If these are autumn flowers, then the whole summer will do, and July-August is reserved for spring ones. It is important that about 3 months should pass before planting the tubers.

Crocus is a plant that can be called "snowdrop". This is due to the fact that it blooms when the snow melts, but has not completely gone yet.

These crocuses have blue-violet flowers with longitudinal veins. Their bulbs can be found in stores at the end of summer along with other small bulbs. autumn planting.​

Crocus, a flower that does not need special care, the bulbs are enough nutrients from the soil without extra fertilizing, unless of course the soil is quite fertile. Crocus bulbs are attractive to rodents such as squirrels and mice. How to protect bulbs from rodents? There are several ways to do this:​

Crocus Tomasini is a popular type of early crocus, pink to lilac in color, recommended for growing on lawns.


  • Also, to get good nests of corms, gardeners recommend planting them every year. This will allow children to more space for growth.​
  • To extend the flowering time of this plant, gardeners go for a little trick: they plant crocus bulbs in separate holes at different depths. This will allow you to enjoy the beauty of crocus flowers for at least a week longer.
  • The leaves of the plant wither and turn yellow;

Planting crocuses in the garden

those that bloom in spring;

  1. ​Most optimal time for planting small-bulb flowers, which include crocus flowers - this is the end of August - the beginning of September.
  2. Until this time, they should be dried. Remove all affected tubers. Sprinkle mechanical damage on them with ash. Then they are supposed to be stored in a cool room.

However, there are varieties that bloom towards the end of summer. They require very careful care, because they are extremely whimsical. This explains the fact that such crocuses are not very common.

  • Much less common in gardening species:
  • ​Bloodmeal and chili around the plant will keep small rodents from approaching.
  • ​Golden crocus - available different colors, including pure white, yellow-orange, blue, pale yellow.​

When to plant crocuses?

These plants are widely used for the following purposes:

It is forcing that helps to achieve ultra-early flowering in crocuses. Only the healthiest bulbs are suitable for this purpose. Somewhere in September, gardeners recommend planting them in pots. The soil in the container should be slightly damp. The pots should be covered with a film, first make several holes in it for ventilation.

After planting, the land where the plants are planted is watered a little and slightly covered with coniferous litter. This will retain moisture longer, as well as protect plants from severe frosts in case of a snowless winter.​

Growing crocuses at home

they die off over time

Those that bloom in summer.

Planting crocuses at this time, the bulbs will overwinter well and bloom in early spring.​

Growing problems include:

These are used bright flowers for the design of alpine slides. And if crocuses are planted very tightly, then they will be a spectacular decoration of a flower bed in the garden.

- crocus valley (Crocus vallicola) with white flowers;

Waste from the pet toilet will also deter intruders

When to transplant crocuses?

Autumn types of crocus:

to create beautiful landscape design site;​

Planting crocuses in the fall in the ground. Planting dates for crocuses

This container with planting material is placed in the basement or in any dark and cool place. In early January, the first shoots appear. After that, the pot is cleaned in a room with an air temperature of up to 15 degrees Celsius, where it is shaded with paper bags. It is also important not to forget to water the plant.

Crocuses: a brief description of the plant

These plants reproduce with their "children" - these are daughter corms. They are formed from the kidneys, which sit in the sinus of the scales. When the old corm dies, new children begin to grow on their own, forming a kind of "nest". It turns out a group of related bulbs. The above method is the most effective method on the reproduction of plants such as crocus flowers. Planting and care in this case are done very carefully so as not to damage the bulbous material.

  • The bulb remains weak, but alive.
  • Their flowering period is very short - no more than 10 days.

In order for the forcing of crocuses at home to end in flowering, you need to repeat the entire cycle of changes in nature. First, in June, dry the bulbs and bake them at a temperature of about 34 ° C for a week. Then it should be lowered to room values. Every two weeks the temperature drops slightly and is brought to a value of 17 degrees. This should be done by mid-August.​

defeat of aphids in a dry summer;

  • If landing is carried out in open ground, then you need to choose a suitable place. Crocuses in the country and in the garden prefer open sunny space. But in the spring, when they bloom, under deciduous trees is also light. After all, there are no leaves on them, which means that enough sun will penetrate to them.
  • - Sharoyan's crocus (Crocus scharojanii) with bright orange flowers.
  • Most rodents avoid daffodils, snowdrops and onions, you can take advantage of this by planting them around crocuses.

Saffron seed - it is from this type of crocus that saffron seasoning is obtained. Petal colors range from blue to purple hue, pistils are red.

Crocuses: planting in autumn. Landing dates

as gift flowers in pots for the holidays (Valentine's Day, March 8);

  • A week after this, gardeners are advised to remove the film from the pot. It is necessary to bring them into a warm room when the first buds already appear. The flowering of crocuses depends on the temperature in the room: the lower it is, the longer they bloom.​
  • The corm grows every year and becomes larger. As a result, many so-called children are formed. When it becomes crowded for them, and they are already beginning to interfere with each other, they definitely need to be seated.

In the first spring after the above planting, crocuses may not bloom at all.

The main features of the above flower:

Now comes the hardening of crocuses. They must be placed in a cool room. At a temperature of about 6 ° C, the bulbs should be stored for about a month.

  • Rotting of bulbs from excess moisture;
  • Crocuses will be excellent companions for peonies and ivy, as well as other low perennials.
  • These types of crocuses are quite difficult to grow.

One more important point in growing crocuses - do not remove fallen leaves from the bush, they must rot and nourish the plant with microelements to form flowers in the next season. Every 2-3 years, crocuses should be dug up and divided tubers, transplanted to a new place.

Locations and soil for flowers

Angustifolia crocus - orange-yellow flowers, brown stripes on the underside of the petals.

as a seasoning in cooking;

Kicked out crocuses in the fall can be safely planted in open ground.

If conditions permit, it is important for the children of one bulb specific type plant in groups. The planting material blooms approximately 4 years after planting.

This plant needs well prepared soil. It is fertilized with compost and manure, in addition, it is well loosened. It is not good for a flower to have an excessive amount of moisture and stagnant water. Therefore, if crocuses are planted in autumn, a little sand must be added to the soil, especially clayey.

Planting crocuses in the fall in the ground

resistance to unforeseen atmospheric phenomena;

Then comes the rooting period of the plant. To do this, it must be planted in a pot. If planting is carried out in September, then flowering will begin by January. When it is necessary to delay the appearance of flowers, the rooting period is extended.

Uncontrolled spread due to self-seeding of seeds and forgotten tubers.

The second important point: satisfactory drainage of the soil. If it is such that moisture stagnates in the soil, then the crocus bulbs will begin to rot.

Everything: what blooms in autumn, we divide in summer

There may be several reasons for this. If you live in the south, take care of timely watering, often crocuses do not bloom, if there is not enough nutrition in the soil, in this case they will help organic top dressing. Crocuses need full sun, make sure the flowers grow in a well lit area.​

Crocus is beautiful - very beautiful soft purple large flowers with dark stripes along the petals.

Reproduction of crocuses by seeds

As a food coloring.

