Tui for the alpine slide of the name. Coniferous plants and shrubs for rockeries and alpine hills

Alpine Hill - a reduced copy of the highlands. Usually, in the central part of such a flower bed, a cobblestone or several cobblestones are installed, which are a symbol of a mountain peak. Terraces are created on the slopes, on which low-growing vegetation is planted.

In the natural environment, such areas are formed in the place where natural fractures appear. rocks. Under the influence environment appears on them fertile layer, on which plants subsequently grow. To recreate on your household territory or giving such a mountain landscape requires certain knowledge.

For such a large-scale structure as a rocky flower bed is suitable spacious plot . When erecting Alpine slide with your own hands, you should strive to ensure that the composition of vegetation and cobblestones looks naturally.

Video. Alpine slide device

Creating an alpine slide with your own hands

Do-it-yourself Alpine slide will decorate the whole adjoining territory. To decide on the design of your future rocky garden, you can study photographs of alpine slides. In order to create such a composition, you must adhere to certain rules and a specific work order.

Step-by-step instructions for creating an alpine slide with your own hands

First, determine the location. In order to do this, you need to pay attention to lighting. For a rock garden, a site is suitable that is illuminated as long as possible. sun. Also, the composition should be clearly visible from all sides.

  1. Designation base contour(soles) slides and removal of the upper fertile layer to a depth of about 30 cm.
  2. Device drainage system . The bottom layer can be made from small gravel, pieces of brick or, on extreme case from construction debris. After that, a layer of sand about five centimeters thick is laid. A fertile layer of earth is laid on top of the sand. You can do without a drainage system if a slope with not too dense soil is chosen for arranging an alpine hill.
  3. At this stage, start placement of stones And core erection slides. Of all the stones, the largest and most beautiful cobblestone is chosen. He will be the main one in the lower tier. The stone must be stable. To do this, you can add soil or gravel. The classic alpine slide in the country house consists of an odd number of tiers. Between these tiers, moist soil is laid, which must be well compacted.
    Tip: when laying stones, symmetry should be avoided. Between the stones, you can leave places for planting plants or group stones next to each other. It is also necessary to immediately determine the supporting stones on which it will be possible to stand when caring for vegetation. They should be sealed and fixed.
  4. plant vegetation.

Alpine slide plants - selection rules

Building an alpine slide with your own hands requires knowledge and certain skills. This is especially true for the choice of vegetation. The first step is to decide on the color palette of the rock garden. After that, you should draw a sketch of the future rocky garden. To trace color scheme it is necessary to decorate the sections of the slide with the appropriate colors. Only after that you can start choosing a plant for an alpine hill to the country.

Alpine slide with your own hands. A photo

look good low coniferous plants. You can also use small shrubs that bloom in spring and bear fruit in autumn.

Coniferous plants that are suitable for landscaping an alpine slide with their own hands

  • dwarf spruce. This plant tolerates drought well;
  • juniper. This unpretentious plant grows in its shape resembles a cone. Foliage - green;
  • thuja grows in the form of a bush. In good light, it acquires a reddish-brown color;
  • cypress- a plant with a golden apex and a dark green base.

Deciduous plants for an alpine slide

For landscaping an alpine slide with your own hands, you should not choose deciduous plant species. Since fallen leaves must be cleaned regularly so as not to harm other vegetation. For slides choose the following plants:

  • cotoneaster horizontal. This shrub with a dense crown has dark green foliage in the warm season, and acquires a reddish tint by autumn. The plant blooms with small flowers;
  • iberis. Semi-shrub that does not lose its attractiveness throughout the season. The flowers, collected in an umbrella-shaped brush, are painted in white, pink or purple. Later, in their place, fruits appear in the form of pods;
  • dryad. A miniature shrub with large white flowers. The flowering period falls on July-August. Later, fruits appear in their place. unusual shape. They look like fluffy balls.

Flowers for the Alpine slide

For the construction of a classic alpine slide with their own hands, low, creeping, "carpet" plants are used. It is best to give preference to perennials. The following flowers can be used for landscaping:

  • carnation short stem. This low-growing, rich-flowering plant with narrow gray-blue-green leaves is unpretentious. Suitable for landscaping open sunny areas;
  • beetroot rocky- perennial, the leaves of which are painted in a gray-green color. A feature of this plant is that its leaves remain green even in winter. In multi-flowered inflorescences-panicles are small bright yellow leaves;
  • young- perennial with a wide color palette of leaves. They can be green, silvery, yellowish, pink, burgundy;
  • saxifrage- traditional inhabitants of rock gardens. Flowering period - May-August. Five-petal flowers are painted in white, pink or yellow.

