How to create bouquets of fresh flowers. We create a wedding bouquet of the bride from natural flowers with our own hands - a simple master class and invaluable advice from florists

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Thinking of what to give your friends for the next holiday? Are you going to present flowers and sweets again? Combine these two attributes of the holiday into one gift and try to make a bouquet of chocolates with your own hands.

Delightful compositions of sweets, paper flowers, lush bows, ribbons and other decorative elements will become unforgettable gifts for your loved ones. Making them is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. To convince you of this, we have selected several detailed master classes on creating candy bouquets.

Elegant bouquet of poppies

Beauty can and should be created with your own hands. Ordinary sweets with the help of simple manipulations easily turn into a luxurious bouquet of poppies.

For work you will need:

  • 7 truffle-shaped sweets;
  • corrugated paper;
  • wide and narrow polypropylene tapes;
  • decorative mesh;
  • scissors and nippers;
  • floral wire;
  • wooden skewer;
  • teip tape;
  • decorative greenery;
  • fluffy bow.
Divide each piece of wire into 4 equal parts. Cut the thin ribbon into strips 25 cm long.

From corrugated paper, cut out 7 rectangles with sides of approximately 18 * 12cm.

From each rectangle, cut a trapezoid as in the photo.

Lay the trapezoid on a rectangle, place a candy in the middle. Roll up the paper tightly.

Insert the wire into the roll from the side of the base of the candy without piercing it. Wrap the paper around the wire and secure with tape.

Tie a ribbon around the roll near the top of the candy.

Straighten the edges of the paper to form poppy petals.

Prepare 6 more flowers in the same way.

Attach the resulting poppies to a wooden skewer with teip tape. Between the flowers, randomly add greens.

Wrap the flower blank with a net and tie a lush bow.

Simple tulip from Raffaello

A bouquet of tulips is a traditional gift for March 8th. However, their beauty quickly fades. To avoid disappointment, try these elegant flowers from delicious sweets.

For work you will need:

  • candies;
  • corrugated paper;
  • floral wire;
  • scissors;
  • double sided tape;
  • threads;
  • teip tape.
Bend the end of the wire with a loop so as not to accidentally damage the candy.

Wrap it with tape and attach the candy.

Cut the paper into strips about 3 cm wide.

Cut each strip into 3 pieces. In the middle of each strip, cut out the thinning, this will make the petals more realistic.

Twist the strip in the middle. And then fold it in half, stretching a little in the middle. Thus, make 2 more petals.

Wrap the finished petals around the candy, overlapping each other. Fix them with a thread and cut off the ends. Wrap the base of the bud with tape for a more secure fit.

For the leaves you need 2 rectangles 10 * 3cm. Cut out leaves of the desired shape from them, you can use a cardboard template.

Start wrapping the wire with tape.

Attach the leaves opposite each other and fix them with tape.

It turns out a beautiful tulip.

By the same principle, make the rest of the flowers in the quantity you need.

Sweet tulips can be assembled into an elegant bouquet and decorated with ribbons, paper, bows - perfect sweet gift ready.

A tulip bud from which it is easy to get a candy

If you are wondering how to get sweets out of a flower without destroying the man-made beauty, be sure to check out this master class. step by step pictures they will tell you how to properly collect a tulip bud with a candy.

Do beautiful flowers You can also use wooden skewers. To collect them in a bouquet, it is better to use a convenient frame. It is easy to make it with your own hands from thick cardboard and a cylinder from foil or cling film.

For instructions on how to create such a stand, see the photo.

And you can make a cute bag, see the photo instruction:

Fantasy flower with a chocolate center

If you are afraid to start working on complex compositions, check out this micro. Detailed description and step-by-step photos will help even a beginner in sweet design to create their first unusual flowers.

