Home flowers are constantly blooming. The most unpretentious indoor plants with a photo

Indoor plants are in most cases not only beautiful, but also useful, because they purify the air, saturate it with oxygen, and some even fight pathogenic bacteria. It is not necessary to be an ace of floriculture to get yourself houseplants. Yes, each plant differs not only in appearance, but also in other features, it requires some special care etc. But you can pick up plants that are completely unpretentious and require a minimum of attention, time and effort.

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She is also called. This is a fairly popular plant in our country, which can be found not only in private houses and apartments, but also in school classrooms. The plant blooms almost all year round. The flowers are bright, can be red, white, coral, purple and other colors. Some types of geranium exude a light spicy, rather pleasant aroma. True, not all people like this smell, so this must be taken into account before starting such a plant.

In addition, it can cause allergies, as well as increase blood pressure, cause severe headaches. Therefore, if individual intolerance is present, geraniums should also be abandoned. If everything is in order, the smell does not irritate and does not cause discomfort to anyone at home, you can safely put this beauty on the windowsill. Moreover, it also has useful properties.

In addition to the natural flavor, the plant also boasts that it repels small insects, which is very important in the warm season.

The plant loves the sun, so the ideal place for a pot is a windowsill, and in summer a balcony. It is better to plant the plant in a medium-sized pot, not too big. Otherwise, only leaves can grow abundantly, and the plant will not bloom. Watering should be plentiful, but not overdo it.

In winter, it is better to keep it in a cooler place and water less. During this period, the plant may not bloom, but there is nothing to worry about. He also needs a period of rest to gain strength for the summer. Geranium is better not to put in the bedroom, because its smell excites nervous system, and this has a bad effect on the duration and strength of sleep. Sometimes people who have geraniums in their room often suffer from insomnia, and for a long time they cannot understand what is the reason for it. It is preferable to put the plant in the kitchen, on the balcony.

This is another favorite of flower growers, whose popularity is due to its attractive appearance, beautiful, bright red or pink flowers, increased survivability. can withstand low light conditions, so it can be placed in those rooms whose windows overlook north side. watering in summer period frequent is required, in winter it needs to be reduced.

Many people compare this plant with maple, because the shape of their leaves is very similar. However, they are not even related. also considered an unpretentious plant. It blooms almost all year round, in winter there is a period of rest. The flowers are bell-shaped, can be white, cream, orange, yellow, red. Water abundantly in the summer and during the flowering period. In winter, when the plant is resting and not blooming, the intensity of watering should be reduced. From time to time, you need to pinch off the shoots so that the plant grows exactly as it should, takes on a suitable shape.


It has an unusual shape of leaves, blooms all year round, even a little like a cactus. The plant perfectly tolerates temperature changes, can grow in low light conditions, in the shade. The flowers are very bright, almost fiery color. They say that if the Decembrist blooms for Christmas, the inhabitants of the house will have a happy and successful year.

During flowering, it is better not to touch the plant, not to move it from place to place, because it can easily drop flowers.

The plant loves moisture and absorbs it more from the air. Therefore, instead of abundant watering, you can spray it daily with water from a spray bottle. Water must be at room temperature. Decembrist blooms mainly in winter time.

Initially, they were grown exclusively as medicinal plants. But, recently, a lot of Kalanchoe hybrids have appeared, which not only have useful properties, but they also look very beautiful, bloom profusely and brightly, and at the same time are completely unpretentious. The plant can grow on windowsills with any level of lighting. Abundant watering is not required, because the stems and leaves of the plant contain a decent amount of water. True, this does not mean that it does not need to be watered at all. Watering is required, but moderate. Kalanchoe perfectly withstands temperature changes, can grow in the shade. It grows slowly, does not need frequent transplants.

They are also very fond of in our country for their attractive, neat appearance, unpretentiousness. It is believed that this tree attracts money to the house. It also resembles a real tree in its shape, because the main stem is very similar to the trunk, and the leaves are round / oval, fleshy. Looks very nice.

