How to glue wallpaper alone. Practical Tips

Wallpapering is milestone renovation of the premises. But it's not enough just to put them on. It is important that the process goes well, then at the end you will get a reliable wall covering that will last you. long years and won't cause any problems. How to stick wallpaper on the wall correctly?

Before you start wallpapering, you need to make sure that they are all from the same batch and that they are enough to cover the entire area with a margin.

Tools and materials

Doing everything with your own hands is not difficult at all, and even pleasant and interesting. But before you get down to work, you need to stock up on the necessary tools and materials. Please note that wallpapering also involves preparing the walls for this. So, you will definitely need:

  • soft cloth;
  • foam roller;
  • brushes for applying glue;
  • trowel and spatula;
  • mixture for diluting mortar for plastering;
  • water;
  • wallpaper glue;
  • putty;
  • primer;
  • sandpaper;
  • pencil and long ruler;
  • wallpaper knife.

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Surface preparation

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Dismantling of old coatings

So, it all starts with careful preparation of the walls.

First, completely old wallpapers are removed. For this, an ordinary spatula is used. If the wallpaper is paper or duplex type (double paper), then moisten it with a wet cloth and wait about 5 minutes before removing it. If it is silkscreen or other thick wallpaper, then water will not help here. They will only need to be removed with a spatula, which is done very easily. If there is a layer of paper under the wallpaper, it must also be removed.

Scheme for removing old wallpaper: a - with a spatula, b - with a drilling machine.

When the dismantling of the old wallpaper is over, proceed to cleaning the wall of the lagging old plaster and putty. There is no need to feel sorry for the old coating, since in a destroyed form it will not protect the walls in any way, but will only worsen their quality, thereby provoking the wallpaper to peel off.

Dismantling of the old paint from the surface deserves special attention. Even when the paint is holding very well, it still needs to be removed. If the paint peels off by itself from time to time, it will be easy for you to remove it with an ordinary thin spatula. Well, if this does not work out, then purchase a special solution for removing old paint and varnishes, apply it to the surface, and after a certain time, when the paint swells, remove it. Try to do everything in such a way that nothing is left on the surface, since gluing wallpaper on paint runs the risk of quickly lagging behind with time.

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Wall restoration

The next step is the restoration of the walls. First you need to shake the primer well and cover the surface well with it. It is preferable to buy a primer with antiseptics, so that it not only contributes to good adhesion finishing materials on the wall, but also protected the room from fungus and dampness. This is especially true for the bathroom and corner walls.

When the primer is completely absorbed, the dry plaster should be thinned to a creamy consistency by adding water and applied to significant damage to the wall, such as cracks, potholes or pits. Try to smooth everything right away, while ensuring the smoothest possible smoothness. After that, you must wait until the plaster dries.

Before applying the wallpaper, the walls must be primed for better adhesion of the wall surface with the mortar.

Next, you need to go over the primer again on the plastered places and start working with putty. Ideally, all walls and ceilings must be completely puttied, even if the surface is even and does not have high porosity. Firstly, it will improve the quality of adhesion, and secondly, barely noticeable pores will go away. And thirdly, the walls will become a little warmer. Putty is applied with a spatula thin layers, smoothing out immediately. After drying, the walls and ceiling should be lightly sanded to make the surface even smoother.

Now you just have to wait for the putty layer to dry completely, after which, as carefully as possible, without sparing the material, prime the surfaces. You can apply a lot of primer, it will be even better. When the primer dries (and this is about a day later), you can proceed directly to wallpapering.

But still, when preparing surfaces, it is important to take into account a few points that will help you avoid many big mistakes. So, if the cracks in the walls are large, then it is necessary to expand them, and then close them up. In the event that the cracks are of considerable depth, it is advisable to put a thin rope or a thick cotton rag there before sealing with mortar and putty. This will prevent the surface from further breaking down in the future. Only then you need to try to shove as much solution as possible into the slot.

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The choice of glue and wallpaper

So, the walls are prepared for gluing wallpaper with canvases. Now you need to decide on the choice of wallpaper and paint. Here, of course, you all have to decide for yourself. However, there are a few important practical tips to keep in mind.

To dilute the glue, you can use an electric drill with a special nozzle, or stir the solution manually, but you should strictly adhere to the proportions indicated in the instructions on each package of glue.

When choosing wallpaper, keep in mind that paper wallpaper and duplex type are suitable for any walls, even completely uneven ones, since they will be glued with an overlap. It is desirable to stick wallpaper from expensive materials on well-aligned walls in advance. Of course, some of them (for example, silk-screen printing) can also be glued to uneven walls, but you will have to suffer a little with the joints, since expensive canvases require butt-gluing. But gluing very wide euro canvases on uneven walls is categorically not recommended.

Now as for the choice of glue. The best option for all types of wallpaper is a special universal wallpaper glue with the addition of PVA glue to it. But if you work with heavy sheets, even in finished glue It is desirable to add additional PVA. Any glue should be well infused before work, about 5-10 minutes more than it is written in the instructions for it. Only then will it provide the highest quality gluing.

Before starting work, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with (marking, cutting, combining a pattern and other interesting points). Today, there are many wall coverings available. The most popular are those that primarily perform aesthetic functions. They have been used by people since ancient times, only in different countries various types were widely used. For example, in Europe they began to decorate the walls with fabric. From there came the fabric wallpaper, which is now so often used. China, Japan and others Eastern countries gave rise to paper wallpaper. In part, they have a certain reflection of these powers. The East, above all, is famous for its habits of frequent changes of mood or environment. Like wallpapers, which mean the most frequent updates. Muslims were the first to use leather wall coverings.

Choosing the right wallpaper

The process of pasting walls with wallpaper begins with the selection of suitable ones. After all, all of them have certain characteristics that help us determine which of them are the best (at least for us). There are so many wallpaper manufacturers today. And they give us just a huge selection. You can paste them over all the rooms of the house, despite the humidity or possible pollution. In order not to get confused in such a great variety, you need to understand the types and types of wallpaper.

Wallpaper types:

Paper. The most common wallpaper in the world. They have many advantages, but some disadvantages also appear. First of all, people like low cost paper wallpaper. This allows you to change or update rooms more often. Their price depends on the type of paper used, taken as a basis, and can fluctuate in a very wide range, which allows them to be purchased by more people. They are considered environmentally friendly. They have high moisture and air permeability, which has a positive effect on the walls, allowing them to breathe. Paper wallpapers are "obedient" when pasted.

The following disadvantages of paper wallpaper can be distinguished - they are most susceptible to mechanical damage. These types of wall coverings are afraid of moisture and absorb odors, therefore, it is not advisable to use them in the bathroom or kitchen. They are amenable to rapid burnout or pollution, and, consequently, loss of attractiveness. They can't be washed, basically.

To overcome some of the disadvantages of paper wallpapers, two-ply or duplex paper wallpapers have been produced. They are more durable, less exposed to pollution or fading, less breathable and less breathable. Some of them can even be washed. All this, of course, affects the price of paper wallpaper.

