Girlish grapes planting and care watering pruning and reproduction. Girlish grapes for landscaping the site - what is it good for and how to grow it? Is it possible girlish grapes

Parthenocissus is an ornamental grape species of the genus Parthenocissus. It grows in the form of vines, wrapping around arbors, fences, trees and other structures. He received such an unusual name due to his peculiarity: for the formation of seeds, he does not need fertilization with pollen, a kind of “immaculate conception”. It is also called "virgin ivy".

General information

Its shoots can spread over distances of up to 20 m. Therefore, it is worthwhile to carefully monitor that the wildly growing shoots do not close the windows (creating darkness in the rooms), do not rise too high, climbing under the tiles or slate, thereby destroying them, and not allow vines to enter the gutter, clogging it.

To do this, it is time to cut off the extra shoots. It should also be taken into account that grapes have very dense roots, so do not plant other crops near it, it will be difficult for them to break through these growths. It should also be noted that after the winter, while everything around begins to turn green, the “girlish” grapes are in no hurry to come to life.

Girlish grapes bloom in summer (July), but very modestly. But the flowers are fragrant and attract bees and bumblebees.

Varieties and types

Girlish grapes ivy-shaped (triostrenny) has decorative garden varieties, which are in demand due to their unusual leaf configuration and color (not only in autumn). For example, the purple ivy variety has dark purple leaves, while the golden variety has yellow spots on green leaves.

- the most common variety, has small smooth leaves with three pointed ends. In autumn they turn orange-red.

Or five leaf has dark green leaves, consisting of 5 leaflets, an egg-like shape with pointed ends, in summer period, and in autumn it acquires a reddish or burgundy tint. There are also small clusters of small dark inedible berries.

This species tolerates very coldy even without special shelter. Not whimsical to the choice of soil and place ( sunny plot or shady). It grows very quickly (up to 3 m per year). Dense foliage protects the walls of the house from overheating, dust, wind and rain, thereby reducing dampness inside the house and near the foundation.

Girlish grapes "STAR SHOWERS" or variegated - very ornamental variety, has an unusual white-green color of the leaves, which changes from prolonged cold weather.

("Yellow Wall" ) - in autumn, the leaves turn from green to a yellow tint.

Variety girlish grapes "Red Wall (Trocky)" - has a glossy surface of the leaves, in the fall they turn purple-red.

Girlish grape "Henry" , it does not tolerate frost, so it can be grown in an apartment. Its young shoots have a tetrahedral section, and the leaves consist of 5-7 individual leaflets.

Girlish grapes planting and care

Grapes do not require special place for planting, but the color of the foliage may depend on the lighting. If you put him on south side, then in autumn the foliage will acquire a bright and attractive crimson palette, and on the north side the foliage will remain green and without bunches of berries.

In lighted areas, the plant grows faster and has larger foliage. Liana takes root in spring and autumn, but experts advise choosing autumn (September-October).

Soil for girlish grapes

To begin with, a week before planting, the ground at the landing site must be dug up. Then a hole is dug 50-60 cm deep and drainage is laid out on the bottom (for example, broken brick) and covered with a layer of sand (20 cm).

After that, the substrate is prepared: two parts of leafy soil, two parts of compost and part of sand.

Watering girl's grapes

Watering decorative grapes requires moderate. It will be quite enough three or four times a season, while using at least 10 liters of water per bush.

If the summer turned out to be very hot, then the number of waterings is increased, the main thing is that the earth does not dry out.

Maiden Grape Fertilizers

Fertilizers can be applied at the beginning of summer (together with water for irrigation, they are fed with nitroammophos), and complex fertilizers can be applied during active growth.

Periodically, it is necessary to remove weeds, loosen the ground and mulch the area around the ivy. Mulching is carried out at the beginning of summer, using peat, humus or compost (6 cm layer). In the fall, the layer is updated, sealing the old one into the ground.

Pruning girlish grapes

Pruning is carried out in the spring (during the dormant period), frozen, withered, weakened or damaged shoots and leaves are removed, and branches that have gone beyond the zone allotted to you are shortened (they close the windows, climb under the roof, etc.).

Girlish grapes preparation for winter

Most types of girlish grapes do not need shelter for the winter, they are quite frost-resistant, even if one of them freezes, it will quickly recover thanks to sleeping buds.

Propagation of girlish grapes by cuttings

We prepare the place: dig a hole of the right size under the cutting, away from the rest of the plants, due to the growth of the root system. Mix the earth from this hole with compost, sand and fertilizer (two handfuls).

Then lay drainage on the bottom, sprinkle a little of the obtained substrate on top, place the cutting at a slight angle and cover with the remaining earth. Now you need to water the grapes well and form a hole so that precipitation (rainwater) lingers in it.

For a young plant, it is necessary to form a support so that it is easier for it to grow upwards, then it can be removed. If the grapes grow near the house, then support is not needed, it will crawl along the wall, clinging to a rough surface. Cuttings are cut at any time of the year, while choosing shoots with at least five healthy buds.

Girlish grapes reproduction by layering

For this method, a long lash is taken in, which is planted in waves (the part in the ground is different above the ground, next again in the ground, and so on) into a groove no more than 5 cm deep. The part in the ground must be secured with a hairpin or paper clip. Then water well.

There is another way: a shorter layer is selected and a whip is laid out in the same shallow moistened groove, the top rises 10-15 cm above the ground (if it does not hold itself, then put a support).

Growing girlish grapes from seeds

Grapes are propagated by seeds in spring or autumn, planting no deeper than 1 cm in loose soil. To increase the germination rate, the seeds are pre-soaked.

When landing in spring period, the seeds are soaked in cold water(3-5 hours), thereby hardening them, then placed in moist soil and refrigerate for several days.

Reproduction by root offspring

The root system, formed by shoots of vines, is very branched. Root offspring are quite easily separated and landed in a new place. The main thing is that the root neck should be above the ground, and not covered.

Diseases and pests

This ornamental plant rarely gets sick and only because of violations of the rules of care: abundant watering or, on the contrary, drying out of the soil, as well as lack of fertilizers. Sometimes pests look at the grapes, insecticides will help in the fight against them.

Girlish grapes benefit or harm

There are many different opinions about this ornamental grape. Someone believes that it causes harm: it clogs the drain, prevents other plants from growing, weaves along the wall, overgrown with windows and makes its way to the roofs and destroys the tiled and slate roofs. But all this can be avoided if you cut off unnecessary ends in a timely manner.

The benefits are actually much greater: with the help of vines, you can disguise old and unremarkable buildings and structures, create hedges instead of boring fences, and decorate arches and gazebos. In addition, dense foliage can protect from wind and cold.

Most varieties can please the bright color in the fall, attracting and pleasing to the eye. There is a myth that under a dense carpet of ivy, mold forms from dampness. In fact, everything is not so, grapes absorb moisture.

Parthenocissus tincture

IN traditional medicine one recipe for infusion of girlish grape branches is known, which is used by cancer patients for resorption of tumors, as a hemostatic agent.

Preparation of the infusion : take 10 g of chopped, dried branches, pour into a glass bowl, pour 300 ml of boiling water, then put in a water bath for 7-8 minutes. Set aside and let stand and cool.

Now you can strain through a sieve or cheesecloth and add a little water (to return the original volume). Take 100 ml during various bleeding 3-4 times a day.

" Grape

Among the current trends in landscape design home gardens retain the popularity of hedges. The most harmonious object looks with girlish grapes weaving along the supports. And although the berries are of no value, the intensively developing whip becomes a real decoration of the yard. In this review, you will get acquainted with the description of the varieties of this plant, how and where to plant and the features of care.

Girlish grapes belong to the perennial crops of the grape family, tree liana from North America. All over the world, the plant is used as a decoration in the design of the landscape of private households, parks, playgrounds, etc.

The stem and branches develop quite quickly, reaching a length of 20 or even 30 m. During the first year after planting, the young shoot increases in size up to 5 m.

The plant translated from Latin means "virgin ivy". The girlish grapes got its name due to the peculiarity of forming fruits without pollination.