For work you will need:

  • chocolates without wrappers;
  • colored tissue paper;
  • scissors;
  • wooden skewers;
  • teip tape;
  • scotch;
  • glue gun;
  • cardboard cylinder, for example, from foil or cling film;
  • transparent packaging film.
Cut the packaging film (it must be suitable for contact with food products) into squares 15 * 15 cm. Pierce the chocolate candy with a skewer, wrap with foil and fix with tape.

Cut out a large rectangle of tissue paper across its entire width. Wind it in several layers on a cardboard cylinder. From two sides move the paper to the center, forming folds.

Carefully remove the cylinder. Roll the resulting accordion into a donut and cut off the excess paper.

Insert a candy on a stick into the ring. Tape the paper to the skewer with tape.

Cut out an oblong piece of green paper. Glue it to the skewer with a glue gun.

Wrap the stem of the flower with tape.

As you can see, it is not difficult to collect such original flowers at home. From them you can make a chic bouquet that will definitely win the heart of any sweet tooth.


The rose is deservedly called the queen of flowers. Her elegance and grace deserve to be embodied in a sweet masterpiece. From corrugated paper and round candies, you can assemble an elegant rosebud.

Such refined flowers, collected in a beautiful candy bouquet, will become great gift for an anniversary, wedding or any occasion. The stages of making such a flower are presented on step by step photos.

If you want to learn more about the technique of making roses and arranging a bouquet, see detailed video lesson.

Candy bouquet with organza decoration

If you want to emphasize that you are giving a candy bouquet, and not a flower arrangement made of corrugated paper, then opt for the option with open candies. For him, you can choose any sweets: toffees, lollipops, small chocolates. The main thing is that they should be in beautiful wrappers, as this is part of the composition.

For work you will need:

  • candy Ferrero Rocher;
  • metallized and ordinary corrugated paper;
  • organza;
  • floral wire;
  • double sided tape;
  • thin gold ribbon
From metallized paper, cut out small rectangles according to the number of candies. Wrap them around the sweets, closing halfway, twist the excess paper from the bottom.

Make a loop at the end of the wire, string the candy without piercing it, and fix it with tape. Wrap the entire length of the wire with tape, and then with paper tape.

Cut the organza into squares of about 20 * 20 cm (depending on the size of the sweets) and fold each in half. Wrap the blanks with the resulting rectangles with a fold down and tie in the middle with a golden ribbon.

Now it remains to collect the bouquet. Fix the stems with tape so that the composition keeps its shape.

Wrap your masterpiece in corrugated paper, it is advisable to choose it to match the organza.

You can show your imagination and complement the bouquet with ribbons, a bow or beads. To do this, cut off about 2 meters of organza, fold it 1/3 on top and wrap the bouquet (as you wrapped candy in small pieces of organza), tie it tightly. Organza is obtained in 2 turns. You can add beads by putting them on hot glue, making "clips".

Pineapple from a bottle and Ferrero Rocher chocolates

A bottle of champagne and a box of chocolates are the perfect gift for any occasion. Think it's trite and boring? Do you want to surprise your friends or win someone's heart? Spend some time, show your imagination - and the usual gift set will turn into a cute pineapple. Even an absolute beginner in the design business can handle such a culinary souvenir.

For work you will need:

  • drink bottle;
  • Ferrero Rocher sweets or other round candies in a golden wrapper;
  • sisal yellow color(palm fiber);
  • aspidistra green ribbon;
  • glue gun;
  • leg-split.

Glue a layer of sisal to the bottom of the bottle.

Glue the first row of candies to it tightly to each other.

Glue the second row of sisal and candy, position them offset from the first row.

Continue to glue the bottle according to this pattern to the neck. The last should be sisal.

Cut out the pineapple leaves from the aspirides.

To do this, take 3 strips 10 cm and 15 cm long.

Fold each strip in half twice.

Cut off the top corners, imitating a leaf.

Here are the jagged blanks.

Tear them into individual leaves.

Glue 3 rows of small leaves to the top of the bottle, then 3 rows of large ones.

Wrap the bottom of the leaves with a tourniquet, dropping to a layer of sisal, secure with glue.

