By eye color. Determining the nature and essence of a person by the eyes

A lot about a person can be told by his hands, hair, posture, but only his eyes can tell about his true face and hidden corners of the inner world. No wonder they are called the mirror of the soul.

When we talk about the connection between eye color and character, we should mention the human biofield. The eyes reflect energy, which in turn builds character and determines the type of temperament. In addition to psychological subtleties, eye colors can also indicate the presence of psychic abilities. There are only four main shades of the eyes: green, blue, brown, gray. Other shades already have only the properties of the main ones. The black color of the eyes deserves a separate discussion.

Green eyes

Green-eyed people have a soft character, but they are not always ready to follow someone. They can be leaders, but it is very difficult for them because of the fear of offending someone. It is easier for them to live when no one is angry with them, so green-eyed people love solitude and work alone. From the point of view of temperament, people with this eye color are described very unusually. The fact is that these people have an equal probability of becoming both choleric and, for example, melancholic.

There are people who act differently in different situations. Green-eyed people often get into fights over little things and don't shed tears even for a good reason. They do not lend themselves to strict analysis, so it is very difficult to predict how to communicate with this or that green-eyed person. In one moment they can tear and throw, and in another they are already sad and crying.

To make their lives better, green-eyed people sometimes do not have enough time. These people are afraid of a lot, so they do not succeed as often as others. They may be lucky, but even this may not be enough. They need to be believed in, guided along the right path. We need some kind of impulse, help, support. They value friends who donate their time, and they love to do the same. That is why most often green-eyed people are friends with other green-eyed people.

The energy of green eyes is changeable and often unstable. Despite this, many people know how to control their character. Another thing is blue eyes.

Blue eyes

They are considered the most beautiful. Even in our subjective world, many agree with the fashion that says that blue eyes are the most attractive. This applies to both men and women. This is true, because the energy of this color is very strong. This is felt, but not because blue-eyed people charge with positive, but because they are uncontrollable.

Blue-eyed people often change mood. If those who have green eyes have mood swings for good reason, then people with blue and blue eyes have mood swings like a rodeo bull. It is impossible to guess what they will be tomorrow. This is not even possible for them. If you are in close contact with a blue-eyed person, then you know what causeless depression and joy are. These people are vulnerable and impressionable. They know how to dream like no other, so the Universe gives them a lot of luck. They can also be very cruel, heartless. This is very unpleasant, but it is not worth deleting them from your life for this, because today they are cruel, and tomorrow they will help you escape from trouble.

Brown eyes and black eyes

If you were born with brown eyes, then know that a great leader and boss sits inside you. When communicating with brown-eyed people, there is almost always a risk of losing energy, because many of them are energy vampires. In most cases, this is not particularly dangerous - you just need to know that you should not tell them your deepest secrets, because pity is not for these people. They will try to help you, because they are good friends, so go straight to the requests.

The same goes for people with black eyes. But they have a couple of differences - they are not vampires and are more open spiritually. This is a kind of equivalent of green-eyed people, but with a more stable energy. Owners of brown and black eyes are pronounced choleric. Sedentary and tedious work is not for them, so they are drawn to independence. They love freelancing.

In love, such people are very sensual, but do not lose their heads, so they immediately break off relationships that have become obsolete. They are amorous, sociable, dynamic and hate boredom. These qualities are especially pronounced in those who were born under the auspices of the constellation Sagittarius or Aries.

Grey eyes

Gray color under different lighting can turn into blue or green. Eyes with this color are chameleons, and the character of these people seems too mysterious. They are kind to others, but sometimes their cruelty knows no bounds. They are hardworking, but sometimes their laziness can be so strong that they don’t even go to work, although they should.

In love, these people are devoted. In friendship, they have no equal in terms of support in a difficult situation. They are excellent psychologists, although they themselves do not know about it. If these people are betrayed, then in most cases they cut off all ties with the offenders. If the gray-eyed man is gone, then know that, most likely, you offended him.

Other colors

There are colors such as yellow, as well as eyes that combine several colors. Here, a description of each color will come to your aid. About the yellow-eyed, it is only worth mentioning that they are vulnerable, like people with blue eyes, and have great potential in art. Most of the same people are melancholic by temperament type.

If a person has heterochromia, that is, the eyes have a different color, then by nature it will be either one or the other. It will not combine the character traits inherent in two colors at once. Your task will only be to guess which color is the main one.

Eye color and esotericism

Experts say that innate abilities for clairvoyance and extrasensory perception also depend on the color of the eyes. Unfortunately or fortunately, but each color has its own abilities and the degree of their strength.

Blue eyes. These people have the ability to jinx it, and they don’t do it on purpose. Blue-eyed people very subtly feel the environment and the energy of others, therefore they are good at reading minds and predicting the behavior of even strangers.

Green eyes. Intuition is the weapon of green-eyed people. They quite often tell other people that certain actions will lead to certain problems. They are not listened to, and then they wonder why everything turned out this way. Green eyes help analyze the future based on life experience and help people feel the waves of the universe. That is why they get into trouble less than others.

Brown and black eyes. These people have the gift of persuasion, they can be excellent magicians, clairvoyants. Most of the best tarot card readers and palmists have brown or black eyes.

Grey eyes. This color gives people a special charisma, so they are excellent predictors. They are persuasive and can see other people's energy field as if it were their own.

We are all born for a purpose that guides us through life. The Universe has its own plans for each of us, but does not change our lives, but adapts to our choice. No matter what eye color or character you have, only thoughts are the determining factor in changing fate. They build everything around us, so start any changes from the worldview, from the inner world. Let your eyes reflect only positive. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

An experienced physiognomist knows not only how to determine the character by the look (eyes) of a person, but also how to get 70% of the information about his family life, luck, standard of living, feelings, judgments, achievements, career.

For people who have learned physiognomy, each person is like an open book. They carefully compare the external image with their knowledge and quite accurately can tell about the personality, fate, temperament, character of the interlocutor.


Physiognomy is an ancient science that originates in ancient China, where it was previously considered a full-fledged branch of medicine. Later it becomes extraordinarily popular during the time of Confucius. At the moment, attempts to use ancient knowledge also do not stop.

You can discuss the veracity of physiognomy for a long time, but the ability to “read” information about a person from his face will never be superfluous. It will help you evaluate new acquaintances, learn more about your friends, relatives and even about yourself.

How to determine the character of a person by the eyes

Let's figure out how to determine the character of a person by the eyes - the most important source of information.

Eye size

Small eyes

Owners of small narrow eyes (smaller than standard sizes) are decisive, calm, punctual, caring people. They are naturally characterized by a strong psyche, observation, pedantry, prudence. You can always rely on them, they will never betray, will not change their principles. At the same time, such people are jealous, stubborn, self-satisfied, although they understand that they are far from ideal.

Big eyes

Big-eyed people are characterized by openness, good nature, sincerity, spontaneity, love of life, emotionality, romance. They are honest, generous, trusting, courageous, optimistic. As a rule, these are dreamers and creative individuals who have good taste, often leaders.

The eyes are the first thing that people pay attention to when looking at a person: this has been proven by research. They represent the internal energy of a person, being the “windows of the soul.” The character is easily determined by the eyes, because even without knowledge of the basics of physiognomy, it is clear by just one glance whether a person is kind or evil.

Knowing how to determine the character by the eyes, you can learn a lot of interesting things about a person. In this case, everything is important: the shape of the eyes, their size, location relative to each other, the color of the iris and whites, even the structure of the eyelashes!

Eye shape and character

In physiognomy, great importance is attached to the features of the eyes, because the shape of the eyes and character are connected with each other.

1. Big, bulging eyes

Owners of large, expressive eyes are sincere, artistic, intelligent, sociable, natural in expressing emotions. The beauty of such eyes is undeniable, which can cause failures in personal life: they are too attractive for the opposite sex!

2. Bulging eyes

These are the eyes of a gambling, energetic, ambitious, decisive, risky and intuitively feeling the possibility of a successful transaction. Women with such eyes are distinguished by sociability, impulsive behavior, the desire for dominance, a love of risk and a tendency to reckless actions, when literally everything is at stake.

3. Small eyes

Eyes of this type testify to punctuality, moral stability, firm principles of life, devotion in friendship and love. However, the owners of such eyes are jealous, subconsciously feeling their imperfection. It is easy for women to visually increase the size of the eyes with the help of makeup, and for men it is worth developing self-confidence.

4. Deep-set eyes

The owners of eyes of this type are characterized by such properties of nature as daydreaming, conservatism in views, gullibility, vulnerability, calm disposition. Due to their natural data, they are well versed in financial matters, but do not like to take risks, therefore they have stability and success in relation to money.

5. Slanted eyes

The owners of slanting eyes are characterized by such character traits as optimism, courage, determination, self-confidence. However, the propensity for adventurism and carelessness can lead them to rash acts, recklessness and risk. However, these people's unshakable self-confidence tends to contribute to success and good luck.

6. Eyes that have lowered outer corners

If the outer corners of the eyes are lower than the inner corners, then a sad expression is created in a person. People with this eye shape tend to care about the welfare of others more than about themselves. Their immense kindness can play a trick on them: they will have to endlessly solve the problems of other people, forgetting about themselves and their interests because of their weak will. Women can visually change the contours of the eyes with makeup, and men will have to work on themselves in order to increase self-esteem, develop a strong will and desire to win.

7. Big eyes with a small iris

The eyes of this type look dilated, as if from an approaching danger. In such eyes, the protein is visible not only on the sides, but also from below - in the form of a white strip between the iris and the lower eyelid. Their owners have a stormy temperament and a feeling of constant anxiety, therefore they are not prone to long-term obligations. It is worth thinking about working with frequent business trips and a partner with whom separation for a short period of time is not excluded. Insight, cunning, generosity are the strengths of their nature.

Character in the eyes: the influence of various signs

1. The location of the eyes

Of great importance for the harmonization of facial features is the location of the eyes relative to each other. Ideally, the distance between them should be equal to the length of one eye, which indicates a person's good relations with relatives and society as a whole.

Close-set eyes indicate a weak will and excessive influence of parents on a person's life. On the contrary, eyes that are disproportionately distant from each other indicate a strong personality who does not experience parental influence and care, perhaps being in a cool relationship with them.

2. The color of the iris of the eyes and whites

The dark brown color of the iris indicates the vital energy of a person. Blue eyes indicate the kindness of their owners, green ones indicate mystery and high intelligence, a yellowish tint of color indicates temperament, and violet indicates the charm of nature.

White and clear whites of the eyes are a sign of health. The redness and yellowness of proteins indicate the problems of the internal state of the human body. The bluish tint of proteins speaks of the mystery of nature: it happens in people with brown eyes from birth.

3. Too visible squirrels

Sometimes the eye has whites that surround the iris on all sides. Such eyes are people with an indomitable character who do not control their condition. They go berserk easily, so it's best not to mess with them.

4. Eyelashes and character

As a rule, insufficiently active people have thin and rare eyelashes. Short and thick eyelashes are characteristic of energetic, strong personalities with a rather aggressive character. Long eyelashes are a sign of kindness and kindness of a person's nature.

5. Wrinkles in the eye area

The presence of wrinkles near the outer corners of the eyes, similar to "crow's feet", indicates a person's sexuality. Directed upward, these wrinkles testify to the perseverance of the nature of their owners, which allows them to always achieve their goals. Lowered down, they may indicate a possible divorce.

6. Heavy eyelids

Heavy eyelids testify to the decisiveness of the character of a person who, at the same time, has sufficient sensuality.

Determining the character by the eyes allows you to recognize many personality traits already at the stage of acquaintance, which can manifest themselves only after a long time. As the saying goes, "forewarned is forearmed"!

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The ability to recognize people: their character, disposition and even health status includes many areas, both psychological and physiological. A lot can be said about a person by his manner of speech, gestures, gait, facial features, preferred colors in clothes. However, the most informative source of information about a person is his eyes - the mirror of the soul.

All ancient treatises on physiognomy advise starting the study of the face with the eyes. And this is no coincidence. After all, most of the information due to which a person develops is perceived precisely by the eyes. The ancients, for example, advised to protect the eyes from evil influence: the gaze of an unfriendly person. Modern astrologers recommend that sensitive and vulnerable people wear dark glasses to protect themselves from negative energy.

Astrologers are convinced that the eyes reflect the entire color palette of the planets of the birth horoscope, which, in turn, testify to certain predilections and inclinations of a person. The significance of the eyes in the study of character is also confirmed by modern scientific research: each person's eyes are unique in their color.

The owners of black eyes are energetically strong people, they have great vitality, initiative and restless character. Black eyes testify to the passion of a person and his abundance of love. Almost no obstacles on the way to the adored object can stop such people. Although their obsession can bring them not only the joy of victories, but also the bitterness of hasty decisions.

Those who have brown eyes are naturally endowed with attractiveness, sensuality, wit. They know how to please people, dress with great taste. These are very temperamental natures. We can say about them that they are extremely quick-tempered, but they easily forget insults. The disadvantage of people with brown eyes can be considered frequent whims. Astrologers say that people with dark brown eyes (a mixture of the energy of the Sun and Venus with an admixture of Saturn) are extremely sociable and easily get along with people. People with such eyes are very amorous, but how quickly they light up, just as quickly and sometimes cool down.

Owners of light brown eyes are shy, prone to solitude, dreamy. They can be considered pragmatists, but perhaps this makes them so hardworking, diligent. You can always rely on them - they will not let you down. A feature of the character of people with light brown eyes can be considered their individualism, the desire to do everything on their own, they usually achieve great success. These people absolutely can not stand the pressure from the outside. Astrologers add that the owners of light brown eyes (a mixture of the energy of the Sun and Venus) are very impressionable;

The owners of green-brown eyes are wise, courteous and calm people. For them, the most important thing is comfort and peace of mind. These are hardworking and diligent people who achieve their goals. They have many friends, people are drawn to them for advice and help. These are reliable companions, they will always understand you. They love their chosen one and do not betray if he answers the same. Marriage with him is usually happy and long.

A person with gray-brown eyes (rarely rare) is unpredictable and usually has a difficult character. Owners of this eye color are controversial, they do not have a golden mean. These people are very often disappointed in others, which is why relationships with others are always difficult for them. They need a companion who will understand their mysterious nature and the secret of impermanence. For a successful union, you need to constantly indulge him in everything and humbly accept him for who he is. You can have an affair with him, but not make plans for a long life together.

People with blue eyes (the color corresponds to the planet Venus) are romantics, people are very emotional, sensual. They are able not only to fall recklessly in love with a partner, but also to captivate him with their passionate impulse. The course of their thoughts can sometimes be completely unpredictable. By the way, such people, among other things, have a very developed sense of justice, they are ready to defend the truth, sometimes even to their own detriment. Blue-eyed people are very truthful. The main drawback is arrogance and arrogance. Such people are very conflicted, like to argue, rush things and are not always able to understand someone else's problem.

People with dark blue eyes (the color energy of Venus is diluted with the color energy of the Moon) are persistent, but very prone to sentimentality. Owners of dark blue eyes easily succumb to their whims, and their mood resembles an unpredictable spring breeze. Blue-eyed natures tend to remember grievances, even when in their hearts they have long forgiven them.

Blue eyes often conceal deceit. The owners of blue eyes are purposeful, not too sentimental people. People with blue eyes cannot be moved to pity by tears. Sometimes they experience bouts of intense anger or unreasonable depression. But such mood swings are extremely rare. More often, blue-eyed people have a calm character, but the monotony depresses them.

Owners of gray-blue eyes never doubt themselves, are persistent and impulsive, confidently go towards their intended goal and almost always achieve success. In love, a partner is chosen based on logic, not on emotions. Often they demand that they obey unquestioningly. This is an extraordinary person, sometimes even cruel, and always a leader. But in moments of depression, he needs support.

The owners of gray eyes are very determined and intelligent. They do not resort to the "ostrich method" if they have problems. On the contrary, they solve them without delay. But at the same time, they are helpless in the face of situations where the mind is powerless. Gray eyes are a sign of sensitivity and curiosity. These people are interested in everything. And therefore - these are the eyes of the lucky ones: they are lucky both in their careers and in love.

Owners of dark gray eyes (gray is inherent in Mercury, and its darker color indicates a small admixture of Saturn) are stubborn and bold. They are selfless, have a strong will and decisive character. These people are often jealous, although they do not seek to advertise this quality. If your life partner has dark gray eyes, then you are lucky, because such people are almost always monogamous.

If you have gray-green eyes, then we can say about you that you have a very strong will. You can handle any peak. Although you are considered intractable, but often this is what helps you achieve your goal. The owners of gray-green eyes are sometimes obstinate natures who can show toughness in solving important issues for themselves, and in exceptional cases, cruelty.
They choose a partner themselves and love him immensely. But if the chosen one does not reciprocate, their ardor soon fades away. You can win his heart with the help of wit, resourcefulness, and sometimes even impudence.

Owners of gray-green-brown eyes are people who are doubtful and indecisive. Indecision prevents them from making the right choice and achieving success, but this disadvantage is compensated by the fact that they always hope for a miracle and do not lower their wings. They will be happy if a companion appears who understands them. These people are constantly striving for change.

Green-eyed people are tenderness itself. They always love sincerely, passionately and are distinguished by loyalty to those they have chosen. Green eyes are often inherent in real knights. Friends appreciate them for their reliability and kindness, enemies hate them for their integrity and firmness. They are good listeners and interlocutors. In general, people with green eyes are the most prosperous category. They are stable, but not unimaginative. In relations with their companion, people with green eyes always strive to maintain mutual understanding. They will take on the burden of everyday problems. Marriage with them is usually successful.
Green-eyed people are also very hardworking. When it comes to work, they are demanding not only to themselves, but also to others. They excel in leadership positions.

Tiger eyes - yellow, are very rare in humans. People with such eyes have rare talents and are said to be able to read other people's minds. They are artistic and creative in any business. If you have nothing bad on your mind, then it is a pleasure to communicate with such people.

In addition to the fact that the color of the eyes, one way or another, affects the character of a person, the eyes and eyes themselves are influenced by the zodiac sign to which you belong.

  • Aries have a piercing "fiery" look.
  • Taurus by nature have very expressive eyes with a velvet look.
  • Geminis are easily recognizable by their flirtatious looks combined with ringing laughter.
  • Cancers are serious people. In their eyes, as well as in their heads, there are many plans.
  • Leos have a magnetic gaze that draws attention to themselves.
  • Virgos, for example, have a flirtatious gaze, and their eyes are always pure and innocent.
  • Libras have a dreamy, soft gaze, often directed to the sky.
  • Scorpions are endowed with dark eyes that simply attract.
  • Sagittarius are distinguished by eyes "with a sparkle". Their gaze is sly and mocking.
  • Capricorns are mostly eye-catchers.
  • Aquarius can be identified by a thoughtful or absent-minded look of intelligent eyes.
  • Pisces have a mostly melancholic or mysterious look.

Of course, summing up this small study, it can be argued that there is a dependence of character on eye color. By the eyes, one can judge not only the feelings of a person at the moment, but also get an idea of ​​​​his spiritual qualities.

But whatever the color of your eyes, remember that the path of improvement is open to everyone, regardless of what nature has endowed a person with.

It is no coincidence that the eyes are called the mirror of the soul. And, paying due attention to their shape, cut and, especially, color, you can tell a lot about their owner. Of course, the shade of the iris itself cannot allow even the most talented physiognomist to compile the most complete psychological portrait of a person. Nevertheless, this factor carries a lot of valuable information.

How are the nature and color of the eyes related?

It is no secret that eye color is an innate feature of a person. Not changing during life, it, nevertheless, can be somewhat transformed as the processes take place in the mind of the person himself.

For example, a bright and rich shade is inherent in energetic, passionate natures. Softer shades, on the contrary, give out soft, gentle and vulnerable romantics.

The intensity increases as the expression of the creative principle of the individual. Warm-colored eyes are characteristic of people who need emotionally close and trusting communication with others, cold ones, on the contrary, are closed, emotionally alienated.

A more detailed psychological portrait of a person can be found out by carefully examining his eye color and looking at their shade.

Green eyes

One of the key character traits of green-eyed people is purposefulness, as well as activity in achieving goals and loyalty to their principles.

However, devoid of proper self-control, she often borders on banal stubbornness, making them wayward and unpredictable. It is almost impossible to predict how they will behave in a given situation.

However, the emphasized independence in them coexists with an attentive attitude to the opinions of loved ones and the need for support and care on their part. Rarely deciding on a conflict with others, people with green eyes try to calculate the consequences of an action as much as possible and rarely demonstrate a risk appetite.

Possessing a well-developed intuition, they are also well versed in people and responsibly approach the choice of their environment. And this is no coincidence: being principled and sufficiently jealous, green-eyed people hardly forgive those who made mistakes in their regard. It is difficult to earn the trust of such people, but you can lose it overnight.


People with brown eyes are very pleasant to talk to. Cheerful and witty, they easily become the soul of any company. However, inconstancy and touchiness can often provoke misunderstanding on the part of others.

Thanks to responsibility, diligence and reliability, brown-eyed people often become indispensable in any kind of activity. And fantasy and daydreaming allow them to express themselves in art and achieve very significant results in these areas.


This eye color distinguishes people who are characterized by such traits as prudence, ingenuity, a sense of reality, a flexible mind and practicality. All this allows them to easily find themselves in any field of intellectual work and science.

To a large extent, this is also facilitated by their patience, thoughtfulness and curiosity, not crossing the line with curiosity. The independence and initiative of the gray-eyed does not allow them to remain in the shadows and miss the opportunity to prove themselves. And self-sufficiency makes it possible to be self-confident and know the value of one's abilities and achievements.

Despite the fact that at the first meeting such a person may give the impression of restrained and even a little dry, in the future the interlocutor will easily reveal in them such traits characteristic of them as constancy, devotion and reliability.

They also manage to earn favor with their goodwill, as well as their readiness to always come to the aid of those who need it. However, they themselves often need the help and support of like-minded people who could support them in their endeavors and help them generate new ideas.

In relationships, people with gray eyes often demonstrate such qualities as jealousy, willfulness and lust for power. But all this is compensated by devotion, loyalty to your life partner and the desire to protect him from all life's adversities.


Sensitivity and vulnerability are the main qualities that distinguish people with blue eyes. Sensitive to praise and signs of attention from others, they are, nevertheless, vulnerable and sensitive enough that they will remember the insults inflicted on them even after a long time.

And making them forget about the experience is often extremely difficult. The high sensitivity of blue-eyed people often also leads to the fact that their mood can often and absolutely for no reason change - from boundless joy to deep depression.

But despite all this, people of this type, like no other, are able to adapt to new conditions. At the same time, almost immediately demonstrating to others the abilities and talents that no one expected from them.

As for their personal life, blue-eyed people, like no one else, need it to be full of a variety of emotions and be saturated with them to the limit.

Amorous, they often decide on relationships with a variety of people. And, even when I am disappointed in them and failing, they do not lose faith in the best. Due to the excessive need of such people for strong feelings, it may even seem that they are looking for them themselves, creating an environment around them that is most conducive to this.


Monotony and routine are the main enemies of people with black eyes. Strong personalities with huge energy potential - they have amazing diligence, determination. Organizing like-minded people around them, they can easily infect them with their own enthusiasm and lead them towards any goal, becoming a strong leader.

However, weakening control over themselves, they often become obsessed with her, turning into desperate fanatics who are ready to sweep away everything in their path in an attempt to achieve their goal.

People with black eyes, as a rule, make extremely high demands on themselves and try with all their might to meet them. And in achieving one goal, they immediately set themselves the next - even more significant. That is why they often turn to various sports (including extreme ones), where they achieve significant success. But, it is black-eyed people who are most often addicted to gambling, becoming addicted to them.

Thanks to natural charm and innate magnetism, such people are never deprived of attention from members of the opposite sex.

Being in the center of attention, it is not difficult for them to arrange their personal lives. But, building relationships with a partner can often be hindered by excessive emotionality that is not alien to them.


For blue-eyed people, the highest value, to which they strive with all their might, is justice. Trying to remain impartial and objective in any way, they often forget that the subjectivity of judgments does not allow them to see all sides of the situation. Because of this, they often have a reputation for being too categorical and arrogant.

Such people often make excellent leaders due to the fact that they are not devoid of enterprise, courage in making decisions and determination. However, excessive straightforwardness, exactingness to themselves and others, and severity often lead to the fact that their relationship with others deteriorates.

In general, in relationships with people, people with blue eyes often show maximalism, forcing them to divide everything into “black” and “white”. And being supportive and even infinitely devoted to one, to remain extremely cruel with others. That is why it is extremely important for them to develop such qualities as patience, self-control, sensitivity.


This very beautiful and, at the same time, rare eye color is characteristic of creative people who also have a rich imagination and creativity. Inventive, they are able to find a way out of any situation, even the most difficult at first glance. But, often this quality often turns into its negative hypostasis, turning into resourcefulness, duplicity and deceit.

In relationships with the opposite sex, people with tiger eyes are very active and persistent. Thanks to these qualities, they are distinguished by stubbornness and readiness to fight for their love to the last. Although, charm, charm and amazing artistry are unlikely to allow them to remain deprived of attention.

I am well versed in people, they most often easily recognize their intentions and do not allow themselves to be deceived. And in relation to friends, they show such qualities as generosity, disinterestedness and devotion.


It is not difficult to guess that people with gray-blue eyes combined the qualities of blue-eyed and gray-eyed. In particular, they successfully combine a developed imagination and a rational, sober view of things.

They are determined, ambitious; in achieving their goals, they most often do not go to extremes, succumbing to excessively strong emotions, or showing excessive cynicism. But despite this, they are completely not alien to sentimentality, vulnerability and sensitivity.

Lovers of an active lifestyle, people with gray-blue eyes will always find something to do with themselves and know how to find a business that will maximize their talents.

Paying attention to the color of a person's eyes, it is hardly possible to discern all his features and unravel his personality to the end. Nevertheless, remaining the “mirror of the soul” of everyone, they carry a lot of valuable information.