In order for the alpine hill in the country to please with its beauty every year, bulbous and bulbous flowers should be planted. To create a contrasting background, long-flowering crops are suitable. Also, a well-groomed lawn will be an ideal frame.

What to do if the alpine hill settles in the spring?

Sometimes an alpine slide, made in violation of the construction technology, can settle. There may be several reasons for this.

  • Poorly matched plot or lack drainage. It is better to equip a rock garden on a natural hill or on a site with a slope. If the slide is located on loamy or clay soils, then it is necessary to make a drainage layer. For these purposes, gravel or stones can be used.
    Tip: It is not recommended to use construction debris for drainage. It is better to give preference to small pebbles or specialized drainage stones.
  • Wrongly matched substrate, vegetation And cobblestones. For an alpine slide with your own hands, it is better to choose the following mixture of earth: compost, sand and peat in equal proportions.

How to avoid flower bed shrinkage

  • take into account the slope of the site and the type of soil;
  • make a drainage layer and let the earth sag in time;
  • for planting, choose vegetation with powerful rhizomes;
  • correctly select vegetation, cobblestones and soil substrate;
  • remove fallen leaves in time, dig up wilted plants, weed weeds.

Alpine hill of conifers

To create rock gardens, not only traditional "Alpines", but also coniferous plants can be used. For these purposes, pines, thuja, shooting juniper, barberry, gray or Japanese spirea, spruce horse. In the classic version, only shrubs and trees should not be present. They should grow there in small numbers.

Stones for alpine slides

For such rocky gardens, natural flat cobblestones of various sizes are suitable. original form. You should also give preference to stones with a heterogeneous surface, with all kinds of "inclusions", recesses in which you can plant moss or small plant. Limestones, boulders, sandstones, granite, slates look good.

Decorating an alpine slide with your own hands

Stones and vegetation are used to decorate the alpine slide. In order to properly arrange them, you must follow some recommendations, namely:

  • laying stones begins from the bottom row, moving up;
  • for the top of the composition, you must choose the most beautiful cobblestone;
  • for each large stone, it is necessary to make a “foundation” of one to three flat stones;
  • stones should be laid in such a way that their tops are parallel to each other;
  • several stones should be stacked so that they can be walked on;
  • after laying each row, a layer of earth is laid, which is well compacted and spilled with water;
  • at the top of the hill they set the most beautiful cobblestone.

Rock garden and rockery: differences and similarities

Rock garden and rockery - two various ways flower bed devices. Rockery is a flower bed of stones, most of which is occupied by stones of the same breed. Cobblestones are stacked parallel to each other or in random order. Randomly arranged stones imitate natural environment. Vegetation is also present in rockeries, but in the form of a background that plays a secondary role. In an alpine hill, bright vegetation comes to the fore.

Alpine slide with your own hands. Video instructions

Video. Do-it-yourself Alpine slide

Alpine slide with your own hands. Video

Alpine hill with a waterfall. Video instruction

Currently, rock gardens have gained immense popularity, which are now used to decorate gardens and plots.

Let's look at which coniferous plants can be used for a home alpine slide. For this purpose, they are just perfect - very spectacular, decorative, preserving all year round attractive look.

A modern alpine slide cannot be imagined without coniferous plants. Some prefer to create compositions that are almost entirely composed of their conifers. This allows you to simulate a unique and natural mountain landscape.

In addition, coniferous plants aromatize the air and make it healing.

The advantage of conifers is also that they do not need to be selected according to the timing of flowering. The slide will turn out as planned, almost immediately and looks bright and fresh almost all year round. But seedlings of coniferous plants are not so cheap. Although you can do this - plant young plants, they will grow over time, and empty seats decorate, for example, with some ceramic elements or stones.

For the design of rock garden it is best to use small trees and shrubs, perhaps dwarf breeds. Creeping views look spectacular. Can be combined different forms crowns and coloring of needles. There are needles green, bluish and even bright yellow.