If you can't find aspirida, make leaflets crepe paper or felt.

Such a sweet pineapple handmade not ashamed to present for any holiday.


A round candy can magically turn into a delicious strawberry. This will require quite a bit of time and materials. It is enough just to get acquainted with the photo of mk.

Do you have any questions? Watch the detailed video tutorial. In it you will definitely find not only answers, but also a wonderful idea for a children's bouquet.

Bright sunflower

Want to surprise your loved ones original gift? Prepare for them an unusual sunflower from ordinary sweets. Such a sweet flower will be an excellent and memorable gift.

For work you will need:

  • round sweets in dark wrappers;
  • orange and green crepe paper;
  • green organza;
  • toothpicks;
  • glue gun;
  • double sided tape;
  • stationery and manicure scissors;
  • Styrofoam;
  • cutter knife
From thick foam, cut a circle the size of the desired sunflower. Cover with green paper.

From orange paper, cut a strip long enough to cover three turns of the warp. The stripe width is the desired length of the petals.

Glue the strip to the base.

On each turn of the paper, alternately (on each layer), make transverse cuts.

Cut out the sunflower petals with nail scissors.

Use double-sided tape to fix the tails of the candies so that they do not stick out. Glue the prepared sweets to the base.

Cut the organza into small squares. Fold each of them in half and glue a toothpick to half.

Insert the resulting pounds between the petals and the middle of the sunflower.

It's green paper's turn. Cut a strip from it one turn around the base.

Cut it crosswise into pieces about 1.5 cm wide.

Cut out the petals, give them a convex shape with your fingers. Glue the resulting part to the base.

Bend each yellow petal slightly with your fingers and twist for greater realism.

A wonderful sunflower is ready. As you can see, you can make it even without practice and special skills.

Another idea for a similar bouquet on a leg:

Bouquet in a vase

We offer another version of a sweet bouquet that you can make with your child. Such interesting composition will please mom, grandmother or sister on March 8 or birthday.

For work you will need:

  • sweets in bright wrappers;
  • colored cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • wooden skewers;
  • green gouache or acrylic paint;
  • double sided tape;
  • glue gun;
  • opaque vase.
Color the skewers green color let them dry. On cardboard, draw the outline of a flower with 6 petals. You can use a cookie cutter as a template.

Cut out the blanks. Glue each flower to a colored stick.

Stick sweets on cardboard blanks, make the middle contrast.

Cut out petals from green cardboard and glue to skewers. It remains to put the flowers in a vase. For greater stability, you can first place a piece of Styrofoam or flower foam in it, and then stick the flower stems.

sweet chamomile

A pretty field chamomile is another sweet gift idea. She can please a woman of any age. A detailed photo master class will acquaint you with the process of its assembly.

christmas tree

Candy Christmas tree will be a great gift for the winter holidays. Bright and elegant, it is sure to cheer up its lucky owner. You can stock up on sweets in bright candy wrappers in advance and arrange such sweet presents with your children in your free time.

Some ideas for inspiration

Now you know how to make a bouquet of sweets, and you can delight your loved ones with sweet creativity. Stock up on sweets, improvised materials and good mood‒ complex elegant compositions and very simple flowers will be wonderful gifts for your dear people.

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please unusual bouquet You can decorate your loved ones or decorate a celebration with flowers not only with the help of a professional florist, but also on your own. You just need to follow a few rules to make the bouquet look harmonious and attractive.

website collected advice from experts for those who want to try themselves in the art of floristry and do it with pleasure.

How to know if flowers are fresh

To buy the freshest flowers, you need to pay attention to their freshness markers. We give examples of the most accurate.

Roses. The sepal of the flower should point upwards and support the bud. A sepal directed to the sides, and even more so down, means that the flowers are stale.

Daisies. A fresh flower has a greenish heart. Bright yellow indicates that the daisies have been cut long ago. Brownish - flowers are very stale.

