"Star" style: we select clothes according to the sign of the zodiac. Makeup "water" women

Find out your style of dress according to your zodiac sign! Virgos are elegance itself, and Leos do not miss the opportunity to look sexy even at work. Astrologers believe that our zodiac sign affects not only the character, but also the style of clothing. How much money we spend on our own clothes and shoes is laid down at our birth. So it turns out that the stars are to blame for everything!

Aries (03/21-04/20)

Aries are real avant-garde and fashion leaders. Their motto is best reflected in the words of Coco Chanel: "Fashion is what never goes out of style." As a rule, Aries are fans of shopping, which gives them great pleasure. They choose exclusive and easy-to-match items. Aries women adore forms that emphasize the figure: tight-fitting knitwear, leggings, belts. Men love simple, high-quality and relevant things.

Taurus (21.04-20.05)

Tauruses are endowed with a talent for attracting attention with their outfits. They know their figure well and know how to hide flaws. Choosing comfort and luxury, they are able to dress very boldly, capturing the eyes of others. Sometimes they blindly follow fashion trends, but at the same time they know how to stop in time. Their life credo: harmonious beauty without showing off.

Gemini (21.05-21.06)

Geminis always look young and fresh, favoring youthful style, which is usually always admired by everyone. They easily follow fashion and do not get lost in new trends. Representatives of this sign have the largest wardrobe, because it is important for them to be able to constantly change outfits. Women of this sign give their preference to modern dresses, and men manage to dress both fashionably and practically.

Cancer (22.06-22.07)

Cancers are often afraid to look frivolous. Their motto is elegance and convenience. They like different styles: from sporty - jeans + sneakers (but beautiful sneakers and trendy jeans), to chic clothes made of cashmere and silk. Cancer women have a weakness for flowing dresses made of chiffon or muslin and jewelry made of platinum, silver and gold. Men of this sign love formal suits and, even wearing jeans, skillfully combine them with a jacket or shirt.

Leo (23.07-23.08)

Leo loves luxurious clothes, furs and leather: he always wants the best! Aristocracy is in their blood! Often Leos can't stop buying new things and never spare money on quality. Classic is the best direction for Leo. Lionesses are often fans of high fashion, impeccable forms and women's suits, but they also don't say no to airy dresses. Leo men often prefer business style.

Virgo (24.08-23.09)

Virgo prefers to combine beauty and functionality. Virgos are never eager to flaunt labels or brag about brand prestige. When choosing quality items, they prefer simple but perfectly thought-out forms, paying attention to Special attention details. Representatives of the weaker sex try to look feminine and avoid complex combinations. Well, Virgo men prefer the classics.

Libra (24.09-23.10)

Scales are very harmonious in clothes. They always skillfully find a balance between shapes and colors. Libra, both women and men, love to dress up, but at the same time, they do not become slaves of fashion and prefer to create their own trends. In their style, everything is thought out to the smallest detail. Libra likes clothes that follow the curves of the body. They have a unique flair for choosing colors, styles and cuts that ultimately suit them perfectly.

Scorpio (24.10-22.11)

Scorpios never look vulgar or clumsy, despite the fact that they are the most inveterate fashionistas and provocateurs. Courage is their main trump card, and, of course, a natural flair for fashion trends. Scorpio women will not wait until a dress from a fashion magazine appears in the store - by raising a dozen seamstresses to their feet, they will achieve their goal and will be the first to demonstrate the new season.

Sagittarius (23.11-21.12)

Sagittarius, your middle name is Glamor! Sagittarians subconsciously create their image in such a way that they inevitably attract the attention of others. They love to combine the incongruous: silk with velor, gold and silver brocade. Perhaps someone else would look ridiculous by resorting to a similar experiment, but not Sagittarius. They are suitable for ethnic motifs, African or Indian outfits, as well as unusual jewelry that carries a spiritual meaning and emphasizes individuality.