Coniferous plant groups

Before buying plants for decorating an alpine slide, it is advisable to carefully consider the future composition. The choice is wide enough.

There is dwarf conifers having various forms crowns: flat, spherical, ovoid, creeping and conical.

  • coniferous plants with ovoid or cone-shaped crowns are planted in the middle part or at the base of the alpine hill.

  • And pillow-shaped or rounded, lower forms fill the space between them.
  • At the base are creeping plant species.

To achieve the best decorative effect do not overload the composition big amount plants. It is also not advisable to plant coniferous plants at a short distance from each other. In this case, the beauty of forms will not be visible, and as a result, individuality may be lost.

It is better to use contrasts of color or shape. decorative stones in no case should they be completely obscured by greenery. Only in this case you will get a beautiful and original alpine slide, a real decoration of your garden.

Coniferous plants that are used for decoration should not be higher than 1.5 m in height. If the hill is up to 10 m², the plants should be even lower, up to 80 cm.

Currently, you can find a large list of dwarf conifers that are just perfect for decorating a slide.

Prickly spruce Herman Nau

Most beautiful in spring, summer, autumn. This dwarf Christmas tree reaches a height of only 60-70 cm. It has an amazing bluish-steel color of the needles.

Serbian spruce Karel

Resistant to urban conditions, tolerates air pollution and smoke. This is a small dwarf coniferous shrub with a spherical or cushion-shaped crown.

Fir mountain Compacta

One of the most beautiful varieties dwarf trees.

Cotoneaster hybrid Coral Beauty

Most beautiful in summer and autumn. Low creeping shrub with numerous small coral-colored berries will strengthen the slopes of the alpine hill.

Cotoneaster Dummer Eicholz

Most beautiful in autumn. A low-growing shrub, perfect for strengthening alpine hills and slopes. It has bright red berries and an indescribable autumn color of leaves in orange and orange-red tones.

Stephanandra incised Crispa

Most beautiful in autumn. It is used due to the graceful crown and decorative foliage. It is especially attractive in autumn, when the leaves are painted in lemon, pink and even red colors.

Barberry thunberg Maria

Charming shrub of a columnar form, characterized by a rich yellow color in summer and intense orange in autumn.

Potentilla shrub Tangerine

Nice shrub with flowers of a very original copper-orange color. Valued for its decorative coloring.

Juniper scaly Honnethorp

The amazing needles of this "dwarf" allows you to decorate any corner of the site and enter interesting element design when creating contrasting landscape compositions from plants of various architecture.

Juniper scaly blue Carpet

The name of this juniper speaks for itself - it has very beautiful silver-blue needles. Decorative all year round.

Juniper scaly Loderia

A very picturesque strictly vertical juniper, known for its bluish-green color that practically does not lose its color all year round.

Canadian hemlock Nana

A low growing, slow growing shrub. Sheared at any time of the year.

thuja Western Little Champion

Valuable ornamental variety. If you plant thuja along the path, you get a very beautiful border.

The top of the Alpine hill can be decorated with spruce or thuja, cover the middle layer various varieties juniper, and plant a saxifrage and dwarf conifers at the foot of the hill. This composition looks very beautiful and elegant from any side.

Creating a rock garden on the site is a very, very exciting activity, in which all your efforts will definitely pay off with a spectacular, bewitching landscape of a natural mountain landscape.

Rock gardens cannot be imagined without conifers, but some gardeners go further and create compositions entirely consisting of conifers. The desire to use them is understandable - conifers for an alpine slide are simply ideal, they are decorative, unpretentious, retain an attractive appearance all year round and allow you to create a spectacular corner in the garden, even if there is not too much time to take care of the plantings. The main thing is to observe the naturalness and imitation of the natural mountain landscape.

Features of the construction of an alpine hill from coniferous plants

The advantages of an alpine hill from conifers include the fact that you do not need to select plants according to the timing of flowering and you can almost immediately make the hill the way you intended. Minus - coniferous seedlings are not cheap. A compromise option is to plant young plants, hoping that they will grow, but for now, decorate voids with stones or ceramic elements.

