An interesting idea for a bedroom (photo). Modern bedroom design - decorating the interior In what style to make a bedroom

A stylish bedroom is a place where you can relax, unwind, rejuvenate and recharge your batteries. In order for the rest to be pleasant, the bedroom must be stylish and its owner likes it. The design of the bedroom primarily depends on the taste preferences of the owner of the room. Modern tendencies provide a wide choice design techniques that allow you to decorate the bedroom in a variety of styles. The interior for the bedroom should be neutral, as the bedroom should have a positive impact on the psycho-emotional state of its owner.

Decorating a bedroom can bring a lot of trouble to those who get down to business without pre-training. When deciding to change the interior of a room, it is important to study in detail the modern design trends and primas that help make the room stylish and functional.

In the design of the room, it is important to take into account not only fashion trends, but also take into account the size of the bedroom, its shape, and natural light.

There are a number of tips from modern designers that you can follow when decorating a room in any style.

  • This year, the use of black and white shades is popular.
  • Furniture should be multifunctional, stylish, original. It is she who is the center of the whole composition in the interior.
  • First of all, the room should be functional and spacious. It is necessary to get rid of interior items that do not carry a functional load.
  • Textured and contrasting finishes must be done correctly, otherwise the finish may spoil general form bedrooms.

The bedroom can be decorated stylishly and functionally, adhering to simple rules. This year, designers are focusing on multifunctional furniture and a minimum of design elements.

Stylish bedrooms 2018: a variety of styles

Modern interior design presents a variety of styles. Before you design a bedroom, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics and features of each style.

The bedroom will be stylish if it harmoniously combines decoration, furniture, textiles and decorative elements.

Most different styles in the interior allow you to embody interesting design ideas. When designing, it is important to remember that conciseness and practicality are in fashion today.

Fashionable styles in the interior of 2018

  • Minimalism. This style is concise. The bedroom in this style is spacious, with a minimum amount of furniture and decor items. To decorate a room in this style I use built-in furniture. This is especially convenient if the bedroom is small.
  • High tech. The style is characterized by following technical innovations. Such a room is characterized by the presence of the most fashionable and functional equipment.
  • Loft. The bedroom in this style should be spacious, with high ceilings. This style is characterized by the use of room zoning reception.
  • East style. The bedroom in this style will be cozy and comfortable. It is characterized by rich decoration and the use of textiles.
  • Classic style. This style is always in fashion. It is characterized by the use of quality and expensive materials, beautiful furniture made from natural materials. Of particular importance here is the design of windows.

When choosing a style for a bedroom, it is important to consider its size and shape. It is important to pay attention to the fact that many modern designers are abandoning the rich decoration of the room in favor of simplicity and sophistication.

Stylish bedroom interiors: trends - 2018

The style in the interior is determined by such important details as the design of the floor and walls, the choice of furniture, decor items, lighting.

To make the bedroom stylish, it is important to pay attention to all the elements that make up the overall interior.

For interior design, it is best to seek the help of a professional designer. He is always up to date with the latest trends and will be able to put his knowledge into practice, taking into account the wishes of the owner of the room.

Basics stylish interior:

  • For clearance floor covering It is best to use carpet, parquet or laminate. It is important to take into account the overall style in the interior.
  • To decorate the walls, you can use the traditional method of pasting walls with wallpaper, of which there are a great many on the construction market. The walls can be painted, giving them an original texture.
  • To decorate the ceilings, you can use drywall, suspended or stretch ceilings.
  • For window decoration, curtains made of airy and transparent fabrics are used. Thick curtains are hung if the room is on the sunny side.

When designing a bedroom, it is important to consider its functional load. Usually surfaces are finished with natural materials of light shades.

Stylish bedroom furniture

The choice of furniture is a responsible procedure. Furniture affects the style of the interior. It should be practical, functional and at the same time have a beautiful appearance.

In 2018, designers pay attention to the bed. That is what they put in the center of the interior. The bed should first of all be comfortable and fulfill its original purpose.

Today, the modern choice of beds is replete with a wide variety of materials and shapes. Sleeping place today it becomes not just a central place in the interior of the bedroom, the bed can become a real work of art.

Bedroom decor examples

  • Bed with upholstered headboard. This bed can be arranged in bright colors provided that the overall decoration of the room has a light shade.
  • Use of a frameless bed. Great solution is the use of the mattress as an independent bed.
  • The use of a metal bed with forged decorative elements is always considered fashionable.
  • The trend remains the use of pallets as a frame for the mattress.
  • The use of small bedside tables near the bed remains in fashion.
  • A stylish and fashionable solution would be to use a tall chest of drawers and built-in wardrobes.

A wide selection of fashionable furniture allows you to choose the right items that will make the bedroom a comfortable place to relax and spend free time.

Stylish bedroom design (video)

A stylish bedroom today combines convenience, comfort and simplicity. Designers advise decorating a bedroom in pastel colors. The trend of this season is the design of the room in white.

