Do-it-yourself playground: photo ideas and drawings, a detailed step-by-step construction guide. Do-it-yourself playground from improvised materials

For many parents, the purchase of a gaming complex for a summer residence is an unaffordable luxury. However, you can make a full-fledged playground with a slide, stairs, a balcony, a rope, a manhole and a swing with your own hands. The following guide will help you with this. It contains many detailed photographs, so there will be no problems with the manufacture of structural elements and their installation.

To begin with, we purchase the material we need - boards 15x2 cm and 5x2 cm and timber with sections of 10x5 cm, 10x10 cm and 5x5 cm.

We prepare the following tools:

  • electric drill;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • grinder;
  • a hammer;
  • roulette;
  • level.

In the process of work, you may need some additional little things like a screwdriver, knife, etc.

We make supports

Pre-prepare the project of the future complex. On the drawing, indicate the desired overall dimensions of each element of the system. Consider the size of the existing construction site.

  • we cut the timber into pieces for arranging support posts and crossbeams;
  • grinding wooden elements;
  • impregnate sanded wood.

The average length of the supports is 900-1150 mm. About 80-100 cm of each support will be dug into the ground, about 10-15 cm will remain above the ground.

We lay out the supporting elements on the site in accordance with the project and form a frame - two side parts of our future complex. For connection we use screws with a diameter of 8-10 mm. We melt them into wood. The holes are closed with plugs.

We expose the sides on supports, fixing them in previously prepared recesses. At this stage, we enlist the help of 1-3 people. The sides are set according to the level. Previously, it is recommended to lay bricks under the bottom of each support for better stability of the site. We cover the installed supports with crushed stone by 10-15 cm and fill it with concrete mixture.

We connect the exposed supports with transverse beams. We leave the fill to gain strength.

Making a ladder

While the concrete hardens, we are engaged in the arrangement of the stairs. We cut the timber desired length. The design of the stairs is extremely simple: 2 stringers and steps. We make the steps not too high - the playground is still for children.

We tighten the stringers with the help of hairpins. We fix the steps in the recesses and additionally fix them with self-tapping screws.

We dig in supporting pillars for future stairs. We maintain the desired slope. Let's make it not too cool. The arrangement of supports remains the same as in the previous section.

Let's try a ladder. We set it according to the level, attach it to the base and fill the supports with concrete. We paint the stairs.

Next, we make railings. For this we expose vertical racks from a bar, we fasten them to the stairs, and then we fix the handrails. We make the upper handrail from a board and fasten it at a height of about 90 cm, we fix the second handrail approximately in the middle between the upper railing and the stairs. For its manufacture, we can use a beam of 5x5 cm, 5x2 cm or another similar section.

We make a slide

What is a playground without a slide? Let's make it too! We will not spend money on a ready-made plastic descent. We won't mess with metal either. Let's make a slide out of wood!

First we will assemble the slide and then attach it to the base. Recommendations for laying the floor will be given below.

For the manufacture of the structure, we need the following material:

  • timber with dimensions of 70x10x5 cm - 2 pieces;
  • boards 220x15x2 cm - 5 pieces;
  • timber 45x10x5 cm - 5 pieces.

From three boards we will make the base for the descent. We cut the boards to the same thickness and carefully grind. After that, directly on the surface we fasten the boards with the bars. We fasten from above - so we can pull the boards to the timber as efficiently as possible. Fasteners are recessed into the wood. We cover the recesses for wood processing. Let it dry, and then once again carefully grind the entire hill - it should be as smooth as possible.

Made the base. Let's start making the side pieces. Determine the angle of descent. The top floor of our playground will be at a height of 130 cm. Therefore, the descent angle will be about 55 degrees.

We grind the sidewalls, getting rid of sharp corners. Additionally, we round the boards along the length so that it is more convenient for the kids to hold on to the sidewalls while going down the hill.

It remains only to paint the product. You can cover it with stain, and then with varnish.

Now we need to install the finished slide. To do this, we concrete supports made of timber in pre-dug pits. Suitable material with dimensions of 70x10x5 cm. We pre-impregnate the wood with an antiseptic.

We connect the base of the slide with the support posts and the game complex using screws.

