Myrtle tree feng shui. Indoor plant Myrtle ordinary: growing and care at home

1. Spathiphyllum. Another name for this plant is female happiness. There is a belief among the people that along with spathiphyllum, happiness and love come to the house. Moreover, it is believed that this indoor flower is able to make women happy (hence its popular name), giving them real happiness - to be loved: he helps single women find their soul mate, married women - to achieve mutual understanding, harmony in family life and relationships, and childless - to become a happy mother. However, it is believed that spathiphyllum has its "magical" energy only during the flowering period.

2. Violet. This is one of the most common indoor plants due to the huge variety of their shapes and colors. ABOUT given flower there is a huge number folk signs. It is believed that these plants are able to smooth out conflicts and bring understanding to the family. In addition, violet in the house contributes to the achievement of well-being and prosperity. White violets relieve suffering and heavy thoughts, while blue violets promote creativity and give inspiration. But the red violet is able to save a person from addiction to gluttony and excessive concern about their financial situation. Also, many consider this flower a symbol of eternal love.

3. Hibiscus or Chinese rose . The Chinese rose is a fairly popular and well-known indoor plant, so it is quite natural that a lot of folk signs are associated with this plant. It is customary to believe that hibiscus restores the fading flame of love between spouses who have lived together for a long time. And the appearance of a hibiscus in the house soon prophesies passionate love. For unmarried girl he will become a good assistant who will make her attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex.

4. Hoya or wax ivy. In room conditions, it is a medium-sized shrub with stunningly beautiful spherical inflorescences. Hoya is the patroness of young lovers, tenderness and fidelity. During flowering, it releases sweetish nectar and an exciting smell. Therefore, it is best to put it in the bedroom. In some countries, this plant is given as a Valentine on February 14th.

5. Myrtle. It is believed that the myrtle in the house will grow only when it was planted by the mistress of this house - namely the woman. In the old ancient times, myrtle was considered a powerful amulet. Women planted this flower in a new pot, dressed themselves in the most beautiful and expensive skirt, and when planting, they looked proudly at the plant. Since ancient times, the Slavs believed that myrtle is a plant of brides. If a girl grows this flower from the very beginning, then by the wedding day it becomes beautiful and rich. According to signs, during the wedding, the bride should give sprigs of myrtle to the guests, then her marriage will be happy and long.

Signs associated with home flowers

What are flowers for at home? And are they needed at all?
Many historians tend to believe that indoor flowers were grown 5000 years ago. But in modern world steel colors are not taken seriously, as a rule, they are perceived as decoration for living quarters.

First of all, flowers are able to filter and purify the air of the room where they are located. Renowned scientists have scientifically proven that plants absorb air with harmful substances and convert it into pure oxygen.

Dangerous and useful plants

In addition, they can perform other functions such as:

- plants in the house contribute to the improvement of a person;
- they have a positive effect on the emotional and psychological background of the inhabitants of an apartment or house;
flowers can help in raising a child. By teaching your child how to care for flowers, you can thereby instill in him a sense of responsibility and teach caring.
So, what is really the benefit of the plants that we have in our homes. We all know that these plants with their bright colors and green leaves add beauty and comfort to our homes. Do not forget that aesthetically designed rooms cheer up. It is due to the fact that the flowers in them create small oases. At such oases, eyes tired from TV or computer can rest. But for single people, caring for flowers can be the only joy in life.

