How to glue paper-based vinyl wallpaper: the choice of glue, wall preparation and gluing technology. How to properly glue vinyl wallpaper: the subtleties and nuances of technology

The question of how to glue vinyl wallpaper, more and more often arises among those who started holding self repair, because this type finishing material became extremely popular. This increased demand is explained by the widest variety of patterns, reliefs and colors, as well as the wall pasting technology available to everyone, subject, of course, to certain requirements.

However, not many accurately represent that there are many types of vinyl wallpaper, which can radically differ in structure and textured surface. Therefore, for starters, it’s worth figuring out what this material is, what properties it has, and what varieties of it can be found in stores.

The main advantages of vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl wallpaper appeared in our area in the seventies of the last century. They were then called "washable", and they belonged to the category of super-scarce goods. The first wallpapers of this type "did not breathe", that is, they had almost zero vapor permeability, they did not let air through at all. Over time, the technologists of manufacturing companies have made numerous improvements to the structure of this finishing material, and today the range of stores includes wide selection vinyl wallpapers, which are radically different from their predecessors in their improved qualities and appearance.

Today, vinyl wallpapers are produced on a paper and non-woven basis. Such a substrate, the main task of which is to ensure the most reliable fixation of the wallpaper on the walls, is covered on the front side with a layer of polyvinyl chloride (it is this material that is colloquially called vinyl). Since this finish is often designed for use in rooms with high humidity, many manufacturers introduce special antifungal, antiseptic components into the composition.

Polyvinyl chloride coating is characterized by increased surface strength and excellent resistance to mechanical stress, especially abrasive, abrasive properties. On such a coating, due to its hydrophobicity, pollution is “reluctantly” retained, so some types of vinyl wallpaper are the best suited for wall decoration in kitchens.

Exactly upper layer vinyl wallpaper has decorative embossing, and thanks to innovative technologies production is able to imitate some natural and artificial materials. Modern varieties for the most part, they are "breathable" because their coating has a porous structure that is able to pass vapors without much delay. Thus, the walls do not accumulate moisture, since the possibility of its free evaporation is created. This property of the finishing material allows it to adhere well to surfaces without peeling off them due to increased moisture in the room.

At the same time, in the process of washing the wallpaper, water and detergents do not penetrate under the coating, but quickly evaporate from their surface, thanks to micropores closed from the outside.

Vinyl wallpapers are becoming an increasingly popular finish due to other advantages over other types of wall coverings in this range. The material is characterized by stable coloration, which does not change its original appearance under the influence of ultraviolet rays. A high-quality and properly glued coating is quite durable and can last for decades, until the homeowners simply get bored.

The main disadvantage, which, however, is fully justified, is the high price of this material. However, this circumstance does not in any way reduce the popularity and does not reduce the sales of vinyl wallpapers, since they are able to transform the room beyond recognition.

A properly selected wallpaper pattern can visually expand or narrow a room, make the ceiling lower or higher, which is often necessary in small areas of urban apartments.

Vinyl wallpapers are easily glued and leveled on surfaces, so they are often used to decorate not only walls, but also ceilings. The ornate drawings applied to the canvases are able to hide the flaws of the walls at their junctions with the ceiling, since even in apartments panel houses quite often there are significant differences in this line. Some types of these wallpapers are able to perfectly mask even small flaws in the walls, due to their thickness, density and applied relief pattern.

Existing varieties of vinyl wallpaper

Nowadays, the consumer has the opportunity to choose one of several types of vinyl wallpaper, depending on the room in which they are planned to be used. Each of them is good in its own way, if properly glued to prepared surfaces.

  • silkscreen- this is the most popular type of vinyl wallpaper for decorating the walls of living rooms and bedrooms, since the canvases have a very attractive and spectacular outer coating, which, due to its texture and inclusions, usually imitates natural silk. A similar design move is achieved by hot stamping, which, in addition to an aesthetic appearance, also gives mechanical strength and resistance to fading of the paints used.

There is important condition- such wallpapers should be pasted only on well-aligned wall surfaces, otherwise all flaws will appear through the coating, spoiling the expected result.

  • Smooth and hard the vinyl layers applied to the base are quite thin, but have good density and strength. A hard coating differs from a smooth layer in its more pronounced resistance to mechanical stress. A smooth coating is more delicate, therefore it can withstand only a slight external influence. These types of wallpapers, like silk-screen printing, are not able to mask the flaws of the walls, therefore they require a perfectly flat surface.

  • Foamed vinyl. This material, applied to the backing, creates the thickest decorative outer layer of any other type of vinyl wallpaper. It is the most durable and dense, and has a three-dimensional pattern. It is the relief of the surface of the paintings that can hide minor defects on the walls.

This type of coating is produced by applying a polyvinyl chloride mass to the base, and then pressing the relief under the simultaneous influence of high temperatures.

Wall covering with vinyl wallpaper

The main features of gluing vinyl wallpaper

When sticking vinyl wallpaper, you must constantly keep in mind some of the features of this process.

  • The correct choice of adhesive composition is of decisive importance when performing wall decoration with this material.

  • Since when applying glue to their surface, the material on the non-woven or paper basis tends to stretch, and when dried, shrink, the seams between the canvases can noticeably diverge. Therefore, for vinyl wallpaper, you should purchase a special glue that is able to hold heavy canvases on a vertical plane and at the same time prevent their linear deformation.
  • Glue can be applied only to the wallpaper or to both surfaces, that is, to the canvas and the wall at the same time. If the wall surfaces are pre-treated with a primer (or the same wallpaper glue), then only wallpaper sheets are smeared. In addition, you need to pay attention to the packaging, each of the rolls has recommendations for applying glue.

  • Glue consumption when working with vinyl wallpaper is much lower than when pasting walls with paper decorative canvases. When purchasing glue, you should pay attention to its packaging, which indicates how many rolls it is designed for.
  • Vinyl wallpapers of all types are glued only end-to-end, as they have enough dense structure and a relief surface, and the foamed look of the canvases is also a serious thickness.
  • When applying glue to sheets Special attention must be given to the edges of the canvases. They must be well smeared with the composition, otherwise the canvases will diverge at the joints and spoil the appearance of the entire surface.