Making the floor and railings

We lay out the floor of our play complex from boards 15x2.5 cm. The total length of the floor is approximately 2.5 m. Before laying the floor, we attach stiffeners to the frame of the complex. For their manufacture, a beam of 5x10 cm is suitable.

At the same stage, we construct a vertical ladder from the end. To assemble it, we use 2x5 cm planks. At the end of the work, we will hang a rope near this ladder. Recommendations for the arrangement of railings have already been given earlier. We follow them. From the side of the steps, instead of the railings from the boards, we mount a 5x10 timber for arranging the manhole.

At this stage, we will assemble and install the support structure for the swing and equip the manhole. We make the support of the upper beam crosswise - it is more stable. We first make a selection for convenient joining of the bars and additionally tighten them with bolts. On top of the supports we lay and press the cross beam with a clamp. We fasten it to the support.

We dig holes for racks. We install supports in them, carefully checking each level. At the same stage, we fasten spacers to the uprights - they will not allow the supports to move during the hardening of concrete. We fill the pits with racks with a small layer of gravel and concrete.

Pits for racks

Till concrete pouring gaining strength, we make a manhole. We make the slope almost vertical. We arrange steps and cutouts at our discretion. Holes are cut with a jigsaw. We make the manhole itself from OSB and fasten it to a frame of 5x5 cm timber and 5x2 cm crossbars.

On the top floor we equip a balcony. To do this, we lay and fix the crossbars, lay the floor and build a roof up to the length of the stairs. From the side of the slide we fix the wall from the OSB sheet. To make it more beautiful, cut out a small window in it. We make railings on the balcony.

We grind all the wooden elements installed at this stage. Sharp corners and ends are rounded off. We cover everything with varnish.

We attach protrusions to the manhole. In a convenient place we tie a rope.

People who have own dacha know firsthand what it is good vacation. After all, the cottage is far outside the city, where fresh air, peace, and most importantly, there is no city bustle, which is so annoying on weekdays - a great place to relax and enjoy it to the fullest. For a child, rest is primarily a game, and a do-it-yourself playground would be a good idea. The dacha is really a great place to build an impromptu playground, the place is remote and safe for these purposes, and most importantly - spacious.

Site marking

It is worth starting the creation of a playground from the most important thing, from choosing a more suitable site for it. Of course, you should choose wisely, and first of all, consider the safety of children. For these purposes, it is worth excluding from the possible those areas where a pond is already located, or simply there is a fence with barbed wire or sharp spikes. In addition, playgrounds for children should have enough light.

It is advisable to choose a place where there will be more light in the morning, when the guys are full of energy and want to play, and closer to noon the sun will stop covering the playground, and the children will not suffer from annoying heat.

But the site should not be completely immersed in the shade either, because in an open area under the sun you can place a small pool, and somehow protect it from the rest of the site. Under the sun, the water in the pool will warm up faster, which is quite convenient and efficient.

On the impromptu scheme, the place where the adults are located is correctly allocated, and at the same time, they have a completely open view of the site itself. it's the same important point markings, because do not forget that children must be supervised so that in which case adults can protect them from a potential threat or some kind of “unsuccessful” game.

It is important to take into account the view factor, and arrange the playground structures so that they fit into this view and, as a result, the children remain in sight.

Size selection and layout

The nuances of preparing the territory include such a moment as the size of the territory itself. They should be selected and adjusted carefully and wisely, because this is important not only for the children themselves, but also for you. It is obvious that the construction of such a platform is far from being an easy task. You will greatly facilitate your task if you can plan and place on a relatively small area all the necessary facilities, while saving time and space, and creating a cozy, compact corner for children. This option is much better than building large sizes playground, which children still can not occupy the whole.

As a rule, for children under 7 years old, a playground of 8-9 square meters will be optimal, for older children, up to 12 years old, respectively, more space is needed, because their desires and preferences change, the playground should expand by about 15 square meters.

It would be easier and wiser to build a platform, so to speak, for growth, leave a few meters in reserve when marking, which, by the way, will come when the child gets older.

After the place is finally chosen, it should be, let's say, process it, do everything so that the presence on the site, and on the “attractions” themselves, is not only safe for children, but pleasant and fun. You should start with the foundation, as in any work, it is important in the structures on the site. All supports of swings, houses, slides that will fill the site must be tightly fixed. To do this, the details of the playground should be deepened into the ground by about 50 centimeters. Of course, you should start from situations, because they are different, but there are universal measurements and various rules that will help you do the job more professionally. In addition, after the parts have settled firmly in the ground, they should be fixed by concreting, that is, pour concrete supports so that the swings of the slides and houses in no case tip over and harm the children.