If due to the fact that you have allergic reactions to animal hair, then flowers can come to your aid. They are able to respond to every kind word not as noticeably as a dog or cat. In addition, plants need care no less than animals. And in gratitude for your warm attitude they will delight you with their beautiful view. But to instill a sense of harmony in a child, the very appearance of domestic plants will help. Flowers will also be of great benefit to expectant mothers, because they just need to look at something really beautiful and harmonious during pregnancy.
Pharmacy on your windowsill
IN modern times a huge number of different medicines are distributed. Unfortunately, not everyone knows that the very first medicine you have is on the windowsill. Also in ancient times people noticed that some plants are able to have a healing effect on the human body. And in our time, in order not to harm the children's body with medicines during illness, many mothers use the flowers that are on their windowsill. It is worth remembering that all flowers in a row do not have medicinal properties.
Here, for example, everyone famous flower, which is located in almost every home - aloe, or as it is also called agave. This plant is legendary. traditional medicine. For treatment, only the juice and the fleshy part of the leaves are used. From these ingredients, gruel is made. It is used for simple skin diseases and wounds. But diluted aloe juice can be used to wash the eyes and nasal cavity. Infusions made from agave leaves are ideal for gastrointestinal diseases. intestinal tract. This plant is excellent in cosmetology. The thing is that it is the agave that has regenerative properties. It is thanks to this plant that you can refuse a large number of drugs.

But such a flower as a spathiphyllum can be safely called a living filter in your apartment. This plant has excellent antiseptic properties. In addition, spathiphyllum perfectly purifies the air. The leaves of this plant can absorb such harmful substances like benzene, carbon monoxide and formaldehyde. In those rooms where the spathiphyllum grows, the appearance of fungi is not observed and there is much less dust. This plant is great for bedrooms.
Many in the apartments have such a flower as Kalanchoe. Unfortunately, not all of its owners know that this plant is an excellent expert in the fight against acute respiratory diseases. With strong manifestations of a runny nose, Kalanchoe juice is instilled into the nose. He copes well with a cold. In the event that you have a severe sore throat, you can rinse the leaf of the plant and chew it for several minutes. But if you add a few leaves of Kalanchoe to tea, you can significantly alleviate the symptoms of a cold. This plant is useful not only for treatment at home, it is able to purify indoor air from pathogenic bacteria.
A flower such as geranium has a very specific aroma of leaves and flowers. Geranium is considered a natural antidepressant and sedative. The aroma of this plant is able to scare away various insects from your windows, and has the effect of an antiseptic for the air. Not a large number of experts believe that this flower should be in the bedroom, but given its strong aroma, it is better to refrain from this.
Plants such as violets, cyclamens and ferns are natural humidifiers. They have not only decorative qualities, but are also well able to humidify the air in the apartment. Many people recommend that you refrain from buying a humidifier for a particular room, it would be much better if you place pots of violets or ferns on the windowsill.
But such a plant as chlorophytum ideally cleans the air from exhaust gases, dust and gasoline fumes. For normal and healthy growth of the plant, it must be placed in bright rooms where direct sunlight falls. It is in such an environment that the plant will perfectly purify the air.
But do not forget that there are plants that are contraindicated to keep in the apartment. Such plants have high decorative qualities, but they harm not only human health, but also pets. It is recommended to decorate with flowers such as oleander, azalea, amaryllis and dieffenbachia. non-residential premises or grow them suburban area. Before buying plants for your home, try to learn as much as you can about them.

Folk omens and house plants.
There are various signs associated with home flowers that have been known for a very long time. Often they are told with the use of various horror stories that seem to have happened to a "friend of a friend."
“If a flower that was recently presented dried up quickly, it means that it was not presented from the heart!” - as if no one knows what quality the flowers from the nearby stalls are. Especially if the gift was chosen by someone who knows little about floriculture.
“If the donated flower dried up quickly, it means that he averted trouble or illness!” - those plants that have been growing for a long time did not react to your problems in any way, and this very caring newcomer took and took you away from trouble. Although no one knows how to properly care for him, and does not think that they carried him in the cold.
And the sign “flowers that were stolen will take root better” ruined a large number of excellent plants, due to the fact that someone tore off the stalk without the permission of the owners.
Most of the signs associated with indoor plants were related to old house plants. Those plants that have recently appeared on the market have not yet had time to acquire various signs.
Plants that are dangerous to life
Sometimes it is heard that such a plant as ivy, being in the house, brings not only various misfortunes, but also a man survives from the house, is the reason for divorce from her husband. Although in Ancient Rome and Greece, ivy, on the contrary, was a symbol of successful marriage and fidelity in the family. They thought that a sprig of ivy, which was placed on the chest of a young girl, kept her beauty for many years. In the East, even now, ivy is considered a source of vitality and energy, a symbol of perseverance. It is better to plant ivy in the yard, then there will be good relations in the house.
Even before the war, ficus was in almost every home, symbolizing family well-being. But already in post-war times the attitude towards him changed significantly - people advised him not to keep him in his house.
One of the most considered "dangerous" indoor flowers is monstera, this large fast-growing vine with holes in the leaves. It is believed that she "absorbs energy, and maybe even strangle in the middle of the night." In China, on the contrary, monstera is considered a symbol of respect for elders and respected people, as well as a symbol of longevity. It is given for such holidays as: anniversaries, birthdays, as well as special family events. Although, they say that monstera relieves headaches.
In different parts they say differently, some say that bringing a fern into the house brings trouble. And in other parts, it is believed that ferns, on the contrary, drive the house away from various evil spirits. And if, nevertheless, your plant has dried up, take a closer look at the environment: the plant has removed damage from you.
The most "terrible" plants are considered "husbands". Plants that drive a man out of the house.