Tulips. At fresh flowers dense, unopened bud. Opened tulips will not last long. Do not be afraid of very small buds, tulips have the ability to grow and bloom in water, so these flowers will last longer in a vase than others.

Gerberas. Shake the flower a little: if it is stale, the petals fall off easily. The stem should be green, see if there is any wire, which is often braided already withering gerberas.

Lilies. Lily buds should be greenish in color, if they are yellow, the flower will no longer bloom. There should be no traces of pollen on the opened flowers, which means that the lilies have been standing for a long time.

Before making a bouquet, purchased flowers must be saturate with water. To do this, with a sharp knife (scissors, secateurs are not suitable: they close the pores of the stem), cut off a small part of the stem obliquely and put the flowers in a container of water for half an hour.

What bouquet would you like to collect?

The shapes of bouquets can be different, but for beginners it is better to use 2 techniques for collecting the composition: parallel or spiral. Be sure to pre-clean the lower part of the stems from leaves and thorns.

1. Parallel bouquet

This is the easiest way to make a bouquet, however, there is room for creativity. Technics: we lay the stems of plants parallel to each other, tightly. Often the binding tape also acts as a decoration.

Such a bouquet can be assembled to make it round, asymmetrical or one-sided.

Round form assembled from 1-4 types of flowers of approximately the same size and additions. In the center is the main flower, around it we place the rest in a circle, so that they are approximately at the same height. The composition can be linked several times for convenience.

AT asymmetrical bouquet we also place flowers in a circle, but the height of the flowers will be different.

Single sided bouquet. In such a bouquet there will be the highest point - a flower or flowers on the longest stems, and we arrange the rest of the plants in steps, gradually going down.

2. Spiral bouquet

This technique is suitable for lush bouquets consisting of a large number of different plants or flowers of the same species. The shape of the bouquet turns out to be round, and the arrangement of the stems helps to present a large number of flowers in a favorable light.

Technics: the easiest way is to assemble such a bouquet on the table.

The first flower is the base. The second is laid with a stem on the first with an inclination to the right. The third is behind the first, with an inclination to the left. And then in the same order.

If you make a bouquet of the same flowers, you do not need to constantly check it. If the composition contains different flowers, periodically gently lift the bouquet, holding the intersection point of the stems, to check and correct the arrangement of the elements.

Composition harmony

In order for the bouquet to be successful and live for a long time, it is important to follow two rules:

  • plant compatibility;
  • color matching.

Bouquets can be plain, similar, iridescent or contrasting. If it seems that it is difficult to combine colors, you can use the color wheel. Nearby are similar colors, and opposite each other - the brightest contrasts.

The European style of bouquets allows you to combine different flowers, however, some plants are better used in mono-bouquets, as they greatly shorten the life of their neighbors. Among such harmful "egoists":

  • narcissus (especially for tulips);
  • cloves (especially for roses);
  • lilies of the valley;
  • bird cherry;
  • mignonette.

But there are also “doctor” plants, they will prolong the life of flowers:

  • cypress;
  • juniper;
  • lily (for roses);
  • jasmine (for lily of the valley).

Design Secrets

Objectively beautiful bouquet- these are always small floral secrets that make the composition harmonious. Some of them:

  • in a composition of many colors there should be a main “point”, a focal point that attracts attention. Our eyes are subconsciously looking for "points" and such bouquets seem harmonious;
  • do not overdo it with greenery, and it should not be higher than flowers;
  • use of colors varying degrees openness and buds prolongs the life of the bouquet;
  • the rhythm of the bouquet is important: flowers, shapes, colors should alternate, then a certain “movement” of the composition is created that pleases the eye.

Packaging as part of the composition

Among the stylish and fashion packaging recent years and this year the first place is occupied by plain paper. Fabric and lace, dense raw linen - matting, satin ribbons and coarse weaving ropes will add charm to the bouquet.

Large and small grids are losing ground.

