How to get rid of pressure once and for all at home? Tinctures and decoctions. Using chemicals to control fleas

One of the most bad habits that prevent you from achieving success is laziness. By taking it, you can significantly improve the quality of your life. How to do this - advises business coach Ksenia Shvetsova.

In fact, laziness does not exist. This is a state in which a person does not show diligence or activity in one thing. At the same time, a person may show interest in another, such as sitting on the couch and watching TV. Those. laziness indicates that this moment time, priorities in a person's life are arranged in a certain way.

Business coach, management personnel expert

To get rid of laziness means to change this situation. And for this you need to understand the reasons why the priorities have changed. Here are the main ones:

1. No need. A person simply does not want to do the imposed work or does not realize the need for it and does not see the point in wasting energy.

2. Low assessment of the usefulness of the case. If a person thinks that he needs to do useless work or something that no one will notice, then the desire to do it will be zero.

3. Fear of failure. He is afraid to take on a case, because he thinks that he will not succeed, that he will not positive result and work will only bring distress or shame.

4. Confidence that the matter will be resolved without his participation. If it doesn’t matter who will do the work or the problem will be solved by itself, then you don’t want to make an effort.

Shot from the movie "The Big Lebowski", creators: Ethan Coen, Joel Coen

5. Consequence of fatigue. The body struggles with overwork, causing laziness in order to provide itself with rest. Such laziness does not need to be fought - it needs to be obeyed.

6. Uncertainty or misunderstanding of the work process. The unknown is scary, so many may delay the implementation of new tasks for themselves.

7. Indefinite goal. A person does not understand what to strive for and what to achieve.

8. Failure to make a choice. When it comes to making a decision, choosing an option, or taking responsibility, some people get stuck and do nothing.

9. Inefficient organization of work: monotony, lack of automation. The employee believes that his qualifications are higher than what he does, or his work should be paid higher.

10. Absence negative consequences from failure to do the job. If the matter is optional and its failure to carry out no consequences, then a person becomes lazy.

11. Wrong stereotypes about work. If a child has been watching lazy parents all his childhood, who have not taught him to work, then for him laziness will be a completely normal state.

How to get rid of laziness

The fight against laziness must begin with the awareness of the problem and the desire to get rid of it. Then you should determine the causes of laziness in each case (they can be different) and deal with them - form the right anti-lazy attitudes in yourself, convince yourself of the usefulness of the case, break things down into tasks, etc. If you have found the cause of laziness, are struggling with it, but at the same time you continue to mess around, it means that you either incorrectly identified the cause, or do not want to get rid of it.

There are several ways to deal with laziness:

Thinking. You calculate the cause of laziness, erroneous beliefs about the uselessness of the upcoming action and formulate positive arguments for yourself. It also helps to think about how to make things easier for yourself.

logical way involves planning your work. You make a plan in which you think through all your actions and apply willpower to follow your plan, supporting and encouraging yourself at each step with positive beliefs: “I want to do this because ...”, “I can do it, I have there is already a positive experience”, “I can deal with this”, etc.

Physical. If the cause of laziness is fatigue, then you should not only give your body a rest, but also take care of the prevention of fatigue. Plan your work so that you rest for 10 minutes every half hour. Don't forget about vacation. Allow yourself to fully relax every year. In addition, go in for sports, adjust your diet, take vitamins. A person receives energy for work when he satisfies his needs and feels joy from this. It turns out that the more of your needs you satisfy, the more desire to act.

Self-persuasion method suitable for dealing with those causes that are caused by wrong attitudes, erroneous beliefs, confidence that the work does not need to be done, fears. In this case, it is necessary to identify stereotypes that interfere effective work, and convince yourself, and if necessary, convince yourself that these stereotypes are wrong and prevent you from living, and then get rid of them.

If your laziness comes from fears, then look for these fears in yourself, convince yourself that they are wrong, sometimes even funny, and get rid of them.

Also try to establish causal relationships between your actions and the results of your life.

Emotional. If you understand that your laziness is caused by the fear of negative emotions and experiences, work on your mood, attitude to life. Learn to find the positive in all situations, understand that everything around is subjective and depends on your attitude.

Since laziness is often caused by indifference, it is enough to make yourself angry or laugh to return to an active state. As soon as you feel a surge of feelings, consciousness will expand, thoughts will appear that are necessary to get out of inactivity.

temporary method. We are so arranged that if we have to do something unpleasant, we begin to constantly think about it, thereby spoiling our emotional state, and at the same time delaying the unpleasant moment until the last. In this case, it is necessary to act fundamentally and decisively. Do the most unpleasant things at the very beginning of the day so that you are not tormented by expectation.

