Projects of modern baths with a summer kitchen. The procedure for drawing up an estimate

  • organization of a good rest - having taken a steam bath and relaxing after a bath, right on veranda, without leaving anywhere, you can cook barbecue or snacks on the fire
  • joint construction helps to accurately withstand the overall architectural style for all buildings on the site
  • if the bath in the country is planned to be used only during the season, then a spacious terrace with a barbecue can completely replace the rest room, which will help to significantly save on the construction of a bath
  • no need to link standalone objects paths which further saves usable area and reduce costs
  • grouping several objects under one roof will help to significantly reduce costs, because in this case, for example, the bath wall will act as a terrace wall

Material selection

The most popular and cost-effective material for building a bath with a terrace is wooden timber. On the one hand, it keeps heat well, so the bath does not require additional insulation. Moreover, the tree traditional material Russian bath, it allows you to create a unique "bath" atmosphere. An additional plus is that wood, as a “breathing” material, independently regulates humidity, but at the same time it will require additional protection against mold and fire.

Brick baths are more reliable in terms of fire safety, but they take longer to warm up, requiring more fuel. Besides, brick baths require the mandatory installation of a ventilation system, otherwise condensate will begin to accumulate inside the bath, provoking the development of mold and bacteria.

Foundation laying

Despite the often common roof, they lay under the terrace and the bath different foundation. The bath, of course, is heavier than the terrace, so for large areas and multi-storey buildings, a tape monolithic foundation, and for small baths you can get by with pile ones. If foam concrete or brick is used to build a bath, then a strip foundation is necessarily poured - the other simply cannot withstand the weight of the building.

For wooden terrace a pile foundation will suffice. In cases where the terrace will be located on difficult ground, prone to freezing or shedding, on slopes, it is better to lay screw piles. At the same time, for wooden buildings it is very important to properly organize the waterproofing between the tree and the foundation in order to avoid rotting of the wood.

Advice! Since the soil under a heavier bath will shrink faster than under a lighter terrace, the foundations of the terrace and bath must be separated by a layer of insulation.

Terrace and barbecue: we plan correctly

When planning a terrace, first of all, it is necessary to take into account which direction of the wind is the main one, so that the task of the bath covers the terrace. In addition, this will allow you to properly place the barbecue so that the wind carries the smoke and heat away from the vacationers. If the terrace will serve as a shelter from the sun's rays on a hot summer day, then you should not place it from the south. Or vice versa - a terrace with a sun lounger can be a great place for a reception sunbathing- it all depends on the wishes and tastes of the owner. In addition, the choice of the location of the terrace is greatly influenced by the surrounding landscape - contemplation fence it is unlikely to add mood on vacation, where it is more pleasant to admire the forest, lake or landscaped landscape design.

The terrace can be placed frontally (i.e. along the facade of the bathhouse, Fig. 1), sideways (near one of the walls), it can be angular (along two adjoining walls) or encircling (along three camps, sometimes completely around the bathhouse, area permitting).

Rice. 1. The project of a bath with a frontal terrace

If you do not plan to invite a lot of people, then taking into account the installation of a barbecue (brazier), the minimum recommended terrace area is 7-8 m2. But it’s better to start with 9-10 m2, then in addition to tables and chairs on the terrace, you can put a deck chair, a couple of chairs, while the person standing at the barbecue will have enough free space to work, and vacationers will not be bothered by the heat from the stove and smoke .

Although the terrace in the classical sense is an open area, for greater comfort it has a roof to protect it from rain and sun. This may be a continuation of the roof of the bath and be made of a similar roofing material, or you can cover the terrace with translucent polycarbonate. In addition, an opaque canopy will create twilight in the bath itself, so you will have to turn on the light earlier.

Advice! Polycarbonate coating is especially justified for large terraces - there is no need to build a massive base, lightweight metal structure will not clutter up the space, remaining almost invisible.

Ideal for patio flooring wooden plank or decking. Of course, you can put a sidewalk or ceramic tiles, but the tree will look cozier. Natural stone used as a covering on a large terrace

To install a barbecue, it is necessary to lay the foundation separately, and for construction use a special refractory brick, while the base is made about 70 cm high from the floor level.

Advice! To improve fire safety, it is better to put stone (tile) tiles around the barbecue instead of wood flooring- even if a spark falls on it, it will not cause a fire.

A rectangular niche is made in the front wall, in which it will be possible to store a small supply of firewood. To remove smoke for a barbecue, a separate chimney is made, which in height should ensure effective removal of smoke from the bath.