When planting conifers, you need to remember that they need space

Choosing a place, taking into account the conditions necessary for conifers

In all the photos of the alpine hill of conifers, it can be seen that it looks spectacular if you choose a place that is viewed from different sides, preferably sunny. Some types of spruces, pines and arborvitae tolerate shading well, but junipers will suffer from a lack of light. Plants with colored needles must be in the sun. When creating an alpine hill from conifers in the country, it should be borne in mind that most of these plants:

  • photophilous;
  • need space for normal development;
  • usually grow well on sandy-clay or even stony soils;
  • unpretentious, but do not like high level ground water.

Unpretentious thuja will decorate any rock garden

Creating drainage and forming a slide

Because coniferous trees for an alpine slide they do not like excess moisture be sure to do drainage. To do this, remove upper layer soil and cover the hill with crushed stone, pebbles, small construction waste. The height of the drainage is from 10 to 20 cm. The soil layer is poured on top and the laying of stones begins. The stones are laid parallel throughout the hill. First, choose a place for larger ones, then put small ones.

So that the hill does not warp, there should not be cases when the stone lies on the lower cobblestone with one end, and presses on the soil with the other. Coniferous trees and shrubs have developed large roots, so pits are made between stones for their planting. The voids are filled with soil. After the construction of the hill, you need to let the soil settle, so it is better to start planting after a while. Ideal option: in the fall - to build, and in the spring - to plant.

Combine different types hvoynikov - real art

What types of conifers are suitable for rock garden

For coniferous rock garden fit trees and shrubs small sizes or dwarf species. Creeping varieties must be present. The combination of different crown shapes and needle colors creates interesting solutions. There is a green, bluish and yellowish shade of needles. Some are bright yellow in color.

Miniature cypress ideal for landscape compositions

Names and photos of the most suitable species

For middle lane from conifers for an alpine slide it is worth choosing:

  • thuja - plants with a dense crown, which tolerates a haircut well. Most of the varieties common in Russia come from the western thuja: Danica with light spherical crown, Filiformis resembling a cone, Golden Globe with yellow needles. Thuja propagates by cuttings, but it is better for inexperienced gardeners to buy a ready-made seedling;
  • cypress trees - fashion idea for rock garden from Europe (hedges from this plant are popular in Britain). Not all varieties are hardy. The easiest way to grow Lawson's cypress and pea. It is better to overwinter low plants that can hide under the snow. Cypress trees love to spray, but the water should not be icy;
  • spruces - many undersized varieties have been bred: dwarf - up to 1.5 m, mini-varieties - up to 1 m, micro-specimens - up to 30 cm. For example, the Albert Globe variety with a crown resembling a ball squeezed from above grows by 50 cm in 10 years. Very beautiful spruce Nidiformis with silvery needles. Attractive varieties canadian spruce with small gray needles and a pyramidal crown;
  • pines of all kinds are valued by gardeners. Dwarf and slow-growing varieties have been developed. Fluffy bushes of Scots pine Watereri or mountain pine Cobold with emerald needles fit perfectly into the landscape of rock gardens. The slow-growing dwarf Globosa Viridis reaches a height of only one meter and is suitable for small garden;
  • junipers of all kinds. Pyramidal plants are planted both singly and in small groups, creeping ones are arranged so that they have room to grow. They cover the ground and contrast with more high grades. In winter, many junipers need shelter with spruce branches.

Juniper Dahurian

Coniferous plants for the alpine slide, the photos and names of which were given above, are suitable if you take specially bred dwarf varieties. To prevent them from growing, you need to pinch new sprouts and pruning in a timely manner. Fertilizers should not be abused. It is also undesirable to allow animals to "mark" the trunks of "babies". If this happens, rinse the affected area with water.

is a unique composition that repeats the mountain landscape in our gardens and parks. Remember the mountains of the Alps, which beckon with their beauty. A small part of them can be created in any area. You need to study what plants grow in nature in the mountain landscape and plant them in your garden.

It is impossible to imagine an alpine hill without coniferous plants, as well as stones. They are the basis of the composition. You can scatter stones randomly or create several tiers. On each of them certain plants are planted.

It would be appropriate to look at the alpine slide in the country, in a private garden or in a public park.

Alpine slide photo

Do-it-yourself Alpine slide

If you want to decorate your garden with an alpine slide, then you can use the services of a landscape designer or create a rock garden with your own hands. Be prepared for some difficulties, because creating a beautiful mountain landscape can take you a lot of time and effort, but you will save money and be delighted with the resulting beauty.

