Home doctor Golden mustache: plant care. Growing conditions, reproduction of the golden mustache

Useful qualities golden mustache and its undemanding to living conditions have long attracted flower growers. In this article we will talk about the rules for caring for this popular plant at home, and also consider it. medicinal properties.

Botanical description

Golden mustache, or fragrant callisia,- slow growing, reaching about 1 m in height and 60-120 cm in width, with leaves 15-25 cm, arranged in turn. During growth, bulges form on the trunk, gradually transforming into separate shoots - “whiskers”. At the same time, they include several "joints", at the end of which there are leaf rosettes. Such shoots belong to the first type and are used for propagation as soon as the "whiskers" acquire a lilac color.

The second type is formed by straight fleshy leaves, similar to corn. Their bases are close to each other, which is why there is often an erroneous opinion that this is one outlet. If you break the leaf, you can see thin stretching hairs, which led to the appearance of such folk names for this plant as "venus hair" or "living hair".

Did you know?In Russia, callisia first appeared in 1890 thanks to the botanist and geographer Andrei Krasnov, who brought it from the expedition.

Where is the best place to grow a golden mustache?

Callisia feels fine both in and on outdoors. But still, it is better not to settle it in the kitchen and in smoking areas, as it prefers fresh air and a calm atmosphere.


Golden mustache is a plant that prefers bright rooms, so it is best to place it on the window. Poorly perceives direct sunlight, on a hot summer day it is necessary to move to the shade.

If there is a lack of light, in principle, it can also grow, but you will not see beautiful and strong leaves. This "house doctor" is starting to stretch, has a thin stem and is pale in color. Fortunately, such a shortcoming can be corrected with the help of, which is also well suited for callisia, the leaves and stem of which, when good conditions have a purple tint.


The most suitable for growing "golden hair" is a spacious pot. There must be drainage, which can be made from river sand and eggshell(5-10 mm). This will provide the plant with silicon and help mitigate oversights when watering.

Fragrant callisia loves nutritious loose earth. There are several ways to prepare the substrate for planting:

  1. Prepare at home from the necessary ingredients.
  2. Buy in a specialized store.
  3. Mix purchased land with forest land.
DIY Components:
  • forest land from under deciduous trees, except for birch;
  • river sand.
To begin with, each component must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. It is important to ensure that the forest soil is free of fungi and affected leaves.

Humus is prepared for at least two years. To do this, a fresh one is placed in, each layer of which is sprinkled with the remains of healthy plants:, without seeds, fallen leaves, any tops, except. If you use river sand, then first you need to rinse it from the remnants of clay and heat it in a frying pan or in the oven.
Loams are also excellent as soil for callisia.

Boarding requirements:

  1. Loose fertile land.
  2. about 5.5 pH.

Air humidity and temperature

The optimal temperature for the life of "living water" is 25-27 ° C and humidity 50-60%. In winter, the temperature is recommended to be slightly reduced (but not lower than 12 degrees).

Important!Callisia is good to put near the bed of an asthmatic, as it purifies the air and produces phytoncides that are useful for the lungs.

Planting and reproduction

At home, the plant is grown in two ways: by seeds and by dividing the bush.


Propagation by seeds is a very tedious and unreliable process. Only a few can achieve the desired result. harvested seeds packed in cloth or paper and stored in a dry place. Landing is done in the spring.

By dividing the bush

Such reproduction is carried out using sprouts, cuttings or rosettes of leaves.

1st way. Be sure to remove the leaves from the bottom of the process. First, the sprout is immersed in water for 10-15 days until the roots appear. Then they are planted in the ground, but a little deeper than the rest of the flowers (approximately 2 cm from the first leaves). This contributes to the appearance more roots along the length of the stem, resulting in a stronger plant. It takes root well and takes root quickly. This method is suitable for breeding all year round, but it is still better to do this from March to April - in.