When arranging a room, it is important to consider that the bedroom should be spacious, you need to get rid of unnecessary and old things in favor of free space. When decorating a bedroom, it is important to follow the main rule of a stylish interior - harmonious combination colors and materials of all interior items.

Stylish bedroom design (photo)

People spend almost a third of their lives in a dream, so it is very important that the place intended for relaxation is as comfortable as possible. A pleasant interior will help you relax and forget about all the things outside the bed. For ideas and tips on how to create a piece of paradise from a small bedroom, you will find in this article.

Choosing an interior style

If when planning the interior of a living room, kitchen or study, you have to think first of all about their functionality, then in the relaxation area it is permissible to give free rein to imagination and listen to the desires of the soul. The basis for design experiments in a small bedroom can be styles such as Scandinavian, modern, classic, minimalism, loft or Provence.

Small modern bedroom

The small bedroom of the 21st century is all about clear graphic lines, calm tones and no unnecessary items.

Modern style suggests a neat, but reliable furniture without additional decor. The walls and ceiling are plain, in gray, white or beige tones. Black, chocolate and navy blue finishes are best reserved for large rooms. The floor can be covered with parquet, laminate or carpet in a discreet color. Metallic sheen, chrome handles, polished wood, mirrors - all this reflects light and visually enlarges the space.

Accents are allowed in the form of paintings, exquisite floor lamps, ceramic figures, indoor plants. Bed linen should be silk or cotton, without noticeable prints. Spot LED lightening along the perimeter and bedside sconces with matte milky white shades will help create a calm atmosphere and tune in to a serene sleep.

Small bedroom in classic style

This style will be appreciated by lovers of luxury. Marshmallow shades of white, pink, peach, light lilac are ideally combined with aristocratic golden and silver patterns, plaster moldings, columns and crystal chandeliers.

The carved furniture, painted in ivory tone enamel, will create a majestic atmosphere of the palace. The head of the bed can be upholstered in soft leather. Windows should be covered with curtains made of brocade, velvet, satin to match general design. The same fabrics are suitable for a canopy. The bedspread can be jacquard, with shimmering patterns. The abundance of light in a "precious" frame will turn an ordinary small room into a truly royal bedchamber.

Small bedroom in Provence style

Romantic natures who love the atmosphere of the south of France, as better fit provence style. All interior details should be designed in pastel colors - white and blue, pink, light purple, pale green and beige. From textiles, it is preferable to choose as if burnt out, faded chintz with a small floral ornament, in tiny polka dots, a cage, rhombuses.

Furniture for a small bedroom in the Provence style is desirable to choose a simple and without pretentiousness. It can be made of light wood without varnish or painted white (you can with light shade) color.

Small bedroom in loft style

Initially, the term "loft" was used to refer to former factories, industrial warehouses and offices that were converted into housing. They are characterized by the lack of decoration on the walls, a lot of free space, high ceilings and big windows. However, some ideas from this style may well be useful to freshen up the interior of a small bedroom.

For example, instead of boring wallpaper or plaster, only bare brickwork, concrete panels or their imitation are left. A simple bed without legs is set directly on the plank floor. Everything should look like it’s a freelance artist’s temporary home: no decorative frills, except for a couple of black and white prints, a thin-framed mirror and high-tech lamps for lighting.

For the sake of visually enlarging the room, you can expand the window, turning it into a panoramic one, and order a wardrobe with glossy metal doors. The role of curtains in the loft should be performed by blinds or simple curtains with vertical folds.

Small minimalist bedroom

This is the most best option for a small bedroom. It completely lacks any frills - no curls, patterns, decor or decorations. One or two colors close in spectrum or contrasting colors in the design, perfectly even, smooth surfaces, clear furniture, lamps of simple geometric shapes - all this greatly saves space. So simple and modern solution like it business people With rational approach to life.

Small bedroom in Scandinavian style

The first association with Scandinavia is transparency and coolness. Decorating in airy whites with light brown or gray-blue accents is worth choosing for rooms facing South and located in warm climates. This finish will make it easier to endure the heat, create a feeling of freshness and lightness. A Scandinavian-style bedroom should be reminiscent of snow-capped mountain peaks and icy rivers.

Color solutions

Since we are talking about bedrooms with a small area, the main attention should be focused on a light palette. Colors close to white reflect more light and visually expand the room.

small white bedroom

No wonder this color was chosen by nature itself to cover the sleeping earth in winter: it lulls, relaxes, creates an atmosphere of purity and peace. In a completely snow-white room, sleep will come in a matter of minutes, and if you want to add romance, just use colored lighting.

small blue bedroom

Decoration in heavenly shades shoots nervous tension and cools the body. It will be appropriate if the apartment is often hot. For active, active people, this color will help to dissipate energy a little and enjoy dreams.

small green bedroom

Herbal, light green, emerald, marine - they all create a feeling of freshness, provide a welcome rest to the eyes and nervous system. This is the easiest color to perceive, because it is located right in the middle of the rainbow spectrum.

