How to care for climbing roses in the garden. Ramblers, or small-flowered climbing roses

Garden ensembles created using climbing roses are particularly sophisticated, but in order to achieve a good result, you need the right approach to growing them. We will tell you about the secrets of planting and caring for this fashionable and beautiful plant.

About varieties and varieties of climbing roses

All climbing roses are divided into 3 groups: ramblers (small-flowered), large-flowered (Climber) and Climbing (climbings), which differ even more large flowers. The difference between them is clearly visible in the photo.

Our most popular varieties include:


A climbing rose, planting and caring for which is somewhat different from other types of roses, loves the sun, so it is planted on the south or southwest side estates. Wetlands are not suitable. In this case, the roots may rot, because. in depth they germinate up to 2 m. It is better when the place where they grow is located on a hill and is well ventilated.

Important! Never plant bushes in places where roses have already grown.

It is recommended to plant plants in the fall (September), although you can do this in the spring, but then the flowers will appear 2 weeks later. Most suitable soil is loose, permeable loam. Heavy clay is diluted with a small amount of lime. For planting roses, beds 0.5-0.6 m wide are enough. Pits 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 m in size and at a distance of 1 m from one another are dug in advance. If at the time of planting the soil in them is dry, pour 1 bucket of water into each, add 0.5 buckets of manure, humus and phosphorus-containing fertilizer. The bottom of the pit is dug up.

climbing rose bush before planting

Seedlings are treated before planting - the roots are pruned, removing long shoots, pickled in a solution of potassium permanganate of low concentration, charcoal sprinkle the places where the kidneys are located, then the bush is lowered into the biostimulant solution. The latter is often used mineral mixture, consisting of clay, mullein and 2-3 tablets of phosphorobacterin per 10 liters of water or 1 tablet of heteroauxin. After that, the seedling is immersed in the hole. If this happens in the fall, then when root collar they fall asleep with soil by 12 centimeters, otherwise the plant will most likely die in winter. Further, the soil is compacted and watered, and the plant is cut off, stepping back from the ground level of 18 centimeters. During spring planting, the seedling is shortened to 11-13 cm.

Advice. If you plan to decorate a wall, then place a hole for a climbing rose at a distance of about 0.45 m from the object, because. its roots can destroy the foundation.

climbing rose care

Care includes a minimum of activities:

  • abundant, but without fanaticism watering - once a week and a half;
  • mulching with grass, sawdust, humus, straw;
  • pruning faded shoots to stimulate the emergence of new buds;
  • top dressing.

Choose the best for the rose sunny place Location on

Since the length of the branches increases quite quickly, you need to plan their direction in advance. As soon as they grow to 0.5 m, they install vertical supports for their garters. During the season, many such racks have to be installed, because many lateral processes appear on each lash. Thus, the crown is formed, flowering becomes longer and more abundant, and the entire object near which the bush grows is completely covered with stems, as in the photo.

A mandatory procedure is to prepare the bush for winter. He needs good insulation. Climbing roses are covered in two ways: by removing them from the support and leaving the lashes in place. When choosing the first method, shoots are removed from the rack, weak and old are removed so that only 10-12 pieces remain. the strongest. Further, they are tied up, pressed to the soil, fixed with pegs, covered with spruce branches, and a layer of soil is poured onto the base and covered with a film.

Think ahead and install a support for a climbing rose

Fertilizer and top dressing

Humus added to the hole at planting will nourish rose bush 2 years. In the future, the plant will need fertilizer. In the spring, manure is applied to encourage the growth of young stems. In autumn, this fertilizer is contraindicated, because. regrown shoots will not have time to gain strength and will not survive the winter. Optimal composition autumn feeding:

  • sulfate, potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, potassium magnesia;
  • superphosphate - double and simple;
  • slaked lime, chalk, dolomite flour, wood ash, i.e. formulations containing calcium.

Roses need varied and regular feeding.

During the growing season, roses are fed 4-5 times. To feed plants with potassium, you can use a solution consisting of 10 liters of water, 15 g of superphosphate and 16 g of potassium monophosphate. In order for roses to get enough phosphate, 10 g of magnesium sulfate is added to a bucket of water. As a calcium supplement, use a solution of 1 large spoon of calcium nitrate in a bucket of water.

