Cornflower blue: description, useful and harmful properties, photo. Cornflower blue: descriptions, collection and storage, composition, properties, use, contraindications and recipes

Cornflower beloved by many wild flower. It pleases us not only with its pure blue color, but also with many useful and healing properties. It is brewed to relieve fatigue from the eyes, with boils, cystitis and many other diseases. He is an excellent honey plant, which gives us healing and tasty honey.

What does a cornflower look like and where does it grow?

Cornflower has long been known among the people as the first herald of this summer. In mid-June, and in some areas already at the end of May, it appears in fields sown with rye, meadows and along roads.

Everyone knows what a cornflower looks like. This is an annual or perennial herbaceous plant, up to 60 centimeters high with a thin stem and lanceolate leaves 1-4 centimeters long. Cornflower blue or field - beautiful flower rich of blue color with delicate petals collected in a basket.

It blooms from May, June to September. Seeds ripen at the end of summer.

The cornflower belongs to the Astrov family and includes about 734 species that differ from each other in the shape and color of the petals. Southern Europe is considered the homeland, but it grows all over the world: in Europe, Asia, Australia, America.

On our territory, the most common blue or field cornflower, meadow cornflower, Russian cornflower, mountain cornflower, which grow almost throughout the territory, excluding areas of the far north. Some types of cornflower are listed in the Red Book and are protected by the states of many countries.

Cornflower is considered a weed that clogs grain crops. The most favorite places of its growth are along roads, forest edges, meadows. But the most favorite place- crops of rye, barley, wheat.

Cornflower useful properties

Main components chemical composition cornflower flowers are:





In addition, it contains:



Dyes (pigment protocyanin);

Essential oil;



The main mineral salts in it are potassium and magnesium salts - two very important minerals for the human body.

The blue cornflower plant is not for a bouquet - plucked, it does not stand in a vase for a long time, and fades the very next day. But it retains nutrients and color very well when dried. For which they like to collect it for bouquets of dried flowers.

Cornflower medicinal properties

The health benefits of cornflower are little described, although even Aristotle resorted to treatment from cornflower decoctions. Preparations prepared on its basis have such properties as:









Cornflower indications for use

AT official medicine blue cornflower flowers are used in collections as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic agent. It is mainly prescribed for renal and cardiac edema, nephritis, cystitis, urethritis. The choleretic properties of the herb are used to treat the liver and bile ducts.

Much wider application in folk medicine where flower petals, leaves and roots are used for treatment. It has long been used as effective remedy for the treatment of conjunctivitis, as well as in the form of lotions to relieve eye fatigue.

Preparations from it in the form of decoctions, compresses, infusions are prescribed for:

  • Pain in the heart;
  • Inflammations of various kinds;
  • urinary system disorders;
  • dropsy;
  • jaundice;
  • Women's diseases (delayed menstruation);
  • diarrhea;
  • headaches;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Diathesis (children);
  • eczema;
  • Stretching of tendons and muscles;
  • Inflammation and redness of the eyes, barley;
  • Chronic kidney disease.

Cornflower is also used as an anesthetic, antipyretic, sedative and bactericidal agent, for weight loss.

Collection and preparation of raw materials

As a medicinal plant in official medicine, blue or field cornflower is used. In folk medicine, meadow cornflower is sometimes used, which has pink-lilac flowers.

You can harvest the plant only during the flowering period, which lasts a long period.

To do this, choose fully bloomed specimens, remove sluggish and faded leaves, cut off flower petals from a flower basket.

The resulting material is dried only in the shade in order to preserve all the beneficial substances. Petals that have lost their color after drying are not used for treatment, as they have lost their healing properties.

To prepare compresses and lotions, heal wounds and remove warts, dry seeds are used, previously dried in the same way.

Usually, after three to four days, the prepared material dries completely and is ready for storage. To do this, it is placed in sealed glassware and used for two years.

Cornflower roots are also used in folk medicine. They are harvested during the flowering period, along with the rest of the plant. The roots are cleaned and dried in the usual way. For storage, paper bags or cardboard boxes are most often used.

Cornflower application

There are a number of recipes in which blue cornflower is used fresh. For example, a drink from cornflower, the recipe of which is quite simple.

5-7 grams of cornflower petals (a teaspoon with a slide) is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for half an hour.

Tea or a drink with cornflower can be drunk immediately or diluted with boiling water, like tea leaves. Such a tool, thanks to the biologically active substances contained in it, will perfectly remove headache, fever and swelling, quench thirst.

Tea prepared in this way perfectly stimulates the appetite if drunk half an hour before a meal.