Way of self-motivation. If you can't find true reason laziness, work on its symptoms: stimulate yourself to work. First you need to analyze yourself and determine what motivates you in general - and then laziness will appear to use these “secrets”. You can promise yourself after the successful completion of affairs to buy some little thing or something pleasant.

Or come up with a punishment for not doing the work, deprive you of some pleasure.

A couple of universal tricks

Whatever the reason for your laziness and the way you deal with it, to effectively solve problems, plan your day. This will help clarify incomprehensible tasks, get rid of uncertainty, break big things into small ones, allocate your resources for productive work, save time, achieve a balance of work time and leisure time.

It is necessary to fight against laziness constantly, each time to analyze its causes and eradicate them. Don't relax! If you managed to cope with laziness once, but then you gave up slack, then laziness will overcome you again.

Learn to think positively, love yourself, support yourself, help, explain things to yourself, talk to yourself like a child, meet your needs, reward yourself for Good work. Pretty soon you will realize that you can change yourself, become active and successful.

Is it possible to get rid of thrush forever? Candidiasis is an inflammatory disease of the vaginal mucosa caused by yeast fungi. Candida is constantly on the mucous membranes in healthy person. Therefore, a relapse of the disease can occur even several years after recovery. How to get rid of thrush, consider below.

Treatment of acute and chronic candidiasis

“I can’t get rid of thrush” - such a phrase is often said at a gynecologist’s appointment. How to get rid of the defeat of thrush once and for all? Used to treat disease antifungal drugs. They are prescribed in the form of tablets, creams, ointments, suppositories. According to indications, drugs are used in injections.

The following antifungal drugs are used:

  • Butoconazole.
  • Fluconazole.
  • Clotrimazole.
  • Miconazole.
  • Natamycin.
  • Econazole.
  • Isoconazole.
  • Imidazole.

The choice of drug, duration of treatment and dosage form the doctor does. Medicine prescribed taking into account age, comorbidities, form of candidiasis, examination results. At self-selection drug, the infection can go into a latent form or acquire a latent course.

The main ones are presented in the table.

acute form

In cases where thrush occurs for the first time, they are limited to the use of local preparations. Antifungal agents are administered in the form of suppositories, vaginal tablets, capsules, creams, ointments. In the first case of candidiasis, Pimafucin, Klion-D, Levorin, Vaginorm can be used. The reception is supplemented with local antiseptics (Betadine, Hexicon). Candles Betadine administered once a day for 7 days. The course of treatment for acute thrush does not exceed 7 days. To reduce symptoms, antihistamines (Zilola, Erius), herbal baths, suppositories with glucocorticoids are used.

  • the drug does not fall on the entire surface of the mucous membrane due to pronounced folding;
  • a candle, cream or ointment is not entered correctly;
  • the course of treatment was interrupted ahead of schedule.

If candida is detected in smears taken after treatment, they switch to an intensive treatment regimen.

Chronic form

How to permanently get rid of thrush in women? If the disease occurs several times a year, local and systemic antifungal drugs are prescribed. For systemic use, fluconazole capsules are used. The drug is drunk for 1 or 3 days, 150 mg (1 capsule), washed down large quantity water. This group of drugs includes Nystatin, Mikoflucan, Itrazol, Canditral.

There is a kind of vaccination against thrush - long-term use of Fluconazole. One capsule of the drug is drunk 1 time per week for 6 months. Since the drug affects the liver and kidneys, it is necessary to examine their function. The final decision on taking the drug is made by the obstetrician-gynecologist.

How to get rid of candidiasis forever? In the chronic form of candidiasis, it is necessary to undergo the following examination algorithm:

  • Vaginal swab for yeast.
  • Scraping from the mucous membranes and sowing the material.
  • Determination of the sensitivity of microbes to antifungal drugs.
  • Selection of an effective drug.

In most cases, latent genital infections become the cause of frequent recurrences of candidiasis. These include chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis. The disease does not always have bright manifestations. One of the symptoms of their carriage is thrush. To detect pathology, you need to undergo the following examinations:

  • Linked immunosorbent assay.
  • Immunofluorescence reaction.
  • polymerase chain reaction.
  • Determination of antibodies to the pathogen.
  • Tests for HIV infection.

According to the appointment of a specialist, one of the methods is chosen. For research, discharge from the urethra in men and discharge from the vagina, cervix, and urethra in women are taken.

May be disturbing with normal smear results. This occurs if a woman is not properly prepared for the test. On the eve, douching should not be carried out, suppositories with antifungal agents or antiseptics should not be administered.

After that, normal microflora and immunity are restored. To populate the vagina with lacto- and bifidobacteria, Bifidumbacterin or Acyclak is prescribed in suppositories. The course of treatment with drugs is 10 days. To increase efficiency, these drugs can be combined with Enterogermina or Linex capsules. Funds can be used within 1-2 weeks. Restoration of microflora is carried out after completion of antifungal therapy.

Be sure to treat comorbidities. These include chronic inflammatory processes in the pelvis - cystitis, urethritis, proctitis, colitis, oophoritis, salpingitis. Need to control flow diabetes, hypo- or hyperthyroidism, Itsenko-Cushing's disease or syndrome.

Complete cure

In order for the thrush to disappear forever, you must follow these recommendations:

  • Take all prescribed medications.
  • Use medicines for the entire duration of treatment, and not until the symptoms disappear.
  • Use only those drugs prescribed by the doctor.
  • Start treatment only after receiving smear results.
  • Apply for medical care in the first days after the onset of symptoms.
  • Refrain from sexual intercourse throughout the course of treatment.

What if I can't get rid of thrush? Treatment of the disease should be comprehensive. In addition to taking antifungal drugs, it is supplemented with probiotics, antiseptics, vitamin and mineral complexes. Somatic diseases are also treated in case of their exacerbation or decompensation. The main drugs that are included in the treatment regimen for candidiasis are presented in the table.

It is important to examine the sexual partner, as he may be a carrier of sexually transmitted and fungal diseases. If candida is detected in a smear from the urethra, he is also prescribed a course of treatment. You need to see a doctor if you experience these symptoms:

  • redness of the head;
  • white bloom;
  • crack formation;
  • discomfort when urinating.

Men are prescribed topical antifungal agents. In the form of an ointment, Mycozoral, Mikoket, Sebozol are used. In the form of a cream, Mycosone, Clotrimazole, Nizoral, Dermazol are released. Clotrimazole cream is used for 2 weeks. It is applied to the affected areas 3 times a day. Before applying the funds, it is necessary to carry out hygiene measures.


Can you die from thrush? With good immunity and the absence of somatic diseases, candidiasis is not dangerous. It is easily eliminated with the help of antimycotic drugs and may not bother for several years or more. If the disease develops against the background of HIV infection, viral hepatitis B or C, there is a risk of damage to the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. With these diseases, candidal sepsis can develop - the entry of yeast fungi into the systemic circulation. This is a dangerous condition that can be fatal.

Candidiasis acquires a severe course against the background of immunosuppressive therapy - the use of cytostatics, glucocorticoids, chemotherapy. These drugs are prescribed for oncological pathology, immunity disorders. These diseases in themselves are life-threatening, and in combination with candidiasis can lead to death.

The disease is difficult to treat in the presence of concomitant pathology - decompensated heart and respiratory failure, mental disorders, diabetes mellitus. Mortality in these diseases is not due to candidiasis itself, but to the addition of bacterial flora.

Elimination of causes

What if I can't get rid of thrush? If a woman or a man falls ill with thrush, it means that there have been drastic hormonal changes in the body or a decrease in immunity.

“To get rid of thrush once and for all, you need to eliminate its cause. Only symptomatic treatment will lead to relapses of the disease.”

To completely get rid of thrush, you need to fulfill the following requirements:

  • Promptly treat inflammation and infectious diseases intestines, kidneys, bladder.
  • Undergo an examination of the reproductive system - the level of hormones, pathogenic bacteria in smears.
  • Use barrier methods of contraception.
  • Take antibiotics only as directed by your doctor.
  • Examine the state of the vaginal microflora once every 3 months for women who take hormones, immunosuppressants, cytostatics.
  • Strive for a stable level of blood glucose in diabetes mellitus and thyroid hormones in thyroid pathology.
  • Refuse oral contraceptives with relapses of candidiasis.
  • Sanitize foci of chronic infection - caries, chronic tonsillitis.
  • Avoid the use of deodorants for intimate hygiene, lubricants, spermicides.
  • Normalize body weight.

How to permanently get rid of thrush? Women who have chronic candidiasis should be examined by a gynecologist after viral and bacterial infections (otitis media, pneumonia, influenza). With antibiotic therapy, probiotics are necessarily used - local and systemic.

May be the first sign of prediabetes. An increase in blood sugar promotes the reproduction of fungal flora. Symptoms of candidiasis occur before the detection of diabetes mellitus and indicate a violation of acid-base and hormonal balance. If the glucose level exceeds the norm for a long time, thrush will appear at short intervals. With compensation for diabetes and proper treatment of a fungal infection, recovery is possible.

The disease can occur after surgery or trauma to the genital organs. This is facilitated by mechanical or chemical tissue damage, concomitant antibiotic therapy. Under these conditions, you need Special attention pay attention to hygiene, use healing agents and antiseptics.


The daily diet affects the functioning of the intestines, the state of the microflora, and hormonal metabolism. When using spicy, salty, smoked, pickled, relapses of the disease often occur. Without a change in diet, thrush may reappear. To eat right, you need to know which foods are good for the microflora of the vagina and intestines.

Nutrients Useful Forbidden Limited in use
Dairy products Homemade yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese. Milk, fermented cheese. Factory made yogurt.
Fruits Banana, avocado, green apples. Grapes, watermelon, pear, apricot. Red apples.
Vegetables Garlic, zucchini, eggplant, sauerkraut, celery, cucumber, radish, beet, pumpkin, onion, tomato, bell pepper. Pickled, salted vegetables. Corn, beans, potatoes.
Berries Cranberries, sea buckthorn, blueberries, lingonberries.
Bakery Coarse bread. Muffin from yeast dough, chocolate. Baking without yeast.
The drinks Chamomile tea, carrot juice. Carbonated water, alcohol, kvass, coffee. Fruit juices.
cereals Buckwheat, oatmeal, barley. White rice.
Meat Boiled beef, turkey. Smoked meat.
Spices Cinnamon, cloves, basil, thyme, oregano, rosemary. Mustard, soy sauce, vinegar.

Not only the quality of products affects the course of candidiasis. Overeating leads to excess body weight and changes in hormonal metabolism. Most of the diet should be eaten in the morning. AT evening time prefer vegetables, fruits, low-fat cottage cheese or meat. It is recommended to eat at the same time. Portions should be small, contain more vegetables and fruits than foods with carbohydrates.

Lifestyle change

How to get rid of thrush in women? Diet influences the course of the disease physical activity, the presence of bad habits. To get rid of thrush, you need to eliminate all provoking factors. In chronic candidiasis, the following requirements must be met:

  • wear warm clothes in the cold season;
  • swim in open water when the water temperature exceeds 22-23⁰ C;
  • wear underwear made of natural fabric;
  • after swimming in the pool, put on dry swimming trunks;
  • stop smoking;
  • reduce consumption alcoholic beverages or completely be away from them;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • in the presence of depression, consult a psychotherapist;
  • follow dietary guidelines;
  • use daily pads if necessary;
  • during menstruation, use pads, not tampons;
  • change hygiene products every 3-4 hours;
  • do not wear thongs or other tight underwear;
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day;
  • wash underwear in hot water and iron it.

It is important to conduct preventive conversations with teenagers. They talk about the dangers of an early onset of sexual activity, frequent changes in sexual partners, and unprotected sex. With the early onset of sexual relations, the risk of infection with trichomoniasis, chlamydia, hepatitis B increases. Combined infections can lead to inflammatory processes in the uterus, fallopian tubes, infertility.

Intimate hygiene deserves special attention. Washing too often or infrequently contributes to dysbacteriosis. To maintain the acid-base balance and balance of microflora, you can wash yourself 2 times a day. To do this, use soap with a neutral pH containing lactic acid. Washing movements are carried out strictly from pubic bone to the anus to prevent entry of E. coli. For hygienic procedures, you can only use warm water. Each family member should have an individual towel. After hygiene measures, it is necessary to change underwear.

It is necessary to observe preventive measures during pregnancy, since during this period the likelihood of getting thrush increases. During this period, you need to control the frequency of stools, if necessary, take laxatives. Regular constipation can affect the microflora of the vagina. Therefore, you need to drink enough fluids, consume fiber, do not overeat. Even in healthy women, vaginal candidiasis occurs in the last trimester. If candida is detected in a smear, the vagina is sanitized before childbirth, or a course of local drugs that are not absorbed into the blood is prescribed.

Is it possible to permanently get rid of thrush? The disease occurs in every second woman and can be repeated several dozen times during her life. This is due to the fact that candida belongs to the conditionally pathogenic microflora and is constantly on the mucous membranes of the body. Under the influence of adverse factors, it captures new areas and displaces beneficial bacteria. Women are more likely to get candidiasis, as they are prone to sharp hormonal changes(pregnancy, childbirth, menopause). In any of these periods, thrush may occur.

Even a short-term violation of hormonal metabolism or immune forces leads to relapses of candidiasis. Therefore, it is necessary to change the lifestyle, and treat the disease only by a specialist.

Ivy is a perennial creeping plant, of which there are approximately 20 species. It can reach a height of over 30 m, spreading along walls, hedges or trees.

This plant is not very welcome on private territory, since it can not only damage property, but also cause an allergic reaction from a simple touch. In addition, ivy poses a huge threat to flowers and trees in your garden by stealing them. nutrients and water; its foliage blocks sunlight for other plants, and it also creates a haven for many pests.

Photo source:

How to get rid of ivy?

It is necessary to completely eradicate ivy from the site, since it is a very tenacious plant, and it only takes a few centimeters of root to start growing again.

Before you begin the process, make sure you have the following supplies:

  • Garden gloves
  • Gardening scissors
  • Saw for cutting thicker ivy vines
  • Spray
  • weed killer
  • Long sleeves, trousers and boots
  • great patience)

Photo source:

Instructions for the destruction of ground ivy

  1. Locate and mark all the base roots of the plant.
  2. Conditionally divide the ivy into sections based on the main roots.
  3. You must first remove the largest roots and thick branches. First of all, you still need to cut the branches, since you can safely get to the roots in the process.
  4. It is advisable to treat the place after ivy with a weed killer so that the ivy does not even have hope for a new life.

By the way, ivy that has grown on the ground rolls very easily. Once you detach it from the roots and remove the massive branches, try rolling it into a roll like a carpet. Do not leave shoots on the ground: ivy is capable of rapid regeneration, so it quickly takes root and sprouts again.

Photo source:

Instructions for destroying ivy from a tree

  1. Cut the ivy vines at waist level around the trunk with garden shears.
  2. Leave the ivy that is left on the tree to dry out and die. This will take about a month. Don't pull fresh vines unless you're sure they're dead. Otherwise, you will damage the bark of the tree.
  3. Remove as many ivy roots as you can around the trunk by hand.
  4. Treat the area around the tree with a weed killer.
Photo source:

Instructions for the destruction of ivy from the walls

  1. One by one, cut each vine that has spread along the wall, at waist level.
  2. Remove the roots of the plant by hand.
  3. Leave any remaining ivy to dry to make it easier to remove.
  4. Apply a weed killer to the places where the roots of the plant were.
  5. Remove dead vines from the wall with an iron brush.
Photo source:

The horror of breeding ivy lies in the fact that it can grow to the ground even from a small process, so take already cut branches of ivy away from your site or burn it altogether. Otherwise, it is likely that it will take root again and germinate. For the first few months, carefully monitor the area where the ivy grew and remove new plants if necessary. Also, do not forget to treat the place of residence of the plant with weed control agents.

By the way, we mentioned earlier

Home General diseases Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp

Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp

It is unpleasant for anyone to see dandruff on their shoulders and hair in the form of white flakes of exfoliated epidermis of the skin (seborrheic dermatitis or seboria), which can cause severe itching of the scalp, resulting in desire get rid of dandruff once and for all.

But, dandruff is not only a problem of an aesthetic nature - it may well lead to a deterioration in the condition of the hair, and even to their total loss. Therefore, the appearance of seborrheic dermatitis should be taken seriously.

According to medical scientists, the main cause of dandruff is the so-called seborrheic fungus, which, living in the scalp for years, sometimes behaves calmly, and sometimes, under the influence of certain factors, begins to show activity, leading to increased formation of seborrheic scales, that is, dandruff.

Seborrheic fungus can be activated both under the influence of external adverse factors (inappropriate shampoo, perm, improper hair care), and under the influence of health problems (hormonal disruptions, diseases of the digestive system, metabolic disorders).

Very often, the appearance of seborrhea of ​​the scalp is preceded by severe stress. chronic overwork, malnutrition, long-term use of certain medications, past illnesses.

Severe dandruff, as a rule, is accompanied by a violation of the sebum secretion of the skin and is of two types - dry and oily.

With dry dandruff, the hair gradually becomes faded, dry, brittle, lose its luster, severely split, and when oily dandruff hair is shiny, quickly becomes greasy, needs frequent washing.

Oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp often leads to the occurrence and development of inflammatory processes in the skin and, as a result, to progressive hair loss. Therefore, dandruff must be fought, and you can do it at home!

Identifying the Cause The first step is to identify and treat the underlying health problem causing dandruff. If seborrheic dermatitis is a consequence, for example, serious problems with the intestines, then no dandruff shampoos and hair care products will significantly improve the condition of the scalp and hair until the intestines are put in order. Strengthening general immunity As a rule, frequent exacerbations of seborrhea are observed in people with reduced immunity. You can strengthen the immune system with the help of special diets aimed at cleansing the body of toxins, hardening procedures, manual therapy, and sports.