Green is the color of life, and combine it in the bedroom with calm natural shades: gray, brown, sandy yellow, turquoise or lavender.

small purple bedroom

Soft purple tone appears in the sky in the evening, after sunset. It envelops the horizon with a light haze and seems to invite you into the fairy-tale realm of dreams. In the bedroom, it can be a great addition to green, yellow or pink elements. Purple also looks harmonious with white, beige and cream colors.

small yellow bedroom

This sunny color is perfect for a bedroom that lacks warmth (for example, there is no window or it faces north). Sand, lemon, saffron, golden will make the room bright and warm. Shades of yellow are uplifting and fill life with joy, and they are best combined with white, green, blue, purple or brown.

small gray bedroom

Gray is the calmest and most neutral color. It is much softer than black, so it will not look bulky. This is a wonderful backdrop for anyone. bright accents, and in itself it has conciseness and restraint. Light or silver options gray color suitable for all interior styles.

Finishes and materials

The choice of materials for finishing the bedroom is not limited to almost anything. Humidity in this room is normal, exposure to ultraviolet radiation and other factors is minimal. The only important condition that should not be neglected is the safety of materials: they must not contain harmful impurities and emit toxic fumes.


The floor in the bedroom is best made of warm material. It can be wooden parquet, laminate, carpet. To make the space seem more voluminous, it is worth abandoning dark and non-uniform colors, and laying boards or other vertical drawings perpendicular to the window. The carpet should blend in with the main shade, or completely cover the room, otherwise it will "cut" and reduce it.


The best choice for a small bedroom is light-colored walls, one-color or with a small, almost imperceptible pattern. This can be whitewashing, painting, decorative plaster (possible with reflective sparkles), wallpaper, wood paneling and cork.

For the loft style, it is better to choose white or grayish masonry (under silicate brick or sandstone).


To visually make the bedroom taller, the ceiling should be glossy. It is good that it reflects the light from the side sconces. A three-dimensional effect can be achieved by placing a mirror stretch film in a plasterboard frame.

For romantic design a ceiling in the form of a blue or starry sky, with a 3D space pattern and elements flickering in the dark, is suitable. Images of planets, large figures, rich colors in the design of a small bedroom should be avoided.


The choice of fabrics must be consistent with the overall style. But in any case, they should not be dark and contain large prints. Curtains are best purchased light, airy, made of synthetic fabrics.

Bed linen in a small bedroom would look better in monochrome, diluted white shades or gray. To sleep comfortably, it is better to give preference to high-quality natural fabrics made of cotton, silk or linen.

Placement of furniture, appliances and accessories

When everything is in order with the decoration and the bedroom looks more spacious, it's time to think about how to maximum benefit apply its real area. Each type of room has its own recommendations and features.

small square bedroom

If all sides are of equal length, there is no particular problem. So, the bed can be installed in the center, headboard to a deaf or furniture wall, on the sides - high chests of drawers or pencil cases, and on the other wall - a wardrobe. It is good to save space with an elevation-podium with retractable shelves, inside which it is easy to hide clothes, bed linen and various things needed in the household.

Narrow (rectangular) small bedroom

To visually balance the room, on a long wall it is worth sticking photo wallpapers with a three-dimensional perspective, and on the opposite wall, for example, install a cabinet with a glossy surface. narrow walls can be expanded with horizontal stripes, which can be not only painted, but also functional, in the form of wide shelving shelves.

Small custom bedroom

They have an unusual layout attic rooms, corners left after zoning or redevelopment, as well as lofts converted from non-residential premises. They can use interesting furniture - round, oval, triangular beds, chests of drawers with bevelled edges, cabinets of non-standard configuration, hammocks, hanging shelves. This approach will provide not only comfort and convenience, but also give the interior of the bedroom a unique uniqueness.


In the sleeping area, it is better to do without bright overhead light and overhanging large-sized chandeliers. To create a soft atmosphere, a few spotlights on the ceiling will be enough, wall sconces and one or two comfortable floor lamps on the bedside tables.

Additional shimmer can be given by reflective particles or golden patterns in wall decor.

Design of a small bedroom in Khrushchev

In Soviet apartments, the usual bedroom area is 8-9 sq.m. Of course, there is not much space, but it is quite possible to place the furniture and accessories necessary for sleeping.

Achieving this is simple: you need to install a podium, raise the height of the cabinets to the ceiling, arrange storage space under the bed, and also expand the window sill, turning it into an additional working area or ladies corner.

In children's bedrooms, it makes sense to use bunk and folding structures.

Association with other premises

In the conditions of cramped apartments, a good solution could be to expand a small bedroom due to adjacent rooms.

The combination of a small bedroom with a living room

This option is usually used to divide the studio into a living room and a bedroom. At the same time, the area for the bed can simply be closed from prying eyes with a canopy, a screen, a tall wardrobe, and can also be located behind a plasterboard or plywood partition.

