Aloe has brown spots. Why aloe leaves dry - proper care for agave

Aloe is a type of succulent plant, and in Arabic its name means "bitter". Even in ancient times, people appreciated the benefits of this culture, and also learned how to use its juice and leaves. Such juice is considered a preventive and remedy. It is used both and. Today, aloe can be found in many houses and apartments. This popularity is due to medicinal properties culture and unpretentiousness in care. But, despite the undemanding culture, aloe diseases are far from uncommon.

Features of aloe care

So that aloe does not develop diseases, it is necessary to provide it with quality care. Here important factors for the favorable development of this culture:

Need to create good lighting. It is better to put a container with a plant on a windowsill with south side. In cold weather, additional lighting is not needed.
In summer, the temperature should vary between 22-26 degrees, and in winter up to 12 degrees. In summer, the flower can be taken out to the terrace.
Tolerates lack of moisture in the air. But in the summer, the air around the flower can be treated with a spray gun. The accumulation of moisture on the leaves can provoke the appearance of fungal infections, and rotten leaves can also form.
The bush needs abundant watering. Between procedures, the soil should have time to dry out.

In order for plants to develop well, it is necessary to provide them nutrient soil. For this ready ground you can buy or make your own. To prevent any diseases, it is recommended to perform regular top dressing.

Common problems with aloe

Many beginners don't know why different types aloe dry the tips of the leaves. Most often this means that the plants have not been transplanted for a long time. At the same time, the roots occupy all the free space in the container, as a result, aloe does not receive enough useful components. Therefore, if the tips of the leaves of aloe dry, then it is urgently needed. Before transplanting, the plants are not watered to make it easier to pull out.

What to do with curled leaves

It is also important to know what to do if aloe leaves curl. Such a sign indicates that the seedling lacks normal care. It is necessary to wipe the leaves from dirt, and also sprinkle with water at least once a week.

If the plant has thin leaves, then this may be due to lack of lighting or lack of humidity.

rotten roots

But if the root is rotten, then this is evidence of the most common mistake, too abundant. If the roots are rotten, then the bush needs to be removed and the damaged parts removed, and the aloe leaves sorted out.

Each grower needs to have an idea how to save a flower if the leaves turn yellow. Most often this happens with malnutrition.

The leaves may turn yellow if you forget about top dressing. Therefore, aloe at home must be treated with special fertilizers for succulents. Also, a yellowish tint may appear if the flower does not have enough light.

What do spots mean

You can identify plant problems by looking at the color of the leaves. These may be the cases:

Brown spots on the leaves indicate that the bushes do not have enough moisture. In this case, you need to revise the scheme and irrigation periods.
If the spots are darkish and soft, then the plants are bent from the fungus. In such a situation, you need to treat the bush with an antifungal drug.
If the flower has acquired a black leaf, then this indicates heavy pollution. In this case, salvation is in maintaining cleanliness and wiping the plants from dust.
But if the leaves in the agave turn red, then this is not dangerous. Thus, the flower reacts to the sun's rays. If you put it in a darker place, then the leaves will soon return to their color.
Other problems:
Sometimes the plant withers and dies right in front of your eyes. If the leaves begin to curl and fall, then the water for irrigation is too cold. The flower may die if the leaves turn pale and wither. This happens with too much watering.

If the tips of the leaves of any aloe dry, and the edges turn yellow, then water with chlorine was used for irrigation, and the plant also lacks potassium.

What diseases affect

Most often, aloe is affected by two diseases - root and dry rot. With root rot, the roots rot from the abundance of water in the pot. In this case, the stem begins to dry out, and the plant does not change its size. long time. To cure a flower, you need to dig it up, and then cut off all the rotten roots. The remains are sprinkled with coal powder or sulfur. Then the bush needs to be moved to a new soil. After an illness, watering should not be done for three weeks. Such a disease is difficult to treat, so sometimes the seedling has to be completely removed.

With dry rot, the bush can die imperceptibly, as the flower dries up from the inside, but outwardly this does not manifest itself in any way. For prevention, it is necessary to spray the plant with a fungicide from time to time.

Aloe pests

Also, the plant can twist, change color and weaken due to pest damage.

spider mite

The most dangerous is spider mite. It is very difficult to notice, since its dimensions are not more than 1 mm. In this case, the sheet may become covered with white spots and a barely noticeable web may appear. At a later stage, the stems and leaves turn scarlet.

For the treatment of adversity, drugs such as acaricides are used. As a preventive measure, the plant can be wiped with garlic tincture or an alcohol solution.