Plentiful drink Lack of water in the body affects many processes occurring in it, including the appearance of seborrhea of ​​the scalp. Drinking plenty of fluids will help get rid of dry dandruff. Since water protects the hairline of the skin from dehydration and overdrying. Rinse hair with decoctions of medicinal herbs K folk remedies dandruff are healing herbs, which have anti-inflammatory properties and are successfully used to treat seborrhea at home. Nettle, hop cones, calamus root, chamomile flowers, thyme have a very good effect on the condition of the scalp and hair. Using nutritious oils If you regularly, at least once a week, lubricate the scalp with nutritious oils - castor, burdock, sea buckthorn - this will help improve the metabolism in the hair follicles, prevent brittleness and hair loss and remove dandruff. Compliance with the hygiene of the scalp and hair The opinion that frequent shampooing can further increase seborrheic dermatitis is very wrong! Of course, washing your hair every day is not recommended, as this can lead to overdrying of the scalp and hair. But at least once every three days, especially if dandruff is caused by oily seborrhea, washing your hair is not only possible, but also necessary, since a secondary infection easily breeds in oily and unwashed skin. Following the right diet To cure seborrhea and not provoke it reappearance and strengthening, it is desirable to limit the use of sweet, salty, spicy and too fatty foods. It is necessary to enrich the diet with vegetables, fruits, juices, dairy products, meat. The use of special anti-dandruff products The action of most anti-dandruff shampoos is aimed only at achieving an external effect and has nothing to do with the treatment of the cause of dandruff - seborrheic fungus. Therefore, in order to get rid of dandruff, if not forever, then at least for long time need to undergo treatment by special means designed specifically to combat seborrheic fungus. There are many such products in pharmacies: shampoos, ointments, creams, balms. An experienced dermatologist can help you choose a good, effective remedy to combat seborrhea. Sulsena paste and shampoo for oily dandruff seborrheic dermatitis and contributes to the normalization of the function of fatty secretion of the scalp. You can buy Sulsen paste and shampoo at a pharmacy. Shampoo "Friederm Zinc" for dry dandruff Due to the content of zinc pyrithione provides a strong anti-dandruff effect. Does not contain artificial colors and preservatives. Shampoo "Friederm Zinc" not only helps to prevent dandruff, but also eliminates allergies, which manifests itself in the form of itching and irritation of the scalp. Also Friederm Zinc shampoo can be used in the treatment of atopic dermatitis and pityriasis versicolor.

Experts consider this type of seborrhea the most characteristic of the scalp. If dry seborrhea develops, the amount of secretion of the sebaceous glands is significantly reduced. The scalp is covered with pale dry scales of dandruff, the hair fades, becomes brittle, brittle and dry, itching and flaking occur.

Many are trying to eliminate this phenomenon with the help of more frequent washing head, which further aggravates the situation. All products that degrease the skin, such as hard water, soap, frequent coloring, curling, and various alcohol solutions only bring harm. If the face has dry seborrhea, complex care is needed.

A very important role here is played by a competent approach to hair care, which must be carried out at home. Treatment of dry seborrhea begins with the use of various regenerating agents. You should also identify the presence of any concomitant diseases. If the disease is already quite complex shape you should contact a specialist. In such cases, treatment with hormonal drugs is prescribed.

Requires special dietary intake a large number of cereals, vegetables, fruits, eggs, dairy and fermented milk products. The consumption of animal fats, seasonings, spices, canned food, salty and spicy foods is sharply reduced. Such restrictions contribute to the stabilization of the gastrointestinal tract, seborrhea does not continue to develop so quickly.

Its symptoms are expressed in constant dryness, which requires the mandatory inclusion in the menu of zinc and sulfur compounds, as well as vitamins of groups E and A. Physiotherapeutic procedures are recommended, in particular, UV irradiation, ozone therapy and massages. Treatment of dry seborrhea should certainly be combined with physical activity on the fresh air, exercise, sunbathing, water and air hardening and swimming. All these activities significantly improve blood circulation. Unless there are contraindications, stay in the sun as long as possible and do not use hats.

Significantly increases the risk of infection of the skin, violates the protective functions skin and leads to excessive hair loss seborrhea. Its symptoms appear primarily in constant feeling discomfort in the scalp, and then in ever-increasing itching. When the first discomfort occurs, immediate treatment should begin.

Dry seborrhea is quite successfully treated with the help of various medicinal ointments, which include sulfur or boric acid. A therapeutic ten percent sulfuric ointment has a particularly strong effect. To completely eliminate all unpleasant symptoms, use it daily for seven days. Set aside a convenient time for the procedure. The ointment should be carefully rubbed into the roots of the hair. For this, it is convenient to divide the hair into strands. Next, we take a break for one day, and then thoroughly wash the hair using a medicated shampoo. If you have dry seborrhea, a shampoo containing birch tar, selenium and zinc would be an ideal option.

Experts advise after washing your hair to additionally treat your hair and skin with a weak solution. boric acid. Rub well with massage movements, wrap your head bath towel and go to sleep. Try to wash off this solution no earlier than three days later. Rest seven days and repeat the procedure.

Note that seborrhea may relapse. To prevent them, you should identify the sources of the problem and try to get rid of them. Get tested if necessary. Stick to a diet and do not forget about multivitamin complexes.

Dandruff is not beautiful, not neat, not aesthetically pleasing and not healthy. Today, every third person on our planet suffers from dandruff. Someone struggles with it every day, using various cosmetics, while someone is looking for more cardinal ways how to get rid of dandruff once and for all.

Before prescribing a pill, every doctor must make a diagnosis, so let's first determine the reasons for the appearance of white "snowflakes" in our hair. According to trichologists, dandruff is nothing but dead skin cells on the scalp. But after all, all skin processes are constantly updated. Usually it passes slowly, gradually and imperceptibly to the human eye. So why does everyone see dandruff?

The normal allowable period for the renewal of scalp cells is 25-30 days, but sometimes the body fails for various reasons, as a result of which the skin begins to renew itself faster - within 6-8 days. This is the famous dandruff, but be that as it may, it does not come alone, or rather without good reasons, namely:

– diseases gastrointestinal tract,

- diseases of the central nervous system,

- use of inappropriate detergents for hair,

- Too dry scalp

- allergic reaction to headgear,

- overheating or, on the contrary, hypothermia of the scalp, etc.

Ideally, the first step in the fight against dandruff is a visit to a trichologist, but there is not always time or desire for this, although it can be used to get rid of dandruff much faster and more efficiently. True, some owners of seborrhea just need to buy a suitable dandruff shampoo to get rid of it once and for all. Others just need to treat a seasonal cold so that the dandruff goes away on its own. Therefore, insisting on a visit to the hospital is not always cost-effective.

Sometimes it's amazing how just a regular shampoo can get rid of dandruff in a matter of days. How do they do it? In fact, everything is quite easy and simple, or rather, there is a rational explanation for this.

The fact is that all hair care products designed to combat dandruff contain nothing more than medicinal additives, for example:

Antipruritic - you scratch your head less, less dandruff,

Antifungal - do not allow the fungus to multiply, reduce the amount,

Anti-inflammatory - soothe the scalp,

Cytostatics - slow down the renewal of skin cells,

Keratolytics - help to remove dead cells,

Vitamins - saturate the scalp beneficial substances.

Some medicated shampoos that you can buy at the pharmacy act more globally, their composition is significantly different from the usual ones. cosmetics for hair. They contain antibiotics that help not only eliminate the problem, but also treat the scalp.

The main cause of dandruff is a fungus. Pharmacies also offer special preparations that allow you to get rid of the fungus, and therefore cure dandruff once and for all, well, or for a very long time.

Few people know that the reappearance of dandruff is most often due to the fact that people forget that the main carrier of infection is a comb. It should be thoroughly disinfected during treatment, and after recovery, or changed altogether. The same can be said about hats, caps, scarves and other headwear.

- take good care of your hair

- nourish the scalp with natural vitamins and other useful substances (herbal decoctions, masks, oils, serums, etc.),

- follow a diet during an exacerbation, limit the consumption of fatty, spicy and salty foods, coffee and alcohol,

- eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.

1. Apply kefir to your hair (you can use yogurt or whey), leave for half an hour. Then rinse with water with mustard (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).

2. Nettle tincture, apply 2 times a week, leaving overnight for 2 months, wash off in the morning with a medicated shampoo.

3. Rub the calendula tincture into the scalp, wrap your hair with a towel and leave for 30 minutes, repeat 2 times a week.

4. Rinse your hair with a decoction of lemon peel after washing.

5. Use a decoction of tansy to wash your hair for 10-12 days.

6. Prepare a mask of kefir, vodka and chicken egg. Use every other day, leave on hair for 20 minutes.

7. Before washing your hair, rub a mask made from olive oil, lemon juice and warm water.

Use soft water to wash your hair.

Don't rub your scalp too hard.

Wash hair as it gets dirty.

For frequent washing, use appropriate products.

Wash off styling products at night.

Do not keep washed hair under a towel for too long.

Use a hair dryer only in extreme cases.

Do a head massage once a week.

Dandruff does not come forever. You will definitely cope with this ailment, and we wish you only a little patience in your endeavor.

“Brr-ps-ps” is Uncle Julius, while Miss Bock’s snoring sounds completely different: “Brr-ash, brrr-ash!”, This is how the “moderately well-fed” hero Astrid Lingdren Carlson taught his friend to distinguish between snores Baby. If these snores were heard by a sleep doctor, he could assume that Uncle Julius has uncomplicated snoring, and Freken Bock would be nice to see a doctor - she has all the signs of snoring with apnea caused by overeating. About what types of snoring exist and how to deal with them, we asked Tatyana Surnenkova, head of the Somnology Center of the Clinical and Diagnostic Center MEDSI on Krasnaya Presnya, to tell us.

- Tatyana Alekseevna, according to statistics, after 30 years, about 30% of men and every fifth woman snore in their sleep. Is snoring normal, or is it a pathology?