Cornflower blue for heart disease

Blue cornflower perfectly copes with the restoration of the body after heart disease. To do this, prepare an oil extract.

100 grams of herbal mass is crushed, poured into 2 glasses vegetable oil(preferably olive) and insist in a warm place (preferably in the sun) for 20 days. It is best to use an opaque, tightly closed container for this. The resulting mixture is filtered and taken 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach every day.

The extract contributes to the normalization of heart pressure, the removal of puffiness and the disinfection of the body. The course of treatment is 2 months and it can be repeated only after six months.

collection for hypertension

Take 15 grams of each plant: blue cornflower flowers, chokeberry berries, yarrow, white mistletoe leaves, valerian root, hawthorn fruit, horsetail.

Brew one tablespoon of the collection with 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Strain and drink 70 ml after each meal.

To relieve eye fatigue

To relieve fatigue from the eyes, puffiness, and restore eye color, a collection with cornflower is used.

cornflower flowers, snapdragon, medicinal eyebright and elderberry are taken in equal proportions, crushed and mixed in a dry bowl. In a ratio of 1 to 100, the mixture is poured with boiling water and infused in a warm place (or better in a thermos) for 6 hours.

Such an infusion is perfect for instillation into the eyes, for lotions that are applied to the eyes for 10-15 minutes, after which the skin should be thoroughly rinsed with warm water.

With constant use, the color of the eye protein is restored, and vision improves, the mucous membrane of the eye is restored. Treatment is carried out in several stages, for a month each with interruptions.

Tiredness from the eyes will quickly be removed and an infusion of cornflower, prepared according to this recipe.

Cornflower flowers - dry or fresh, pour boiling water in a ratio of 1 to 20 (2 tsp per glass) and insist in a warm place for 2 hours, wrapped well. Then strain and use for eye baths.

Collection to stop bleeding

The crushed dry roots of the cornflower are combined in equal proportions with the crushed grass of yarrow and horsetail. 10-15 grams of the collection (2 tablespoons) is poured into 100 grams of water (half a glass) and boiled over low heat until the liquid evaporates by half. Take 2 tablespoons every hour until the bleeding stops completely and fix the result over the next two days, using the same dose once a day.

Cornflower tincture on vodka

Alcohol tincture of cornflower field will perfectly cope with jaundice, genitourinary diseases, kidney diseases.

To prepare it, you need to insist dry petals on vodka (100 grams per liter) for two weeks.

One tablespoon of tincture is taken before meals two to three times a day, drinking plenty of water.

For constipation

2 teaspoons of cornflower roots brew 200 ml hot water and insist 2 hours. Strain and take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals for 15-20 minutes.

Cornflower in cosmetology

Cornflower is used for rinsing hair, as a lotion for wiping oily skin.

Pour a tablespoon of flowers with 0.5 liters of a mixture of vinegar and water, taken in equal proportions. Leave for half an hour and filter. Rub this mixture twice a day into the hair roots. Rinse your head with plain water before going to bed.

This lotion helps to restore the structure and strengthen the hair.

To care for oily skin, prepare a lotion by brewing 50 grams of fresh petals with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist for an hour and strain.

Wipe your face daily with this lotion. Store in refrigerator or freeze cubes.

Contraindications and side effects

The main feature due to which cornflower is used with great care is the content of cyanide in it. There is no scientifically proven and determined safe dose for taking plant preparations at the moment.

Therefore, this flower is considered poisonous and should be used very carefully. In any form, it is forbidden to contact with flowers, and especially with cornflower juice, pregnant women, women during lactation and babies.

Take infusions, decoctions with great care, after consulting your doctor, especially if you are taking other medicines.

If any side effects occur, taking drugs with cornflower should be stopped immediately and consult a doctor.

Sensitive people, especially those who are allergic to the aster family, such as sunflower, dandelion and others, may experience an allergic reaction.

Since cornflower has anti-inflammatory properties, care should be taken when treating with anti-inflammatory drugs at the same time.

Taking decoctions and infusions of herbs can cause a relapse urolithiasis, especially when taken simultaneously with drugs used to treat urolithiasis.

The field flower cornflower is not just a plant. It pleases the eye, heals and helps people in everyday life. This weed is excellent for blue-dying wool, used to make vinegars, and as a condiment for cereals, soups, gravies, and sauces.

Cornflower honey is considered the most useful and highly valued by beekeepers. And in the old days, with the help of this flower, rituals were performed, consecrated dwellings and protected from the evil eye. The health benefits of cornflower are almost invaluable - decoctions, infusions, lotions, oils and much more, everyone can choose individually.