Capricorn (22.12-20.01)

Capricorn loves luxurious clothes, he has an innate sense of harmony and the ability to emphasize his dignity. Most Capricorns can be classified as fans of the classic and, at the same time, sexy style. The basis of their wardrobe is the ever-fashionable classic, but otherwise they rely on intuition. When choosing jewelry, Capricorns are guided not so much by the price as by the originality of this or that thing.

Aquarius (21.01-19.02)

Aquarius is a sophisticated, artistic person who has a natural flair for fashion. Aquarians create their own directions, thanks to good taste and instinct. They love everything that is not banal, and can endlessly wander around the shops in search of a detail that complements their image. Basically, Aquarius prefers Casual style. But, be sure, you will notice the Aquarius lady at the party right away! Flowing dress, soft but expressive make-up, not a woman - a dream!

Pisces (20.02-20.03)

Pisces are dreamy and bright. Pisces women are brisk and plastic, therefore they prefer clothes that follow the contours of their body. Incredible fashionistas, they love universal admiration. This feature is also characteristic of men of this sign - they attract the views of others without making any effort.

Pisces are so natural that they are never vulgar. They love proven brands and solid materials, believing that the thing they wear should, above all, be worthy of them.

I am glad to announce that from today a new section is opening: “Style according to the zodiac” and its first representative will be Cancer.

Here I will not focus much on the theory of horoscopes as such. I just want to show the main points in the formation of style. And since the formation of a personality style depends mainly on its character, using the description of the characters of each sign of the zodiac, it is possible to form an indicative style inherent in it for each of them.

So, Cancer women are the very embodiment of femininity and motherhood. Therefore, emphasized femininity is their most important “trump card”. An accentuated neckline, as well as a smooth waist-hip drop, must be in their arsenal.

They have excellent intuition, and therefore a sense of taste. These beautiful representatives love their home and pay great attention to creating coziness and comfort in it. Once in the abode of Cancer, you will be fascinated by every little detail and thoughtful detail in the interior.

The same attention to selection interesting details they should be given in the selection of outfits. For example, further in the kit, the reception of color detailing is shown. In this set, trousers are the connecting link of all other parts and details.

Crayfish represent the element of water, so they, like their “patron”, are able to adapt to any environmental conditions. Therefore, in their own style and image, they prefer practicality, comfort and convenience. This predisposition should also be stylishly beaten, from a set of clothes to hair and makeup.

Also for Cancers, neatness, cleanliness and neatness in clothes are very important. In this they are very strict with themselves and others (I think you noticed that in all previous sets there is a pure White color, accurate Cancers can afford it).

Of the Cancer fabrics, it is best to choose simple, “breathable” fabrics: cotton, linen, viscose, wool, staple, as well as more expensive silk, crepe de chine, crepe georgette. But it must be of natural origin, since Crayfish, like no other, are very sensitive to synthetic material.

Cancer women prefer a loose and slightly flying cut that does not constrain movements and simple costumes. Strive for maximum simplicity in clothing. These aspirations can be easily beaten in the selection of elegant evening dresses, choosing silver accessories for them (silver is the color of the patroness of Cancers of the moon and water).

Also, Cancerians are very attached to their favorite clothes (almost like people they love) and can wear the same sweater for a very long time.

Their wardrobe most often resembles a thrift store, but not because Cancers buy too much clothes, but because they are unable to part with old things.

But they have one more weakness for which they are ready to shell out considerable sums without a doubt - this is a passion for beautiful and high-quality underwear.

And to make sure that these women know how to look decent, you just have to look at the famous Cancer icons of the past style: Princess Diana, Gina Lolobrigida, Isabelle Adjani, as well as the current ones: Gisele Bündchen, Liv Tyler, Nicole Scherzinger, Diane Kruger, Pamela Anderson (although the last icon impeccable style you can’t name it, but in her style of ostentatious erotica, she is definitely an icon).

Princess Diana

Gina Lollobrigida

Gisele Bündchen

Liv Tyler

Nicole Scherzinger

Separately, it is also worth noting Meryl Streep, who shows own example that a woman is beauty and style beyond age.