These insects can be easily seen. They have Brown color and look like plaques on the leaves. At the same time, the leaves dry up and curl, and red- brown spots.

To combat such pests, you can use a tincture of garlic, which wipes the leaves.


When affected by this pest, the flower is covered with a white coating. In this case, aloe can rot. It is not difficult to deal with such an insect. Since it does not tolerate moisture, each leaf must be washed with an alcohol or vinegar solution. For preventive purposes, dry air and soil should not be allowed. Leaves need to be cleaned frequently with a damp cloth. Such care will help to avoid the appearance of a pest.

Such insects appear in humid and hot rooms. You can recognize pests by the silvery stripes on the leaves. To combat these insects, chemicals. After processing the plants, the procedure must be repeated after a week. Affected plants are best taken to another room.

Despite its hardiness and vitality, aloe requires special care. With proper care and preventive measures you can grow a beautiful and healthy plant that will decorate the apartment long years. Timely treatment of diseased or pest-affected leaves will help save the plant.

Each of us, or friends and relatives, grow aloe on their windowsills. Old people say that this plant is very useful in the treatment of various diseases. It should be said that plant care does not take much time. It is not demanding on water and easily adapts even in the most difficult conditions.

Aloe and its features

Many say that aloe lives for more than 100 years, and blooms only once during this period. This is not true. Experience shows that this plant can bloom almost every year.

The juice is bitter in taste and is used for masks and the treatment of certain diseases. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, choleretic, soothes burns and has a wound healing effect. In addition, the juice medicinal plant increases the secretion of the digestive glands, improves appetite and digestion, increases the immune and protective functions of the body.

Aloe Care Tips

If you do not water the aloe for a month, it will not die. But if you want to be healthy and big plant, must follow simple instructions care:

  • Use light soil mix with a low content of brick chips and charcoal for cultivation.
  • It is strongly not recommended to add peat to the soil, as this has Negative influence on the root system plants.
  • Do not over-irrigate summer period. I know this from my sad experience. It is better to leave it outside at night, because it collects dew.
  • When it gets cold (below +10 C), bring the plant indoors. It can be a cool room with a temperature of 12-14 C. I personally place the pot in the hallway or on an insulated balcony.
  • You can fertilize the plant with fertilizers intended for succulents and cacti. Saturation of the soil with mineral and nitrogen-containing fertilizers, from time to time.
  • Be careful when transplanting shoots. Young plants should be transplanted once a year, 3-year-old - once every 3 years. Plants that are more than 5 years old are called old. They are the most valuable because they contain a lot useful substances for health.

Propagated by seeds, stem and leaf cuttings and division of tubers. Use propagation methods, it will not bring any harm to the plant. Never transplant an aloe during flowering.

Everyone knows that aloe is a light-loving plant. Thus, it is preferable to place it on southern windows, but in the spring it should be carefully accustomed to direct sunlight to avoid burns.

Don't think he doesn't need light in winter! 12-15 hours a day, but if the daylight hours are less than this time, it is necessary to use additional lighting for normal growth.

remember, that spring sun can damage the leaves. This can lead to redness and you will need to cut off damaged leaves to save the plant.

In addition, it is well known that this plant grown on outdoors different from plants grown in the apartment and have a more harmonious shape of the legs. Warm and dark rooms not suitable for the plant, it becomes pale.

The most common diseases and pests of aloe

root rot

As a rule, it occurs when watering is abused. You can restore the plant in the initial stage of the disease. Signs: stunting and drying of the trunks.

Dry rot

This can happen in case of improper care of aloe. If the plant looks weak. The disease can be prevented by periodic spraying with a fungicide.

Basic rules for planting aloe

Now that you know how to care for a plant, you should also learn how to plant and prune it.

1.Do not water it before planting. The soil must be dry.

2.After removing the plant from the pot, clean the roots of the old soil with light tapping.

3. If you find damaged roots, they must be removed without damaging healthy tissue. Chopped parts should be sprinkled with ground sulfur or charcoal. Trimming should be done with sharp scissors.

4. After transplanting the plant, it is important not to water it for 5-6 days. Place the pot in the shade. If you did everything right, aloe will quickly take root.

Reproduction by seeds

If you do not know how to plant aloe seeds, follow the instructions:

  • They are sown at a temperature of 21 ° C immediately after maturation.
  • It is better to do this in February or March.
  • Use bowls of soil containing the following ingredients: leaf, light peat and sand soil, add some broken brick and charcoal into the soil.
  • When small plant 2 leaves will appear, you can plant them in pots.

leaf care

If you don't take proper care of your aloe, you may notice that the leaves curl or turn black. Spray with clean water clean them once a week in winter and twice a week in summer.