The flower donated - dries quickly or vice versa grows with great force?

Relations between a woman and a man change over time, such is nature. People are going through a lot when they part. BUT home flower at the same time, it does not dry out from sadness, but grows and develops with even greater strength. So this plant is to blame!
Usually, the most undemanding plants- cissus, tradescantia, scindapsus it is not clear what the relationship between human relations and plants is, because in other families they live in the same way, where the spouses are in peace and harmony.
Strange as it may seem, even such a plant as violet (Saintpaulia) fell into the category of “dangerous” domestic plants. There are various beliefs that she somehow "gives off girls for unloved ones, drives her out of the house." It's just not at all clear how this works out. small plant. Although she is also considered a symbol of devotion and peace, quarrels rarely occur in the family where she grows up. White violet helps to endure suffering more easily.
Useful plants.

A fat woman is a flower of unmarriage (signs)

A huge number of signs are connected precisely with " money tree"(fat woman). This plant is specially grown in order to make money in the house. It must be planted in a red pot, putting several different coins on the bottom. The more leaves there are, the more money will start.
The spathiphyllum flower is called female happiness, because when the white flags of its flowers bloom, well-being and happiness with your loved one come to the house. And this flower blooms almost all year round, it is considered a very useful plant in the house.
Anthurium is considered male happiness", strengthens" male power". His place is in the bedroom. Fern is recommended to be placed closer to the TV, it neutralizes Negative influence electronic technology.
It is believed that the cactus protects from the radiation of the TV screen and monitor, they are also the keepers of the house from thieves and burglars. But it is also believed that the cactus in the house - to the drunkenness of her husband.
Aloe normalize family relationships bring peace and tranquility to the home. Aloe also protects against damage, the evil eye, uninvited guests.
Bamboo is a symbol of successful business, career growth, as well as the desire for success. It must be kept on the desktop.
Chlorophytum promises peace and mutual understanding, good for the office, it cleans the air well, removes chemicals from the air.
Hoya or wax ivy serves as a Valentine for lovers. Her best place is the bedroom.
Aspidistra is a symbol of perseverance. Refers to lovers of "to drink too much."
Hibiscus or the so-called Chinese rose is a symbol of passion and peace.
Calathea keeps family happiness, is a good gift.
Aichrizon, in another way is called as a tree of love and happiness.
Oxalis or sour helps to find true love.
Dracaena and yucca give energy and improve mood.
Dieffenbachnya in the office is a symbol of the prosperity of the company.
Climbing plants on the contrary - to nightmares.
Myrtle brings happiness, peace, understanding to the house.
Geranium improves the sleep of the owners.
No need to rush to throw out your favorite indoor flowers, just because someone told you about bad omens associated with them.
It is necessary to believe all these "flower" superstitions or not - everyone's personal business. You just need to first think about the fact that before they told you about it, they arranged you in your house. They also quietly grow in offices and apartments in any country, and bring people good mood and joy.