How to calculate the number of wallpapers?

Before you go to the store for finishing material for walls, you should calculate the required amount. This process is especially important if the wallpaper is to be joined according to the pattern. If there is no idea about the algorithm for such calculations, then we recommend that you read the article on our portal, which details the procedure and all the necessary explanations for it.

Finishing Tools

For pasting walls with vinyl wallpaper, in addition to glue, you will need the following tools:

  • Roller with soft nozzle and brush - for priming walls and for applying glue
  • A rubber roller for smoothing canvases on the walls and a narrow one for rolling joints.
  • Building level, plumb line, ruler, building square, pencil - for marking.
  • Plastic spatula for squeezing out excess glue and air bubbles from under the canvases.
  • Sponge and soft fabric to remove excess adhesive that has come out at the joints.
  • Stationery knife with replaceable blades.
  • Metal wide spatula.
  • Masking tape.

Wall preparation for wallpaper

In order for the wallpaper to hold and look neat on the wall, the surfaces must be carefully prepared. It should not be assumed that this is not a particularly important process - it will depend on it how effectively the coating and the general appearance of the room will look. In addition, if the walls are well prepared for pasting, then the work will be much easier and faster.

The process of preparing the walls is not the most pleasant experience, as it is quite long and “dirty”, but in no case should this stop homeowners, since the result will please for many years.

So, with patience and having prepared all the necessary tools, you can begin this process.

Cleaning the walls from the old coating

If you plan to stick wallpaper on walls that have an old coating - wallpaper, whitewash or paint, then it must be removed. As a rule, this task is not easy - sometimes even ordinary wallpaper, once glued "in good faith", are difficult to separate from the surfaces. Therefore, to facilitate this process, you must use one of several proven methods.

Wall cleaning from wallpaper

Old pasted wallpapers can be removed with a spatula, but preliminary operations are usually carried out to soften the canvases and to separate them from the walls as simply as possible.

  • Paper wallpapers are soaked with a soapy solution, which can be applied to them with a roller or sponge. The coating is moistened several times so that it is well saturated, and there are signs of its separation from the wall.

The first application of the soapy solution is to the entire wall, and then it can be applied to the area that will be cleaned first.

In addition to soaking with a solution and a roller, often enough to remove paper sheets, a steam iron or a special device is used through which steam is supplied under pressure to the wallpaper.

Depending on the composition used earlier for wallpapering, they can be separated easily, immediately in whole sheets, and in other cases you will have to make an effort and work with a spatula, cleaning off pieces of different sizes.

  • If dense, washable or two-layer wallpapers are pasted, then in order to thoroughly wet them through, cuts are made on the sheets with a sharp knife or punctures are applied with a spiked roller.

When the canvases begin to lag behind the walls, they can be removed in large pieces or also using a spatula.

Some craftsmen prefer to remove only the front layer from two-layer wallpaper, and use the bottom paper layer as the basis for a new coating. This is not recommended, as it is best to inspect the wall for cracks or cracks at the joints of the walls and ceiling. The remaining paper layer will interfere with the normal revision of the surface, and if defects nevertheless form under it, then over time they can negatively affect the new coating.

Removing multi-layer whitewash

If several layers of whitewash have been applied to the wall, and it is cracked in some areas, looks uneven and begins to separate from the surface with bubbles, then it will have to be removed, otherwise the work on decorating the wall with wallpaper will be done in vain.

To remove whitewash, it also needs to be soaked. If the coating layer is thin, then it is washed off the wall with water, to which a little vinegar is added. Of course, this coating cannot be removed with one flush, so the process is carried out two or three times with the surface wiped with a dry cloth.

A thin layer of whitewash can also be removed by applying grinder with brush head. This method will significantly speed up the work, but using it, you must definitely have a respirator and goggles, since the removed whitewash under the influence of high speeds of the tool will scatter, and in a few minutes nothing will be visible in the room due to fine white dust.

A thick layer of whitewash will have to be soaked several times until it begins to separate from the wall. Soaking begins from the ceiling or from the area where cracks or shedding have formed on the coating. Water is applied using a roller or a large sponge.

Removing old paint

It would seem that it is impossible to remove the paint without a trace from the wall, especially if it is applied thin layer. However, you can use a few simple methods to carry out this process. Moreover, each of the masters can choose for himself the most acceptable.

  • Chemical method thinning of the paint, making it easy to clean it off with a spatula. Special composition applied to small plot walls with a brush, and weathered certain time indicated on the packaging of the solution.

Under the influence of such a solvent, the paint begins to melt and separate from any surface, be it concrete, wood or metal. Such solutions are suitable for all paints on the market, ranging from automotive to enamel or oil. Using the chemical composition, it is necessary to protect your hands with rubber gloves, and your eyes with special glasses. It is advisable to carry out these works by organizing effective ventilation of the room.

  • Another way to remove paint from a wall is to use a building hair dryer and a scraper included in its kit, or a regular spatula. Under the influence of high temperatures, the paint becomes plastic, and without waiting for it to cool and harden, the coating is cleaned to the ground.

  • Another way to rid the walls of paint is abrasive cleaning using a drill or grinder with special nozzles. This process requires patience and time, as it is quite lengthy. Cleaning the wall with this method, you can not do without protective equipment for the respiratory tract and eyes.

Leveling the surface of the walls

If, after removing the decorative coating, a plaster layer is found under it, it is necessary to conduct a thorough revision. The coating must be even, free from cracks, unstable areas and shedding. In order to make sure that it fits securely against the wall, the layer is tapped.

If some areas of the coating will give a dull sound, then the plaster has moved away from the wall. These places are removed to the ground and sealed with plaster.

If the damage covers large areas, then it is better to remove the plaster completely and apply a new leveling layer.

In the event that cracks, potholes or serious irregularities are found on the cleaned wall, in the presence of, in general, high-quality plaster, they must be repaired or removed. If this is not done in advance, in the future the crack may diverge and be able to pull the wallpaper along with it.

