How to grow myrtle at home. How to organize myrtle care without unnecessary difficulties

For lovers of light and natural aromas, myrtle is best suited: it helps to improve indoor air, improve the atmosphere, and its leaves are used as medicinal product. In addition, it is grown to create a bonsai tree. And among the variety of varieties, you can choose suitable ones for both beginners and experienced flower growers: care is not difficult, but you should still remember some features.

Myrtle - plant features

The homeland of myrtle is the Mediterranean, but it also grows in North Africa(in Europe it freezes after the first frost). Depending on the variety, a heat-loving plant in the form of an evergreen shrub in these parts reaches a height of 3.5 m, due to which it is grown as a garden crop in tubs or in open field. The bush is even cut to give the crown the desired shape.

A bright representative of the family is ordinary myrtle. It is a shrub up to 2 m high with dark green leathery leaves and small white or pink fragrant flowers. The fruits are edible black berries, on which the flower calyx is attached.

After flowering on the myrtle, dark fruits of a rounded or elliptical shape with seeds are formed.

There are many varieties of plants in the myrtle family. Interestingly, eucalyptus is also included in it. However, only a few varieties are suitable for the home. Caring for them is simple, but they need to create acceptable conditions, for example, high humidity air, ventilation and regular watering.

Indoor varieties

Despite the modest variety of suitable varieties, the choice of myrtle for the home is, however, even more limited due to supply. The optimal way out is not to purchase in stores, but to grow cuttings from plants that have taken root with friends. If there is a choice, then it is better to pay attention to the varieties described below. They differ in the shape and size of the leaves, flower, fruit, and are also considered the most unpretentious and compact varieties:

  1. Alhambra - dense, leathery leaves, white fruits and flowers.
  2. Microphylla - dwarf tree small leaves.
  3. Flore Pleno - characterized by fluffy, double flowers.
  4. Tarentina is a fast-growing tree with small leaves and abundant flowering (for example, Tarentina Granada, Tarentina Variegada, etc.).
  5. Boethica is a slow growing tree, its trunk twists over time and has saturated shade cinnamon.

It is noteworthy that all of the listed varieties belong to the common myrtle species.

Photo gallery: home types of myrtle

Myrtle lends itself well to formation, so it is relatively easy to grow it in the bonsai style.

But the most original trees will come out of the Boethica variety and dwarf Microphylla: it is convenient to form their crown and trunk due to the slow growth and pliability of the shoots.

Landing and transplant

Transplantation of adult myrtle is best done once every 3-4 years, and young plants are transplanted annually in the spring. When transplanting myrtle, you can not bury root collar plants: this can lead to various diseases or rot. Be sure to lay out at the bottom of the pot good layer drainage.

General rules for transplanting myrtle:

  1. Plants up to 3 years old are transplanted every year into a pot, 2–3 cm wider (enough to fit the root system) than the previous one, the roots are not cleared of the ground, they are transshipped and some fresh soil is added. And also the capacity for transplantation can be chosen based on the size of the crown of the plant: the volume of the pot should be half that of the crown of the plant.
  2. Plants after 3 years are transplanted as they grow, when the roots completely entangle the land lump.
  3. Transplantation is done in the spring, before flowering.
  4. Young myrtle can be transplanted after flowering.
  5. Every year, adult plants change upper layer soil that is not entangled with roots, cutting it off carefully with a knife and filling in a fresh portion. During this procedure root system do not process and generally try not to touch.
  6. Myrtle has sensitive and tender roots, so they should not be injured during transplantation.
  7. It is better to choose a ceramic and light pot so that the leaves do not get burned when its edges are heated.

If the above rules apply to both adults and the younger generation, then the following requirements are only suitable for a tree older than 3 years:

  1. Prepare the ground.
  2. Free the root system from part old earth, leaving a small lump to fill the pot with more than half of the new soil.
  3. Plant in a new pot. In order not to damage the roots, you can wash them in warm water.
  4. The plant is not deepened, for this they make a mark of the old ground level on the trunk.
  5. Fill the voids with new soil.
  6. Leave the plant alone for a few days.
  7. Watering is acceptable after 7-15 days.
  8. Start fertilizing myrtle no earlier than 1 month after transplantation.

Young myrtle trees are transplanted in the same way, but leaving more earth on the roots and choosing soil with a different composition: a mixture of peat and coarse sand

For adult plants, they acquire slightly acidic ready ground or mix:

  • peat;
  • sod land;
  • coarse sand.

Myrtle recommend slightly acidic soil Ph 6–6.5, all universal purchased soils have such acidity. The main thing is that the soil is loose, it passes water well. Water should not stagnate. Be sure to have good drainage at the bottom. Water for irrigation and spraying must be defended, if it is very hard, then it can be acidified.


Expanded clay is usually used as drainage, but perlite is considered more effective, which can be mixed into the soil. Before use, the soil is sterilized and treated with fungicidal substances to avoid fungal infections.

Myrtle care

Caring for myrtle differs little from the standard. It is important to remember that he loves warmth during periods of activity, moisture and fresh air.

Table: conditions for keeping myrtle depending on the season

Watering and feeding

When the myrtle grows, blooms, then it is abundantly watered with settled water. room temperature. Chlorine is detrimental to delicate roots, even a short contact with it will lead to sad consequences. The frequency of watering depends on many factors, but its need is determined by the condition of the soil: it is not allowed to dry completely. However, excessive watering guarantees acidification of the soil, rotting of the roots: the tree will throw off its leaves and stop developing.