Gardeners note the spectacular flowering and growth of these flowers close to the following plants:

The second method of propagation of crocuses is by seeds. But this method is only suitable for spring flowering plants. Crocuses that bloom in autumn do not bear fruit regularly because early hard frosts prevent them from setting seeds.​

The best soil for this plant is, of course, sandy light soil. The site must be well-drained, as stagnant water leads to rotting of the plant.

Tendency to rapid reproduction;

Crocus Care

If the plants will be used as indoor plants, then you need to plant crocuses using nutrient soil. It is supposed to stick the bulbs into it to a shallow depth. You just need to leave a small distance between adjacent crocuses and the walls of the pot.

  • Since these plants are small, their planting scheme looks like this:
  • The requirement for the soil is the question of its composition. Crocuses are best suited sandy soil. If the cottage is in an area where the soil is too dense, then coarse sand will save. It needs to be sprinkled on a flower bed and dug well.
  • I also bought autumn-flowering ones this year for the first time - though I don’t know what kind

Sometimes rodents eat crocus buds, the fight against them is described above. Do not forget to repot crocuses, the bulbs may have become crowded, this usually happens in abandoned areas when crocuses grow in one place for more than five years.

  • Autumn crocuses are often confused with poisonous colchicum, and therefore it is recommended to purchase autumn varieties in specialized stores.​
  • This plant is also widely used in alternative medicine. On the basis of crocus, special eye drops and general tonic tinctures are made, since saffron has antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic properties.


forcing crocuses

Sow this planting material in small pots or boxes. This will allow small seedlings not to get lost among large ones, and they will also be better protected from weeds. The pot must be covered with a black film and make sure that they do not dry out. If the leaves of the seedlings die off completely, they can be sprayed a little with Roundup. But care is important here so as not to make the soil too wet, as this can provoke rotting of seedlings. Seedlings bloom for about 5 years.

Unpretentiousness in care.

Crocus pots again need to be removed in a cool place. And now they need to give time for at least two months. Then put on the windowsill. In two weeks they will definitely bloom.

The best partners for crocuses

Depth from 4 to 12 cm, depending on the size of the tuber, small ones closer to the surface, and large ones deeper into the ground;

  • Before planting crocuses, the ground must be enriched with nutrients. Compost is perfect for them, which can be replaced with mineral fertilizer with a high content of phosphorus and potassium.
  • bloom - we'll see
  • Crocus late (Crocus serotinus)
  • Crocuses prefer a sunny site, if you live in the south, partial shade is recommended, as there is a risk of damage to the leaves and drying out of the bulbs from the hot sun. Crocuses love fertile, slightly acidic soil, but are generally tolerant of other types of soil.
  • Planting crocuses in the fall in the ground provides an opportunity to enjoy the flowering of this plant in early spring. But so that these flowers do not disappoint you and grow really beautiful and spectacular, it is important to follow some simple recommendations for planting them.
  • boxwood;
  • Plants such as crocus flowers do not require special complex self-monitoring. Landing and care has only a few rules:
  • So that the flowers are not small, it is important for them to choose a place that is well lit. It is important that the plants do not shade the trees. Although this plant grows well in partial shade.
  • In one place, these flowers can grow for 5 years.

The use of crocuses

While the crocus is growing, home care is not a big problem. They need to be watered, like other plants, so that the soil does not dry out. If you want to prolong flowering, then they need to create a cool temperature. And at night it is better to put them in the cold, you can even in frost down to -3 ° C.

  • The distance between adjacent bulbs is optimally left within 5 cm.
  • Crocus care is as simple as possible. They require only weeding and loosening the soil. Crocuses do not need watering. Because in spring there is enough moisture in the garden from melted snow. The exception is situations when there was too little snow in winter. Then the soil in the flower bed will need to be slightly moistened.
  • Yes, even now, but these are TIMELESS!! ! poisonous!
  • Autumn blooming. This species, originating in central and northern Portugal and northern and southwestern Spain, is known to have many horticultural forms. Late saffron subspecies (C. serotinus) Clusia (subsp. clusii), Salzmann (subsp. saltzmannii) and a variation of the latter "Erectophyllus" bloom in November. The flowers are all dark, lavender-blue in color.

Spring crocus is planted in autumn from September to October or in early spring (during spring planting, crocuses will bloom in a year), the bulbs are planted at a depth of 5 - 7 cm. The distance between the bulbs is 5 cm, it is possible to plant up to 10 bulbs in one hole.

People have been growing crocuses for several thousand years and not only for decorative purposes, crocuses are used in medicine, for the production of dyes and the most valuable spice in the world - saffron. To get 1 kg of spice, you need 170,000 autumn crocus flowers. Among the well-known garden perennials crocuses occupy not the most last place, this bulbous plant will decorate the garden not only in spring, but also in autumn, crocuses go well with the delicate greenery of the lawn. A variety of species, delicate colors of cupped flowers and relative unpretentiousness make crocuses an indispensable decoration of a garden plot.

Crocuses - types, planting and care

  1. Once every few years they must be thinned out, because in favorable conditions each corm gives birth to up to 10 babies annually and is getting larger;

Autumn and spring crocuses, varieties

Soil fertilization also needs to be taken seriously. It is important to remember: for crocuses, nitrogen is a great danger. That's why the best option for him are fertilizers rich in phosphorus and potassium. After all, the first trace element is necessary for the formation of crocus buds and the extension of the flowering period. The second trace element is important precisely for the bulbs of the plant.

Planting these plants depends on their type. Planting dates for crocuses are as follows:

  • When flowering is over, crocuses can be planted in the garden to form new bulbs.
  • Options for creating and planting flower beds and compositions from crocuses:
  • Planting and caring for crocuses in the open field also involves feeding them. Spring occurs when they are actively growing. For her, it is supposed to use complex fertilizer, which must be sprinkled directly on the snow.
  • Autumn-flowering crocuses should be replanted at the beginning of summer, in spring leaves grow, similar to lily of the valley leaves, only larger, then they dry out, then you can dig up the bulbs, dry them, and plant them in place in mid-August, the soil is nutritious, loose. They have a very pleasant smell.

  • After planting, the soil is covered with a layer of mulch or bark. Crocus bulbs are resistant to frost up to 20 ° C, if the winters are colder, you can cover the plants for the winter with bark, dry grass, cardboard, in winter it is important that the snow covers the plants.
  • Why doesn't the crocus bloom?
  • thuja;

The process of digging in spring-flowering plants is carried out in the summer after their leaves turn yellow;

Crocus, planting in autumn or spring

Planting or transplanting these plants is necessary without flowers. If, nevertheless, flowering specimens were planted, then they will gain strength only after about two years.

Late spring or early summer (autumn flowering);

If the plants are home, then every year. The same recommendations exist for garden crocuses. So, it will be possible to follow them and prevent them from spreading through the flower bed, becoming a weed culture.

single landing;

Planting crocuses in the lawn

With the onset of flowering, urea is fed. 2-3 weeks after the start of flowering, the third fertilization is carried out. Now you can use phosphate or potassium.

People! do not mislead each other! In the photo and in the answers of Dmitry and Natalia - colchicum! This is a completely different plant!

There are several varieties of autumn crocuses.