The detected cracks expand and deepen, then they are cleaned and covered to the full depth with a primer. After that, small gaps are filled with a special repair sealant, and for wider cracks, you can use mounting foam. These materials are plastic and will fill the entire cavity well, and after drying they will not crack, unlike putty or cement mortar. After the sealant or foam has cured, their excess is cut off flush with the general surface of the wall.

Sometimes you have to resort to full plastering of the surface

If serious irregularities or delaminations are found on the surface, then the wall covering will have to be completely renewed. Detailed instructions on the implementation of this stage of work can be found in a separate article of the portal dedicated to.

Walls that are in good condition and do not require leveling with plaster should be primed after the cracks have been repaired. The primer is applied using a roller with a long handle. AT hard-to-reach places and in the corners with a brush. Sometimes one layer of this composition is enough, but most often it is necessary to prime the surfaces two to three times. The number of layers directly depends on the condition of the wall and the material from which it is built. The primer greatly increases the adhesion of the wall and the materials covering it, and also disinfects its surface, penetrating deep into the pores.

After the primer layers have dried, you can proceed to the final leveling of the walls with putty. The putty layer is intended for leveling minor irregularities walls and applied evenly over the entire area.

Putty walls are brought to perfect condition

Carrying out the process of finishing alignment requires good skill and knowledge certain rules. How to make a putty mortar or purchase it in ready-made, - all this can be found in a special article of our portal.

When the putty dries, it must be well sanded to perfect smoothness, otherwise all the bumps that could remain on the surface will appear through the vinyl wallpaper. For grinding, you will need a trowel, on which a grinding mesh is first fixed, which will remove larger irregularities, and then - sandpaper with medium or fine grain, capable of bringing smoothness to the ideal.

Wall sanding done in a circular motion counterclock-wise. Work usually starts on upper corner walls, gradually moving to another corner of the room, covering the entire surface. The pressure on the trowel should be light, as the putty layer is usually only 2÷3 mm thick.

It should be remembered that this process is quite dusty, so it is necessary to protect the respiratory tract and eyes.

The process of preparing the walls is completed with their high-quality priming

The primer of the walls before sticking wallpaper on them is mandatory, as it will contribute to a good adhesion of the wallpaper to the wall, and also protect internal surfaces from the occurrence of mold in the corners external walls. Therefore, do not neglect this process. In order to choose the right composition and qualitatively apply it to the walls, we recommend that you study the article, which can be found on our portal.

Wall covering with vinyl wallpaper

To begin with, it is worth giving a few tips on gluing paintings to the walls and preparing the room for this process. These recommendations will be especially useful for those who will be engaged in such a finish for the first time, since the reliability of fixing the paintings on the walls will depend on their implementation.

  • Vinyl wallpapers are glued only on well-dried walls. To check how dry they are, you need to glue a piece of polyethylene with a size of approximately 500 × 500 mm to the wall with masking tape overnight. The adhesive tape secures the polyethylene along its edges so that an airtight space remains inside. If drops of moisture form between the film and the wall in the morning, then the surfaces are not dry enough, so you should wait until they are completely dry.
  • Before you start wallpapering the walls, you should close windows and doors, and turn off air conditioners and fans, since a draft is absolutely contraindicated for this work. Failure to comply with this condition will lead to flaking of the canvases from the surfaces. So, having come in the morning to check the result of the work, the wallpaper can be found on the floor. Turn on air conditioners and fans, as well as open windows and doors only after the adhesive under decorative coating dry completely.
  • Before you start sticking wallpaper, first at the junction of the ceiling and walls, along the broken horizontal line, the ceiling cornice is fixed on the glue. It will be convenient to carefully trim the upper edge of the canvas along it.

Wall marking

Marking the walls for wallpapering is not as easy as it seems at first glance. But this stage of work is extremely important, and if it is not carried out, then the canvases will go away from the vertical line and they will have to be peeled off, and then aligned and glued correctly. Alteration can adversely affect the appearance of the wallpaper, so it is best to glue them according to the markup.

Usually the room has a quadrangular shape with internal corners. Wallpaper sticker should be started from the edge of the window or from the corner closest to it.

If the work will be carried out from the corner, then you should immediately check its verticality. In order for the first canvas to be displayed perfectly evenly, it is necessary to retreat from the corner of the room towards the pasting by the width of the wallpaper sheet minus 20 ÷ 30 mm.

Next, a plumb line with a colored cord is taken and fixed at the top mark. If there is an assistant, then he can hold the cord at the top, and the plumb line goes down, defining a strict vertical. After that, the cord is pulled and released, leaving a straight vertical line on the wall. One side of the first canvas of wallpaper will be equal to it. Subsequent sheets will then be joined to it. The other side of the first sheet will be driven into a corner, with a transition to another wall, and even if the corner is not perfectly vertical, this will not be very noticeable there.

Then, from the vertical marked line on the wall, the width of the wallpaper roll is laid off and another line is beaten off according to the marks. So the borders of gluing the next sheet will be marked on both sides. special meaning there is no need to draw the entire wall - it will simply be necessary to regularly monitor the verticality of the glued canvases so that they do not skew. True, some finishers prefer to make a vertical marking reference line for each sheet before sticking it.

Glue kneading

The adhesive solution for wallpaper should be infused a little, so it must be diluted in advance before proceeding with the preparation of the wallpaper. Making glue is not difficult at all, since the entire procedure is outlined on the package. It is enough to pour into the prepared container (a clean plastic bucket is suitable for this) right amount water room temperature, and then, stirring constantly, pour the contents of the package.

If an indicator glue is selected, it must purchase pink color. This composition is convenient in that non-glued areas will immediately appear on the wall, which will not be noticeable when applying conventional transparent solutions. This quality of the adhesive will help to avoid air pockets under the glued canvas, which can form in the remaining dry places on the wall, which will significantly reduce the adhesion of the wallpaper to the surfaces. After drying, the indicating shade of the glue disappears.

Wallpaper preparation

Vinyl wallpaper can have a clear pattern that requires selection, or one that does not require adjustment. When purchasing wallpaper with a selected pattern, it should be borne in mind that their consumption is much higher, since a lot of waste remains from them. Zero-touch wallpapers are virtually waste-free and much easier to work with, but they look more modest on the wall than richly patterned or even plot compositions. Therefore, more often than not, consumers choose the last finish option.