Meryl Streep

And also Russian: Natalya Varley, Zhanna Friske, Alsou.

Zhanna Friske

As decorations, the stars advise Cancers such stones: aquamarine, emerald, moonstone, topaz, pearls, cat's eye, sapphire, tourmaline and hematite. Below are the options for using them.

And in conclusion, I want to congratulate all of you, dear birthday girls and beautiful representatives of the sign of Cancer, on your recent birthday! And I wish you first of all youth, beauty and health, and happiness will surely come to you as a result :)

Style for other zodiac signs: , .

Aries (03/21-04/20)

Aries are real avant-garde and fashion leaders. Their motto is best reflected in the words of Coco Chanel: "Fashion is what never goes out of style." As a rule, Aries are fans of shopping, which gives them great pleasure. They choose exclusive and easy-to-match items. Aries women adore forms that emphasize the figure: tight-fitting knitwear, leggings, belts. Men love simple, high-quality and relevant things.

Taurus (21.04-20.05)

Tauruses are endowed with a talent for attracting attention with their outfits. They know their figure well and know how to hide flaws. Choosing comfort and luxury, they are able to dress very boldly, capturing the eyes of others. Sometimes they blindly follow fashion trends, but at the same time they know how to stop in time. Their life credo: harmonious beauty without showing off.

Gemini (21.05-21.06)

Geminis always look young and fresh, favoring youthful style, which is usually always admired by everyone. They easily follow fashion and do not get lost in new trends. Representatives of this sign have the largest wardrobe, because it is important for them to be able to constantly change outfits. Women of this sign give their preference to modern dresses, and men manage to dress both fashionably and practically.

Cancer (22.06-22.07)

Cancers are often afraid to look frivolous. Their motto is elegance and convenience. They like different styles: from sporty - jeans + sneakers (but beautiful sneakers and trendy jeans), to chic clothes made of cashmere and silk. Cancer women have a weakness for flowing dresses made of chiffon or muslin and jewelry made of platinum, silver and gold. Men of this sign love formal suits and, even wearing jeans, skillfully combine them with a jacket or shirt.

Leo (23.07-23.08)

Leo loves luxurious clothes, furs and leather: he always wants the best! Aristocracy is in their blood! Often Leos can't stop buying new things and never spare money on quality. Classic is the best direction for Leo. Lionesses are often fans of high fashion, impeccable forms and women's suits, but they also don't say no to airy dresses. Leo men often prefer business style.

Virgo (24.08-23.09)

Virgo prefers to combine beauty and functionality. Virgos are never eager to flaunt labels or brag about brand prestige. When choosing high-quality items, they prefer simple, but perfectly thought-out forms, paying special attention to details. Representatives of the weaker sex try to look feminine and avoid complex combinations. Well, Virgo men prefer the classics.

Libra (24.09-23.10)

Scales are very harmonious in clothes. They always skillfully find a balance between shapes and colors. Libra, both women and men, love to dress up, but at the same time, they do not become slaves of fashion and prefer to create their own trends. In their style, everything is thought out to the smallest detail. Libra likes clothes that follow the curves of the body. They have a unique flair for choosing colors, styles and cuts that ultimately suit them perfectly.

Scorpio (24.10-22.11)

Scorpios never look vulgar or clumsy, despite the fact that they are the most inveterate fashionistas and provocateurs. Courage is their main trump card, and, of course, a natural flair for fashion trends. Scorpio women will not wait until a dress from a fashion magazine appears in the store - by raising a dozen seamstresses to their feet, they will achieve their goal and will be the first to demonstrate the new season.

Sagittarius (23.11-21.12)

Sagittarius, your middle name is Glamor! Sagittarians subconsciously create their image in such a way that they inevitably attract the attention of others. They love to combine the incongruous: silk with velor, gold and silver brocade. Perhaps someone else would look ridiculous by resorting to a similar experiment, but not Sagittarius. They are suitable for ethnic motifs, African or Indian outfits, as well as unusual jewelry that carries a spiritual meaning and emphasizes individuality.

Capricorn (22.12-20.01)

Capricorn loves luxurious clothes, he has an innate sense of harmony and the ability to emphasize his dignity. Most Capricorns can be classified as fans of the classic and, at the same time, sexy style. The basis of their wardrobe is the ever-fashionable classic, but otherwise they rely on intuition. When choosing jewelry, Capricorns are guided not so much by the price as by the originality of this or that thing.

Aquarius (21.01-19.02)

Aquarius is a sophisticated, artistic person who has a natural flair for fashion. Aquarius create their own directions, thanks to good taste and instinct. They love everything that is not banal, and can endlessly wander around the shops in search of a detail that complements their image. Basically, Aquarius prefers Casual style. But, be sure, you will notice the Aquarius lady at the party right away! Flowing dress, soft but expressive make-up, not a woman - a dream!

Pisces (20.02-20.03)

Pisces are dreamy and bright. Pisces women are brisk and plastic, therefore they prefer clothes that follow the contours of their body. Incredible fashionistas, they love universal admiration. This feature is also characteristic of men of this sign - they attract the views of others without making any effort. Pisces are so natural that they are never vulgar. They love proven brands and solid materials, believing that the thing they wear should, above all, be worthy of them.

In this article, we will talk about how to choose a wardrobe based on your zodiac sign.

It is believed that the ideal wardrobe is one that not only harmonizes with the appearance of a person, but also reflects his inner world. The signs of the zodiac, as we know, to one degree or another affect the psychology of the individual. And if so, why not combine these two concepts?

Fashion tips: how to dress, clothing color, style, fashionable look for Aries girl and woman

"Every day is like a holiday!" Aries prefer to live according to this principle. These girls can rightfully be called fans of new trends that reveal an energetic and vibrant nature.

Due to this Red And orange colors - what you need! It is recommended that particular attention be paid to combination of red and black.

Aries Miranda Kerr in an attractive red dress

Leighton Meester in a tight burgundy dress - a characteristic robe for Aries ladies

Red with black - perfect combination for Aries women

styles these women are suitable for those that emphasize their courage and sexuality - tight-fitting models, outfits with cutouts, belts. Even shoes must be spectacular, therefore, for example, stocking boots are very appropriate.

IMPORTANT: No bows, ribbons and pastel colors!

Victoria Beckham is an excellent example of Aries love for tight things

Emma Watson's outfit with an emphasis on the back is something that really suits Aries

Lady Aries will not refuse such a feminine wardrobe item as hat. One might even say that it is she who often becomes highlight of the image.

A graceful feminine hat complete with a fitted coat is a great look for Aries

Styles to create a casual look military And casual. Yes, even Aries sometimes want to take a break from the "screaming" flowers. However, as a rule, such women will still remain true to themselves, choosing at least something tight to go out.

Khaki jacket and skinny jeans Casual style Aries Sarah Jessica Parker

Fashion tips: how to dress, clothing color, style, fashionable image for a Taurus girl and woman

“Everything ingenious is simple!”. Representatives of this zodiac sign are distinguished by moderate beauty, taste, calmness and downright aristocratic charm.

Undoubtedly, this should be reflected in the style. Taurus most of all go to the so-called "noble shades"- whole palette pink, sand, turquoise, green.

IMPORTANT: It is desirable that muffledness be present.

Taurus Penelope Cruz goes well with a delicate pink shade

Taurus Megan Fox in a sand-colored dress

severity very to the face of Taurus, but at the same time it should be organically intertwined with elegance. A significant role in the formation of this style is played by the material of the dress - velvet, flannel, English wool, chiffon, silk, leather.

Simple yet elegant velvet mini dress for Taurus girl

Another example of a Taurus style dress, but this time in chiffon

Concerning styles, then Taurus unusually go simple dresses in everyday or evening style. Ruffles, frills, frills - this is perhaps superfluous. And here conciseness and light flowing models- exactly what is needed!

Taurus Michelle Pfeiffer in a laconic dress Renee Zellweger's Flowy Taurus Evening Dress

Taurus Megan Fox in a simple versatile dress

What details favorably decorate the outfit of Taurus? These ladies love neckline and, importantly, they know how to wear it - the limits of decency are always respected.

Jessica Alba with a modest neckline and a jacket that are incredibly suitable for Taurus

Uma Thurman with a small neckline and laconic jewelry that really suits Taurus

Fashion tips: how to dress, clothing color, style, fashionable image for a Gemini girl and woman

"Fashion is in the air"- Gemini is firmly convinced of this. They love the most diverse clothes and, most interestingly, it suits them.

These air signs with constant mood swings are in search of inspiration, which is reflected in color preference. Gemini equally love both pastel shades, and bright. On the contrast also love to play.

The ombre effect in clothes is perfect for Gemini

Gemini Angelina Jolie looks good in the simplest clothes in soothing colors

The same Angelina Jolie, but in a revealing red dress, which can also suit Gemini girls

Most suitable fabricscotton, linen, soft jersey. As you understand, the lightness of the image is a priority.

Linen clothing is what you need for air Gemini

Since the Gemini are moving ladies, they just need something that will not hinder movement. free style dress, sportswear, down jackets, scarves perfect. It is recommended to look at youth style The twins look young in it.

The Helena Bonham Carter twins are a great illustration of the love of comfort in clothing. Actress Carrie Milligan Everyday lifegood example Gemini youth style

Gemini Nicole Kidman also appreciates convenience in clothes

Natalie Portman is a great example of how youth style makes Gemini look younger.

Layering- her girls of this zodiac sign simply adore. And, importantly, they know how to wear.

Ashley Olsen Twins Layered Top

Fashion tips: how to dress, clothing color, style, fashionable image for a Cancer girl and woman

"Style comes from the heart"- according to this principle, elegant, romantic, emotional and at the same time practical ladies of Cancer live.

This nature is reflected in color preferences. Cancers just love discreet shades, halftones - white, silver, gray. They suit them very well bottle color, khaki. For those women who want something intense, you should pay attention to the black And purple.

IMPORTANT: At times, Cancers look at pink and blue shades but they are not for everyone.

Cancer Liv Tyler in black dress Cancer Diane Kruger in a black bottle flying dress

Cancer Julianne Hough in white with a silver sheen

This chiffon blouse is very suitable for Cancer women

White cotton trousers will be a godsend for summer look Cancer girls Coat with fur at Jessica Simpson Cancer

The softness of the image- something that almost every Cancer woman subconsciously strives for. This was reflected in soft lines And semi-fitted. If there are few draperies, you can use shawl.

Cancer Meryl Streep in a draped dress

An openwork shawl is a great find for Cancers

Unusually go to such young ladies and lace.

Cancer Selena Gomez in a lace dress

For those Cancers who love sundresses, you should pay attention to models with underlined breasts and a flowing skirt - Empire style. Just perfect if they are decorated ethnic embroidery.

White empire sundress with ethnic embroidery on the bodice for Cancer girls

Fashion tips: how to dress, clothing color, style, fashionable image for a Leo girl and woman

"What I wear is fashionable"- this is how these women argue, preferring luxury, aristocracy.

Perhaps that is why saturated colors they suit them especially. But, unlike Aries, Lions are not bright flashy, but noble and refined gamma. This, for example, red-yellow palette, purple-brown shades, gold, black and white.

IMPORTANT: Warm colors are especially preferred.

Lion Coco Chanel in a purple dress

Leo Jennifer Lopez in a golden dress

Lion Halle Berry in a black dress with a golden insert

Leo ladies prefer luxury in fabrics, love fur And skin. But material like denim, in everyday life is indispensable, and it suits the Lions very much.

Lion Audrey Tautou in a denim suit

Leo Sandra Bullock in chic evening dress

The girls of this zodiac sign, like no other, succeed experiments with texture, cut outfits. Look good on them neckline and cutouts at the back, fringe trim.

Leo Kate Beckinsale in a sophisticated evening dress

Charlize Theron, like any Leo, knows how to wear a neckline

Accent on the neck and fringe - what the Lions need

Lady Lions go very well with a variety of hats, extra length trousers, vests.

Lion Audrey Tautou in an exquisite hat

Denima vest for Leo girl

Fashion tips: how to dress, clothing color, style, fashionable image for a girl and a Virgo woman

"And fashion lends itself to logic" Dev motto. As in everything else, it is also important for these ladies to observe order, restraint, and pay attention to detail in clothes for these ladies.

Shades fit the most various, but calm ones look especially advantageous sand, blue-green, brown, gray. And, of course, how can a conservative Virgo avoid the classics - black and white?

Virgo Salma Hayek in a gray dress with a white belt

Virgin Claudia Schiffer in a laconic black dress Virgo Blake Lively in polka dot shorts

IMPORTANT: In general, Virgo is distinguished by the fact that she can skillfully combine things, creating unique ensembles each time.

Interesting casual style from Virgo Cameron Diaz

Such ladies do not differ in love for magnificent forms in clothes. However, the creation good silhouette they do it masterfully. At the same time, artsy materials do not really suit Virgos.

And here is a different kind ruffles, tucks, lace, unusual stitching, pleated for feminine Virgos are a real find. For the same reason, they are not indifferent to dresses, sundresses, skirts.

Virgin Rose McGowan in a blouse with a frilled bodice

Virgo Beyoncé in a dress decorated with soft pleats

Virgin Carys van Houten in a lace blouse

Fashion tips: how to dress, clothes color, style, fashionable image for a Libra girl and woman

Coco Chanel saying "Fashion passes, but style remains" very close to Libra. It is these women who tend to see the "golden mean" necessary to create a stylish image.

A properly selected muted palette will help in creating such an image - soft pink, turquoise, mint, blue, beige shades.

Libra Catherine Deneuve in muted tones Gwyneth Paltrow's Libra soft shade pink dress and Libra's favorite vintage jewelry

fabrics these young ladies like those that are associated with comfort - silky, soft, fluffy.

IMPORTANT: It is not necessary at the same time that the thing is expensive - Libra manages to look chic even with a minimum of wardrobe costs.

Libras love softness, and Susan Sarandon is no exception.

In order to emphasize femininity, such girls should use flowy outfits, which at the same time accentuate curves. pleated fabrics, various draperies, flounces and even corsets- all this will go extraordinary for Libra.

Libra Marion Cotillard in a dress with draperies

Libra Alicia Silverstone in a sundress with draperies

Libra Dita Von Teese in a dress with flounces and a corset

Definitely worth using to create an image scarves, shawls, glasses, belts, hats, ties.

Libra Brigitte Bardot in a hat and scarf

Libra Monica Bellucci in a hat and glasses

In the cold season, it is advisable for these ladies to wear coat redingot.

A redingote coat will help Libra to create a stylish look

Fashion tips: how to dress, clothing color, style, fashionable image for a Scorpio girl and woman

"Defiance of the fashionable standard" These are the Scorpio women. In this, they are all lovers of shocking in search of their own style, but at the same time remain within the limits of what is permitted.

How easy it is to guess pastel shades not very compatible with the style of such ladies. And here burgundy, cherry, purple, rich blue colors – just the perfect choice!

IMPORTANT: Of course, do not forget about the combination of red and black - on Scorpions it will look especially juicy and stylish.

Sorpion Demi Moore in red and black

Winona Ryder's Scorpio blue dress and burgundy shoes

Scorpio ladies should pay attention to outfits with gold or silver embroidery.

Concerning materials, then here these young ladies are ambiguous. They prefer natural, but at the same time spectacular materials - silk, satin, leather. Distinguished by indifference and knitted things.