Tatyana Surnenkova: Snoring is a sound phenomenon that occurs during sleep when air passes through a narrowed airway. Normally, a person does not snore. Snoring is caused by smoking, obesity, weakness of the muscles of the soft palate, deviated septum, the structure of the facial skeleton, especially the small lower jaw, alcohol abuse and some sleeping pills.

Snoring most often occurs in the supine position. Muscle tissues of the oropharynx relax during sleep, plus the tongue moves back, all this leads to a narrowing of the airways and the occurrence of the phenomenon of snoring. In this case, it is enough to accustom yourself to sleep on your side, using special positional trackers or a regular ball sewn into a T-shirt pocket at the level of the shoulder blades.

What other tricks are there?

T.S.: If your snoring is caused by a runny nose or allergic rhinitis, then snoring sprays can bring some result. In this case, sprays and drops with glucocorticosteroids are prescribed. There are drugs that to some extent increase the tone of the muscles of the palate and pharynx. But they are ineffective in case of snoring caused by other causes.

- What can cause snoring?

T.S.: Obesity is one of the main causes of snoring. Therefore, malnutrition is one of the main causes of its occurrence. In addition, snoring increases alcohol. It is recommended to exclude the use of alcoholic beverages 2 hours before bedtime. If we talk about anatomically determined causes (curvature of the nasal septum, excessive soft tissues palate, enlarged tonsils, etc.), then the doctor will help. But you can also use a number of tests yourself to understand where you snore:

  • Breathe in through one nostril while closing the other. If breathing gets worse, the cause is nasal breathing. For example, in the curvature of the nasal septum.
  • Open your mouth and snore. Then put your tongue between your teeth and snore again. If the intensity is less, then snoring can be caused by the displacement of the tongue back.
  • Simulate snoring with your mouth closed. Then push your jaw forward as far as possible. And snore again. If snoring has become less, then it may be due to a backward displacement of the lower jaw. If the intensity of snoring persists, then the cause is excessive vibration of the soft palate and tongue.

- Are there different types of snoring?

T.S.: Depending on the degree of deterioration of breathing during sleep, there are uncomplicated snoring and snoring with sleep apnea. Uncomplicated snoring is more quiet (though not always), regular. It is associated with the position of the body (more often occurs if a person lies on his back), with the intake of alcohol, as well as with colds. People who smoke also tend to snore with this snoring.

Complicated snoring occurs when a person gains weight, abuses smoking or alcohol. It can lead to pauses in breathing during sleep or obstructive sleep apnea, when the amplitude of breathing either decreases or stops altogether. During respiratory arrest, the brain and heart do not receive oxygen, hypertension develops over time, ischemic disease heart, heart attack and stroke. Lack of oxygen affects the production of sex hormones, which can lead to impotence. A snorer with sleep apnea often has nightmares of drowning or suffocating. Therefore, it is extremely important to prevent the transition of uncomplicated snoring into complicated.

- Are there any advanced methods of snoring treatment today?

T.S.: The choice of treatment depends on the cause of snoring.

Sometimes it is enough to quit smoking and lose some weight to stop snoring.

It is important to contact an ENT doctor in time to identify the anatomical causes of snoring (deviation of the nasal septum, excessive soft tissues of the palate, enlarged tonsils, etc.). If loved ones notice you stop breathing in a dream or you begin to wake up unrested, daytime sleepiness, frequent nighttime urination, morning headaches, then consult a somnologist who will prescribe a study showing the presence of respiratory arrests during sleep, blood oxygen saturation and the state of brain activity (night polysomnography).

But we must remember that these methods are ineffective in the presence of sleep apnea syndrome, when the most effective way treatment is CPAP therapy. It consists in using the device during sleep, which pumps purified and humidified air through a comfortable mask into the respiratory tract under a certain pressure. Due to this, snoring disappears and normal breathing is restored.

- Advise exercises for the treatment and prevention of snoring.

T.S.: To strengthen the muscles of the palate, you can try to perform the following exercises daily for 1-2 months:

  • Reach out to your chin with your tongue 10 times.
  • With your mouth closed, press your tongue against the palate, hold for 30 seconds 10 times.
  • With your mouth closed, move your jaw back and forth 20 times.
  • Squeeze the pencil with your teeth for 3 minutes.

- They say that playing wind instruments can help in the treatment of snoring?

T.S.: In 2017, scientists from Switzerland, Canada, Holland and the USA invited patients to play on musical instrument didgeridoo. This is an Australian Aboriginal wind instrument. In 2005, a study was conducted on 25 people who complained of snoring and sleep apnea. Four months of daily training on the didgeridoo allowed them to stop snoring. Playing the instrument strengthened the muscular apparatus of the oropharynx and taught proper breathing.