Concerning individual elements playground, then for every entertainment there is a certain standard and a certain device that should be followed.

When installing a swing, leave a space of 2 or more meters behind and in front of them. This is the so-called security zone, and it must be free.

Choosing a place and installing a ready-made playground complex - video

Playground cover

There is one more, no less important than all the previous points of safety and comfort, this is the coverage of the site. The materials that cover the play space deserve special attention in the discussion and planning of the children's recreation area. The fact is that coverage affects many factors, and it is worth thinking about it.

It should be taken into account that, most likely, children will often fall, forgetting about control during a fun game or through negligence, or maybe specially jump off a swing, slide down slides at high speed, run without thinking that they can stumble, and eventually fall. Based on this, we can conclude that the coating must be chosen more practical. Falling on this will not cause pain, but it should not be something soft like a trampoline. Such material can easily interfere with the game and entertainment, since it is inconvenient to run and jump on it. For these purposes, there is a special trampoline, which, by the way, can also be installed separately on the site.

Also, it must either be moisture resistant, or contain elements, or consist entirely of a material that dries relatively quickly. This is necessary so that the surface does not accumulate dampness and moisture, from which children can catch a cold the next time they play, from lying on such a surface longer than necessary. It's no secret that children, especially small ones, love to lie down just like that, or crawl on the ground. Therefore, the playground, namely its coating, should do a good job of protecting the child, preventing him from freezing or damaging his knees during a hard fall.

In general, the rubber coating perfectly meets all these requirements, however, its first minus is in the price, the second in the purpose. Such a coating is quite expensive, but in addition, it is not particularly suitable for a site that will be located for a summer residence. After all, at the dacha, you don’t really want to watch the synthetics of the city, you want something that will be pleasantly combined with the dacha motif - like, for example, a lawn. Using reliable varieties of grass, such coverage is not difficult to provide, however, in the area where the slides and swings are located, it is advisable to add or completely fill up sand alone, which, as mentioned earlier, will easily soften the blows and falls that often occur in such places.

As a result, you need to remember and take into account:

  1. Territory size. (do not measure too large area).
  2. Nearby structures (something interferes with the construction or not).
  3. Children's safety.
  4. Site coverage (soil).

Paradise for children in the country - video

Territory cleaning

The final stage of the marking will be cleaning or searching for the most accurate area on which there will be no, or there will be as few as possible dangerous and inconvenient stones, bumps, snags, and similar items that can interfere with the construction of the site or the game of your children.

After the place is selected, it is necessary to proceed to the clearing itself. To begin with, completely level the territory, remove all kinds of mounds and bumps. Then rid the site of large stones, cobblestones, sharp roots sticking out of the ground, and other small debris, which can also interfere or do harm in every possible way.

Clean up and pay attention to:

  • large and medium stones and cobblestones;
  • roots and snags;
  • mounds and bumps;
  • other small debris.


It is likely that your site will also have a lot of wood elements, this is a very serious point, since all this wood and parts from it must be carefully polished, and ideally they should be coated with a non-toxic varnish. So they will look fresh and pleasant, and most importantly, this procedure helps eliminate the risk of splintering or any other undesirable consequences.

Next, you need to take into account the fact that when creating a platform and installing a swing, metal fasteners are used, because you cannot do without metal in such a structure. This metal must be of particularly high quality and very durable. He must be sure to fasten all the details. When erecting such a platform, you should in no case save on such trifles, since during the game, the health of children will be kept precisely on such metal suspensions, and the more reliable they are, the more reliable protection for their own health.

After installing metal or any other parts, you must not forget to check them all at least once every six months. Any tool, any mechanism tends to wear out, no matter how strong and reliable it is. You have to change, if necessary, and, if possible, lubricate and “care” for all these capricious materials.

After the final marking and cleaning of the territory, when everything is already firmly marked and decided, you can finally think about how to equip the future corner of fun. And here there are really a lot of options, you can choose any kind of entertainment, and the child will like it, this is something new, and most importantly, its own, which will definitely bring pleasure. You can build a whole children's town with your own hands.