Vinyl. A fairly common type of wall covering. Its main advantageous difference is beautiful view and moisture resistance, which allows them to be washed. The basis for vinyl wallpaper is paper or interlining. The top layer is covered with polyvinyl chloride (PVC). A variety of patterns or embossing can be applied to it. Thanks to vinyl, these wallpapers become more durable and resistant to moisture or sunlight. They do not attract dirt and dust.

Among the disadvantages of vinyl wallpaper, one can single out their poor permeability. PVC film does not allow air and moisture to pass through, which prevents the walls from breathing. They are not universal when pasting walls. Each type must be approached individually. Some are durable and less whimsical, some require careful pasting to prevent damage to the pattern, sprinkling of gloss or coating.

Vinyl wallpaper can be divided into three types according to technological production processes. They have a different look and different properties. The top layer can be foam, flat or hard vinyl. The first group gives unusual look walls. It turns out a relief coating. Such wallpapers will give uniqueness and hide many irregularities and flaws on the walls. They are characterized by low weight. Most foam vinyl wallpapers are paintable.

On wallpaper with flat vinyl, first, a stencil pattern is applied to the base. Then, it is covered with vinyl using embossing. Beautiful and flat wallpapers come out that imitate many textures - fabric, leather, gloss, ceramic tile and others. Their distinctive feature is increased strength due to the thickness of the vinyl ball. Such wallpapers are often used in the kitchen or bathroom.

Wallpaper with hard vinyl appeared quite recently. They are more environmentally friendly than others. Vinyl is subjected to heat treatment, which ensures the evaporation of substances that are harmful to human body. They are distinguished by increased air permeability, resistance to physical impact and mechanical damage, and the ability not to let moisture through. As can be seen, they impoverished some disparate, positive features. Such wallpapers are resistant to chemical detergents. They perfectly hide minor flaws and irregularities on the walls.

The type of wallpaper, according to the characteristics, is similar to paper. Only they have increased strength. In appearance, these wallpapers are very soft and gentle. Interlining is a material made from natural ingredients. According to the characteristics, it is similar to the fabric, but it is not. Non-woven wallpapers are made from cellulose fibers with the addition of viscose and other additives to give the appearance of natural fabrics, strength and other useful properties. The walls can freely "breathe" under this material.

Non-woven wallpaper when pasting are very convenient. There are no blisters, bubbles and deformations. hallmark when using them, there is that they are mounted on a wall previously covered with glue. And they stay dry. They can be applied to any surface. They work great on wood, cement, slabs, plaster and other materials. It is worth noting that when applying other layers to interlining, such as vinyl, the wallpaper loses some of its properties. Can be dyed (up to 3 times).

They are based on paper or interlining. The top layer is fabric (linen, silk, velor, polyester and others). They can be natural or artificial, which determines the cost. textile wallpaper and some of their characteristics. They provide the highest degree of sound and heat insulation. Most of them cannot bear wet cleaning. This type wallpaper is a very demanding material for gluing, which becomes a difficult and unpleasant process for inexperienced people.

Metallized. They, like vinyl ones, are based on paper or interlining. The top layer is a foil on which a pattern, pattern or embossing can be applied. People choose them because of their attractive appearance. They fill the room with a golden or silver glow. With good lighting in the room, you can see all the beauty and advantages of metallic wallpaper. They are also very easy to care for. They are easy to wash or dry. Metallized wallpaper is resistant to wear and mechanical damage. They do not lose their luster over time. And the soundproofing with them is simply excellent.

But also, you can highlight the disadvantages of metallized wallpaper. First of all, it is their high price. They do not pass air and moisture well, which contributes to the accumulation of condensate. For their gluing, you need a perfectly flat surface and special glue. All flaws will be visible, the foil will make them very noticeable.

Natural wallpaper. The basis in them is all the same paper. To which, with the help of threads, various natural materials are attached. It can be jute, reed, bamboo, wood and many others. The first and main advantage of natural wallpaper is its environmental friendliness. Plus, they look great. Provide excellent heat and sound insulation.

Among the shortcomings of natural wallpaper, one can single out their high cost. Their gluing is quite complicated. Paper coated natural materials, poorly trimmed and glued. This type of wallpaper absorbs odor or dust quite well. They are highly flammable.

Enough interesting option. They combine the positive properties of ordinary wallpaper and plaster. They are a combination of natural fibers of different origin and glue. They have the following positive properties - when they are applied to the wall, there are no seams. Hide small irregularities of the walls, they can be applied only to certain areas. Liquid wallpaper is environmentally friendly.

Disadvantages when using liquid wallpaper the following are not resistant to moisture or mechanical damage. They need to be applied to the wall quite carefully, it is better to do this for professionals. They require a long time to dry (up to three days).

Well, if you have decided on the choice of wallpaper to decorate your walls, then you need to start pasting them. But don't rush.

Step-by-step process of wallpapering walls

Depending on which wallpaper will be chosen for pasting on the walls, further steps will be determined. But most things stay the same for different types coatings.

First, get all the right tools. Of course, you can borrow them, but it’s still better to have your own. Approximate list necessary tools and accessories for pasting walls with wallpaper:

  1. The very first thing is wallpaper and glue. We have already talked about the first. Regarding glue, we will talk further.
  2. Spatula and water to remove old wallpaper. It is possible to use a special liquid to simplify this "not interesting" task.
  3. Plaster, putty, for the case when you need to level the walls.
  4. Sandpaper and primer. To prepare the walls before applying the adhesive.
  5. Screwdriver for sockets, skirting boards and more.
  6. Scissors or a sharp wallpaper or clerical knife. For easier trimming of wallpaper edges.
  7. Level, and even better a ruler and a thread with a load at the end (plumb). To be able to glue the wallpaper strictly vertically.
  8. Tassel. First of all, she must have long hair and be wide. You can also get a second one in reserve. It is necessary that it be compact for more convenient application of glue to the edges of the wallpaper, in corners and other hard-to-reach places.
  9. Dry and wet rags. The first is to smooth out bumps on the wallpaper. For the same purpose, you can use a brush with soft horsehair. The second is to remove glue from the wallpaper, which turned out to be superfluous.
  10. Do not forget about the ladder and good mood.

When all the materials and fixtures are ready for work, it is worth starting to prepare the walls. Need first. This can be done using a special solution, the main thing is not to forget to read the instructions for it. Or just moistening old wallpaper warm water. And with a spatula or scraper, clean the wall. Possible irregularities or cracks are necessary. If necessary, use sandpaper to smooth the wall. If the walls succumbed to plastering, then you need to wait a bit to let the surface dry.

After preparations, it would be necessary to prime the surface. Very often, this process is neglected, but this should not be done. The primer, first of all, is done for less absorption of glue by the walls. This makes it possible to adjust the stripes of the wallpaper. That is, to customize the pattern or joints. Wallpaper glue can also be used as a primer. But, in this case, it must be diluted to a more liquid state. By the way, the primer protects your walls from the possible spread of various fungi or bacteria.