Another way to protect against frost is to dig in May and store the bulbs at a temperature of about 20 ° C in a dry place until the autumn planting of crocuses in open ground. Planting autumn crocuses is similar to spring species, they differ only in the timing of planting. Autumn crocuses are planted in August, tubers are dug up two weeks after flowering.

  • Spring crocuses are primroses and begin flowering in March, crocuses look great in rock gardens and lawns, suitable for growing on balconies and shaded areas. Autumn crocuses give a bright sparkle garden plot, blooming in October, when most other plants have finished flowering.
  • galanthus;
  • Bulbs are dried and stored in the shade.

Planting crocuses before winter is carried out by the following method: the bulb is lowered to a depth of 10 cm. The distance between these plants must be observed and be at least 4 cm.

Why is the crocus not blooming?

October-November (spring blooming).

In addition, transplanting bulbs allows them to reproduce. Different varieties give their number of children. Usually this number does not exceed 10. In addition, you can grow crocuses from seeds. Only in this case they will bloom only in a few years.

Crocus, like a snowdrop, is a harbinger of spring, which pleases the grower with its flowering after the snow cover has melted. There are other varieties that bloom by mid-summer. Autumn planting of crocuses helps to get a grateful flowering in the spring. During the winter, the bulb accumulates nutrients and is saturated with moisture. Plants that bloom in the summer are best planted in the spring, because these varieties are not frost-resistant.

Crocus is also called "spring saffron", it is used to decorate flower beds summer cottages in early spring. Often used to create green slides. Bulbous plant is not demanding to care for. In autumn, crocuses are planted in open ground, and care ends there until spring - the flower grower just needs to wait for germination and the appearance of flower stalks.

It is not possible to achieve flowering in early spring from all varieties. Early flowering varieties are:

Interesting to know!

Crocus or netted saffron - crazy beautiful variety, characterized by longitudinal stripes on the petals of flowers, but grow it on personal plot- impossible. A rare species is listed in the Red Book. Under natural conditions, it is found in Russia, namely in the Crimea and Transcaucasia.

These crocuses can be planted in autumn, unlike late flowering varieties. Despite the fact that the plant is not demanding, for good flowering you need to provide it with good conditions and correct posture.

Land preparation for planting crocuses in autumn

The main condition for fertile growth and lush flowering is sunlight, therefore, it is not necessary to plant bulbs under the shade of trees or shrubs, they need to allocate the most illuminated area on the site. The body of the bulb is sensitive to moisture, therefore overflow is destructive, the plant responds well to top dressing and grows in light soil.

You can get rid of the stagnation of excess fluid by providing drainage. It is made of coarse sand, crushed stone or expanded clay, laying such a substrate to a planting depth of up to 25 cm. Air exchange can be ensured by digging the ground with river sand and any mineral component, such as manure, humus or compost. In an acidic environment, the bulbous plant will quickly die, so you need to neutralize the acid with a mixture of lime and peat. How to plant crocuses in autumn to save the tuber and get beautiful bloom know experienced growers.

Preparation and storage of tubers before planting in the fall

Crocuses are recommended to be transplanted once every 3-4 years. This must be done in order to unfasten the children from the overgrown bulb, prune diseased, damaged areas and fully process the underground part.

Plants characterized by early flowering complete their growing season in July. This is expressed in the death of the aerial part of the plant and immersion in a state of rest. This is expressed in the rapid drying of the green part of the plant. Inexperienced flower growers may think that the crocus is gone, but the flower simply retires early.

After the completion of the vegetative cycle, the bulb is dug out of the ground in dry weather. Remove all roots, dry on fresh air and sorted, removing the affected bulbs. Babies can be set aside for growing and planted in pots in the spring.

Store prepared material in a dry place. room temperature. It is better to lay the bulbs in layers in wooden box, laying each layer with sawdust or wrap in soft toilet paper.

Planting crocuses in the fall in the ground

Landing in the ground begins with the choice of a suitable place. Ideally, it should be well lit and moderately humid. No need to plant flowers in the ground after tomatoes or potatoes - these crops draw all the nutrients out of the soil.


Long-term stagnation of melt water is not allowed, therefore, when disembarking, you need to take care of the need for a full-fledged drainage device.

Planting dates for crocuses

The timing of planting any plant is a conditional concept that varies depending on the region. Small bulbs take approximately 2-3 weeks to establish. Exposure to the sun and heat during this period is not required, it is important not to allow the earthen coma to dry out.

Early planting in the ground in autumn is dangerous for the bulb, because it can germinate. If a sprout with greenery comes to the surface, after the onset of frost, the plant is highly likely to die.

soil for crocuses

The soil is dug to a depth of 20 cm, excess weed roots and debris are removed. On a plot with a volume of 1 sq.m, you need to make:

  • 5 kg of sand;
  • compost or humus 5 kg;
  • ash 300 g;
  • potassium salts 30 g;
  • superphosphate 50 g.

If the soil is clayey, perlite is additionally introduced.

Planting material preparation

A healthy bulb meets the following qualities:

  • dense;
  • heavy;
  • has dry scales;
  • size - 3-8 cm in diameter.

Of course, traces of decay, mechanical damage, or the presence of pest activity products indicate the unsuitability of the material for planting.

High-quality material is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or Fundazol before planting. To do this, it is enough to soak the onions in the prepared solution for several hours.

Unsuitable for planting in winter:

  • bulbs up to 3 cm in size are children who will not survive the frost;
  • a plant with an awakened sprout.

Babies and bulbs with sprouted greens are planted in bowls in the fall and placed in the basement or cellar until spring. You can plant them in open ground in the spring, but the children will not bloom.

How deep to plant crocuses

Small bulbous plants are recommended to be planted in groups. The bulbs are arranged in longitudinally shaped clearings with a gap of 4-5 cm between the rows. For the convenience of collecting planting material, gardeners bury them together with a special bowl. It needs to make drainage holes of impressive size. The bulb is planted to a depth of 8-12 cm, depending on the type of soil.


In order for crocuses to bloom for a long time, the bulbs are planted at different depths, a spacing of 2-3 mm ensures that a plant planted deeper will give color 2-5 days later.

Landing pattern

They should be placed in a group so that after the dissolution of the buds you get lush bloom. One tuber requires about an area of ​​​​15 * 15 cm square. It is recommended to deepen the root by 5-12 cm, depending on the size of the tuber and the quality of the soil. If the soil is loose, it is optimal to deepen by 8-12 cm, planted in solid soil to a depth of 7 cm.

Soil insulation

Special insulating structures for wintering crocuses after landing in the fall are not required. The plant normally tolerates small frosts, the bulb survives even when the ground surface is iced. There is a risk of losing the plant in such cases:

  • bulb - baby, has a small diameter;
  • the plant is affected by rot;
  • planting material is placed in excessively moist soil;
  • a small bulb is embedded in the soil to a minimum depth.

You can avoid the consequences in the form of death by mulching. It is recommended to pour any improvised organic material on the soil. If small bulbs are planted in the ground, you can additionally cover them with dry branches or burlap. Waste in the form of plant tops is not used as material for mulching. Often they are a source of bacteria and fungus.

Features of planting crocus by region

The gardener must record in a notebook the timing of the arrival of colds and thaws in his own region. Having received statistics for several years, it is possible to determine the most favorable terms for planting material.

