Gas heating boiler in a private house, cleaning the boiler from soot, useful tips. We clean a solid fuel boiler - how to reduce pollution, methods, chemistry How to clean a wood-burning boiler

Many operate heating devices without properly caring for them. Do you do breakage prevention? This must be done regularly, then the equipment will not break down, and there will be comfort in your home. How to clean a gas boiler? You can call the master who will do all the work. Or you can do the cleaning yourself. Forget about spending on service - we will tell you how to remove soot and scale.

Most often, the heating units, the exhaust system of combustion products are clogged. Scale may form on parts that come into contact with water. Gas exhaust pipes accumulate soot and soot.

Heating occurs due to the heat exchanger. Two radiators are installed in double-circuit boilers "", "", "". One is a curved tube through which water circulates for the heating system. The second consists of plates, serves to provide hot water (DHW).

The harder the water in a region, the faster scale will form. During heating above 60 degrees, there is an active deposition of salts on the walls of heat exchangers.

How do you know when it's time to clean your appliance?

  • The coolant heats up slowly;
  • Low heat transfer with high fuel consumption;
  • Noise and hum during equipment operation;
  • Reduced pressure when opening the mixer.

Scale narrows the passages in the pipes, so the pressure drops. Because of this, there is an additional burden on circulation pump. The radiator does not give off heat well, because of which it can overheat and fail.

The chimney, hearth, smoke exhaust pipes are subject to soot accumulation. During combustion, fuel impurities - carbon, organic matter - settle on the walls. What does this lead to:

  • Traction disappears, due to which carbon monoxide can enter the room;
  • The level of fire safety is reduced. Large accumulation of soot can catch fire;
  • The flame in the burner becomes unstable or disappears;
  • Efficiency decreases due to plaque on the walls;
  • The gas consumption is increasing.

How often and which nodes need to be cleaned

The equipment needs external and internal cleaning. How often should the heat exchanger be descaled? Experts recommend doing this once a year. What other nodes of the floor and wall boiler needs to be cleared:

  • burner;
  • igniter;
  • filters;
  • nozzles;
  • coaxial chimney, conventional mine;
  • pipes;
  • furnace.

Consider how to properly clean the nodes in the boilers "", "", "" and others with your own hands.

heat exchanger

The operation of all double-circuit boilers regulates three-way valve. It switches the heating from one radiator to another, so you need to monitor its functionality.

The principle of its cleaning, the choice of a suitable agent depends on the structure of the heat exchanger. There are radiators:

  • Bithermal. The design consists of two tubes, heating is carried out simultaneously for hot water and heating. Such products are difficult to clean;
  • Lamellar. Consist of layers of plates;
  • Fire tube. Fluid circulates through the coil tube. More common in outdoor units "", "", "".

What is flushing?

  • Chemical;
  • Mechanical;
  • Hydrodynamic;
  • Electric discharge.

For work you will need:

  • wrench;
  • brush-brush;
  • brush for metal, pile;
  • screwdriver.

First you need to get to the node.

  • Close the gas valve;
  • Remove the cover. It may be necessary to unscrew the bolts for this;
  • Disconnect the sensors connected to the heat exchanger.

For high-quality cleaning, the assembly must be dismantled. Using a brush and a brush, clean the surface and internal parts from soot, dust, soot. If descaling of internal parts is required, chemical agents can be used.

The reagent is pumped into the booster. The pump hoses are connected to the radiator, flushing starts. Upon completion, all parts are washed clean water. Users recommend using regular household products- they are much cheaper than specialized ones. The main thing is that they are thick.

You can use home remedies. Prepare a solution of citric acid in a ratio of 200 grams per 5 liters and pour into the heat exchanger. Lower the knot into a metal basin with water, put it on the stove for heating for half an hour. Then rinse under the shower.

Do not expose the plates and parts to strong mechanical stress, otherwise they will deteriorate or deform.

Hydrodynamic cleaning consists in pumping pressure with a pump. So, flow under high pressure is run through the system, removing dirt and plaque.

For the electric discharge procedure, special equipment "Streamer" is required, so it is carried out in service center or workshop. At home, pollution can only be eliminated mechanically or chemically.


How to understand that it's time to clean the system? Watch the flames. If everything is in order, it is smooth blue color. If the flame is yellow and burns unevenly, then the burner and igniter are clogged with dust and soot.