While the primer is absorbed into the adhesive surface, you need to cut the wallpaper. Before this process, make sure that all rolls are from the same batch, as tone or shade may differ even with the same color. If the wallpaper has a pattern, then it is necessary to mark with a pencil exactly where to cut them. Always leave a few centimeters of the canvas free (in length). It is worth considering the degree of displacement of the wallpaper. This can be found on the back of the canvas. Where the corresponding figure is accompanied by a number that indicates the offset step. But, as they say, trust, but verify. All strips of wallpaper first try to combine on the floor. After lubricating the canvas with glue, you can get to work. It is important not to confuse the top and bottom of the wallpaper.

Choosing the right glue

Did you know that choosing the right wallpaper glue is not very easy. There are many things to take into account here. In addition to price and manufacturer, they have many characteristics that will influence the choice of the right one.

If someone has already come across the choice of wallpaper glue, then he knows that the range of these substances is simply great. For vinyl one box is intended, for natural - another. And no one has ever wondered why there are so many of them and why not make one package for all occasions?

All this is not so simple, because each type of glue is designed for different types of wallpaper. Some wall coverings are heavier than others. Here, for example, most types of glue are suitable for paper wallpaper. That is, they do not need to buy any special tool. As they say, there is no reason to overpay. Another thing, non-woven base. The structure is different. And vinyl wallpaper is too heavy for universal adhesives. So it turns out that there is material cheaper, but there is also more expensive.

Another such interesting thing for inexperienced craftsmen. There is wallpaper glue with an indicator. If someone tried to lubricate the canvas, then you probably remember that it was not always clear which part had an applied adhesive and which did not. The indicator, on the other hand, is a certain substance that, when in contact with water, makes the wallpaper paste colored. So you can see it better when lubricating the strips. After a while, the coloring matter loses its color and becomes invisible.

If you walk around specialized stores that sell wallpaper paste, you can see a kidney with the inscription "border". It is thicker and is characterized by a higher drying rate. After all, borders are smaller than wallpaper strips, and some of them are much heavier. Any glue comes in powder form. It is diluted with water according to the recipe, which is indicated on the pack. In order to avoid the formation of lumps, it is advised to pour the glue into the water slowly and stirring constantly. Usually the mixture needs to stand for half an hour. After that, it should be mixed again.

Final stage

  1. Start pasting the surface with windows or doors. This is not particularly important, the main thing is to have a vertical reference point and go in one direction. That is, if you started from some kind of opening, finish with it, but from the opposite side. In other words, the circle is closed.
  2. Any kind of wallpaper is always glued with closed windows and doors. At the same time, the temperature in the room should be at least 18 0 C. And the relative humidity of the room air should not exceed 70%. By the way, walls also have some limitations in this regard. For example, their humidity should be no more than 4%. This can be achieved with a primer.
  3. Some wallpapers require adhesive to be applied to the canvas, wall surface, or back and forth. If air bubbles appear, they need to be smoothed out with a cloth. Just be careful to avoid damaging the wallpaper, especially paper, which becomes tender when wet. In the case when this does not help, it is worth piercing the vial with a needle. By the way, the wallpaper needs to be smoothed from the center to the edges.
  4. When pasting wallpaper, pay attention to their joints. Here you need to take into account the fall of sunlight from the window. Especially if you overlap adjacent strips.
  5. First, it is advised to apply glue to the strips of wallpaper, and let them stand and soak. A little, since the canvases can simply get wet. 5 minutes is enough.
  6. When pasting corners, use two sheets of wallpaper with their overlapping. Since when applying one sheet, the possibility of peeling or wrinkling increases.
  7. When using vinyl wallpaper, a situation may arise when the borders are not glued on top of them. In such situations, it is advised to mount them directly to the wall. So longer and more laborious, but much more reliable.
  8. In places of rosettes on a strip of wallpaper, a round hole must be formed. The easiest way to do this is to cut through the canvas in the shape of a cross. Then form a circle using each sector.
  9. And most importantly, remember that you do not need to pull with the lining of the room. Try to finish each room in a day.

We glue the corners

The outer corner is glued as follows: cut off a strip of wallpaper 2.5 cm more than from the previous strip to the corner. After that, it is necessary to glue the strip, bending at the same time to the opposite angle. If the angle is straight, we glue the rest end-to-end, otherwise the rest is glued with an overlap along the vertical markings. Now we take a sharp knife and pass it along the corner along the ruler, cutting off the trimmings and pressing the edges. By the way, vinyl wallpapers are glued only end-to-end.

Inner corner: first you need to know that a whole canvas of wallpaper should not be glued to it, because it will most likely turn out to be crooked and you will get either deviations or folds. Now, before starting work, you need to measure the distance from the corner to the last strip and add 2 cm. Now, I know the right size, cut off the strip and glue it to the corner and wall. In order for the paper in the corner to stick better, you need to draw a small object over it, for example, the blunt end of a knife. With thick wallpaper, the remaining piece must be glued using a plumb line with an overlap on the adjacent part of the wall. Now we take a knife and go along the ruler along the corner, remove the remnants and press the edges. Thus, the joint will be invisible.


  1. Tell me, do you need to remove old wallpaper? Of course yes. Although there is an opinion that old paper wallpaper can not be removed. Well ... if you have a desire to re-paste the wallpaper every few years, then you can not shoot it. The fact is that old wallpaper can peel off the wall and it will be problematic to fix it.
  2. Is it necessary to prime? But why? Firstly, this procedure is necessary for better adhesion of the wall surface and wallpaper. Secondly, what is a primer and why is it needed, read here.
  3. What about whitewash, can I glue on it? Of course not, the material will not stick to the surface. First wash, clean, primer and only then glue.
  4. Can you stick to paint? No, the reason is that with whitewashing - the material will not lie down, because the paint is not able to absorb glue.

If you listen to these tips, you will avoid many mistakes that you will have to correct later.

When the joints diverge, a fragment or a whole canvas peels off, the first question that arises in the head is how to glue the wallpaper quickly and efficiently. We will help you choose the right adhesive, tell you about alternative options, and also discuss the main points that affect the adhesion strength of the finishing material to the wall.

Why the wallpaper peels off - an analysis of the main reasons

It seems to you that during the repair you did everything right, but for some unknown reason, you observe fragments of lagging wallpaper or entire rolls? Is everything perfect with your walls, let's figure it out.

One of the reasons is the defects on the walls. Irregularities can be observed not only in old houses, but also in new buildings. Before starting finishing work, carefully inspect the surface, check it for cracks and deep grooves. If there are any, they must be sealed with cement, remove the old plaster. Uneven joints are often observed with improper installation of plasterboard walls, which also need to be sealed before gluing.

A common reason to admit in haste or conduct cosmetic repairs- poor surface preparation for wallpapering. Here we observe poor-quality cleaning of the walls from old paint, stuck pieces of wallpaper, and worst of all, the lack of a primer, and without it it is impossible to achieve good adhesion of surfaces. In the old "Khrushchev" on the walls there is a large number of whitewash, which also interferes quality repairs. If you are the owner of such walls, we recommend that you carefully sand the surface before finishing. It is easy to check the quality of preparation. Take a piece of electrical tape, stick it on the wall and immediately tear it off. If there are large particles of finish on the sticky part, continue to prepare the surface until it becomes absolutely smooth. This is especially important when, where the smallest grain of sand can ruin the picture.