Monetary and dollar tree in the apartment - what are they for?
A money and dollar tree in an apartment is needed first of all in the same way as any other plants are needed. They decorate our home and purify the air in it, supplying us with life-giving oxygen around the clock. They are pleasant to look at, looking at them is a pleasure. Growing them, we invest our time, labor and knowledge, so we look at them with involuntary pride, because this is one of the manifestations of our individuality.
The importance of plants in our life is quite large, a lot can be said about this. However, for now, we will focus only on the so-called money tree; before we learned the word “feng shui”, it was called in Russian “fat woman” or “tree-like fat woman”. On the scientific language, that is, in Latin, it is called beautiful word crassula. The leaves of this tree look like they are polished, they are round enough to look like coins. That is why, probably, the fat woman is considered a money tree. Get a fat girl in the house, carefully raise her - and get rich; so says feng shui, but feng shui is a kind of result of five thousand years of experience of such a wise people as the Chinese.
You can believe it or not, but what's really good about a fat woman is that if you bring it into the house, it definitely won't hurt anyone. In addition, if you firmly believe that the tree will bring you wealth, it is likely that this is exactly what will happen. However, you should not get hung up on this, just as you should not rely solely on your green tenant. Make other efforts to attract money into your life, but at the same time take care of the fat woman, she will help you. Looking at her, every time you will think that you are about to get rich; such a positive attitude is useful in itself.
Plants grow better if they are stolen. Known truth. There is an opportunity to slowly tear off a twig or even a leaf somewhere - tear it off. The plant reproduces easily, so even one leaf will give roots. But it will take a very long time to grow a flower, so maybe buying in a store will still the best choice. However, it is not worth buying a strongly adult tree - it will be more difficult for it to take root in other conditions. Get an average plant in the expectation that it will grow and grow, multiplying your well-being.
The money tree does not require any special knowledge. After all, there are capricious plants that only a professional florist can afford to keep at home or, in last resort, an experienced plant lover. The fat woman does not belong to those, she is not particularly whimsical.
It is believed that the fat woman must certainly be kept in the money corner, that is, in the far left corner from the main entrance to the entire apartment as a whole and to each room separately. It is, of course, logical; but if this corner in your apartment is located so that the sun's rays rarely get there, it is better to make a different choice. Put the fat woman in the sun - she loves the light. As for the money corner, it must be well illuminated. This will help you, but not the fat woman: artificial light is not particularly useful for her. Literally two to three weeks after the plant appears in the house, you can make sure that you have chosen the right place. The fact is that the fat woman grows quite quickly - but only if she feels good. If you placed the tree incorrectly, it is in best case will remain fresh, but will not grow, and in the worst case, it will die altogether. So watch carefully. If the plant is strongly drawn to the light and therefore, as it were, warps in one direction, it is good to turn the pot around its axis from time to time, forcing the leaves to stretch in the other direction - this stimulates growth, and money will come to you from different sources.
For all plants, excess water is much more harmful than dry soil, and this fully applies to the money tree. Watering once or twice a week, no more, and no water on the pan; although, of course, it is also impossible to bring the soil to dryness. As usual, water less often in winter than in summer. Arrange a shower for a fat woman, it will be a pleasure not only for the plant, but also for you: it's nice to see how beautiful, as if varnished coin leaves shine. Think you're laundering money! In the truest sense of the word, of course.

