Ringed worms. Mucus formation that allows worms to endure adverse conditions

1. Continue filling in the pivot table on p. thirteen

2. Argue the statement: "Among the various worms, annelids are the most highly organized"

Annelids for the first time have a secondary body cavity and a cellular structure of the skin. The circulatory system appears in the internal structure. The excretory system is represented by more developed metanephridia. Most of the rings are free-living, some have a semblance of legs - parapodia. All are bilaterally symmetrical. Have sense organs

3. Prove that the partitions in the body of an annelids perform a protective function

Each segment of annelids is separated by a septum and has a complete set of nerve nodes, nephridia, annular vessels and gonads. If the integrity of one segment is violated, this affects the vital activity of the worm to a small extent.

4. List structural features that help rings move well in various habitats

Some types of rings have parapodia and setae for locomotion. Those species that do not have parapodia have bristles or their body is covered with mucus for better gliding. The muscular system of all rings is represented by annular and longitudinal muscles

5. After studying the text of the paragraph, complete the diagrams

a) Digestive system of the rings

b) Nervous system of rings

c) Sense organs of rings

6. What happens if the body of the ring is divided into several parts?

Regeneration can occur and the worm will restore the lost parts. That is, asexual reproduction occurs.

7. Is sexual reproduction of rings possible without the formation of a girdle?

Maybe. In some polychaete worms living in the seas and belonging to the type Annelids, reproduction occurs in water, fertilization is external. But in most rings, reproduction occurs with the help of a girdle.

8. How are the number of eggs laid in caring for offspring related?

There is a direct relationship between the number of eggs laid and the care of offspring. Some polychaetes lay few eggs, and the female guards them. This means that the annelids are more advanced than the previous types of worms.

9. Name all possible ways of feeding polychaetes

Among the polychaete worms there are predators that feed on small marine animals. There are omnivores that filter water and feed on plants.

10. Complete the sentences

The development of polychaetes occurs with the alternation of life forms. Their larvae do not look like adults. Each life form has a different function: reproduction, resettlement, self-preservation. Some polychaetes have care of offspring

11. Finish the scheme

The value of polychaetes in nature

1. Filter water

2. They are fish food

3. They feed on the remains of dead animals

12. What are the differences in the nutrition of polychaete and oligochaete worms?

Small bristle worms feed on organic matter from plant residues of the soil, and among polychaetes there are predators, omnivores, and herbivores.

13. What do protozoa and oligochaetes have in common in adaptations to endure adverse conditions?

To endure unfavorable conditions, many protozoa form a cyst, and oligochaetes form a protective capsule, and fall into diapause. These formations are similar in their functions.

14. Using the text and drawings of the textbook, study the structure of the earthworm, and then do laboratory work No. 3 "The external structure of the earthworm." Make a drawing of an earthworm, marking the anterior and posterior ends of the body, segments, girdle, bristles.
Draw a conclusion about what structural features allow worms to lead an underground lifestyle

Conclusion: The primary cavity of the body is the supporting one. It contains a liquid that gives the body of the worm elasticity.

15. List the characteristic features of leeches:

1) Constant number of body segments

2) The presence of suction cups for attaching to the body of the victim or the substrate

3) Absence of bristles on the body

4) All leeches live in the aquatic environment

16. Name 2 types of food for leeches

17. Look at the pictures. Sign what type and class these worms belong to

18. After studying the text of the paragraph, explain why leeches are more sensitive than other worms to changes in the environment.

Leeches have a better developed nervous system

19. Is the statement true: “It is difficult for oligochaetes to breathe in dirty water, but leeches feel good”?

The statement is not correct. Leeches are very sensitive to the purity of water and die when it is contaminated. Oligochaetes, on the other hand, endure water pollution and can live in such reservoirs for a long time.

20. What happens if leeches stop producing hirudia?

Hirudin is necessary to prevent blood clotting on the wound of the victim and in the stomach of the leech itself. If it is not produced, the leech will not be able to feed, as the blood will clot

21. What is the purpose of buying leeches in a pharmacy?

Leeches are used in medicine to reduce blood pressure in hypertension and the threat of hemorrhage, stroke

22. Specify the characteristics corresponding to each class of annelids

A - 1, 2, 8, 10, 16

B - 4, 6, 11, 12, 17

B - 3, 5, 7, 9, 14, 15

Crossword #1. "Worms"

1. Capsule

3. Polychaetes

4. Cavity

5. Chain

6. Oligochetes

8. Breath

Keyword: rings

1) Argument the statement: "Among the various worms, the annelids are the most highly organized."