Alpine slide: how to do it?To begin with, choose a prominent place on your territory, the alpine slide should attract attention, but it looks good in the corner of your garden. Start with a detailed plan. Draw a future hill, imagine what size stones should be present on it, whether it will be created artificial waterfall or other body of water. Choose a size. You also need to decide how high the slide should be. For small gardens, it is better to choose compact compositions. Don't forget the irrigation system. You need to bring the hoses to your slide. Start choosing plants. After that you can buy everything necessary materials. The construction of the slide begins with the installation of stones. They can be large or small. Combine different shapes and sizes. The main thing is to create a landscape close to natural. Plants are planted only after the installation of stones and irrigation systems.

What plants to choose for an alpine slide

Before you create an alpine slide, you need to decide what exactly will grow on it. Study the needs of plants: do they like light or grow in the shade, does the plant tolerate waterlogging or drought, does it like acidic soils or neutral, as well as others important factors for plant growth.

Alpine hill: what to plant?The alpine hill of coniferous plants always looks impressive. You simply cannot do without them. Choose dwarf pines and firs for the lower tier, as well as beautiful junipers. Cone-shaped coniferous trees complement such a hill well. Do not plant plants close to each other, because each tree should be clearly visible. You can combine trees with different crowns on your alpine hill. For example, try to match cushion-shaped conifers with cone-shaped ones.

On the lower tier always look spectacular flowering plants. Do not forget about succulents, these plants are unpretentious, and some of them grow well on stones. Choose winter-hardy varieties echeveria(or dig them up for the winter). rejuvenated And saxifrage- These are the most popular plants for rock garden. Burachok rocky, perennial carnations, iberis, edelweiss can be planted on top, as well as decorate the bottom of your slide. Remember, for the upper tier it is better to choose sun-loving and undemanding plants.

Planting scheme for an alpine slide

Alpine hill in the shade: what to plant?If you decide to create an alpine slide in the shade of the house or in the corner of the site, which is often in the shade of buildings, then you should choose shade-loving plants. pay attention to host. This ornamental deciduous plant grows well in the shade. Its leaves are very beautiful, have unique patterns and colors, look good with stones. Can be planted nearby ferns. You can't do without astilbe. It blooms incredibly beautifully and loves shaded areas very much. But choose better undersized varieties. Compact junipers with blue needles also grow well in the shade. Some varieties of blue spruce are suitable for a shady area.

Popular types of conifers for alpine slides

Which conifers are suitable for alpine slides- this is the main question that arises before the designer. It is impossible to imagine an alpine hill without juniper. These compact coniferous shrubs- an integral attribute of such a composition. Juniper needles can be green, blue and even golden. You can play with color to create contrasts. Pine and spruce also look perfect in combination with stones. The main thing is to choose compact varieties. pay attention toPine MagnusThis plant is compact and attractive. Very compactpine - Pug, maximum height - 50 cm. Attractive plant - spruceNidiformis.the shape of the crown is nest-like.

If your alpine slide has dimensions up to 10 square meters, then you can choose plants up to 100 cm in height, but not higher, because then a visual imbalance will be felt. Plants up to one and a half meters in height are suitable for a large slide.

Now you know what plants can be planted on your alpine hill. Show your imagination, you will definitely succeed!

Alpine slides for many years have been an integral attribute of almost any suburban area. And even if you have a small area of ​​​​land, there will definitely be a corner for an alpine slide. It will be easiest to invite a professional landscape designer, but at the same time, creating a site design with your own hands is very exciting and interesting.

Since the alpine hill is a mountain landscape in miniature, then the plants should be selected appropriately, conifers will look especially good.

The first thing to do is to study the characteristics of conifers, their varieties, and select those that fit your criteria, that is, the height of the tree, the color of the needles, and the intensity of growth. Remember that in the background the slides will grow more tall perennials that require more moisture. So you need to think about watering them in advance.

by the most suitable plants for alpine slides are low and slowly growing trees: various conifers, spirea, cinquefoil, juniper, spruce, fir, pine, thuja. Herbaceous perennials are also good, which grow into a beautiful thick carpet. Among them can be both flowering and decorative species.

Since almost all the plants that are planted in an alpine hill are perennials, they all grow with different speed, but rather slowly. In this case, it is best to dilute the planting of perennials with annuals, so that the height and density of plants can equalize in the first year and a half.