2nd way. The top with two nodes is separated from the shoot, also removing the lower leaves, and shortening the remaining ones. The stems are placed 3/4 in water. For the best effect, you can use a growth stimulator. After the formation of roots (after 7-10 days), the golden mustache is planted in the ground.

3rd way. A rosette with leaves that forms on one of the shoots is cut off partially with the stem. Then it is placed in a container with a nutrient liquid, as in the case of propagation by cuttings. After a couple of days, the water needs to be changed to clean and settled. And after 10 or 15 days the plant is planted in a pot.
You can also immediately process the cut of the cutting, hold it in the fresh air for about two hours and plant it in a container with sufficiently moistened soil. Spray golden mustache warm water, create a greenhouse effect by closing with a transparent lid or bag. After 3-4 days, the film is removed and generous watering and spraying are again provided. As soon as young leaves appear, you can be sure that the flower has taken root.

Important! The plant is considered mature when 12 joints are formed on the mustache.

Proper Care

Observing simple rules care, you can forget about the troubles associated with growing a plant for a long time, and also enjoy its flowering, which does not happen very often. Small white flowers (less than 1 cm in diameter) are formed at the tops of the shoots. They have a pleasant aroma that can be compared with lily of the valley or.

Watering and spraying

in spring and summer period golden mustache needs daily watering, but it is important not to overmoisten the soil. In autumn and winter, watering is reduced to 2-3 times a week, but if it is hot in the room, then, on the contrary, they increase it. The soil should be moist, but not waterlogged.
It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the morning.

The leaves should be sprayed every 2-3 days with warm, settled water to wash off the dirt and refresh, and in hot climates, regularly perform the procedure so that they do not dry out.


After developing a strong root system for rapid growth, plants can be fed liquid. When buying such dressings, you should pay attention to the composition included, and.

You can make this fertilizer yourself:(2.5 tsp), (1 tsp), (2 tsp) diluted in 10 liters of water by adding a couple of drops of ferric chloride. This mixture should be used 2 times a month. Before starting top dressing, it is recommended to water the ground well. When introducing fertilizer, it is necessary to ensure that the mixture does not get on the plant, which can cause burns.

Second cooking method:(1.5 tsp), (3 tsp), water (10 l). Also, watering is first done to protect against burns. This top dressing can be applied every 2 weeks.

Promotes the growth of callisia by watering with milk water (1/4 cup of milk per 1 liter of water). You can wipe the leaves with cotton wool soaked in milk.

Tying up

"Live hair" is a tall plant with a fragile stem, so it needs additional. It can be either a wooden peg or tied with a rope. If you do not install it, it will begin to bend under the massiveness of the weight, which will lead to deformation of the barrel.

Possible difficulties in growing

Basically, growing a golden mustache at home is easy, but there are still points that you need to pay attention to:

  • a deficiency in the soil, water, or an excess of sun may indicate the appearance of brown spots on the leaves or dry tips;
  • too much water or too low a temperature will be reported by rotting lower leaves;
  • if the plant has become dull or yellow spots have appeared, this indicates inadequate feeding.

Often, callisia is a plant that is practically not exposed to

Golden mustache or fragrant callisia is a common perennial belonging to the Commeline family. In the wild, the plant grows in South America. Tradescantia is considered to be its closest relative. This unusual culture has about 50 varieties.

The plant began to be domesticated about a century ago. It came to our country not so long ago, but at the same time it has already managed to win the hearts of not only flower growers, but also adherents of traditional medicine, thanks to its unique healing properties. How to grow a golden mustache and properly care for it, we will tell in this article.

Varieties and types

Golden mustache - the natural habitat of the plant is tropical forests South America. There culture forms real thickets. At home, she looks much more attractive. Golden mustache has long creeping shoots with large dark green leaf plates resembling corn. The inflorescences of the plant are white, small, racemose with a pleasant aroma. However, at home, the golden mustache blooms very rarely.