2) List the characteristic signs of leeches:

1. Please tell me the regeneration of protozoa, sponges, coelenterates, roundworms, flatworms, annelids, molluscs, echinoderms.

2. segmentation of protozoa, sponges, coelenterates, roundworms, flatworms, annelids, molluscs, echinoderms.
3. fertilization of protozoa, sponges, coelenterates, roundworms, flatworms, annelids, mollusks, echinoderms.
4. protection of protozoa, sponges, coelenterates, roundworms, flatworms, annelids, molluscs, echinoderms.
Please answer any of these points, otherwise the teacher will kill me and put 2, urgently needed by tomorrow, thanks in advance!)))

1. The type of mollusk includes: a) about 10 thousand species; c) over 130 thousand species; b) over 30 thousand species; d) about 1 million. 2. The shell of mollusks consists of: a)

only from lime; b) only from a horn-like substance; c) from lime and a horn-like substance; d) from a horn-like substance, lime and mother-of-pearl. 3. A shell formed by two valves has a) barley, toothless, mussels; c) pond snails, coils, rapana b) squid, cuttlefish, octopus; d) slugs, grape snail. 4. The body of gastropods is divided into: a) head, trunk and muscular leg; b) head, tentacles and torso; c) torso and muscular leg; d) head and torso. 5. Bivalves feed mainly on: a) filamentous algae; b) fresh crustaceans - daphnia and cyclops; c) organic particles and microorganisms; d) worms and insect larvae. 6. In the type of molluscs, the eyes have: a) only bivalve; c) gastropods and cephalopods; b) only cephalopods; d) representatives of all classes. 7. The most highly organized of the molluscs are: a) gastropods; c) cephalopods; b) bivalve; d) spadefoot. 8. Gastropods move: a) with the help of a muscular leg; b) with the help of a muscular leg and tentacles; c) only due to water pushed out of the mantle cavity; d) with the help of tentacles and water pushed out of the mantle cavity. 9. Toothless breathing is provided by the supply of oxygen through a) gills; c) the entire surface of the body; b) inlet siphon; d) lungs. 10. The largest animals among modern invertebrates: a) octopuses; c) deep-sea squids; b) tapeworms; d) jellyfish. II. Distribute representatives of the type of molluscs into classes
1) Class Gastropoda _________________ a)
barley; g) oyster; 2) Class Bivalves ______________ b) cuttlefish; e) octopus; 3) Class Cephalopods ________________ c) slug; h) pond snail d) grape snail; e) oyster;

A1. What are the similarities between animals and other organisms? 1) consist of cells; 2) have organ systems; 3) actively move; 4) create in the light

Systematics. The phylum Annelids includes the classes: Small-bristle, Polychaete and Leeches.

Structure. Bilateral symmetry of the body. Body sizes from 0.5 mm to 3 m. The body is divided into the head lobe, trunk and anal lobe. Polychaetes have a separate head with eyes, tentacles and antennae. The body is segmented (external and internal segmentation). The trunk contains from 5 to 800 identical ring-shaped segments. The segments have the same external and internal structure (metamerism) and perform similar functions. The metameric structure of the body determines the high ability to regenerate.

The body wall is formed skin-muscle sac, consisting of a single-layer epithelium covered with a thin cuticle, two layers of smooth muscles: the outer annular and inner longitudinal, and a single-layer epithelium of the secondary body cavity. With the contraction of the circular muscles, the body of the worm becomes long and thin, with the contraction of the longitudinal muscles, it shortens and thickens.

Movement organs - parapodia(available in polychaetes). These are outgrowths of the skin-muscular sac on each segment with tufts of setae. In oligochaetes, only tufts of setae are retained.

body cavity secondary - in general(has an epithelial lining covering the skin-muscular sac from the inside and the organs of the digestive system from the outside). In most representatives, the body cavity is divided by transverse partitions, corresponding to body segments. The cavity fluid is a hydroskeleton and an internal environment; it is involved in the transport of metabolic products, nutrients and reproductive products.

Digestive system consists of three sections: anterior (mouth, muscular pharynx, esophagus, goiter), middle (tubular stomach and midgut) and posterior (hindgut and anus). The glands of the esophagus and midgut secrete enzymes to digest food. Absorption of nutrients occurs in the midgut.