Undesirable - polyethylene, it can only be used as technical packaging.

Floral Trends - 2018

You will need

  • - flowers;
  • - tape or cord;
  • - decorative greenery;
  • - additional accessories (framework, packing material).


Before you start compiling, select for it. In this matter, it is very important to take into account the age, gender, appearance and, of course, the personal taste of the person to whom the bouquet is intended. To avoid embarrassing mistakes, follow the basic rules of flower etiquette. For choose large, tall flowers. For example, gladioli, hippeastrums. More delicate plants are suitable for women - roses, lilies,. Carnations are presented to mature and elderly people. by the most universal colors are gerberas, they can be almost everyone.

Stylistic enumeration. When creating a composition, do not use too many types of plants - the work will look sloppy and overloaded. Limit yourself to 2-3 types of flowers and add decorative greenery.

Like any other creative process, the creation of a bouquet can be divided into points:

  • Definition of form and composition;

  • Color compatibility and number of plants;

  • Bouquet arrangement.

You can make a bouquet of flowers growing in your garden. They should be cut at an angle and put in water. Dense stems should be cut garden pruner rather grassy with a sharp knife. Be sure to remove some of the lower spines and leaves before putting the flowers in the water. Thus, they will not decompose and will not spoil the water, and this can greatly shorten the life of plants. If you have flowers that have never been used in making bouquets - update the cut, so the stem will not become clogged with air and can "get drunk".

It must be remembered that bouquets are made different sizes and each is preferred for its own special occasion. For anniversaries and other major events, it would be appropriate to give large bouquets. For a wedding, less voluminous ones are suitable. It is important to take into account the gender, appearance and personal taste of the person to whom you present the bouquet. For men - moderately large, vertically elongated, with all their appearance showing restraint and severity of lines and shapes. For women, bouquets can be of various variations, there are no limits for your imagination.

Make bouquets with joy in your heart. Cause what you feel will be reflected in them color combinations and form. Experiment, create and give people your creations, because together with them you give joy and happiness!

A bouquet of fresh flowers will help to please a loved one, create a warm atmosphere in the house, decorate the holiday and complement the outfit. In order to correctly create a unique composition, it is necessary to take into account the compatibility of flowers and remember several techniques for composing bouquets, depending on the shape chosen for the future bouquet.


Decide on the color scheme and plants for the bouquet. Make a monochromatic bouquet of shades of the same color of different saturation. To correct a sudden disharmony, it will be enough to add white flowers, combined with any shade.

To prolong the life of a bouquet, consider the incompatibility of some flowers with each other when compiling it. So, for example, daisies, poppies and cornflowers oppress lilies; roses cannot coexist with carnations; don't get along with narcissists. But in any bouquet, twigs that can prolong the life of other flowers will be very desirable.

Complement the compositions with deadwood branches, greenery or other small "revitalizing" flowers. Use decorative elements: lace, plastic or paper butterflies, ribbons, etc. To give the bouquet a complete look, you can use the packaging chosen with taste. The main thing is not to overdo it with decorations.

Its shape depends on the purpose of the bouquet. Round low bouquets look great in small quantities on dining table. Large compositions harmonize well with tall vases standing on the floor. A bouquet that includes hanging branches is suitable for wall shelves.

Choose flowers to make a round bouquet: they can be either the same or different in length. Hold one in your hand central flower and add the following one at a time. Contact the stems only at the point of binding. Apply flowers slightly obliquely. The ends of the stems should project a circle. Add arrangement greens. Tie the bouquet at the junction of the stems.

To make a Biedermeier bouquet, take the top flower and arrange the flowers tightly around it in one row. After making a circle, wrap the flowers (not at the base of the heads) and stems with adhesive tape, secure. Then, around the circumference, set the flowers of the next row, wrapping and securing them in the same way. Composing several circles in this way, for each of which you can use different types flowers, wrap the stems with a narrow ribbon, lowering its ends to hang freely.