Technique repair workimportant point. Often professionals and amateurs forget to read the instructions for using glue, plaster, primer, and also follow the rules for sticking a certain type of wallpaper, thinking that they have done finishing work 1000 times and it is not necessary to read the recommendations. Remember, each finishing material has its own characteristics for use. Therefore, in order not to have to once again resort to gluing, always follow the instructions.

Do not spare glue, always coat the roll and walls evenly. Use a wide roller, not a brush. This will reduce the time of work and increase the accuracy of applying the adhesive. Pay attention to the expiration date of the glue. The purchase of an expired product also affects the quality of the docking of the wallpaper with the surface. As for the quality of the glue, I would like to say a few more words. Purchase only a specialized composition for your type of wallpaper. Leave flour or starch paste in the past; it will be ineffective for modern wallpapers if you do not want to observe peeled rolls.

Follow a few more important rules:

  • close doors and windows to completely eliminate drafts during the finishing work, and also do not open them for a few more days after it is completed so that the glue has time to harden and bond to the surface;
  • if the room where the repair is being carried out is located with south side, cover the windows with curtains, excluding direct sunlight;
  • carry out wallpapering unheated room at low humidity and temperature, it is not recommended that the wallpaper does not peel off from dampness.

Emergency measures - what to do if there are gaps and bubbles?

If the problem could not be avoided and the wallpaper peeled off, proceed according to the following scheme. First, let's look at the gaps. The easiest way to correct the situation is if the joints have moved away. We take a brush and the remaining glue after the repair, make a solution, only more liquid, and carefully coat the peeling places. If the repair was carried out for a long time and you do not have any adhesive for wallpaper left, you can use the usual construction or stationery PVA glue. Yes, fixation with such glue is strong, but remember that it leaves yellow marks. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it separately. It is better to mix with wallpaper glue in a ratio of 1:10, then there will be no such problem.

How to glue new wallpaper that has peeled off along with the plaster? We carefully treat the surface of the wall with a moistened sponge, remove the remains of the plaster, remove the roll and stick a new one. This option is suitable if a little time has passed after the repair and you still have an extra running meter of wallpaper. However, if there is no extra roll, then we recommend that you carefully clean a piece of the lagging roll and coat it liberally with glue. Always buy wallpaper with a spare for an emergency.

Large bubbles that remain after poor expulsion of air from under the wallpaper also cause loose adhesion to the surface and the appearance of gaps. The advice is to cut the bubble with a sharp blade crosswise - do not the best way. It will be quite difficult for an amateur to dock a drawing, and not all professionals can do it. What to do in this case? Take a medical syringe and gently pierce the bubble, and when air comes out of it, fill the space formed inside with glue. Wait 5 minutes for the glue to soften the wallpaper, and smooth the surface with a rubber roller, dry the place with a hairdryer. We remove the sticky protrusions with a dry rag, if necessary, coat the crack.

Special adhesive for joints - how effective is it?

Lagging joints are a problem for many repairmen. If such embarrassment happened to you, let's talk about special glue for joints. What is its advantage? This glue is universal, it is suitable for absolutely all types of wallpaper (vinyl, non-woven, paper), it fixes faster and forms a strong connection. The most popular on the market are three foreign manufacturers - Quelyd, Metylan, Kleo.

Glue for joints is sold in tubes with a thin tip, which facilitates the process of its application. It is completely ready for use, does not require the preparation of a solution or the additional use of brushes. We apply glue to the wall and the peeled joint, after which we press the gap with a dry cloth. The working temperature of the adhesive is from 10 to 25 °C.

To keep the joints better, we recommend that you first stick a special paper tape, which is sold in hardware stores. It is preferable to use it on thick vinyl wallpaper, but on thin non-woven and paper surfaces, the tape may stand out.

If the joint width is 2–3 mm, use a universal pigment concentrate, choosing the appropriate color per ton of wallpaper, for example, from the Colorex series from Sniezka. Such a pigment is applied to the joint between the wallpaper with a spatula, the remnants are wiped with a cloth. Correction of defects is successful, after drying, a smooth, uniform surface is obtained.

The canvas has peeled off - a brief instruction for elimination

After the repair, the band completely departed? We comply with the following important rules. Close windows and doors to completely eliminate drafts. We completely clean the peeled off strip from plaster and other particles. We do the same with the wall. We make the surface even, get rid of the gaps.

How to glue lagging wallpaper? Use the adhesive remaining after the repair, we recommend Metylan or Quelyd. Thoroughly coat the strip with a roller and leave to soak for 5-7 minutes. We straighten the strip and apply it to the wall, here you will need an assistant, otherwise creases and bubbles cannot be avoided. Next, walk over the entire surface with a rubber roller, treat the canvas with a dry rag.

Remember, if you are gluing paper wallpapers, then additionally coat the walls with adhesive for better adhesion to the surface. But with non-woven vinyl wallpaper, this is not necessary, we apply glue only to the roll.

When carrying out repairs at home, most people purchase wallpaper for wall decoration. Today they are very popular among buyers of finishing materials, as before, but not everyone knows how to properly glue them on their own.

It is important to know how to properly design and combine wallpaper, as well as what rules and methods to use.


Wallpapering is a process that requires careful preparation. So, the surfaces for gluing must be absolutely flat and smooth. Old coatings must be completely disposed of. In addition, it is necessary to decide on the choice of the most suitable wallpaper and choose the most high-quality and beautiful in the design of the coating.

Before gluing, be sure to make some preparatory work. So, you need to turn off the electricity and remove all covers of switches and sockets. When gluing, you must also get rid of all skirting boards. Thus, you can make your work much easier.

The easiest way is to paste over the walls yourself with paper or non-woven wallpaper, but it is best to choose medium-density models. They will adhere well to the walls, and their sticking will take less time.

All wallpapers are glued only longitudinally, in no case horizontally. The wallpaper is first of all glued on completely free walls, and only then separate pieces are cut out and adjusted to fit windows, doors, passages, radiators and other interior features. When wallpapering, it is important to make all measurements of the room and calculate the amount of wallpaper you need. If you decide to stick colored wallpaper with drawings or combine different appearance coating, then you will need much more materials.

The stock must be left for the subsequent docking. If you have chosen wallpaper for painting, then you can paint only after you have completely pasted them, and they have completely dried out. Some features have a gluing of ready-made wallpaper with a special composition - this self-adhesive wallpaper. So, the rolls are soaked in water, and the glue, thus, dries out. After that, they are glued to the walls without the use of additional adhesives and only rolled out on the surface.

Types and characteristics

Before you purchase wallpaper for subsequent wall decoration, you must first select them from the range presented. Manufacturers now offer a large number of different types of wallpaper, which differ in their quality characteristics and appearance.

When choosing, you should rely on the reliability and quality of the material, the operating conditions of the wallpaper, and also on the room in which you plan to stick them.

paper wallpaper

This is the most common and famous wallpaper that is popular all over the world. They are quite thin and at the same time are quite inexpensive. If you purchase this type of wallpaper, you can later easily replace them with new paper ones. Moreover, this process will not cause any inconvenience.

