Design of log houses in Norway. Norwegian houses - projects and technologies

I have been looking at Norwegian houses for a long time, and indeed, at houses in scandinavian style. Not necessarily Norwegian, in Sweden there are also very nice houses both in design and in the thoughtfulness of everything and everyone.

And from the blogs of interesting people I see the beauty of their buildings, and from the video programs I enjoy architectural solutions. Features of Scandinavian-style houses are traditional and practical.

Norwegian house in scandinavian style

Some people imagine such good log cabins from fairy tales. But actually it is not. But more on that later. The main criterion for all houses in the Scandinavian style is a total fusion with nature, while the ability to use all the amenities available in the modern world.

In Norway, it is completely unacceptable to build apartment buildings. There, even at the government level, this decision is enshrined. Only townhouses and private buildings. The population of the country, however, is only 5 million people, so there is no need to crowd. There is enough space for everyone, even taking into account the fact that the main area of ​​the country is occupied by mountains.

Norwegian house on a small island

Only very wealthy Scandinavians can afford to live on such an island. Well, just, on a farm, away from neighbors - this is generally in the order of things. It is not accepted to settle right next to each other there.

Norwegian frame house

Most of the Norwegian houses are frame type. But chopped buildings are rather exotic. They are built either as a summer residence or for the tourist business.

Scandinavian style houses

Norwegians have two houses. one for permanent residence, and the second for rest. Often such country houses built in the mountains or at sea. But the difference in these buildings is only in the name. Since, in terms of their characteristics, both structures are absolutely identical.

house in scandinavian style

Often in country houses frugal Norwegians do not conduct electricity. And where can I get it in the wilderness of mountains or on a deserted coast? But even where electricity can be brought to the cottage, they still do not electrify it. This is due to the desire to immerse yourself in nature as fully as possible. Houses are heated with wood, and oil lamps provide light in the dark.

norwegian houses with earthen roof

More technologically advanced Norwegians put on the roof of the house solar panels, create offline sources energy. Well, they cook food on bottled gas. In general, the nation is very inclined to different kind alternative methods power generation. You can also find windmills and some biogas mechanisms for generating electricity in private households.

Traditional Norwegian house

By the way, it is not customary for Norwegians to brag about wealth. Therefore, even among wealthy residents, houses are not knocked out of general series restrained and strict buildings. The maximum that a wealthy Norwegian can afford is to order some kind of design experiment with a house.

Modern house in scandinavian style

Average house size in Norway 170 square meters. Everything is calculated with typical Scandinavian frugality. The operation of such a house costs a feasible amount. Therefore, stone houses are not common in any way. Everywhere you can find frame buildings, which are cheaper in terms of insurance and higher in terms of heat retention.

Scandinavian-style houses - a fusion of tradition and modernity

Scandinavian timber frame house

Standard insulation layer in Norwegian walls frame houses- 20 cm. But in the north of the country, beyond the Arctic Circle, walls are often insulated with a layer of 40 cm. But there are winters for 9 months a year. And the minuses on the street are harsher than our latitudes.

Scandinavian style houses

Norwegians prefer to finish the walls of houses with unplaned boards. Boards are subsequently painted in three layers. The boards are not planed due to the fact that this way they better withstand bad weather, and also more effectively soaked with paint.

The traditional colors of Norwegian houses are white, red, brown, ocher. The walls are sheathed horizontally - ship type, less often vertically - barrel type.

Scandinavian style houses - Norwegian houses

On the roof most often allowed natural ceramic tiles or metal roofing. On the roofs they try to use dark tones to make the snow melt faster.

Previously, houses in Norway had earthen or sod roofs. But now such houses are rare. They are preserved only in tourist villages.

norwegian house

In terms of heating, Norwegians are supporters of warm electric floors or electric convectors. In each house, for a reserve, there is also a simple iron barrel stove for wood heating. Gas is expensive in the country, so it is not used for heating purposes.