One of the most fashionable in the last couple of years, and we can safely predict its success in the future. Two main advantages explain its popularity: comfort and relative budget. Scandinavian bedroom can be done with and accessories.

Characteristics of the "northern" interior - a lot of light, pastel shades, green plants, geometry and simplicity. Furniture should be made of wood, natural or artificial, with the addition of soft fabric upholstery or forged items.

Interior design: Anna Furbacken

2 Bedroom in classic style

The classic is always relevant. Most middle-aged Russians choose this option, as it is quite conservative, despite the fact that the main association with it is pomposity. Classics can be different, it is enough to choose the appropriate furniture and exquisite accessories - the bedroom will already turn out to be cozy and elegant.

Interior Design: ZE-MOOV HOME Studio

3 Art Nouveau interior

Modern always corresponds to fashion trends, it is a rather flexible style, always up-to-date. A modern bedroom with an "modern" interior is made in (gray, brown, blue and their shades), the furniture is selected with smooth lines - this gives harmony to the space, which is very important for the comfort of the bedroom.

4 Minimalistic bedroom

The desire for minimalism in recent years has been observed more and more - a bedroom in this style can turn out to be very comfortable, since the absence of unnecessary details contributes to calmness and the necessary comfort. Most often, designers choose plain interiors: gray, white, brown, blue shades. Minimalism can be very flexible - just change the textiles and the room can sparkle in a new way.

5 High-tech bedroom

High-tech style is always Hi-tech and technical advances. , various lighting options and ergonomic furniture. Those who do not like unnecessary movements and want to see their bedroom as equipped as possible for relaxation will choose high-tech.

6 Modern Style Bedroom

Since the concept of "modern" is quite broad, this style is constantly changing. Today, the modern bedroom is in harmony with the moderate colors and cozy textiles.

Interior design: Studio Concept58

7 Country bedroom interior

Country style implies maximum coziness and comfort. For the bedroom, many people choose it, they love this style and designers, as it is quite diverse, despite certain rules: an abundance of textiles, patterns in the form of flowers or cells, artificially aged wood, decor in the form of paintings in wooden frame, live or artificial flowers in pots and vases.

Interior design: Maxim Noda, Nomax studio

8 Loft style bedroom

Loft bedrooms are very popular lately. Initially, the style does not imply coziness, which is important for this room, but with the help of thoughtful design, a room can become comfortable. brick or concrete walls, wooden floors, leather furniture and minimalist textiles, warm colors and plenty of light - and the loft-style bedroom will become your favorite room in the house.

Interior design: studio ART-B.O.S.

9 Eco-style in the interior of the bedroom

The bedroom in will become the center of cleanliness and freshness among the dusty city. Only natural materials, green plants and accessories, cotton and linen textiles - eco-interior is gaining more and more popularity today.

Interior design: Marina Lapteva

10 Art Deco Bedroom

Art Deco is called a mixture of modernism and neoclassicism. It is distinguished by strict geometric shapes, decoration in halftones, luxury and expensive modern materials (leather, aluminum, natural wood). Today, rarely anyone makes a "pure" art deco, this requires a large budget. Therefore, most often in the interior of the bedroom you can find elements of this style: in furniture, accessories, wall decoration. For example, as in the case in the photo.

Interior design: Marina Dadiani

11 American Bedroom Style

The American style room combines modernity and comfort. Most often, light colors are chosen for wall decoration, and they “play” with furniture in contrast. Be sure to have bedside tables and shelving, where it is so convenient to put a book or put a glass of water, as well as a large number of pillows and soft blanket. If the area allows, a large wardrobe and an armchair will also look good in the interior.

12 English interior

The so-called British Style has been formed since the Middle Ages, and, of course, has changed over the centuries. An English-style bedroom is an "island" of comfort and tranquility, its obligatory attribute is with an unusual headboard: forged, carved wood, fabric, as in the photo.

13 Eclectic Bedroom

Eclecticism appeared in the 18th century, and the first thing that comes to mind when mentioning this style is a mixture of everything. Taste is the basis of eclecticism, in such an interior you can really combine a variety of items with a completely different history but it takes a skilled hand. As a rule, the background is a neutral color: beige, light gray, olive. An eclectic bedroom will appeal to lovers of experimentation, but when creating it, it is important to use styles that are close to each other.

Interior design: Marina Lapteva

14 Pop art in the design of the bedroom

Atypical solution for the bedroom, but definitely fashionable. Usually this style involves white walls and decorating them with bright posters and drawings. can be called budget style, since you do not need to look for expensive furniture from natural materials- Enough to show creativity and imagination.

Interior design: Elena Bulagina

15 Fusion Bedroom Interior

Many consider him a follower of eclecticism, but more modern. As for its "parent", in the fusion interior you need to combine the incongruous - no boring frames and certainty. However, if in eclecticism this combination is historically dictated by circumstances and styles close to each other are often used, fusion is a deliberate departure from the framework. The main colors of this interior: green, crimson, gold and turquoise: a "nuclear" mixture for the bedroom, but certainly interesting.