Designing a bath with a terrace and a barbecue oven

The design of the bath, regardless of the type (Russian, Turkish, Finnish) should provide for the presence of at least three rooms:

  • dressing room - dressing room with a minimum size of 1.2 × 3 m, but it should be noted that according to the standards, 1.3 m2 should be per person
  • shower room - minimum size 2x2m
  • steam room - its size is a compromise between ease of placement and the need to maintain the required temperature at low fuel (electricity) costs. Minimum size a steam room for 2-3 people will be 1.3 × 1.8 m.

If you have a spacious terrace for a seasonal bath, you can refuse a rest room. The planning of the rest of the premises, of course, depends on the desire and capabilities of the future owner.

Let's take a closer look at some projects.

corner bath with a terrace and a barbecue (Fig. 2) allows you to effectively use the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site if you place it in one of the corners.

Rice. 2. Corner bath with terrace and barbecue

The space is used very functionally - in the spacious shower there is a font with cold water. A fairly spacious steam room - it will be quite comfortable to heat the stove in it, while it is shifted closer to the corner, away from front door- so safer, because the eyes after bright lighting the shower room needs to get used to the subdued light of the steam room. If brick is chosen as the material for the bath, then the stove can be cut into the walls. If you make the steam room a little smaller, then with this arrangement of the stove, you can heat it from the shower. There are two entrances to the common vestibule - one directly from the street, the second - from the terrace.

Project bath-guest house(Fig. 3) with a veranda and a barbecue, a fairly large area - 98 m2. Therefore, if it is intended to be used year-round, a heating system will be required. Inside there is a spacious living room and separate kitchen. The terrace is located on the side, in terms of area - it is actually half of the building. Entrance from two sides - from the street through the vestibule (winter entrance) and from the terrace.

Rice. 3 Banya - a guest house with a barbecue and a terrace

Figures 4 and 5 show two more projects of a bathhouse with a terrace and a barbecue, which can be used as a guest house.

Rice. 4. The project of a bath-guest house with a terrace and a barbecue

Rice. 5. Sauna with terrace and barbecue

On fig. 6 drawing of a bath with a terrace and a barbecue, on which you should pay attention to front door to the rest room - it is located at the maximum distance from the barbecue in order to completely eliminate the possibility of smoke entering the room.

Rice. 6. Drawing of a bath with a terrace and a barbecue

Sauna from a bar with a veranda and a barbecue in the traditional Russian style - watch the video presentation:

Sometimes you want to take a steam bath in a bathhouse, get out of it and go straight to the barbecue. But with some suburban areas it is very problematic to imagine. Although there is a way out. Combine steam room with kitchen.

A photo:

Today, the kitchen attached to the bathhouse is popular. People on their sites combine these premises. It would be useless if it did not have many positive advantages.

  • Firstly, such an association will save free space on the site.
  • Second, it's financially beneficial. Due to the design features, the cost of construction is significantly reduced.

On holidays or weekends, you can gather with friends, or in a warm family circle. sit on summer veranda. While one is busy preparing food for the table, the other can take a steam bath in the bathhouse, which is located nearby. Convenient and practical - this is perhaps another of the advantages of this facility.
In this project, the kitchen plays the role of an extension, a dressing room. is also for the steam room. Both rooms are located under the same roof. In some country options, also combined and a bathroom. In this case, washing should be done in such a way that the drain goes directly into the sewer. To avoid unpleasant odors, it is necessary to build a water seal.

When constructing this building, you need to choose appropriate place in the allotment. It will be nice to build bath-kitchen not far from the reservoir, as then there will be no problems with water. It is worth considering the spring bottling, because of which the room will have to be better waterproofed.

Alignment design

For the construction of any structure, a project is needed. It needs to be designed and written. This can be done on your own, but it is best done in conjunction with a knowledgeable professional.
As mentioned above, you need to determine the location of the structure. Then, you need to resolve the issue with tools and material. Also, you should think about the size of this design, about its equipment outside and inside.
The next important step in the construction is its entrance. It must be the main proper planning it can make even more usable space in the bath-kitchen. You can make the entrance in the form of an additional - a small terrace, or a veranda. It is best to locate the entrance with south side.
You can also build a smoke bath, but it will be necessary to calculate the entire distance - from the living quarters to the boundaries of the site. The minimum distance is usually 12 meters. Also, you need to remember that the structure should be on the side of neighboring houses.