Wallpaper selection

So, there are several ways to adjust the pattern.

In the first case, it is marked in height, the first strip of wallpaper is cut off and pasted, and a roll is already applied to it, if necessary, shifted until the pattern is aligned. In the same way, the rest of the wallpaper is adjusted. With such a selection, one should be prepared for the fact that the waste from each roll will be 1000 ÷ 1500 mm, which leads to extra costs, since, for example, instead of the required six rolls, you will have to buy seven.

The second method is that the set step of the drawing elements (rapport) is taken into account and the required value of the shift between them is selected when combined. Usually these values ​​- rapport and the required amount of shift, are indicated in the pictograms on the packaging label of the roll. To fit, it is necessary to open two rolls at once and, by shifting the sheets, determine the most profitable and economical option ornament matches.

The third method of selecting a pattern is somewhat different from the first two. To save money, you can try to cut, choosing the combination of ornaments, simultaneously from two rolls or even three rolls at once. For example, odd canvases are cut from the first roll: 1, 3, 5, and even ones from the second: 2.4, 6. Often, using this selection method, it is fashionable to reduce wallpaper waste from each roll to 200 ÷ 300 mm.

Read more about what rapport is and how to combine for various types figure, is described in the article on calculating the number of wallpapers, the link to which is given above.

Cutting of canvases

When cutting the roll, not only the height of the pasted area and the displacement of the pattern are taken into account, but also a reserve of the length of the web is created for its finishing trimming. Usually the value of such a margin is 50 ÷ 80 mm, with its uniform distribution when gluing from above and below.

In the intended place, the canvas is bent, the fold is smoothed and the canvas is cut off with scissors, a clerical knife or a sharp spatula. You can not bend the sheet, but draw on it an even dividing line perpendicular to the edges, controlling it with a construction square.

To begin with, it is enough to cut canvases from two to three rolls, and after gluing them, it will be possible to proceed to cutting the next batch, otherwise it will be easy to get confused. After cutting the canvas on it, it is recommended to immediately mark with a pencil its serial number on the wall and the direction of the sticker - it is more convenient to control the correctness of the operations during gluing.

Carrying out the wallpapering process

After everything is ready for work, you can proceed to the main work - sticking wallpaper on the walls.