Dust can accumulate on flat leaves, so be careful and don't forget about your plant.

Aloe needs light to stay green and healthy. If it lacks light, it may turn yellow, pale green, or become thin. You have to repot it or add fertilizer. Follow the care instructions to keep the plant healthy.

Aloe Vera is a useful medicine against many diseases

How to use aloe vera?

If you buy vitamins in pharmacies, you think that you care about your health. Aloe Vera is much better than chemical nutrition. In addition, it is the treatment of dozens of diseases, with essential vitamins and minerals (calcium, sodium, iron, potassium, chromium, magnesium, manganese, copper and zinc, vitamins A, B-group, C and E, folic acid and niacin).

With the help of this plant, you can treat teeth and digestive problems, reset excess weight and make your immune system work. Burns, cuts and other minor injuries can be successfully healed with this magical plant. So if you want to have a doctor at home, start by planting aloe vera in your garden or on your windowsill.

It is recommended to take the juice of this succulent plant for treatment. The gel has a special bitter taste. The normal dose is 10 ml. You can also buy this drug at a pharmacy. Remember that you can only use old (at least 5 years old) plants to get a quality gel.

NOT ONLY READ YOURSELF, BUT LET OTHERS READ A good post! Facebook twice blocked the account of VGTRK journalist Andrei Medvedev for his post about his speech in the Bundestag. The text is excellent and in a good way very Russian, therefore it deserves to be read. “If I had to speak in the Bundestag, like the boy Kolya, then I would probably say the following words: - Dear deputies. Today I saw a miracle. And this miracle is called Germany. I walked towards you and looked at the beautiful Berlin streets, at the people, at the wonderful architectural monuments, and now I am standing here and looking at you. And I understand that all this is a miracle. That you were all born and live in Germany. Why do I think so? Because, given what your soldiers did with us, in the occupied territories, the soldiers of the Red Army had the full moral right to destroy the entire German people. To leave a scorched field, ruins and only paragraphs of textbooks in place of Germany would remind us that there was once such a country. You probably do not remember all the details of the occupation, but this is not necessary. I will just remind you of what the Wehrmacht and SS soldiers did to Soviet children. They were shot. Often in front of parents. Or vice versa, first they shot at the father and mother, and then at the children. Your soldiers raped children. Children were burned alive. They were sent to concentration camps. Where they took their blood to make serum for your soldiers. Children were starved. Children were eaten to death by your shepherd dogs. Children were used as targets. Children were brutally tortured just for fun. Or here are two examples. A Wehrmacht officer was prevented from sleeping by a baby, he took him by the leg and smashed his head against the corner of the stove. Your pilots at the Lychkovo station bombed the train on which they tried to take the children to the rear, and then your aces chased the frightened kids, shooting them in a bare field. Two thousand children were killed. Just for what you did with the children, I repeat, the Red Army could completely destroy Germany with its inhabitants. She had a full moral right. But she didn't. Do I regret it? Of course not. I bow before the steel will of my ancestors, who found in themselves some incredible powers so as not to become the same cattle as the soldiers of the Wehrmacht were. On the buckles of German soldiers was written "God is with us." But they were the creatures of hell and brought hell to our land. The soldiers of the Red Army were Komsomol members and communists, but Soviet people turned out to be much more Christian than the inhabitants of enlightened religious Europe. And they did not take revenge. They were able to understand that hell cannot be defeated by hell. You should not ask our forgiveness, because you personally are not to blame for anything. You cannot be responsible for your grandfathers and great-grandfathers. And then, only the Lord forgives. But I'll be honest - for me the Germans are forever a stranger, an alien people. It's not because you personally are bad. It is in me that the pain of the children burned by the Wehrmacht screams. And you will have to accept that at least my generation - for which the memory of the war is the grandfather's awards, his scars, his front-line friends - will perceive you this way. What will happen next, I don't know. Perhaps, after us, mankurts will come who will forget everything. And we have done a lot for this, we have screwed up a lot ourselves, but I hope that not everything is lost for Russia. Of course we need to cooperate. Russians and Germans. We need to solve problems together. Fight ISIS and build gas pipelines. But you will have to accept one fact: we will never repent for our Great War. And even more so for the victory. And even more so in front of you. In any case, I repeat, my generation. Because then we saved not only ourselves. We saved you from yourself. And I don't even know what's more important." P.S. Not only read it, but also let others read it!