Callisia fragrant - in the wild, the plant can grow up to 3 meters. A domesticated culture has creeping shoots up to 2 meters long. The foliage of the plant is large, narrow and long, has a rich green tint. Callisia flowers are racemose, lilac or pink in color with a pleasant aroma. Flowering time falls in the summer. At home, the culture blooms extremely rarely.

Golden mustache growing at home

Callisia can grow both in the house and in open field. It is best to grow the plant in a room with fresh air and good lighting. The kitchen is not the best place for this culture.

An ideal option for a golden mustache would be a south window with artificially created shading. Despite the fact that the plant is very photophilous, it does not tolerate direct sunlight. It can also grow in the shade, but in this case the culture will be weak and lose its decorative effect. Its leaf plates will turn pale, and the stems will begin to stretch. If the callisia is comfortable, the grower will notice a slight lilac tint that will appear on the shoots and leaf plates.

Golden mustache is extremely thermophilic, therefore ideal temperature regime for him will be indicators from 25 to 28 degrees. IN winter time the temperature should not fall below 16 degrees, otherwise the plant will get sick and die. It also does not tolerate temperature changes.

The optimum humidity in the room where the flower is located should be at least 60%. In winter, it can be reduced to 50%.

Planting a golden mustache

Plant young plant it is best to immediately into a large pot, since the golden mustache is extremely negative about transplants. It is also worth considering the fact that root system It grows very quickly, so transferring the flower to a new pot can damage it.

It is necessary to plant young shoots deeply, as in this way, better rooting and survival can be ensured. Do not forget about the drainage, which will be small expanded clay. The land for the plant should be loose and nutritious, and after planting it should be fertilized with top dressing for deciduous plants.

By observing all the rules regarding planting and caring for a plant, you can grow a healthy and beautiful collision, which, in addition to its decorative effect, will help you effectively deal with various ailments without visiting doctors.

Watering the golden mustache

In spring and summer, the golden mustache should be watered every day, but the soil should not be allowed to become waterlogged. In the autumn winter period watering should be reduced to twice a week.

However, if the room is hot, you should monitor the condition of the soil and prevent it from drying out. Flower growers recommend watering the culture in the morning.

As for spraying, it should be carried out every three days, using warm, settled water for this purpose.

Ground for golden mustache

The soil for the plant should be loose and nutritious. However, its preparation should begin with drainage, which can be fine expanded clay or a mixture of coarse sand with eggshells. Such drainage will not only avoid stagnant water, but also supply the earth with silicon.

The soil for the golden mustache can be purchased either at flower shop then mix it with forest soil, or cook it yourself.

To prepare the soil mixture yourself, you should take the soil from under deciduous tree(except birch) and mix it with sand and humus. But before mixing the components, they must be treated with a solution of manganese in order to destroy fungi and pests. The acidity of the soil should be 5.5 pH.

Golden mustache transplant

The plant does not like transplanting, so when planting a young callisia, you should pick up a large pot so as not to disturb the plant for as long as possible. But sooner or later, the selected capacity will become small for him and a transplant will be required. Approximately it will be necessary to carry out a transplant once every three years.

This procedure is carried out in the spring by transferring the plant to a new, larger pot, along with a zemlyok, which will protect the roots from damage.

A drainage layer should be made at the bottom of the pot, after which the plant can be transferred into it by adding the missing amount of the necessary earth mixture. After transplanting, the golden mustache needs to be fertilized and watered. Adaptation to new conditions will last about a month, after which the plant will grow.

Golden mustache fertilizer

Both organic and mineral fertilizers are used to feed the plant. In spring, the plant should be fertilized with organic matter, and in summer and in autumn period mineral fertilizers with trace elements.

It should be noted that trace elements are absorbed through the leaf plates, therefore, for top dressing, they must be diluted in water and sprayed from a spray bottle. Feeding is carried out weekly. From the end of autumn to spring, fertilize the plant is stopped.