The fat woman is also good because she is very famous: if you want, for example, to feed a tree, you will receive qualified advice in any good flower shop. You will be given the right supplement - in the form of a liquid, powder, or a short stick that is simply stuck into the ground - and told how often and when to use it. The fat woman will appreciate your efforts and will grow even better along with your bank account.
The most important thing is not to forget to transplant the fat girl. Let's say everything went well for you, the plant took root and pleases you almost every day with new fresh leaves. Its trunk is getting thicker, turning brown - and just about a bush will turn into a tree. Wonderful! Carefully inspect the pot - isn't it time to find a bigger house for your green tenant? Its roots do not tolerate crowding. Try to repot along with all the soil that hugs the roots. Water immediately and then carefully observe the plant for several days.
If you are not attracted to living plants, you can make a dollar tree yourself. To do this, you need to take a branch, "plant" it in a pot and hang coins on the leaves - the more coins, the better. There are at least a hundred of them on a real money tree. It is good to hang coins on bright red shoelaces - the color of money in Feng Shui. Such a tree requires care, as if it were alive: you have to wash the dust every now and then, and this is inevitable, because the magic will not work in the dirt. So think about it: wouldn't it be better to have a live plant?
The green dollar tree is your assistant on the path to wealth and success. Moreover, the assistant is very cute, pleasing to the eye and attracting you to your home not only money, but also clean air.

In ancient times, myrtle was considered a very powerful amulet. That is why this plant is still considered one of the most suitable for the hearth in many countries, except for Muslim ones. In our homeland, this flower is also treated with respect, and here's why - we'll figure it out now. The topic of today's article is signs and superstitions about the myrtle tree.

brides plant

The Slavic peoples called the myrtle tree the plant of brides. It was believed that a girl who independently grew this flower at home would definitely be happy in marriage. Especially good sign- if the flower shortly before the wedding becomes especially lush, beautiful. There is a tradition - to give guests present at the ceremony a sprig of myrtle - then family union will be durable for years to come.

Charm for a young family

Omens and superstitions about myrtle often associate it with family happiness. If the newlyweds immediately after the wedding, the mother-in-law gives a myrtle tree, harmony, mutual understanding, and prosperity will reign in their house. However, young people may well buy this plant themselves: the wonderful properties of the flower will not disappear from this - it will still prevent quarrels, conflicts, scandals.

myrtle tree- it is also a symbol of fidelity, so it is definitely recommended to put it in the house of monogamists who want to live with one single person for the rest of their lives.

Fresh air

Not only signs and superstitions about myrtle in the house speak in favor of this plant, but also its natural qualities. So, for example, this flower has the strongest bactericidal property, which means that the inhabitants of the house with such a neighborhood will get sick less. Scientists have proven that myrtle tree alone can purify indoor air by as much as 80 percent!

Baby sedative

Myrtle has a positive effect on young children, making them more calm, obedient. The plant also soothes children's fears and reduces the level of anxiety in a child. If your child is hyperactive, misbehaves, is constantly naughty - put a pot with this flower in the children's room, and very soon you will see positive changes.

Not just for kids

Exists interesting sign or a superstition about a myrtle flower in a dwelling where there are pets. It is believed that this plant also has a positive effect on cats and small dogs: animals become more affectionate, begin to pay more attention to their owners, stop misbehaving, spoiling furniture.

Are there bad omens?

In fact, among the signs and superstitions about the myrtle tree, there are not very good ones. So, for example, on the territory of Muslim countries, it is not customary to put a plant in houses where there are children: it is believed that the presence of this flower blocks the ability to build happy life young girls, boys. This is a very strange belief that contradicts good attitude to the plant in other countries. And you should not plant a myrtle tree at work, in the office, personal account, since in this case it loses its positive properties. Of course, there will be no harm from such a flower, but there will be no benefit either.

Myrtle - a reminder of Eden. The southern evergreen woody plant myrtle has always been very popular, because according to legend, this shrub was inherited by us from Adam and Eve, who were allowed to take only one plant with them from Eden. For a long time they could not decide what to take with them, because in the Garden of Eden there were many amazing flowers and trees. Tormented by doubts, Eva decided to seek help from the bird, which long time delighted them with her wonderful singing. The blue bird responded to the request and, flying around the Garden of Eden, sat down on a branch of a myrtle tree. Adam and Eve took with them myrtle, which not only resembled the former holiness of man, but also protected them home.

The symbolic meaning of myrtle

IN different times myrtle endowed special meaning. Most often, this plant symbolized silence, peace, pleasure, love, glory and good deeds (which is why in ancient times the myrtle wreath was indispensable at weddings). In antiquity, myrtle was considered one of the attributes of Venus.