Spraying (or periodic showers) will help to cope with drooping leaves, restore their elasticity and bright color. And also these procedures are the prevention of many diseases and the appearance of pests. Spray myrtle during the period of activity every day or several times a day. To facilitate maintenance and ensure suitable air humidity, which should be high, a humidifier is placed in the room or expanded clay is placed in the pot tray and watered. Spraying gives a short-term improvement in conditions: as soon as the moisture evaporates from the leaves, the myrtle will feel its lack.

Humidity can be raised by placing the pot with the plant on a pallet with wet expanded clay, just make sure that the bottom of the pot does not touch the expanded clay - that is, put the pot on the tray, and then put them on the pallet with wet expanded clay. Also, after transplanting, you should keep the plant under a transparent bag. You need to make a hole in it for access. fresh air and be careful not to form mold.


The room in which myrtle grows is regularly ventilated, taking the plant itself to another room, where it will be protected from hypothermia.

This plant needs fresh air, but it is afraid of drafts and extreme cold.

Myrtle grows in direct sunlight. However, in the midday heat in the warm season, he is provided with protection, especially when he is on an open balcony.

Fertilizers help the tree grow, but they are used with caution. If you add a little humus when transplanting into the soil, then until the summer you can forget about ready-made compositions. In other cases, myrtle is fed with complex fertilizers in the spring, and after the beginning of flowering and until its end with nitrogen. This plant also perceives top dressing of roots or leaves in the form of spraying.

Flowering and fruiting period

Myrtle usually blooms in late spring or early summer. This period lasts about 2 months. With its onset, increase the amount of watering and the frequency of spraying.

For fruits to appear, insects are needed, however, at home, pollination in this way is almost impossible., Therefore, this is done manually with a brush

With active pruning and crown formation, the myrtle trunk does not bloom. If the appearance of the crown does not bother you, then you can speed up and intensify this process: then stop pruning and apply nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers.

For intensive flowering, myrtle is planted in a cramped pot so that it does not waste energy on the growth of shoots and the development of the root system.

rest period

Myrtle needs a rest period in winter to gain strength for the next season of rapid growth and intensive flowering. If in summer and warm spring for him the best place is a balcony, loggia, outdoor garden, then in winter mature plant feels better at a temperature of 6–12 ° C and without additional illumination. If the myrtle is left to winter in a warm room with normal lighting, then it is regularly sprayed, but watering is still reduced.

During the dormant period, which lasts from December to the end of February, watering is significantly reduced to 1-2 times a month and any top dressing is excluded. The plant is prepared gradually for the dormant period: they begin to lower the temperature in the room in advance and reduce the volume and frequency of watering.

But these rules do not apply to plants that are less than 3 years old: in winter they are in a warm and lit room with additional lighting.

Stem and crown formation

To make the shape of the myrtle beautiful, it is periodically cut off. The procedure and methods for forming a bole or crown depend on the variety, but this is always done in early spring or after flowering has ended.

In summer, it is permissible to remove a few extra branches. If you do not trim the crown of the myrtle, then it takes on a pyramidal shape.

Shoots can be bent and tied up, entangling with soft wire, but with care

Pinching is relevant in spring and in young plants during the period of activity. This will make the crown wider, so it is better to cut young branches short enough.

Video: tree formation

Bonsai at home

Many are addicted to this extraordinary activity, and myrtle is perfect for the formation of bonsai. It is advisable to choose slow growing and dwarf varieties(for example, Boethica or Microfill). To form the crown, pinch the top leaves regularly, cut off unnecessary branches, preventing flowering. It is then that the crown will be lush and dense, and its shape will be compact and correspond to the given one.

So, the Boethics barrel can be directed in different directions: it is malleable, but you should not pinch it, because there will be creases

A myrtle bonsai pot should be flat and wide, with low walls. To avoid drying out of the soil and add decorativeness, moss is placed on the top layer of soil or mulched.

A pot mismatch can create obstacles to the normal functioning of the root system, which will lead to the quick death of the tree.

Mistakes in care

When growing myrtle, various problems arise, often associated with improper maintenance of the plant. Below are the most common causes of your plant looking "unhealthy".

Table: improper care: problems and their solutions

Often you have to resort to emergency resuscitation of a plant (in particular, a dried one):

  1. Carefully remove the plant.
  2. Immerse its roots in settled warm water for several hours.
  3. Place the myrtle in the pot.
  4. Cover with foil.
  5. Ventilate at least 1 time per day, preventing the soil from sour.
  6. Add complex fertilizers for ornamental foliage plants.

When the myrtle recovers, the film must be removed. Next, you should review the terms of its content.

Diseases and pests, methods of treatment

Myrtle becomes vulnerable to pests if the conditions of detention are violated.

Table: list of main pests and diseases, measures to combat them

Disease or pestsignsTreatment
  1. The plant withers.
  2. The base of the stem rots.
Not amenable to treatment.
  1. Leaves fall.
  2. A web is formed.
Treatment with acaricide (Fitoverm, Aktellik, Sunmite).
  1. Leaves turn yellow and curl up.
  2. Growth stop.
  1. Wash off the pests with a stream of water.
  2. Hardening in cold air (removal to a balcony or loggia for 30 minutes at a temperature of 10–15 degrees, sheltering from the wind).
Sticky leaves.
  1. Wash off pests.
  2. Soap treatment.
  1. The leaves curl up, as do the stems.
  2. Light green or brownish insects appear, usually not exceeding 5–7 mm.
  1. Wash off the pest in the shower.
  2. Treat with an insecticide (Dr. Foley, Aktara, Aktellik).
  3. Trim off damaged parts.

Photo gallery: signs of affected plants

If the choice is between vermiculite and perlite, give preference to the first: it is not dusty and has useful elements for plant nutrition.

Cuttings are planted in a small pot (plastic cups are also suitable) with prepared soil.

Plant the cuttings to a depth of 2.5–3 cm, remembering to compact the soil at the base

Rooting cuttings are expected within 1-2 months.

  • When the shoots appear, the film is removed and transferred to a room with standard conditions for myrtle.
  • In the spring, the cuttings are planted in separate pots (diameter - 10 cm).

    The soil for rooted myrtle sprouts is prepared from a mixture of peat (70%) with perlite or vermiculite (30%)

  • Before the young myrtle begins to actively grow and sprout, it is kept at a temperature of 15-20 o C.
  • As a rule, plants grown from cuttings bloom only in the second or third year.

    Reproduction by seeds

    A myrtle tree obtained from seeds will delight you with flowers no earlier than 4 years later.

    In addition, it should be borne in mind that seeds have a tendency to reduce germination after one year of storage.

    How to grow myrtle from seeds:

    Myrtle grown from seeds grows slowly.

    Seed stratification

    Few people subject plant seeds to stratification, although this is often required. So what is this "beast"?

    Stratification is the preparation of a plant embryo for future germination without loss: keeping the plant in a humid environment at low temperature and further landing in relatively warm soil. Without pre-cooling, the seed can simply rot in the ground.

    Typically, such seed preparation is carried out as follows:

    1. Soak the seeds in warm water for 24 hours.
    2. Prepare a container with wet cotton or paper swabs, on which the seeds are laid out.
    3. Seeds in this form are placed in the refrigerator; the temperature should be within 1-5 o C.
    4. Withstand 1.5-2 months in this state.

    To increase the effectiveness, Zircon is added to the water for primary soaking (1 drop per 300 ml of water). This solution must be infused for at least 16 hours. It is suitable for use only for 3 days at an air temperature of 18–25 ° C.

    Before soaking the seeds, the container with the Zircon solution is shaken.

    Possible problems during germination

    Often, when growing plants from seeds, a number of “what if” questions arise:

    • seeds do not germinate;
    • abundant condensate caused the formation of mold;
    • sprouts wither, etc.

    For example, seeds may not germinate for several reasons: unviable old seed, excessively deep sowing, cold, oversaturated soil, etc. If in the first case you are absolutely helpless, then the second and third are the work of your hands: consider the specifics of planting myrtle seeds and do not forget about drainage and ventilation of the greenhouse.

    If mold has formed under the glass, take immediate action:

    1. Reduce watering by about 30%.
    2. Mulch the soil with minerals.
    3. Treat seedlings, soil and glass with fungicides.

    Perhaps the situation is aggravated by acidic soil. Then chalk is added to the soil at the rate of about 50 g per 1 kg of land (it can also be replaced wood ash in the same proportions).

    In any case, try to follow the recommendations for care in order to avoid problematic "what to do" in the future.

    Exported several centuries ago to Europe, myrtle has taken root well in homes and feels great. Today, there are about a hundred species of myrtle tree, of which ordinary myrtle and all its varieties are suitable for growing at home. To wonderful plants with such amazing and rich history pleasing to the eye, you should pay a little attention to them: easy care with abundant watering.

    Up to 5 years - annually, then every 2-4 years Summer 18-20 degrees, winter 8-10 In summer - when the top layer of the earth dries up, in winter - once a month Every day West and East windows Dislikes sudden changes in lighting


    When choosing a place for a plant, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that it is quite photophilous.

    Myrtle can tolerate even direct sunlight, but still requires protection from the scorching summer sun.

    Light-loving myrtle must be taken into account if there is a desire to enjoy abundant flowering.

    Western and eastern windows will be an excellent option for a plant. If you place the myrtle on the southern windows, then additional shading will be required so that the plant does not get burned. Located on north windows, in view of the lack of sufficient, will not bloom profusely.

    The amount of light affects not only the abundance of flowering. It also affects the timing of exit from. IN winter time you need to try to give the plant maximum light, because in this case, the rest period can last only 1-1.5 months. If the light comes from the north, then the dormant period can stretch up to 3 months.


    Myrtle quite calmly tolerates temperature fluctuations. However, you need to know that this plant prefers moderate or cooler temperatures (18-20 degrees Celsius).

    If you want to have a healthy and well-groomed myrtle, then you will have to organize a cold winter for him.

    In winter, myrtle will feel great at a temperature of + 8-10 degrees. If it rises, then there is a risk that the plant will shed its leaves.

    The cold wintering of the plant is the key to it abundant flowering spring. If the myrtle will winter at room temperature, then, most likely, it will not bloom later. In addition, under these conditions, the plant requires abundant watering and spraying.

    Falling leaves during a warm winter is not a sign of plant death. In the spring, with good care, the myrtle will quickly restore its green mass.


    Myrtle doesn't like dry land. Both in winter and in summer, the ground should be wet. In the summer, watering should be more intense - as the topsoil dries up.

    In winter, it is best to reduce watering
    , but in no case stop (water once a month).

    If in winter the myrtle is near heating appliances, then watering should be carried out as often as in the summer.

    It is better to water soft and warm. You can spray the plant every day, especially in the heat.

    The soil

    The soil for the plant should pass moisture and air well, but at the same time be moisture-intensive. It should not be forgotten that the soil in which myrtle grows should never dry out completely. This can lead to the death of the plant.

    The soil can be not only slightly acidic, but also neutral. But usually peat is used in its composition, which slightly acidifies the soil and makes it loose and airy.