Golden mustache bloom

Despite the fact that callisia rarely blooms at home, it can still happen when good care.

Before flowering, the plant throws out a long peduncle, on which small inflorescences appear, collected in a brush. They can be white, pink or pale blue. The inflorescences smell very pleasant and resemble hyacinth in aroma. Flowering time is in late spring or mid-summer.

Pruning a golden mustache

The plant does not need pruning, however, in order to preserve its decorative effect, withered leaf plates and dried shoots should be removed.

If the plant is not grown in a pot, it should be tied up, as its tall and fragile stem cannot support the weight of the shoots and can break without support. A peg made of wood is usually used as a support, tying a plant to it, in order to avoid deformation and breaking of the trunk.

Preparing a golden mustache for winter

Like many representatives flora, callisia needs a dormant period that occurs in winter. At this time, care for her mute changes.

Watering is reduced to three times a week, fertilizing is canceled and the temperature drops to +16 degrees. With the onset of spring, standard care resumes.

Golden mustache reproduction by rosettes and layering

Callisia can be propagated using rosettes and layering. In the first case, you should use rosettes that appear at the ends of long branches. They must be cut and lowered into the water by ¾. in liquid planting material should stay for two weeks so that the root system can get stronger.

After the young are ready for planting, it is necessary to prepare the soil from leafy turf, sand and eggshells used as drainage. Then you need to take a small pot and plant a plant there. After a few years, it will be necessary to transplant into a larger container.

Propagating the golden mustache by layering is quite simple, for this you need to tilt the shoot to the soil, sprinkle the socket with soil and wait until it takes root. After that, the young plant can be carefully separated and transplanted into a new pot.

In order for young plants to take root better, and later grow and develop normally, reproduction should be carried out in spring or autumn.

Diseases and pests

The plant is not susceptible to diseases, but it can be attacked harmful insects submitted thrips and red spider mites . They settle on leaf plates and feed on their juice, which results in their yellowing, drying and dying .

Regular airing of the room with a golden mustache, as well as spraying the leaf plates, will help prevent their appearance. However, if pests have already appeared, callisia should be treated with Actellik insecticide according to the instructions on the package.

Problems when growing a golden mustache

Although given plant growing is quite simple, yet there are some problems that flower growers have to face.

These include:

  • Yellowing leaves - most likely, the plant was struck by pests or the grower does not feed it enough. To get rid of the misfortune will allow treatment with insecticides and the introduction of the required dose of top dressing.
  • Drying of leaf plates - an insufficient amount of moisture leads to the drying of the leaf plates. Regular watering will eliminate this problem.
  • leaf rusting - appearance rusty spots on the leaves - this is nothing more than sunburn. To return the leaf plates to their former decorativeness, the golden mustache should be slightly shaded, but at the same time not deprive of light.
  • Stopping shoot growth - the plant slows down in growth with a lack of mineral fertilizers and in too heavy soil. In this case, transplanting into a nutrient substrate and applying a sufficient amount of fertilizer will help.

At proper care such problems will not arise for the plant, and the golden mustache will delight the grower not only with its extraordinary decorative effect, but also with useful properties.

Golden mustache medicinal properties and contraindications

The golden mustache is mostly known precisely as a plant with medicinal properties. It is thanks to its healing properties that callisia is used not only in folk, but also in official medicine.

The plant has an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, tonic, diuretic, anti-allergic and bactericidal effect.

All of the above properties, the culture received thanks to its bioactive and chemicals present in it in high concentration. Golden mustache is rich in phytosterols, vitamins, pectins, trace elements and flavonoids.

From various parts plants can be prepared medicinal teas, decoctions, tinctures and ointments. IN medical preparations an extract comes out of the shoots and leaves of callisia.