Photo: Be sure to calculate the entire distance

For the construction of a smokeless bath, all the same requirements must also be taken into account. The minimum distance in this case is 5 meters.
To get excess heat and heat the entire room, the water heater tank is combined with pipes. A shed roof will shade the area, and rainwater draining into the main tank will be needed in the future for washing or watering suburban area. Well-placed windows can provide good lighting for the bath. They should be on the southwest or northwest side.
In order to avoid unpleasant odors in the bath, which is usually the cause high humidity all sanitary and hygienic standards must be observed. Also, it can appear if the room is not properly used. The building should be properly ventilated, waterproofed and drained. If everything is done correctly, then comfort, coziness and convenience are provided in this room.
At a very high temperature in the bath, the walls of the room will dry as quickly as possible, which means they will not rot. If you properly arrange a place for washing, then the water used will flow directly into the sewer and sewer well, which is located behind the house. A water seal should be installed in that well to prevent unpleasant odors from entering the bath. when well heated, it will purify the air, which is good for human health.
In the bath, it is better not to allow frequent water to hit the stones, because. they must be dry and hot. This results in better air quality. Baths with dry steam are also very useful. They can be used instead of living quarters. The most important thing is to comply with fire safety and isolate the floor with high quality.

Bath, kitchen and greenhouse

This building is interesting in that the kitchen is here as a dressing room, and the stove on it is a heater for the stove. The pipes from the bathhouse pass through the greenhouse, providing it with constant heat while cooking is in progress in the kitchen or someone is steaming in the bathhouse. The distance from residential premises to this facility is at least 5 meters.

Modern bath

A photo:

This building has a wide roof. It plays the role of a bath, kitchen, gazebo, dining room at the same time. The bath may include a font and a pool. The open veranda is located on the side of the residential building. As finishing materials the use of natural materials is recommended: metal, wood, stone. Clapboard made of larch should sheathe places with inside walls. This only needs to be done on the outside.

total area premises - 3.5x9 sq.m. The premises will require an area of ​​​​3x2.5 sq.m. A small dressing room is organized on it. Directly behind the dressing room, a steam room is being built, combined with a sink. The construction of ceilings is best done from the material - aspen board. Finishing the steam room should be done from a wooden lining. The rest of the area goes to the summer kitchen and terrace. The roof is recommended to be made gable, so that in winter time there was no particular accumulation of snow on the roof.

- a very comfortable and cozy room. Many advantages, minimum costs for construction materials, saving free space. This building is very popular in suburban areas. Also, other types of combinations described above are also good.

Video: Sauna with a summer kitchen

The traditional view of construction involves the separate placement of a bathhouse, gazebos, lounges and a summer kitchen. However, it is human nature to strive for perfection, so today this view is definitely outdated.

You can easily find a variety of summer kitchen projects with a sauna in one package, moreover, you can also include a garage, a gazebo and even a residential superstructure in the set. This solution is not only more convenient, but also more profitable.

Advantages of joint projects

Savings and convenience

As you can see in the photo, not only a bathhouse and a summer kitchen, but also a terrace with a lounge are collected under one roof. What is the advantage of such projects?

And there are many advantages:

  • Construction is carried out on one common foundation, which is cheaper than on several separate ones;
  • All rooms have a common roof, which is much cheaper than several separate roofs;
  • Spend a lot less building materials than in construction separate bath, gazebos and summer kitchens. This means that the price of goods purchased in smaller quantities also decreases;
  • There is no need to build a system of paths connecting free-standing buildings;
  • In summer, the terrace turns into a kitchen, where cooking is much more pleasant thanks to the open air;
  • The building is stylistically and architecturally integral, which is not always possible when building two or more buildings;
  • The general heating system saves energy resources;
  • You do not need to move to another room for tea, rest or sleep;
  • It is convenient to receive guests, especially in the summer;
  • It is much easier to provide drainage and sewerage for such a room;
  • General electrical network;
  • General water supply;
  • A much smaller piece of land is required than with the construction of individual buildings;
  • Saving time required for construction and finishing work.

Availability of project documentation

Note! We live in the era of the accomplished information revolution, and today almost any information is available. Therefore, there is no longer a need to overpay impressive funds for design.

You can do this:

  1. Independently study the principles of working with architectural graphic editors, which perform the lion's share of routine work on the calculation of the compatibility of elements, loads, location bearing walls, choice of roof types, etc. As a result, you will be able to create your own building completely from scratch.
  2. Find a standard project that suits you on the net and use it. This is a win-win situation, as you will be able to find feedback from people who have experience in implementing such a project and find out what awaits you and what are the shortcomings.
  3. Hire a freelance designer. This will allow you to work with a specialist directly, which is many times cheaper than through an intermediary in the person construction company. You can also hire a consultant to oversee the construction if you decide to do it yourself.