Interior design: Elena Pegasova

16 Mediterranean Style Bedrooms

The key definition is lightness, so it is the best fit for the bedroom. The main colors of such an interior should be natural: white, yellow, blue, green, brown and their shades. Furniture is most often used wooden, classic brown or whitewashed. AT mediterranean style decoration and functionality are mixed, so no extra items and accessories are usually needed.

Interior Design: Sweet Home Design Studio

17 Interior in Provence style

"French Provence" - one name guarantees comfort and romance, so this style is very relevant for the bedroom. In order to create the desired interior, you need to follow several simple rules: wooden furniture, pastel shades (you can use olive or lavender), plants (live, you can use dried bouquets), a lot of textiles and softness. Candles and beautiful candelabra will add the necessary romance to the interior.

Interior design: Anna Simonova Interior Studio

18 Neoclassical bedroom

Non-classical is good for those lovers of traditions who do not tolerate excessive pomposity. This style will fit perfectly into a room of any size due to its restraint. In the decoration of the walls, you can with a pattern, but then choose more discreet furniture. AT contemporary bedroom a secretaire and an exquisite dressing table made of natural wood with chairs, small pillows will add comfort.

Interior design: Marina Lapteva

19 Vintage interior

Vintage is an extensive style that can include elements of different and therefore look diverse. Depending on the time period that is chosen for the interior, you need to select furniture, accessories and finishes. The only bright distinguishing feature- the aging of things, but not antiquity. Items must function perfectly and fulfill their purpose - just look like they were bought at least 50 years ago.

Interior design: Daria Misyura

20 Bedroom in the style of functionalism

The bedroom should be simple but modern. Each piece of furniture placed in the room must perform its assigned function, and it is advisable not to use unnecessary elements. Primary function, not form - this is the basic principle of modern functionalism.

Interior design: Dina Salakhova, BespaceStudio

21 Urban bedroom interior

Urban means "urban", and this defines the style features: functionality and practicality, pieces of furniture made of glass, metal, plastic and wood, clarity of lines. A bedroom in this style should be concise, wall decoration is simple. It is also important to choose plain textiles.

Interior design: VAE design & architecture studio

22 Oriental interior

East is a delicate matter. How many times have you heard this statement? Probably hundreds. But in creation oriental interior bedrooms will have to show that very “subtlety”. Oriental style is divided into several sub-styles that are opposite to each other. If we are talking about Asia, then this is restrained minimalism, and if we are talking about the Middle East - chic and luxury, an abundance of fabrics and gold. Choose - you.

23 Shabby chic bedroom

Many designers will say that shabby chic is women's style. There is indeed logic in the statement, because it suggests tenderness, light shades of furniture and accessories, pink color and exquisite interior items (for example, carved candelabra) - in general, a real paradise for girls.

Interior design: Irina Tatarnikova

24 Contemporary bedroom

Contemporary is first of all comfort. For an interior in this style, you do not need to buy an abundance of decor and furniture, look for aged things - quite simple and comfortable furniture from wood (natural or artificial), eye-pleasing shades and textiles, which are associated with convenience.

Interior Design: Special-Style Studio

25 Bedroom in Greek style

Greece is a standard of taste and beauty, even the ancient inhabitants thought so. Today, of course, the Greek style is not always antiquity and pomposity. It involves white walls, preferably with a finish in the form decorative plaster so that the relief is visible. Wooden furniture and ornamental décor complete a true modern Greek bedroom.

Romanticism is a style that will adequately complete our article on bedrooms. After all, this room for the majority involves a romantic mood, airiness and lightness. The main materials will be wood (most often walnut, as it has a natural light shade), ceramics, natural fabrics. A bedroom in the style of romanticism must be with subdued light, but in pastel shades.

Interior design: ChDecoration studio

Thanks to this, a calm, free, simple style without frills has firmly lingered at the height of fashion.

When choosing an interior for a bedroom, you need to take into account all the wishes of those people who plan to spend their holidays there.

It is based on their joint tastes and ideas that you can begin to plan the design of the bedroom.

Furniture, accessories, colors - all these elements of the interior affect the overall look of the room and the atmosphere in the bedroom.

The atmosphere formed in the bedroom with the help of a properly designed interior, in turn, has a positive effect on the quality of a person's rest.
Thanks to modern materials and the capabilities of specialists, you can make a unique author's design for the bedroom.

The choice of style for the bedroom

Properly chosen style should satisfy all the inhabitants of the room.

Briefly about styles

  1. Provence

Bedrooms decorated in Provence style have a very gentle atmosphere and are suitable for romantic people who miss a simple, rustic, but somewhat sophisticated interior. It contains ruffles, sewing, natural fabrics and a small floral pattern. Canopies are allowed.

A large number of textiles and various pillows stacked on chairs and beds are also an attribute of this style.