The plant is used for arrhythmias and cardiovascular ailments. To combat these diseases, juice squeezed from fresh leaf plates is used. Used for hypertension and joint disease alcohol tinctures based on leaf plates, branches and mustaches.


Treatment with drugs based on this plant should be abandoned for allergy sufferers, children, asthmatics, expectant mothers and people with kidney problems.

For the rest, the golden mustache will only benefit. However, it should be noted that before using funds from callisia, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

A decoction of the golden mustache for diabetes

Decoctions from leaf plates are used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and diabetes. Ointments based on culture juice are used for trophic ulcers and damage to integrity. skin. On the whole, this unique plant used in the treatment of many diseases, the most common recipes based on it, we will give below.

To prepare a decoction, you should take 4 tbsp. spoons of finely chopped leaf plates and pour them with 750 milliliters of boiling water. Infuse the decoction should be throughout the day.

It is necessary to use it twice a day for 250 milliliters for a month. It will help stabilize the glycemic index and improve the condition of the diabetic.

Golden mustache tincture for joint disease

To prepare the product, you should take 12 branches of the plant, put them in a dark jar and pour 100 milliliters of vodka. After that, the jar should be placed in a dark place for three weeks.

From time to time it will need to be taken out and shaken. Store the finished product in the refrigerator. Use tincture for rubbing diseased joints in the morning and evening until the desired results are obtained.


The information provided in this article will help you grow a healthy and beautiful plant for both beginners and experienced growers.

He will also talk about the medicinal properties of the plant and recipes for preparing infusions and decoctions based on the golden mustache.

The golden mustache plant, also known as fragrant callisia, has found wide application in traditional medicine. It is believed that medicinal properties possess its horizontal shoots, the maturity of which is determined by the color of the internodes. They must purchase purple hue. How indoor plant Golden mustache has been bred for over a hundred years. Its medicinal properties have become known relatively recently.

Landing and care - a general characteristic

The plant is perennial and grows very slowly. It blooms quite rarely and only with good care. It is extremely difficult to achieve flowering at home. In adulthood, it reaches more than a meter in height. To avoid fractures from the severity of the flower itself and shoots, the plant is tied to a support.

Air temperature

The flower loves warmth. The ideal temperature for him is 25-28 degrees. In winter, if the temperature drops to 16 degrees, it will be difficult to tolerate such conditions and get sick. The disease manifests itself in the fact that the stems become thinner, become brittle, the leaves turn yellow and dry out. He does not like sudden changes in temperature.

Golden mustache is most often grown as a houseplant, but also planted in open ground. Application organic fertilizers a must when caring for a plant.

Important! Fertilizers must contain phosphorus and nitrogen. Feed the golden mustache weekly.


It is considered useful for a flower to water with water diluted in it with milk (50 g of milk per liter of water) and rubbing the leaves with milk.

The flower is watered in the morning. Do not allow the soil to dry out and at the same time to fade. In winter, watering is reduced to two times a week. It is recommended that the soil be slightly dry in winter.

The plant must be sprayed with water. This will help prevent yellowing of the leaves and falling off.


Callisia loves sunlight and penumbra. But you can not put it under direct rays. In full light, the flower grows in breadth, being in the shade, stretches up.

If the plant is sick, the leaves wither, turn brown, you need to try to change the conditions: either put the flower in the shade, or take it out in the sun, but after the midday sun and change the watering regime.

The plant is susceptible to spider mites. To combat it, the flower is sprayed with a special preparation and covered with polyethylene. Prevention of pests - constant spraying and compliance with the humidity regime.

Landing at home

It is better to take a flower pot right away big size. Golden mustache does not like transplants. In addition, its roots grow strongly and are easy to damage when replanting a flower.

The shoot of the golden mustache is planted deeper than the seedlings of other plants. The roots sprout along the entire length of the stem placed in water, so deep landing will provide better rooting and the plant will take root better.

Important! When planting, drainage is required (expanded clay, gravel pebbles).