Availability of communication

Another advantage of the century information technologies is an incredibly advanced communication network. On the Internet, you can find thousands of topical sites with a public forum where you can ask questions and get answers online.

And often there are competent specialists and experienced builders, whose opinion is worth a lot. And all this is completely free! Agree, we live in an amazing time, but we ourselves do not fully understand what opportunities are open to us.

In addition to live communication, you can find a lot on such resources. useful information: this can be a tutorial video, step-by-step instruction with photographs, a report on the successful construction. In this case, you will most likely be able to ask questions that interest you directly to the authors of these materials.

Features of modern projects

In addition to availability, modern projects another characteristic: with apparent complexity and external beauty, they are all simplified and unified as much as possible. Roof "Envelope", covering the steam room, terrace, lounge and hallway, frames on aluminum profile, shutters to protect against mosquitoes or the sun, a wooden floor that warms the feet.

All elements are thought out taking into account the experience accumulated by a person in construction country houses and cottages. Buildings are designed taking into account modern requirements for energy efficiency and functionality, everything is in its optimal place, there is nothing superfluous.


Gone are the days when knowledge was passed from father to son. Today, any information can be bought, and at a reasonable price. Moreover, it can be found for free in the public domain.

This also applies to construction: there is no longer any need to pay huge fees construction companies, you can hire people directly, use standard projects, consult in real time with builders on forums and chats. Of course, this approach will not work for a serious project, but for construction country house, summer kitchen and baths - this is what you need.

Bath with summer kitchen

Projects of baths with a summer kitchen are quite popular today among a huge number of owners. summer cottages. Summer cuisine. which acts as an extension to the bath, has big amount benefits. First of all, this layout allows you to significantly save free space on your site. In addition, due to design features facilities, reducing construction costs.

Wooden baths with a summer kitchen and a terrace for relaxation

The combined sauna and summer kitchen can be a great place for friendly gatherings and quiet family pastime. While one person is preparing barbecue, the other can take a steam bath in the bath - another convenience of using such a layout.

One more example wooden bath with a summer kitchen, which is equipped with everything you need

In projects of this type, the summer kitchen usually acts as a dressing room, and the kitchen stove plays the role of a heater in the sauna room itself. Both structures are equipped with a common shed roof. For a summer residence, it will be very convenient to combine the bath not only with the kitchen, but also with the bathroom (this will require a single drain with the bathroom into the sewer system). The washing room will have to be equipped in such a way that the water completely goes into the sewer. To prevent unpleasant odors, the construction of a water seal is necessary.

When choosing the location of the bath, you should take into account all the features of your summer cottage. For example, a structure can be placed near a pond (if any), due to which the issue of water supply will be resolved. At the same time, keep in mind that a spill of water is possible in the spring, which will require measures to be taken to more thoroughly waterproof the bath.

How to make a bath project with a summer kitchen?

Before starting an independent development of a bath project with a summer kitchen, you should decide on the location of the building and materials for construction. Then you need to think about optimal dimensions constructions, its appearance and interior fittings. Still, it is better to develop some details together with a specialist, clarifying the plan of all events.

The project of a wooden bath combined with a summer kitchen

The layout of baths with a summer kitchen requires careful attention to issues related to the location of the entrance to the kitchen and washing room. Ideally, the entrance should be on the south side, warmer and sunny. You can equip the entrance in the form of a veranda or terrace, which will allow you to get even more usable space. The shape of the structure in this case will directly depend on its size.

Scheme correct location baths relative to the cardinal points

If you are going to build a smoky bath and heat it "black", then you should take into account the distance that goes from residential buildings to the boundaries of the site. The minimum distance is approximately 12 meters, while the future structure should be located on the side of neighboring houses.

If the bath is smokeless and heated "white", it is also recommended to put it away from residential buildings, to avoid the risk of fire (in this case minimum distance is 5 meters). At the same time, such requirements are not an obstacle to combining a bath with a kitchen.

An example of the correct location of the bath on the site

The water tank of the stove can be combined with pipes, which will allow excess heat (including that obtained during the furnace or cooking) to heat the entire room. During construction, a shed roof without attic is usually erected, which eliminates the shading of your site by the structure. Rainwater it is collected from it in a tank, which is installed opposite, and can later be used for washing clothes or other needs. Windows should be located on the southwest or northwest side, which in evening time days will provide good lighting baths.