Also in the interior of the Provence style, furniture with wrought iron details is very well suited. Sentimental trinkets, arranged as if by chance in different places in the bedroom, natural warm colors, semi-antique furniture - and the Provence-style bedroom will decorate the apartment.

This style is reminiscent of the French countryside in spirit and feel.

When choosing the Provence style, you should be prepared for a constant fight against dust, as textiles, pillows and knick-knacks have the ability to collect it on themselves. Therefore, when creating a bedroom in this style, you need to be able to often clean, wash and wipe the interior items of the bedroom, but, as you know, beauty requires sacrifice.

  1. Minimalism

The style of Minimalism differs sharply from Provence. However, this direction of interior design is preferable in terms of easy maintenance, and is suitable for those people who do not want to spend a lot of time on regular cleanliness in the bedroom.

The minimalist style is suitable for those people who do not want to spend a lot of time on regular cleanliness in the bedroom.

Choosing this style, you should abandon almost all decor, and purchase simple, concise furniture. Ideally, this will be a closet, dressing table and bed.

A bedroom in the style of minimalism implies a minimum of furniture: a wardrobe, a dressing table and a bed.

In order to remove the feeling of emptiness, designers use the following tricky trick. In the bedroom, decorated in the style of minimalism, you can focus on one single decoration, it should have strict perfect lines and attract the eye right away.

The right decor object will make the interior of the bedroom in the style of minimalism perfect.
  1. Ethnic bedroom style

To design a room in an ethnic style, you need to purchase furniture or other interior elements that are related in design to objects of any nationality. These can be rooms decorated in the Japanese style or in the style of a Russian village.

Japanese style bedroom interior.
The interior of the bedroom, made in the style of a Russian village.

Choosing this style, you can embody the interior according to the customs of any nationality or by imitating their attributes, a bed, a nightstand, lamps and other items in the room. In order to emphasize the involvement in this or that image of the people of the world in the interior, furniture with traditional ornaments and drawings, paintings with folklore plots, sculptures and household items as souvenirs are often used.

In order to emphasize the involvement in a particular image of the people of the world, furniture with traditional ornaments is used in the interior.
  1. Modern for the bedroom

Beauty and luxury combined in this style looks unobtrusive and aesthetically pleasing. Bright colors and small details are sometimes not very easy to put in the image of a bedroom, but if desired and being exactly sure of their taste, some people cope with this. When choosing a modern style for a bedroom, you need to be very careful when buying furniture and textiles.

In order to withstand the Art Nouveau style in the bedroom, the walls need to be painted in a smooth solid color, against which the color variety of furniture and other decorative elements will look good.

And also a mandatory element is the minimum set of furniture in the room. An interesting version of the Art Nouveau interior is a combination of light gray walls and properly selected non-standard design bed, flooring and a minimum set for lighting.

An interesting version of the Art Nouveau interior is a combination of light gray walls with furniture and floors.
  1. Classic

The classic style is the calmest of all. Familiar to almost everyone and suitable in most cases. It speaks of the traditional tastes of the hosts and is simple to perform.

Strict furniture is welcome here classical form, calm muted colors, wood or wood-imitating materials predominate.

Interior design while increasing the space of the bedroom due to the loggia

If the bedroom is small, but there is a loggia nearby, this is a great option to increase the area. You can arrange additional space in the form of a large niche. This bedroom looks very interesting. The opening formed from the exit to the loggia can be arranged in the form of an arch.

Divide the space of the loggia and the area of ​​the bedroom with light partitions or leave the space free - this choice remains with the owners of the room.

If you manage to place the bed “facing” the arch in which the loggia window is formed, you will get a great option, but on condition that a good view opens from the window. In order to be able to admire the picture from the window without curtains, the window should be tinted on the outside of the glass.

Interesting bedroom interior with a combined loggia.
If there are problems with the view from the window, you can decorate the window opening with beautiful curtains.

Interior design and colors

For the bedroom, the choice of color is very important point. The bed is the place where a person rests, and the decoration around it should be conducive to rest and not interfere with sleep. In creating an atmosphere conducive to sleep, two color options can help.

The first option is muted shades of rather catchy colors. For example, burgundy, black, dark gray, brown, blue.

Muted shades of blue bedroom tones.

Another option is to choose gentle shades and decorate the bedroom in pastel colors. For these purposes, shades of pink, pale blue, light lilac, pale yellow and other pastel colors are suitable.

The bedroom, made in light lilac tones, will fill with calmness and serenity.
Bedroom design in yellow tones.

When planning the design in the bedrooms, experts rarely use bright flashy colors and large ornaments in the decoration.

Exceptions are those cases when it is required to implement some ideas in the design.

Design and interior elements

When adding the finishing touches to the image of the bedroom, you need to think about the little things that will complete the design of the room. For example, if the Provence style is chosen, it is worth providing the interior with several decorative pillows, it is permissible to install a floor lamp or a table lamp with the appropriate design.