IN Ancient Greece myrtle was a symbol of power and high position in society. Heroes and winners were greeted with myrtle branches in their hands after military campaigns. During the Renaissance evergreen shrub symbolized eternal love And marital fidelity. According to the Bible, a dove with a sprig of myrtle became the herald of salvation during the Flood.

In the 19th century, Queen Victoria introduced the tradition of using myrtle wreaths and bouquets of lush white flowers from the shrub at royal weddings. This tradition is still honored in the British royal house, where every bride in her bouquet always has a sprig of myrtle, cut in the royal garden.

The magical properties of myrtle

Myrtle represents fertility, purity, the beginning of a new life, rebirth, eternal love, youth, joy, glory and success. Because of this symbolism, evergreen endowed with many magical properties. So it was considered popular to grow myrtle in the house, as it cleans the air well, kills diseases and negative energy. In addition, myrtle sprigs help fight depression, fears and anxiety.

In Greece, it is believed that if a person wants to stay young and full of energy for a longer time, he must definitely pick a small myrtle branch. Myrtle is irreplaceable in magical rituals gypsies, who, thanks to this plant, win over the interlocutor and introduce him into a hypnotic state. It is also believed that three leaves of myrtle at the head of the bed will help to see prophetic dreams.

Myrtle is quite often used as amulets. So, for example, to attract wealth, it is recommended to wear plant branches in a bag, and in order to achieve maximum success in life, you need to put the plant in the house (in the southwest direction) and put a golden object next to it. Beads and bracelets made of myrtle help to strengthen love relationship, flowers and leaves (in a sachet) - will make married life happy, and a piece of wood - keep youth.

Myrtle is also indispensable in love magic, because even in ancient Rome they noticed that this plant has an exciting effect on a person. Until now, in Italy, girls take a bath to attract male attention, adding essential oils of myrtle. It is believed that myrtle protects the hearth and happiness, and in order for children to appear in the family, it was advised to put two myrtle trees that needed to be tied together with a ribbon.

ABOUT healing properties Myrtle has been known to people since antiquity, and in the 16th century, the leaves and flowers of this plant were used to make skin lotion (known as "Angel's Water"). In the last century, it was scientifically proven that myrtle has antibacterial properties, and therefore essential oils extracted from the plant are now quite widely used in medicine, cosmetology, and perfumery.

Myrtle helps in the fight against various respiratory diseases (there is also evidence of the use of drugs containing myrtle in the treatment of tuberculosis). Due to the bactericidal and immunostimulating effect, the leaves of the plant (in dry form and as a tincture) are quite effective in the treatment of sinusitis, diphtheria, diseases of the throat, gastrointestinal tract, Bladder, prostatitis. Myrtle is recommended for people with diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system. Also, these plants are advised to those who have oncology.

Since myrtle has anti-inflammatory properties, it is an excellent remedy in the fight against colds and viral diseases, well helps with allergic reactions. In addition, myrtle is excellent for insomnia, depression and stress. As an external agent, the plant is used to combat various skin diseases (purulent wounds, herpes zoster, acne) and to treat eye diseases (an infusion is instilled).

Myrtle is one of the florist's most favorite houseplants. This is not surprising, because the myrtle tree is incredibly beautiful and useful. Moreover, it has rich history origin and very beautiful symbolism. There are many legends and beliefs associated with this leafy beauty.

Myrtle is a plant from the genus of evergreen shrubs and trees. It belongs to the myrtle family and originates in ancient Greece. For many centuries, this tree has been considered a symbol of beauty and youth, and it also symbolizes happiness and prosperity in the family. As decorative flower the myrtle plant was formed over 400 years. In room conditions, the flower can reach 1 m in height, in natural conditions it grows up to 3-4 m.

Leaves of a woody shrub

The woody shrub has straight stems that branch quite densely. The leaves of this handsome man are dark green, dense, leathery. The shape of the myrtle leaf is oblong, slightly sharpened towards the edge. On the stems, the leaves grow very abundantly and are held on small petioles. The length of one leaf reaches from 2 to 5 cm. The leaves may have various forms depending on the type of plant, for example, hekven myrtle has wrinkled edges on the foliage.