For the outer circumference of the bouquet, make a cuff of lace, paper, fabric, asparagus or hogweed.

Make a one-sided bouquet from plants with an excellent length of peduncles. "Filled" should be only the outer part of the bouquet. Place long plants at the back, short ones in tiers, in front. In the central part, place large flowers with bright colors.

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Little bouquet from fresh flowers, donated close person, is able to improve mood and create a warm atmosphere in the house. But it is even more pleasant to give someone a bouquet created by yourself. And, perhaps, you are one of those who, having learned the basics of floristry, will make unique author's compositions.


In order to create a beautiful bouquet, experienced florists first of all advise you to pay attention to the compatibility of flowers, the shape and technique of its preparation.

When choosing a color scheme, you can rely on your taste and not limit impulses of imagination. You can make a monochromatic bouquet that always looks beautiful, or you can choose flowers of different colors. But in this case, it is necessary to take into account the fact that some flowers are completely incompatible with each other. For example, you should not collect a bouquet of poppies, do not tolerate the presence of other types of roses, daffodils, lilies of the valley.

The composition must be supplemented with greenery or twigs. If you add a branch to the bouquet, then it can significantly extend the life of other flowers. Bouquets with decorative elements- various ribbons, laces, etc. But in no case should you pile up a bouquet - everything needs a measure.

The shape of the bouquets can be very diverse - round, linear, one-sided - it all depends on its purpose and the size of the vase. So, it is better to place large compositions in tall dishes and put them on the floor. Round in shape and low will look best on the table. bouquet and. Flowers with hanging stems are perfect for wall shelves. Bouquets of a linear shape are more suitable for decorating business events.

Round bouquets are usually arranged around a single flower. Take one flower left hand, and with the right start adding the following to it. In this case, the stems of flowers should touch only at the point of binding, so try to apply the following flowers in a spiral. In the process, greens can be added to the flowers. At the end, tie a bouquet in the very place where the stems touch.

One-sided bouquets are very simple in their execution. They are made up of plants with different lengths. The longest plants are usually set at the back, the shorter ones at the front, in tiers. It is important to place large and bright flowers in the center, then your bouquet will turn out to be very effective.

Linear bouquets are collected from a small number of plants with the addition of openwork branches, stems, leaves.

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Modern florists know how to make bouquets of fresh flowers that are amazing in their beauty and harmony. But even the most brilliant florists in the world are people just like us. To make bouquets that are ideal in terms of floristics, you need to study a lot, of course. But just a good and beautiful bouquet can be assembled by yourself, using the tips below.


In spring, it is better to combine no more than three shades. In addition, it is desirable that they also be matched in a single color scheme. For example, when you make up from light purple lilacs and, the latter should not be chosen yellow or red, otherwise the bouquet will look too colorful.

And now about the types of flowers. There may be several. You can safely combine the sizes and textures of flowers. Smooth, terry, needle-shaped, large and small flower heads - you can take any. At the same time, flowers with small corollas or pale colors are placed at the edges, and large and bright ones should take places closer to the center.

Carefully combine simple and complex flowers. Let us explain: gentle and so simple, lilies of the valley or daffodils should not be combined with bright and exotic or tropical anthurium. Such bouquets look tasteless. But extraordinary wild flowers (solidago, field iris) can be combined with any flowers, keeping them in the same color scheme.

There can't be a lot of greenery in the bouquet. A variety of greenery complements the bouquet and it should also be selected according to the rule of combining textures and sizes. For example, a dense and carved palm leaf, shimmering with gloss, is suitable for an airy sprig of asparagus. Only it is highly not recommended to collect a bouquet so that the flowers are hidden behind the greenery. Only light cereals can be placed above the entire bouquet as a whole.

A bouquet of fruits and vegetables is a fashionable and useful trend in the world of gifts, which you can always congratulate in an original way, surprise and feed the hero of the occasion. The advantage of fruit bouquets over flower bouquets is obvious: fruit won't wither so fastlike flowers, besides, they can be eaten and shared with guests.