Plant loves solar light and warm, so you need to put it on the windowsills of those windows that face south. In the summer, a pot with a plant can also be taken out to the balcony, if the weather is good, not cold. It needs to be watered abundantly at this time. In winter, it is better to keep the plant in a lower temperature of 10-13 degrees Celsius. And water in the winter Money Tree should be less frequent. To the battery, despite the fact that the fat woman loves heat, you should not put it in winter. Leaves can be dusted with a damp cloth as needed. It won't hurt them if you're careful.

Fatsia japonica

One of the most unpretentious plants that can grow in almost any conditions. Even if you put a pot near the battery central heating, nothing will happen to the plant, it will grow and bloom. In addition to its unpretentiousness, Japanese Fatsia is also popular due to the fact that it is considered an energy donor. If you put a pot with such a plant at home, its inhabitants will become much more energetic, livelier, more cheerful.

Many consider it a natural antidepressant, because the plant improves mood, absorbs negative energy.

Unlike geraniums, this plant can be placed in the bedroom, because it has a beneficial effect on the quality and duration of sleep, has bactericidal properties, not only saturating the air with oxygen, but also purifying it. The plant blooms very profusely. The leaves are fleshy, thick, dense.

What other unpretentious indoor plants exist?

There are enough of them. These include plants such as:

  • room jasmine;
  • indoor hibiscus.

Unpretentious - does not mean that the plant should be forgotten after purchase. Watering, feeding is required, but unlike most other plants, these require all this less often and in much smaller quantities. You can if you buy them flower shop, ask in advance about what kind of care this or that plant requires, or make inquiries on the Internet.

If you want to learn about other hardy flowering plants and how to grow them, watch this video:

Indoor flowers that bloom all year round are most often plants with permanent flowers or with continuous, repeating flowering. Continuously colorful and attractive, they will enliven any interior. What flowers blooming all year round can be grown at home? Photos and names of the 7 most beautiful indoor flowers that bloom all year round!

Flowering plants that bloom all year round will accentuate a colorless environment. Plants will bloom better if faded flowers are regularly removed and given relevant conditions cultivation.

Anthurium produces a heart-shaped, white or red spathe at the base of the cob, contrasting beautifully with the large, green, shiny leaves. Exotic flowers grow in in large numbers throughout the year and remain on the plant for a long time.

Anthurium loves a bright place, it is recommended to protect from direct sunlight. Prefers temperature in the range of 16-21 ° C, does not like sudden temperature fluctuations. Anthurium attractive indoor flower, blooming all year round requires top dressing every 2 weeks with fertilizer for flowering houseplants, and moderate watering. It is best to control the substrate and water when upper layer will dry.

- a relatively easy-to-grow orchid with long, persistent flowers that appear in winter and spring. The Cymbidium cultivar 'Snowgirl' is characterized by many flower spikes and is therefore incredibly popular. Cymbidium leaves are long and narrow. White, olive, pink, cream or red varieties are also available. Cymbidium loves bright rooms, from moderate to high temperatures in the range of 16-21 ° C. Fertilize once every two weeks, in winter once a month. It is necessary to maintain a constant humidity of the substrate.

African Violet, otherwise Violet Saintpaulia (Saintpaulia ionantha) is one of the most popular potted flowers that bloom all year round. It has showy flowers depending on the variety, white, purple, pink, sometimes two-tone or with a decorative edge, single or double. Plants are used as potted flowers for the kitchen, set on a windowsill or table.

Prefers a bright place, feels good in room temperature 16-21°C. African violet is sensitive to cold, avoid places subject to sudden changes in temperature and drafts. Carry out the feeding procedure every 2 weeks with fertilizer for flowering houseplants. African violet does not like overflowing, it is always watered on a stand under the pot so as not to soak the leaves.

Kalanchoe is a succulent plant that can be attributed to indoor flowers that bloom all year round. The characteristic flowering period is winter, when many other plants do not look very attractive. It is characterized by thick, green oval-shaped leaves that contrast effectively with the flowers. Kalanchoe flowers collected in dense inflorescences - shields. Depending on the variety, there are different color, terry or single. Better conditions for Kalanchoe - a bright place and a temperature of 15-21 ° C. It tolerates dry air prevailing at home. Watering Kalanchoe should be kept to a minimum by watering when the top layer of the substrate in the pot is clearly dry.