Advice. To enrich roses with potassium, bury a banana peel under a bush. They contain this element in large quantities.

Propagation of a climbing rose

The most common method of reproduction is cuttings. The rooting rate is almost 100%. It is better to harvest cuttings from lashes that are still in bloom or have already faded in June-August. It is done like this:

  • cut blanks with 2-3 kidneys;
  • the bottom is cut off under the last kidney at an angle of 45 degrees, the top is straight;
  • leaves are removed from below, and shortened by 1/2 from above;
  • planted immediately in a flower bed or in a container;

climbing rose seedlings

  • cover with a plastic or glass container;
  • moisturize, without violating the tightness of the shelter;
  • remove the protection in the spring of the following year.

Sometimes the cuttings are treated with a growth agent - heteroauxin or any other.

More complex method - budding. It is suitable only for a few large-flowered climbing roses. The operation is carried out in July-August, but September is also captured in the south. As a stock, one or 2-year-old wild rose is chosen, on the root neck of which an incision is made in the form of the letter T and a dormant bud is inserted. The place is tightly twisted with a film, and the scion itself is sprinkled with soil. When the 4th leaf appears on the processes, they are pinched.

Diseases and pests of climbing roses

Climbing roses often strike this fungal disease, as powdery mildew especially when the weather is hot and humid. As a result of this, the bush ceases to increase in growth, flowers fall, the plant withers. For prevention, plants are treated 2 times with Bordeaux liquid: the first time in the spring after the removal of the spruce branches, the second - when the shoots grow by 20 centimeters.

Powdery rose on rose leaves

Sometimes reddish-brown spots appear on the bark after removing the shelter. They increase, darken and can reach the point that the entire shoot is, as it were, covered by a ring. This disease is called koniotirium, "burn", cancer of the cortex. It is caused by a fungus that has settled inside the tissue and progresses in winter. Sick lashes are cut and burned. For the purpose of prevention in winter during a thaw, the covering material is raised for ventilation, and during autumn top dressing, the percentage of nitrogen and potassium is reduced.

These roses, like no other plants, are suitable for decorating arbors, arches, pergolas, fences, walls and balconies. Growing them is not very difficult, so if you wish, you can create beautiful, spectacular compositions from different varieties in your country house.

The difference between climbing roses and curly roses: video

Varieties of climbing roses: photo

You can rightly be called the queen of the garden, and with proper care and landing, it will become the subject of your pride and the envy of your neighbors.

Let's talk about how to competently care for such a beauty so that she pleases you for the whole season.

Brief description and popular varieties

Climbing roses are ideal for arches, or decorating the wall of a private house. These are tall, climbing and tenacious plants that definitely need them. They prefer a warm and mild climate and a mandatory shelter for the winter. According to the international classification, 3 characteristics of roses are distinguished:

  • semi-climbing roses, growing from 1.5 to 3 m in height;
  • climbing- reach a height of 5 m;
  • curly- reach 15 meters.
There are 8 types of climbing roses, differing in description and appearance:

1. climber- resembles a tall upright. The flowers are different big size and strong aroma. Great decoration flat wall, or grids. Common varieties:

  • pinkcloud
  • Paul Scarlet
  • Rosanna

2. Rambler distinguished by its flexibility and easy bending of the shoots. Densely decorated with small weak-scented flowers that grow only on the shoots of the second year:

  • Ghistiane de Felidonde
  • Bobby James
  • Paul Noel

3. climbing- non-frost-resistant variety, which even under cover may not overwinter. The inflorescences are small and rare, but the diameter of the flowers can be from 5 to 11 cm, and the plant also has a strong aroma.