Many people believe that the bath. combined with a living space, causes increased humidity and unpleasant odors. Of course, if used incorrectly, a certain risk is possible, but in most cases such a layout only contributes to greater comfort. The main thing is to comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements when arranging wet rooms, as well as ensuring reliable waterproofing, ventilation and sewerage.

In this situation, the most good option will be a bath with dry steam.

If the air temperature in the bath is high enough, the internal structural elements will dry out in a very short time and, accordingly, will not rot. With proper arrangement of the place for washing, the used water will drain into the sewerage system and go to the sewer well, which is located outside the premises. A water seal must be present in this place - a device that prevents unpleasant odors from entering the bath from sewer well. A heated stove-heater is able to purify and disinfect the air, as well as improve the quality of ventilation (especially if the blower is below the floor level).

Scheme correct device bathroom sewer systems

During the operation of the bath room, it is not recommended to allow abundant or too frequent water supplies to the stones, as they must remain hot and dry (which will ensure better air drying). That is why dry steam rooms can be used as living quarters. An important requirement in this case will be to ensure fire safety and high-quality floor insulation.

Bath projects with a summer kitchen

Sauna combined with a summer kitchen and a small greenhouse

This layout of the bath is convenient because the stove in the kitchen acts as a sauna heater, and the summer kitchen as a dressing room. Pipes water tank with this option, they are connected to pipes that pass through the greenhouses. The structure is heated by warm water, which you get while cooking or heating the bath. The distance from living quarters to a bathhouse combined with a summer kitchen should be at least 5 meters.

The location plan of the bath on the site, combined with a summer kitchen and a greenhouse

Bath in a modern style

A structure that has flat roof with a wide canopy, it simultaneously acts as a summer kitchen, a gazebo for relaxation and the bath itself. The space of the building includes two zones: a resting place, consisting of a kitchen, a dining room and wood stove, as well as a bath complex, which, if desired, can be supplemented with a swimming pool and an outdoor font.

Modern prefabricated summer kitchen combined with a sauna

Under the roof canopy is open veranda located on the side of the residential building. Finishing should only be used natural materials, which have a natural texture: stone, wood, metal. FROM outer side buildings and in some places inner wall lined with larch clapboard.

Bath project with a summer kitchen 9x6 m

An area of ​​\u200b\u200b3x2.5 square meters is allotted for the bathhouse. m, on which you can equip a small dressing room, and after it - a steam room, combined with a sink. Perfect for a steam room wooden lining, and for the arrangement of ceilings - an aspen board.

The layout of the bath with a summer kitchen 6x9 m

Areas 3.5x9 sq. m is enough for a spacious and comfortable summer kitchen. To separate the recreation area from the cooking area, a conventional partition is used. The roof is best made gable, which will avoid the accumulation of snow in winter.

A summer kitchen with a sauna is the best solution for a small cottage. Recently, it has become a popular choice for many families, because it can save space and repair costs. Often the kitchen acts as a dressing room or terrace. We have selected several summer kitchen projects with a bath for study.

The project of a summer kitchen with a bath 5 by 6 m.

Frame version of a small bath with a sauna. The recreation room can be divided into two halves: a recreation area and a kitchen. For these rooms, you can make two different entrances. In summer, on the terrace by the window, you can set a small table and relax mentally after the steam room.

Project summer kitchen with sauna 6 by 8 meters.

The area of ​​the bath is 12.5 sq m, the area of ​​the summer kitchen is 21 sq m. The kitchen looks spacious and bright.
The roof of the house is gable, and this, in turn, will help to cope with the snow in the cold season.

The project of a summer kitchen with a bath 6 by 8 m from logs.

The huge terrace acts as a summer kitchen. Large capacity, it can fit 1 large table and many other things. This area is well suited for holidays, gatherings with friends. This bath has everything you need, a toilet, a shower, a steam room, a relaxation room, so you can bathe and relax here. all year round. IN this project you can realize an attic and get a practical, spacious room for relaxation.

The project of a summer kitchen with a bath 5 by 9 m from a bar

The bath area is 2.5 by 4.6 m. There is a steam room with a sink on the same area.
The area of ​​​​the summer kitchen is 4.3 by 4 m. Roomy, functional, spacious.
The option of a bath made of timber looks very modern, the roof is made in the standard version - gable. A summer kitchen can be provided in the recreation room, with a small barbecue located on the terrace.

Video project of a summer kitchen with a bath:

May 11, 2015 Werri