Learn more about the medicinal properties of this beautiful flower

Modest and very attractive garden cornflowers have inspired artists and poets since ancient times. blue flower was the most common image in folk song and art, girls wove wreaths of cornflowers to decorate, used it for divination. It is used both as a spice and as a dye. Bees flock from all around for nectar-bearing flowers.

Known since antiquity medicinal properties cornflower. Loosely translated, "Centaurea cyanus" means "Blue Centaur Flower". This name is associated with the story of the wounding of the Centaur by the arrow of Hercules and of his miraculous cure with the help of juice. And he got his Slavic name thanks to the boy Vasya, who refused reciprocity to the mermaid - for this she turned the guy into a sky-blue flower.

Description of the garden cornflower

Currently, more than 700 varieties of this herbaceous plant from the Compositae family have been described. The genus cornflower combines about 500 species of herbaceous annuals or perennials. First of all, they are valued for their unpretentiousness, and leaves. The stem is erect or recumbent, strongly branched up to 80 cm. Sheet plates smooth or pubescent. Flowers of ultramarine shades in round or oblong inflorescences - baskets. The fruit is an achene with a crest, small and inedible.

Growing a perennial garden cornflower

  • Prefers a place well lit by the sun, open spaces, spacious, but easily tolerates some shading.
  • Requires virtually no maintenance. Good for Alpine rollercoaster, like a border plant, in flower beds.
  • Unusually good surrounded by cereals. It is used in meadow style plantings, where it is especially good in combination with white and yellow flowers.
  • Great for harsh winters. In one place without a transplant can live for more than 10 years.

How to grow annual and perennial cornflower from seeds

Cornflower can become a luxurious, and at the same time, inexpensive decoration of the garden, if grown from seeds. Although the flowers are best known for being blue, these annuals come in pink, white, red, lavender, and maroon.

Cornflowers produce single or double flowers with a fringe of dissected petals and grey-green leaves. Dwarf varieties suitable for edging and borders, while higher grades are popular in cottage gardens. However, since it is more difficult to obtain from local nurseries, planting cornflower seeds is the only way to propagate them in the garden. Luckily, they are easy to grow both indoors and outdoors. outdoors.

  • Seeds of annual species sown in spring permanent place into fertilized soil when the soil is warm enough.
  • perennial species sown in an unheated greenhouse or grown for seedlings at home and transplanted in October to a permanent place.

Later they are propagated by dividing the bush or cuttings. It is best to divide perennial species after flowering, after having carried out a low pruning. They are planted at a distance of 45 cm - this makes it possible to independently form a beautiful shape for the plant.

Planting cornflower seeds in open ground

In areas with mild winter cornflower seeds can be sown in open ground in September. They will germinate in the fall and take root to bloom in the spring. However, for colder climatic conditions, it is better to sow cornflower seeds in the spring, as soon as the weather permits. Several successive plantings of cornflower seeds will result in almost continuous flowering throughout the entire growing season. This is because annual cornflowers are not long-lived plants. A second planting in spring is recommended if cornflower seeds are first sown in autumn.

Sow seeds in slightly alkaline garden soil to a depth of 2-2.5 cm. Stratification can be done: moisten the seeds and keep in the refrigerator until germination, this is about seven to 10 days for annuals and two to three and a half weeks for perennial varieties. Sown in the garden for seedlings, the plants are then transplanted at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other.

Planting cornflower seeds for seedlings at home

Cornflower seeds are sown for seedlings about a month before the last frost or a month before planting in open ground. If planted at the end of April, it should be sown at the end of March.

Fill prepared containers with potting soil or use peat pots. After the containers are filled, moisten the mixture and let the water drain. Then, three or four cornflower seeds are sown in a pot and covered with foil. Place them in a warm place for the seeds to germinate. Shelter will create a greenhouse effect, and high humidity and heat will promote rapid germination.

After germination, the shelter is removed and the containers are placed in a sunny place. When a pair of true leaves appears, the most strong plants to save them for transplanting into open ground, and pinch off the remaining seedlings at soil level. It should be fed once with a complex water-soluble fertilizer. Upon reaching a height of 8-10 cm, the seedlings of the garden cornflower are ready for planting.

Garden cornflower care

  • Top dressing. Feed moderately once every two weeks.
  • Watering. Cornflower loves moisture, but does not tolerate waterlogging, tolerates drought well. Usually rare summer rains are enough for him.
  • Pruning. Mainly used to maintain appearance. It is timely to cut dry inflorescences in order to avoid unwanted resettlement of cornflower throughout garden plot. Perennial specimens after flowering are pruned at a height of 10 cm.