To remove contaminants, do this:

  • Shut off the fuel supply;
  • Dismantle the igniter;
  • Clean the element with a brush;
  • Install the item in place.


You can determine the degree of contamination by the signs indicated above.

  • After shutting off the gas, remove the burner, nozzles;
  • Clean the nozzles with a small brush;
  • The burner is cleaned with a brush, the inside is blown with a pump;
  • Assemble the parts and reinstall.


Water filters-mesh are removed, washed running water. Rust deposits are removed citric acid- just soak the part in the solution. Don't forget to clean the gas filters.

Firebox, chimney

The accumulation of soot narrows the passage of the mine, which leads to a deterioration in traction. In this case, the boiler must not be operated - it is life-threatening. You can remove the soot from your side, and for cleaning from the street, contact the utilities. Watch to top part the chimney was not covered with ice. To avoid this, it is better to insulate the pipe.

The furnace is cleaned with brushes. Watch the amount of soot carefully. At adverse conditions it can ignite.

Boiling water is used to remove accumulations on the walls of the boiler. Fill the unit with it, turn it on. Let the liquid boil. After that, the soot can be easily removed with a sponge. You can use chemicals, but before that, carefully study the instructions.

Sometimes automation, a relief valve and other parts need cleaning. Preventive work should be done at least once a year. So you will avoid many problems and prevent serious damage.

Before putting a solid fuel boiler into operation, each owner of a private house should familiarize himself with how to clean the device, how often such a procedure is necessary. Cleaning solid fuel boilers is a laborious process, however, if the operating conditions of the boiler and fuel requirements are observed, it is possible to avoid the frequent repetition of such a process.

Consider the causes that contribute to pollution heating unit, the consequences of clogging and what is the cleaning of a solid fuel boiler, which places of the boiler are to be cleaned.

Almost any unit that is associated with the combustion process, as a result of its work, emits not only thermal energy and carbon monoxide, but also a lot of combustion products. During long work unit on solid fuel in operating mode on the walls of the furnace, in the smoke channels is collected in large quantities accumulates soot, flying ash particles. A similar situation is typical for all types of solid fuel equipment, with the exception of pyrolysis devices, where dry firewood, briquettes burn out completely, turning into combustible gas.

Accumulation of combustion products in working area unit and in the chimney is gradual and if the mechanism is not cleaned regularly, soot deposits can become significant. The thickness of the soot layer on the heat exchanger body, just a couple of millimeters, significantly affects the performance of the heating device. Heating of the coolant takes much longer. The power of the main equipment drops by 20-30%, respectively, the consumption of the fuel mass increases.

In addition to soot, the products of combustion are also resins emitted organic compounds, regardless of the type. The resin accumulated on the inner walls of the combustion chamber contributes to the development of corrosive processes that destroy the main parts of the solid fuel unit.

From rich and many years of experience, it has been established that the most common causes accumulations of soot and tar in the furnace and in the chimney are:

  • low quality fuel;
  • high humidity of fuel raw materials;
  • the heating mechanism often works on low temperatures;
  • flaws and miscalculations in the piping of the boiler.

On a note: the intensity of deposits of combustion products depends on the type of fuel and its physical properties. To operate the unit on coal or on wood, today the most available materials. Fossil coal and wood. Any organic fuel, when burned, leaves ash and ashes. The drier the fuel mass, the lower the volume of residual products during the combustion process. In many ways, the intensity of combustion depends on the type of solid fuel boiler. The low moisture content of the raw materials, the additional supply of oxygen and the principle of operation contribute to an increase in the intensity of combustion.

Older models of equipment use the simplest direct combustion method, which leaves a significant amount of ash, ash and soot. All this settles on the walls of the combustion chamber, is deposited on the heat exchanger and in the chimney. New models are high-tech devices, the combustion process has been brought to optimal parameters, so less ash remains in the ash pan, soot in most cases escapes along with carbon monoxide through the chimney. Cleaning the chimney from soot is one of the main conditions for the safety of the heating unit in a private house.

Important! The accumulation of soot on the walls of the chimney can lead to dangerous situation. Soot is tiny, microscopic particles charcoal, which at high temperature and intensive air supply can ignite. It is not uncommon for a chimney that is red-hot as a result of burning soot to cause a roof to ignite, attic floors. It is characteristic that this problem characteristic of solid fuel boilers with forced draft.

How to clean a solid fuel boiler. Cleaning methods

You can clean the solid fuel boiler with scrapers and wire brushes. Usually such devices are included with the main equipment. In each individual case, a cleaning method is applied that corresponds to design features boiler. You need the following places:

  • walls of the combustion chamber;
  • surface of the heat exchanger;
  • inner walls of the chimney.

All the places listed for cleaning are those structural elements of the boiler where heat exchange takes place and the water jacket is located.

There are three ways to clean the boiler:

  • mechanical;
  • steam method;
  • with the help of chemicals.

Each of the proposed methods has its own characteristics and key points. Mechanical cleaning uses a special set of tools. Poker, shovel, brushes, scrapers and metal brushes.

Important! Before starting to clean the unit, it must be cooled down.

Soot and ash are removed from the combustion chamber manually, through simple manipulations. Volatile and solid fragments of burnt fuel are removed quite simply. The situation is more complicated with hardened resin and tar. How to clean your own heater from these components? The solution is that for this purpose it is necessary to warm up the device. Tar and tar become soft and are easier to remove from the surface with brushes and scrapers. Upon completion, it is necessary to warm up the unit to optimum temperature so that the remnants of tar and tar burn out completely.

With the help of a steam generator, the boiler is steam cleaned from tar, tar and microscopic soot particles. The chemical method is designed for the use of various chemical compounds and acid-based reagents. The inner surface of the furnace, and the surface of the heat exchanger is processed chemicals that eat away at deposits. Usually, dissolved chalk and soda ash are used to clean wood-fired pyrolysis units.

The cleaning agent is chosen based on financial considerations and the degree of contamination of the boiler. In each case, if the requirements are met, a positive result can be achieved.

How often should heaters be cleaned?

In order for your unit to constantly work on optimal modes, issued required power boiler cleaning should become regular. Using normal and high-quality fuel, you can do this event once a month.

On a note: when using low quality fuel raw materials, the boiler should be cleaned more often, once every two, three weeks. If the operating parameters deteriorate, unscheduled cleaning of the equipment can be carried out.

To prevent severe clogging, it is necessary to regularly inspect the solid fuel boiler. When different types of fuel are used, the device operates at low temperatures, the unit will have to be cleaned once a week.

All owners of gas equipment know that it must be periodically cleaned of soot so that it pleases with a long service life and trouble-free operation. Let us consider in more detail how to properly clean the boiler from pollution on its own.

Before cleaning gas boiler, it is worth understanding how this equipment is equipped. It contains the following components that need periodic cleaning:

  • burner with nozzles;
  • igniter;
  • heat exchanger;
  • gas filter;
  • firebox;
  • chimney.

To clean the equipment, you will need to prepare all the necessary tools:

  • plastic or metal brush for cleaning the chimney;
  • scrapers;
  • steel rope;
  • special hooks;
  • holders for brushes of various lengths.

The cleaning process itself will be reduced to the following steps:

  1. Shutting off the gas supply valve.
  2. Dismantling the boiler door, nozzles, burner tube.
  3. Removing the top cover of the equipment.
  4. Removing the insulation sheet.
  5. Dismantling the chimney.
  6. Choosing a metal brush
  7. Careful cleaning of the heat exchanger from soot.
  8. We use a vacuum cleaner to clean the channels of the heat exchanger.
  9. Cleaning the boiler walls with a scraper and brush and wiping with rags.
  10. We clean the chimney with a brush with a long handle.
  11. Assemble all boiler components in reverse order.

Attention: when disassembling gas equipment, carefully remember the location of all parts and assemblies.

How to clean individual units of the unit

Consider how to clean individual units of the unit if they become clogged and stop working properly.

Under the normal condition of the igniter, the flame will be blue tint. If, during the operation of the heating equipment, the flame becomes yellow, it's time to clean the igniter. The procedure for cleaning the igniter is reduced to:

  1. Blocking the flow of gas to the equipment.
  2. Unscrewing the igniter.
  3. Thorough cleaning of the igniter from soot and dirt with a metal brush.
  4. Blowing out the igniter.
  5. Installing it in its original place.

If you need to clean the burner with nozzles, you will need:

  1. Shut off the gas supply.
  2. Remove burner.
  3. Carefully remember the location of the nozzles and carefully unscrew them.
  4. Clean the nozzles with a brush.
  5. Clean the burner with a brush.
  6. Blow out the burner hole with pumping equipment.
  7. Insert injectors into place.
  8. Install burner.

Important: the burner with nozzles must be cleaned at least once a year, before starting heating season. The gas filter cleans the gas of impurities and contaminants and must be cleaned regularly.

The heat exchanger can become clogged both inside and outside. Its outer part is soiled with soot, and its cleaning is carried out mechanically. To effectively clean the heat exchanger, you will need to stock up on the following tools:

  • scraper;
  • metal brush;
  • ruffs of various shapes;
  • power tools and cleaning tools.

The cleaning procedure is reduced to:

  1. Disconnecting the boiler from electricity and gas supply.
  2. Removing the heat exchanger.
  3. Cleaning it with pre-prepared tools.
  4. Installing the node in its original place.

Attention: when cleaning the heat exchanger, it is recommended to use a tool without sharp edges. If the assembly is damaged, this will lead to the formation of corrosion on it.

The cause of internal clogging of the heat exchanger is most often scale and it will be necessary to apply dry cleaning using:

  • adipic acid;
  • sulfamic acid solution;
  • special gel.

Attention: The choice of chemicals is necessary depending on the degree of fouling of the heat exchanger.

As for cleaning the furnace and chimney, the collection of soot on their walls reduces the functioning of the boiler, so it is recommended to clean the chimney soot regularly.

What is the difference between dry cleaning and mechanical cleaning?

Gas equipment can be cleaned in the following ways:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • electric discharge;
  • hydrodynamic.

Attention: if you are not sure that you are able to cope with cleaning the gas boiler on your own, invite specialists. Cleaning gas equipment should be carried out with gloves and protective clothing, as many products are dangerous for the skin.

Mechanical cleaning is carried out using various brushes and scrapers using physical strength. The process is quite lengthy and must be carried out with care so as not to damage the equipment parts. As a rule, tools for mechanical reading of the unit come with it in the kit. These include: wire brushes, brushes and scrapers.

Mechanical cleaning of the boiler is carried out with brushes and abrasive substances. If the soot layer is small and is no more than 1-2 mm, you can use plain soda. Please note that when cleaning the boiler, it is necessary to remove not only soot, but also scale from water. You can clean the scale from the heat exchanger mechanically or by chemical means.

Mechanical cleaning involves regular flushing of the heat exchanger with running water, and chemical -use acid mixed with water.

Attention: gel formulations do not require dilution with water, they can be added to the heat exchanger immediately after it has cooled down. They don't differ high efficiency, but are gentle on metal.

Experts recommend using dry cleaning only for heavily polluted places - chemicals corrode not only soot, but also metal. Although the dilution chemicals water reduces harmful effect on metal, it is impossible to completely make them safe.

Causes and consequences of soot

Nagar in the boiler is a product of gas combustion. When exiting through the chimney, this mixture sticks to the walls of the chimney and boiler. Untimely cleaning of gas equipment leads to:

  • reduction of traction;
  • causes of fire;
  • to equipment inefficiencies.

How often should the boiler be cleaned

How often to clean heating equipment, must be specified in technical documentation. Single-circuit boilers are cleaned less frequently than double-circuit boilers; it is enough to clean them once every few years. And here double-circuit boilers need cleaning once or twice a year. This is affected by the quality and composition of water.

Usually, gas equipment needs cleaning:

  • when the air temperature in the room has significantly decreased during prolonged operation;
  • increased consumption of electricity and gas;
  • appeared in the room bad smell carbon monoxide.

All of the above factors indicate that the boiler is dirty and needs to be cleaned.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that you can clean the boiler of soot and scale on your own. The main thing is to stock up necessary tools, step by step instructions and free time.

The main heat generator in the house is the boiler, which is considered the main link in the heating system. On the modern market a wide range of boilers different kind. The most popular of them are gas units, characterized by efficiency, compactness and design. They are perfect for heating both private and country houses.

One of the advantages of a gas boiler is the fact that it does not need to make a boiler room. On the other hand, cleaning the boiler in the house is not very convenient, as this is a very dirty job.

In order to ensure the smooth operation of a gas boiler, it is important to know the basic rules for caring for it. To understand how to clean a gas boiler at home, it is important to follow a clear algorithm of actions. There are floor and mounted boilers, the cleaning of which is slightly different.

When Cleaning Is Necessary

If the operation of the gas boiler is characterized by a decrease temperature regime, and gas consumption has increased significantly, it is worth starting to clean the boiler. Sometimes you can smell carbon monoxide. To perform high-quality maintenance of the unit, it is important to familiarize yourself with the device of the gas boiler.

If the boiler is not cleaned in time, then the plaque that appears on the heat exchanger during operation can create a situation where the internal parts of the heating element cannot fully function.

Items to be cleaned

The device contains nodes that need to be cleaned with constant regularity. The main components are the igniter, gas filter, burner with nozzles, firebox, heat exchanger and chimney.

When starting to clean the nodes, it is worth adhering to the algorithm of actions that must be followed in strict sequence. For example, it would be unwise to clean the burners, put them back in place, and then start cleaning the chimney channels.


During normal operation of the igniter, the flame burns with a cone-shaped blue flame. When the fire turns orange or yellow tint, this indicates a dirty burner. If it is not planned to clean the entire boiler, then only it can be cleaned.

By cleaning the igniter, you can restore the boiler to work, but this will not increase its efficiency.

Burners and jets

Although burners and jets can be cleaned separately, it is still better to perform a comprehensive cleaning.

It is advisable to carry out work at least once a year before starting the boiler.

It is worth noting that this detail is considered the main one in the operation of both wall-mounted and floor-standing boilers. Her main function is the fuel supply.

Chimney channels

The products of combustion of gas, passing through the chimney channels, give them their heat. If there is soot inside the channel, then it acts as a heat insulator, and therefore the thicker its layer, the more gas needs to be spent to heat the coolant to a given temperature. Awareness of this will not allow the street to be heated instead of the house, and will encourage cleaning.

The amount of soot formed in the boiler is affected not only by how well it works, but also by the quality of the gas supplied - it can be poorly cleaned or there are too many added impurities in it. In some areas, instead of pure gas, a mixture is supplied, which contains up to 30% air.

Cleaning the outdoor boiler

The work must be carried out by specialists, but, following step by step instructions, you can clean the outdoor gas boiler yourself. In the process of cleaning the boiler from soot, you should use the following tools:

  • Ershik.
  • Open-end wrenches No. 10, 8, 17, 13, 9.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Regular brush and metal brush.

Step-by-step instruction

Before you start cleaning, you need to shut off the gas supply.

  • Under the boiler door it is necessary to unscrew the fastening screw, using the key No. 10, having removed the door.

  • The wire that connects the piezoelectric element and the ignition electrode is carefully disconnected.
  • Using the key number 10, you need to unscrew the thermocouple retainer.
  • The thermocouple is unscrewed from the valve with a key No. 9. During operation, it is necessary to control that the thermocouple does not rotate.
  • Now you should note the depth of entry of the nozzle into the burner. This is done so that the boiler settings are not damaged.
  • Armed with a key number 17, you need to unscrew the copper pipe fastening nut from the burner to the valve.

  • The ignition electrode is unscrewed from the pilot burner with a key No. 10. BUT copper tube unscrew from the valve and burner. The fastening screws located near the pilot burner should be unscrewed with a screwdriver. Most often, the gasket located under the burner needs to be replaced. In a situation where the nozzle does not lend itself, it can be carefully tapped with a wrench.
  • Now you should unscrew the screws securing the burner to the base of the boiler and the screw itself securing the structure in order to remove the burner.
  • We pull the copper tube out of the valve, lowering the burner down.
  • Now you can pull out the burner.
  • We also remove the thermometer sleeve from the boiler.

  • Armed with a key number 10, you need to unscrew the 4 screws that secure the top cover of the boiler and the insulation sheet. It is subsequently removed along with the insulating sheet underneath.
  • Two nuts that fasten the flue to the structure of the unit unscrew and remove the terminals from the draft sensor, removing the flue itself.

  • The swirlers must be removed from the heat exchanger by cleaning them with a brush. If necessary, it is advisable to use a metal brush. outer surface parts are also cleaned with a brush.
  • The channels of the heat exchanger can be cleaned with a brush to the full depth.

  • Clean the gap between the floor surface and the unit. In work, you can use a vacuum cleaner, which will perfectly cope with exfoliated debris.
  • Slightly releasing the screw, which fixes the depth of entry of the nozzle into the burner, pull it out. In this case, you will need key number 13. The burner can be cleaned with a brush, brush. For hard-to-reach places use a vacuum cleaner.
  • It is necessary to clean the gas duct on both sides.

  • The nozzle should be cleaned with a thin needle or wire. It is important to use a needle with a smaller diameter than the nozzle opening. Otherwise, the combustion mode may be disturbed.
  • The main burner goes to its place.
  • Install the copper pipe and the nozzle in place, having previously screwed the nut onto the valve. Only now you can proceed to attach the nozzle to the burner with key No. 13 according to the existing mark. Consistency is necessary to prevent thread failure in the valve body. The nut on the copper tube can be tightened completely.

  • The pilot burner, cleaned with a metal brush, is installed on a new gasket.
  • The nozzle is purged and cleaned of clogging.
  • Using a #10 wrench, connect the copper tube to the burner and valve.
  • Continue to assemble the parts in reverse order. It is worth recalling that it is undesirable to clamp the ignition electrode strongly during connection. Otherwise, the part may easily crack.
  • All connections are washed. The check is carried out only when the device is turned on.

As a result of the work done, the boiler starts up easily and can quickly reach the desired temperature.

Eliminate clogging of the mounted boiler

The principle of cleaning a mounted boiler from soot does not differ much from the method described above. As for the double-circuit boiler, it also has a heat exchanger, the cleaning of which must also be taken with all responsibility.

You can clean the heat exchanger with a booster as follows:

  • To increase the cleaning ability of the reagent, it is heated in a special tank.
  • Under pressure, the reagent is fed into the pipes.
  • During the circulation of the chemical agent, the scale lags behind the walls and pours out with the composition.
  • A special solution neutralizes the acid composition upon completion of work.

An acidic solution is able to cope even with the most persistent pollution. As a result throughput and the thermal conductivity will increase.

With hydrodynamic flushing

This method does not oblige to disassemble the equipment. During the cleaning process, water is pumped in and pressure is built up. The rapid movement of water breaks down deposits and brings them out. Sometimes, critical pressure indicators may not be noticed, which can provoke a pipe rupture. This method is best left to professionals.

As a result of the work done, the boiler starts up easily and can quickly reach the desired temperature.


In this video you can see how to clean a floor gas boiler:

Watch a video on how to tell when it's time to flush your heat exchanger. You will also be shown and told how to flush with chemicals:

From the author: Hello friends! Any heart heating system a private house is a boiler, with the help of which the coolant is heated. As a rule, this equipment has a high degree of reliability. But its durability depends primarily on how well you take care of it during operation.

The complexity of care depends on the specific type of heater. For example, in the case of gas or gas, you can approach it only a couple of times a year for a routine inspection and cleaning the riser from scale. And if the coolant is heated using firewood or coal, then you need to know how to clean the solid fuel heating boiler from tar and tar, and regularly perform this procedure.

Actually, this is one of the disadvantages of this type of equipment. But solid fuel boilers they also have a lot of advantages: they are reliable, environmentally friendly, do not require large expenditures for the purchase of resources and work quite efficiently. And cleaning is easy to figure out on your own at home. All you need is to stock up on the necessary information.

Types of pollution

For the operation of a solid fuel boiler, raw materials are needed, due to which the combustion process will be carried out. In this capacity, firewood, coal, peat and pellets act. Each type of raw material has its own advantages and disadvantages. The common property is that during the operation of the boiler, combustion products are released, which gradually accumulate on the internal parts of the chamber.

There are three main substances that pollute the boiler. The presence of each of them is due to certain factors:

  • soot. Appears in case of insufficiently high temperature during the combustion of raw materials. It is also affected by the lack of oxygen;
  • resin. As a rule, its occurrence is due to various problems with the fuel: it may be too wet or low quality. Or you simply loaded too much raw material into the combustion chamber. A negatively influencing factor is also insufficiently high temperature;
  • tar. The appearance of this substance indicates possible problems with the equipment itself. Either errors crept into the design of the boiler, or the chimney was made too short, or the air flow is injected into the chamber too weakly - the last factor is relevant for pyrolysis equipment.

Someone might think that a dirty boiler is not so scary, because all the deposits are hidden inside. In fact, the consequences can be quite negative. The performance of a solid fuel boiler depends on its cleanliness. At high level pollution, it will greatly decrease, as a result of which the house will become much colder, since the equipment simply cannot cope with the heating of the required volume of coolant.

In addition, such an attitude towards the boiler will lead to higher costs. First, fuel consumption will increase more and more as deposits build up inside the combustion chamber. Secondly, the boiler itself will fail rather quickly, and you will have to spend money either on its repair or on the purchase of new equipment.

All these problems can be avoided quite simply:

  • use only high quality fuel;
  • initially, when choosing a boiler, pay attention to the compliance of its design with technical parameters;
  • Perform preventive cleaning regularly.

All this will significantly extend the life of the equipment.

Cleaning process

The most important thing in the cleaning process is its regularity. Even if you take care of the equipment very carefully, but do it once a year, such procedures will not bring much benefit. There are certain intervals that directly depend on how high-quality fuel you use.

If the raw material is wet and does not have the most the best performance, the cleaning procedure should be carried out every two weeks. If fuel is used High Quality then once a month is sufficient. These time frames are relevant for both wood-burning and pellet and pyrolysis equipment.

However, focusing solely on a given interval is not worth it. If you see that the combustion chamber is very dirty from the inside, and the cleaning period has not yet come, then you should still carry out necessary procedures. There are several ways how this is done.

mechanical method

Most the obvious way- this mechanical cleaning boiler walls. To do this, you will need various scrapers and spatulas, a poker, metal brushes and brushes - in general, a set of tools with which you can scrape dirt.

The process depends on which type of contamination prevails. If it is soot, then it is necessary to turn off the boiler and let it cool completely, only after that you can start cleaning.

If we are talking about the fight against tar and tar, the procedure is a little more complicated.

  1. Since the hardened resin and tar are hard, it is almost impossible to clean them off in this state. Therefore, these substances must first be softened. Just heat the boiler and wait a while until the resin and tar reach the desired condition.
  2. Then, using the tools prepared for scraping, clean the walls of the boiler.
  3. As a final step, heat up the boiler again and wait until the remaining deposits have burned out.

Regardless of the type of contamination, when carrying out mechanical cleaning of the boiler, do not forget to leave the damper open.

Chemical method

A solid fuel boiler can be cleaned using various chemicals. They fall into two categories:

  • crystalline. Cleaning occurs by pouring the agent directly into the burning fuel. As a result, a reaction occurs, due to which soot and resin begin to crumble. Then the resulting fractions exit through the chimney along with other combustion products;
  • acid. They are used to combat tar and tar deposits. The composition of acidic chemicals includes solvents and reagents that, when treating the walls of the boiler, dissolve deposits.

Another chemical cleaning method is soft blasting. The procedure is carried out using a special solution, the components of which are baking soda and chalk. This agent is applied to the walls using a device intended for the procedure.

When carrying out chemical cleaning, it is extremely important to take care of your own safety. Most substances are very caustic, so you need to provide yourself protective clothing and goggles to avoid burns to the skin or eyes.

steam method

Cleaning with this method is good because it not only removes deposits, but also disinfects equipment. For the procedure, you will need a steam generator. With its help, steam is supplied under pressure to the walls of the combustion chamber, as a result of which the deposits soften and move away. The steam method is suitable for wood burning and pyrolysis equipment.

Folk methods

If for some reason you are unable to use one of the above methods, then as a temporary measure, you can apply one of folk methods, well proven. For example, in a burning fuel, you can pour common salt. As a result of this simple action, all the soot will come out through the chimney.

The second method is to use potato skins remaining after peeling the root crop. They also need to be added to the burning fuel, and then wait for a short time. During combustion, starch will be released. It will have a softening effect on deposits that have accumulated on the walls of the combustion chamber.

After the potato skins have burned, the boiler should be cleaned mechanically, using scrapers, spatulas and a metal brush, and then rinsed.

All these methods - mechanical, chemical, steam and folk - have necessary action on the condition of the boiler. You can choose the one that is most convenient for you in terms of both financial costs and physical strength.

remember, that important aspect Boiler cleaning is the regularity of the procedure. As is the case with any other cleaning, if you do it rarely, then the process will turn into a real hard labor. After all thin layer soot is much easier to remove than capital deposits that have accumulated over several months.

With a reasonable approach, the cleaning procedure will not be a problem for you, but will serve faithfully for many years. To consolidate the information received today, watch the video, the link to which is left below. Share new knowledge with your friends on social networks and come back to learn something more interesting and useful for your home needs. Good luck!