IN middle lane In Russia, in the Moscow region, the Leningrad region and in Ukraine, bulbs are planted in open ground in early October. If the weather in September is cool. Disembarkation can be carried out earlier. In the south of Russia, crocuses are planted in open ground at the end of October. Early planting can cause premature germination; the culture does not need additional warming.

In Siberia and the Urals, winters are more severe, and autumns are very short. Therefore, it is better to plant bulbs in open ground in September, without waiting for the first frosts. The tuber needs to be deepened as much as possible and additionally cover the surface with spruce branches or sawdust. If weather forecasters promise anomalously cold winter, planting a plant before winter in this region should not be.

Crocus care in autumn

A plant that blooms in spring completes its vegetative cycle in autumn. Top dressing is stopped in May, and the bulb goes to rest on its own at the end of summer. After the green part dies off, it is dug up, cleaned of soil residues and dried in the sun.

The main step in caring for crocus in the fall is planting the plant back into the open ground. To do this, you need to review the planting material and land it in compliance with the recommended scheme. Watering the soil additionally is not required. Fertilizers and baking powder, perlite are applied to the soil.

Autumn crocus care outdoors

Crocus after flowering can not be dug up, especially if the plant is young. The bulb, without losing its qualities, can live in open ground without transplants for about 5 years. After the completion of the vegetative cycle, the plant is not fertilized, it is preparing for rest in the winter. Watering is provided additionally if autumn passes without rain. After the deciduous part dies off, it is cut off and the soil is sprinkled with an additional layer of peat.

Crocus care in winter

In winter, the plant does not require care. If the soil surface is covered with material, then during the thaw period you need to remember about ventilation. Too much insulation can cause excess moisture which the crocus does not like.

Transplanting crocus in the fall to another place

It is better to transplant adult crocuses once every two years, because the supply of nutrients in the soil, despite the application of fertilizers, is depleted. It is unacceptable to plant a bulb in the soil where tomatoes, cabbage or potatoes grew. Before planting, the soil is carefully examined for debris and pests. If necessary, carry out processing.


It is better to shed the soil with a fungicide, because the main reason for the death of crocus is rot.

Plants are planted in dry soil and do not shed it additionally. After transplanting, the bulbs do not need additional care. The schedule of activities is no different.

How to store crocuses before planting in the fall

Planting material after digging is stored in a dry, ventilated area with optimal humidity. The temperature regime does not matter. It is not recommended to use plastic bags for storage, because the plant will rot, and this will cause rotting.

Reproduction of crocuses

The flower can be propagated by bulbs and seeds. The method of propagation by bulbs is the fastest, the separated plant is able to bloom after the diameter of the tuber reaches a size of 3-4 cm, i.e. for 2 years. Propagation by seeds is a long process, after harvesting they are dried, sorted and stored until planting in a well-ventilated area. Sow in the spring and provide a full light regime and sufficient heat. The bulb is formed slowly and blooms for 4 years.

Digging and storing autumn crocus bulbs for planting

Autumn crocus must be dug out of the ground before frost, after the completion of the entire vegetative cycle. Often the above-ground green part does not have time to retire by this time, so it is removed with scissors. All bulbs should be inspected for rot, pests and mechanical damage.

The collected planting material is best stored in special boxes made of chipboard or wood. The bulbs are laid in one layer and sprinkled with sawdust, after such insulation, the next layer can be laid. You can store plants in the basement or cellar.

Diseases and pests of crocuses

Crocus is affected by such pests and diseases:

  • mice;
  • scoops;
  • wireworm;
  • rot.

The corm is affected by fungal and bacterial diseases.

When to Plant Crocuses in Fall or Spring

Varieties that bloom in early spring are planted in the ground in autumn, before frost. Kinds, blooming in autumn, it is recommended to plant no earlier than May. These plants do not tolerate frosts and do not overwinter in the exhaust gas. For planting, choose a well-lit area and ensure the removal of excess moisture.


Crocus - unpretentious plant, a harbinger of spring. Depending on the variety, the flowering of the plant is white, purple, blue or yellow - such a variety will allow you to decorate a flower bed in early spring, when nature is just starting to recover from winter. Planting a crocus in the fall will help you get abundant flowering spring, and these tips will help make the winter comfortable for the bulb. It is necessary to properly plant and take good care of the plant, then it will give the grower a spring riot of colors.

Autumn bulbous flowers need to be bought and planted in the fall, and they bloom the next spring. These are: tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, imperial hazel grouses, ornamental onions, muscari, crocuses, small-bulbous plants (scillas, chionodxes, pushkinias, blueberries). Off-season bulbs - lilies - are planted both in spring and autumn. When planted in spring, off-season bulbs bloom the same year, and when planted in autumn, the next. find out auspicious days for the purchase and planting of bulbous plants along the Lunar sowing calendar gardener and gardener for 2018.

How to choose good bulbs

When buying tulips, daffodils, lilies and other plants, pay attention to the size of the bulb, the quality of flowering depends on it. Examine the bulbs. They should be dense, in no case wilted, not have soft rotten places, musty smell. Pay attention to the bottom of the bulb - it should be dry and dense, this is the key to the health and vitality of plants. In bulbs of low-growing varieties and species plants, the bulbs are smaller, this is normal.

In hyacinths, the color of the covering scales of the bulbs, as a rule, resembles the color of the inflorescences. In addition, in pink purple, blue hyacinths, the bulbs are usually wide-conical, in yellow and orange - narrow-conical, in white - ovoid. In varieties of different colors, the bulbs should be of different colors.

It is very risky to buy lily bulbs after forcing. They are very light, as their scales have depleted the supply of nutrients. They don't bloom the next year. If you are attracted by the price and you are willing to skip two or three flowering seasons, you can buy lilies after forcing.

You need to order and pay for bulbous plants with delivery by mail in advance so that you have already received the package by the planting season.

How to properly treat bulbs before planting

Free the packaged bulbs from the packaging at home, immediately discard the badly damaged ones. Before planting, newly purchased bulbs should be cleaned and treated for infections. Bulbs infected with penicillium rot often go on sale. The disease manifests itself in the form of gray-green sporulation on the integumentary scales of the bulb. If the penicillin spots are small, the bulb can be cured. Often on outwardly healthy bulbs, if you remove the integumentary scales, you can find the first signs of fusarium: grayish depressed spots surrounded by a brighter border. They should be removed to prevent infection in the garden. Peel the bulbs, sprinkle the slices with crushed charcoal or powdered fungicide. Let the cut dry and cork lightly for 2-3 days.

Before planting, treat the bulbs in a liquid dressing agent ( Vitaros, Maxim) according to the instructions.

When should autumn bulbs be planted?

First, in late August - early September, plant small-bulbous: Scylla, Muscari, Pushkinia, Chionodox, Crocuses.

Gradually move on to planting daffodils in late August/early September, then plant tulip bulbs around mid-September. With the planting of hyacinths, it is better not to rush. The most favorable moment is the second decade of October, when the temperature is about +8°C.

Is it possible to plant bulbs, for example, in July-August? Yes, but they begin to take root at a soil temperature of about + 10ºС, and until that time they will lie in the ground, where onion flies, wireworms, weeds and various diseases await them.