Diseases and pests

It is very rare, but it happens, with waterlogging, leaf spot occurs, powdery mildew, gray rot, rust, which are dealt with by appropriate preparations.

From insects, aphids harm cornflowers, spider mite, leaflet. A good result in the fight against these insects is irrigation with tar water (5 drops of birch tar per 10 liters of water). The smell of tar repels many pests, such treatment does not harm the environment.

Types of garden cornflowers

Cornflowers, which are grown today, are bred by selection from a wild-growing species that grows like a weed in cereal fields, on roadsides, clearings and wastelands.

American cornflower Centaurea Americana

Hailing from the prairie North America, can reach a height of 1 m. It has pale lilac flowers with a diameter of 8-10 cm. Very cold-resistant appearance, decorative, blooms in August.

Cornflower bleached Centaurea dealbata

White cornflower Centaurea dealbata ‘Steenbergii’ photo

Originally from the Caucasus, tall, reaching a meter height plant with very beautiful, colorful, fragrant flowers. Cultivated for cutting. The most refined of the perennial cornflowers. Likes well-drained garden soil.

Large-headed cornflower Centaurea macrocephala

With its beauty and undemanding nature, it conquered the flower gardens of Europe. In England, it is one of the main plants of mixborders. Its bush keeps its shape perfectly, blooms from July to early October with bright yellow baskets. Feels great on any soil, prefers deep, well-moistened, humus and clay.


Known since ancient times, cornflower has a wide range of applications:

  • for decorative purposes - wreaths are woven from it and bouquets are made;
  • used as a natural dye;
  • for cosmetic procedures;
  • in the alcoholic beverage industry;
  • in traditional and folk medicine.

Medicinal properties

In medicine, it is used as a mild diuretic, for lotions for eye diseases, as an anti-inflammatory agent. The decoction and liquid extract have a choleretic effect. Fresh juice is used as a wound healing, and the grass is applied to bruises and tumors. A decoction is used instead of a facial lotion, as an anesthetic for toothaches.
, he fell in love with many flower growers for their sophisticated beauty. Ideal for beginner flower lovers - with a minimum of attention, you always achieve positive result. It blooms for a long time and at the same time practically does not require care. Perennial species attract even the most sophisticated flower lovers with their ease of cultivation, beauty and charm.

Cornflower flowers are pleasant and cute annual or perennial flowers that brighten up any area. Thanks to breeders, a huge number of different species and varieties have been bred. The areas where these plants are planted look attractive, and it is also pleasant to spend time on them, relieving fatigue and irritation from the eyes.

Types and varieties of cornflowers

To the main types given flower include undersized and tall cornflowers.

undersized cornflowers

These species look good in various flower beds, flower arrangements, rock gardens or rockeries. They look good if they are seated along the path. The undersized flowers include a beautiful cornflower, which is perennial, blooming in early summer. It has not only blue flowers, but also pink, purple or gray.

Cornflower mountain is equipped with large flowers of blue or purple.

Also in demand is a bleached cornflower, equipped with large pink flowers.

Tall cornflowers

They can reach a meter in height. Often used in the background to decorate different flower beds or flower beds. Often, with their help, unusual and bright accents. Popular varieties include large-headed cornflower, which has medium-sized yellow flowers.

Annual cornflowers are presented in different types. The most popular is the musky flower, which has an unsurpassed and pleasant aroma. It is recommended to grow it in well-lit areas of the territory.

Field cornflowers are perennial or biennial, and they are a real decoration in any field.

Planting cornflowers

If you plan to grow cornflower flowers on private territory, then they should be planted in the spring. You need to choose the time when the soil is well warmed up, since it is not allowed to freeze the plants.

Important! Optimal time for this, the end of April and the beginning of May are considered.

When planting cornflowers, the main recommendations are taken into account:

  • the process can be performed in any soil, as cornflowers are unpretentious to the soil;
  • before planting, the earth will certainly loosen;
  • it is advisable to plant the segments together with the soil, and the offspring should be equipped with rhizomes;
  • cornflowers are distinguished by developed rhizomes, so a fairly significant distance is certainly left between them so that the plants do not cause discomfort to each other;
  • during planting, the roots are carefully straightened.

Cornflower care

Cornflower flowers are unpretentious, so they do not need to provide specific care.