But be careful with your choice. annual plants- many of them produce a lot of self-seeding seeds, which in the future can create difficulties in the form of weeds you do not need. Such plants are well suited: undersized marigolds, gazania, sea lobularia. Before planting, carefully study the care and needs of plants so that they coincide with the main perennials.

Marigolds are undersized

Also, in addition to perennial and annual plants, stones and boulders are used to create a slide. different sizes, which are laid out according to the intended composition. Therefore, all plants are planted at a small distance from each other - somewhere around 20-30cm. Those places where there are no stones are usually covered with fine gravel.

If you have a small, rocky area (about 6 square meters), then the height of the plants for the slide should not be more than 50-70cm. For large plots with an area of ​​​​more than 30 sq.m. - the height of the crown can reach more than one and a half meters. Therefore, as we said earlier, you need to know in advance about such things as the growth of an adult tree in order to harmoniously combine all the plants on the alpine hill with each other.

Now we will analyze the features of some coniferous plants, the height of which in its final form does not exceed one and a half meters.

Dwarf species of mountain pine:

"Winter gold" - crown shape - shrubby, spherical; the height of an adult plant is 0.5 m; diameter - 1.0 m; the color of the needles - in summer - bright green, in winter - golden yellow. Frost resistant variety.

"Mughus" - crown shape - shrubby, spreading, sometimes creeping; height of an adult plant - 1.5 m; diameter - 0.6 m; the color of the needles is dark green.

"Gnom" - crown shape - shrubby, dense, spherical; height of an adult plant - 1.5 m; diameter - 1.5 m; the color of the needles is dark green.

"Mors" - crown shape - shrubby, spherical; the height of an adult plant is 0.5 m; diameter - 0.5 m; the color of the needles is greenish-blue.

Dwarf pine Winter gold

Dwarf species of juniper:

Chinese juniper - crown shape - semicircular; height - 0.7 m; diameter - up to 1.0 m; the color of the needles is green or bluish-gray.

Juniper scaly - crown shape - cushion-shaped, compact; height - 0.5 - 0.1 m; diameter - 1.5 m; the color of the needles is bright, silver-blue. Frost resistant variety.

Common juniper - crown shape - creeping; height - 0.2 - 0.3 m; diameter - 1.0 m; the color of the needles is green. Frost resistant variety.

Juniper Cossack - crown shape - pillow-shaped; height - 0.5 - 0.8 m; diameter - 1.5 m; the color of the needles is dark green or bluish-green. Frost resistant variety.

Lying juniper - crown shape - semi-creeping, dense; height of an adult plant - 1.0 m; diameter - up to 2.5 m; the color of the needles is green or bluish-gray.

juniper chinensis

Dwarf types of thuja:

"Hoseri" - crown shape - spherical; the height of an adult plant is 0.5 m; diameter - 0.6 m; the color of the needles is dark green. Frost resistant variety.

"Little Dorrit" - crown shape - spherical; height of an adult plant - 0.8 m; diameter - 0.6 m; the color of the needles is dark green. Frost resistant variety.

"Danica" - crown shape - spherical; height of an adult plant - 0.8 m; diameter - 0.8 m; the color of the needles is dark green.

Thuja Hoseri

Dwarf species of spruce:

"Little Gem" - crown shape - spherical-flattened; the height of an adult plant is 0.5 m; diameter - 0.5 - 0.7 m; the color of the needles is light green.

"Nidiformis" - crown shape - nest-like, with a deepened middle; height of an adult plant - 0.5 - 1.0 m; diameter - 0.8 - 2.0 m; the color of the needles is dark green.

"Will's Zwerg" - crown shape - narrow conical, dense; height of an adult plant - 1.0 - 1.2 m; diameter - 0.4 m; the color of the needles - young - pale green, old - dark green.

"Echiniformis" - crown shape - cushion-shaped, compact; height - 0.2 - 0.6 m; diameter - 0.4 - 0.8 m; the color of the needles is green.

Norway spruce Little Gem

Finally, we would like to say that the most milestone in creating an alpine slide is its planning. After all, you will have to familiarize yourself with a lot of material regarding many plants before you can choose the ones you need. So take your time, think everything over, and think big, presenting a finished composition when your trees are 2-3 years old. And only after approving each plant, get to work. I wish you success!