  • Orange Triumph
  • Cecilia Brunner
  • City of York

4. Climbing rose Kordesa(Hybrid Kordesii) refers to unpretentious and winter-hardy, blooms from early summer to late October. Differs in an ideal form of a flower and long blossoming. Can winter without shelter:

  • Hamburger Phoenix
  • Flammentants

5. Lambert- plentifully flowering shrub with dark foliage, disease resistant:

  • Munich

6. - shrub, whose height can reach 3 m, abundantly strewn with white or light pink simple flowers 1.5-2 cm in diameter with a slight aroma:

  • Snow White
  • General Tetar
  • Grousse en Zabern
  • Melita
  • Mosel

7. - creeping and tenacious shrub, originally from Japan and China, reaches a height of 6 m, has large curved thorns:

  • Excelsa
  • Red poppy
  • Alberic Barbier
  • Glen Dale
  • Aelita

8. - from 5 to 12 m tall, flowers are small, 1-3 cm. It is distinguished by early flowering, from April to early July. There are such varieties of Banks roses:

  • Alba Plena
  • Banksia hybrid
  • Lutea Captivity

Did you know?In Germany, near the walls of Hildesheim Castle grows the most old bush roses in a world that is already about 1000 years old.

Growing conditions

Landing time

The best time to plant will be warm May Days when the earth warmed up and stable warm weather was established. Then you will know exactly what will take root and be ready for wintering. You can plant it in the fall, but it is better to do it in September, so that the rose has time to take root before the first frost.

How to plant a climbing rose

Selection and preparation of seedlings

The day before the expected date, the seedlings are soaked in water. It is advisable to dip not only the root system, but the entire seedling as a whole. Before planting, we cut off the long tufted processes of the root system, leaving 15-20 cm on each side. You can disinfect the plant by dipping it in a solution of 3% blue vitriol. We lubricate the cut places on the shoots garden pitch, and on the roots - to avoid infection with a fungus or infection. These simple procedures will help you quickly and proper growth and development.

Pit preparation

Important!A climbing rose is not a plant that will be happy with excessive watering. From this, the humidity of the air around the bush rises too much, contributing to the appearance and development of fungal diseases.


Fertilize complex. Repeat top dressing every 2-3 weeks. The second dressing can be carried out with a mixture of ash and diluted with water for root dressing, as this will contribute to bright and abundant flowering. All top dressing should be carried out during the growing season and before flowering.

From mid-summer, roses stop fertilizing and switch to potassium-phosphorus. This is needed for gradual preparation plants to a state of dormancy and wintering.


It belongs to the most important and responsible procedures for its care, since the quality of flowering and the formation of new strong shoots directly depend on it.

Every spring, regardless of the type of roses, they spend sanitary pruning, removing damaged and unhealthy shoots. Further pruning directly depends on whether you have a single or re-flowering shrub.
In a climbing rose that blooms once a season, buds appear both on the shoots of the current year and on last year's. Replacement shoots appear on old shoots for the whole summer, which will take over the main part of flowering in next year. Therefore, 3-5 of the strongest two-year shoots are left, and the same number of annual shoots.

If the rose is re-blooming, then the buds appear on all shoots up to 4 years old, and only weaken by the 5th year. Therefore, the main shoots in this case are removed for the 4th year of growth, leaving room for new ones.

Pest and disease treatment

The most dangerous and common climbing rose diseases are:

1. Her appearance provokes high humidity air in the heat and excessive watering. It is characterized by white spots on the trunk and leaves. All affected parts are cut out and burned, treating the plant or copper sulphate.

2. . Appears as brown or brown spots on leaves and stems. The affected areas are cut out, slightly capturing the unaffected nearby, and burned. The plant is treated with Bordeaux liquid.

3. . This is the name of small brown spots, which eventually grow and affect the entire plant. Now there are no drugs on the market that can overcome this disease, so it is important to carry out prevention. Before buying, carefully inspect the plant for stains. Before planting, dip in a solution of copper sulfate. And if the disease has already been identified, then immediately cut out and burn all affected areas.
The most common lovers to enjoy a rose -

Rose bushes are able to charm anyone with their beauty, they look so magical. And it's not just about garden bushes. Weaving roses deserve special attention. They are able to decorate any place, turn an old gazebo into a small corner of paradise. Yes and flower garden will sparkle bright colors if you know how to plant climbing roses around the perimeter of a green corner in the garden. The main thing is to figure out how to care for a climbing rose and find out what microclimate and description of cultivation she prefers.


Let's say you decide to diversify your backyard with the recognized queen of garden flowers. In this case, planting a climbing rose is the first thing you need to familiarize yourself with. Knowing how a weaving plant will make it easier for you to understand the features permanent care behind him. Remember: it is important to prepare the soil for planting plants. Immediately before deepening the seedling into the ground, add the necessary nutrient compounds to the ground, for example, phosphorus fertilizers, humus, humus, and also phosphorobacterin.

When planting a flower, keep in mind that root system requires a lot of space, so the holes must be voluminous. Place the seedling in the recess, be sure to fill the voids between the root branches. Cover the plant with earth, then pour a bucket under the young bush warm water. The final stage - sprinkle a little earth on top and carefully tamp the space around the climbing rose. When the planting of the purchased climbing rose in the spring in the ground is completed, it's time to provide competent care for the young shrub.

Caring for climbing roses

Caring for yellow or red varieties in the garden, especially if we are talking about weaving varieties, will be carried out correctly if the crown is regularly formed. AT spring period flower growers, as a rule, remove frozen shoots from the bush. Further, the features of this procedure will depend on the variety itself.

If we are talking about a shrub that can bloom only once a season, at the end of its flowering, the basal shoots will need to be cut out completely. Let's say you breed weaving varieties that bloom several times a year. In this case, the main shoots will need to be completely removed no earlier than 4 years after planting the seedling.

Plant propagation

Climbing rose is not only planting and care. In order to achieve abundant and long flowering and at the same time to get a few additional bushes of weaving roses over time, it is necessary to master the procedure for plant propagation. Breed on your own personal plot a climbing yellow or other color rose can be used with seeds, cuttings, this method is feasible, but you will have to buy seed in the store. The thing is that it makes no sense to plant grains collected from a bush growing on your personal plot, since varietal characteristics will not be traced in them.

Features of preparation for winter

Knowing how to plant a climbing rose and take care of it in the summer is not enough. It is especially important to be able to prepare the plant for the cold, to understand. The technology of the process itself will be completely different from how it is usually prepared for wintering. garden rose. If the bush is enough to simply dig in the ground, then here it is necessary to take care of the entire plant. A planted flower should not be watered with the onset of autumn. It is advisable to stop feeding the rose.

In the middle - the end of autumn, the bush will need to be bent to the ground. Do this gradually, tying the shrub with some kind of rope (remember that you need to bend the branches in one “bundle”, and not one by one).

Do not be surprised if the procedure takes a couple of days: the shrub will gradually get used to the angle of inclination. You can open the plant after hibernation in the spring.

Ecology of life. Manor: Gardeners have always been especially admired by the climbing rose with its long branches strewn with luxurious flowers. This is a real find for a landscape designer, which allows you to create flowering arches, columns, arbors, fences.

Climbing rose with its long branches strewn with luxurious flowers has always been especially admired by gardeners. This is a real find for a landscape designer, which allows you to create flowering arches, columns, arbors, fences.

Despite the huge whips, reaching 5-6 m in length, all varieties of climbing roses are shrubs. One would think that in this case, planting and caring for them is similar to other types of roses, but everything is not so simple. Long whips impose special obligations on the owner of such luxury. Therefore, in order to achieve real aesthetics from a climbing rose, you need to know how to properly care for it.

Planting time: spring or autumn?

All types of "queen of flowers" are considered rather capricious, and climbing roses are no exception, care for which must be thought through to the smallest detail. And you need to start with right choice landing time. It is best to time this event for the May warm days.

In this case, you will be sure that before winter the plants will have time to get stronger and will not die during the cold weather. Climbing rose bushes with dormant buds can be planted before the buds begin to bloom on the trees, as soon as the soil warms up to 10-12 °. In the event that you bought a seedling in a greenhouse (that is, with leaves), then it is necessary to plant it only after the buds open on the trees.

You can also plant bushes in August-September, but then there is always a risk of plant death if it does not have time to properly take root before the onset of frost.

Place to land

The site for planting a climbing rose should be well lit in the morning. This is important, since it is the warm morning sun that will dry the dew on the leaves and give no chance for fungal diseases. A completely open area is not as desirable, as midday sunlight can cause the delicate petals to “burn out” and even the entire plant to dry out.

Be sure to pay attention to the fact that the chosen place is protected from cold north and northeast winds, and also not located on the corner of the building, where drafts are constantly walking - the gentle climbing rose does not like this, its development will inevitably be oppressed.

Soil for climbing roses: what to consider?

Climbing rose develops normally only on permeable soils. This means that rain (or irrigation) water must freely pass deep into the earth and not linger in the root zone. Otherwise, rotting of the root system and death of the plant from lack of nutrition are inevitable.

Therefore, if the groundwater in your area is too close to the surface of the earth, you should plant roses only on hills. However, if this is not possible, you can do it differently: dig a hole to a depth that does not reach the level ground water, and then concrete the bottom or put a large flat stone there.

Such a precautionary measure will not allow groundwater to "get" to the root zone and damage them, in addition, the taproots will not deepen and their bulk, as they grow, will not be located vertically, but horizontally. After that, a sufficient layer of fertile soil is poured onto the stone or concrete, where the plant is subsequently planted.

Climbing roses grow best on fertile loam - they are water and breathable enough to provide good nutrition to the root system. Heavy clay and light sandy soil not suitable for growing roses. At the same time, if such soil is on your site, you should not despair.

You can improve the situation by adding clay soils sand, and sandy diluted with clay. This will adjust the permeability of the soil to air and water, but will not add fertility to the soil. To improve this indicator, you should add humus or humus to the soil.

Distance between climbing roses

When planting, it is necessary to ensure a distance between roses equal to 0.5 - 1 m in a row and 1-2 m between rows. In the event that planting is carried out near the gazebo or the wall of the house, then the distance between the plant and the blind area should be at least 0.35 - 0.5 m.

You can divide the garden into several zones using trellises lined with climbing roses on both sides. Plants are planted in a checkerboard pattern so as not to obscure each other. At the same time, the distance between them is maintained at 0.5 - 1 m, as in the usual landing pattern. Such a screen will be decorative all summer, even when the climbing rose has faded.

Preparing a seedling for planting

Before you start planting, the rose bush must be carefully inspected and all broken, crushed and rotten parts of the root system must be removed. Sections for disinfection are powdered with crushed charcoal to prevent rotting of the resulting wounds. Next, it is desirable to dip the roots into a mixture-talker, consisting of clay mixed with fresh mullein (10%) and phosphorobacterin. 3 tablets of phosphorobacterin are preliminarily dissolved in 0.5 l of water, and then this composition is poured into 9.5 l of mash. Mullein can be replaced with heteroauxin by adding 1 tablet to 10 liters of mash.

During spring planting, seedlings of any variety of climbing roses are pruned. At the same time, two developed buds are left on strong shoots, and one on weak ones. If planting takes place in the fall, then pruning is still done in the spring, after being removed from the bushes winter shelter.

Planting and caring for a young seedling

To begin with, they dig a hole, the dimensions of which should ensure free placement of the roots, and the root neck must be deepened by at least 10 cm. the temperature does not fall below -2 degrees. Also, the deepening of the root neck of own-rooted climbing roses will contribute to the formation a large number extra roots.

A mound of fertile soil is poured into the hole, around which the roots are evenly spread and covered, leaving no voids if possible. After filling the hole with earth, it is rammed with feet. Own-rooted climbing roses are watered with a mixture of phosphorobacterin and heteroauxin for better survival.

During growing season weaving rose needs regular watering, top dressing, removal of weeds, dried flowers and weak branches.
Already after the removal of the winter shelter with the onset of spring heat, pruning is carried out, last year's plant residues are removed, roses are sprayed with pesticides, the soil around the plant is loosened, and the necessary fertilizers are applied.

Proper pruning of climbing roses

Climbing roses need correct pruning, the purpose of which is the formation, obtaining a long and abundant flowering, crown health improvement. Pruning also helps to get a solid cover of the plant with new shoots.

Pruning is carried out after the plant has completely faded, that is, at the end of summer. First of all, diseased and damaged branches are cut out. Strong annual shoots are not removed. Old shoots are removed if new replacement shoots have appeared on the branch. That is, pruning is done in such a way that instead of old shoots new, annual ones come. Biennial shoots are not pruned - it is on them that the bulk of the flowers will be concentrated next summer.

garter of climbing roses

When forming a climbing rose, one should not strive for all the main branches to grow upwards. It may happen that all the flowers and leaves are "relocated" to upper part plants, and this will not add aesthetics to it.

Therefore, in order to avoid such a nuisance, you need to try to direct the main branches horizontally. Then they will soon appear vertical side shoots growing up. A similar principle of forming a weaving rose will perfectly mask a trellis or wall, as well as provide luxurious and long flowering.

This will be of interest to you:

Climbing rose care in winter

In winter, any roses, including climbing ones, require shelter. At the same time, it is important to know that there should be air space between the shelter (film, roofing felt, spruce branches) and the plant. If possible, the lashes of roses are removed from the support, rotten, diseased shoots are removed, as well as all leaves.

After that, the branches are wrapped with twine and fastened to the ground with wooden or metal studs. From above, the whips are covered with roofing felt, film, leaves or spruce branches. You can also cover a climbing rose right on a support, for example, if it wraps around an arch. At the same time, at first, the support is tied with burlap, roofing felt or film, and then covered with spruce branches. published

If you like climbing roses, planting and caring for these truly beautiful flowers is no more difficult than for a bush rose, but decorative effect much higher. For vertical gardening they fit perfectly. They can braid as small garden structures, and columns, walls of buildings, fences, arbors. And surprisingly, climbing roses are combined with almost all the flowers and plants that grow in the garden.

Before you start growing any plant, you need to find out what it is, find out its features and how to properly care for it.

By the way. Climbing roses are so many-sided and diverse that they were not combined into general form. Climbing can be both varieties of roses and plants from the rosehip family.

This category includes all climbing roses that have flexible shoots from two to twelve meters or more in length. They grow in an arc vertical surface, or spread horizontally.

All representatives of roses that have long trailing stems are assigned to different groups in the international standard. The classification is mobile and is in the stage of systematization, since new varieties and hybrids are constantly being developed through complex multi-stage crosses.

Advice. Although climbing roses are called climbing roses, to the group climbing plants according to botanical standards, they do not apply, since they do not have antennae and other attachment mechanisms. They all need to be tied to a support.

Table 1. Classification of climbing roses by groups.

GroupDetailed description
The color of the stems is rich green up to 12 meters. Plants have many thorns. The leaves are small, glossy.
The color shades are bright and varied, but the roses themselves are rarely larger than four centimeters in diameter. But they can be not only simple, but also semi-double and terry.
The aroma of pink flowers is weak, they are valued for their high decorativeness and frost resistance - under light cover, the plants will survive even the harshest winter.
Most often they are called climbers. The stems are not very long - they reach no more than four meters, but are much more powerful and less flexible than those of ramblers.
Large flowers, which can be from four to eight centimeters in diameter, in small inflorescences.
The frost resistance of the climbers is quite high, they successfully hibernate under cover.
The group is also distinguished common feature– high resistance to powdery mildew.
The main feature is large ten-centimeter flowers, which can be combined into inflorescences or grow singly along five-meter shoots.
Winter hardiness can be considered high, but only in newly bred varieties.
Historically, these plants were grown in the southern regions, because they did not always tolerate frost well.
Banks rose group is evergreen. The stems can grow up to 12 meters, but the rose is most often grown by the bush.
The leaves are small, glossy.
The flowers are medium in size, lush, can have both mono color and a combination of several colors.
The plant blooms once a season, lasting about a month, in the first month of summer.
Plants that belong to the cordesa group of roses are distinguished by a small length of lashes - only up to three meters.
The color scheme is rich and varied.
The flowers are large - an average of about six centimeters.
Hybrid varieties of roses belonging to the Cordes group are winter hardy and resistant to many rose diseases.
From East Asia. Includes hybrids derived from wild Asian varieties.
The flowers are abundant, up to four centimeters, of various colors.
The difference from other climbing roses is a very powerful root system that allows roses to grow even on rocks.
One of the few groups whose flowers have absolutely no smell.
Fears low temperatures and is practically not grown in cold conditions.
Plants of this group cannot be grown in a house or even a greenhouse, since their lashes can reach 15 meters.
There are many flowers, but they are not large, but they are collected in lush voluminous inflorescences, and there are the most unthinkable colors.
There are about a hundred Lambert roses, and they are quite popular in the world, as they are resistant to diseases and have good varietal immunity.
They usually grow as a bush, the lashes of which are about 2.5-3 meters.
Blooms gradually, intermittently, but profusely. The diameter of the flower is about five centimeters.