By default, only simple actions are performed:

  • competent watering of cornflowers in the absence of regular natural precipitation;
  • elimination of weeds that prevent optimal flower growth;
  • the top layer of soil is periodically dug up;
  • if there are withered flowers, then they are removed, otherwise the flower bed will look unattractive;
  • if cornflowers are grown for cutting, then complex fertilizers are applied twice a month;
  • when a spider mite is detected, infected plants are cut off.

Thus, caring for cornflowers is considered so simple that it does not cause any difficulties even for novice gardeners.

Important! If a standard field cornflower is simply planted on the territory, then it does not need to provide any care at all.

Growing cornflowers

These flowers are grown outdoors, and it is desirable to choose areas well lit by the sun.

Important! Cornflower is a flower that prefers freedom, so you should not grow it in pots.

For optimal growth and development, a distance of approximately 30 cm is left between plants. Although there are no specific requirements for the soil, for better growth and flowering of plants, it is recommended to focus on fertile soil.

Reproduction of cornflowers

The cornflower breeds different ways, which include:

  • using root cuttings;
  • by dividing the bush;
  • with the use of high-quality and properly prepared seeds.

Cornflower seeds are planted in the spring, and after that it is necessary to thin out the beds well. If cuttings are used or a bush is divided, then the process is implemented in early autumn. Before planting, it is recommended to soak the roots in water, and the shoots are slightly shortened.

Important! If a plot is used, then for a successful planting process it is necessary that there are more than three buds on it.

Watering cornflowers

Cornflowers are plants that do not need a significant amount of moisture, so they are provided with only moderate watering.

Usually summer rains are enough for this, but if the summer is dry, then the plants are periodically watered with a small amount of water. Cornflowers do not tolerate excessive moisture.

Soil for cornflowers

There are no special requirements for it, but it is best to choose light loams. It is desirable that the acidity of the soil be neutral. Before planting cornflowers, the earth is well loosened.

Important! If there is acidic soil on the territory, then limestone is introduced into it.

Clay soils are certainly lightened, for which the optimal amount of sand is added to them.

Rules for feeding cornflowers

Important! It is not allowed to overdo it with top dressing of cornflowers, as otherwise the leaves will turn ugly yellow.

If perennials are planted on the territory, then they should be fed in the autumn so that they become resistant to low temperatures.

The specifics of pruning cornflowers

To make the flowers attractive and interesting, faded cornflowers are cut off. This process can be done in high or low way. In the first case, the stems are cut directly under the inflorescences, and in the second case, the stem is cut off completely, so only 10 cm remain from the flower.

The high method is considered the most relevant, and after work the bushes look really neat, attractive and fluffy.

Diseases and pests of cornflowers

Perennial varieties of cornflowers are highly resistant to various infections or pests. However, they are subject to negative impact fungi or mites.

Fusarium is a common disease of cornflowers, and it is quite simple to determine it, since the leaves quickly turn yellow, and they also begin to fall off soon. Damaged leaves are quickly cut off, and the trunk is treated with a special protective solution.

Cornflower is also exposed to spider mites. The pest leaves small spots on the leaves that have different sizes and colors, and after that the leaves begin to quickly turn yellow. Damaged flower elements are cut off, and all cornflowers are sprayed with a special medicine.

Thus, cornflower flowers are interesting and attractive plants that will look great in the territory, flower bed or in various unusual flower arrangements. They are easy to plant, care for and reproduce, so even a novice grower can cope with these processes.

This wonderful flower cornflower grows on the territory of Russia and belongs to the genus of grasses of the Compositae family. Two varieties are especially widespread: blue and meadow.

This delicate flower is always present in the fields planted with grain crops - it grows not only from the edge of the field, but also between ears of wheat and rye. According to the researchers, it is not big number These plants significantly contribute to the improvement of the quality of grain crops.

It is a biennial plant, easily propagated by self-seeding and grows up to 80 cm tall. Came to Russia along with the seeds of wheat and other grains. Cornflower leaves growing from below are different from the upper leaves. From below they are petiolate and pinnately lobed; towards the top they become linear and sessile.

Flowers are located at the top and arranged in baskets. The inflorescences in the basket, located on the edge, are barren and have the shape of an oversized funnel. The flowers located in the center of the basket are bisexual and form oblong-shaped seeds. gray color with a ponytail. With the help of this tail and wind, the seeds are perfectly dispersed around the mother bush.

The flowering time of cornflower is the first half of summer. The flower is highly prolific, up to 6,000 thousand seeds grow on one bush.

Varieties of cornflower

In nature there are a large number of different varieties this flower. They differ primarily in the shape of the flower basket, in color and in the height of the stem. We describe those species that are most common.

He is also called by us voloshka, patchwork and cyanosis. It grows with straight stems, the height of which is 80 cm. The flowers are blue or azure, arranged in rare baskets, blooming from early summer until the first frost.

The leaves are gray-green in color, rough to the touch, the lower ones have petioles, but the higher the leaves are located on the stem, the more they change their shape to lily.


This is a very short growth, barely reaching 25 cm with beautiful double flowers, picked up in elastic baskets with a diameter of about 4 cm. This is the rarest type of flower inscribed in the Red Book.


It is a plant with a creeping rhizome with a tall stem that grows up to 80 cm in height. Leaf plates are gray-green in color, elongated. The outermost funnel-shaped flowers are bright blue or light blue, the middle ones are purple-lilac. Flowers with a diameter of 7 cm.


Flower growing up to one meter tall. Flowers of the beautiful yellow color collected in baskets with a diameter of 5 cm. the stems of the plant are straight and thick, so they retain their decorative look even after strong winds.

Cornflower large-headed

This species looks like a shrub, as its stems reach 120 cm. In addition, it has very large inflorescences from 7 cm in diameter. Blooms in July and until the end of summer.


It is a wild flower, reaching a height of 120 cm, the leaves grow on long petioles and with yellow flower heads.


This flower has a straight stem that grows up to one meter in height. Flowers are collected in purple baskets. It grows throughout the European part of the mainland up to the Urals, it can be found in meadows and fields, it grows even along highways.


This species has a beautiful aroma and comes from the Caucasus. It is mainly grown as a cut flower, as it is very branched and blooms profusely, growing up to 80 cm. The leaves are green, and large baskets of flowers of various colors grow at the ends of the stems: white, yellow, lilac and purple. It propagates by self-sowing and it is not picky about the soil.


Grows up to 60 cm. This is one of beautiful views with green leaves, and the leaves located at the bottom of the bush are white. Blooms bright pink flowers from early June to early autumn.


This is a very spreading plant, whose height varies from 17 to 65 cm. there are a lot of baskets, but they are small, no more than 6 mm. width. Flowers, as usual, are grouped in white and pink baskets.

Florists love this flower very much, because, like it, it has a very long flowering period and does not require much care for it. And therefore, gardeners often use it to decorate flower beds in their areas. It grows very quickly and does not need much care.

It grows without a transplant for up to 10 years, while it blooms beautifully and richly and grows well. It can be used in creating flower beds or in the design of garden paths.

Planting and plant care

You can plant this unpretentious plant in the spring, when the soil temperature reaches 15 degrees. This comes when buds bloom on birch trees, this is the third decade of April - the beginning of May. Since it unpretentious flower, then you can plant it not even in prepared soil.

The soil is dug up before planting and small depressions are made. Root segments or small seedlings grown from seeds lie in them. The rhizome must be straightened so that there are no broken roots, and the growth point is on the surface. Most importantly, there should be a small distance between the holes with planted plants for correct formation bush.

After planting a bush, it is easy to squeeze the earth with your hands to get rid of voids in the soil. If there are no voids, then the flower will take root easier.

And do not forget that the cornflower loves sunlight, therefore, the plots are selected without a shadow, since the flower will not bloom in it.

Cornflower breeding

As already mentioned, you can propagate by root cuttings. To do this, carefully dig old bush and with a shovel, depending on its size, it is divided into two or four parts. And already these parts are seated in prepared recesses in the ground. All this can already be done at the end of April. Flowering after such a transplant will begin next summer.

Also, the flower reproduces well with the help of seeds. Moreover, this reproduction occurs by self-seeding. The grown bushes can be planted in the place where the owner of the flower garden considers it the best.

And do not forget about watering after transplantation, if you water it every three days, then the bush will take root faster on a new one. place will go grow faster.

All care comes down to watering and weed control. To stimulate abundant flowering, it is necessary to cut off the buds that have already faded.

It is almost not attacked by pests, but very rarely a spider mite attacks in a drought without watering. If a tick is found, cut off the obviously affected leaves of the plant and treat with actellik. This drug has a wide spectrum of action against many pests.

Useful properties of cornflower

Folk healers use only flowers located on the edge of the basket. These flowers contain:

  • flavonoids;
  • bitter glycoses;
  • carotene;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • coloring substances.

They begin to stock up on flowers when they are fully bloomed and only by hand, so as not to pluck the flowers located inside. Since they are not used in the treatment and preparation of various medicines. And sometimes they even worsen the medicinal properties of the prepared medicine.

It is necessary to dry the inflorescences by spreading them out in a thin layer in the shade, since the sun's rays can spoil the quality of the prepared products. After drying, the flowers are kept in complete darkness. These flowers, even after drying, do not lose their color and have a bitter taste.

Cornflower blue application

It is usually used either tea from the petals, or various decoctions, consisting of extreme flowers. It's all used in ill health Bladder, with spasms, with dropsy.

It is also the main component of decoctions that cure diseases such as:

  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • headache;
  • skin irritation;
  • helps with fever.

Flower tincture

Blue cornflower tincture is not difficult to prepare. 1 teaspoon of dried flowers pour 200 gr. boiling water and let it brew for 20 minutes. Take this tincture of 50 gr. 30 minutes before meals.

Hair Growth Rinse

To do this, take a tablespoon of inflorescences and pour 200 gr. boiling water by adding immediately to the tincture 200 gr. vinegar. When everything has cooled down, use it to rinse your hair. This operation is done twice a week for a month - it greatly increases hair growth.

In the treatment of the urinary system

Take three servings of cornflower and angelica rhizomes, add four parts of juniper fruit. Add 200 gr. to a tablespoon of the mixture. boiling water. Insist for 20 minutes and take orally 3 times a day, 50 gr. store the tincture only in the refrigerator and no more than two days.

Decoction for washing the inflamed cornea of ​​​​the eye

One teaspoon of the flower is mixed with one teaspoon of eyebright and poured into 200 gr. boiling water. Boil for three minutes on low heat, let it brew for 20 minutes, strain well through cotton wool or cheesecloth, folded in six layers. Bury this infusion 4 times a day.

diuretic tea recipe

To prepare such tea, it is taken in equal parts of the herb: cornflowers, licorice, bearberry. Boil everything in boiling water and let it brew for an hour.


The flower is dangerous only for those people who have individual intolerance. The plant itself is considered slightly poisonous. These beautiful flowers are contraindicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • children.

All infusions made on the basis of this plant enhance uterine bleeding. And take without a doctor's prescription healing herbs it is forbidden.

The use of cornflower in cooking

In cooking, flowers and seeds of the plant are used. They are used in the manufacture of first courses, various sauces and gravy. It is also added to various black tea blends.

Cornflower in cosmetology

Since this plant has anti-inflammatory properties, lotions are made from it to care for normal and oily skin. Also, these tinctures have a matting effect and a calming effect.

Extracts and extracts from the flower are added to shampoos, and after applying such a shampoo, hair growth is activated, having a calming effect on the scalp.

Hair loss tincture

Dried flowers are steamed with a sufficient amount of boiling water and allowed to brew for about half an hour. Then filter and apply daily for 30 days.

Cornflower legends

About it tender flower There are many legends and one Greek legend says that heavy ears of rye asked the blue sky for help to maintain their ears. Since under the weight of the grain they bend strongly and do not see the blue sky. The sky replied that it would go down so low that they would see it and granted the request of the rye.

And when after a while it returned to its place, then a part of this remained on earth. beautiful sky and after a while they turned into wonderful heavenly flowers - cornflowers. And since long ago, when the grain ripens and bends down to the ground, they see these beautiful flowers.

There is also a Roman legend about the young faun Cyanus, he very often used blue in his clothes. In the prime of life, he suddenly left this sublunar world and was found in a grain field. The goddess Flora, whom the young man idolized when he was still alive, turned him into this beautiful and delicate flower.

Some Almost Forgotten Facts About the Beautiful Flower

  • Germans have a special fondness for blue flowers. Queen Louise in exile collected cornflowers and wove them into wreaths. When she put on the woven first wreath on the head of her daughter Charlotte, she felt with her soul that everything would be fine with them. Subsequently, her daughter ascended the throne, becoming the Russian Empress Alexandra Feodorovna;
  • In Sweden, these flowers are on the country's coat of arms;
  • it is believed that this plant has not only medicinal properties but also magical powers. A bouquet of flowers, presented to a loved one, will serve as a talisman for the family and remain faithful to the spouses.

The most unpretentious flowers

Read about here.

Cornflowers are beautiful, bright, graceful perennials that are loved by many connoisseurs of garden ornamental crops.

general characteristics

Cornflower from the genus of herbaceous plants, family Compositae. It has an inflorescence in the form of baskets with small blue, white, pink, red flowers. Cornflowers are annual or perennial flowers with double or semi-double inflorescences, having narrow leaf blades and a stem up to eighty centimeters high. The flowering period is from early summer to September. ornamental plant unpretentious, not afraid low temperatures and arid climate, loves the sun's rays.