Sand, turf and humus are added to the ground for planting in equal proportions. Ordinary soil from the garden will do. Only in this case, after planting, the plant must be fertilized.


In his natural environment propagated by lateral shoots. As they grow, they reach for the ground, take root in it and separate from mother plant. This method can be used if callisia is grown in large pots, greenhouses or outdoors. When the shoots fall to the ground, they are sprinkled with soil and cut off after a few days.

At home, the plant is propagated by seeds or division (cuttings, shoots):

  1. Cut off the top, consisting of 2-4 nodules, they are also called joints. The process is placed in the input. After it gives roots (usually after two weeks), it can be planted in the ground.
  2. The cutting can be planted in well-moistened soil already 2 hours after the cut. In this case, it is recommended to cover the top with polyethylene. Such a greenhouse will help to get accustomed better.

It is extremely difficult to collect seeds on your own, since the plant blooms very rarely, therefore the most common and in a simple way reproduction remains division.

Important! By cutting cuttings from the top, the plant is rejuvenated and does not stretch upward.

You can plant a golden mustache all year round, but most auspicious time March, April.

  • Bloom: in room culture blooms very rarely.
  • Lighting: bright diffused light for 12 hours.
  • Temperature: during the growing season - 25-27 ºC, in autumn and winter - 12-15 ºC.
  • Watering: regular but moderate.
  • Air humidity: during the dry period, you should regularly wipe the leaves with a damp sponge.
  • Top dressing: are not required, but if necessary, a solution of complex mineral fertilizer at half dosage.
  • rest period: in winter.
  • Transfer: at home, young plants are transplanted at the beginning of active growth annually, adults - once every 2-3 years.
  • Reproduction: in March or April by layering, whisker or stem fragments.
  • Diseases: a disease state can only occur as a result of poor care or violation of conditions of detention.
  • Pests: thrips and spider mites.
  • Properties: The plant has valuable medicinal properties.

Read more about growing a golden mustache below.

Golden mustache plant - description

Golden mustache flower - liana-like herbaceous plant with two types of shoots: one is erect and fleshy, from 80 cm to 2 m long, covered with normally developed, almost linear, alternate leaves up to 25 cm long; the second - horizontal, with poorly developed leaves. At break sheet plate golden whisker, which is very similar to a leaf of corn, you can see how thin threads of rubber stretch between the scraps. Cranked horizontal mustaches with young rosettes at the ends depart from the stems, with which the golden mustache reproduces. The flowers of fragrant callisia are fragrant, small, collected in hanging inflorescences, but at home flowering occurs infrequently.

How to care for a golden mustache at home

Fragrant callisia is not just an ornamental houseplant. Beneficial features golden mustache have been known for a long time, and many would like to have it medicinal plant in my house. How to grow a golden mustache on a windowsill? Quite simply, because the plant is unpretentious to the conditions of detention and undemanding to care. However, there are some subtleties of growing a golden mustache that you need to know.

On the picture: useful plant Golden mustache

If you need a golden mustache as a medicinal plant, you need to place it indoors in such a way that direct sunlight falls on it in morning time until 12 noon. From the midday and evening sun, the leaves of callisia curl, discolor, the plant ceases to form a mustache and loses its medicinal properties. Over time you will need install a support and tie the stems of callisia to it.

The optimum temperature for keeping a golden mustache is 25-27 ˚C in growing season and 12-15 ˚C in winter. Golden mustache needs a constant influx fresh air, but the plant does not like drafts. In summer, a pot of callisia is best kept on a balcony or terrace.

Watering and feeding the golden mustache

Water the plant moderately, but regularly with settled water. room temperature, and sometimes it is better to skip watering than to make the roots of the plant get wet in liquid mud. Winter mode watering depends on the room in which the golden mustache spends its dormant period: if the plant is in the recommended conditions (12-15 ˚C), then watering should be reduced, but if callisia is kept in a room with working heaters and dry air, moistening the substrate in a pot the plant is carried out, as in the summer, in addition, you will have to wash the leaves of callisia several times a week or spray them with warm water.