Expensive and durable coatings are more difficult to remove, in addition, such a change in the interior will take more financial costs. And if you replace paper wallpaper, you will spend quite a bit of money and at the same time change the situation. Producers represent wide choose colors and patterns on these coatings. The material is completely environmentally friendly and does not cause allergies. In addition, such wallpapers pass air well and allow the walls to breathe.

But this coating has several disadvantages. So, they quickly lose their color brightness when exposed to direct sunlight, wear out quickly. If you have small children or even pets at home, they will easily rip them off. Paper covers cannot be washed at all.

In addition, they deteriorate from exposure to high humidity. This applies, first of all, to simplex wallpapers. These are the thinnest single-layer models, which are considered the cheapest of all options.

Two-layer or duplex wallpaper

They are presented as the main base layer, which fixes them well to the wall and the top decorative layer. Due to the presence of a base, the outer layer is not impregnated with glue and stains and stains do not remain on it. In addition, such models do not shine through at all.

Many models have embossed patterns or embossing. They are thicker and more reliable, but also quite inexpensive. They are easier to glue than ordinary paper ones.

They do not slip off the wall after impregnation with glue and adhere well to the surface. Such wallpapers are also presented in the form of plain smooth coatings, which involve pasting the walls and their subsequent painting. A big advantage of this type of wallpaper is the ability to change colors several times. There are also structural wallpaper for painting with a pronounced relief.

Vinyl wallpapers

They have paper as a base, as well as interlining. But the big difference from classic paper wallpapers is that their surface is treated with polyvinyl chloride. They may also have voluminous patterns or may be smooth.

This option coatings have higher quality characteristics.

So, they do not fade from exposure to direct sunlight and tolerate high humidity. That is why they are glued even in the bathroom and in the kitchen. But such wallpapers do not pass air well, so the walls do not breathe, and in such rooms it is necessary to systematically ventilate. But now manufacturers are introducing some models that have a porous structure. Thanks to this, the coating breathes and creates a comfortable microclimate in the room.

Vinyl wallpaper is quite expensive. They serve for a very long time, up to 10 years. So, the manufacturers are different models vinyl wallpaper, among them models with a hard vinyl coating are very popular. They can even endure many external influences of a mechanical nature.

Another model is smooth vinyl wallpaper, which does not have a hard floor and therefore is more vulnerable to external influences. Silk-screened wallpaper is a popular vinyl wallpaper model that looks very presentable in appearance. Such products are produced using hot stamping technology, so it seems that the wallpaper is made from natural silk threads.

Foamed vinyl wallpaper is the most reliable products, which have a dense relief structure. They are very durable and high quality. Any vinyl wallpaper is quite capricious for sticking, because they have a lot of weight. On the packaging, manufacturers always indicate what composition is needed in order to glue them well.

Non-woven wallpaper

This type of wallpaper is very popular because it has a high-quality composition. They are made from cellulose. The coating itself includes two layers - a non-woven fabric and a polymer.

They are more durable than regular paper and even with duplex wallpaper. In addition, they can be used to hide wall defects, such as cracks or bumps.

Such wallpapers are much easier to glue, because if you use the right technology, then bubbles do not form under them, and the coating does not change its appearance. They are easier to dock than other models. They can be moved while sticking. In addition, you can choose absolutely any texture.

Such products are suitable for mounting on plaster, including Rotband, cement, slab, wooden walls.

In addition, when gluing, no glue is applied to the surface of the canvas itself. Cloths cover the wall with pre-applied glue. Such wallpapers can also be easily covered with oil or acrylic paint if you choose the most neutral option. Experts believe that it is non-woven wallpaper that is easiest to pick up and stick, so they are often purchased for self-finishing the room.

Textile or fabric wallpapers

This option is based on textiles and paper. It consists of several layers. Textile materials are applied to the base. It can be linen, cotton or synthetics.

Depending on the quality of the textile material, the cost of this wall covering changes. They do an excellent job of their decorative function. In addition, the coatings have the qualities of sound insulation and thermal insulation, so they are perfect for gluing in any room.

But these coatings are quite difficult to apply on the wall on their own, not everyone will be able to stick. In addition, they are quite difficult to care for, if they get dirty, it will be problematic to wash the stains. They do not tolerate wet cleaning.

Fabric wallpapers bring coziness and comfort to the room. This is especially true for models made of silk, jute textiles, felt and velor. Such wallpaper can be taken care of with a vacuum cleaner so that dust does not remain between the fibers of the fabric.

Glass fiber

It's pretty reliable and unusual wallpaper, which are produced using glass fibers, which are subsequently impregnated special liquid. Thanks to this, wall coverings have fire-fighting qualities. In addition, they are resistant to any, even mechanical damage. This is the most durable and reliable wallpaper that can serve more than 25 years.

They are easy to care for and do not attract dust at all. The coating is natural and completely safe for human health, since the woven base is breathable. They look very presentable, but the price tag on them is clearly too high.

Liquid wallpaper

This the new kind wallpaper that is not glued, it is applied like plaster. They are sold in powder form and then diluted. This solution is carefully distributed along the wall. When the coating dries, it looks completely identical to the usual classic wallpaper.

Manufacturers also provide washable wallpapers that tolerate wet cleaning well.

These are new generation models that are perfect for gluing in the kitchen. Bamboo wallpapers are also popular now. This is a fairly dense eco-friendly coating that looks natural and natural. But such products are quite difficult to glue.

Manufacturers present many other types of wallpaper: cork, palm, quartz, metallized. But their independent gluing is quite complicated, not everyone can handle such work. By the type of decor are classic plain wallpaper with a smooth surface or coatings with a relief. Popular coatings, in the manufacture of which the technique of hot stamping is used.

As for smooth options, coatings such as fiberglass or photo wallpaper are quite popular. They are used for pasting one wall. Their main function is to create an accent and attract attention. Such canvases are whole works of art in the form of paintings or abstract compositions.


When pasting wallpaper, you will need some tools:

  • In order to level the walls before wallpapering, you will need to use a tape measure, laser level, a long pile roller, a smoothing brush, a spatula with a soft edge, a construction knife, a narrow metal spatula, a sponge, a container for glue, a pencil and, of course, a ladder-ladder.
  • For further work you will need a special nozzle - a mixer, so that you can knead the putty. The mixer attachment is inserted into an electric drill, so this tool will also be required.

  • It is better to have several spatulas in the set, which differ in their thickness and shape. So, the most necessary will be straight, even products with a width of 5 to 50 cm. You will also need a classic corner spatula in order to be able to display external and internal corners. In another way, it is called a profile spatula.
  • To rub the wall to smooth the surface before gluing, you will need a grater. It can be an abrasive mesh or emery. In some cases they even use genuine leather.

  • When sticking, you will definitely resort to using building level. It is useful when leveling walls to control their perfect verticality and smooth surfaces.
  • The roller is necessary in order to be able to apply a primer or putty on the walls.

It significantly speeds up the process of applying these materials.