Three popular types

Of all the groups available, the most popular are ramblers, climbers and climbings.

The first love because the flowering of rambler roses is plentiful, they are responsible for this record number flowers - in the inflorescence they can be up to a hundred pieces.

Inflorescences are formed on last year's shoots, are placed along the entire length of the winding stem, blooming gradually, therefore general period flowering in ramblers - about one and a half months, usually in the first half of summer, once.

Climbers bloom profusely and almost always, with good conditions and care, twice a year. The first flowering occurs at the beginning of summer and lasts about three weeks. Second after summer pruning, comes in a month and a half.

In climbings, the formation of flowers occurs on all shoots, both last year's and new ones, therefore flowering is plentiful and in almost all varieties it is repeated twice per season.

Table 2. Varieties of climbing roses by groups.

RamblerAmerican Pillar, Red Parfum, Bobbie James, Brewood Belle, Goldfinch.
climberRosarium Uetersen, Dortmund, Ilse Krohn Superrior.
climbingBreath of Life, Santana, Compassion, Sally Holmes, Gloriya Day.
BanksLutea, Lady Banks, Rosa Banksiae.
KordesaLaguna, Alchymist, Aloha, Flamentanz.
MultifloraGhislaine de Feligonde, Geschwindt.
VishuranaCoronation, Glen Dale.
LambertFrau Karl Druschki, Schverin, Munhen.

How to plant a climbing rose

Once the desired variety is determined, it is time to buy and plant, but first you need to prepare the soil and select optimal time. You can read more about preparing land for seedlings.

Roses are not the most whimsical of flowers, but the character of these beauties is rather capricious, and climbing varieties- capricious doubly.

Important! Planting and caring for climbing roses should be carried out according to certain rules, only in this case it is possible to guarantee high viability in combination with fully developed decorative qualities.

Step 1 - choose a place

For a climbing rose, a place on the site is not as easy to find as for a bush rose. Like all members of the family, she loves the sun, but only in the morning. There must be a lot of sun so that the morning dew dries on the leaves, and the leaves are saturated with life-giving light. After that, at noon, the climbing rose bush should be shaded. The scorching daytime sun will burn the leaves and flowers, they will dry out, and the plant will lose its decorative effect.

Advice. The rose will also need protection from the wind, especially if it blows from the north and northeast. It is because of the winds and constant drafts that it is not recommended to plant climbing roses at the corners of buildings.

In size for a climbing rose, a square is allocated from half a meter to a meter, depending on which variety the plant belongs to.

Step 2 - Timing

For temperate climate there are two options for planting time - spring, from the middle to the end. Autumn - from late September to mid-autumn.

It is better to give preference to autumn planting. Rooting should take place before frost, the young seedling takes cover for the winter, and in the spring, immediately after waking up, starts active growth.

Step 3 - soil preparation

Climbing roses will not grow in non-drained soil. Also does not like the plant high groundwater, sandy and clay soils.

The best option is loam. If it is not there, the existing soil will have to be corrected by adding sand to the clay or vice versa until the desired result is obtained. Correction area - two cubic meters, since the roots of a climbing rose can go deep and to the sides for just such a distance.

Important! Be sure to add humus or humus to the pit before planting, no later than four weeks before planting, at least 10 kg per plant. It is also good to add bone meal.

Step 4 - choosing a seedling

The fact that it is better to buy roses in a nursery, and not from hands, is known to everyone - this is the only way to guarantee varietal affiliation. But besides this, you still need to know how to choose a seedling in the nursery.

Varieties of climbing rose seedlings are of two types - own-rooted and grafted. It cannot be said that some of them are better and others are worse. It’s just that caring for a rooted specimen will be somewhat different from caring for a plant grafted onto a wild rose rootstock.