Myrtle leaves are shiny and have a pleasant smell. The thing is that the leaves contain small glands that can be seen close up in good light. It is thanks to these glands that the leaf of the plant releases essential oils and aromatic substances. Essential oil myrtle helps to relieve fatigue, calms well and treats insomnia. However, one should be careful with the aroma of myrtle, as excessive amounts of it can cause nausea and dizziness.

indoor plant flowering

Myrtle flowers grow singly in the axils of the leaves, or flowering is collected in whole brushes. Flowering is mostly white, sometimes there are pink shades of flowers. The flowers themselves are small, very fragrant and fragrant. Bloom room myrtle pollinated with a brush. The tree blooms in early summer and bears fruit in autumn. The fruits of this plant contain spice, they are edible and juicy, dark blue or deep red in appearance.

Popular types of myrtle

Today there are about one hundred various kinds myrtle. This fragrant leafy beauty is represented by a wealth of species throughout the world, but the most common is the common myrtle or, as it is also called, communis. And this is not surprising, because flower growers consider the myrtle plant to be the most unpretentious flower from the myrtle family. characteristic features of this tree are five-petalled flowers with golden stamens in the center, as well as a strongly branched trunk, rather short.

Such species as small-leaved myrtle, lush myrtle, Ralph myrtle, hekven myrtle are very popular. Also included in the description of the myrtle plant is a species such as Tarentina Granada, a dwarf flower that gives its owners a beautiful lush bloom. All these species have differences in the shape of leaves and branches, as well as in the color of the fruits, but they are all incredibly beautiful and unique.

Medicinal and beneficial qualities of the myrtle plant

It is not in vain that the characteristic of myrtle has such an interesting point: with Greek translate the word "myrtle" as "balm".

You can list for a very long time what myrtle is useful for and how it is valued in medicine. This southern plant has a huge storehouse of medicinal properties. Today, everyone who cares about their health is interested in the topic - the myrtle plant: its properties and uses, because this small indoor dweller is very rich in useful qualities.

The flower is able to purify the air in the apartment, protect the inhabitants of the house from bacteria and annoying viruses, for example, from SARS, from tuberculosis and diphtheria bacilli. The antibacterial properties of myrtle plants are widely known, as well as the fact that the flower contributes to the anti-inflammatory processes of the body.

Various tinctures are made from the tree, which help with intestinal diseases assist in the fight against cancerous tumors, help to cope with heart diseases, have healing effects in sinusitis, diabetes, liver and kidney diseases. Interestingly, myrtle is also used for various allergic symptoms.

The essential oil, which is found in the foliage, bark and flowers of the tree, perfectly tones and soothes. This oil is widely used for cosmetic purposes, because it heals the skin from acne, gives it freshness, strengthens the hair. And myrtle oil invigorates and improves mood. And on this beneficial features myrtle plants do not end there. This evergreen flower softens the cough of a heavy smoker, improves immunity.

Proper care of myrtle at home

Many amateur flower growers are wondering how to care for myrtle so that it grows healthy and strong. Any indoor flower needs reverent and attentive care, because it needs to feel cared for. If the care of the myrtle plant at home was complete, then this indoor handsome man will certainly please the grower with his magnificent growth. To do this, you need to follow a few simple tips.

Place and lighting for a flower

Myrtle loves sunlight, however, sunlight should be in moderation, especially in hot summer days. You should not keep a flowerpot with a myrtle tree in the heat. It is best to place the flower in a well-lit area, or on a windowsill. It will be great if the tree is on the west or east side. In summer, caring for a myrtle plant requires less effort, just take it out into the fresh air, for example, onto a balcony. In winter, you need to provide a flower good lighting.