Scorpio Anne Hathaway in fuchsia satin dress Scorpio Julia Roberts in a knitted sweater

Everything that can attract the attention of others is suitable for creating the image of a Scorpio lady - tight silhouette, unusual details, lace, translucency, slits.

Scorpio Aishwarya Rai in a fitted evening dress with an interesting cut

Scorpio Scarlett Johansson in a lace tight red dress

Scorpio style icon Grace Kelly in a catchy yet graceful dress

Fashion tips: how to dress, clothing color, style, fashionable image for a Sagittarius girl and woman

Boycott boredom- the goal of Sagittarius when creating an image. These girls who value comfort and practicality, nevertheless, try to bring zest to their style, emphasize airiness and romance.

Loose flying outfits in this connection are particularly preferred. It is recommended to pay attention to fluffy skirts or dresses, voluminous capes, scarves.

IMPORTANT: Sagittarius, like no one else, is careless in the image.

Sagittarius Mila Jovovich in a dress with fluffy skirt

If we focus on details, then on major.

Sagittarius Patricia Kaas in a fitted dark blue coat with large details

As for colors, in this case, saturated ones are most preferable - burgundy, crimson, indigo, turquoise, gold, orange.

Sagittarius Britney Spears in a golden blouse A flowing indigo dress is what Sagittarius girls need

And, since we are talking about the palette, Sagittarians should definitely replenish their wardrobe with outfits with Oriental or African flavor.

Such East style Sagittarius will be in the face

Such a tunic will also suit Sagittarius extraordinarily.

materials the following are preferable lush, velor, long pile fur, shiny brocade.

Velor suit for Sagittarius

Fur coat with long hair for Sagittarius

Fashion tips: how to dress, clothing color, style, fashionable image for a Capricorn girl and woman

"Style should be simple and tasteful"- the motto of Capricorns. What their ascetic conservative nature does not accept is bragging.

Of course, this view was reflected in the preferences of color palettes- in favor with these ladies were gray, dark blue, green, beige colors.

IMPORTANT: Black and white combinations are especially suitable for Capricorns.

Capricorn Vanessa Paradis in white and dark green Capricorn Kate Middleton in a blue suit

Unlike many signs of the zodiac, these ladies should focus on dresses not from flowing, but from hard tissues. They keep their shape perfectly, and this is what Capricorns need.

Capricorn Yana Rudkovskaya in a dress made of dense material

It is quite natural that in style the advantage is given classics. Small volumes without excessive decor, straight silhouette. Ideal pencil skirt, sheath dress, jackets, shirts.

Pencil skirt for Capricorn lady

Capricorn street style Kate Moss - jacket, sweater, straight-cut jeans

Capricorns do not differ in special love for decor. However, there is a small exception that will suit them unusually - retro style.

Capricorn Carla Bruni in retro outfit

Fashion tips: how to dress, clothing color, style, fashionable image for a girl and an Aquarius woman

"Fashion should be like a storm"- Most Aquarians live according to this principle. They are extravagant, prone to experiments. However, at the same time, the practicality of clothing is welcomed, especially by Aquarius-intellectuals.

Most of the representatives of this zodiac sign love and know how to wear flashy shades - bright pink, orange, red, light green, blue. Concerning fabrics, then these women of fashion do not particularly care about its quality - even if there are synthetics, but at the same time synthetics catchy. different kind fabrics under the metal, generously flavored sequins- exactly what is needed!

Aquarius Bridget Fonda in a bright sequin dress

Aquarius Oprah Winfrey in a sparkly brown dress

IMPORTANT: Aquarians should focus on their legs - for example, wear fishnet stockings or tights with an unusual pattern. Flashy shoes are also welcome.

Aquarius Isla Fisher in this image focused on the legs

Most Aquarius ladies like and go very well cutouts, necklines, transparent inserts, mini-models of clothing, its unusual shapes.