Euphorbia milii (Euphorbia milii) is one of the hardiest and most prickly. Decorative pink bracts develop in spring and summer, over a fairly long period. Euphorbia shoots are densely covered with sharp thorns. Euphorbia juice is poisonous, so be careful when caring for the plant.

Euphorbia Mil loves light, sunny places with a moderate temperature in the range of 10-15 °C. Euphorbia should be fertilized every three weeks with a specialized fertilizer for succulents and cacti. Water when the soil is slightly dry. Do not flood the plant - it will react with leaf fall.

Streptocarpus (Streptocarpus) - interesting potted flower, blooming all year round. Forms variegated flowers of blue, pink or white color. Some varieties of streptocarpus are two-tone or have a wavy edge. Blooms profusely. A plant that grows in bright places. Likes high temperature (16-21 °C) and humidity. Fertilize every two weeks with fertilizer for flowering houseplants, watering when the top layer of soil in the pot is dry.

Calamondin, also called miniature orange, completes our selection of indoor flowers that bloom all year round. The plant can flower in different time year - in the summer on the terrace, in the winter in the kitchen. When the white flowers fade, orange, spherical fruits up to 4 cm in diameter appear, reminiscent of mini-oranges, sour in taste, and play a mainly decorative role. When the fruits are fully ripe and fallen off, new flowers appear.

The plant requires a lot of sun, feels best on the windowsill. From spring to autumn at room temperature, in winter a little cooler, 10-15 ° C. Requires enough high humidity air (kitchen, bathroom). Does not require a transplant. Fertilize every 2 weeks with liquid mineral fertilizer for citrus plants. Can be alternated with biohumus.

There are many beautiful houseplants, for all tastes and requests, and from time to time one or another becomes very popular. But it is not a fact that these plants can be successfully grown in your conditions. It is better to choose the most unpretentious plants, they will not let you down! These are such plants, the presence of dust, and also put up with shading, care for them is minimal. At the same time, unpretentious plants are very beautiful, among them there are many flowering plants and plants with decorative foliage.

Well, the choice is very large:

Chlorophytum comosum

1. Chlorophytum crested (sedge)

This is the first number in our hit parade of the most unpretentious plants. That's who is really able to grow almost without our "participation"! Chlorophytum perfectly tolerates dry air and high room temperature. It is not very picky about lighting - it loses its decorative effect only in a very dark place. Often it is not necessary to water it, and chlorophytum is practically not affected by diseases. Requiring no special care, it amazing plant day and night cleans the atmosphere of the apartment from harmful impurities and electromagnetic radiation. Its curved leaves form a beautiful wide rosette, and from time to time, daughter rosettes grow on long peduncles that can be rooted.

2. Abutilon (indoor maple)

An unpretentious plant and at the same time a beautiful dominant in the interior. Abutilon blooms spectacularly: it large flowers are bell-shaped. Its leaves are similar to maple, and the flowers are very catchy. They come in different colors: white, pink, yellow, red. Abutilon tolerates dryness and heat in the apartment, and you can put a pot with this plant both on the windowsill and at some distance from it. You need to water a little - otherwise it will not bloom. Fertilize abutilon rarely - once every three weeks liquid fertilizer for indoor flowers. Abutilon creates a favorable climate in the room: it purifies and humidifies the air. However, this unpretentious plant space is required, so it is better to place it in a large room.


3. Hibiscus (Chinese rose)

The plant is a sprawling bush with huge bowl flowers, most often red, with a long pistil. However, the plant has many varieties, there are both white and pink flowers, and even - speckled! Hibiscus blooms all year round and loves just the same temperature and humidity that happens in our apartments in winter. But he needs light - therefore, his place is on the windowsill. You need to water often and regularly feed, especially in winter, so that the buds do not fall off.