Temperature and humidity

A favorable atmosphere for a myrtle flower: how to care, what temperature to observe, how to refresh it and not overdry it? All this is quite simple. The myrtle tree grows well in moderate air temperatures, in winter it will feel good at temperatures up to eight degrees below zero. If you provide myrtle with coolness in winter, then in summer this handsome man will bloom thickly and profusely. In the summer season, the flower just needs to be kept on fresh air but keep away from hot heat.

Humidity This evergreen tree requires high humidity and copes very poorly with dry indoor air. The plant needs constant spraying in summer, as well as in spring and warm autumn, when it grows intensively and grows stronger. When cold weather sets in, you can not spray it.

Soil, fertilizer, and watering

The soil in the pot with the myrtle plant should remain fairly moist. The flowerpot is recommended to contain sand, humus, peat soil and turf soil in equal amounts. You can also make the soil from clay, humus, peat and sod land in equal amounts and add sand. Watered house tree should be regularly, but in moderation, do not overfill the flowerpot. Warm water is used for irrigation.

How much fertilizer does a houseplant myrtle require: cultivation and care during feeding, are there any features? The fact is that top dressing depends on what result is expected by the grower. If you want to achieve good flowering, you can, for example, use fertilizer with phosphorus, and fertilizing with nitrogen is suitable for growing a small ornamental tree. Whatever the choice of grower, the main thing is not to forget to feed the myrtle flower once a week.

Transplanting a woody shrub

Replant woody shrubs should be as necessary, this should be done carefully and carefully.

With this crucial procedure, it is necessary to ensure that the trunk does not sink into the ground along with the roots, it is recommended to leave it on the surface of the flowerpot. While the leafy handsome man is young, you can replant it once a year, but try not to overdo it, because very large flowerpots will not benefit the tree. Also, it must be remembered that the flower is transplanted in the spring before it begins to bloom.

Trimming and pinching

Myrtle needs pruning in order to gain nice shape. This leafy flower will be pleasing to the eye in any case, but if you give it the desired look with trimming, it will look unique. If you cut the top of the flower, it will decorate the interior of the room in the form of a shrub, but if you trim the side parts, the myrtle will stretch up like a slender tree. Here it is recommended to remember the following: the woody plant is cut when the trunk is already strong, and this procedure is necessarily carried out in the spring.

You can pinch a leafy handsome man as needed in order to increase the density of the crowns. Myrtle will become fuller and healthier after pinching, but it is not recommended to do this too often, as the tree may lose its flowering density. Experienced flower growers they know that procedures of this kind should be carried out moderately, taking into account all the subtleties of the common myrtle issue: home care, because each plant loves an individual approach.

Propagation of the myrtle tree

In nature, there are two ways to propagate myrtle: from seeds and using cuttings. Both methods require a lot of attention and care. The flower grower propagates by cuttings 2 times a year, for this it is necessary to remove them from the myrtle and plant them for rooting in peat with sand. The cuttings are covered with a bag to preserve moisture, and after a month, when the roots grow, they can be planted in a small flowerpot. Such a myrtle blooms already in the third year of its growth.

For seeds, it is necessary to prepare the soil from peat and sand, distribute them evenly on the surface, sprinkle on top thin layer earth and cover with foil. This soil is recommended to be placed in a well-lit place and watered regularly. After about 2 weeks, when the seedlings have two leaves, you can transplant them into small flowerpots. This myrtle will begin to bloom in the fifth year of life.

What threatens myrtle?

Is myrtle healthy: diseases and treatment, what should be feared and how to properly protect a woody plant? Flower growers definitely need to know what myrtle diseases are in order to prevent their occurrence. The most common misfortune is aphids, very unpleasant spider mite, as well as a shield. These, as well as similar myrtle pests, can manifest themselves if the flower is not provided with good lighting and proper watering. Treatment is carried out with insecticides, it is also recommended to spray the handsome myrtle with water, special attention giving the underside of the foliage.

Every florist who boasts a chic myrtle plant in his collection is incredibly proud of it, because this flower carries a lot of useful nuances. We can talk forever about the symbolism, history and beauty of this leafy pet, but it's better to just enjoy the view in your home! Many useful information in the article:
