Myrtle: home care, photo of a houseplant, signs. Myrtle (magical and healing properties)

According to Chinese sages, each person must master several arts, among them - the cultivation of flowers. Flowers, existing next to a person, give him positive energy and cleanse the house of negativity. Myrtle home is no exception. Myrtle houseplant is considered a messenger of well-being, as well as love. It is not for nothing that in many countries after the wedding, the bride is given a myrtle tree, which is located in the house of the spouses. long years.

According to this philosophy, those flowers should be grown in the house, the sprouts of which are stretched upwards, and the leaves are rounded. Plants that hang down do not give such energy as flowers tending to sprouts to the sky.

According to Feng Shui, myrtle also notes the significance of flowers, which meets all these requirements and, moreover, when flowering exudes a wonderful aroma that gives vigor. Such plants include myrtle, its domestic and wild varieties. This shrub, which blooms beautifully, produces fruits that can be used as a spice and also as a medicine.

In ancient times, the myrtle tree was considered a symbol that personified fertility. Over time, flowering sprigs of myrtle began to decorate the wedding dresses of brides. Such decoration symbolized the innocence of the girl. No wonder, for a long time myrtle is called the bride's tree. Many centuries ago, myrtle was grown on plantations, and its leaves were used to obtain useful essential oils. The fruits of this plant are often used in the preparation of various dishes.

About the myths and legends associated with myrtle

According to ancient written sources, Artemis, who was the mythical goddess of hunting, did not really like the myrtle tree for the reason that once during the hunt she caught the edge of her clothes on a sprig of myrtle, which became a hindrance to her hunting. Venus, who was considered the goddess of love, was delighted with the smell of myrtle flowers.

The Romans in antiquity came up with many legends that were associated with myrtle. For example, as one of them says, the cruel beauty Alcina lived on a Mediterranean island. Many sailors were fascinated by its unusual beauty. As soon as they ascended to the land of the island where the beauty lived, she turned unfortunate men in love into myrtle trees.

On the use of myrtle

Even in ancient times, myrtle was widely used by people. It was often used as a plant for rituals. Myrtle water, which was used by women to rejuvenate the face, was also considered medicinal. Often they made infusions of myrtle fruits on grape wine. Such a drink was considered invigorating and restoring strength, it was often taken in long journeys. In addition, it was customary to take with you on campaigns and a branch of myrtle, which, it is believed, retained strength.

Healing properties of myrtle

The famous ancient healer Avicenna described medicinal benefit myrtle. The essential oil of this plant contains substances such as penin, myrtenol, as well as camphor and plant aldehydes. Myrtle leaves contain protein, as well as resins and tannins. A decoction made from the leaves of that plant is drunk for diseases of the intestines and stomach, they are also treated with diseases of the liver, as well as the brain. It is also known about the antimicrobial, tonic and diuretic properties of such decoctions.

According to traditional healers you can use infusions of myrtle for diseases of the bronchi, diseases of the throat, as well as for tuberculosis. A decoction of myrtle berries is used when washing the head to get rid of dandruff. The hair becomes shiny and fluffy.

About home myrtle

Myrtle is a houseplant that has long been familiar to many flower growers. Its evergreen leathery leaves have a sheen, and when this plant blooms, a delicate fragrance spreads throughout the room. It is a gentle plant from the Mediterranean. Myrtle grows wild in the subtropics, there are many species of it.

The fruits of this plant are even eaten. Home myrtle has been grown for hundreds of years, this tree grows up to one meter in height. People who decide to grow myrtle at home describe its properties ambiguously. Some consider it a symbol of health and beauty, others prefer to use it in a variety of rituals.

In an apartment, myrtle grows well, perhaps even forming its crown so that the tree has an attractive appearance.

Home myrtle grows well in rooms that are well ventilated, where the humidity is quite high. In the summer, it is better to take the myrtle to the sun, to the balcony, as he loves Fresh air. AT spring period myrtle can be transplanted if it is young plant, then you can replant it every year, and adult plants are transplanted once every two years. When transplanting, it must be borne in mind that a layer of drainage must be placed in the pot.

About watering

Summer watering should be plentiful, but myrtle is not often watered in winter. In spring and summer, myrtle is watered with water diluted with fertilizers, the plant is protected from pests using special preparations.

If the care of the myrtle was not entirely correct, the watering was incorrect, and in winter there was a high temperature in the room, then the tree may lose its leaves. Such a plant does not need to be thrown away, and having eliminated the cause, you need to wait until new leaves appear, but you will have to form the crown of the myrtle again. About propagation of myrtle with the help of cuttings

Myrtle should be propagated either by seeds or by cuttings. If reproduction by cuttings is more to your liking, then for this, cuttings of small length are cut off, on which the bark has already formed, the lower leaves are cut off. Prepared cuttings should be placed in a mixture of peat and sand and covered with a jar or a cut of a plastic bottle.

Place such a pot on a light windowsill. You can process the cut with a root. As soon as the branch takes root, you need to pinch its top, otherwise, the myrtle will not branch.

Growing a wonderful myrtle in your apartment, you can not only enjoy its magnificent view and the aroma of its flowers. You can even make healing tinctures from it, prolonging beauty and youth.

Myrtle ordinary (Mýrtus sommúnis) - evergreen belonging to the genus Myrtle and the family Myrtaceae. The myrtle communis plant has small, leathery leaves and white, five-petalled flowers.

It is not difficult to grow myrtle, and even novice amateur flower growers can take care of such a flower. In our country, in addition to the common species, in the conditions of home floriculture, they also prefer to grow indoor flower Saharan myrtle.

Myrtle ordinary and its varieties

This species is best adapted to keeping at home. A small tree or shrub with small glossy leaves and white fragrant flowers, has become the basis for the development of several highly decorative and quite unpretentious varieties and forms that differ in color, size and shape of foliage and flowers:

  • variety "Boethics" or Boetica has large saturated green leaves no more than 70 mm long. The variety is slow growing;
  • variety "Variegata" or Variegata refers to variegated forms with yellow-green leaves;
  • variety "Tarentina" or Tarentina is characterized by the small size of the aerial part. Particularly popular are the variegated varieties of Tarentina Variegata and Tarentina Granada with original creamy fruits;
  • variety "Alhambra" or Alhambra is unpretentious and produces light greenish fruits. Foliage small sizes, bright green, elongated in shape;
  • variety "Flore Pleno" or Flore Pleno forms quite large and long time retaining external attractiveness, numerous double flowers;
  • variety "Compact" or Compasta belongs to the category of undersized forms that form a dense and fairly dense crown, as well as lush white flowers.

Almost any variety belonging to this species reproduces very easily, and does not require special care conditions from the grower.

Common myrtle is an evergreen plant belonging to the genus Myrtle and the Myrtaceae family.

Saharan myrtle

Myrtus nivellei grows mainly in the mountainous regions of Tassili n-Ajjer, in the southern part of Algeria and in Chad. This species belongs to the category of endangered plants, therefore protected. A popular shrub endemic with a height of the aerial part of no more than two meters, it is characterized by large size and lanceolate foliage. The length of the leaves does not exceed 40-50mm. Fruits are black.

Gallery: common myrtle (25 photos)

Signs and superstitions associated with the myrtle tree

The myrtle tree is very popular in many countries as a family happiness plant. It is customary to give such a flower to young people. couples in order to strengthen their mutual understanding. In ancient times, myrtle branches were used to decorate the bride's head. It is also considered that such decorative culture able to give its owner unfading beauty and eternal youth.

The myrtle tree is very popular in many countries as a plant that brings family happiness.

How to transplant myrtle after purchase

If the plant is sold in the transport soil, then transplantation is a prerequisite for growing. As a nutrient soil substrate for planting, it is desirable to use a mixture based on one part of sod-peat soil and one part of humus-peat soil with the addition of one part of sifted medium-grained sand. A sufficient layer of drainage is poured onto the bottom of the flower pot. Transplantation is carried out by transshipment of the root system with an earthen clod.

Myrtle breeding methods

Reproduction of decorative perennial, grown in the conditions of indoor floriculture, is carried out by cuttings and using seed material.

Growing from seed

Seeds are sown in nutrient soil mixture based on one part of sifted sand and one part of peat with the addition of a small amount of vermiculite. The substrate is recommended to be pre-shed with any fungicide. The seed material is carefully distributed over the surface of the nutrient substrate, after which it is sprinkled thin layer soil.

The container with crops is covered with plexiglass or film. Perennial germination should be carried out at a temperature of 18-20 ° C. Crops are regularly ventilated and also moistened. With full observance of all requirements, seedlings appear in one or two weeks. Flowering occurs after five years.

Features of growing a myrtle tree (video)

How to propagate myrtle cuttings

Semi-lignified cuttings should be cut for propagation in January or early February, as well as in the middle of summer. Best rooted cuttings cut in the lower or middle region of the crown. The maximum length of the handle should not exceed 80mm. Half of the leaves are cut off completely, which will reduce the evaporation of moisture. Otherwise, the stalk dries up, and its planting is impractical.

The cut section is treated with growth stimulants, after which rooting is carried out in a mixture represented by leafy soil and coarse sand. The temperature regime should be 16-20 ° C. Young plants are pinched to stimulate flowering, which occurs in the third or fourth year.

Myrtle bloom in the house

Decorative perennial enters the flowering phase in early or mid-summer. The flowering of the plant is not only attractive, but also accompanied by a very pleasant aroma.

Decorative perennial enters the flowering phase in early or mid-summer

When and how does a houseplant bloom

Flowers are of the usual or double type, and are located in the leaf axils, singly or collected in racemose inflorescences. A significant part of the flowers blooms, as a rule, in the most sunlit, apical part of the plant.

Why myrtle does not bloom

To get a bloom it is very important not to prune in the spring, as well as to provide the ornamental culture with an influx of fresh air and quality care at all stages of the growing season. If the cultivation technology is not followed, the plant dries out, and there is no flowering.

How to transplant myrtle (video)

Myrtle care at home

So that the myrtle does not dry out and die, retains its decorative appeal for many years, and also pleases the amateur grower with abundant and stable flowering, the plant needs to ensure a comfortable stay and competent care at all stages of the growing season.

Lighting, temperature and humidity

Bright daylight is one of the main requirements for growing myrtle in indoor floriculture. Throughout the year, the illumination indicators should be at least 6000-8000 lux. Sufficient quantity sunlight guarantees a dense and dense crown, as well as stable and abundant flowering.

Best to place flower pot with a plant on the south, southeast and southwest windows, without shading. When grown on north windows there is a strong stretching of the shoots, blanching and falling of foliage, lack of flowering. If necessary, the perennial needs to provide additional illumination with sufficiently powerful, special phytolamps for ten hours.

The temperature regime should be moderately warm in spring and summer, at the level of 18-25°C. Wintering is carried out in a cool room, at a temperature in the range of 5-8 ° C. If in winter period the plant is grown at too high a temperature regime, then partial shedding of leaves is often noted. Among other things, at low temperatures in winter, flower buds are laid.

A very important parameter in the cultivation of home myrtle is the observance of optimal indoor air humidity in the range of 60-65%. With excessive dryness of the air in the room, the crown of the ornamental tree should be sprayed regularly. It is also recommended to occasionally arrange for the plant warm shower, allowing you to refresh the foliage, and remove all accumulations of dust from it.

Bright natural lighting is one of the main requirements for growing myrtle in indoor floriculture.

Features and frequency of watering

Adult ornamental plants need fairly frequent and plentiful irrigation measures. At the stage of activation of the vegetation, the decorative culture is watered immediately after the top layer of soil in the flower pot dries.

In winter, at the dormant stage, the cool temperature regime makes it possible to make irrigation activities more rare. . Important to remember, which is very dangerous for the culture, both waterlogging of the soil and its drying. In the first case, the plant is very often affected by a fungal infection. For irrigation, settled and soft water at room temperature is used.

Top dressing

For the full development of myrtle, the preservation of intensive growth processes and abundant flowering, the perennial must be properly fed. For this purpose, any universal fertilizers, suitable for top dressing of decorative and deciduous and flowering houseplants. Such fertilizer is diluted in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. In winter, there is no need to feed the culture.

best time for pruning myrtle is spring or the last decade of winter

Pruning and crown shaping

A decorative perennial of any variety tolerates pruning and pinching very well, regardless of the time of year. However, one must take into account the fact that in adult wintering plants that are at rest, only a couple of branches can be cut painlessly.

For actively vegetating specimens that are in the stage of growth and development, cardinal pruning of the crown is perfect. The best time for pruning is spring or the last decade of winter. Cut cuttings can be used to propagate a houseplant vegetatively.

Potential Growing Problems

If it is completely impossible to move the flower pot with room myrtle in a room with low temperature regime, it is required to fence off part of the window sill space with the usual plastic wrap. Among other things, it is very important to systematically spray the leaves from the spray bottle settled water at room temperature. Stretching of shoots is the main sign of a lack of natural sunlight, so the indoor flower will need to be illuminated with special fitolamps.

Reproduction and pruning of myrtle (video)

Myrtle is one of the heat-loving indoor perennials native to the Mediterranean. Such a decorative culture is perfect for interior design, and also has a number of useful properties, which determines its high popularity.


In ancient times, myrtle was considered very a powerful amulet. That is why this plant is still considered one of the most suitable for hearth in many countries other than Muslim. In our homeland, this flower is also treated with respect, and here's why - we'll figure it out now. The topic of today's article is signs and superstitions about myrtle tree.

brides plant

The Slavic peoples called the myrtle tree the plant of brides. It was believed that a girl who independently grew this flower at home would definitely be happy in marriage. Especially good sign- if the flower shortly before the wedding becomes especially lush, beautiful. There is a tradition - to give guests present at the ceremony a sprig of myrtle - then family union will be durable for years to come.

Charm for a young family

Omens and superstitions about myrtle often associate it with family happiness. If the newlyweds immediately after the wedding, the mother-in-law gives a myrtle tree, harmony, mutual understanding, and prosperity will reign in their house. However, young people may well buy this plant themselves: the wonderful properties of the flower will not disappear from this - it will still prevent quarrels, conflicts, scandals.

The myrtle tree is also a symbol of fidelity, so it is definitely recommended to put it in the house of single-lovers who want to live with a single person for the rest of their lives.

Fresh air

Not only signs and superstitions about myrtle in the house speak in favor of this plant, but also its natural qualities. So, for example, this flower has the strongest bactericidal property, which means that the inhabitants of the house with such a neighborhood will get sick less. Scientists have proven that myrtle tree alone can purify indoor air by as much as 80 percent!

Baby sedative

Myrtle has a positive effect on young children, making them more calm, obedient. The plant also soothes children's fears and reduces the level of anxiety in a child. If your child is hyperactive, misbehaves, is constantly naughty - put a pot with this flower in the children's room, and very soon you will see positive changes.

Not just for kids

Exist interesting sign or a superstition about a myrtle flower in a dwelling where there are pets. It is believed that this plant also has a positive effect on cats and small dogs: animals become more affectionate, begin to pay more attention to their owners, stop misbehaving, spoiling furniture.

Are there bad omens?

In fact, among the signs and superstitions about the myrtle tree, there are not very good ones. So, for example, on the territory of Muslim countries, it is not customary to put a plant in houses where there are children: it is believed that the presence of this flower blocks the ability to build happy life young girls, boys. This is a very strange belief that contradicts good attitude to the plant in other countries. And you should not plant a myrtle tree at work, in the office, personal account, since in this case it loses its positive properties. Of course, there will be no harm from such a flower, but there will be no benefit either.

Myrtle is home plant our grandmothers, symbolizing eternal youth, this flower symbolizes the wedding and has healing properties.

AT Ancient Greece this flower was associated with the goddess Aphrodite, as a symbol of beauty and youth. At the end of the 16th century, myrtle wreaths during wedding ceremonies appeared for the first time in Germany, later in England. In France, whole bushes were brought to wedding ceremonies. This fashion very quickly began to gain momentum and is still a success. Now not only the bride wears myrtle as a decoration, but also cakes, tables, ceremonial halls are decorated with this plant.

In contact with

Myrtle in Greek means "balm". Some cultivators still use it for cooking alcoholic beverages in particular wine. Myrtle once belonged to the symbolic plants.

In Southern Europe, myrtle was considered an exclusively medicinal plant, often used as a seasoning for dishes in those days when people did not even know about the existence of black pepper. in Greece and Ancient Rome sprigs of myrtle were served with beer and wine. Women at that time used the so-called "angel water" - an elixir based on myrtle to rejuvenate and restore lost attractiveness.

Indoor plant myrtle ordinary: description and photo

Myrtle represents evergreen shrub reaching 5 meters in height. The origin of myrtle originates in the Mediterranean region and includes about 3000 species. Some species grow in Australia, New Zealand, Polynesia and South America. In our country, myrtle most often grows on a balcony or in an apartment as a houseplant. Indoor myrtle flower: photo Home-grown myrtle reaches a height of only 0.5 meters. The leaves of the plant are lanceolate, shiny and dark green. They can be up to 4 cm long and 2 cm wide. Myrtle flowers are tiny, but very fragrant due to the high content of essential oils, which have a specific smell. Each flower has 5 leaves and many thin and long stamens. The fruits of the flowers are approximately 7-12 mm in size, black or blue-black in color and bitter in taste. The flower blooms all summer, from June to September.
Myrtle tree flowers: photo

How to care for ordinary myrtle at home

Myrtle flower is very thermophilic. In a bright place without direct sunlight, the leaves of the myrtle will look healthy and shiny, but the plant will not bloom. AT rich soil myrtle can tolerate moderate frosts, but in our country frosts are usually stronger, so this can lead to irreparable damage to the plant or its death. If the plant is watered overnight or left in a cold room, then there is a risk of developing fungal diseases.

Basic rules for growing myrtle at home:

  • myrtle needs light soil;
  • during growth loves warm, sunny, dry habitats;
  • in summer it needs protection from direct sunlight;
  • The best place for myrtle is a window sill, balcony or terrace;
  • the flower needs a lot of fresh air;
  • winter is better tolerated in a cool, bright room at a temperature of 8-10 degrees;
  • very sensitive to watering. Water for myrtle should be soft, ideally rain;
  • watering should be generous, the root should not dry out, even though in wildlife the plant is used to long droughts;
  • in winter, water only so that the soil is not dry;
  • during the growth period, fertilize 1 time per week;
  • in case of active growth, transplant the flower into another pot. Replace annually upper layer substrates;
  • plant blooms better if it is not cut.

How to propagate myrtle at home

Myrtle is propagated by cuttings, preferably at the end of June. It is necessary to tear off the twig from the plant so that a particle of the old myrtle, the so-called heel, remains at its end.
Propagation of myrtle by cuttings Soak the end of the cutting with the heel in a gel growth stimulator and place it in a box, pot or dish, using soil mixed with coarse sand. You can close the container with glass or foil. You need to leave the myrtle to grow in a cool room, with a temperature of 16-20 degrees. In addition to watering, you must use a spray. After about a month, the cuttings should take root. Then remove the glass and move the plant to a brighter place.

You can also propagate a flower using seeds, but this is a longer process.
Growing myrtle from seeds at home

The Romans considered myrtle a symbol of innocence, fidelity, love and marriage. Therefore, in many countries, the bride's outfit was necessarily supplemented with this flower. Its saturated green color symbolizes the purity of nature, warm feelings for other people and the strength of their mutual affection. Myrtle wreaths were very expensive, therefore, not everyone could afford it for a holiday, and often myrtle was replaced with rosemary.
Bridal bouquet with myrtle The newlyweds planted a myrtle bush at home on their wedding day, and according to legend, if the bush dries up, then the newly-made family will not live happily, and if the flower blooms, then the young will be happy in marriage.

It is still impossible to determine with accuracy what kind of plant myrtle is considered to be. Some superstitions say that the plant brings love and devotion to the house, other superstitions say otherwise. If in the house unmarried woman myrtle grows, then she will never marry.

In southern Europe, myrtle is recognized treatment plant. The flower is also used for magical rites: love spells cleaning the house from evil spirits.
myrtle bonsai

Myrtle pests

If the plant is grown in a dry environment, in small clay pots, then often the flower is attacked , . Aphids are usually removed with plain soap and water, while other pests require a spray.

Fungal leaf diseases are removed with a sponge and.

Also, in winter, due to the low temperature, the leaves of the myrtle may fall off. You should not worry much about this, as in the spring the flower will appear before you again in all its glory.
It should be remembered that the gardener himself is the biggest pest for the myrtle, as improper care will quickly lead the flower to death.

Myrtle: useful properties and contraindications

AT medicinal purposes the leaves and fruits of the myrtle are most commonly used. He highlights essential oil myrtol, which is a great way to clear the airways.

  • Myrtle extract tea recommended for use when inflammation of the gums, mouth and cough.
  • The plant is also used for gargle.
  • Myrtle tincture found use in the treatment of rological diseases and diseases of the urinary tract.
  • It is a strong disinfectant. myrtle leaves heal cuts and wounds, also sometimes used for treatment psoriasis.

myrtle wide common in cooking. It is suitable for barbecue marinades. Dried and ground berries are often used to give dishes a piquant, unusual taste, they have a sweet, interesting aroma that vaguely resembles juniper. Most often, a sprig of myrtle is added to the meat at the end of frying, giving it a specific, characteristic taste.

Myrtle essential oil is also used in production of cosmetics, perfumes and oils for aromatic lamps. It has antibacterial properties and is considered the elixir of youth.

There are no obvious contraindications to the cultivation and use of myrtle, but it is worth remembering that each person may have intolerance to a particular plant.

We also suggest you watch a video on how to make money growing myrtle:

cultivation ornamental plants in last years gained wide popularity. Not just flowering specimens are grown in the apartment, but they acquire plants with magical powers that bring good luck in business, love, etc. One of the most popular plants, with which many signs and superstitions are associated, is considered a dwarf tree - myrtle. In order to safely keep this plant in the house, it is necessary to study the signs and superstitions about the myrtle tree.

What does the flower symbolize

The symbolism of the myrtle tree is closely related to the situation in the family. There is a sign that thanks to a wreath of flowers, you can achieve harmony and peace in the family. If you additionally weave roses, this will help maintain the fidelity of the relationship and maintain strong bonds of marriage. Similar gifts, according to signs, were given to the newlyweds during the wedding.

As signs show, myrtle is an exclusively female flower. His mistress should be a representative of the fair sex. Superstition is due to the fact that the flower denotes a symbol of life flowing in it.

Christians have a sign according to which the plant protected people who renounced their faith, but then returned to it again.

The magical properties of the plant

Myrtle is not only a plant for the house, which is surrounded by various signs, but also an object for magical rituals. As a symbol of love, the myrtle bush was used in love magic:

  • during fortune telling on the betrothed;
  • for the purpose of seduction.

Based on signs, thanks to the myrtle tree, you can attract money and good luck. Myrtle was used to create jewelry that carried magical overtones. By carving your name on the amulet, and then giving it to your loved one, you can strengthen love ties. A leaf necklace will add strength and patience. There is a superstition among women that if you carry a small piece of wood with you, it will help keep you young. According to the sign, in order to improve family life, myrtle flowers and leaves are placed in a special bag and placed in the matrimonial bedroom.

Signs and superstitions about myrtle

In addition to signs and superstitions, the myrtle growing in the house is considered a reminder of Eden. It was he, according to legend, that Adam and Eve took with them when they needed to choose one flower from the Garden of Eden. A myrtle branch was brought to the lovers by a bird, flying around all the surroundings.

If myrtle grows in a house, its inhabitants may not worry about negative energy and illnesses. Thanks to a few leaves lying next to a sleeping person, you can see prophetic dreams. If an object of a golden hue lies next to the flowerpot, this will certainly bring prosperity to the family.

For the successful conception of a child, couples bought two myrtle trees and placed them in their homes. According to superstition, they must be tied with ribbons.

The myrtle tree needs to be planted in a beautiful pot and properly cared for. It will bring happiness to family life. Myrtle loves to listen, so the owners should talk about their successes and happiness. If words of gratitude to the tree are heard, the quality of life can improve significantly, superstition speaks of this.

Who can give a flower

A myrtle gift will benefit women. It is in women's hands that myrtle will actively grow. It is recommended to present such a surprise to brides, but the myrtle tree will improve the weather in the house of any family. If you present a gift to a timid, shy girl, she will soon get stronger, show character, become stronger, as the sign says.

Myrtle is suitable for people suffering from blues and various diseases. This is due not only to magical, but also medicinal properties. Myrtle has antibacterial properties, the tree is actively used to treat various ailments:

  • herpes;
  • bronchitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • flu;
  • tonsillitis.

Important! You can not practice its use without consulting a doctor. Any plant can provoke an allergic reaction, which is especially dangerous for children.

Where is the best place to plant

The location does not depend on signs, but on the time of year. In summer, myrtle needs fresh air, so the tree can be on the balcony or in the garden. This will be beneficial, but the scorching sun can put the myrtle tree in danger. In winter, myrtle also needs light, otherwise it may die. Room temperature will be an ideal indicator for its growth, so outside summer period placing a tree on a balcony is not recommended.

Myrtle does not like extraneous attention, therefore, in the room where it is located, it should not accumulate a large number of of people. The ideal option is a bedroom. The practice is popular among couples if you follow the superstitions.

How to avoid the consequences predicted in signs

Signs associated with myrtle in an apartment are most often positive, but the effect can be spoiled if some rules are not followed. According to the signs, this is what can happen:

  1. A myrtle tree will not bring happiness if the owner does not look at it.
  2. There will be no results in offices, crowded premises, because superstition says that only one owner is needed - a woman.
  3. You can not throw away, allow the death of the plant, otherwise happiness and well-being will leave the house.
  4. If you do not take care of the plant, keep it in an ugly pot, comfort will not be preserved.
  5. Negativity towards myrtle leads to his death.


Signs and superstitions about the myrtle tree have a mythological, religious basis.

The myrtle tree shown in the photo is associated with large quantity positive signs. We must not forget about the rules of care, otherwise there will be no favorable effect from acquiring a tree, despite superstition.