4. Fuchsia

Previously, this flower was called "touchy", because at the slightest touch, its seeds "shoot" far around the plant. Appearance- a compact bush that blooms with red or pink flowers. Moreover, the older the plant, the more abundant it blooms. There are varieties with variegated leaves. Balsam is very easy to care for. This flower prefers partial shade, tolerates dry air, its only requirement is abundant watering. Also, balsam loves periodic spraying, only in this case it is necessary to avoid getting water on open flowers. AT very coldy when the air in the apartment is especially dry, a whitefly attack on the plant is possible.

6. Begonia

beautiful flowering plant as if specially created for shaded places in the apartment. But the begonia does not like the bright light. There are many varieties of begonias, which not only bloom profusely, but also have spectacular variegated leaves. Begonias tolerate both heat and coolness equally well; they are also undemanding to the ground. Pests, as a rule, do not attack begonias. But they need high air humidity, but it is undesirable to spray at the same time: the leaves do not tolerate contact with water. Therefore, it is better to use a humidifier or put a tray with wet pebbles on the battery. Begonia roots should not dry out - the plant needs regular watering. For the summer, begonias can be transplanted into a flower garden in the garden.

7. Japanese fatsia

Even if it seems that you have completely unsuitable conditions for indoor flowers, feel free to plant Japanese fatsia . It is a shade-tolerant plant, resistant to diseases and pests, with beautiful large leaves, similar to chestnut leaves. And even near the central heating radiators, she feels fine. At the same time, it well increases the humidity of the air, contributes to good sleep, heals the heart and lungs. Fatsia is an energy "donor", so we will feel a surge of strength after spending some time in the room where she grows.

They are also unpretentious, the only thing they still require good lighting. But it is possible to place them closer to the window - a great option. I would especially like to highlight the Hovea Forster palm, the Canarian date and the graceful Hamedorea (mountain palm). They will fill and "enliven" any boring corner of the room, their graceful feathery leaves give lightness, airiness, ease to the atmosphere. They freshen the air and, like ficuses, “nourish” energetically. They can be placed in "ethnic" containers, decorate the soil near the trunk with stones, shells, etc. In general, any interior experiments are appropriate with palm trees.

13. Spathiphyllum

A modest and elegant spathiphyllum periodically blooms without any tricks on our part. Outwardly, it is very similar to the white calla. The flower is shade-tolerant, does not require special care, only it does not like excessive waterlogging of the soil - the roots can rot. The plant perfectly moisturizes the air.

14. Aloe tree (the so-called "agave")

This plant is a succulent and absolutely undemanding to growing conditions. The only thing that is important for aloe is light, so you should not place it far from the window. Watering in summer should be as the soil dries up, and in winter - once a month. Aloe - medicinal plant, and therefore it is worth having at least one copy.

15. Sansevieria (or "pike tail", or "mother-in-law's tongue")

This plant, as they say, is indestructible. There are no problems with watering, or with the choice of soil, or with top dressing, or with dust - the plant belongs to succulents. Again, a champion in air purification and neutralization of computer radiation. His spectacular "swords" are of one color, and striped, and motley. Sansevieria is especially good "solo": about 8-10 plants in an appropriate container and a substrate decorated with pebbles or pebbles - that's something!

Callisia fragrans

16. Fragrant callisia

It is also called "golden mustache" or "room ginseng". This is an ornamental leafy plant that looks like young corn in appearance. In addition to elongated leaves, callisia forms long shoots with articulations similar to joints. When 9 or more "joints" grow on one shoot, they acquire purple hue and become curative. Such shoots can be cut and used for tinctures and decoctions. By the way, these shoots are especially good just for the treatment of joint diseases. Isn't that why such a figurative coincidence? Callisia grows under any conditions, even in the immediate vicinity of central heating radiators, and propagates very easily by rooting the cut top. Sometimes, however, you need to wipe its leaves from dust.