IllustrationBrief description of the operation to be performed
The first step is to apply the adhesive on the sheet, on the wall or on both surfaces - as required by the technology.
Experienced maters unanimously declare that the best results are achieved by mutually applying glue to both the canvas and the wall surface, regardless of the manufacturer's recommendations.
The canvas is laid out on a table or on the floor, previously covered with oilcloth, and glue is applied to it - this process can be done with a roller, brush or sponge.
In this case, it is very important to grease the edges of the sheet well.
The top and bottom edges of the smeared canvas are folded to its middle (the decorative side of the sheet remains outside), and the canvas is carefully removed to the side for impregnation.
After that, the second sheet is immediately covered with glue and also folded.
Then, if it is indicated on the wallpaper roll that glue is required to be applied to the wall in order to stick them, then this action is then performed. It is best to coat the wall with a long-handled roller - this tool will greatly speed up and facilitate the process.
First, the adhesive solution must be applied to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall intended for the two already smeared canvases.
Next, you can go directly to the wallpaper sticker on the wall.
To do this, the first smeared sheet is taken, its upper side, folded to the middle, is straightened, and then with an overlap of about 25–30 mm relative to the line broken off in the upper part of the wall or the glued cornice, it is applied to the wall surface.
The canvas is fixed on top, and then aligned along the broken vertical line along which it will join with the second missed sheet.
After removing the canvas along the line from the top to about half the height, they begin to press it against the wall in the middle, and then from it, using a plastic spatula, the sheet is straightened using the “herringbone” method - from the center to the edges, in which excess glue is removed from under it and air.
When they reach the middle, they carefully bend the lower tucked part of the canvas - it should already perfectly match the vertical line.
In the same way, they straighten and remove excess glue to the very bottom.
Glue squeezed out along the edges is immediately removed with a clean rag or a slightly damp foam sponge.
More difficult task glue and fit end-to-end to the first, second sheet.
First of all, it is equalized exactly along the junction line, while simultaneously combining the pattern of the canvases.
After the excess glue and air are expelled from under the second sheet, the joint is rolled with a special rubber roller - this process must be carried out while the wallpaper is still wet.
The special conical or barrel shape of the roller contributes to the optimal attraction of the edges of the wallpaper at the junction - the border becomes almost invisible.
In parallel with gluing the canvases (each separately or, for example, every two or three sheets), the upper and lower edges are trimmed, along the line of the ceiling cornice and along the line of the plinth (or along an arbitrary straight line, which will subsequently be closed with a plinth).
It is better to cut the cut with a sharp clerical knife, after pressing the bottom or top of the canvas with a spatula to the plinth or cornice, depending on where the cut is made.
When making a cut with a spatula, it will turn out to be even and neat.
At the same time, you should not feel sorry for replaceable blades - it is best to break off the blade section after each blade, so that the cut is guaranteed to be even, and the wallpaper does not jam under the “accordion” under a dull knife.
The cost of the blades is not so high as to unnecessarily save on this.
After trimming, the edges are carefully smoothed, if necessary, lightly greased from the inside with glue.
When decorating walls with wallpaper, beginners quite often have ambiguities about how to stick them neatly on inner and outer corners, as well as in other problem areas.
As we remember, the first sheet entered the inner corner by 20 ÷ 30 mm
The second sheet is glued with an overlap of 10 ÷ 20 mm.
Sheets in the place of overlap are pressed against the wall, excess glue is removed.
If thin ones are glued paper wallpaper, you can limit yourself to this, but with vinyl it won’t work like that.
If vinyl wallpapers are glued, then, firstly, the overlap will look ugly, and secondly, the canvases will not stick together securely.
Therefore, in order to achieve an even joint, while the wallpaper is not yet dry, an even vertical line is drawn in the middle of the overlap from the ceiling to the floor, and then a through cut is made along it with a sharp knife.
After that, the outer cut edge is removed, and then, from under the canvas, the edge cut off from the adjacent sheet is pulled out.
The next step is to press the joint, and then roll it with a rubber roller.
Another case - in the process of pasting the walls reached opposite corner, and it is located so that, it would seem, the next canvas will have to be bent around the corner. This is never done - the canvas must be divided into two parts along a vertical line.
The first strip, which is a continuation of the glued wall, should be equal in width to the distance from the last glued canvas to the corner plus 10 mm.
On the wall adjacent to the corner, a vertical line is marked along the plumb line at a distance equal to the width of the second strip.
The cut off parts are alternately glued onto the wall, with the first aligned along the last glued canvas, and the second - already along the applied vertical line, as it will set the direction for further pasting on this wall.
Then the same through cutting is carried out along the overlap, the removal of scraps and the rolling of the resulting joint with a roller.
In order not to stray from the general arrangement of the drawings on the wall in this problematic place, a little trick is used.
After the canvas is marked with a vertical line for cutting in half, a horizontal strip of masking tape is glued in the upper part.
This will become a kind of marker - when overlapping the canvases, the strip will need to be combined - and the general arrangement of the drawings on the walls will be perfectly maintained. And small distortions in the corner, due to overlap, will be almost invisible.
After gluing and aligning the cut web, the tape strip is carefully removed.
External corners are also considered problematic, so a few words should also be said about them.
The diagram shows how the outer corner should be pasted over.
The canvas, pasted on the left wall from the corner, is wrapped on the right wall by 20 ÷ 25 mm.
On top of it, with an overlap of about 10 ÷ 15 mm, a solid canvas is glued, already on the right wall.
Then, just as in the process with inside corner, an even cut is made in the middle of the overlap, the cut edges of the sheets are removed, joined and rolled.
Some difficulty is sometimes caused by gluing walls with window and door openings located in them.
However, it should be noted that this moment of work cannot be called especially pipe if the procedure is followed.
Firstly, it must be taken into account that it is not necessary to cut the canvas in advance, which will be located near the door.
Secondly, it takes into account that part of this sheet will remain above the door. Therefore, the canvas begins to be fixed on the surface in the same way as the rest of the sheets of material, but it is pressed and smoothed only on the whole part of the wall.
When the sheet is glued to the upper and side parts of the wall from the door, you can start cutting it and removing the excess fragment.
The canvas is cut out so that the edges of the remaining part of it are on the frame of the doorway, by about 20 ÷ 25 mm.
The next step at the corner of the door frame, the wallpaper on it is cut diagonally by 12 ÷ 15 mm.
Then, the edges of the canvas above the doorway and located along its vertical edge are additionally smeared with glue and pressed against the wall and against the end sides of the protruding frame fixed to the door frame.
Further, in the same way, the second corner of the doorway is pasted over, and only after that a wallpaper fragment is selected according to the drawing, which will fill the remaining area between them, above the door.
If a window or door is recessed into the wall and it is planned to wallpaper their slopes, then the canvas should be on the wall above the opening to the width of the opening slopes with a small margin of 10 ÷ 20 mm.
The wallpaper sheet is fixed with glue on the top and side of the opening of the wall.
Then, carefully, with the help of a clerical knife, cuts are made along the upper and lower edges of the opening, while the sheet is not cut off from the side, since it will need to be bent and glued to the slope.
Further, a fragment of wallpaper is selected according to the pattern and size, and then glued to the upper slope of the window or door opening with a bend on the upper part of the wall by 12 ÷ 15 mm, and from above it is overlapped with wallpaper glued over the window opening.
Then it will be possible to carry out through cuts and ensure high-quality adjacency of the canvases along the resulting joints.
To make the design look neat, all work must be carried out quickly so that the glue on the canvas does not have time to dry.
Therefore, it is best to make all measurements in advance and prepare pieces of wallpaper of the right size.
The last step is to cover all the remaining unglued areas above and below the windows with wallpaper fragments.
Heating radiators often cause problems.
It's okay - here you need to apply prudence, ingenuity and increased accuracy.
Finally, the moment with sockets and switches remained unclear.
There are no particular difficulties with this, but compliance with safety rules will be required.
Before sticking the canvas, which will have a socket or switch, be sure to turn off the electricity supply to the room.
The socket is removed, then the web is glued in the usual way.
Further, it is easy to find the outlet socket to make a cross-shaped cutout that does not go beyond the boundaries of the socket.
When the wallpaper dries, it will be possible to remove the resulting "wings", and carefully install the outlet in place.
After that, you can reconnect the room to the mains.

After all these operations, it is necessary to create and maintain the optimal mode for drying the wallpaper. Drafts are completely excluded, with domestic, especially with children, “educational work” is carried out so that no one enters a closed room until it is fully prepared. It is strictly forbidden to use heaters to artificially speed up the drying of the glue - the effect of this is guaranteed to be catastrophic!

We hope that this publication will help the site visitor to understand the nuances of vinyl wallpaper stickers. Having understood the principle of work, having calculated the required amount of materials, you can go to hardware store to buy everything you need. Then, following the instructions and recommendations, boldly, but with increased accuracy, proceed to the transformation of your apartment or house.

In conclusion, for greater clarity - a video with an example of wall decoration with vinyl wallpaper:

Video: master class on pasting walls with vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl wallpapers occupy a leading position among finishing materials due to unique properties. To carry out repairs yourself, you need to learn the process of how to glue vinyl paper wallpaper. Their basis can be paper, interlining or fabric, on top of which a layer of polyvinyl chloride is applied. Paper-based vinyl goes on sale in the form of standard rolls measuring 0.53x10.05 meters.

Types of vinyl wallpaper

By structural variety vinyl trim subdivided into:

  1. Foamed with relief drawing. Pasting is possible only on a flat surface. The volumetric texture of the material will smooth out all the defects of the walls and visually align it.
  2. Embossed. The material is not exposed to fading in case of direct ultraviolet radiation.
  3. Silkscreen. Wallpapers have a glossy, voluminous finish, which allows them to look luxurious and expensive. The material is durable, does not accumulate moisture and does not change color saturation for a long time.
  4. Washable. Perfect for rooms with high condensate.
  5. Solid. Recognized as environmentally friendly, they can be pasted over children's rooms.