Decorative perennial grows in Europe, Asia, USA, North Africa.

Varieties and types

In total, there are up to five hundred varieties of both annual and perennial cornflowers in the world.

Varieties of annual cornflower

  • A group of blue cornflowers has a stem up to 65-80 centimeters high;
  • Stems of a variety of undersized cornflowers 20-30 centimeters;
  • Musk cornflower flowers look like small pom-poms of various colors.

Varieties of perennial cornflower

  • Cornflower bleached. It grows up to about sixty centimeters: the variety Steenbergii has large raspberry-colored flowers with a white center; more larger flowers John Coutts, they are pink with a yellow center;
  • Large-headed cornflower (80-150 cm), in which yellow “balls” bloom on thick stems;
  • Cornflower mountain (40-60 cm), in May - July gives abundant pinnate white, pink or purple flowers.


Cornflower should be planted in non-acidic and crumbly soil with medium moisture. Improve heavy ground before planting river sand and fertilized with organic fertilizers.

Seeds are usually sown in the middle of spring, on dug up and leveled areas of land warmed by the sun. sprinkled on top thin layer soil. After that, the seeds are carefully watered. The first sprouts appear after seven days. At winter landing seeds are planted in October - November, while covering them is not necessary.

Strong seedlings are obtained if the sowing is done in the middle - end of March. When growing them, it is better to use hollow cups pressed from peat, filled with a nutrient substrate. During this period, the seedlings are systematically watered and provided with sufficient light. seedlings right in peat pots planted in the soil. This is usually done at the end of April. Seedlings are well saturated with moisture before planting.

The distance between perennials should be 20 - 55 cm. In this case, the bushes will be lush. It is also important to know that the higher the stem, the greater the distance should be between perennial specimens. With a strong thickening, the plants are drawn out and lose their decorative effect. After 55 - 65 days, the first buds bloom.


Caring for a plant is not difficult. Water them sparingly as the soil dries out. Excessive moisture leads to soaking of the roots and death of the flower.

Every two to three weeks, cornflowers should be fed with complex mineral fertilizers. This guarantees lush bloom and active growth of greenery. To ensure a good winter perennial bushes pre-winter top dressing is necessary. This procedure enables cornflowers to endure the adverse conditions of winter and early spring, guarantees rapid growth and abundant flowering in the warm season. Prevent disease throughout growing season periodic sprinkling of stems and leaves of crushed wood ash. Do not forget about weeding.

At the end of flowering, it is necessary to collect ripe plant seeds. If seed collection is not expected, then in order to maintain an attractive appearance of the bushes, wilted buds should be removed.

Perennial cornflowers are adapted to transplants. It is best to transplant them in late summer or spring.


Perennials breed:

  • Seeds: sowing and self-sowing;
  • The division of adult bushes in August or March.

Before dividing, the bush is removed from the ground, ground shoots are shortened by 10 centimeters from the base. The roots are thoroughly washed, cut into pieces. The rhizomes must have daughter buds. Before planting, the soil is mixed with compost.

Seedlings obtained during self-sowing are carefully removed from the soil in the spring along with an earthen clod and transplanted to another, permanent place.

Application in traditional medicine

Cornflower blue is a slightly poisonous plant, as it contains:

  • Hydrocarbon-containing substances of an organic nature;
  • Colored vegetable glycosides;
  • resins;
  • Tannins;
  • Nitrogen-containing compounds;
  • organic acids;
  • Slime;
  • Bitterness;
  • Sahara;
  • Unsaturated hydrocarbon;
  • Vitamin C;
  • mineral salts;
  • Butter.

In medicine, cornflower is used primarily as a diuretic. Therapeutic compositions from this medicinal plant anesthetize, heal wounds, relieve inflammation, fever and spasms, cause accelerated emptying of the intestines and thinning of the stool (it will also help), increase bile and sweating. Medicines are drunk for menstrual irregularities, accumulation of transudate in any of the body cavities, icteric staining of the skin, diarrhea. Dried cornflower leaf powder reduces swelling. Perennial is used in the treatment of:

  • Nephrosis of the kidneys;
  • Inflammation of the urethra;
  • Bladder;
  • renal pelvis;
  • edema;
  • urolithiasis;
  • Pathology of the kidneys.

The flowers of the plant can be used for diseases of the digestive tract, biliary tract and liver.

Application in landscape design

In flowerbeds, cornflowers look great with herbaceous perennials, calendula, cosmos, poppies. These plants bloom in one period, and the result is a beautiful motley meadow.