Unpretentious plants are indulgent to our mistakes and forgetfulness, they are patient, not capricious and require almost no special care. It is enough just to create the light conditions they need and periodically water. Some of them can't brag beautiful flowers or frequent flowering, but they are able to green up any interior without any problems.

pike tail(sansevieria, mother-in-law's tongue, snake skin). This is hardy plant has earned a reputation as indestructible: it grows well in the sun and in the shade, tolerates dry air, drafts, rare watering, can forever “say goodbye” to sunlight and be content with only lamps. In the warm season, it is enough to water the pike tail once a week, in winter - once every 2-3 weeks. At wet cleaning at home or in the office, it is worth wiping and leaves.

(agave) is able to store water in its fleshy leaves, so it will endure long breaks between waterings. In summer, you can water aloe 1-2 times a week, in winter - twice a month. He loves the light, it will be best to feel on the south window. Aloe leaves contain essential oils, amino acids and vitamins, so many people use the plant in cosmetic and medicinal purposes. For example, you can keep your skin young if you apply fresh aloe juice to a washed and steamed face every day before going to bed.

Chlorophytum will grow in any soil, in a pot of any size, in the sun and in the shade, in a cold or warm room, on a closet, on a refrigerator, in general, anywhere. If you do not water for a month, it will not dry out, but only fade, fade and sag. And if, on the contrary, you fill it with water, it will grow huge roots and a lot of “children” - air mustaches with small bushes of new plants. Chlorophytum is considered one of the most effective room air purifiers.

Tradescantia(women's gossip, saxifrage, "eternal Jew"). This is climbing plant does not require special conditions of detention, tolerates hot summers and cool winters well. Will grow anywhere in the apartment and even without proper care. Best of all, Tradescantia will be in bright light without direct sunlight (leaf color fades in shady places). Watering - 2-3 times a week. The variety of colors of tradescantia leaves is so great that any wall can be turned into a work of art. Tradescantia will look good in hanging pots.

Aspidistra(friendly family) - shade plant, ideal for northern rooms and decorating rooms with a lack of daylight, for landscaping offices with artificial lighting. Aspidistra does not suffer from either excess or lack of moisture, it does not need to be fed. It tolerates dry soil much better than excessively moist soil. In summer, it is necessary to water the plant every 5-7 days, in winter - once every 10-15 days.

Spathiphyllum(female happiness, white sail) - an extremely unpretentious houseplant. An excellent choice not only for home, but also for the office. Spathiphyllum tolerates dry air. It is enough to give him diffused daylight and, if it starts to dry out, give him a shower (literally take him to the bathroom and gently pour leaves and earth under a cool shower). From such procedures, the unpretentious spathiphyllum will not only regularly delight with white flowers, but will also grow large. beautiful bush. Watering plentiful - 3 times a week.

Violet(saintpaulia) - the most grateful of indoor flowers. Undemanding to lighting, feels good both on the western, eastern and northern windows. The south window is only suitable for winter period, in summer the sun can burn the leaves. When leaving, remember that root system the violet is superficial, with an excess of moisture it will begin to rot, so the plant should be watered only after the soil has dried. Saintpaulias love pots that are tight in volume - this is necessary to prevent root rot and disease. And in such pots, violets bloom better and longer.

Decembrist(epiphyllum, varvarin color) - grows very quickly, unpretentious to air temperature. For regular flowering (2-3 times a year), diffused light and watering are needed as the top layer of the earth dries up. By the way, thanks to the work of breeders, new varieties and hybrids of the Decembrist appear every year. They amaze even sophisticated flower growers with a variety of shades: bright orange, coral, lilac.

Indoor flowers create coziness and atmosphere in the room, successfully emphasizing the design. But it also happens that there is no free time to care for plants. Of course, this does not mean that you have to abandon indoor floriculture. There are many indoor plants that do not require special attention and practically grow on their own. Such flowers are good because they can be planted where care is minimal.

The most popular indoor flowers that do not need increased care

The list of such plants is long. Below is a list of the most popular indoor flowers that do not require special conditions for their life.