The fruit composition looks just as bright, elegant and beautiful as the floral one, while it can bring as much joy and positive emotions. And even more: if you like juicy fruits, bright colours and fragrant smells, you will get incredible pleasure from such a gift. flower bouquets are also pleasing to the eye and smell pleasant, but sooner or later you will have to part with any fresh flowers, sending their withered buds to the trash can. And you can simply eat fruits, having previously captured them in bright and unforgettable photos.

Today designers, florists and craftsmen came up with many ways to replace flowers with tasty, healthy and no less beautiful gifts. We have already told you how to craft. And in this article we will teach you how to make a fruit bouquet from affordable, beautiful, bright and, most importantly, edible ingredients.

Traditionally - the best way for demonstration step by step instructions is an detailed wizard class, after watching which you will definitely want to make a bright fruit bouquet with your own hands. We will talk about the technique of making a bouquet a little later. Now I want to talk about the ingredients and the principles of their combination.

What is used in the manufacture of bouquets?

For the manufacture of edible bouquets, not only seasonal or Exotic fruits and berries, as well as others tasty, bright, fragrant ingredients.

  • Vegetables: broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, beets, cucumbers, turnips, zucchini, garlic.
  • Greenery: lettuce, parsley, dill, mint, arugula, basil.
  • Spices and aromatic herbs: vanilla, cinnamon, Bay leaf.
  • Mushrooms: mushrooms, oyster mushrooms.
  • nuts: almonds, walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, cedar.
  • Candies and sweets: marshmallow, macarons, rafaello, marshmallow, chocolate, meringue.
  • Flowers: live, paper, dried flowers.

The principle of making bouquets can be completely different: you can select fruits and vegetables according to the color or “to the taste” of the person for whom you are preparing a gift. The main thing is that the ingredients are combined in size and look harmonious in one composition.

To fasten all the details of the bouquet, various auxiliary tools and materials.

  • Skewers or bamboo sticks - for fruits.
  • Vases, baskets, cardboard boxes- for installing skewers.
  • Hard dough, styrofoam, floral sponge- for the base.
  • cling film, craft paper, foil, sisal fiber- for packing.
  • Wire, twine, colored ribbons, scotch- for fastening.

Fruit bouquets are a fairly new fad and should be decorated with some simple rules .

  • Fruits and vegetables for a bouquet can be precut or used as a whole. Be sure all the ingredients must be ripe, fresh, without stains and damage.
  • Before you start making a gift composition, the ingredients must be rinse thoroughly and dry.
  • Some masters in creating fruit bouquets use figured cutting, cookie cutters, shredding knives.
  • Do not take too juicy fruits and berries, because soft pieces will fall off the skewer. To attach soft fruits and berries, such as strawberries, to the skewer, first put a small slice of apple on a skewer or other hard fruit.
  • And sometimes half of the grapes are strung on top of the main fruits - to mask the punctures.
  • Sliced ​​fruit wrap cling film so that the product does not weather and does not darken. Also, the finished fruit composition can be sprinkled lemon juice.
  • For greater effect berries covered with chocolate or glaze with water, gelatin and lemon juice.
  • When composing a bouquet for adults, you can inject a few drops of alcohol into the middle of the fruit using a syringe.

How to make a bouquet of fruits: step by step for beginners

After you have learned a few secrets of composing fruit arrangements, it's time to move on to practice and try to make a bouquet of fruits with your own hands: step by step photo for beginners will help you in this lesson.

For composition you will need:

  • fruits;
  • bamboo sticks or skewers;
  • scotch;
  • gift wrap;
  • greens, flowers, sweets for decoration.

Citrus fruits for a bouquet can be cut
- in this form, they will look more effective.
We string fruit: large ones on bamboo sticks, smaller ones on skewers. Also you can use several skewers at once so that the composition does not break under the weight of fruit.
We begin to collect a fruit bouquet - the largest fruits in the middle, smaller ones on the sides. While your hand is still “not stuffed”, use fruits and vegetables that are more or less suitable in shape.