The main diseases can be: root rot and dry rot.

root rot

Usually the defeat occurs when the soil moisture is too high. Aloe can be saved only with early diagnosis of the disease.

External signs diseases:

  • Root rot
  • dry stem
  • does not respond to watering.

Control measures
If the roots rot only partially, you need to remove all the affected parts of the roots, and sprinkle the rest well with coal powder or sulfur, and then plant them in fresh soil with a large proportion of sand. After two to three weeks, water very carefully. If the roots are completely rotted, then you can save at least upper part stem, making a cutting out of it. It is necessary to cut off part of the stem so that only healthy tissue remains.

If your plant is completely infested, throw it away with the pot, as the fungus can survive in the soil for years.

Dry rot

The disease occurs when the plant is improperly maintained.

External signs

Outwardly, this is not visible, while rot does not appear. The plant simply dries out, without noticeably changing color and shape, but it turns out to be completely dry inside. Moreover, all this happens very quickly, which usually does not have time to notice the initial period.

Control measures
Since this disease proceeds too quickly and methods of dealing with it have not yet been invented, the plant dies. But you can prevent the disease by periodically doing preventive spraying with a systemic fungicide.

Unsuitable and heavy soil, overflow. It is necessary to transplant the plant to another land, add more sand and granite chips into the earth mixture, put a large layer of expanded clay on the bottom for outflow excess moisture and start watering it properly

are twisted

Leaf curl in aloe can occur due to lack of proper care.

It is necessary to wipe the leaves from dust and excess accumulations, sprinkle with clean water room temperature once a week (twice a week in summer).


Thin leaves of the agave may be due to lack of irrigation, they take on a duller and weaker appearance. There are some rules for quality watering, namely: the plant can be watered through a pallet or from above. All potting soil must be properly watered.

If you only water upper layer, then the roots at the bottom of the water will not be enough all the time. There is only one outcome - aloe can rot. It is best to pour water into the pallet. The plant will absorb the volume of water it needs, and it must be disposed of by all means.

But that's not the only reason why aloe leaves can be thin. The second reason thin leaves- lack of lighting. The leaves try to reach the light source, gradually stretch and thin.

turn black

If the leaves begin to gradually turn black, then they simply become dirty and must be wiped from the accumulated dust. Probable cause blackening of leaves in aloe can be frostbite. The leaves of the plant may have touched cold windows, or the pot may have been sitting in a room that is too cold for a long time. in the best way The fight against this problem is the elimination of damaged leaflets and changing the conditions of detention.

Spots appeared: what to do?

Depending on the color and variety of spots on the leaves of the agave, you can recognize and find solutions to various diseases.

  1. If brown spots appear, then this means that the aloe does not have enough moisture - it is necessary to change the watering system.
  2. In the event of more dark spots- the plant is most likely infected with a fungus - it must be treated with an antifungal agent.

Black dots

Black dots can appear from hypothermia or cold drafts. Exposure to cold air is especially dangerous when the earth is wet. First of all, it is necessary to change the conditions of the plant and check the tightness of the windows.

Spots need constant monitoring, if they start to increase, then it is better to cut off the sore spots.

The leaves turn red

Leaves may start to turn red in early spring when light levels gradually increase after dim winter days.

If you sharply change the location of the plant and move it from the shade to the bright rays of the sun, then red spots may appear on it.

Thus, the reddened leaves of the plant indicate a protective reaction of the flower to a bright sunlight In other words, it's a sunburn.

If move it to a darker and cooler place- the leaves will soon regain their natural greenish tint.

fall off

If the leaves suddenly begin to fall off, then the water for irrigation is too cold (it is best to always keep the water in a funnel next to the aloe, then the temperature will be optimal).


Centennial does not receive required amount useful substances and minerals due to the lack of free space in the pot, since it has not been transplanted for a long time. The plant has to eat at the expense of the oldest leaves, and therefore the tips dry.

Read about why aloe dries.

turn yellow

If the leaves turn yellow due to malnutrition, then you need to gradually saturate the plant once a month with top dressing for succulents or cacti. In case of lack of illumination, you only need to change the location of the aloe to the sunnier side indoors.

If the agave suffered a cold wintering without a reduction in irrigation or a sharp decrease in temperature content, then in this case its leaves may also begin to turn yellow.

A video that talks about the reason for the yellowing of aloe leaves:

Details on why aloe can turn yellow and what to do with these are described in.


Thus, the main causes of problems with leaves in aloe are insufficient or excessive amounts of water and light, improper nutrition of the plant, improper temperature regime, pest infestation, root rot.