Circulatory system closed. There are two main vessels: dorsal and abdominal connected in each segment by annular vessels. Through the dorsal vessel, blood moves from the posterior end of the body to the anterior, along the abdominal vessel - from front to back. The movement of blood is carried out due to the rhythmic contractions of the walls of the spinal vessel and the annular vessels ("heart") in the pharynx, which have thick muscular walls. Many people have red blood.

Breath. Most annelids have cutaneous respiration. Polychaetes have respiratory organs - pinnate or leaf-shaped gills. These are modified dorsal antennae of parapodia or head lobe.

excretory system metanephridial type. Metanephridia have the form of tubes with funnels. Two in each segment. The funnel, surrounded by cilia, and the convoluted tubules are in one segment, and the short tubule, which opens outwards with a hole, is the excretory pore, in the adjacent segment.

Nervous system represented by supraglottic and subpharyngeal nodes ( ganglia), circumpharyngeal nerve ring (connects the supraesophageal and subpharyngeal ganglia) and abdominal nerve cord, consisting of paired nerve nodes in each segment, connected by longitudinal and transverse nerve trunks.

Sense organs. Polychaetes have organs of balance and vision (2 or 4 eyes). But most have only separate olfactory, tactile, gustatory, and light-sensitive cells.

Reproduction and development. Soil and freshwater forms are mostly hermaphrodites. Sex glands develop only in certain segments. Insemination is internal. The type of development is direct. In addition to sexual reproduction, asexual reproduction is also characteristic (budding and fragmentation). Fragmentation is carried out due to regeneration - the restoration of lost tissues and body parts. Marine representatives of the type are dioecious. The sex glands in them develop in all or in certain segments of the body. Development with metamorphosis, larva - trochophore.

Origin and aromorphoses. The following aromorphoses led to the emergence of the type: organs of movement, organs of respiration, a closed circulatory system, a secondary cavity of the body, and segmentation of the body.

Meaning. Earthworms improve soil structure and increase soil fertility. The oceanic palolo worm is eaten by humans. Medical leeches are used for bloodletting.

Class Low-bristle(Oligochetes)

Representatives: earthworms, tubules, etc. Most of the oligochaetes live in the soil and fresh waters. Detritivores(feed on semi-decomposed remains of plants and animals). Parapodia are absent. The setae extend directly from the body wall. The head lobe is weakly expressed. Sense organs are often absent, but there are olfactory, tactile, gustatory, photosensitive cells. Hermaphrodites. Insemination is internal, cross. Development is direct, takes place in cocoon, which after fertilization is formed on the body of the worm in the form of a girdle, and then slides off it.

The role of earthworms in soil formation is enormous. They contribute to the accumulation of humus and improve soil structure, thereby increasing soil fertility.

Class Polychaete(Polychaetes)

Leech class

This is a summary for grades 6-9 on the topic "Ringed Worms". Choose next steps:

  • Go to the next abstract:

1. Find in the text of paragraph 1 the concepts below and complete the sentences.
Zoology is the science of animals.
The main systematic category in biology is
2. Write what these scientists are famous for.
Aristotle - created the ladder of beings.
A. Levenguk -
C. Linnaeus
M.V. Lomonosov -
3. Arrange the numbers of the following systematic categories in sequence from the "lowest" to the "highest" rank:
Answer: 1, 7, 2, 5, 3, 8, 4, 6.
4. What allows scientists from different countries to understand each other when describing animals?
5. After reading the text of paragraph 2, name the sciences that study animals:
Ethology is the science of animal behavior;
geography - the science of the patterns of distribution and distribution of animals on Earth;
Enthology is the science of insects.
Ichthyology is the science of fish.
Ornithology is the science of birds.
6. Having studied the text of the paragraph, list the main areas of application of zoological knowledge.

There are examples of pairs or groups of cells that are in different locations and make basically different connections, but that make similar connections to cells they both contact and that share other common properties. However, a general search for such a grouping does not show anything statistically significant. One possible issue that may be important is that the regional specialization of neurons, as discussed in , would create complications in any search for classes of neurons with equivalent synaptic potential.


The entire body is made up of one cell.

Because animals and plants eat the same substances.

Rhizomes, radiolarians, sunflowers, sporozoans, flagellates, ciliates.

Root stalk - 7.

Formaminifera - 4.

Radiolaria - 1.

Volvox - 2.

Chlamydomonas - 5.

Euglena - 6.

Infusoria - 3.

All diseases from dirty hands.