    The composition of the earth mixture for planting myrtle may also include the following components:

    • Sod land;
    • Humus;
    • Peat;
    • Sand.

    All ingredients are taken in equal parts and mixed thoroughly. Myrtle also grows well in regular greenhouse soil. It is useful to add a little baking powder to it.

    As a drainage, it is best to use fine expanded clay. It, unlike pebbles, is a moisture-intensive material. It is very useful for keeping the soil moist.


    It is best to feed the plant in spring time with complex fertilizers. In addition, top dressing should take place during the flowering period and in autumn.

    With the beginning of spring growth, the fertilizer should have a high percentage of nitrogen, during flowering, phosphorus is preferred, while in autumn the plant should be enriched with potassium, which will have a beneficial effect on the ripening of shoots.

    In winter, when kept in the cold, myrtle can not be fed at all.

    If the world is kept in a warm room, then you can feed the myrtle a couple of times during the winter with half the dose of fertilizer.

    Young and fast growing plants need more top dressing, while cuttings or seedlings do not fertilize at all.

    Once every 10 days, it is advisable to use foliar top dressing, saturated with trace elements. To do this, dissolve in 1 liter of water 5 grams complex fertilizer, add trace elements to it and spray the leaves.


    Myrtle does not put forward any special requirements for air humidity, however, overdried air can be an extremely undesirable phenomenon for him.

    This is especially true in spring and autumn, when the heating is turned on, and the plant itself is still or already in the active phase.

    To increase the humidity, the plant is placed on a pallet with wet expanded clay. In addition, the plant must be sprayed at least once a day.


    The plant does not like sudden changes in light. When moving myrtle from one window to another, it is necessary to give the plant time to get used to it.

    You can try to put the tree away from the window and then gradually move it to the windowsill (or vice versa).

    Myrtle is very picky about lighting. With its lack, the shoots become thin and stretched, and the leaves become smaller and lose their color intensity. This usually happens in winter, so in winter it is necessary to provide the plant with maximum lighting.

    Too much light is also bad for appearance plants. Its leaves turn yellow and their edges curl. Most often, the plant suffers from direct sunlight. We should not forget that the plant easily tolerates direct sunlight in the morning and evening hours or in winter. IN summer heat direct sunlight can cause burns on the leaves.

    Cold wintering is desirable for the plant, but not required. However, during wintering at room temperature, myrtle can shed its foliage. The plant also reacts to a lack of lighting in winter.

    Trimming / Support / Garter

    Myrtle is very easy to shape. If nothing is done with the plant, it will try to acquire a pyramidal shape.

    To give the myrtle the desired shape, it will need to be pruned regularly in the spring (before the start of new growth) and also in the middle of summer (after flowering).

    In order for the myrtle to start bushing, it needs to cut off the top. If you cut all the side shoots, then as a result a lush tree with a branched crown will grow.

    In any case, the myrtle will bloom, but in order for the flowering to be plentiful, it is still not worth pinching the shoots often, since in this case the plant will increase its green mass.

    Young branches need to be pinched only when 3 pairs of leaves have been formed.. Inward-facing shoots are also subject to removal.

    When pinching a young myrtle, it must be remembered that its central trunk is still rather weak to hold a lush crown. In order for him to cope with this task, give him time to get stronger. As a result, after 3 years it will be possible to get a beautiful and lush bush.



    Consider how to care for myrtle at home when problems arise.

    • The most common problem for myrtle is rapid leaf fall.. The main reasons are the drying of the soil and the warm content in winter with a lack of light. Sometimes the myrtle sheds its leaves when it is moved to a new location (for example, from a balcony to a room).
    • Improper care for myrtle entails unpleasant consequences!

      If the plant wilts and the base of the main stem rots, then we are talking about fungal disease, which could occur with improper deepening of the root collar after transplantation. Rotting can be the result of excessive watering. Such a plant cannot be cured.

    • If the stems lengthen and turn pale, then the plant is deficient in light. At the same time, the leaves become small, and flowering is practically not observed. You need to move it closer to the window.
    • If the leaves fade, turn yellow and curl, then the plant has too much light.. Move it away from the window;
    • Chlorosis (yellowing) of the leaves can cause iron deficiency in the substrate.


    Now we will learn how to propagate myrtle at home. Myrtle can be both cuttings and seeds. It will be much easier for an inexperienced grower to deal with cuttings. Cuttings can be cut twice a year: in the middle of summer and at the end of winter.

    For this purpose, already strengthened cuttings from the middle or lower part of the crown are best suited. The length of each cutting must be at least 8 cm.

    For propagation, myrtle cuttings need to be rooted in a mixture of sand and peat., cover with a plastic bag and place in a pot. The light falling on the future plant should be bright, but diffused.

    Optimum temperature for rooting myrtle cuttings - 16-21 degrees Celsius.

    Growing myrtle from seeds at home

    cultivation myrtle trees from seeds does not represent special work. Of course, this method is laborious and time consuming, therefore it is used when there is a need to obtain a large number of young plants.

    For sowing, only fresh seeds are needed. It should be remembered that their germination is significantly reduced after 1 year of storage. Therefore, you need to buy them only from trusted distributors. Expired seeds may not sprout.

    A special soil mixture is prepared for sowing myrtle seeds. It must contain in equal parts:

    • sod land;
    • Humus;
    • Sand.

    To increase friability, you can add a little baking powder (vermiculite, perlite).

    Sowing is carried out in the spring from early March to mid-May. Sow preferably in a shallow pot or container. It should be no more than 10 cm in height and have several drainage holes for water to drain.