Aquarius Ekaterina Klimova in a bright dress with a cutout

Aquarius Shakira in a bright blue dress with a catchy skirt and cutout

Aquarius Alicia Keys in a plunging neckline blouse

Fashion tips: how to dress, clothing color, style, fashionable image for a Pisces girl and woman

"The expression on a woman's face is more important than her clothes"- this is how the mysterious Pisces philosophize. These dreamy feminine natures know how to be elegant with a minimum of decor.

Favorite shades are exquisite variations of pink, lilac, emerald, coral, mint, purple. - velor, silk, knitwear, satin. But extremely suitable fluffy, soft materials, knitted things .

Pisces Jennifer Love Hewitt in a light tunic

Pisces Natalia Vodianova in a sweater

Large comfortable sweaters, flowing dresses and skirts, the lightest tunics, a variety of scarves and wraps- that's all Pisces! They most often prefer comfortable heels ballet shoes or sneakers Pisces Olivia Wilde in jeans and a knitted cropped sweater

Pisces Juliette Binoche wears comfortable and practical shoes in everyday life

We hope that with our stellar review in every sense, we helped you navigate the formation of style. Try, experiment and, most importantly, listen to yourself more often.

Astrologers have told Fashionable style is ideal for representatives of each sign of the zodiac. Do you have any of these items in your wardrobe?

Aries: Sporty chic

The ideal style for Aries women is sporty chic. In such clothes, they feel comfortable and cozy, because nothing will hinder their movements and does not prevent them from achieving their goals.

Favorite colors: denim, white and red.

Taurus: ethno style


Taurus women in the choice of clothes give preference primarily to quality. It should be expensive, but not flashy. Best of all, such requirements in modern realities correspond to ethno-style, as a reasonable combination of folk wisdom and modern fashion.

Favorite colors: natural, including blue, green, pink and all shades of pastel.

Gemini: Casual


Gemini women prefer casual style in clothes. They like things from natural materials and definitely bright colors. Gemini girls will not refuse very short skirts.

Favorite colors: all bright combinations.

Cancer: Romantic Style


Cancer women are big lovers of romance, who are happy to emphasize their femininity. Clothing for them is a kind of shell that protects against outside world and provides comfort.

Favorite colors: lilac, green and blue.

Leo: Dramatic Style


Leo women simply adore expensive, high-quality and fashionable items of the most famous world brands. The whole world for the Lionesses is like a stage on which they are the main actresses. Therefore, the appearance must match!

Favorite colors: gold, scarlet, purple.

Virgo: Classic style


Virgo women love classic style. Everything should be neat and tidy. The main condition in choosing clothes is the purity of the lines, on which the representatives of this zodiac sign are simply obsessed.

Favorite colors: beige, gray, white.

Libra: Glamor Style


Libra women love glamour. Chic, brilliance and beauty are the main priorities in appearance representatives of this zodiac sign. But at the same time, they never look vulgar and untidy.

Favorite colors: turquoise, silver, pink

Scorpio: Unique Style


In the style of clothing, Scorpio Women prefer individuality. They always find their own unique style in which they are comfortable and comfortable. Even in gray, they will definitely stand out from the gray mass, although they usually prefer to dress in black.

Favorite colors: black, burgundy

Sagittarius: Eclectic Style


Sagittarius women prefer an eclectic style. They surprisingly manage to combine, at first glance, completely incompatible things absolutely different styles. In clothes, Sagittarius choose only the best!

Favorite colors: blue, yellow, orange

Capricorn: Elegant style


Capricorn women prefer elegant style. It is important for them that the clothes are of high quality, expensive and neat, but at the same time not too bright and catchy.

Favorite colors: black, grey, turquoise, purple

Aquarius: Bohemian Style


Aquarius women prefer a bohemian style of clothing that combines practicality with originality. They love the whimsical mix of hippie, casual, vintage and boho styles. The main thing is not like everyone else!

Favorite colors: blue, purple, emerald

Pisces: Vintage Style


Pisces women are big fans of the neo-vintage style, which copies the popular models of past decades. Such clothes allow these individualists to always look romantic and unusual.

What do you think about your style? Do you agree with the astrologers or strongly against?