This does not mean that there are no label matching systems for determining synaptic connectivity, but simply that there are too few cells and too many changes to be deduced from the final connectivity data. A similar observation was made when a complete cell line was identified that is more reproducible than the nervous system. While there are a few suggestive recurring motifs, the overall layout of which progenitors the cells produce is essentially jumbled and tessellated, which correlates with position, as with a pattern in a line.

Lesson type: combined. Laboratory work .

Literature: Biology. variety of living organisms. Grade 7: textbook for general education. institutions / N. I. Sonin, V. B. Zakharov. - 2nd ed., stereotype. - M. : Bustard, 2009. - 255 p.

Biology. Grade 7: lesson plans according to the textbook by N. I. Sonin, V. B. Zakharova / ed. - comp. M. V. Vysotskaya. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008. - 447 p.

Lesson progress: 45 min.

I. Organizational moment. 1 min.

II. Actualization of knowledge and skills, 10 min.

Frontal poll.tests.

III. Learning new material, 25 min.

See lesson plans pp. 250-252.

IV. Consolidation of acquired knowledge. 5 minutes

Testing. See lesson plans, pages 251-252.

V. Homework.2 min.

Study the text on pages 125-127; answer questions, prepare a presentation on the classes of rings according to the plan: systematics, diversity, habitats, living conditions, external structure, lifestyle, internal structure, reproduction, role.

VI. Summarizing. 2 minutes.

Subject generalizing lesson: "Types: flatworms, roundworms, annelids"

Target: Generalize, consolidate knowledge about the organization and life of worms.

Tasks: Educational: To ensure the consolidation of knowledge of basic biological concepts among schoolchildren; the ability to reveal the relationship and interdependence between organs, organ systems, as well as the relationship between the structure of worms and their environment; continue the formation of knowledge about the evolutionary process. Educational: To continue to form the ecological culture of students and personal hygiene skills; to form the cognitive interest of students, skills of practical work; the desire to independently seek knowledge; develop creative thinking; Educational: To develop students' attention and observation; logical thinking, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, generalize, draw conclusions.

Equipment: tables "Worms", wet preparations of the liver fluke and

Type of lesson: generalization of knowledge.

Methods: storytelling, conversation, independent work, testing.

Providing classes: CP, ICT tables "Worms", wet preparations of the liver fluke and

roundworms, earthworms, cards for self-study.

Lesson plan:

I. Organizational moment. (Greeting, preparing the class for work, the presence of students).

II. Motivation of educational activity. (Message of the topic, purpose of the lesson, Use in further activities, showing the relevance of knowledge of the structure and functioning of the human body for everyone).

III. Knowledge update.

What types of worms do we know?

IV. Generalization.

Exercise 1.

Write down the numbers of signs characteristic of each type of worm.



Ringed worms______


1 Bilateral symmetry of the body.

2.One layer of muscle

3. Many representatives develop with the transformation

4. Closed circulatory system

5. All representatives have a circulatory system

6 Free Living Have Sense Organs

7. The excretory organs are represented by tubules with stellate cells

8. Powerful cuticle that forms the cover of the worm

9. Hermaphrodites

10. Regeneration

11. The development of the larva occurs in the intermediate host

Task 2.

On the issued card, color in the drawing of the worm's organ system (in green - the digestive organs, in red - the circulatory organs, in yellow - the organs of the nervous system), write the name of the organs.

Task 3

Argument the statement: “Among the various worms, annelids are the most

highly organized" _________

Task 4

Consider earthworm, roundworm wet preparation, and liver fluke.

What features of the structure allow them to live in a particular habitat?

Fill the table.

Task 5.

Write down the numbers of the correct statements.

What conclusion can be drawn from these statements?

1. The development of a dense network of capillaries in earthworms is associated with skin respiration.

2. The skin of the worm is formed by muscle tissue.

3. The blood of annelids carries nutrients from the intestines to all organs of the body.

4. The supply of oxygen to the body of free-living flatworms and the removal of carbon dioxide occurs through the skin.

VI. Reflection. Summarizing.

The sense organs in the human body work in concert, damage to some sense organs can be partially compensated for by others. Such interaction and interchangeability testify to the great and not fully known possibilities of the organism.

Assess the degree of achievement of the objectives set in the lesson.

Evaluation by students of the progress and results of the lesson: Liked ..., Did not like ..., Did not understand (a) ..., Learned (a) ... It was difficult ... Evaluation for the lesson to the teacher.

Evaluation by the teacher of the work of the class and students in the lesson.

VII. Homework message.

1- repeat everything about worms, prepare for testing


1 Prepare a message about one, two types of worms

2. Compose a crossword puzzle