    A small layer of drainage is laid at the bottom of the tank, then it is half filled with moistened soil mixture. The soil is leveled and seeds are laid on the surface. From above they are sprinkled with earth, but its layer should not be more than 3-5 mm. The container is covered with glass and placed in warm place with a temperature of 18-22ºС.

    With regular soil moisture, seedlings appear after 2 weeks. After that, the glass is removed from the container. Seedlings dive only after 2 leaves are formed on them. The first year of life they should be protected from direct sunlight.


    Young plants should be planted annually in slightly larger pots. If the plant is already more than 5 years old, then this should be done no more than once every 2-4 years.

    Myrtle transplantation at home is carried out in the spring as soon as the first green leaves begin to appear.

    In the process, it is extremely important not to bury the root neck, as the plant can rot and die.

    After transplanting, the myrtle does not need to be placed in the sun. The plant will require intensive spraying.

    Description of the plant and species

    Myrtle - evergreen shrub, which grows wild in the subtropical regions of Europe, North America, Australia and Asia. Reaches a height of 5 m, often has the shape small tree. In culture, it rarely grows above 60 cm. Its shoots are covered with very small emerald-colored leaves that contain essential oil. The flowers of this plant are very fragrant.

    In warm regions, myrtle is grown as a raw material for the production of essential oil. Also, some of its species are used in cooking.

    This plant lends itself perfectly to formation, therefore it is very popular in room culture. Such a tree is relatively easy to grow in the bonsai style.

    The myrtle family belongs to the genus myrtle (lat. Myrtus), which has 20-40 plant species. In nature, this plant grows on almost all continents - in West Africa, in the state of Florida in the USA, in North America and off the Mediterranean coast in Europe.

    Representatives of the genus are low evergreen shrubs or trees. The leaves on the branches grow oppositely, leathery to the touch, whole. The flowers grow from leaf axils, gather in short brushes, grow both singly and gather in heaps.

    This is a fairly popular plant in indoor floriculture, which is used in medicine and perfumery - the essential oil is obtained from the leaves and shoots of the plant. If you follow all the recommendations for care, then the plant will grow well and for a long time. room conditions. The plant has phytoncidal properties.

    Planting and caring for myrtle (in brief)

    • Bloom: from early to mid-summer.
    • Lighting: bright diffused light.
    • Temperature: in spring and summer - 18-20 ºC, in winter - no higher than 10 ºC, but about 5 ºC is better.
    • Watering: from spring to autumn - plentiful, as soon as the top layer of the substrate in the pot dries. With a cool wintering, it is only necessary that the earthen ball does not dry out completely.
    • Air humidity: during the growing season, myrtle should be sprayed regularly warm water. This is not required in winter.
    • Top dressing: from spring to autumn - every week a comprehensive mineral fertilizer. In winter, top dressing is not needed.
    • rest period: in winter. When placed on north side dormant period lasts up to three months, for south side it is twice as short.
    • Pruning: the bush is formed annually at the beginning of active growth.
    • Transfer: young plants need an annual transplant, and adults - once every 2-3 years.
    • Substrate: 2 parts of humus, clay, sod land and peat and one part of sand. Or: humus, sod, peat land and sand in equal parts.
    • Reproduction: seeds and cuttings.
    • Pests: whiteflies, mealybugs, scale insects, thrips and spider mites.
    • Diseases: myrtle can suffer from low humidity and improper watering.
    • Properties: is an medicinal plant successfully competing with antibiotics.

    Read more about growing myrtle below.

    Myrtle - photo

    Myrtle care at home


    Because myrtle needs a lot of bright diffused light; placement on windows with east and west side. On the northern windows, the myrtle flower at home can bloom more poorly, and on the southern windows in summer period you will have to protect the plant from direct rays. In summer, you can expose the myrtle to fresh air, providing shade from the midday sun. The plant must be gradually accustomed to a large amount of light.


    In summer and spring, the temperature should be 18-20 ° C, because. indoor myrtle needs cool air. In winter, the temperature should not exceed 10 °C, and optimally should be around 5 °C. If the plant overwinters at temperatures above 10 °C, there is a risk of the plant dropping foliage. The room must be regularly ventilated.

    Watering myrtle

    You need to water the myrtle with soft water, and before watering you need to let it settle for a day. In the spring-autumn period, water abundantly, immediately after the topsoil dries. In winter, watering is reduced, but at any time of the year it is impossible to bring the earthen clod to dryness, as well as to prevent its waterlogging. If the soil is dry, then the plant pot must be immersed in a container of water.

    Spraying myrtle

    In the spring-autumn period indoor flower myrtle should be regularly sprayed with settled soft water, because. the plant needs high humidity air. If the plant overwinters at low temperatures then no need to spray.

    Top dressing myrtle

    Spring, summer and autumn home plant myrtle needs to be fertilized with houseplant fertilizers. You need to feed the plant at this time every week.

    Myrtle rest period

    If the plant overwinters on the north side, then the dormant period lasts up to three months. When wintering on the south side, this period is halved.

    pruning myrtle

    The plant can and even needs to be cut. When pruning the upper shoots, the plant will take the form of a bush; when pruning the side - the tree, if not cut at all - will be pyramidal in shape. It is better not to carry out frequent pruning of lateral shoots, because. the trunk of the plant is not very strong, and frequent pinching reduces the abundance of flowering. For a couple of years, you can grow beautiful lush bushes, because. the myrtle flower grows in room conditions quite quickly.