Concept house in scandinavian style

Houses in the country are not fenced at all. There is no such thing as a fence, let alone a deaf one, among the Norwegians. There are low picket fences, but this is more of a decorative element than some kind of protection. In case the owners want to hide the perimeter of the yard, they plant a hedge.

Norwegian house in the forest

This is how a review article on Norwegian houses in the Scandinavian style turned out. I dream of getting to Norway myself, so that I can take pictures of everything there. But for now, these are just plans. Maybe in the coming years we will. Yes, it’s expensive now, including gasoline ... So, while we are inspired by the photo, and not live ... All the best!

Video - Scandinavian-style Norwegian houses

And finally, some video ideas with traditional Norwegian houses in the Scandinavian style.

The projects of houses in the Norwegian style presented in this section of the catalog are built from different building materials: wood, brick, aerated concrete. The Scandinavian architecture of low-rise buildings has retained the historical features inherent in the way of life in harsh climatic conditions.

Architectural features of the style

Most private houses in Norway are built on one, less often two floors. As the most typical, the following features of the northern building can be noted.

  • A simple rectangular shape, usually with an entrance along the long side of the house.
  • Colors of natural shades: sand, green, beige - in exterior finish facade.
  • Gable, wide roofs ("wings") with a small angle of inclination up to 20 degrees.
  • Combining under one "vault" of residential premises, baths, garages, outbuildings.

The modern design of a Scandinavian Norwegian house, of course, differs from historical designs. The “turf” on the roof was replaced by brown tiles, small open terraces and balconies appeared.

Different projects of Norwegian houses

Wooden house. Project №13-57 Stone house. Project №58-33

The architects of our company offer several solutions for the Norwegian house. The project is being developed taking into account building material preferred by the customer. Construction technology wooden houses This style is distinguished by national characteristics.

  1. House made of wood traditional look the buildings. The famous “Norwegian felling” is the filing of a log on both sides, after which it turns into a “half-beam”, or “carriage”. Another feature is corner connections wedge-shaped with a spike ("Norwegian castle"). It is believed that this technology solves problems with shrinkage of the house, and due to the tight connection of the logs, it retains heat well. Example of a wooden house: No. 13-57.
  2. Stone cottage - usually has a simple composition with a built-in garage. Laconic appearance dilutes decorative trim facade with stone, which highlights the architectural elements: the division into floors, the entrance area. The design of such houses is no different design features, the style is supported by the decor. Aerated concrete house - No. 58-33.

The designs of houses in the Norwegian style developed by the company have been implemented in practice. Each of them contains a complete package of documentation for construction: working drawings, masonry plans, specification of materials. A ready-made solution speeds up construction, eliminating the need for the customer to delve deeply into technical details.

Eco-friendly homestead: Norwegian-style gun carriage wooden houses are attracting the attention of many people from all over the world. This is not only because they are able to withstand the impact of extraordinary weather conditions, but also because they look quite democratic, you can even say universally, which allows you to use this building technology in almost any part of the world.

Norwegian-style log cabin wooden houses attract the attention of many people from all over the world. This happens not only because they are able to withstand the influence of extraordinary weather conditions, but also because they look quite democratic, one might even say universal, which makes it possible to use this building technology in almost any part of the world.

The ability of the local people of Norway to build their lives in such a way that they have at their disposal the most necessary condition for a cozy life, arouses the natural interest of those who are faced with the choice of country house design.

Norwegian style house project


A long tradition of Norwegian builders is the use of wood as a building material. Traditionally, Norwegian fishing villages have been distinguished small houses, which stood so close that they were one facade of a row of houses. The technology of building and finishing a Norwegian-style house is now of great interest to designers who work in the field of low-rise housing.

Design features:

    Traditionally, these Norwegian houses are built from gun carriages - logs hewn on both sides. For floor coverings and creating ceilings use wood slabs or croaker. If you look at the house from the street, it will seem squat.

    However, it is quite spacious inside, which is achieved by combining the kitchen with the living room, which does not have a straight ceiling. The height of the room due to this increases to 3 and a half meters, which significantly increases the volume of the room.

It is very easy to breathe in Norwegian houses, as they are made mainly of natural materials, and spacious interior spaces do not apply pressure.

    Bedrooms are made small, since only a small room can warm up to comfortable temperature in the cold season, when there are bitter frosts on the street and the northern winds are noisy. Stairs to houses using Norwegian technology are being built small size, because the main thing they are valued for is functionality and ease of use.

    The main features of the house in the Norwegian style are such qualities as solidity and reliability.

Ordinary Norwegian houses are built from massive logs, have small windows, weirs made of wood, facades painted in bright colors, for example, such colors as green and orange, blue or bright red are popular.

Photo of a Norwegian-style house

    Sometimes the facade is brown, gray, black, but the trim on the windows should always be decorated and bright. This is used to make the house delight and improve the mood of people looking at it. A traditional element of a Norwegian-style house, without a doubt, can be a grass roof, which is also called "Green".

    It not only looks very interesting, but also practical, because due to the air gap that forms around the grass stalks, temperature fluctuations are softened. The sound insulation of the house thanks to the roof increases markedly. Moreover, the roof becomes another source of oxygen, which has a positive effect on the environment.

    And in the hot season, under such a roof, you can not be afraid of overheating, since the temperature at the roots of the grass does not rise above 0 degrees. Using this roofing technology, it is worth making its high-quality waterproofing.

The advantages of such structures are their durability and reliability.

    All lumber that is used in construction is carefully checked in advance with their own hands in order to identify hidden defects. Saving heat and sound insulation, which distinguishes Norwegian wooden houses, are always at the proper high level.

The carriages must be connected in a special way, which bears the name of the Norwegian Castle. Its use allows you to ensure uniform shrinkage of the house. The instructions for building a house do not imply the stage of insulating the joints between the logs.


A photo interior design Norwegian style houses

This style requires bright colors, which will be as different from each other as possible.

Must be present and natural materials, but at the same time, modesty is the main component of the design of the interior space of a Norwegian-style house.

Interior design features:

    With all this, frame houses, built according to Norwegian technology, turn out to be very spacious inside. This becomes possible due to the fact that only the most necessary furniture is present in such rooms.

    If you intend to build a chalet, then it must have a clear functional division of the premises.

Cold light colors can be diluted with warm colors. Mandatory is the presence of wooden natural elements in the interior. Textiles also find wide use in the Norwegian style.

    The floor and ceiling, of course, should be decorated only from natural wood. Light fluffy carpets will look good on it. Furniture, as well as these interior elements, should mainly be made of wood.

    Functionality is a prerequisite for a Norwegian interior. Norway and other Scandinavian countries are distinguished precisely by the fact that a large number of forests are located on their territory. Wood cutting and carving has been one of the dominant occupations of Norwegians for many centuries. That is why the tree is given such a dominant role in the construction and decoration of houses.

A distinctive feature of these decorative elements is the image of dragons on them.

Particular attention is paid to interior lighting. Daylight is highly valued, so the windows in this style are used quite wide, and the curtains on them should be light and bright. But natural light in the harsh Scandinavian lands is quite rare.

In this regard, the interior is widely used different types lamps:

    Floor lamps.

    Table lamps.

    Spotlights on metal frame or on a string.

Norwegian house designs are extremely popular today. decorative elements they are mainly decorated with various pagan images; they can also be applied to clothes and temple decorations.

A simple project of a Norwegian house from a gun carriage

Unfortunately, the architects of the Scandinavian countries over time gradually began to move from their national style to the styles that came from Europe - classicism and baroque. But still, some masters managed to keep distinctive features Norwegian style.

Today, this style, along with the Swedish direction, combines the latest technology in interior design with natural, environmentally friendly materials. It should be noted that this project is suitable both for the design of a private house and an apartment. The main thing is that the rooms in the room are spacious.

Concerning color solution, then the most suitable are pale and cold shades such as:

    Light blue.