Is it possible to buy bulbs late - at the end of autumn - and how to plant them?

You can buy unsprouted bulbs at the fall sales. Many firms offer good discounts on so-called expired bulbs. Bulbs can be planted in slightly frost-bitten soil without prejudice to flowering next year. When planting, such bulbs must be covered for the winter. Bulb shelter should be dry and well ventilated.

To plant medium-sized bulbs in cold ground, you must first place them in a pot with garden soil, using a drill or a crowbar, make a sufficient depression in the frozen soil, put a pot, bury it with the excavated soil, mulch the planting site with peat and cover it with covering material (spunbond, lutrasil) on top.

If during late plantings, the bulbs (corms) were covered with spruce branches (film, nonwoven fabric, foliage, etc.) or a large layer of compost, then in the spring, before flowering, the mulch layer must be removed and the covering materials removed.

When to buy lilies: autumn or spring?

The main flow of planting material comes to us from countries with a longer growing season, where the bulbs are dug up in October-November. Therefore, we get a new crop in the spring, from industrial refrigeration stores. In the fall, on the shelves, as a rule, there are bulbs of a year's storage, already ready to start growing, and sometimes even bulbs with sprouts. It is better not to buy such lilies. Therefore, in the fall it is worth buying bulbs only from local producers, and imported bulbs - in the spring.

Many people buy lily bulbs in winter, in January, February, when the first exhibitions start working. These bulbs should be put in the refrigerator and stored in a package. If the sprouts become large and continue to grow, then the bulbs should be planted in a container and kept in a bright, cool place.

Is it possible to buy lilies with sprouts? In the spring, you can buy lilies with sprouts. In autumn, buying lilies with sprouts is not worth it. When planted, they will continue to grow and die at the first frost.

When to plant lilies - in spring or autumn?

Most auspicious time planting for lily bulbs - early September. The bulbs planted at this time will take root perfectly and overwinter well - the bulbs are at rest and will not start growing. But in autumn it is difficult to find good planting material. Mostly bulbs are sold that have been left over after the spring sale and have lain in the refrigerator for almost a year.

The optimal time for planting lilies is the end of August, September and even October. Don't plant lilies too late as they take time to establish. With late planting, the bulbs do not have time to build up a sufficient mass of roots and hibernate worse.

When planting lilies late, it is better to make a shelter. Cut branches of shrubs and place them over the bulbs in a “hut”. Cover with oak leaves (it rots and cakes the least). Cover the top with an inverted vegetable box, then with waterproof material (the ends of the box should be ventilated). Press down on the cover with heavy objects.

You can plant lilies in the spring. When planted in spring, the bulbs bloom in the same year. But when planting in the spring, you most likely have bulbs from cold storage and when transferred to heat, they grow quite quickly. Therefore, the landing time will be quite limited. You need to have time to plant the bulbs while the sprouts are still small. If they have reached 10-15 cm, then the bulbs should be planted sideways so that the sprouts are laid in the groove next to them almost horizontally. They will gradually take up a vertical position and the plant will bloom in the same year, although it may be weaker. When planted in the spring, the bulbs spend time growing roots to the detriment of growth and flowering, and sometimes simply rot the following winter.

The optimal time for planting and transplanting lilies in regions with a short summer ( Moscow region, Leningrad region, Ural, Siberia) - mid - end of August. In the southern regions, the planting dates are shifted about a month later, in the northern regions, on the contrary, earlier.

The optimal time for transplanting and planting lilies in central Russia is August-September, in the southern regions - October. In principle, you can plant later, when the soil temperature is close to zero, but in this case you will have to cover the plants well for the winter.

When to plant and plant daffodils

You need to dig up daffodils later than tulips, as soon as the foliage turns almost completely yellow (June-July), and plant them earlier - until the end of September. The optimal time for planting daffodils is the second half of August, since the most active roots of daffodils grow in September. In central Russia, daffodils are planted from about August 20 to September 1. If they are planted later, along with tulips, they will not have time to develop a root system, which means they will winter worse.

Bulbs of daffodils planted after dry storage (without roots) are best mulched with fallen leaves (layer thickness of at least 10 cm), in the future this operation will not be needed, since daffodils can grow in one place for 5-7 years. The only exceptions are cut-toothed daffodils, which are mulched annually.

When to plant hyacinths

Hyacinth bulbs are planted in the conditions of central Russia ( Moscow region, Leningrad, Vologda, Kostroma and other regions) And Southern Urals at the end of September - beginning of October. Like tulips, if planted too early, hyacinths can start growing and die in winter, and if they are planted too late, they will not have time to take root before the soil freezes to the depth of planting. However, hyacinths can be planted until the first half of November. But then the place should be insulated in advance with leaves or other material from those at hand, and protected with a film from rain and snow. And after landing, lay the insulation again.

Experts advise preparing a site for planting hyacinths back in August, two months before planting, otherwise the natural sedimentation of the soil can cause the roots to break, which will begin to develop in the fall. When planting in the holes, it is advisable to add well-rotted compost or peat, if it was not added during the preliminary digging of the soil.

With the onset of stable cold weather, planting hyacinths is better to cover. To do this, you can use dry peat, humus, sawdust, dry fallen leaves and spruce branches. In the spring, as soon as the soil begins to thaw, the shelter must be carefully removed, as hyacinth sprouts appear very early.

After spring home forcing, hyacinth bulbs can also be planted in the garden. But not in spring, but in autumn. After the leaves wither, the bulbs must be carefully removed from the pot, dried at room temperature, cleaned of old roots and covering scales. Store in peat, avoiding drying out until the beginning of September at a temperature of about +25°C.

When to plant crocuses

Crocus - early spring Flower, so most of the varieties of this plant need to be planted in the ground before winter, that is, in autumn, in September-October. Planting crocuses on the lawn under fruit trees, next to water well, where the soil freezes later, will allow plants to be planted even in November. But if you want to have crocuses blooming next spring, you must order and purchase crocus corms at the end of summer.

There are also autumn varieties of crocuses, they bloom in August-September. Their bulbs should be planted in summer (July-August). Such crocuses are more whimsical and need careful care, weeding and watering. Therefore, they are less popular than early flowering ones. When planting crocus bulbs, it is imperative to take into account their light-loving nature: with a lack of light, the buds do not open.

How to plant crocuses after forcing

Indoor crocuses - plants that bloomed in a pot indoors - after forcing can be planted again in the garden. After flowering, remove the faded inflorescence so that the plant does not waste energy trying to form seeds.

Gradually reduce watering, stimulating the flow of nutrients into the bulb. When the leaves turn completely yellow, the bulb is taken out, dried at room temperature, cleaned of old roots and covering scales.

Crocus bulbs after forcing can be planted in the ground as early as May, after the soil has thawed. The plants will not bloom this season, it is unlikely that they will give a full bloom next year.

When to plant small bulbs

small bulbous plants ( crocuses, kandyks, chionodoxes, muscari, scillas, pushkinias, corydalis, galanthus and others) you can not dig for several years until they grow. When the plants begin to crowd each other, usually in June, when the leaves turn yellow, the plants are dug up, divided and transplanted to a new place.