    Myrtle transplant

    Young specimens require an annual transplant, and older ones - every two to three years. When transplanting a plant, the base of the trunk is not covered with substrate. For cultivation houseplant myrtle is suitable for several soil mixtures: the first - two parts of peat, clay, humus, sod land and one part of sand; the second - humus, sod, peat soil and sand are mixed in equal parts; the third mixture is ordinary greenhouse soil. Be sure to have drainage so that the water does not stagnate in the pot.

    Myrtle from seeds

    Myrtle seeds are sown on top of the substrate, after which the same substrate is poured thin layer over the seeds. The soil mixture is made up of vermiculite and peat, or peat and sand. Before planting seeds, the soil is watered and treated with a fungicide. After planting the seeds, the container is covered plastic wrap or glass, periodically watered, ventilated and kept the temperature around 19 ° C. Seedlings should sprout in one to two weeks, and after they have a pair of true leaves, they dive into individual pots with a mixture of equal parts of sand, turf, peat and humus soil. Seedlings may not grow for some time after transshipment, after which development young plant will resume. The next transshipment is done after the roots completely fill the pot, after which I take care of the seedlings as adults. At the age of five, home myrtle begins to bloom.

    Reproduction of myrtle cuttings

    Cuttings can be propagated both in July and January. For propagation, semi-lignified cuttings are taken from 5 to 8 cm long, a good half of the leaves are cut off, and the remaining ones are shortened to reduce moisture evaporation. It will not be superfluous to treat the cut site with a root formation stimulator. The cuttings are planted in bowls or boxes with a mixture of coarse sand and leafy soil. The container with the cuttings is covered with a film or glass, placed in a shade, watered and ventilated, and the temperature is kept at 18 to 20 ° C. Within 3-4 weeks, the petioles take root, after which they are planted in individual pots 7 cm in diameter with a mixture of equal parts of sand, turf, peat and humus soil. To stimulate flowering, the plant is abundantly watered and pinched. When the myrtle roots fill the entire pot, it is transferred to a slightly larger pot. Myrtle blooms at home, grown from cuttings, after 3-4 years.

    Myrtle poisonousness

    The leaves of myrtle ordinary can cause headache and nausea and sensitive people.

    Healing properties of myrtle

    Myrtle kills microbes and bacteria, including diphtheria and tuberculosis bacillus. The plant purifies the air, kills staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus. Helps with acute respiratory infections and influenza.

    Diseases and pests of myrtle

    Myrtle leaves turn yellow, fall off and curl. In low light, new leaves grow small and pale, and the stems stretch. With excessive light, the leaves turn yellow, lose their luster and curl. At high temperatures and lack of light, myrtle can shed its leaves.

    Myrtle leaves are falling. When the soil dries out, the myrtle drops its leaves - you need to shorten the shoots by half, spray and water the plant more abundantly. Young leaves will begin to appear in a couple of weeks.

    Myrtle pests. The content of myrtle at high temperatures contributes to the defeat

    Myrtle is a very ancient symbol. Even in the days of the Roman tribunes, it was customary to wear wreaths from this plant on the head. Nowadays, English brides have a tradition of investing in bridal bouquet a small flowering sprig of myrtle.

    The aroma of the plant is very pleasant, it contains in large numbers essential oils, which are highly valued in the production of perfumes and in treatment folk remedies . Growing myrtle at home is not only interesting, but also very useful.

    Reproduction of myrtle

    The main method of reproduction is cuttings. It makes it possible to preserve the varietal trait mother plant. In addition, myrtle is grown from seeds.

    Branches suitable for cuttings lateral non-flowering shoots. Optimal size the handle is ten centimeters. At the bottom, the leaves should be cut off, and the resulting cut should be treated with a special preparation that stimulates the formation of roots.

    Prepared cuttings are planted in moist soil. Ideally, this a mixture of quartz sand and high peat. An important condition is the observance of the soil temperature, it should not be below 25 degrees Celsius. From above, the shoots are covered with glass or plastic wrap. Rooting occurs within a month. Then they need to be seated in separate containers.

    propagating myrtle with seeds, there is a possibility of loss of varietal characteristics of the plant. planting material placed on top of a moist substrate and sprinkled on top with a small layer of soil. Its composition is the same as for cuttings, only at will. instead of sand, you can take vermiculite. After sowing, the container must be covered with polyethylene or glass. The optimum temperature for seed germination is from 18 to 20 degrees Celsius. After fourteen days, shoots will begin to appear. Seedlings should be dived into separate containers after the first pair of leaves appears.

    It should be noted that the process diving myrtle is poorly tolerated. For some time, its growth stops, so it is very important to provide young seedlings with good care. Flowering myrtle, grown from seeds, will start in 5 years after the first seeds have hatched.

    tree transplant

    Myrtle is a slow growing plant, so it is not often transplanted. For young plants, this is done annually, for more mature ones, no more than once every three years. In this case, each time you should choose a larger pot. The best container is one in which, after watering the plant in the morning, the soil remains moist until the evening. The most suitable time for this procedure is winter. Just then, the myrtle begins a period of rest.

    Before transplanting the myrtle, watering is completely stopped until the earthen clod dries. This is necessary in order to be able to remove the plant from the pot without difficulty.

    Holding the tree with one hand, turn the pot over with the other. Experienced flower growers practiced treatment of myrtle roots with a stimulant, then he gets on well.

    A drainage layer is laid at the bottom of the selected container, then a layer of expanded clay and only then a prepared soil mixture. The tree is placed in a pot and sprinkled with soil. After that, it is necessary to water the plant well and put it in a place where the light does not fall.

    The composition of the soil mixture should contain:

    • Three parts of sod land;
    • Three pieces of peat;
    • Two parts of good leaf humus;
    • Two parts of sand.