By the way. Already when planting, the technologies differ - the scion is planted deeper than self-rooted seedling so that the grafting site is ten centimeters deep into the soil.

Two more types of seedlings can be offered by nurseries - with open and with closed system roots. It is better to purchase a plant with protected roots, especially if the issue with the place or time of planting has not yet been resolved. A rose with open roots should be planted on the second day after acquiring a seedling, immersing it for a day with roots in a container of water, into which root can be added.

Disembarkation process

After everything is prepared, you can begin the disembarkation process.

  1. Yellowed and dried leaves are removed from the seedling, and the aerial part is cut so that after deepening, no more than 45 centimeters of the trunk remain on the surface.
  2. The root system is cut to 30 centimeters. Slices are sprinkled with charcoal, cinnamon, any antiseptic.
  3. In grafted plants, all buds below the place of grafting are removed (plucked out) in order to exclude the appearance of wild growth of wild rose rootstock.
  4. Half a bucket of water is poured into a prepared pit with a mound-shaped bottom.
  5. The seedling is placed on a mound with all roots straightened, and the pit is covered with a mixture of soil and manure.
  6. The surface is compacted, a near-trunk circle is formed. It should be well watered and mulched with peat.

By the way. spring planting differs in that after planting, the plant must be covered with a film, creating the conditions of a mini-greenhouse for more successful rooting.

How to care for a climbing rose

Having planted a climbing rose, you will have to go through all the stages of care, skipping at least one can cause the death of the plant.

  1. Watering.
  2. Top dressing.
  3. Loosening.
  4. Pruning.
  5. Pest control.
  6. Shelter for the winter.

But first of all, even before landing or immediately after it, care must be taken to create a support for a climbing rose.

Support - lattice

Support - fence and gate

Types of supports

As already noted, the plant has no antennae, cannot cling to anything, is neither climbing nor climbing.

There are many most different supports for all groups of climbing roses. They can be metal, plastic, wooden structures various modifications. These are pergolas and arches, arcs and lattices, fences, arbors, as well as walls and entrance groups that can be perfectly decorated with a climbing rose.

Advice. If you plant a rose against a wall, you must step back from it at least half a meter. Apply guides to the wall surface or attach a grate.

If the support is an autonomous structure not attached to the wall, it is dug in immediately after planting in the hole at a distance of 35-50 cm from the base of the bush.

On the supports, the stems are fixed with twine, garden non-metallic wire, and plastic fasteners.

Description of care steps


Roses don't need frequent watering, but it must be deep, since the roots lie two meters deep. A minimum of two buckets of water should be poured into each hole weekly. Better to give tap water stand for two days before watering. Climbing roses should be watered either in the morning or in the evening.

top dressing

If the seedlings are planted in the spring, and enough humus has been added to the pit, the plants are not fed until the end of the summer.

At the beginning of autumn for successful preparation for wintering, potassium-containing fertilizers are applied.

roses autumn planting do not fertilize until spring. In the spring, minerals begin to be introduced, alternating with organic matter, every one and a half months throughout the growing season. Stop fertilizing in early October.


Loosening the soil around the stem of a climbing rose is carried out two to three days after each watering. It is necessary to loosen to a depth of 12 centimeters. If the hole is mulched with peat, from time to time the mulch layer is updated and sprinkled.


It is carried out in spring or autumn, as well as at the beginning of intensive growth. Cut off dried dead parts of the stem, branches, frostbitten areas in winter.

If the rose blooms once, it is worth remembering that the flowers on it are formed only on the shoots of the second year, therefore, immediately after flowering, the branches are removed at the root.

On plants that bloom twice, pruning is carried out in preparation for wintering.


Roses have a lot of pests, the main of which can be considered aphids and spider mite. Most often they are noticed already when it is necessary to urgently use insecticides. You should strictly follow the instructions for their use.

Plant diseases are also numerous - cancer, spotting, rot - that's far from complete list something that can kill a climbing rose. The parts of the stem and leaves affected by the disease are removed, everything is treated with chemicals. If a large part of the plant is damaged, it will have to be dug up with the roots and burned.