Brief description of culture:

  • corymbose inflorescences, small size yellow-green color;
  • on the vine there are antennae with 5-8 branches, with the help of them, the whip clings when spreading vertically;
  • palmately complex leaves of 5 leaves, color from rich green to red shades;
  • fruits 5-7 mm dark blue in diameter (inedible for humans due to the content of oxalic acid);
  • flowering period- the end of spring.

The berries of the plant are used as bird feed.

Differences from other types

This type of grape differs from table and wine varieties in its decorative effect. Liana is used mainly for landscape design, both for private households and city parks. Culture gained its popularity due to the following advantages:

  • decorative features;
  • high resistance to various diseases and insect attacks;
  • unpretentiousness in care;
  • available methods of reproduction;
  • intensive development of the whip;
  • shrub hypoallergenicity;
  • phytoncidal properties of the plant.

When using the crop as a hedge or for zoning space on the site creates protection from gases and dust coming from street roads.

Everyone who decides to grow girlish grapes on their site needs to take into account the peculiarity of the plant. It consists in the intensive development of branches, which requires regular care: garters, pruning, bush formation. Otherwise, a mop of an untidy look will braid cultivated plants and all buildings.

The most popular varieties

Among the most popular varieties, two varieties of girlish grapes stand out, which are most often used for landscape design.

Virginia (five leaf)

The five-leaved plant reaches a length of branches up to 20 m, is characterized by green foliage that acquires a reddish tint closer to autumn. Young shoots in the first year of life grow up to 2.5 m, while sprawling, clinging to everything that is possible with its antennae and suckers. The leaves look like chestnut greens. In July comes abundant flowering bushes, they are densely covered with inconspicuous small flowers of yellow-green color. Already in the first decade of August, small clusters with dark blue berries can be seen on the branches of the liana, which often become a treat for birds.

The Virginian variety is distinguished by unpretentious care, the ability to actively develop even on devastated soils and in the shade.

Ivy-shaped (triostring)

The variety got its name due to the similarity of the leaf with ivy greens. The culture is very widely used as a decoration in Asian countries: Korea, China, Japan. The color of the leaves depends on the variety. The golden liana is characterized by the presence of yellow spots on the green surface, the purple subspecies has a maroon coating, and the Vicha grape is distinguished by small glossy green leaves, which acquire a bright orange color by autumn. Thanks to her magical transformation and unique beauty, Vicha is most sought after by designers and gardeners.

Landing in open ground in spring and autumn

There are no specific dates for planting girlish grapes, since the plant adapts perfectly under any conditions, except for frost. The most favorable periods for good survival of shoots are autumn (September, October) and spring (April, May). The very process of planting a climbing plant is best planned for the morning or evening, when the sun's rays are not so active.

You won’t have to choose a place for a bush for a long time, the culture develops well, regardless of intensity sunlight. Well, if the soil is fertile, but also on complex soils, where there are layers of clay, root system will grow stronger and grow without much effort.

Under the seedling, it is necessary to prepare a hole with parameters of 60x60 cm. Broken bricks or crushed stone for drainage are laid on the bottom. The next layer is filled with sand (at least 20 cm), and then a soil mixture of the following components:

  • half a bucket of fertile garden soil;
  • half a bucket of compost or humus;
  • half a bucket of peat;
  • a glass of wood ash.

If the soil is dense, you can lighten it with river sand.

When determining the location of the pits between landings, it is recommended to observe an interval of at least 80 cm between plants and 1 m from the foundation of the building.

After filling the seedling with earth, water the bush with plenty of water.

Features of care, preparation for winter

At first, it is necessary to regularly water the young shoot. mature plant moisturize no more than 3-4 times per season. Unpretentiousness to moisture is explained deep penetration root shoots into the soil where it eats natural resources water.

Regular care is required for the formation of the bush itself. The plant needs to be pruned, and also needs pruning, garters, installation of supports to guide the weaving of branches. However, it is worth considering that only young seedlings need a garter, when the antennae have not yet developed enough for strong fixation to surfaces.

The first year of a seedling's life is characterized by rooting and the beginning of lash growth. Immunity is not sufficiently strengthened for such a short time therefore, for the winter, gardeners are advised to cover a young culture to prevent freezing.

To stimulate the development of the branched part and foliage, it is recommended to periodically (2-3 times per season) apply fertilizer to the soil. The simplest option is considered to be watering with a solution of wood ash. You can also use potassium magnesia, nitroammophoska, Aquamarine.

Girlish grapes tend to gradually rise in the soil and expose the rhizome. If you notice that the roots of the plant begin to protrude above the ground, be sure to add fresh soil and lightly spud the vine. Usually this procedure is carried out in the fall, as part of preparing the garden for winter.

Rules for the propagation of ornamental grapes

Ornamental grapes are propagated in the following ways:

  • seeds;
  • with the help of layers;
  • cuttings.


The process of growing shoots from seeds takes quite a long time. In spring or autumn (in October), seeds that have been previously hardened and soaked are immersed in a container with loose soil. The immersion depth is 1 cm. A film is covered over the container and the temperature regime is not more than 5 ° until the shoots germinate. After about a month, the first shoots will appear, and when they reach a height of 10 cm, the sprouts should be transplanted into open ground if the transplant falls in the spring, or into a separate pot for further wintering.


By layering, the plant reproduces very willingly and actively. To do this, select branches whose age is approximately 2-3 years. Pressing them to the ground, you need to sprinkle the soil in the place where the rooting of the shoot is planned. Fix the top with a garter or support vertically. The first days, watering and the absence of drafts are important. The roots are formed very quickly, after a month you can observe a well-developed root system. After the rooting of the layering, the junction of the bushes must be cut off with garden shears (a knife with a sharp blade).


Petioles are harvested in autumn and spring until the juice moves. The length of the workpiece should be approximately 23-30 cm. The presence of buds (4-5 pieces) is also important for further vegetation. Landing is carried out in loose soil with immersion in it by half or a third so that 2-3 buds remain on top. Before the rooting of the sprout, regular watering and protection (shading) from the scorching sun is important.

Diseases and pests

Ornamental culture has strong immunity, therefore it is rarely affected by attacks of pests or diseases. Sometimes aphids can be seen on the leaves, which will not be difficult to get rid of. It is enough to first crush the insects with water, then treat the bush with a soapy solution with alcohol (in a ratio of 3: 1).

High aesthetic value unpretentious care and resistance to various diseases have made parthenocissus popular with gardeners and landscape designers. Dense foliage will decorate the yard, create shading in the recreation area, and hide the unsightly walls of outbuildings. A hedge will allow you to retire in any corner of the site and prevent the penetration of street dust from the roadway.

When planning landscape work on your site, rarely will anyone refuse to use girlish grapes. This perennial liana is an excellent decoration for pavilions, terraces, garden buildings. It gives a pleasant coolness in the heat and protects the walls of the house from moisture and dust, and the site from the curious looks of neighbors.

origin of name

Parthenocissus grows wild in Asia and North America. Translated from Greek, Parthenocissus means "virgin ivy". The fruits of this plant are tied without pollination, hence the unusual name. Decorative types of perennial creepers have been used in landscape design since the 17th century, decorating buildings in parks and estates.

Types of girlish grapes

In landscape design, three types of this plant are used.

Five-leafed, or Virginia grapes

This species was brought to us from North America. Its shoots reach 20 meters. Young reddish shoots turn green with age. The leaves are compound, consisting of elongated ten-centimeter leaflets with a pointed top. The front of the leaf is dark green, the reverse side is slightly lighter, slightly bluish. Umbrellas-inflorescences, collected from three or four small flowers, form dark blue berries.

Virginia grapes are unpretentious, durable, frost-resistant. Propagated by sprouts, seeds and layering. He is not afraid of diseases and pests. It has several decorative varieties:

  • Engelman;
  • wall;
  • hairy;
  • Saint-Paul;
  • Star Showers.

Triostrenny, or Ivy-shaped grapes

This species is native to Far East. The leaves of the grapes, completely different in shape, reach a width of up to 20 cm. The bright red color of the leaves in spring is replaced by yellowish-brown in autumn. Small and unattractive inflorescences form bluish-black fruits. Liana is well fixed on the support due to the huge number of antennae with suction cups. Triostreny grapes - good protection from smoky air. Can withstand light frosts.

The most common forms of the species:

  • Vicha;
  • Purple;
  • Golden.

attached grapes

This type of grape has original leaves, which consist of pointed elongated leaves. The color of the upper part of the leaf is dark green, the lower part is slightly paler. Scourge vines reach 3 meters. The plant does not tolerate frost, it is cultivated only in the southern regions.

Girlish grapes: the subtleties of planting and care

Girlish grapes develop quickly if planted in fertilized soil in a well-lit area. Growing on the south side of the house, parthenocissus bushes change the color of the foliage to purple in autumn and form beautiful clusters of berries.

Grapes can be planted before winter or plan to plant in the spring. When planting girlish grapes, it is necessary to observe the distance from the seedlings to the support of one meter and not plant the vine closer than one meter to other bushes or trees.

Soil for girlish grapes

The most suitable soil for creepers is loamy soils with a PH that gives a slightly acidic or slightly alkaline reaction. Girlish grapes are unpretentious and will grow on any soil, but for planting a plant it is better to prepare the soil of this composition:

  • Earth;
  • humus;
  • sand.

These components should be taken in a ratio of 2:2:1.

How to transplant parthenocissus in spring

Girlish grapes tolerate transplanting well. If it suddenly became necessary to plant already growing vines in another place, they perform work in the following order:

  1. They select a place for transplantation and dig a hole along the width of the root system of the bush, but a little deeper.
  2. They arrange drainage from crushed stone, expanded clay or crushed brick with a layer thickness of 15–20 cm.
  3. A layer of sand of about 20 cm is poured onto the drainage.
  4. The hole is half filled with soil.
  5. The prepared pit should stand for two weeks for the soil to compact.
  6. A bush of grapes is dug up, having previously cut off the lashes.
  7. An earthen lump is placed in a hole and covered with soil, leaving the root neck of the bush above the surface.
  8. The bush is watered and the earth compacted.

In order for the grapes to take root better, Kornevin can be added to the soil.

How to care for girlish grapes

It is not difficult to care for girlish grapes. It is only necessary to cut the shoots and water the plant during the dry season. In order for the vine to become lush and tall, it is necessary to create more favorable conditions for the growth of grapes, namely:

  1. Grapes are watered once a month at the rate of 1 bucket of water per plant, weed and loosen the ground.
  2. Very often, in girlish grapes, the root system is exposed in the process of growth. therefore, it is necessary to pour the earth under the plant in a timely manner and spud a little.
  3. It is better to mulch the trunk circle of the liana with mowed grass, peat or rotted leaves.

How to feed girlish grapes in spring

Girlish grapes do not need regular feeding, the plant has enough nutrients that were planted during planting. It is advisable to apply fertilizers if it is necessary to ensure accelerated growth creepers.
Feed the grapes in late spring and mid-summer. At this time, fertilizers are better absorbed by the plant. Nitroammophoska (50 g per 1 sq. M.) or Kemira-Universal fertilizer (100 g per 1 sq. M.) are introduced into the soil.

Formation and pruning of girlish grapes

Active growth of shoots in grapes begins in the third year after planting. Great importance has the correct formation of the plant skeleton. It is necessary to determine the area on which the crown of grapes will be placed. The lashes are directed in the right direction and fixed on a support. This must be done while the whips are still young. Green shoots obediently take any form.

When the skeleton of the creeper is created, it remains only to control the growth of the shoots and trim the crown. The cut is made over a healthy kidney using garden pruner. In the spring, frozen branches are pruned near the liana, damaged lashes and extra shoots are removed. In the summer, if the grapes begin to develop too actively, they process the vine again, cutting off the extra shoots and shortening the lashes of the grapes.

Pruning grapes makes the foliage of the vine thicker, and the leaves larger.

Video: summer pruning of girlish grapes

Reproduction of girlish grapes

For propagation, vines take cuttings, layering or seeds.


This method can be applied during growing season, from early spring to mid-autumn.

Propagation by cuttings is done as follows:

  1. Choose a suitable whip. She must be woody.
  2. Then they cut it into pieces 15 cm long. The stalk must have at least three buds, from which the roots will grow.
  3. When planting, the first node is buried in the soil and a support is placed.
  4. The plant is regularly watered and protected from drafts.

The rooting of vine cuttings placed in a peat-clay substrate is especially effective.

The easiest breeding option. This method is especially suitable for gardeners who cannot visit their site daily to regularly water the cuttings.

Reproduction by layering is done in the following order:

  1. Dig a shallow trench.
  2. Choose a grape shoot about 3 meters long.
  3. The shoot, not separated from the old vine, is placed in a furrow.
  4. Pin the branch to the ground at the level of knots with leaves.
  5. The lash is covered with soil, leaving the leaves on top.
  6. The furrow is shed with water.

Reproduction by layering is suitable if it is not possible to provide regular watering.

Reproduction by seeds

Seeds are bought in specialized stores or harvested independently. This is a more time-consuming method than propagation by cuttings and layering.

Photo gallery: girlish grape seeds

A decorative and elegant carpet, parthenocissus will create amazingly quickly, while requiring almost no care.

To create a dense cover on the soil, seedlings are placed at a distance of one meter from each other. Weeds will not grow under the green carpet. He won't interfere with others large plants, if you do not allow the lashes to spread beyond the boundaries of the allotted area.

If you plant cuttings twice as often, the area will be covered with grapes faster.

In addition to excellent decorative qualities, the advantages of girlish grapes include:

  1. Ability to grow on any soil.
  2. Easy reproduction in many ways.
  3. Rapid growth of green mass.
  4. The ability to protect the walls of houses from adverse environmental conditions.
  5. Resistance to diseases and pests.

The disadvantages of girlish grapes include the aggressiveness of its roots, which extend for several meters around the trunk. The growth of girlish grapes must be constantly monitored: remove excess shoots and cut the lashes. Overgrown grapes can cause a lot of trouble because they are difficult to remove from the site.

Get rid of thickets in the following sequence:

  1. Cut off or cut off all the shoots of the plant.
  2. Cut off the main stem of the plant.
  3. The lashes are separated from the support.
  4. Shoots, stem and roots are burned.
  5. When new shoots appear, the leaves are treated with a herbicide, for example, Roundup.

To completely get rid of girlish grapes, it will take at least two years to fight the shoots of the plant.

When planting girlish grapes, it is necessary to take a very responsible approach to choosing a support for a vine. Only suitable for growing monolithic wall brick, concrete or wood.

You can not grow a vine on dilapidated buildings. The plant loads the structure, there is a danger of collapse.

A plastered wall is also not suitable as a support. Grapes can fall along with a piece of plaster. Scourges of vines that have fallen under the roof can cause its destruction. If the roof is the support for the creeper, then it should not be made of slate or tiles, the plant will simply break the sheets.

Girlish grapes have a lot of advantages that have made them an indispensable part of landscape design. It is used for vertical and horizontal gardening. Liana will not cause much trouble to her owners if the lashes are trimmed in a timely manner and excess shoots are removed. Growing and caring for the plant will require very little time, and the result will be magnificent.

Do you still doubt whether it is worth planting girlish grapes in the garden? Cast away all doubts and get down to business! There is no easier to grow and care for vines to decorate the site. With the help of girlish grapes, you can turn a barn into a fairy-tale palace, a pergola into a mysterious tent, and a chain-link fence into an impenetrable wall. We will tell you how this plant reproduces in open field, we will help with the choice of a variety for planting. The article is illustrated with colorful photos.

Description of the plant: varieties and varieties

The botanical name - Parthenocissus, translated as "virgin ivy", belongs to the grape family, has a second name - "girl's grapes".

Girlish grapes are often used to decorate the territory of a personal plot.

The genus Parthenocissus consists of 19 species. We grow two types of girlish grapes in open ground:

  • Five-leafed (Parthenocissus guinguefolia);
  • Triostrenny (Parthenocissustricuspidata).

Girlish grape five-leafed

Five-leaf virgin ivy is a vine with five palmately compound leaves. The leaves are oval, pointed. For growth, a support is needed, to which the vine is attached with the help of antennae on the shoots. With normal development, shoots reach a length of more than 18 meters. Blooms in summer. The fruits are inedible. In autumn the green foliage turns red. Prefers to grow sunny places. Very cold hardy.

Triostrenny girlish grape is a vine with three palmately compound leaves. At the ends of the shoots there are up to 10 tendrils with which the plant is attached to the support. The tendrils have suction cups, so you are more likely to break the shoot than you can tear it off the support. Shoots grow up to 10 meters. Less frost-resistant than five-leafed.

Variety Viche

Varieties of girlish grapes:

  1. Henry - good for apartment breeding. Planted in fairly deep containers. Suitable for bonsai.
  2. Attached - grown as a houseplant.
  3. Enelman - he has small, tightly seated leaves. It grows very fast.
  4. Hairy - the leaves are pubescent from below, like young shoots. Winters badly.
  5. Viche is a very popular tri-spiky grape variety.

Planting a plant

Girlish grapes do not require particularly fertile soil and do not like dry and depleted soil; they tolerate slight salinization of the soil. It is undemanding to lighting. Does well in sun and shade. But still keep in mind that planting in the shade will affect the color of its foliage in the fall - it will remain green until the very frosts and will not turn into a beautiful burgundy or yellow, as well as the vine may not bloom and form picturesque clusters with dark berries.

Planting time does not matter, the vine takes root equally well in spring and autumn. According to gardeners, it is enough just to plant and water, and then the grapes already grow on their own - just have time to cut off the excess growth.

Girlish grapes grow well without constant care

One week before boarding permanent place you need to prepare and cultivate the soil. Remove weeds and dig a 50 x 60 cm planting hole. Mix the excavated soil with a bucket of compost and a bucket of sand. At the bottom of the pit, you need to pour a liter jar of ash or 300-400 g of double superphosphate. Arrange drainage: crushed stone, broken brick, expanded clay (what is at hand) are placed on the bottom, planks or pieces of slate are placed on top so that the drainage does not quickly swim into the ground. Pour in some of the excavated soil. Next, straighten the roots of the seedling and add the remaining soil. Form an irrigation hole and mulch. The distance between seedlings is recommended at least 1 m. After planting, be sure to water well.

If you plan to grow a perennial groundcover from girlish grapes on a large area, then the plants should be planted every 0.6 m, and plant 2-4 pieces in each hole.

Plan in advance the area for growing girlish grapes

While the vine is small, install a support or tie it up to guide the plant in the right direction. An adult plant needs serious support, so the vine is planted in open ground for many years, then take care of this in advance.

Important. When planting girlish grapes, do not deepen the root neck - it should be located at ground level.

Care for girlish grapes

Girlish grapes are a very unpretentious tree-like liana, in open ground conditions, caring for it is quite simple, it is enough just to regularly and timely carry out sanitary pruning of the lashes and water it in a severe drought. Without pruning, this beautiful plant can turn into ugly thickets.

The most important thing is to carry out the formation of culture in time

It is not necessary to cover the plant for the winter, since in our latitudes frost-resistant varieties, but even if the lashes freeze, then there is nothing to worry about - new young shoots will come out of the replacement buds. It is enough just to cut the lashes to healthy wood.

For the first few years, the vine actively builds up the root mass, during this period fertilizing is required twice during the growing season. You also need to tie up a young plant, in the future it will find support itself, clinging with antennae and aerial roots to any roughness on the surface.

Strengthened virgin ivy will give an annual increase of several meters. So that the vine does not entangle the entire site, let's figure out how to carry out the formation.

Girlish grapes definitely need support

  1. Growing young shoots must be guided along the support, thus forming the skeleton of the plant.
  2. Those shoots that do not grow where you need, do not be afraid to remove immediately. This will not harm the vine.
  3. After the formation of the skeleton, only sanitary pruning in spring and deterrent pruning in summer. All weak, damaged shoots are removed, as well as those that thicken the plant or give a sloppy look.

Advice. When pruning shoots, leave no more than 5 mm above the kidney, then you will save yourself from protruding stumps of lashes, which looks ugly.

Fertilizer and top dressing of grapes

In the first three years, the root system of the plant actively develops. At the beginning of summer or spring, you need to feed the virgin ivy with nitroammophos - 40-50 g, or any other universal complex fertilizer. In the future, the plant does not need additional feeding.

Plant propagation

There are several ways to propagate girlish grapes in the open field, choose the one that suits you best.

Propagation of girlish grapes by layering

layering. In the spring, select a whip with kidneys and dig in several places to a depth of 5 cm, first pin to the ground in these places with a wire or a hairpin. The end of the whip does not dig in. Water well. By the fall, get a few ready-grown seedlings.

cuttings. Cuttings are made in spring or autumn. Choose a 3-4 year old pencil-thick whip and cut into pieces with 4-5 green buds. Tear off all the leaves. Plant so that two buds remain on the surface. In order for the cutting to give roots faster, lightly scratch the part that you dig.

Advice. If the cutting is planted in a sunny place, then you need to shade it until the first shoot forms, and water it regularly for good survival.

Parthenocissus cuttings take root very easily

Seeds. It's quite a hassle. Ripe fruits should rot, after which you need to carefully remove the seeds from them. In the spring, before planting, they need to be stratified for better germination. To do this, the seeds are first soaked for several hours in cold water, then placed in wet sand and refrigerated for a month.

Root offspring. Perhaps this is the easiest way to propagate virgin ivy. Where the vine comes into contact with the soil, roots are formed that take root easily. You only need to plant them in a permanent place, while not deepening the root collar.

Diseases and pests

Diseases and pests bypass this vine, so you should not expect surprises from this side, which means you will not have any extra trouble.

Most likely, it will not be necessary to protect girlish grapes from pests.

It very rarely happens that aphids settle on young shoots, it does not bring much harm. It is enough to wash it off with water from a hose or spray it with a solution. laundry soap with the addition of alcohol. If it doesn't help folk remedy, use the biopreparation "Fitoverm" or the insecticide "Fufanon" according to the instructions.

Maiden grapes in combination with other plants

Other creepers go well with girlish grapes in landscape design. Clematis, according to gardeners, grows even better with such a neighborhood, because virgin ivy protects the roots of clematis and the base of the stems from the sun.

It's good to combine girlish grapes with hops, if the green leaves of regular hops seem too boring, plant an 'Aureus' plant with yellow-green leaves. Green decorative leaves girlish grapes will favorably emphasize the flowers of a weaving rose and become a support for it.

Girlish grapes decorating the gazebo

Against the background of a fence braided with vines, conifers look good: spruce, juniper and thuja, if you add derain and barberry to this composition, then conifers will visually lose their heaviness. When the girl's grapes shed their leaves, coniferous group will emerge as a soloist to the fore.

Parthenocissus is a surprisingly plastic plant with strong and flexible shoots. In landscape design, girlish grapes are most often used for vertical gardening walls various buildings and structures: these are gazebos, fences, walls of outbuildings, retaining walls. Combine with other plants.

Virgin ivy reproduces easily and grows rapidly: in 2-3 years it is able to completely drape 2 storey building. At the same time, the landing occupies a very small area, which is important.

Girlish grapes can create a shadow in the gazebo or disguise an ugly fence

From it you can create a screen for zoning the site, disguise unsightly buildings and sites: septic tanks and compost heaps, hide a chain-link fence from the eyes of curious neighbors, and turn a dry tree into a fancy structure.

A garden in which there are girlish grapes always looks visually richer: in summer these are green vertical planes, and in autumn bright yellow and red surfaces that bring a sense of comfort to the landscape and a romantic mood.

With ease, parthenocissus can engulf an entire building.

Since this is a deciduous plant, its lashes remain bare from autumn to spring, and this does not always look attractive. But the strict lines of the designs of fences, lattices, arbors and pergolas come to the fore, and the creepers lie on top, like carpets.

This creeper is used in landscape design as a wonderful perennial. groundcover in natural gardens. In addition to the decor, there are more advantages: it regulates the humidity in the area, protects from wind and sun, traps dust, reduces noise, the walls of a residential building covered with virgin ivy do not overheat in summer, and in autumn and winter they are well ventilated when the leaves fall.

About girlish grapes: video

Girlish grapes: photo

If you would like your Vacation home looked original, for example, like a fairy-tale castle, and household territory resembled a magical garden, then you should pay attention to such a plant as parthenocissus.

In the process of development, tight vines grow in it, which create a dense carpet on the wall, arbor, fence, which allows any objects to look as if they belong to the Middle Ages.

Features of girlish grapes

A photo of this plant can be found on the Internet, however, not everyone knows that it is known under a different name - virgin ivy. This can be explained by the fact that it can form fruits without pollination.

The flowers of the plant do not look attractive and neither are the fruits edible. However, for many summer residents, girlish grapes are interesting in that they can be very successfully use in landscape design, the main thing is how it attracts owners suburban areas- decorative foliage.

The leaves are palmate and have a bright green color. The first frost causes the foliage to change from its original color to more crimson. However, until winter comes, the suburban area will not lose its main decoration, formed by leaves of red and purple flowers.

The owner will have to periodically prune the grapes, because if there is no control for this perennial crop, it will fill all the free space.

Because of this property, girlish grapes received wide use in landscape design, because with its help you can easily hide unattractive outbuildings, as well as hide the raw walls of houses.

Among other advantages of plants, it is worth highlighting the fact that it contributes to the improvement of the microclimate, so can suppress certain types pathogenic microorganisms.

Varieties of wild ornamental grapes

The main thing that attracts summer residents is this plant - girlish grapes do not require special care. Therefore, you only need to choose a place to land, after which it will develop independently.

Such advantages as unpretentiousness and pronounced decorative properties and became one of the main reasons why this perennial can often be found in many gardens.

Getting acquainted with girlish grapes, it must be said that he is a representative of the Vinogradov family. It includes 12 species, many of which are found in Asia and North America.

Despite some of their differences, they all received wide use as decoration in landscape design.

Types of girlish grapes and landscape design

Five-leafed parthenocissus. Often this variety is called virgin grapes. In one year, its vines can reach a height of about 2.5 m. This is enough to cover a building 15 m high with thickets.

The leaves have a complex palmate shape, can be up to 10 cm long, with a pointed tip at the end. This variety of grapes acquires the most pronounced decorative properties in autumn, when its foliage turns red.

As a cultivated plant, it began to be grown as early as 1622. Therefore, one should not be surprised that photos of this variety can be present both in modern magazines and in paintings dating back to the Renaissance and Enlightenment.

Triostreny girlish grapes. This variety is often referred to as the ivy grape. This can be explained by the fact that with its foliage it strongly resembles this plant. The leaves of this grape variety are distinguished by a three-lobed shape.

Shoots can grow up to 15–20 m in length. This grape variety tolerates freezing temperatures very well. Already during the first frosts, noticeable changes in the appearance of this variety occur: instead of the usual color, the leaves acquire red-purple and orange hues.

In this plant, it is customary to distinguish individual varieties that have pronounced features. golden look has leaves adorned with yellow spots. In the purple variety, the foliage shimmers with dark burgundy hues.

The decorative properties of Vicha grapes are also pronounced - its small-sized leaves have a shiny surface, and at the time of the onset of the first frost, they change their usual color to orange.

Preparing for landing

Girlish grapes feel good not only in sunny places, but also in the shade. But at the same time, it must be borne in mind that in the fall, when the first frosts occur, girlish grapes acquire a color characteristic of this period of the year.

However, many experts agree that the most suitable for growing this plant is sunny plot.

You can grow wild grapes near a fence or other support with north side, however, in this case, it will not change its green color until the leaves begin to crumble due to the first cold weather.

Growing on the southern and eastern sides of the site is beneficial in that in these places reproduction takes less time, and the leaves grow larger.

Seeds can be sown in autumn. As for transplanting seedlings, it is recommended to plan this work for the spring period. Girlish grapes are not very demanding on the quality of the soil.

However, this plant still feels better if it grows on a specially trained soil mixtures . To prepare it, you will need the following components:

  • 2 parts of garden land.
  • 2 parts compost.
  • 1 part sand.

After thoroughly mixing all the ingredients, the pits prepared for planting the cuttings are filled with this composition.

Reproduction by seeds

As a rule, the cultivation of wild grapes from seeds is carried out only by experienced gardeners. It is not recommended for beginners to use this breeding method, not only because this process requires a lot of time and effort.

Often it is not possible to achieve the desired result because the seeds used may not all sprout. However, in a situation where the gardener does not have planting material for propagation, he has no other alternatives.

A mandatory operation that seeds must undergo before planting is stratification. It can be carried out in vivo: for this, the seeds are sown in the fall in the ground, where they must be tempered during three months.

You can also do this in the spring, however, in this case, the time for sowing is chosen 6–7 weeks earlier than the usual sowing dates at home:

  1. A small container is taken, which is filled with clean sand.
  2. The sand must be shed well, and then the existing seeds should be sown in it.
  3. Then the container must be covered with a film.
  4. Next, the container must be placed in a cold place, such as a refrigerator. For the appropriate conduct of this procedure, it is necessary to ensure the temperature is within + 5 degrees Celsius.
  5. During certification, it is necessary to ensure that the sand is constantly wet. This is done until the moment when they begin to sprout sprouts from seeds.

If the seeds undergo such preparatory treatment in the open field, then already a month after their sowing, you can expect the first shoots to appear.

Planting cuttings

Many gardeners choose the method of propagation by cuttings because of the lower labor intensity and the time that must be met before receiving planting material. After cutting their vines placed in open ground where they take root fairly quickly.

To obtain high-quality planting material, this work is carried out in the following order:

  • propagation requires cuttings with at least four buds;
  • in the prepared pit, the stalk must be placed in such a way that two buds are located above the ground;
  • planting must be completed with watering;
  • in order to avoid burns, it is recommended to protect the bed from direct sunlight;
  • receive good seedlings It is possible if the soil is constantly moistened.

Reproduction by layering

This method of obtaining wild grape seedlings may be of interest to those who already have adult bushes on the site. In this case, planting and caring for young plants can be carried out immediately after choosing a place for a new bush.

The process of reproduction in this way is carried out in the following order:

  • In early spring, you need to outline the vines at the age of two or three years.
  • Further, they are bent to the ground and fixed in this position.
  • The place of bending must be covered with fertile soil.
  • Waiting for the rooting of the layers, it is necessary to regularly water.
  • A year later, the layers will form a full-fledged root system, after which they can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Further care

After receiving the planting material and transplanting it, the main care measures will be to remove excess shoots and install special supports for the growth of vines.

Although branches can often climb the walls of a building on their own, however, many gardeners come to their aid, specially designed fencing, for example, a chain-link.

Young bushes of girlish grapes experience the need for moisture only at a young age. Adult bushes have enough moisture, which comes with precipitation and from internal reserves.

The care of perennials is also simplified because the owner does not have to carry out shelter activities for the winter. However, for young plantings, this event is mandatory.


For better absorption of fertilizers, fertilizing is recommended during the irrigation of grapes. To do this, you can use nitroammophoska. In order to stimulate the growth of grapes, it is useful to apply complex fertilizers to the soil.

Girlish grapes respond well with active growth if measures are taken to improve the quality of the soil. Therefore, in addition to loosening, it is also recommended before planting add peat to the soil and humus.

You can increase fertility by fertilizing the soil with two-year-old compost. The mulching operation is quite effective, during which sawdust or rotted foliage can be used.

Any suburban area, as well as a house located on it, may look unusual if you use original approach to its design. One such idea would be to use girlish grapes.

This ornamental plant is able to form long shoots that can hide any tall buildings, creating medieval effect.

Naturally, the cultivation of this plant provides for its own characteristics. Special attention should be given to young seedlings, since they not only need regular watering, but also protection from frost.

However, adult plants are unpretentious, so the owner will only be required pruning if he wants to limit the further spread of the grapes.

Parthenocissus is an ornamental grape species of the genus Parthenocissus. It grows in the form of vines, wrapping around arbors, fences, trees and other structures. He received such an unusual name due to his peculiarity: for the formation of seeds, he does not need fertilization with pollen, a kind of “immaculate conception”. It is also called "virgin ivy".

General information

Its shoots can spread over distances of up to 20 m. Therefore, it is worthwhile to carefully monitor that the wildly growing shoots do not close the windows (creating darkness in the rooms), do not rise too high, climbing under the tiles or slate, thereby destroying them, and not allow vines to enter the gutter, clogging it.

To do this, it is time to cut off the extra shoots. It should also be taken into account that grapes have very dense roots, so do not plant other crops near it, it will be difficult for them to break through these growths. It should also be noted that after the winter, while everything around begins to turn green, the “girlish” grapes are in no hurry to come to life.

Girlish grapes bloom in summer (July), but very modestly. But the flowers are fragrant and attract bees and bumblebees.

Varieties and types

Girlish grapes ivy-shaped (triostrenny) has decorative garden varieties that are in demand due to their unusual leaf configuration and color (not only in autumn). For example, the purple ivy variety has dark purple leaves, while the golden variety has yellow spots on green leaves.

Maiden's grapes triostreny Vicha- the most common variety, has small smooth leaves with three pointed ends. In autumn they turn orange-red.

Maiden grape virginian or five leaf has dark green leaves, consisting of 5 leaflets, an egg-like shape with pointed ends, in the summer, and in the fall it acquires a reddish or burgundy tint. There are also small clusters of small dark inedible berries.

This species tolerates severe frosts well even without special shelter. Not whimsical to the choice of soil and place (sunny or shady). It grows very quickly (up to 3 m per year). Dense foliage protects the walls of the house from overheating, dust, wind and rain, thereby reducing dampness inside the house and near the foundation.

Girlish grapes "STAR SHOWERS" or variegated- a very decorative variety, has an unusual white-green color of the leaves, which changes from prolonged cold weather.

Parthenocissus Yellow Wall ("Yellow Wall") - in autumn, the leaves turn from green to a yellow tint.

Parthenocissus "Red Wall (Trocky)"- has a glossy surface of the leaves, in autumn they turn purple-red.

Girlish grape "Henry", it does not tolerate frost, so it can be grown in an apartment. Its young shoots have a tetrahedral section, and the leaves consist of 5-7 individual leaflets.

Girlish grapes planting and care

Grapes do not require a special place for planting, but the color of the foliage can depend on the lighting. If planted on the south side, in autumn the foliage will take on a bright and attractive crimson palette, and on the north side the foliage will remain green and without bunches of berries.

In lighted areas, the plant grows faster and has larger foliage. Liana takes root in spring and autumn, but experts advise choosing autumn (September-October).

Soil for girlish grapes

To begin with, a week before planting, the ground at the landing site must be dug up. Then a hole is dug 50-60 cm deep and drainage is laid out on the bottom (for example, broken brick) and covered with a layer of sand (20 cm). After that, the substrate is prepared: two parts of leafy soil, two parts of compost and part of sand.

Watering girl's grapes

Watering decorative grapes requires moderate. It will be quite enough three or four times a season, while using at least 10 liters of water per bush. If the summer turned out to be very hot, then the number of waterings is increased, the main thing is that the earth does not dry out.

Maiden Grape Fertilizers

Fertilizers can be applied at the beginning of summer (together with water for irrigation, they are fed with nitroammophos), and complex fertilizers can be applied during active growth.

Periodically, it is necessary to remove weeds, loosen the ground and mulch the area around the ivy. Mulching is carried out at the beginning of summer, using peat, humus or compost (6 cm layer). In the fall, the layer is updated, sealing the old one into the ground.

Pruning girlish grapes

Pruning is carried out in the spring (during the dormant period), frozen, withered, weakened or damaged shoots and leaves are removed, and branches that have gone beyond the zone allotted to you are shortened (they close the windows, climb under the roof, etc.).

Girlish grapes preparation for winter

Most types of girlish grapes do not need shelter for the winter, they are quite frost-resistant, even if one of them freezes, it will quickly recover thanks to sleeping buds.

Propagation of girlish grapes by cuttings

We prepare the place: dig a hole of the right size under the cutting, away from the rest of the plants, due to the growth of the root system. Mix the earth from this hole with compost, sand and fertilizer (two handfuls).

Then lay drainage on the bottom, sprinkle a little of the obtained substrate on top, place the cutting at a slight angle and cover with the remaining earth. Now you need to water the grapes well and form a hole so that precipitation (rainwater) lingers in it.

For a young plant, it is necessary to form a support so that it is easier for it to grow upwards, then it can be removed. If the grapes grow near the house, then support is not needed, it will crawl along the wall, clinging to a rough surface. Cuttings are cut at any time of the year, while choosing shoots with at least five healthy buds.

Girlish grapes reproduction by layering

For this method, a long lash is taken in, which is planted in waves (the part in the ground is different above the ground, next again in the ground, and so on) into a groove no more than 5 cm deep. The part in the ground must be secured with a hairpin or paper clip. Then water well.

There is another way: a shorter layer is selected and a whip is laid out in the same shallow moistened groove, the top rises 10-15 cm above the ground (if it does not hold itself, then put a support).

Growing girlish grapes from seeds

Grapes are propagated by seeds in spring or autumn, planting no deeper than 1 cm in loose soil. To increase the germination rate, the seeds are pre-soaked. When planting in the spring, the seeds are soaked in cold water (3-5 hours), thereby hardening them, then placed in moist soil and refrigerated for several days.

Reproduction by root offspring

The root system, formed by shoots of vines, is very branched. Root offspring are quite easily separated and landed in a new place. The main thing is that the root neck should be above the ground, and not covered.

Diseases and pests

This ornamental plant rarely gets sick and only because of violations of the rules of care: abundant watering or, on the contrary, drying out of the soil, as well as lack of fertilizers. Sometimes pests look at the grapes, insecticides will help in the fight against them.

Girlish grapes benefit or harm

There are many different opinions about this ornamental grape. Someone believes that it causes harm: it clogs the drain, prevents other plants from growing, weaves along the wall, overgrown with windows and makes its way to the roofs and destroys the tiled and slate roofs. But all this can be avoided if you cut off unnecessary ends in a timely manner.

The benefits are actually much greater: with the help of vines, you can disguise old and unremarkable buildings and structures, create hedges instead of boring fences, and decorate arches and gazebos. In addition, dense foliage can protect from wind and cold.

Most varieties can please the bright color in the fall, attracting and pleasing to the eye. There is a myth that under a dense carpet of ivy, mold forms from dampness. In fact, everything is not so, grapes absorb moisture.

Parthenocissus tincture

In folk medicine, one recipe for an infusion of girlish grape branches is known, which is used by cancer patients for resorption of tumors, as a hemostatic agent.

Preparation of the infusion: take 10 g of chopped, dried branches, pour into a glass bowl, pour 300 ml of boiling water, then put in a water bath for 7-8 minutes. Set aside and let stand and cool.

Now you can strain through a sieve or cheesecloth and add a little water (to return the original volume). Take 100 ml during various bleeding 3-4 times a day.

Thickets of girlish grapes, also known as virgin ivy, can turn your country house into a fairy-tale castle, and your backyard plot into a magical garden. Its tight vines densely braid walls, arbors, hedges, giving the buildings a touch of the Middle Ages. And what summer residents especially like is that you don’t often need to visit girlish grapes. Planting and caring for him are conditional, he develops perfectly without attention to him from the gardener. The combination of unpretentiousness and high decorativeness made the perennial a favorite decoration of many gardens.

Plant features

The plant got its name virgin ivy due to its ability to form fruits without pollination. This perennial culture has an inconspicuous flowering, and its fruits are not eaten. Its main advantage, which is used with pleasure in landscape design, is dense decorative foliage.

Reference. Perennial creepers grow with high speed, clinging with antennae to any surface and are able to cover large areas with a thick impenetrable carpet in a short period of time - walls, fences, gazebos.

The palmate leaves are bright green. With the advent of cold weather, the greenery begins to turn purple, and until winter, the backyard will be decorated with foliage of red and purple hues.

Ripe fruits of virgin grapes

It is better to choose a place in the open ground for growing grapes at a vertical support so that the vines have room to grow. If you do not prune from time to time, this perennial culture will fill all the available space. This feature is used in landscape design to disguise unattractive outbuildings, as well as raw walls of houses. Another useful quality plants is the ability to improve the microclimate, inhibiting the development of certain pathogens.

Varieties and types of girlish grapes

Parthenocissus belongs to the Grape family. The perennial has 12 species, the habitat of most of them are the countries of Asia, Sulfur America. Their varieties are mainly used outdoors for decorative purposes.

Five-leafed parthenocissus

The most popular in landscape design are two varieties:

  • Five-leaf girlish grape. This variety has another common name - virgin grapes. The growth rate of shoots is about 2.5 m per year. It is able to twine buildings with a height of about 15 m with its thickets. The leaves are palmate, complex, up to 10 cm long, elongated with a pointed apex. characteristic feature variety is the coloring of foliage with the onset of autumn in an intense red color. Known as cultivated plant since 1622, so it is not uncommon to meet him not only in the photos of modern magazines, but also in the paintings of the Renaissance and Enlightenment.
  • Triostreny girlish grapes. Ivy grapes are another famous name for this popular variety. He received it for the outward similarity of the foliage of plants. As a rule, it has a three-lobed leaf shape. Liana reaches a length of 15-20 meters. Perennial refers to frost-resistant plants. With the advent of cold weather, the bright brilliant color of the foliage is replaced by various shades of red - purple, orange. Triostrenny grapes have their own pronounced varieties. Golden is distinguished by a combination of yellow spots on the leaves, purple - dark burgundy shades of foliage, Vicha grapes - small leaves with a shiny surface, which becomes orange with the onset of autumn cold weather.

Reference. The length of the Vicha grape vine, under favorable conditions, grows up to 4 m per year. It is cultivated both in open ground and as a pot culture.

Preparing for landing

Planting a plant works well both in well-lit and shady places. At the same time, it should be taken into account that with the advent of cold weather to observe the magnificent autumn color of the perennial girlish grapes, cultivation should take place in a sunny area.

Triostreny girlish grapes

When planting is carried out at a support on the north side, the culture remains green until the winter leaf fall. Another advantage that comes with cultivation on the southern and eastern sides is faster reproduction and relatively larger leaves.

Sowing seeds in open ground is carried out in the fall, planting seedlings is also carried out in the spring. The plant has no special preferences for the composition of the soil. But girlish grapes are especially successful, the cultivation of which takes place on specially prepared soil mixtures. To do this, take:

  • 2 parts of garden land;
  • 2 parts of compost;
  • 1 part sand.

All components are thoroughly mixed and the planting pits for cuttings are filled with the resulting substrate.

Reproduction by seeds

Growing grapes from seeds is within the power of more sophisticated gardeners. This is a long and laborious process, which is not always crowned with success - the seeds quickly lose their germination capacity, and the shelf life does not exceed 1 year. But this method is the only possible one if it is not possible to get perennial cuttings for breeding.

Parthenocissus in the garden

Seeds need stratification. It can be natural, 3 months old, if sowing is done in the fall before winter. If it is carried out in the spring, this procedure is carried out at an accelerated pace 6-7 weeks before the scheduled sowing date at home:

  1. A small container is filled with clean sand.
  2. The sand is sprinkled with water and the seeds are immersed in its mass.
  3. Cover the container with foil.
  4. Leave a container with crops in the refrigerator or cellar. The temperature is maintained at around +5°C.
  5. Care is to regularly moisten the sand. Watering is carried out until sprouts hatch from the seeds.

After such preparatory measures, seedlings in the open field can be expected a month after sowing.

Planting cuttings

Propagation by cuttings is easier and faster. It will not be difficult to cut the liana to obtain planting material, which takes root at high speed in open ground.

House decor with thickets of parthenocissus

Landing is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Select cuttings with at least four buds.
  2. The cutting is planted in the planting hole so that two buds remain on the surface.
  3. Immediately after planting, the sprouts need watering.
  4. The beds are shaded from direct sunlight.
  5. Care consists in regularly moistening young plantings.

Important. For propagation by cuttings, the lignified part of the vine is chosen. Planting material is prepared in early spring before the start of sap flow.

Reproduction by layering

Reproduction by layering is suitable for those gardeners whose plots are already growing girlish grapes - planting and care in this case is carried out immediately from mother plant. For this:

  1. In the spring, 2 or 3-year-old vines are selected.
  2. They bend them to the ground and fix them.
  3. In the place of fixation sprinkled with fertile soil.
  4. Separate care for layering is not needed, except for regular watering.
  5. A year later, the formed plant is dug up and transplanted.

Further care

The main care for the perennial is the regular pruning of excess shoots and the installation of additional supports under the vines. In the photo, the branches beautifully braid the walls of buildings, but behind the dense foliage it is simply not visible that gardeners often install a chain-link under a weaving plant or pull trellises.

Girlish grapes in landscape design

Watering the plant is needed only at a young age. An adult plant can do without artificial soil moisture. In addition, a stronger perennial does not need shelter for the winter. Young plantings, on the contrary, need to be protected from frost.


It is desirable to apply fertilizer along with watering the grapes. Nitroammophoska is used as top dressing. In the phase of active growth, complex fertilizer will not damage.

Favorably affect the development of perennial measures to improve the quality of the soil. It is desirable to loosen the soil, introducing peat and humus for digging. How organic fertilizer two year old compost can be used. In addition to other traditional nutrient materials, sawdust, fallen rotted leaves can be used as mulch.

Planting girlish grapes is fast, rooting cuttings does not take long. Plant care is simple, it only needs pruning and the simplest fertilizers combined with mulching. Such measures will ensure the violent growth of vines and bright color decorative foliage.

Girlish grape planting (video)

Parthenocissus is a fast-growing and unpretentious liana, widely used as an element of landscape design on garden plots, in country and city estates. carved foliage with bright colors green, red and yellow can give a picturesque look to walls, houses and other buildings.

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Advantages and disadvantages

When planning the planting of girlish grapes, you should be aware not only of the positive properties of the plant, but also of its shortcomings.


Flexible stems of creepers allow, in the presence of a prepared frame, to create any decorative forms- from simple to the most bizarre.

Among other advantages of "wild" grapes:

  • decorative, attractive appearance throughout the summer and until late autumn;
  • protects buildings from heat, dust, rain and wind;
  • high survival rate, undemanding to soil and light;
  • practically not susceptible to diseases and pests;
  • durability - retains decorative properties throughout the entire life span;
  • good frost resistance, lashes usually do not freeze;
  • enhanced regeneration - new parts quickly grow in place of damaged parts;
  • resistance to lack of moisture - with poor watering, a developed root system provides the plant with moisture from the soil;
  • increased growth rates - grows up to 25 m high, during the first 2-3 years it grows by several meters;
  • does not require a lot of space on the site, but covers large areas.

Girlish grapes in the decorative design of the site


Some of the advantages of the vine, if not properly placed or cared for, can easily become its disadvantages:

  1. Strong stems are able to grow and penetrate under the roof (especially under the slate and tiles) and over time cause its violation, as well as clog the drains. They appear mainly when growing grapes near buildings.
  2. A powerful and fast-growing root system, when placed near the foundation, can lead to its destruction.
  3. When planted near windows and terraces, the dense foliage creates great shading; to improve the access of light to the premises, it is necessary to regularly remove the shoots, form a green mass.
  4. The late terms of the appearance of greenery on the stems, in the spring, the decorative role of the plant is minimal.

Dense cover of overgrown wild grapes

Where and when to plant parthenocissus

To provide maximum effect from decorating the site with these grapes, you need to carefully choose the time and place of its planting.

Location selection

The plant is unpretentious, so it can be planted anywhere.

If persecuted decorative purposes, you should know - the color of the foliage depends on the choice of place and the degree of its illumination:

  1. From the south, southeast, southwest and west side where the vineyard receives a lot of bright sunlight, the foliage will be dominated by orange, purple and other shades of red.
  2. On the north and east side, where there is no direct sunlight or only for a short time, the foliage remains green all season.

When planted in full sun, the grapes will grow faster, form denser foliage, and have larger leaves.

Given these features, you can create interesting and varied designs on your personal plot. color scheme compositions.

Grapes in a sunny position

When to plant

You can plant this vine in the general terms for planting all crops - in spring or autumn. If possible, it is advisable to root the grapes in late September - early October.

How to plant parthenocissus

One of the names of the plant is "wild grapes", which indicates in particular its unpretentiousness in growing conditions.

The soil

The plant is undemanding to the quality of the soil and is able to grow even in adverse conditions. To provide him best opportunities for growth, you should choose fertile soil, rather loose, capable of passing and retaining moisture well. Loams with relatively neutral pH values ​​are suitable - in the range from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline.

Proper landing includes the following steps:

  1. In unsuitable soils, pits or trenches are first made 50-60 cm wide and deep.
  2. A drainage layer is laid on the bottom (broken brick, crushed stone, expanded clay) of at least 10-15 cm.
  3. Fill with a mixture of soil, humus (compost) and sand in an approximate ratio of 2:2:1.
  4. When planting in a container, it is advisable to choose its width and depth of at least 30-40 cm, since the plant forms a developed root system.
  5. After preparing the seat, the soil is periodically watered for two to three weeks so that the soil settles and compacts.

Landing Rules

For the best growth of grapes, the following rules are observed:

  1. The prepared planting material is carefully dug up in order to damage the roots as little as possible.
  2. At the planned place, small holes are made according to the size of the soil coma with roots. Between adjacent seedlings, an interval of 50 to 100 cm can be maintained, depending on the desired density of the green cover. Even with fairly wide intervals, the grapes grow quite densely, forming many shoots.
  3. The root of the seedling is lowered into the hole, sprinkled with soil and slightly compacted. root collar left at ground level or slightly above. Before planting, to improve root formation, "Epin" or "Kornevin" is introduced into the pits.
  4. Planted plants are watered. The surface of the earth after watering can be mulched with soil, humus, compost. So moisture will be retained longer, providing better growth.

Rooted seedling with young shoots

When planting and transplanting grapes, a support for its growth is prepared in advance. They install frames and gratings, pull strong threads, wire. Plants older than 2 years should not be transplanted, since it is difficult to tear long shoots from the old support and fill it with a new one. It is better to plant young seedlings.

Landing methods

You can grow girlish grapes in different ways:

  • the plant is rooted by cuttings;
  • rooted by root offspring and layering;
  • you can sow seeds, but this is a more laborious process.

Planting seeds

A little-used method, since often the seeds of girlish grapes do not have time to ripen. In addition, other planting methods provide fast and complete growth.

Seeds are planted in prepared, loose and flavored soil to a depth of 1 cm. Planting dates are spring (April-May) and autumn (September-October). For spring planting, hardening is necessary: ​​soak the seeds for several hours in cold water, place in a moistened napkin and keep in the refrigerator for a week.

Sowing seeds of grapes

Planting cuttings

Rooting cuttings is easier than planting seeds. It is used when it is not possible to obtain layering or root offspring. Landing can be carried out during the entire warm period, preferably in autumn or spring.

For propagation, it is better to take lignified stem fragments. The shoots of the vine are cut into cuttings 25-30 cm long and about the thickness of a pencil - so that each has 3-5 full-fledged buds. Then they are buried in soft, loose soil so that two or three buds remain above the surface. After planting, the soil is well watered. In the hot season, the rooting area is sprinkled with a layer of mulch to retain moisture and kept moist. Seedlings should be protected from bright sunlight.

Preparing cuttings for planting

Layers and root suckers

Scheme of propagation of grapes by layering

You can carry out the rooting process artificially - by removing and spreading the lash of the vine on the ground. Every 40-50 cm it is sprinkled or added dropwise in places where there are kidneys. You can fix the escape with the help of spears, hairpins.

Dug stems constantly moisturize. After the formation of the roots, the shoot is cut into pieces and planted in prepared holes or a trench.

The video shows reproduction by layering of girlish grapes. Filmed by the Ogorodnye Joy channel.

Care for girlish grapes

The plant develops well even with minimal watering and without fertilizer. The main job of caring for him is pruning and shaping.


Girlish grapes do not require regular watering. In humid climates or with moderate rainfall, it may not be watered at all. In dry, hot periods, it is enough to moisten the soil under plantings once or twice a month. If the vine grows in containers, the soil must be looked after more carefully and moistened as needed. A good result in preserving moisture is the laying under the roots of a mulch layer 5-7 cm thick.

Watering a young seedling

top dressing

Since the "wild" grapes do not bear fruit, they do not need special feeding. To supply stems and leaves nutrients enough laid down during planting and sprinkled with organic matter as mulch. Additionally, during the summer, one or two irrigations can be carried out with a complex mineral fertilizer(Nitroammophos) - 2-3 tsp. for 10 liters of water.

Pruning grapes in spring

Since the vine grows very quickly (annual growth is two to three meters), it must be cut regularly. It is better to do this in the spring, because at the same time you can remove the shoots affected by frost. While creating decorative elements pruning is combined with shaping actions.

To simplify the work of pruning and creating a plant crown, there are simple rules:

  1. Think over and prepare decorative designs in advance. To form a crown, directing the growth of shoots, already from the first year of planting.
  2. Spread the stems evenly over the support. Do not allow them to be excessively intertwined or thickened. Fasten the growing shoots in time so that they do not break out with separate lashes and do not grow beyond the allotted structure.
  3. Make sure that young shoots do not spread on the ground. This is fraught with their rapid rooting. In a short time the grapes can take over large area, which will be quite difficult to clear of thickets.
  4. Formative pruning is carried out in the spring, before the awakening of the kidneys. The lack of foliage makes the job much easier.
  5. Sanitary pruning - removal of old, damaged, dried and diseased stems - is carried out throughout the garden season.
  6. Excessively thickened and intertwined arrays are easier to cut short and start shaping again.

Spring pruning and crown formation

Pests and diseases

Girlish grapes have an enviable resistance to diseases and insect pests. If, with an excess of moisture, the stems and leaves of the plant are affected by rot, they should be removed.

It is temporarily necessary to refrain from watering, and treat the crown with a solution of a fungicide preparation:

  • Bordeaux liquid;
  • Rowright;
  • Ridomil;
  • Topaz etc.

If any pest is found, you can apply an insecticidal solution:

  • Intavir;
  • Karbofos;
  • Fufanon;
  • Actellik.

It is easy to wash off ordinary aphids with a stream of water from a hose or treat the crown with a solution of laundry soap.

Preparing for winter

In regions with a cold climate and harsh winters, it is good to grow a five-leaf (Virgin) grape variety. It is most resistant to frost and does not require insulation. Other species (triospical, Henry, Thomson grapes) are more thermophilic. To protect against freezing, it is better to remove them from the supports and cover them. Warming may be needed for young plantings. To protect them from freezing, the soil with seedlings is covered with dry foliage, spruce branches.

Preparing grapes for wintering

Types and varieties of girlish grapes

In horticulture and landscape design, three types of ornamental grapes have become widespread:

  • Five-leafed (virginsky);
  • Triostrenny (ivy-shaped);
  • Attached.

Five-leafed (Virginian)

Most common on household plots view. Place of origin - moist forests in the east of North America. This is a large liana up to 20 m long. Young shoots are red in color, turn green with age. The leaves consist of oblong (up to 10 cm) pointed leaflets on petioles. The upper side is dark green, the lower side is light.

The view has a number of advantages:

  • high survivability;
  • grows in urban environments;
  • easily propagated;
  • not susceptible to diseases and pests;
  • does not need shelter for the winter.

In ornamental gardening, the most common varieties are:

  1. Engelman. It has smaller leaves.
  2. Wall. Shoots are able to climb even steep surfaces due to the special structure of clinging antennae.
  3. Hairy. A variety with improved decorativeness, shoots and a crown of reddish hues, the underside of the leaves is pubescent.
  4. Star Showers. The crown is of an unusual color: green with white spots in summer, red with pink in autumn.

Variety Star Showers

Triostrenny (ivy-shaped)

The species originates in the territories of China, Japan and Korea. This is a liana with branched tendrils and numerous suckers.