Choosing accessories for the platform

So that it doesn’t occur to you to choose for the site, you should also think about the fact that for a start you can create the entire entourage of the entertainment site from ready-made objects. Here we will move on to the specifics, and immediately remember the trampoline, a trampoline is really something that will make you rejoice and be distracted by long time any baby. And his, by quite affordable price can be purchased on the market or in a specialized store, of any shape, size, and most importantly, quality.

In addition, you can install a children's basketball hoop on the site, it can also easily arouse the interest of the children, and they will gladly try to throw the ball provided to them there, while there is still no threat.

A trampoline and rings are great, of course, but the entertainment and options for arranging and choosing are not over yet, because we have not taken into account the most obvious and acceptable option. We are talking about a pool for children, inflatable, of course. It can also be purchased at ready-made, and it will also delight your children when they splash around in it on a hot day and arrive in a good mood.

An excellent option that does not require much time to install and purchase is a tent, or a house-tent, whatever, but the degree of comfort will not change from this. It will be a great addition to everything that is already on the playground.

children's house

We all loved as children as children love, and now, to start your own house, building it from pillows and blankets, save your children from such torment and set it on a playground full of fresh air, a tent in which they will spend time and relax with great pleasure.

Just at the tent, or anywhere else on the site, there is an option to install some kind of small table and bench. Children could also relax behind him, as well as adults who are watching the game at this time. A table will never be superfluous in such a place, a bench - all the more, after a long game, you just want everyone to sit nearby and discuss something, or take a breath.

Well, the last object that can be installed without outside help- a slide, ordinary, plastic, as it usually happens - a slide, a safe descent from which will give children a lot of fun and laughter, and this is the main thing on the playground.

The advantage of all these things is mobility, since you do not have to spend time on installation, repair and other trifles, the object is simply installed, and the children enjoy the game. All these elements are compact, fit perfectly into the size of the site, and children will like it. The only thing to consider is how to properly arrange all these rides and tents. After all, it would be illogical if the slide is located at the table and the children will, sliding down, hurt each other. And an even more logical solution would be to think in advance which objects are worth installing, and which are not needed at all, of course, all this must be discussed with the owners of the site themselves - the children.

Homemade buildings and installations

There are times when you want to modify or build something from the very beginning with your own hands. For example, a sandbox, or any other of those objects that were given as an example above, to make to your taste. For such cases, explanations, advice, and, of course, drawings will already be needed.


And again, the most popular thing that can be placed on the playground is the sandbox, which is undoubtedly loved by all children. There will be a lot of joy and benefit, and at the same time, a very small amount of effort and material will be spent on its construction.

It is best to make a sandbox from boards or logs, there is also an option to use stumps, which may take root on the site and serve as an excellent original decor.

The following is an example sandbox setup:

The installation begins with the fact that the earth at the place where it will be located is dug out by 30 centimeters and the bottom is covered with pebbles or rubble - drainage material. The sandbox also should not be planned in large sizes, 150-200 centimeters are enough.

It is very important to make a kind of canopy for the sandbox or just simply a cover so that animals do not enter it at night and do not use it as a toilet, besides, in case of rain, the sand will remain dry.

The same purchased tent can be replaced with a makeshift children's house. This is a great choice for homemade design, because every child wants to have their own territory, and such a cozy modest house will fulfill the desire of any kid. Of course, you need to build it from wood. The frame will be exactly wooden, and it should be hung with a thick cloth.


The most suitable extension to the house would be a homemade slide. Great entertainment that will bring joy to any child. But this design is one of the most complex. When installing a slide, you also need to remember many factors. The main thing, of course, will be the height, which should not exceed 3 meters in height, and if the children are very small, then best option for them - 1.5 meters. The steps on the stairs should be as wide as possible, and preferably covered with something that will prevent children from slipping off them if the steps get wet, for example, during rain.

We must not forget about the railing, or the handrails, which should be located throughout the entire staircase so that the child can hold on and not fall, and at the top of the hill it does not hurt to additionally enclose the railing and make the area in front of the slope more spacious.

The most difficult thing in this design is to install a ramp, which, of course, can be made of plywood fastened in layers and varnished, but it still will not be as effective as buying a plastic descent and installing it to the prepared ladder.