    Cannot be deposited manure humus into the earth mixture. The substrate must be slightly acidic.

    plant pruning

    Very important element Myrtle care is pruning. The procedure is quite simple, but you can’t do without it, because the tree looks much more attractive if its crown is well-groomed and carefully formed.

    Plant pruning is also used to stimulate the growth of lateral branches. By performing such manipulations with young shoots, over time, original form myrtle with a very aesthetic appearance.

    We should not forget that some leaves that negatively affect the appearance of the tree are carefully plucked off.

    Features of flowering

    Myrtle blooms in July, so pruning not recommended in spring. It is best to produce it after the tree has faded. During this period, the plant must be carefully looked after: timely and in sufficient quantities to water, provide constant access to fresh air. Depending on the variety, myrtle flowers can be found singly in leaf axils or collected in voluminous brushes. Basically they are all white, consisting of six or four petals.

    Top dressing and fertilizer

    The myrtle tree is very fond of top dressing and needs them. In the summer, fertilizer should be applied every week or once every fourteen days. Ideal for these purposes are special mixtures for indoor flowers, which can be bought at any specialized store. Phosphorus-containing dressings good effect on the flowering of myrtle. It will be frequent and continuous. Fertilizers containing nitrogen contribute to the preservation small sizes trees.

    Rules for watering an evergreen tree

    Myrtle in the summer is watered abundantly. You also need to make sure that the earthen ball is not too waterlogged. daily need spray leaves with a spray bottle. When the weather is hot, this can be done much more often, up to several times a day.

    At home, myrtle should create high humidity. To do this, you can place containers with water around the plant, or put a flowerpot on moistened expanded clay.

    With the onset of winter, the tree does not need a lot of moisture. Watering at this time is carried out once every seven days and spraying no more than two times. How often you need to water or spray the myrtle depends on how warm, light and dry the room is. You need to use soft, well-settled water.

    Diseases and pests, how to deal with them

    The appearance of myrtle can lose its beauty due to improper care. If the plant is in direct sunlight, its leaves will soon fade, twist in the shape of a pipe. In low light the leaves will turn pale, the stems will begin to stretch. You can correct the situation by rearranging the pot in a cooler and brighter place.

    Myrtle is an evergreen tree, so falling into winter period leaves signals that the plant is too hot or not enough light.

    This reaction is to be expected with too intensive watering, so it should be reduced.

    Most common pests

    Young plants are not affected by pests. They mainly appear on adults in the winter, when the room temperature is too high.

    Myrtle is an evergreen woody plant that belongs to the Myrtaceae family. In nature, these are trees or shrubs that can reach a height of three meters. A houseplant myrtle at home is a bush with a round crown no more than one meter high. The plant has long been considered a symbol of hope, peace and glory. Myrtle flowers were used by our ancestors for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. Popular drugs from them today. Houseplant lovers willingly grow beautiful tree at home. Knowing how to properly care for myrtle, you can get an optimally shaped plant that will decorate the house with its leathery small leaves and simple or double fragrant flowers.

    Myrtle plant - description, photo

    A tree at home grows in height from 30 to 60 cm. It has elongated, small, leathery leaves that seem polished. The leaves have a pointed top and grow on short petioles. In summer, in the axils of the leaves, brushes of single or double flowers, or single flowers are formed. After flowering, fruits ripen on the plant, which are a berry or a nut.

    In indoor floriculture, common myrtle (communis) is most often grown, the care of which we will describe in detail in our article.

    The world is ordinary - care at home

    Myrtle communis (common) is a small tree with a short branched trunk. It has red-brown bark, leathery, glossy, oval-lanceolate green leaves, and white or pale pink flowers. Stamens protrude from the middle of the flower. The leaves of the plant have a pleasant aroma. It blooms throughout the summer, after which red-black berries form on the tree.

    Myrtle is recommended to be grown on windows on the west and east sides. On the southern windowsills in the summer it will need to be shaded, for which you can use a tulle curtain. When grown on northern window sills, flowering will be poor.

    Air temperature. Indoor myrtle does not like heat and grows well at air temperatures in the range of + 18 ... + 20 degrees. It is recommended to ventilate the room regularly. In winter, the plant needs to provide cool conditions with an air temperature of +5 to +10 degrees. At higher temperatures in the winter season, the flower may shed its leaves.

    Air humidity. Myrtle needs high humidity, so in spring and summer its leaves should be regularly sprayed with settled water at room temperature. In winter, at low temperatures in the room, spraying is not needed. But, if it is not possible to provide the plant with cool conditions, spraying should be carried out several times a day. From working heating radiators at home, the air becomes dry, which is why leaves fall from the tree. To avoid this, around the plant you need to increase the humidity. To do this, you can use special humidifiers or put a flower pot on a pallet with wet expanded clay or moss.

    Watering myrtle. Water the tree in spring and summer abundantly, as soon as the topsoil dries out. In winter, in a cool room, the frequency and abundance of watering decreases. In no case should the earthen clod be allowed to dry out! Otherwise, the leaves may fly around from the houseplant, dry into the twigs. If the soil is still dry, place the pot for a few minutes in a container of water. Also, do not allow the soil to be wet all the time. Constant waterlogging of the soil can lead to root rot. Water for irrigation is used separated during the day.