Advantages and disadvantages

A variety of decorative reliefs on vinyl with a paper base allows you to embody a wide variety of design solutions. Such vinyl paper wallpaper resistant to fading and abrasion. They are durable: due to the presence of two layers, the strips do not tear or rub. Vinyl paper wallpaper durable - the material does not change its qualities for about 10 years.

The disadvantages include:

  1. The inability of the material to pass air. Pasting is not recommended in rooms with poor ventilation.
  2. Reacting with the adhesive base, there is a risk of formaldehyde release.
  3. Ability to shrink after the adhesive dries.
  4. High price.

Sticking technology

It is necessary to dilute the adhesive composition strictly according to the attached instructions.

Tip: To obtain the correct consistency of the glue, the powder is poured into water, immediately stirring the lumps for 3 minutes. Leave the composition for 10 minutes, allowing it to swell.

Wallpapering is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • The room must be dry, with a certain temperature. Windows and doors must be locked, sockets de-energized.
  • Before you start gluing the finished vinyl strips, you need to clean the surface of the walls from the previous material. For quick cleaning, it is recommended to prepare water in which to add a little table vinegar. To eliminate dust, the wall is swept with a brush with a hard bristle, and defects are masked with putty. The dried putty is polished with coarse-grained sandpaper. The smooth surface is primed, allowed to dry.
  • In the presence of significant damage to the wall, it is sheathed with a plasterboard sheet.
  • Glue is selected more durable than for gluing paper wallpaper.

  • If the canvases are without a pattern, the strips are measured and cut to the size of the first. If there is a pattern, all other stripes are measured based on the previous pattern and its direction. Vinyl with a pattern is cut as it is glued.
  • Prepared strips required size must be placed on a flat surface. back side top.
  • Glue is applied to the wallpaper, starting from the border and moving towards the center. It is necessary to apply glue in a thin layer, otherwise it will corrode the front side, which will lead to a change in color. Fold the strip on both sides and hold for a few minutes.
  • For an even overlay of the canvas on the wall, it is worth drawing a vertical line. Sticking vinyl wallpaper is carried out with an allowance of 3 cm, based on possible shrinkage.
  • Attaching the canvases to the wall should be butt to the previous one, without possible gaps. As wallpaper is applied to the wall, the vinyl smooths out, adhering tightly to its surface.
  • After smoothing the stripes on the wall with a PVC spatula, use a hard roller to force out air bubbles and glue. Movements are carried out, starting from the middle and moving towards the edges. To remove the acted glue with a damp napkin.

Tip: Decal vinyl wallpaper starts from the window, moving towards the doors. It is necessary to straighten the vinyl on the wall, gradually moving towards the baseboard.

It is necessary to stick vinyl wallpaper on a paper basis, excluding the ingress of glue on the front side. If glue gets on top of the canvas, it can only be removed with a dry cloth. Cut off excess paper with a stationery blade. The protrusions from the sockets are cut after the strip has been applied to the wall.

Sticking vinyl wallpaper on paper

It is easy to glue paper-based vinyl wallpaper, following some rules that allow you to fix the result for a long time. Previous wallpapers must be completely paper-based.

Tip: Before applying new canvases, the surface must be completely cleaned of old wallpaper fragments.

Painting vinyl wallpaper

If the decision is made to update the color palette in the interior, vinyl wallpaper can be repainted. The most suitable foamed vinyl for this purpose. Painting this kind of canvas is possible in different colors 5 to 7 times.

For vinyl wallpaper with a pronounced relief, you should use a water-based dye, which is applied with a wide soft roller. Painting can be carried out as desired until the foam relief is smoothed out.

Drying time and maintenance

It is impossible to determine how long the wallpaper dries due to a number of factors:

  1. The brand of adhesive used.
  2. Adhesive layer.
  3. Temperature regime in the room.

In general, we can say that vinyl canvases dry on average for at least a day. Opening windows and turning on air conditioners is possible only when the wallpaper is completely dry.

In the process of cleaning, you should pay attention to the type of vinyl and the marking in terms of moisture resistance. The data is written on the label of the roll.

Tip: Vinyl wallpaper from time to time must be wiped off the dust that has settled on them with a slightly dampened cloth or vacuum cleaner. Synthetic cloth for cleaning is not used. In some cases, it is possible to use a soft brush.

Vinyl wallpapers are a wide range of wall coverings of various textures, palettes and compositions. Pick up desired option for each of the rooms is not difficult, the main thing is to carefully study the features of each type of vinyl sheet.

The ideal solution for cosmetic repairs in new apartment there will be vinyl wallpaper. They have a number of advantages over others: elasticity, strength, moisture resistance, when shrinking, they will not peel off from the wall. But the pasting of vinyl wallpaper differs from the pasting of their ordinary relatives. In order not to make mistakes during the repair process, read the instructions below.

Tools for repair

Before you start wallpapering, you need to make a purchase of building materials. You will need to calculate how much. Glue must be bought special, the instructions should say that it is intended specifically for vinyl wallpaper. You don’t need to make it thinner than indicated, it’s better to buy a pack of glue more, don’t save on this product. Also prepare the tool:

  1. Line, level.
  2. Wide brush, roller.
  3. Brush, a special spatula for smoothing wallpaper.
  4. Wallpaper knife, scissors, tape measure, clean rags, washcloth.
  5. Bucket or bowl.
  6. Tassel.

Wall surface preparation

In order for the wallpaper to look perfect on the surface of the walls, prepare them for pasting. Do not leave the remnants of old wallpaper on them. Putty all the cracks, clean off the bumps, make the surface of the wall even. So that in the future, after repairs, stains do not appear on light vinyl wallpaper, prime the surfaces with highly diluted wallpaper glue, and apply a layer of white water-based emulsion on top. Dry the walls well.

Glue preparation

First, pour water into a bowl, exactly as much as it is written in the instructions for wallpaper glue. Then, while stirring the water, gradually pour in the glue granules so that lumps do not form. Let the glue stand for five minutes, and then mix again. Glue is ready.

Preparing wallpaper for sticking

Check if all rolls match each other by color scheme, according to the drawing. Then measure the height of the walls and mark on the wallpaper, while making sure that the pattern matches. Also leave 3-6 centimeters for an allowance, because the walls can not always have the same height.