It is not necessary to feed the golden mustache, but if for some reason it develops too slowly, add to the substrate complex fertilizer in low concentration. Top dressing should contain all the main elements: potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen.

Golden mustache transplant

Young plants of fragrant callisia are transplanted annually, and adults - 1 time in 2-3 years. Doing so better in spring, at the beginning of the growing season. The substrate for the plant is prepared with approximately the following composition: coarse sand, compost and leafy earth in equal parts. The optimal soil pH for the golden mustache is pH 5.0-5.5.

In the photo: How the golden mustache blooms

First, a layer of drainage material is placed in the pot, which should take up at least a quarter of the volume. Then the plant is transferred into the container and immersed to such a depth that the surface of the substrate is 2 cm below the first leaf. The remaining space is filled with a substrate, which, after planting, is slightly compacted and watered, and when the soil settles, you can add more soil mixture to the pot.

Reproduction of the golden mustache

The golden mustache can be propagated by seeds or vegetatively: cuttings, layering or mustache pieces. Best practice vegetative propagation in March or April, but if necessary, you can do this at other times.

Cut off the top of the shoot with several internodes from an adult plant, remove the lower leaves, and shorten the plates of the upper leaves by a third of the length. Let the cuttings dry for a few hours, and then plant the tops in pots with moist substrate, spray them with a spray bottle and cover with a transparent cap to create conditions for the cuttings. high humidity.

You can separate a rosette of leaves with a small segment of the stem from the lateral horizontal shoot and plant it in a vessel with water. In about two weeks, a powerful root system will develop at the outlet, and it can be planted in a pot with moist soil.

Growing a golden mustache in open ground

You can also grow a golden mustache in the garden. It is necessary to cut off a fragrant mustache from home callisia, put them in water, and after about a month, when they grow roots, they are planted in a garden bed fertilized with superphosphate and wood ash soil. If you take good care of the golden mustache in the open field, then in one season you can get up to three crops of this medicinal plant.

Pests and diseases of the golden mustache

Diseases of the golden mustache and their treatment

Usually, fragrant callisia problems at home do not arise from infection with harmful microorganisms, but from improper maintenance or poor care.

  • Yellow spots on the leaves may indicate improper feeding of the golden mustache, and in the future, the shoots can be crushed and the leaves fade.
  • If the tips of the leaves began to dry, and appeared on the plates brown spots, this may be due to lack of moisture, sunburn or deficit nutrients in the substrate.
  • Rotting lower leaves of the plant are a sign of chronic waterlogging of the soil in a pot or low air temperature in the room.
  • And insufficient lighting delays the production of the enzyme, because of which the golden mustache is so valuable: the leaves with medicinal properties must have a purple hue, and for this the plant needs a lot of light.

Try to find the perfect balance of lighting and moisture for fragrant callisia, and then the symptoms of ill health will disappear on their own.

In the photo: Medicinal plant golden mustache

Golden mustache pests and their control

The golden mustache flower needs high humidity, and if you provide the plant with this condition, no pests will settle on it. But in a room with dry air, fragrant callisia can become a victim of thrips and spider mites, which feed on its cell sap.

Prevention of sucking pests consists in regularly spraying and washing the leaves of the plant with a damp sponge or under warm shower, but if pests still appear, try to deal with them folk remedy: infusion of tobacco with the addition of laundry soap.

In cases where sparing measures do not help, you will have to spray the golden mustache with Aktellik or Fitoverm and, to enhance the action of the insecticide, cover the pot with the plant for several days with a transparent plastic bag.