When choosing the Provence style, do not forget about the decor elements - pillows located on beds and armchairs. You can also hang a canopy over the bed.

If a minimalist design style is chosen, you need to look more carefully for the accent and the main decoration of the bedroom. With a minimum of furnishings, each item catches the eye and should look stylish and perfect from all sides, as it is often the main object of the interior.

It could be large vase, an elegant sculpture with simple lines or a painting with a corresponding image.

The bedroom should cause a desire to sleep, because this is the main purpose of the room, and how to equip it is a private matter for the owners of the room.

Video: Bedroom design

50 bedroom interior photos:

As a rule, we spend almost a third of our lives in the bedroom. Accordingly, since we use such rooms very often, they should be as convenient, stylish and comfortable as possible. We propose to consider the most best designs bedrooms in the photo of the interior of the bedrooms, as well as consider in more detail questions regarding the choice of finishing materials, textiles and furniture for organizing such rooms.

small bedroom interior design ideas

In fact, it is the small bedrooms that are the most comfortable. There is absolutely inappropriate vanity, as well as loud sounds. As for creating comfortable space to sleep and rest is actually not as difficult as it may seem.

As for the issue of designing small bedrooms, this is a very important issue not only for apartments in which typical layout. Regardless of which city, and even which country you live in, everywhere you can suffer from crowding and lack of space. But there is salvation! Modern designers, known all over the world, have already managed to develop a huge variety of various designs interior, among which everyone can choose the most suitable option for themselves.

Bedroom interior styles

For small rooms, it is quite acceptable to design in rustic styles. True, this is not about establishing, as in old days, yarn or torch. However, a variety of items made from natural materials may well be used. They will give the rooms incredible comfort and warmth.

For those who absolutely do not like and do not accept the rustic style, they can choose the Hi-tech or classic version, but in a discreet design.

As for the bedrooms, which have an area of ​​​​ten squares, even with a great desire, it makes no sense to embody the chalet style in them, or modern loft, since such options are used for large areas. However, you can use some of their options in separate versions of other style decisions.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with existing features styles that come in the design of bedrooms:

  • Modern - it is practical and comfortable, in addition, it can combine various elements inherent in different options styles.
  • Classic, for which textile design is inherent, beds are placed large sizes with headboards, acceptable use complex shapes with patterns, the presence of wealth with luxury, the composition should be unified.
  • In Provence, pastel shades are used and, of course, natural materials with floral motifs. Various trinkets can also be used.
  • Japanese style, in which everything is in complete unity, using natural materials. The most used colors here are: black, white, red, as well as natural shades.
  • If we talk about minimalism, then this version of the modern style of the bedroom is international Japan, where pastel shades are acceptable, there may be several accents. Besides. What should be the maximum here simple shapes everything must be functional.
  • Modern, contemporary style

It will take time to make the design as practical as possible. With the course of the modern pace of life, we are increasingly striving for that. To make everything as simple and convenient as possible, on the other hand - clean and functional. In addition, if the bedroom is completely small size, it really has nowhere to place some complex options structures and structures. Moreover, the smaller the room is forced, the visually it looks larger. This is exactly what should be applied when designing in the Art Nouveau style, the main advantages of which include:

  • To organize lighting, there are no special requirements.
  • The main idea is convenient and comfortable furniture.
  • Any technological innovations and implementations fit perfectly.
  • Materials can be used in a variety of ways.
  • Fantasy can be limitless. In Art Nouveau, any traditional, as well as trendy interior items are related.

Worth considering! Modern is a universal style that fits into any room, regardless of its size and purpose.

Classic bedroom interior

In such design options, it is customary to translate into reality the comfort and luxury that were used in the emperors' quarters. In such a room, the main focus will be the bed, in which there must be a high headboard. Rather, it is not just a bed, but a real bed in which an idle rest with bliss will await you. If you prefer options for rich finishes, ruffled curtains in in large numbers, lots of pillows, as well as a bed with a high headboard, a classic - exactly what you need. It's just the perfect solution!

Classic features include:

  • Textiles in abundance. It's about and about the hand-made carpets and draperies that adorn the walls, and the tiered type of curtains, bedspreads and bed curtains.
  • Your status as a home owner will be emphasized by the snow-white color scheme.
  • The bed should be large enough, and it must have a large, high headboard. At the same time, it is decorated quite generously.
  • There must be a single composition.

If the bedroom is small, the classics in it can create the feeling of being cramped and cluttered. Therefore, if you still decide to design a bedroom in a classic style, the composition should be thought out very carefully.

Interior of a bright bedroom in Provence style

This style is characterized by options for pastel colors, flowers in flowerpots, as well as prints, furnishings from wooden furniture, as well as many other souvenirs. Such an interior is somewhat old-fashioned to some extent, at the same time it is airy, in which you will be distracted from the daily hustle and bustle.