Pasting procedure

Before starting repairs, make sure that the walls are dry after treatment. To do this, take a regular adhesive tape, stick it on the surface, tear off sharply. If there are pieces of plaster on the adhesive tape, then the wall is not ready for cosmetic repairs. It still needs to be dried. So, let's start pasting:

  1. On the packaging of vinyl wallpaper, it is indicated how to glue them correctly. It happens that it is enough to smear only the surface of the wall with glue, and it happens that it is necessary to smear only the wallpaper. Therefore, follow the instructions.
  2. It is better to start pasting from the window. Draw a straight vertical line with a pencil, use a level gauge to do this. Align the first strip along it.
  3. Glue the second end-to-end, carefully smooth the surface, wipe off the remaining glue with a clean rag, carefully look to see if there are any irregularities.
  4. Do not stretch the wallpaper in width, after drying, they shrink, as a result, the edges lag behind and gaps between the stripes are obtained. Therefore, expel bubbles from top to bottom.
  5. Remove excess pieces of wallpaper carefully with a wallpaper knife or scissors. Remember that gluing and drying wallpaper strips must occur under certain conditions. Namely: in the room it is necessary to close the windows, vents, you can not turn on the air conditioners so that there are no drafts until it dries completely.

There comes a time for every family overhaul one, several rooms or the whole apartment. Let's talk in detail about the technology of gluing vinyl wallpaper on the walls of rooms. Will be announced practical advice who will help you independently or with an assistant to make repairs.

Before dealing with the best option for gluing wallpaper, consider their types. There are two main types of materials:

  1. paper-based vinyl wallpaper,
  2. non-woven vinyl wallpaper.

Both varieties are bilateral. One side is paper or non-woven, with which the material is glued to the wall. The second is polyvinyl chloride, thanks to which the room after the repair will look elegant. These materials have been known for a long time, since the 1950s. Pasting is carried out according to a special technology, using special adhesive mixtures.

For productive work, you need to prepare in advance all the necessary tools

Surface preparation

Before gluing, carefully prepare the work surface (wall). We cook as if we wanted to glue ordinary materials.

Do not use putty, which has a PVA glue base. Vinyl wallpaper will not tolerate this.

The second nuance is that manufacturers recommend additionally carefully and carefully priming the wall before pasting. This applies more to heavy, thick wallpaper. To stick the lungs, you need to remove all the cracks from the walls, smooth out the bulges and other irregularities. To do this, apply putty on the prepared surface in compliance with all technologies. It must not be allowed to fall behind immediately after drying or after some time.

Sticking vinyl wallpaper

The technology is such that they are first cut into strips of the required size. Allowance along the entire length of 10 cm on both sides. If you purchased canvases with a pattern, then try to pick up the second adjacent strip so that both fit together as much as possible.

Before cutting, be sure to look at each roll for a series. If it matches, great, you can start preparing. Having found a roll with another series, open it and see if the canvas is of the same shade? If yes, you can use it in the design of the surface, if not, then set it aside. It can come in handy many years later, if a pet damages the area, spare wallpaper can be patched up with a damaged piece of coating.

pasting technology

It is necessary to glue the vinyl wallpaper end-to-end. With this method, there is a nuance: when our wallpaper dries, they can suddenly “shrink”, there will be noticeable gaps in the form of tracks. Therefore, a little less glue is applied to a material that has a vinyl base than to paper.

Do not pull them wide when you glue. Press the material against the wall comfortable roller with a rubber surface or a brush that has a short nap. Do not use a spatula. Pressed? Carefully, gently run the tool along the seams.

Vinyl-coated wallpaper must be glued exactly end-to-end

Since these wallpapers are capricious when glued, they, like others, are glued with closed windows and vents, so as not to accidentally create drafts. The material does not tolerate when the air temperature drops or rises sharply, or humidity changes. Therefore, remember that ventilation will have to be postponed and you should not even turn on the air conditioner.

Watch carefully so that the adhesive mass does not accidentally get on the front side of our canvas, otherwise it will ruin it. Especially if you don’t notice and remove it in time.

Dilute vinyl wallpaper adhesive with water. How? This is written in detail on any package. Wait until the mass swells, according to the instructions - this is about 5 to 10 minutes.

There are two main ways to apply adhesive:

  • glue only the surface of the wall with glue to attach vinyl wallpaper on non-woven or paper,
  • both the wall and the canvas are smeared with adhesive.

Which option is right for you? Read carefully on the packaging of the roll. To put it simply, if the base is on paper, we apply the composition to the wallpaper (it can also be on the wall, including), and if on non-woven fabric - only on the wall.

We try to glue vinyl wallpaper correctly. They are not immediately pressed against the wall after applying the adhesive. First, the wallpaper is carefully folded so that the base is to the base, and they wait for the glue to soak the canvas. More thin material it will become ready faster, and you will have to wait a little longer until it is dense.

If you want the material on the wall to look neat - apply glue evenly over the entire canvas and in a fairly thick layer, but at the same time, observing the measure. If everything is done correctly, the seams after pasting should remain as clean as possible.

How to glue corners with vinyl wallpaper? It is wrong to combine the canvases in the corner - exactly where the junction of the walls passes. An overlap of 2 to 3 cm is needed on one of the walls in the direction of work.

In the corners of the strip you need to glue slightly overlapped

Vinyl wallpaper assistant

It is convenient to glue vinyl material with an assistant. One person climbs up the ladder with the canvas up and presses the wallpaper against the wall surface. The second one stays down and supports the lower part. At the same time, he carefully aligns the entire strip strictly vertically. To make it easier, many take care in advance and draw a vertical line.

After leveling, the wallpaper is easily pressed, while displacing the air bubbles formed between the wallpaper and the wall. To do this, use a brush - it's faster and better than with your hands. The brush is carried out from top to bottom, then from the center to the edges. If you notice excess glue around the edges, wipe it off immediately clean towel, tissue paper, rag. The main thing is to do it carefully, carefully, so that the composition does not accidentally get on the front part.