In the second half - the end of August, new planting material is planted. Plants should have time to take root before the onset of cold weather. On lighter soils, the bulbs are planted a little deeper, and on heavy soils, a little smaller than the standard recommended depth. Small bulbs - baby - are better to bury less than adult bulbs.

When to plant tulips

The optimal time for planting tulip bulbs in central Russia ( Moscow region, Leningrad region, Non-Chernozem region) and regions with a short summer (Urals, Siberia) falls at the end of September - beginning of October, when the soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm is about + 10 ° C, and before the soil freezes, the plants have time to form roots (about 20-30 days ). Plants that do not have time to take root well will receive less nutrition and lag behind in growth. Immediately before planting, it is recommended to keep the bulbs for 30-60 minutes in a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate or special disinfectants (for example, Maxim).

During a protracted warm autumn, mulch the tops of tulips that have appeared with peat with a layer of 10 cm so that the plants do not suffer from subsequent frosts.

Tulips that do not require digging for 3-6 years: Kaufman, Foster, Greig, species, as well as Darwin hybrids, Triumph, Simple early And Simple late. They are best planted with drought tolerant perennials with a shallow root system, such as sedum. In summer, the bulbs of such tulips do not want moisture. Stonecrop plantings live in the flower garden for 3-6 years, and when the time comes for digging the bulbs, the stonecrop curtains are carefully removed with a shovel, and after harvesting the tulips, they are returned to the flower garden again.

When to plant hazel grouse imperial

Usually hazel grouses are planted in the garden in September-October. The forced later planting of the bulbs requires mulching the planting site and covering it with oak leaves for the winter. Grouse bulbs do not have covering scales, so they must be handled with the utmost care, to prevent drying out and mechanical damage. If it is not possible to plant hazel grouse bulbs immediately after purchase, protect them from drying out - place them in slightly damp peat or live sphagnum moss and put them in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator.

If you already have imperial hazel grouse in your garden, then when the leaves turn yellow in the summer, they must be dug up and put away for storage in a warm, dry place until the roots appear. Usually new roots grow at the bulb in mid-August - early September. The appearance of roots and shoots is a signal that it is time to plant the stored bulbs. At the bottom of the hole, be sure to pour a small layer of coarse river sand - this will protect the bulbs from rotting.

Auspicious days for the autumn planting of bulbous flowers according to the Lunar calendar 2018:
buying bulbs- August 21-22; 1, 4, 8, 10-11, 17-19, 27-28 September; 3, 6-7, 14-16, 22-23, 25 October; November 2-3
bulb processing- August 29; 3, 8, 15-16, 26 September; 6-7, 13-14, 25, 27-28 October; November 2-3, 9-10
planting bulbs- 1, 11-12, 17-19, 27-29 September; 2-3, 6-7, 10, 25 October; November 2-6
mulching and shelter for the winter- September 27-29; October 27-28; November 2-6.

In spring, crocuses bloom in the front garden - bright primroses.

It is not difficult to grow them if you know the subtleties of the autumn planting of crocuses.

Choosing planting material

When growing crocuses, it is very important to choose the right planting material, the further development and flowering of the plant depends on its quality. When choosing bulbs, you need to take into account that there are autumn-flowering varieties, the planting of which differs in timing. Spring primroses are planted in autumn.

1. When choosing bulbs, carefully inspect them. Healthy planting material has no signs of damage, overgrown roots or damage.

2. A good bulb should feel firm to the touch, with no soft spots.

3. You should also pay attention to the scales. At the bulb good quality they are dry.

4. Do not buy seed if there are signs of rotting of the bottom of the bulb.

Preparing crocus bulbs for autumn planting + photo

Before placing the bulbs in the wells, they must be processed and disinfected. This will protect the landing from damage. To prevent diseases and rot, the bulbs are pickled in a solution of potassium permanganate. Fungicides are also used for this purpose. Good results are obtained by treatment with Fundazol, the drug "Skor", "Vitaros". The working solution is prepared based on 1 liter of water about 2 ml of the drug. The resulting solution is enough to process up to 1 kg of crocus bulbs.

Planting material is lowered into the prepared solution for disinfection and left for half an hour. After that, start planting the bulbs. It is impossible to wash the processed bulbs.

Important! You can process the seed material in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Bulbs stand for about 30 minutes.

Choosing a place for a flower bed

Autumn planting of crocuses begins with the choice of location. It should be borne in mind that crocuses prefer sunny places, without stagnation of moisture, the excess of which leads to various diseases. They need light to thrive. In the shade of trees, the buds may not bloom.

The soil on the site should be loose and nutritious. Heavy soils are not suitable for growing spring primroses. Helps to improve the condition of the soil river sand. It is brought in for digging, which makes the earth looser. If the soil is not too nutritious, then it is advisable to add preparations of potassium, phosphorus and mature compost. Fertilizers containing nitrogen are not used when growing crocuses.

When choosing a place for autumn planting of crocuses, give preference to quiet corners of the garden, where there are no drafts and cold winds. Strong gusts of wind can break fragile plants.

Let's start planting bulbs

How to plant bulbs correctly? Experienced gardeners advise planting bulbous plants in special baskets. They will protect crocuses from rodents and make it easier to dig up plants.

Growing crocuses without baskets, the bulbs are placed on the bed, leaving a distance of about 5-7 cm between them. Looks very good blooming carpet from bulbous plants. To do this, the bulbs are planted tightly, at a distance of 3-5 cm.

The depth for autumn planting of crocuses depends on the size of the bulb. Larger ones are planted to a depth of 10-15 cm, and small ones - 5-8 cm. How to determine the depth of planting material? The optimal depth is considered to be equal to the height of the bulb multiplied by 3.

Crocuses are frost-resistant plants, but in regions with a harsh climate, it is better to mulch the bed with spruce branches or dry foliage. In the spring, all mulching material is removed, the landing site is carefully loosened, trying not to damage root system plants.

Care of crocuses after flowering

Crocuses need annual digging. After flowering, which ends in July, it is necessary to cut off the entire aerial part of the plant. Soon they start digging up the bulbs. They are carefully removed from the ground with a pitchfork, trying not to damage them. Next, the bulbs are washed, sorted and sorted. After drying and airing, which lasts about 7 days, the planting material is stored for storage.

Crocus bulbs should be stored with a gradual decrease in temperature. At the first stage, the bulbs are lowered into the cellar, where they are laid out in one layer. After a few weeks, the planting material is placed in the lower section of the refrigerator, where it is stored until planting. Optimal time planting bulbs is considered mid-September - early October.

How to forcing crocuses

Experienced gardeners grow crocuses in pots. In this case, a flowering plant can be obtained by a certain date. But for this, the forcing of crocuses must take place according to all the rules.

1. From the moment of planting to flowering, it takes from 3 to 3.5 months or 15 weeks. This must be taken into account when forcing crocuses for the holidays. To obtain a flowering specimen for the New Year, crocus is planted in the fall, namely, in mid-September.

2. All bulbs must undergo natural preparation in certain temperature conditions. To do this, the bulbs are purchased in the summer and stored at a temperature of 30 degrees for about 7 days. Further, the planting material is lowered into the cellar, where it is stored until mid-August. Further storage of the bulbs takes place in the refrigerator, at a temperature of 5-7 degrees.