Place pomegranate, orange and grapefruit in the middle and secure them with tape.

Next, we set fruits around, smaller in size, berry branches, small flowers and greens. Pack the finished bouquet in paper, fasten with tape and decorate with a ribbon.
Your colorful and chic gift is ready.

In ancient times, plants and flowers were endowed with magical, supernatural powers that influenced the fate of people. Beautiful bouquets were used to decorate the dwellings of ordinary villagers and the palaces of wealthy people.

Floristry is an art

(floristry) is a surprisingly exciting activity. It will appeal to delicate natures, with exquisite taste and appreciating beauty. Doing this business, you will not be bored or sad. Learning how to make bouquets of flowers is not difficult if you have an artistic taste. Live and branches, leaves, fruits, etc. are used for work).

Any person can learn how to beautifully and correctly make bouquets. This opinion is very common. In fact, success in creating unique compositions consists of 30% knowledge of the technology of working with plants and 70% of artistic talent, love for wildlife and a great desire to improve your skills every day. Based on this, we can safely say that arranging bouquets, floristry is an art in which each created work is a canvas of flowers, leaves and branches.

Floristics - the world of your fantasies

Like any art, arranging bouquets (floristry) does not have strict limits for the artist's imagination. Compositions can be very diverse, and floristry styles are just options that are the basis for your creativity.

Making bouquets (floristry) from fresh flowers

The art of floristry involves the creation of compositions from living plants or dried ones (ikebana). But more often this style is used for long-term decoration of premises. Bouquets of natural flowers are more popular.

In composition, it is important to learn how to combine various varieties plants. For example, it will not look organic with an orchid. When composing a bouquet, you can apply one simple trick of experienced florists - use plants that, in this moment are in different stages: buds, partially or fully opened flowers. Such a bouquet will please for a long time with gradually blooming buds. Decorative greenery makes the composition complete.

in a bouquet

If you want to make a gift bouquet, then you need to know about the meanings of some flowers. For example, calla symbolizes balance and beauty, lotus - happiness and good health, peony - wealth and glory, gladiolus - constancy. The shade of the flower also matters. A bouquet in dark pink tones means gratitude, white - innocence and purity, purple - friendship. Composing the composition, pay attention to the foliage. It should not have brown spots.

Bouquets for special occasions

There are many situations in our life when we cannot do without beautiful bouquets. Personal celebrations, weddings, birthdays and anniversaries - those cases when the flower arrangement will bring harmony and a certain charm to the interior of the room where the holiday takes place. If we are talking about bouquets for decoration, then you need to choose the right size. The composition should fit into the interior and not interfere with guests.

Floristry: arranging bouquets for beginners

To learn the art of floristry, you need to know its basic principles, styles, study the methods of preparing the material, master professional tools florist. Everything else depends on the beginner's imagination and sense of style. It is necessary to always be aware of floral fashion, that is, to know which flowers are most popular today.

Florists' tools

In order to make the perfect bouquet, you will need:

Secateurs flower;

Gardening scissors.

You need a pruner to cut flowers with a dense stem, a knife is used to remove leaves, and you can trim almost all plants. To fix the plants in the compositions, floral foam is used, or an oasis, as professionals call it. When working with artificial flowers, you can use ordinary polyurethane foam.

Used vessels for bouquets and accessories

Amazing and exquisite craze for people different ages, men and women - floristry. Drawing up bouquets, the photos of which you see in our article, cannot be imagined without the use of special accessories and vessels. It could be a vase various materials: crystal, metal, glass, plastic, wood. As accessories, you can use ribbons, bells, candles (they are often used in Christmas compositions), beads, stones, etc.

Making bouquets (floristry) is an ancient and eternally young art. It is currently one of the leading trends in aesthetics.