We remove excess

The excess edges remaining after gluing under the ceiling and at the baseboards are cut off using a sharp knife. If the tool is blunt, do not be lazy - sharpen, otherwise, the blade will crush and tear the edges unevenly. Only 0.5 cm of material goes under the edge of the plinth. It is best to remove the skirting boards before carrying out work, and then nail it.

As for switches with sockets, de-energize them before work and remove them. The wallpaper is glued directly onto the holes, and when dry, they are cut off along the contour of the nests and old or new sockets and switches are installed there.

After gluing, the excess paper over the socket sockets is cut off

Docking over openings

No matter how hard you try, the last line will be smaller standard size roll. Experienced people try to make sure that these areas fall on the window opening or turn out above the door. But for beginners, this may not work. How to be?

The exit is simple. If the canvas is about 5 to 7 cm wider than the unglued area, then on one side we glue it end-to-end, on the other, overlap it on the adjacent strip. Moreover, we try to make sure that the “extra” part of the strip does not stick, but remains slightly bent. As always, we carefully expel air with glue from under the canvas. Now we take a very sharp knife for office supplies and cut off an extra piece under the ruler. Do not press hard, you can accidentally cut through the putty, and our task is only to remove the extra piece. Now, as always, make sure that the edges match tightly.

Several conclusions can be drawn from the above. Gluing vinyl wallpaper is not scary and not difficult. The main thing is attentiveness, accuracy, a properly prepared wall and a well-chosen glue.

For those who prefer to do repairs on their own, you need to know all the nuances of pasting walls with vinyl wallpaper. Only in this case the result will be aesthetic and of high quality.

If this is your first time doing this kind of finishing, then all the information below will definitely come in handy. We will talk about how to stick vinyl wallpaper with your own hands, without turning to professionals for help. More precisely, how to do it right.

Preparatory stage of work

Before you learn how to properly glue vinyl wallpaper, you need to read the terms preparatory stages. Naturally, the first step towards decorating the room will be the purchase of the products themselves.

  • The very first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing them is the main characteristics that are usually listed on the packaging. Everything depends on what they will be. further work for decorating the premises. For example, light and thin options will require you to prepare the surface of the walls very carefully before pasting. Since everything, even small flaws and defects in the wall, if they are not eliminated, will play a cruel joke with you. And a room finished in this way will lose its attractiveness and aesthetic appearance.
  • If you choose thick and heavy wallpapers, then you can’t hope that all the bumps will hide under them. It is possible that damage to the wall of a small nature will be invisible due to the fact that the thickness is significant, but it is impossible to hide serious defects under them.
  • In addition to the characteristics listed above, you need to pay attention to the basis of vinyl wallpaper. It can be either paper or non-woven. The second option will simplify the work of pasting the walls.
  • And yet, everyone knows that when determining the number of purchased products, you need to take into account their report. Simply put, you need to calculate the required footage, focusing on a repeating pattern. More precisely, on its size, since in the process of fitting the pattern, part of the wallpaper will go to waste.
  • Most profitable option are wallpapers of a monophonic nature (they do not need adjustment) or with a small pattern (the adjustment of which is minimal).

It's about the acquisition process. And now a few words about preparing the walls for decoration.

  • First of all, if there was already some kind of finish on the walls, you need to clean their surface.
  • If the walls are painted oil paint, you can not delete it. The main thing is that it should not be dark in color, otherwise it will shine through the wallpaper.
  • Further, all deep damage, such as cracks and crevices, must be repaired with mounting foam.
  • At the next stage, you need to putty the wall, as well as its alignment. Be sure to wait until the surface is completely dry, after which you need to apply a layer of primer.

Here is the whole list preparatory work. Now you need to decide what tools you may need in the process of decorating the walls with vinyl wallpaper.

List of tools

  1. First of all, of course, the wallpaper itself.
  2. Special tape for the design of joints.
  3. In order for the application of glue to be uniform and convenient, it is necessary to purchase a roller. It can be fur or made of foam rubber.
  4. In order for the canvases to lie flat on the wall, without air bubbles, you will need another roller, but already rubber or plastic.
  5. Glue designed for vinyl wallpaper or its universal version.
  6. Handy knife suitable for cutting.
  7. For more convenient wallpapering at the top of the wall, you need to prepare a stepladder. If it is not there, then a stable table can replace it.

Basically, this is the whole list. But I would like to add a few words about wallpaper glue, because both the final result and the work process itself will depend on it.

Glue for vinyl wallpaper - the most best option for them. Its component, in addition to the standard ones (starch, antiseptic), is methylcellulose. But if you plan to combine different types of products, then it is best to purchase a universal adhesive analogue.

With it, you can stick any wallpaper with high quality, just pay attention to the fact that it will need to be diluted in different ratios (depending on the type of finishing material). And now consider the information on how to glue vinyl wallpaper.

Start decorating

How to glue wallpaper? First you need to prepare them. What is included in this stage?

  • The rolls are cut into the desired size of the web, taking into account the fit of the pattern (if necessary), as well as from 3 to 5 cm of stock. if you have extra time and free space, then you can spread the cut strips on the floor, letting them lie down. After this procedure, it will be easier to decorate the walls with them, since they will no longer twist, taking their usual shape.
  • Another caveat: all work is carried out only in a completely closed room, since even a small draft can interfere with its quality performance. If there are gaps in the room from which it blows, you need to seal them with adhesive tape at least for the time of work. Do not worry about being left without fresh air for a long time - it does not take much time to install vinyl wallpaper.

A strip of wallpaper is located on a horizontal surface (of course, clean) with a pattern down. Then glue is applied to its wrong side with a roller. Make sure that all edges are well smeared with it.

If you are gluing heavy wallpaper, then you need to apply the glue in advance, giving them time to soak a little. But light products should not be lubricated with glue in advance. If your vinyl wallpaper has a non-woven base, then the process is even more simplified, since in this case there is no need to lubricate, it is enough to apply the adhesive composition only to the wall surface.

Here are a few more important tips. The wallpaper is glued end-to-end, starting from the top. During gluing, it is necessary to smooth the canvas from top to bottom and from the center to the edge so that there is no air left under it. This must be done immediately, because after drying it will become impossible.