  • In addition to the container in which you will knead the mortar and glue, you will need a bucket or basin of water. In it, you will soak the tools in the process of work, so that later you can easily wash off the building materials from them.
  • In order to level the walls, you will need two types of putty: the first will serve as the base, and the second will serve as the finish. Your work will be facilitated by a ready-made putty composition. It can be purchased at any hardware store so as not to prepare it yourself.
  • In addition, you will definitely need a primer. With its help, you can get rid of harmful microbes. To do this, it is better to use compositions with special additives from mold.

Surface preparation

After you have chosen the wallpaper and prepared all the tools, you need to decide on the amount of this coating. When buying wallpaper that you need to cover one room, it is important to choose completely identical coatings. You need to pay attention to their article and release batch. Thus, all rolls will have the same shade and uniform color.

Wallpaper try to buy with a margin so that you have enough for pasting all the walls completely. It is better that all vertical sections of the walls can be covered with whole sheets. Thus, the joints between the sheets will only be wide. Horizontal joints are unacceptable and look unpresentable.

Preparatory work:

  • Before re-gluing the wallpaper, it is necessary to take out all the furniture and, preferably, dismantle the split system. You also need to completely remove the old coatings and start plastering the walls. Many use for effective removal old coating soap solution. It allows you to soften it and quickly remove it. Wallpaper glue or PVA can be added to the soap solution. It will dissolve the old coating faster.
  • But if you previously had moisture-resistant or washable wallpapers pasted, then you must first cut them, then make notches, and only then apply a soapy solution. After you moisten the surfaces with the old coating with this composition, you need to let it soak in so that the wallpaper swells and after a while you can easily dismantle it.

  • Wallpaper is removed after a couple of hours with a spatula. But even in this way, not all of the old coating can be completely removed. This procedure may have to be carried out several times.

There is also a special solution that allows you to soften the old coating and quickly remove it to replace it with a new one.

  • But to remove the enamel or old paint much more difficult. If the paint layer is thin, then it can be peeled off with a spatula, but when the paint is thick and old, it is necessary to tap the surface with a hatchet and clean the walls with a flat cutter.
  • Some prepare the walls by removing whitewash from them. It must be washed off with warm soapy water, and then removed with a spatula. If the whitewash is very thin, then it can be easily washed off with hot water and rags.

  • Having removed the old coating and determined the number of wallpapers for gluing, it is necessary to correctly prepare the surface of the walls for further repairs. At this stage, insulation can be carried out using foam or foam. All defects must be hidden in advance. This way you can avoid focusing on them. After all, not all wall coverings are able to close the flaws of wall surfaces.
  • Some wallpapers, even the most expensive ones, for example, fabric ones, can emphasize the imperfections of the walls, so the surface must be prepared most carefully. If you prepare the walls poorly, then it will be quite difficult for you to combine adjacent canvases, the junction lines will be uneven, and the corners at the end and beginning of the wall will be crooked. The wallpaper will wrinkle and even tear.

  • On the irregularities and defects of the walls, bubbles from the wallpaper often form, which subsequently lead to peeling of the glued coating and damage to the entire wall repair as a whole. That is why it is important to initially prime the surface of the walls.
  • If the material from which the wall is made is porous, then it will be highly susceptible to moisture. This means that without pre-finishing wallpaper won't even last a year. They will peel off and deteriorate quickly. The primer is recommended to be produced, regardless of what material the walls are made of.

  • After the walls are completely cleaned, you need to align them. In some cases, old walls begin to crumble and crumble. If you are faced with this problem, then manufacturers recommend resorting to treatment with a bonding primer.
  • If protrusions are found on the wall, they must first be knocked down. Cracks are sealed with a special compound. But at the same time, it is better to first expand the cracks, then deepen them, and only then close them.

Thus, you fill each crack with a repair compound as much as possible and correctly repair the surface of the walls.

  • Expanded cracks must be cleaned of dust and old plaster. You can do this with a damp sponge. The extended crack must be completely covered with a primer. It is important to carefully treat the entire inside of such a defect, and then the outside. After that, the primer must be well dried.
  • Then you should use the first layer of putty - the starting one, which will act as the base. It must be applied to those places where the cracks were smeared. After all the resulting patches are completely dried, you need to clean the walls with a grater to level the surfaces.

  • Things are a little more complicated with some coatings, which include, for example, drywall. The joints of the sheets must be glued with a special mesh, which is covered on top with a thick level of putty. After this layer is also dried, it is necessary to treat the walls with an antiseptic primer. This special composition allows you to increase the adhesion of finishing materials and wall surfaces. In addition, it will extend the life of the wallpaper.
  • The primer-concrete contact is applied with a roller, but it is quite difficult for them to process the corners, you need to soak them as much as possible, since it is there that the mold first makes its way. If you cannot reach the corners, then it is better to treat these areas with a brush. The primer should be allowed to dry a little. But if the coating dries very quickly, then you need to apply at least two more layers of this solution.

  • After that, it is necessary to make a putty or use a ready-made, pre-purchased composition. The first preparatory layer will be the starting or leveling. It can be worn on almost any surface, including concrete, plastered walls, panels, OSB, plywood, lime, fiberboard, laminated chipboard, OSB-board. The starting layer must be applied to the walls with the widest trowel. It needs to be laid in a certain way.

So, the thickness of the applied layer should be approximately 3 mm, in some places even thicker, but the entire wall should be a single flat plane. You need to move from the corner of the room with smooth and uniform movements.

It is better to hold the spatula at an angle of 45 °, since this way no traces of it will be visible on the walls.

After the solution is applied to all the walls, you need to illuminate the surface with the help of light bulbs and carefully examine it: will the flaws of the wall cast a shadow. If the walls are even, then you will not need further leveling, but if irregularities are detected, then you need to carefully level them with a spatula until the mortar has completely dried.

  • After you have applied the putty, you need to wipe this surface. You can do this with your own hands using a hard sandpaper or grater, or using a special electric grinding.
  • After that, you need to apply a second layer of putty. It should finally hide all the bumps in the wall. The finish layer is usually much thinner than the base layer. After applying it, it is important to find out if there are any irregularities, again using the light.
  • Finishing putty is applied in two layers, but each of them must be allowed to dry. In addition, both outer layers must undergo high-quality grouting, and the last one is the most gentle. For her, it is better to use genuine leather. After you have completely covered the walls with putty and let it dry, you need to apply a primer on it. Only after that it will be possible to proceed to wallpapering.


Pasting the walls with your own hands is a fairly simple job if you choose the right coatings for this. With their help, you can simply and without problems stick the wallpaper on your own evenly without subsequent plywood. Non-professionals need to follow a certain technology that allows you to quickly glue the coating on the walls. First you need to choose a scheme for sticking wallpaper. The canvases should be distributed over all walls in such a way that the joints are as invisible as possible.

  • When sticking any wallpaper, it is necessary to move from the window, which is located opposite the entrance to the room, alternately in different directions towards the door. Thus, if you overlap the wallpaper, the shadow from the sheets will not be noticeable.

  • But if you glue the wallpaper end-to-end, as is most often done lately, then you can stick to a different technology. This option involves wallpapering from the corner you see first when you enter the room. From it in different directions you need to move one by one up to the door.

Walls should be pasted over vertically with whole canvases without horizontal joints, only if this is not a special combination method.