3. Crocuses are planted in a prepared container.

4. Bulbs are placed very close to each other, not like in a garden. The fact is that the plant in such conditions does not grow and does not give children.

5. River sand is used as a substrate for forcing crocuses. Provide good drainage at the bottom of each container.

Forcing crocuses is a very simple task, knowing all the rules, even a novice gardener can handle it.

Difficulties in growing crocuses

Often beginners complain that growing crocuses does not bring results, and the plants do not bloom. Why it happens?

The absence of flowering indicates not proper care.

The bulbs were dug out ahead of time, which disrupted the natural cycle of development.

The aerial part was cut too early, the leaves are removed after they have completely dried.

The temperature regime for storing bulbs is violated. First, planting material is stored at a high temperature, gradually reducing it. The last stage of storage takes place at very low temperatures.

The absence of flowering indicates that the garden bed has been reborn. Crocuses need rejuvenation plantings once every three years. If all this time they were grown without digging, then it's time to plant crocuses.

On the bulbs damaged by rodents, the buds are not tied. Planting in special baskets for bulbous plants will secure crocuses.

Some varieties of crocuses bloom in autumn, so when purchasing bulbs, be sure to ask what variety they are.

In spite of small size crocuses, flower growers love them very much. After all, they are quite undemanding and easy to care for. In addition, planting of crocuses is carried out in the fall, which allows you to admire blooming flower bed. Having become acquainted with all the intricacies of growing bulbs, it will pass without much effort.

Every summer resident wants his country cottage area looked neat and attractive. Bring new colors to the flower beds on homestead territories possible thanks to landing beautiful flowers, the flowers of which have a bright shade. One of these plants that you can decorate your site with is the crocus flower. It is best to plant this crop in the autumn season. Next, we will tell you more about how crocuses are planted in the fall, as well as when and how to properly plant this beautiful plant.

Crocus flowers are sometimes also called Saffron. This plant is very often planted by summer residents in Russia, as it is quite unpretentious, and at the same time it blooms with beautiful large flowers. Before considering how to plant crocuses in the fall, let's take a closer look at the characteristics of this crop:

  • The plant belongs to the genus of herbaceous crops belonging to the Iris family.
  • It grows most often in the forest-steppe and steppe zone of Europe and Asia. You can also find this culture in the meadows of the Middle East.
  • There are many varieties of this culture. So, there are more than 300 varieties of crocus. Each of them has its own characteristics which we will discuss later in the article.
  • The very name of the culture, which sounds like “Crocus” in Latin, is translated from Greek as “filamentous fiber”, in Arabic the name of this plant is similar in sound to the word “yellow”.

  • This crop is planted mainly in spring time, however, it often happens that crocuses sprout in autumn.
  • The height of this plant does not exceed 11 cm. At the same time, the size of the culture bulbs is 3-4 cm. The bulbs have a scaly structure.
  • The stem of the plant is rather fragile. Leaves are located mainly from below, in the root area. The leaves are oblong in shape.
  • Flowering culture beautiful bright flowers, whose diameter reaches 5-6 cm. There are plant varieties that bloom not with single-color flowers, but with two-color ones (they may still be covered with spots that have a different shade).
  • Flowering culture lasts from 10 to 20 days.

Types and varieties of crocuses autumn and spring

This gentle and extremely beautiful flower There are a lot of varieties that have a wide palette of colors and shapes. All varieties are conditionally divided into 15 different groups. Moreover, autumn-flowering crocuses form only one group, and all the rest belong to spring-flowering plants. spring view crocuses became a kind of progenitor of a large number of varieties and hybrids, which were mainly bred by Dutch breeders. The Dutch hybrids are the most popular group of crocus varieties and have been very commercially successful in the flower market. Another popular group of crocuses among breeders is Chrysanthus. This group includes hybrids between plants of golden and two-flowered crocuses, as well as hybrids of the latter. Each of the groups combines plants that are similar to each other in the structure of the inflorescence, its shape, color, size.

Spring flowering varieties of crocuses are grouped into the following groups:

  • Crocus spring. This is one of the oldest plants. Varieties of spring crocus have been cultivated for more than four centuries. This culture is a flower up to 17 cm high with narrow dark green leaves, which are decorated with a white longitudinal stripe. Its flowers are usually purple or white with a long tube that is bell-shaped and funnel-shaped. blooms spring crocus about three weeks.

  • Crocus two-flowered. The geography of this plant is very wide. It mainly grows in warm climates. The most common crocuses are white, lilac-blue with brown spots from the outside of the petals. There are plants with a combined color of the inflorescence. For example, white on the inside and purple on the outside. The mouth of a two-flowered crocus flower is usually white or yellow.
  • Golden crocus. Widely known since the middle of the 19th century. It is a very beautiful plant up to 20 cm high, which blooms mainly in April for 2-3 weeks. The flowers of the golden crocus have a yellow-golden color, based on this, it got its name. Perianths are shiny, recurving. The most popular varieties are: Blue Bonnet, Nanette, I.G. Bowels.
  • Crocus Tomasini. The usual habitat of this plant is the highlands of the Balkan countries. very different beautiful shape a flower that, when open, resembles a star. Perianths are predominantly pink-lilac, sometimes with a white border. The height of the plant does not exceed 6 cm. As a rule, up to 3 flowers grow from one bulb. The most popular varieties of Tomasini crocus are Whitewell Purple, Lylek Beauty.

Autumn flowering crocuses. This group is represented by several fairly popular varieties:

  • Crocus is beautiful. Distributed in the highlands of the Crimea, Central Asia and the Balkan Peninsula. Quite different big flowers and leaves, the length of which reaches 30 cm. Their inflorescences are often lilac-violet in color with purple veins. The diameter of the inflorescences reaches 7 cm. The beautiful crocus blooms in early autumn.
  • Crocus is nice. One of the few that can withstand light frosts without harm. In the wild, the pretty crocus is found in mountainous areas with temperate climate. Blooms in mid-September - early October. Inflorescences have a light purple color with a dark stripe.
  • Banat Crocus. It takes its name from the Banat region in Romania, where it is most commonly found. The height of the flower is from 14 to 16 cm. The inflorescences of the culture are predominantly light lilac in color with yellow anthers.

Dutch hybrids. Selection work on breeding hybrid varieties crocuses began from the end of the 19th century. Now the group of Dutch hybrids has more than 50 different varieties, and at the same time continues to grow. These hybrids are divided into 3 groups according to the color of the inflorescence:

  • Flowers with pure white inflorescences or with the addition of spots of other colors.
  • Flowers with inflorescences of lilac, lilac or purple hue.
  • Flowers with a mesh or striped color.

The most popular varieties of Dutch hybrids are:

  • Albion.
  • Jubilee.
  • Kathleen Parlow.

Almost all varieties of Dutch hybrids bloom throughout May. Flowering plants last up to 3 weeks.

Chrysanthus. This group of spring-blooming crocuses was created through selection from golden and two-flowered crocuses, as well as hybrids of the latter. They differ from Dutch hybrids in smaller flowers, however, they have a wider palette of colors. So, among chrysanthus you can find varieties with pale blue and yellow flowering. Most famous varieties Chrysanthus are: Gypsy Girl, Marietta, Saturnus and others.