Golden mustache properties - harm and benefit

The healing properties of the golden mustache

In folk medicine, the golden mustache medicinal plant is considered one of the most effective means in the fight against infectious diseases. The composition of fragrant callisia includes steroids, flavonoids quercetin and kaempferol, ascorbic acid, the entire group of B vitamins, phytosterols, pectins, nicotinic acid, tannins, macro- and microelements calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, cobalt, potassium, nickel, rubidium, copper, vanadium, strontium, bromine and other biologically active substances.

Medicinal preparations of fragrant callisia normalize metabolism, strengthen the immune system and blood vessels, remove toxins from the body, anesthetize and heal wounds. Golden mustache has antitumor, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, tonic, diuretic, anti-allergic, antioxidant and anti-edema effects. It slows down the aging process in the body.

Golden mustache is used in the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, dysfunction of the pancreas, adrenal glands, spleen, genitourinary and endocrine systems, inflammation of the prostate, swelling of the mucous membrane, mastopathy, periodontitis, periodontal disease, coronary disease, varicose veins veins, vasospasm, impotence, hemorrhoids, glaucoma, anemia, dysbacteriosis, tonsillitis, anemia, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, dystrophy, urticaria, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, cystitis, liver failure and other diseases and conditions. Outwardly, the golden mustache is used to treat skin diseases, frostbite, lichen, ulcers, skin cancer, healing of deep wounds and burns.

Medicinal preparations of the golden mustache are plant juice, tablets, oil emulsion, decoctions, syrup, ointment, balm and alcohol or vodka tincture of the golden mustache.

In the photo: Golden mustache ointment

Tincture for the treatment of bronchial asthma, diseases of the upper respiratory tract and digestive organs: grind 10-15 internodes of the golden mustache, put in a half-liter bottle, pour alcohol or vodka and keep for 2 weeks in a dark place, then take one dessert spoon three times a day 45 minutes before meals, without drinking or eating anything.

Golden mustache - contraindications

Fragrant callisia preparations are contraindicated for pregnant, lactating and children under six years of age, as well as for allergy sufferers, patients with prostate adenoma, bronchial asthma and individual intolerance to the substances that make up the plant. Even if you have no contraindications, when taking the drugs, you must strictly observe the dosage and the prescribed treatment method, otherwise headaches, an enlarged thyroid gland, swelling of the throat, damage to the vocal cords and other symptoms of poisoning may occur.

Growing a golden mustache at home to obtain decoctions, tinctures, ointments is not at all difficult if you know a few secrets. Almost magical, settled in our homes, the plant is popularly called the Golden Mustache. Other names - Far Eastern mustache, Living hair, Venus hair, Corn, Homemade ginseng. Even recognized its medicinal properties official medicine. The pharmacy sells tincture, extract and ointments based on the Golden Mustache. What can become best recommendation? The compositions are in demand and quickly sold out.

When to prune your golden mustache

Indoor flower grows fast enough long mustache. Several of them are formed on the stem at once. Sometimes ten or more. Grow fast. Coloring purple and the number of knees over nine, indicates the possibility of using them for medicinal purposes.

Trimmed mustaches and leaves are pinched off or cut off, placed in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for 3 days.

To make medicinal preparations, the raw materials are kept in a cool place for some time - this is how the necessary substances are activated in it. After that, they begin to prepare medicinal tinctures and decoctions. The remaining shoots and leaves are stored in a film at the same temperature for no more than 2 weeks. Raw materials prepared in this way are used for the preparation of tinctures, ointments and rubbing.

Topic: Golden mustache - growing at home in last years gained great popularity. Who would have thought that one houseplant is used to prepare so many decoctions, ointments, infusions, tinctures and treat many diseases. The human body responds positively to formulations with Golden Mustache juice. Easy to plant and grow, recipes medicinal formulations it's easy to cook. All this makes Callisia fragrant one of the most useful indoor green friends on our windowsills.

On this, I say goodbye to you and look forward to new meetings on the pages of the Marivlad blog. There will be questions - ask. What I know, I'll tell you. All health and good mood!