    Top dressing myrtle. From March to August, once a week or two, the flower must be fed with fertilizers for flowering plants. If the myrtle is grown as a bonsai and you are not interested in its flowering, then fertilizers are used that are intended for decorative leafy plants.

    rest period. Myrtle definitely needs a period of rest, during which he gains strength for flowering and growing foliage. Therefore, in winter, the plant is grown for three months in cool rooms. You can put a flower on a closed loggia, where the air temperature does not drop below +5 degrees. At this time, watering should be scarce, and fertilizing and spraying should be stopped. In a warm room, the dormant period of myrtle lasts about one and a half months.

    pruning myrtle. To give the tree the desired shape, pruning should be included in the care of the myrtle at home. It can be carried out in early spring and after flowering. To get a tree, side shoots are cut. A plant in the form of a bush will turn out by trimming the upper branches. If you do not cut the myrtle completely, then it will take on a pyramidal shape. However, it should be remembered that frequent pinching negatively affects the formation of flowers, so it is not recommended to get carried away with pruning. If flowering is not too important for you, then you can experiment and pinch the branches. Houseplant myrtle grows quickly, so its appearance can be changed every year.

    Myrtle transplant

    It should be transplanted into new soil one to two weeks after purchase. In the future, young plants are transplanted every year, and adults - one glad in two to three years. The new pot should be 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. The substrate can be bought at the store or prepared independently. The following soil mixtures are suitable:

    1. Sand, peat, turf and humus soil. Everything is taken in equal parts and mixed.
    2. Sand, turf, humus, clay, peat soil (1:2:2:2:2).

    At the bottom of the pot, it is necessary to pour drainage, which is covered with a small layer nutrient soil. The tree is carefully removed along with a clod of earth from the old pot and placed on a layer of soil in a new container. The roots around and above are covered with soil. The base of the trunk does not need to fall asleep. The transplanted myrtle must be watered immediately.

    Pests and diseases of myrtle


    At proper care and keeping the plant in favorable conditions for it, no diseases and pests will affect it.

    High temperatures and dry air are favorable conditions for the appearance on the leaves of the tree scale insects, thrips, spider mite, mealybug, whiteflies. All of them feed on the juice of the plant, which is why they begin to dry, turn yellow and fly around the leaves. Treatment with Aktellik or Aktara will help get rid of pests. These are insecticidal preparations that should be diluted and used strictly according to the instructions.

    This situation can arise if the rules for caring for myrtle at home were not followed. Myrtle leaves dry for the following reasons:

    1. Irregular watering. If you forget to water the plant, and the soil often dries up, then not only the leaves, but also the twigs will begin to dry.
    2. Low air humidity. In winter, the air temperature for the flower should not exceed +18 degrees. In a room with working heating radiators, the air becomes dry, which is why the leaves begin to dry and fall off. Spray the foliage in a dry and warm room more often and more abundantly. Keep it on a tray with wet expanded clay, pebbles or moss, but so that the water does not reach the bottom of the pot.

    myrtle leaves fall

    This situation may arise in the following cases:

    • lack of light;
    • high air temperature;
    • the plant stands in a draft.

    With excessive lighting (in summer on the southern windows), the leaves lose their luster, turn yellow and curl. If there is not enough light for the plant, then the stems are drawn out, and the leaves grow pale and small.

    As you can see, all the problems when growing myrtle at home arise due to improper flower placement or care errors. Take care of the plant according to all the rules described above, and it will delight you with a beautiful, lush crown and flowering.

    Cutting is the most reliable and The best way myrtle breeding. Its seeds quickly lose their germination, in addition, with seed propagation, flowering will occur only after three years.

    Cuttings can be taken from friends after the formative pruning of the tree. It is best if they are from the middle or lower part of the crown. Rooting cuttings should be carried out in January, February and July. For cuttings, semi-lignified shoots of the current year are selected, 8 to 10 cm long.

    Procedure for rooting cuttings:

    1. The lower leaves are removed from the cut shoot.
    2. Large leaves located at the top are shortened by half, and small ones by a third of the length.
    3. The lower cut is processed with a root formation stimulator (Heterouxin or Kornevin).
    4. A wide and low container is being prepared.
    5. The soil for rooting should consist of sand and sphagnum (0.5:1) or sand and leafy soil (0.5:1).
    6. The cuttings are placed in moist soil and covered glass jar or other transparent cap.
    7. The containers are placed in a shady place with an air temperature in the range of + 17 ... + 20 degrees.
    8. So that the soil does not turn sour, the shelter needs to be removed for a short time every day.

    In about a month, the roots will grow, and the cuttings are planted in separate pots with a diameter of about 7 cm. soil mix the same is used. Care for young seedlings consists in regularly moistening the soil and spraying the foliage. It is necessary to ensure that the soil does not dry out.

    When the cuttings grow up, which will happen in about a year, the plants are transplanted into pots, the diameter of which should be 9 cm. Take care of rooted and grown bushes in the same way as for adult trees.

    Myrtle properties

    The plant has healing properties, as its fruits and young shoots contain active substances and essential oils with antibacterial action. Therefore, it is recommended to keep the tree in children's rooms and bedrooms, where it will purify the air of bacteria and germs, protect health, and help cope with influenza and acute respiratory infections.

    Myrtle tinctures help treat cough, purulent otitis media, staphylococcal infections, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, and diabetes mellitus.

    Myrtle - signs

    IN different countries to cultivation room myrtle are treated differently.

    In Europe, it is believed that the tree brings love and peace to the house. But this is possible if the hostess planted the bush and all family members are proud of their beautiful pet. The myrtle is carefully looked after so that the flower does not die. Otherwise, along with dead tree luck leaves the house.

    Muslims do not keep myrtle in their homes, because according to their signs, it is believed that this plant condemns young girls and boys to loneliness.

    beautiful tree with healing properties it is recommended to grow at home, while observing all the rules for caring for it. Mirt needs a family hearth, so for offices and public institutions he doesn't fit.