    Light yellow.


In order for these shades not to seem so lifeless, designers advise using a texture paint with which they will be mixed. In order for the room to be warm and cozy, it is necessary to install wooden objects in it. The textiles of Swedish and Norwegian interiors should always be bright and contrasting. It welcomes floral patterns and an ornament of small and large cells.

At the same time, blue and white colors, of course, should prevail in textile elements, and much less often you should try to use a combination of, for example, red and white. The walls of the bathroom require additional comfort and warmth, so it is better to decorate them with wide light boards, rather than ordinary ceramic tiles.

An obligatory element of a bathroom in this style is, perhaps, a large mirror, not enclosed in a frame. It can also be placed in almost every room of your house or apartment. Norwegian interior requires wooden finish not only the walls, but also the ceiling and floor.

Floor boards must be bleached in a special way to create a faded effect. To the tree in Scandinavian interiors Other materials may also be added, such as:


    A natural stone.

Walls can also be decorated with images in this style. An indispensable attribute of the Norwegian interior is the use a large number living greenery. But if you do not like to install fresh flowers at home, then this move can be beaten in other ways.

For example, great solution will be painted on the ceiling and walls. Looks pretty impressive climbing plant, gradually sliding from the ceiling to the wall. It does not need to be watered, fed, cleaned of dust and washed.

This will be of interest to you:

In addition, such green plant, which, perhaps, will also bloom constantly, will not wither and will not die. Unless every few years it will be necessary to correct the image. Another, too, quite effective option would be gluing paintings to walls and ceilings. This material does not fade in the sun, is not erased, so the choice in its favor will be absolutely right, especially since the price of such stickers is low. published

How are our homes different?
from the rest?

  • Your home will be warm

    We guarantee that the house built according to our project will be warm. Our houses fully comply with SNiP. “Incorrect” bay windows, balconies, extra cuts in the walls and some other elements can also lead to heat leaks. But the most main reason heat loss is the blowing of walls due to an incorrect profile of the longitudinal groove on a log or beam, or due to unprofessional assembly. We make sure our homes are warm.

  • We make changes to the project for free

    Most clients ask to make their own changes to the project: add or remove a boiler room, a terrace, a "second light", an extra bedroom, windows, increase or decrease the premises. We are happy to implement the wishes of customers in the project. But we can also refuse changes if they do not comply with the current SNiPs or the rules of wooden housing construction or may lead to an increase in the cost of construction. We make all changes to the project free of charge.

  • You save on construction up to 200,000 rubles.

    With our project, you are guaranteed to save on building a house - up to 200,000 rubles when building a 200-meter house.

  • The placement of engineering networks is already thought out

    Placement is thought out in our projects engineering networks. If this is not done in advance, then you will have to use equipment of non-standard sizes, which usually costs more. Or you will need to install additional boxes in a visible place and their subsequent decoration.

  • Optimal arrangement of furniture

    Our projects include a competent arrangement of furniture. This eliminates errors in planning the size of rooms, the location of window and doorways. If this is not done when designing, then, for example, due to improper placement of a door or window, you will not have enough 10-30 centimeters to locate plumbing fixtures, cabinets or kitchen drawers.

  • We build houses

    We not only create projects, but also build houses. Each project presented on our website has been built by us many times. Our architects visit built houses and see “not on paper” the result of their work. We also receive feedback from the owners of houses built according to our projects, take into account their wishes and make changes to standard projects. Thus, we can say with confidence that our projects have been tested by time and repeated construction, they are comfortable for living and economical.

  • Optimal cutting of a 6-meter log

    For the production of a log house, 6-meter logs are used. Logs are cut into elements. When cutting, waste remains, which can reach up to 20% of the total volume of wood. We design the house and the dimensions of the premises in such a way that the cutting of a 6-meter log is optimal, and waste tends to zero. This allows you to significantly reduce the cost of the log house. That's why, exact dimensions rooms are very important, and changing the size even by 20 cm can lead to a large waste, and, therefore, a rise in price.

Norwegian-style houses differ from modern buildings not only in the material used, but also in the construction process. All of them are built using environmentally friendly pure material- wood. Used in construction

Typical Norwegian wooden house

If the first two types of timber have long been known to everyone, then the carriage began to appear relatively recently in our country. What does he represent? This is a log that has a semi-oval shape.

This method of wood processing appeared relatively recently. On the one hand, the log has an even shape, and on the other, it is semicircular. This makes it possible to use the flat surface of the material indoors, and the convex surface - outside.

Wood has long been used to build houses and today it can be found in any region.

The main characteristics of wood:

  • strength,
  • reliability,
  • durability,
  • environmental friendliness,
  • ease of use,
  • thermal insulation,
  • practicality,
  • has excellent air exchange,
  • Pretty easy to finish.

In countries where the harsh winter climate,

Such work is carried out outside and inside at the same time. There is nothing difficult in this.

But for a Norwegian house, this will not need to be done, since according to the construction technology, insulation work can be carried out selectively.

Characteristics of Norwegian houses

Projects of Norwegian houses are quite popular, they are used for the construction of a country house or. Norwegian layout differs from ours in that it involves a fairly large and roomy kitchen. The house also has a small living room compared to the kitchen, two small bedrooms.

As for the shape of the structure, it can be any. But, as a rule, houses using Norwegian technology are built in a square or rectangular shape, one-story and two-story. Everything will depend on the scale of the building and on the functionality assigned to the house.

Small Norwegian house project

The roof of the Norwegian house does not have too much slope, so the ceilings are low. Their height can reach 2.30-2.50 m, in some cases even less.

Reasons for the popularity of the Norwegian style in building a house

Norwegian houses have become popular not only with the use of wood. This material was used in the construction of houses in Russia. It's all about the laying of the timber and the very building technology. A large role in the finishing of building material is played by cutting wood, which can be carried out using special equipment or manually. In the latter case, it is possible to use hand tool when the technique can not cope with the finish.

All Norwegian technology houses have a very massive and fundamental appearance, as logs are used in construction big size. It is worth considering that Norwegian houses are a structure small type and, accordingly, there are small windows in it. In such a house, everything is made of wood, even spillways.

The houses are brightly decorated. Previously, black, gray and brown were used as primary colors.

On the this moment in Norway in the decoration of houses is used:

  • green,
  • Orange,
  • blue,
  • bright red.

Modern production technologies roofing materials improved, but despite this, great importance in such an ecologically clean structure it has a roof, in those parts it is grassy. It not only helps to normalize temperature regime in the house, but also creates oxygen bag- the design constantly breathes. Also, a “green” roof protects the house from freezing in winter, and in summer, when sunlight hits it, it helps protect the house from overheating.

Cottage, built according to Norwegian technology with a grassy green roof

Advice. To prevent moisture from entering the building through such a roof, it is necessary to carry out certain work using insulating materials.

Project and construction technology of a frame Norwegian house

In such a house, everything is compact - small kitchen area, which can be connected to the living room, which saves space, or can be a separate functional room; a small living room with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bup to 10 squares. There are one or two bedrooms - it depends on the area of ​​the house.

If earlier all frame houses that were built according to Norwegian technology had one floor, then over time they began to turn into full-fledged two-story buildings that could accommodate several families.

Beforehand, a foundation is being built for such a house. After that, a frame is built on it. For this, wood is used, as a rule, profiled timber or well-finished boards.

After the frame of the Norwegian house is ready, they begin to sheath it. This is done with a gun carriage or beam. It is also very common to use plywood or OSB sheets. Such materials are also environmentally friendly and practical. The house can be covered with the same timber or any natural finishing material, for example, a block house.

Norwegian frame house insulation technology

Advice. In order for the building to be operated in our climatic conditions for a long period of time, it will be necessary to make a quality workpiece for the construction of materials. It is from them that the quality of construction will depend.