  • If whole meter wallpaper fell on the corner of the room, then it is necessary to cut them in this place so that there are no bends. Because of them, the wallpaper can quickly peel off and begin to bubble. If you come across a fairly old wallpaper with an edge, then first you need to cut it evenly, but now such models are not common. Therefore, you only need to cut sheets. You need to know the height of the ceilings in order to measure the right amount of material.

  • The cut off part of the wallpaper should be about 5-7 cm longer than the height from floor to ceiling. This allowance must be divided in two and leave part on top and part on bottom. It is important to mark a line in the center perpendicular to the edge so that you can cut the wallpaper evenly. To do this, it is better to use a corner or the method of bending the wallpaper. You need to cut off the wallpaper with a very sharp knife or scissors, this must be done smoothly and evenly.
  • After you cut the roll into pieces, they must be stacked on top of each other in the sequence in which you will apply them to the walls. It is better to cut the wallpaper on each wall in turn, as it is pasted, and not on the whole room at once. For narrow sections of the room where there are doors, windows should be cut later. After all the smooth walls are pasted over, you can move on to the detailed finishing of these intermittent sections of the walls.

  • After you have cut the wallpaper, you need to prepare the glue. To do this, you must follow the instructions that are indicated on the box with the composition. Many adhesive mixtures diluted in water in the proportions indicated on the package. Water must be stirred periodically during the process of falling asleep so that lumps do not form.
  • Make sure there is no draft in the room before wallpapering, otherwise the wallpaper will peel away from the walls because the wallpaper has dried unevenly. After that, you need to draw a vertical line on the wall, which will help align the edges of the wallpaper from the corner. To do this, it is better to use a laser level.

You need to outline two points and connect them with a ruler. But the line must be made thin and barely noticeable so that the pencil does not form streaks when it gets wet on the wall.

  • On each specific type of wallpaper, it is indicated what glue should be applied to: on the canvas itself or on the wall. Most often, glue is applied only to paper wallpapers, but non-woven, vinyl wallpapers are glued to walls already covered with glue.

But many craftsmen indicate that it is better to apply glue both to the wallpaper and to the wall.

You will use more adhesive, but the coating will be fixed more efficiently and reliably. In addition, it will be easier for you to align the sheets, since the wallpaper will slide well, but not too abruptly on the wall.

  • Wallpaper must be laid out on a flat, smooth and clean surface. inside up. You need to apply glue on it with a roller, without missing a millimeter. After that, one edge of the canvas must be slightly bent towards the center and the second edge should be smeared, which should also be bent towards the center. In this form, the wallpaper must be left for impregnation.
  • In some cases, you will have to wait from 5 to 10 minutes, during which time you can additionally apply glue to the wall. To do this, you can use both a brush and a roller. After that, you can unfold the wallpaper and stick the canvas on the wall. It must be applied strictly according to the marks so that the joints are as even as possible. Apply wallpaper from top to bottom. The allowance must be located evenly.

  • The most important thing in this case is to set the right direction for the wallpaper. It is better not to open the lower edge of the wallpaper initially, since the coating can quickly stick to the wall; when folded, it will simply hang down. After you have glued the top and center parts of the wallpaper, you can unfold the bottom part and glue it.
  • After you have attached the entire canvas, you need to smooth it from the center to all edges, and then from top to bottom. If you have just smoothed the wallpaper, then you still have the opportunity to check how evenly the canvas is located relative to the line you previously outlined. If deviations are noticeable, then you need to slightly align the wallpaper by gently sliding them.
  • After that, you can make the final fixation of the wallpaper canvas. Then you need to attach the wallpaper to the wall as tightly as possible. To do this, you can use a special plastic spatula or wallpaper brush, as well as a pressure roller. In this case, it is necessary to move from top to bottom, the so-called Christmas tree.

This technology of movements involves smoothing from the center of the canvas to the side and slightly up alternately on the right and left. Thus, you will remove excess glue and air bubbles from under the surface of the wallpaper.

But you need to move very carefully so as not to damage the surface of the wallpaper, especially if they are embossed or have beautiful texture. If after that there are glue residues, you need to remove them with a special sponge previously moistened with water. This item should always be kept close at hand.

If you don't remove the extra old glue the surface will not be flat.

  • After leveling, you can trim the top edge and bottom. It is better to do this after you have pasted all the wallpaper or after each canvas in turn. Some recommend that the final ironing be done on the surface of the wallpaper with a rubber roller of a large width. Thus, the coating will be very even and tightly fixed on the wall.

  • After that, it is necessary to prepare the following wallpaper canvases and begin to paste over the walls using the same technology. In this case, you need to start from the already evenly located edge of the previous wallpaper canvas. It must be placed as close as possible to the butt joint to the first wallpaper. It is important to combine the pattern if the coating has patterns.
  • It is important that there are no gaps between the canvases. It is better to coat the canvases at the joints with glue with a thin brush, and then roll this place with a narrow roller. The right technology gluing involves checking the perfect verticality with a plumb line after every third wallpaper.

  • After you glue the entire wall, reaching the corner, you need to divide the corner sheet of wallpaper into 2 parts. Moreover, you need to measure the distance from the previous canvas to the corner line and add about a centimeter to the measured width. After each corner, it is necessary to again measure out a perfectly even vertical line so that you can build on it when gluing the next canvases.
  • In the corners, it is better to make a small overlap so that the canvases fit as well as possible to each other. At the outer corners, it is better to leave a margin of about 2 cm. This way the corner will be decorated more accurately. After you glue all solid walls, you need to move on to fragmentary wallpapering. Where there are doors and windows, you need to start pasting from the top down, pre-selecting the size of the fragments and cutting them out of the canvases.

  • After gluing the wallpaper, it is necessary to allow the coating to dry. Some wallpaper options require a different gluing technology. So, glass fiber is glued a little differently. They are not covered with glue. They need to process all the walls well.

In this case, you need to choose an adhesive composition that is designed for heavy wallpaper. Glass fiber has an important feature: the outer side of the rolls is hidden inside, so gluing them is a little easier.

But such wallpapers dry much longer, for this you need to wait a day.

Any gluing technology requires the use of some recommendations. Yes, you must follow temperature regime: the room should not be warmer than 25 degrees. It is better if the sun's rays do not fall into the room when wallpapering. Drafts are also unacceptable, the wallpaper should dry evenly.

Working with a drawing

Wallpaper with a pattern is a very elegant coating, which is used even more often than plain models. Popular wallpaper in a flower, under a tile, under decorative rock or with abstract patterns. But all of them are glued with fitting and with the selection of a pattern. The wallpaper must be cut with a small allowance, and the second roll will need to be adjusted to the first, starting from the pattern on it so that the joint is completely closed and no seams are visible.

From each roll, you need to choose a pattern that will be as similar as possible to the ornament of the adjacent strip so that the docking is correct. But this way you will use up a lot of wallpaper, so you can use another method of fitting.

You need to take two rolls of wallpaper. From the top of the first one, you need to cut off about 40 cm. Then you need to take another roll, completely unwind it and cut off about 40 cm from the reverse end. This technology is due to the fact that when cutting wallpaper, machines in factories leave a small margin, which we thus remove when cutting. This can make fitting much easier.