Its features include naturalness. In this version of interior design, everything is simple and clear, without frills. After all, Provence is a subspecies rustic style. Accordingly, replace silk curtains with chintz material, on which a discreet flower will be applied. On the floor, lay parquet made of natural wood, or laminate with imitation of aged wood.

Little Japan style

For those who didn't know, Japan is a whole philosophy. The idea of ​​creating interior design that everything is simple and close to nature, due to the fact that people strive to understand themselves, is reflected in the design of this style. As for the situation as a whole, there is only everything that is necessary, and there is absolutely nothing superfluous. Do not use technological type of materials, choose natural wood. Compared with the Provence style, silk will be the most appropriate here. Other natural types of materials are also very suitable here, such as: wood and bamboo, porcelain and stone, silk threads. It is on them that the emphasis should be placed when decorating the interiors.

The Japanese are skilled masters of riddles. After all, they are able to see even a shadow that generates light. This is manifested by the design of lighting, and in this option style. For example, spotlights and candles are used as an alternative to chandeliers. This takes into account objects that fall into bright zones, and the light is muted, which does not reveal to anyone all the secrets of the bedroom.

Use colors such as a contrasting version of white, black or red, which are complemented with a neutral gray tint. The room can look warmer if the design uses options of natural shades, for example, brown, or coffee with milk, delicate beige. This style option is one of the few in which black furniture looks quite appropriate.

What features characterize Japanese style bedrooms? These include the following:

  • Lighting should be both strong and subdued.
  • Materials should be used exclusively natural.
  • There is nothing superfluous, each existing item must have its own style and purpose, and the place must be clearly defined.
  • If any decorations or accessories are used, they must necessarily correspond to the original idea. For example, there may be fans on the walls, a doll in national clothes sits on a shelf, and you may also have a screen. Moreover, each item necessarily refers to the Japanese style.
  • The furniture has simple geometric shapes. Anything extra in this version of the interior will look completely ridiculous.


To some extent, this style is similar to Japanese. And there and there should not be anything superfluous, the forms are simple, and attention is focused on the maximum free space. You can even say so, as if minimalism is a variation of an international variation on the theme of laconic interior design. For those who love lush classics, as well as luxury, this style is unlikely to be to their liking. Nevertheless, minimalism will appeal to many owners of small apartments, which are often found in panel houses. In addition, among the many types of bedroom interiors, this option is chosen by people who are constantly busy, they are organized in everything, and they always have order in every detail.

This style is also similar to the Japanese use of natural shades, as well as low variations of the bed.

If we talk about minimalism, there can be a lot of different options, which include high-tech, endowed with metallic shades. As well as innovative innovations in interior design. You can also choose ethnicity, similar to minimalism with natural motifs. Compared to the style of Japan, minimalism uses the widest range of colors, as well as different variants bright accents. At the same time, it is white that prevails here. Classic is the combination of perfect white with pastel gray. Or brown. In this case, accents are made with the help of bright objects of miniature size, for example, pillows, headboards, flower vase. The main task is to make sure that the main interior is decorated with light, unobtrusive color options.

Furniture selection

Especially if the bedroom is small, it is quite difficult to choose furniture for the bedroom. After all, in such a room you simply cannot do without a closet, and even more so - a bed. Of course, if the room is miniature, a full-fledged set, which includes bedside tables, a dressing table, will look completely inappropriate in it. Well, of course, but how to get through the closet if there is a boudoir table right next to it ?! Therefore, in this case, it is still worth abandoning the whole set, choosing each item separately. Regardless of the chosen design option, even if you do not have a white bedroom interior, the furniture should be light, it will not “eat” space at all.

Cabinet selection

Of course, the best option is a built-in wardrobe. The doors, when opened, will not be a hindrance to moving around the room. But if there are mirrors on its doors, in this way the room will visually look larger. At the same time, the cabinet should be as little noticeable as possible compared to the background of the walls. If you are lucky enough to have a bedroom with a niche, you can organize a beautiful closet there.

Bed selection

Even if the interior design of the bedroom is in the style of a classic, choose a bed that does not have legs. In turn, the lower the product, the more space above it, and the bed, thus, will stand out less in the main background of the bedroom. As for the bedspreads and other textile elements, they, just like in the case of a closet, should not coincide with the color scheme of the walls, but the harmony between them should be unambiguous.

To save space in the case of a small bedroom, we recommend installing one and a half bed options, with a width of 160 to 180 centimeters, rather than choosing doubles, which can be larger up to forty centimeters wide.

Bedside tables

Even if you have used a light color in the interior of the bedroom, you should still refuse from the cabinets. We recommend replacing them with hanging shelves. On the other hand, you need to be very careful if you decide to place such shelves above your head. After all, you can not only hit and injure them, but objects falling from them will not only be damaged, but they can also hurt you.


In the bedroom, you should not hang a chandelier with floor lamps, prefer recessed lighting options. So you make the space not too cluttered, while you can easily adjust the lighting if necessary.

120 photos of the interior of a modern bedroom