  • Pelargonium (another name - royal geranium). Attracts unusual shape double flowers. Color scale: white, red, pink, raspberry. Pelargonium blooms almost all year round, delighting everyone with beautiful large inflorescences. Geranium is also good because it can be given any height - low, high. It is enough to move the flower to a darker place, as it will begin to stretch without losing its exquisite charm. Geranium tolerates lack of watering and dry air.
  • Rose (Chinese). It does not require special care. She needs a place that is well lit by the sun. It blooms all year round, spreading the subtle aroma of its flowers around the room.
  • Fuchsia. Just like geranium, it has a wide color spectrum of its flowers. Cute "lanterns" can be white, and purple, and red with different shades. Fuchsia blooms from early spring to late autumn. On hot days, loves spraying.
  • Anthurium. The flowering period begins from the first days of spring and ends with the onset of the first frost. Anthurium is a "sociable" flower, it is advisable to plant not one, but several such plants in one pot. well lit and warm place- the best for anthurium. It does not tolerate drafts well, but moist air is good for it.

Indoor plants that bloom all year round

Such indoor plants can be divided into two groups. The first group is those flowers that need constant attention and self-care so that they can bloom with the only beautiful flower. The second group is bright, rich flowering plants and are in high demand among housewives.

  • Violet. Bright, with a sweet charm, these flowers will not leave anyone indifferent to their beauty. They bloom almost all year round. A wide range of colors, a variety of shapes and textures of inflorescences allows you to collect a decent collection of violets on the windowsill.
  • Orchid. Refers to exotic species. Conquers the hearts of flower growers with its chic beauty, and pleases with long flowering. The most unpretentious of orchids - cultivar Phalaenopsis. Breeding a variety of hybrids allows everyone to grow and maintain orchids without spending a lot of time on it.

Flowering houseplants that do not require increased care

  • Balsam. He loves western and eastern window sills, and thanks for this with his constant flowering. A south-facing window will also work, but in this case, it will need a light shade from hot sunlight. In summer, it is better to take the flower to the terrace or balcony. In winter, the plant sheds foliage, which is quite normal - a dormant period begins, but over time new shoots appear.
  • Geranium. Of the simplest houseplants, which is easy to propagate. popular name - geranium. Large geranium flowers of different colors: red, white, pink, scarlet, purple. Temperature for year-round flowering geraniums - not less than + 12 degrees.

Long-lived indoor plants

Clivia– without any competition. Is different long term life and flower growers love it. Not capricious, in harsh conditions lives up to 40 years. The height of the flower is 50 cm. At the very top of the stem there can be 10-60 flowers (depending on the variety). The most popular flower colors are pale red, yellow and dark red.

Indoor plants (low maintenance) for offices

Indoor plants bring tangible benefits - they enrich the air with oxygen. The presence of plants in offices is not only welcome, but also desirable! Especially if there are several workplaces in one room.

The air is purified, and plants such as laurel, juniper or chlorophytum, citrus and rosemarynatural bactericides, capable of killing germs and bacteria that hover in large numbers around the office.

Favorably affect the condition of tired eyes, improve vision. They maintain humidity in the offices, preventing overdrying of the air due to the operation of air conditioners and heating systems. With timely watering and spraying, they are able to neutralize various toxins, reduce the harmful effects of exhaust gases entering the room through open vents and windows. They have a calming effect on the body as a whole.

  • Sansevieria(Sanseviera) is the indoor oxygen champion. Doesn't need special care. Tolerates drought, drafts and temperature fluctuations. Does not require frequent transplants.
  • Scindapus. A simple plant that easily tolerates excess daylight, low humidity and dryness. Look at cabinets and shelves.
  • Cactus. It has a huge variety of species. Does not like frequent abundant watering. It tolerates the light of fluorescent lamps, but it is advisable to place them on window sills, closer to the sun's rays, and away from crowded places, so as not to accidentally injure yourself on thorns.
  • happiness bamboo. A hardy and easy to care for plant. Ideal for office cabinets. Fans of feng shui claim that it brings happiness and good luck. Is different original view and can grow in water. A vase with a plant can be decorated with stones, such as pebbles, and then water can be added.
  • Chlorophytum. Ideal office plant. It is able to ionize the air, eliminates dangerous impurities from the enclosed space. Fits into the office interior, not capricious in terms of lighting. True, it is not advisable to install in a very dark place.