Each roll is cut in turn and the pattern will fit together without extra effort. This is a very simple and economical way, any person can cope with such gluing and docking, even if he acts alone, without outside help. The most difficult thing to work with a pattern is when gluing in the corners of rooms.

It is necessary to overlap, and you need to select the wallpaper not to the edge of the first roll, but to the part that will be located right in the corner. The easiest way is to glue meter-long wallpaper with a pattern, since docking will not be so difficult. It is best to join the wallpaper before sticking and lay them out on the floor in the desired sequence, so that then you can only stick them next to each other.

By itself, the technology of sticking wallpaper with a pattern is not so complicated, so it is only important to join them correctly so that the pattern does not go astray, and the walls look more elegant and presentable.

Room design options

Different rooms need to be designed differently. It is especially difficult to glue when a built-in wardrobe or kitchen set is already installed. It is also quite difficult to glue wallpaper in the area of ​​​​the doorway, especially if you have to decorate the arch with them. In addition, certain requirements are imposed on wallpaper located in different rooms:

  • For the living room it is better to purchase only high-quality and elegant wallpapers. It is better if these are coatings with beautiful patterns. In this case, a horizontal combination is perfect, since this option looks very noble. In the living room, photo wallpapers are often glued, which are placed on one of the walls. In this case, the image is better to select, depending on the interior.

Landscape wallpapers are the most popular. But in modern styles use wallpapers with images of large metropolitan cities and their attractions.

Neutral wallpaper with monograms is also often glued to the living room. They are easier to dock because the pattern is constantly repeated. In addition, it looks more interesting. The living room is also often wallpapered with vertical stripes, or the method of vertical combination is used, as this allows you to raise the ceilings, making the living room more spacious and pompous.

  • Concerning bedrooms, then in this case it is better to use the highest quality and natural breathable wallpaper. In addition, they should not have too catchy pattern. For the bedroom, ordinary paper wallpapers are most often purchased. But since they quickly fade, you need to try to choose a coating with a less catchy and dim pattern. Otherwise, you will have to constantly curtain the windows with blackout curtains.

  • In the children's room glue wallpaper with special unusual patterns. It can be a photo wallpaper with images of cartoon characters or animals, birds, cars. For a children's room, paper or vinyl wallpapers are often bought because they are natural and hypoallergenic. Paper wallpapers are ideal for a children's room, because children often paint on the walls. Thus, you will not be sorry to replace old coatings with new ones.

  • For wall decoration in the office use wallpaper with large pattern. It is better if they are as neutral and calm as possible in design.

But if the office has a small area, then you need to purchase coatings with a small pattern.

  • For kitchen it is better to buy washable wallpaper, since any dirt can be wiped off from them, including greasy spots. But fabric wallpapers are completely unsuitable for this room, like paper ones. This is due to the fact that it is almost impossible to remove stains from them, they quickly become dirty and lose their original gloss. You can stick ordinary paper wallpaper on the balcony, but if it is not insulated, then it is better to purchase non-woven or vinyl materials.

  • For bathroom and toilet it is better to choose a washable wallpaper or a coating that is resistant to moisture. Thus, fungus will not form there, and you can not worry about the integrity of your walls.

In some rooms, it may be difficult to stick wallpaper due to the fact that they already have a stretch ceiling. Initially, it is necessary to prepare it in such a way that gluing can be carried out. First you need to remove the decorative insert, which is located at the junction between the ceiling and the wall.

After that, you need to glue all the edges with masking tape stretch ceiling along the perimeter. So you protect the already installed stretch ceiling from glue stains. After that, you can proceed to wallpapering using standard technology. When all the canvases are glued, you need to install a spatula to the edge of the wallpaper and cut off the excess part of the wallpaper. Then you should remove the masking tape and install the decorative insert back at the junction of the walls and wallpaper.

See the next video for the secrets of wallpaper stickers near the stretch ceiling.

Combination rules

When combining wallpaper, many prefer the horizontal method, this is the most popular option. It is a so-called bottom plinth of wallpaper, but it is quite wide. Usually it is made darker than the light upper part and the wallpaper is sized horizontally from a ratio of one to two. Top part always twice as large as the bottom.

In this case, you can combine not only wallpaper, but also this material with another, when decorating walls, different ways and options. But this option has one important property: it allows you to make the ceiling in the hall higher.

Owners of rooms with high ceilings can afford another type of horizontal combination:

  • A narrow top can also be made along the ceiling, but when gluing it is important to properly align the top strip parallel to the floor so that the design of the room looks very harmonious. This method of gluing is perfect for decorating halls, dining rooms with high ceilings. With their help, you can slightly underestimate the ceilings and focus on them.

When combined in a horizontal way, you can use two contrasting shades or one related to the dark color scheme, and the second - to the light.


You can not glue the wallpaper without preparing the walls. Remove the old layer first. Regardless of the type of wallpaper, different reasons, they may not succumb to the stubborn actions of the spatula. In this case, moisten them with a soap solution mixed with a small amount of glue. Cut dense wallpaper in several places so that the mixture quickly penetrates into the structure of the material.

Remove with a spatula upper layer. Saturate the residue again and remove completely. Wash the wall with soapy water and remove loose plaster. Putty places with cracks and cavities in an even layer. Apply a primer on top, which is sold in hardware stores.

To save money, coat the walls with a solution prepared from 500 ml of PVA glue in a bucket of water. Go over the places with putty again. Such manipulations help to smooth out the bumps a little so that the wallpaper lays down easily without showing various shortcomings walls, and served for a long time.

Before purchasing wallpaper, calculate required amount rolls. To do this, measure the length of the wall, add this number and divide by the width of the wallpaper. Their diversity in appearance, structure, type of material, price category has no boundaries. It is easier and cheaper to glue wallpapers that do not require pattern matching. Start on the wall next to the window. Dilute the glue as indicated on the package, kneading all lumps until smooth.

Using a plumb line, draw a straight vertical line on the wall to which the first strip will align. Measure its length from ceiling to floor, adding about 10 cm to the resulting number. Cut the required number of strips of the calculated length and fold them in one place. On the packaging with wallpaper it is indicated whether to glue only the canvas or the wall with glue, or all together, it is noted what time and whether it is necessary for impregnation.

Spread the glue over the wallpaper with a brush from the center to the edges so as not to stretch them in length. If necessary, lubricate the wall, making strokes along and across. Bring the folded canvas with adhesive parts inside to the drawn line, and, starting to fit to it, glue the strip. Using a roller, brush or soft cloth, press down on the wallpaper from the center to the sides so that air escapes and no bubbles appear. Cut off the excess from the top and bottom with a construction knife. Or draw a line with a pencil, and then with scissors, slightly sticking out the wallpaper, cut off the strip.

Badly sticking edges, grease with glue and carefully go over with a roller. If the wallpaper is thin, you can glue the next strip on top of the previous one, dense ones - only end-to-end. Pierce the formed air bubbles with a needle. With a syringe filled with glue, inject the mass and gently press down. During and after work, all openings must be tightly closed so that the wallpaper does not peel off.