Reproduction of crocuses

Crocuses are propagated by babies, seeds and bulbs. The latter method is the most popular, as it gives a better result. For spring-flowering crocuses, the most successful stage of digging bulbs is from mid-June to early September. In mid-September, they begin planting in the ground. Before the onset of cold weather, the bulb will have time to gain nutrients and take root, however, it will not have time to sprout. If you plant it earlier, the sprouted plant may freeze.

With intensive reproduction of crocuses, the bulbs are dug up every year. So, one mother bulb can produce up to 2-3 bulbs that can already bloom. If there is no need for intensive reproduction, then one bulb can grow in one place up to 3-4 years. Then it can be dug up.

When propagated by seeds, the latter are sown in early autumn. However, the first flowering of the plant will occur only after 3-4 years.

Crocuses: planting in the fall, planting dates

This crop can be planted both in late spring (early summer) and autumn. It is worth saying that crocus can bloom in autumn if it was planted in the month of June. In autumn, spring flower seedlings are planted.

The timing of planting crocuses in the fall may vary, depending on the region where the summer cottage is located:

  • Moscow region. If cold weather persists throughout September, the plant should be planted in early October. If the weather is warm, then the landing can be postponed to the end of October - the beginning of November.
  • Leningrad region. In this region, crocuses are planted in autumn on October 1-5.
  • Ural. Since the weather is predominantly cold in this region, crocuses should be planted here at the end of September.
  • Siberia. As you know, the climate in this region is the most severe, so crocuses are planted here no later than September 10th.

Crocuses in autumn: soil preparation

In order to plant crocuses in the fall, you should correctly select and prepare a site for planting:

  • First of all, you should choose a clearing into which sunlight penetrates well. As is known, autumn period famous for its cloudy weather and rains, so you should not think that these weather events can somehow damage the germination of the culture, since crocuses “feel” great in partial shade.
  • It is desirable that the selected area has nutrient soil, while there was no moisture stagnation that could cause rotting of the root system of plants.
  • In order to dispel all doubts about soil moisture, it is recommended to equip the site with drainage, which is perfect for gravel or coarse sand.
  • Before planting the plant, top dressing is applied to the site. To do this, use peat, manure or compost.
  • If clay impurities are present in the soil at the site, a little ash should be added to the top layer of the earth.
  • The soil on the site should be dug up to a depth of 20 cm.
  • In addition, it is important to choose the right seedlings for planting, they must be healthy, without flaws and rot spots.

Planting crocuses in the fall in the ground

The procedure for planting crocuses in the fall in the ground:

  1. First of all, landing holes should be made on the site. Each bulb should sink into the ground to a depth of at least 8 cm. Therefore, the depth of the holes should be 10-11 cm. If the crocus bulbs are too small, then they can be planted to a depth of 5-6 cm.
  2. The distance between the holes should be 7-10 cm. If small bulbs are planted, this distance can be reduced to 5-6 cm. If the flowers were planted too densely, then they should be transplanted soon.
  3. After the bulb is placed in the hole, it should be dug on top with a small layer of earth, and then watered. However, keep in mind that crocuses do not like an abundance of moisture, so water the plant sparingly.
  4. Next, fertilizers are applied to the soil, which are suitable for compost and manure.

Crocus Care

To crocuses long time pleased you with beautiful and bright flowers, you should properly care for the plant:

  • Fertilizers are applied to the soil in spring. For this, organic top dressings, for example, manure, peat, are suitable.
  • Water the plants moderately, only when the soil in the area becomes too dry.
  • Weeds should be removed from the site in a timely manner, they interfere with the development of the root system of the plant.
  • Periodically loosen the soil in the area.
  • In times of heavy rains, the area where these flowers are planted should be carefully covered with a film.
  • If the crocus flowers have a small diameter, then these indicators can be improved by applying mineral fertilizers to the soil. Potassium and phosphorus top dressings are suitable for this.
  • Many summer residents are concerned about the question of what to do if crocuses sprouted in the fall. In this case, the plant should be protected from the winter cold. To do this, the site is mulched with a layer of peat and foliage.

Care for crocuses after flowering in autumn

After the planted plant finishes its flowering, special care is not required. Crocus will be a decoration of the garden for a long time, delighting with the color of its green leaves. When the latter turns yellow and dries, the dry leaves are carefully cut off, and the bulb of the plant is dug up for planting in the fall. Some gardeners leave the bulbs in the ground. Do this in case of a recent landing. If the plant is a first year and the bushes still have enough space in the flower bed, they can be left. To do this, it is necessary to mulch the soil between the bushes with a thick layer of peat or leaves. Otherwise, crocuses do not require any special care after flowering.

Digging and storing autumn crocus bulbs for planting

The period of digging up crocuses for planting depends on the type of plant. So, spring-flowering crocuses are dug up from mid-June to the end of summer. That is when they begin their dormant period. In mid-autumn, spring-growing crocuses begin their activity again. They have a rapid growth of the root system, the accumulation of nutrients for the winter period.

Autumn-flowering crocuses are dug up a month earlier than spring-flowering ones, since their activity period is slightly shifted, and, accordingly, the dormant period begins from mid-May to the end of July.

After digging, the crocus bulbs are cleaned of earth, dead roots and scales, and laid out in a place protected from sunlight to dry. IN ideal conditions bulbs from the moment they are removed from the soil until the beginning of August are stored at a temperature of + 22⁰С, from the beginning of August it is lowered by 2⁰С, and a week later - by another 5⁰С. Naturally, at home it will be very difficult to achieve such a temperature regime, so they store crocuses in a dry and warm place with good ventilation. They can simply be laid out in small boxes in one layer and put in the pantry.

Diseases and pests of crocuses

With proper care of the plant, crocuses are rarely exposed to pathogenic microbes and insect pests.

With improper watering and poor quality planting material, plant bulbs can be damaged by fungal diseases and pests:

  • Basically the plant is bothered various forms rot: white, gray, sclerocial, as well as fusarium. Diseased plants must be urgently removed from the garden and burned. The soil at the site of the localization of the disease is treated antifungal drugs or a solution of potassium permanganate. To prevent the disease, a careful selection of bulbs is carried out. If the spots of rot on them are small, they can be slightly cut off and sprinkled with ashes on the damaged area. Before planting, it is recommended to treat the planting material with a fungicide solution.
  • Of the pests, the wireworm most often causes problems for crocus plants. When examining a wilted plant, a large number of small holes can be found in its bulb. You can get rid of the wireworm with the help of bait. Straw is laid out between the crocus bushes, moistened and covered with a piece of board. After a while, the pest begins to move into the straw, which is removed from the flower bed and burned.
  • Field mice often damage the area of ​​​​crocuses. To fight rodents, you need to find their minks and fill up the bait with poison. It is absolutely not harmful to the soil and other animals, but will help get rid of field mice for a long time.
  • Crocus can create problems by itself. With poor site care, self-sowing plants often develop into a weed and clutter up the entire area. To do this, timely removal of weeds should be carried out, as well as periodically replanting plants to another place.

Crocuses in autumn: photo

Crocuses in autumn: video