Or you can make it even more interesting and buy a spiral slope, which will bring even more pleasure than a direct descent. But the main thing is to competently complete the ladder and the platform on which the child will stand confidently.

Video instruction for making a wooden slide


In addition to the slide, excellent and fun entertainment can become the most ordinary swing that gives us joy at any age. But now we need them on the site, which we are building completely ourselves.

The first thing to do to install the swing is to choose a spacious place, because you need to take into account the deviation of the swing, and in both directions, as mentioned at the very beginning, at a distance of 2 meters behind and in front of the swing should be spacious and empty.

It is clear that a strong branch on some tree on, or at least close to, the site is best suited for this purpose. It will be easy to attach ropes to it, which will easily withstand the kids.

We will design the swing ourselves. For this we need the following materials:

  • board or boards for sitting;
  • two hooks or any carabiners;
  • strong cable (rope).

If there is no tree, then you can use homemade mounts. In order to build such a frame, we need:

  1. Two racks made of wood, thicker, 3 meters long.
  2. The crossbar of the same diameter is 1.5 meters long.

The final structure will look like this:

Probably, we have described almost all models of objects and entertainment that you can fit on the playground with your own hands. Purchased houses, homemade from wood, slides and sandboxes, swings and basketball hoops. All this can be made by yourself or purchased in a special store, and it would seem that what else can be placed and added to this list.

sports wall

And a great solution would be climbing wall for children, on which they will be happy to climb, try, and enjoy the process. The most important thing is that such a wall, in addition to joy, brings children and great benefit, it develops them physically, improves coordination and dexterity, but for this you need to properly install such a wall.

First you need to prepare the hooks that will be attached to the wall with screws or nails. They can be made from anything that comes to hand, but they must be comfortable, you can also buy them in a specialized store, but if we design everything ourselves, then we can use gypsum, which can be mixed with quartz sand for strength. This mix is ​​easy to shape and we can make any hold we want.

Then it is worth fixing them in a random or more or less planned order on our wall, it can be made of wood, but it will take a lot of time, and this way will be impractical, it is easier to fix ready-made hooks on a real tree in the garden, which children can climb. Or attach them to the wall of the house, but not too much and high, so that reaching a certain level, the children could not climb further and went down.

It is important to choose the right surface on which they will land, it should be something soft, so that in the event of any fall or unforeseen breakdown, the children do not hurt themselves, even if the height is small, the child should not be scared, but should be confident in your actions.

Here we have such a children's play complex for the dacha. This article comes to an end, but now you know how you can conceive and make a playground in the country with your own hands. You have an idea of ​​what kind of entertainment can be prepared for children, and most importantly, how to make it easier and more profitable. We hope the kids will be satisfied and will definitely thank you for the wonderful playground.




      Description of the project.



      The main elements of the playground.


      Calculation table











“There is a firm rule to get up early, wash, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order”, “Earth is equally accessible to good and evil shoots. You need to be very careful to recognize evil in the bud and prevent it from reigning on the planet.” The wisdom of "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

The creation of a playground makes it possible for children to take walks. It also provides an opportunity to spend free time for the children of the village. Our project solves the problem of the regional center for the improvement of courtyards.

We will be able to sketch, prepare the place, make markings, paint the equipment. For the construction of the playground, we will involve parents, high school students, the administration of the rural settlement and the district. We are counting on the help of the school administration represented by the director of the school Yumagulov G.M., as well as the residents of our village.

The essence of the work: organization of a playground for the village of Starosubkhangulovo, Burzyansky district.

Work problem: to develop a project taking into account the available materials, tools and means.

I putgoal: improvement of a modern playground along Kyzyl Tash street in the village of Starosubkhangulovo.

I put tasks:

Check out the different playgrounds.

Study the area.

Study the literature on this subject.

Search for information on the Internet.

Make a playground layout with new designs.

Contact the Head of the District Administration with a request to equip a modern playground.

Stages of work:

1stage– search, study of literature on the topic of the project (September-October);

Stage 2- processing and summarizing the data obtained, preparing materials, drawing up recommendations for the improvement of the playground (November-December); preparation of the layout in duplicate.

3 stage– project implementation (2014-2017)


I think that the playground will be the main center of recreation, outdoor games, holidays, competitions, walks. Children will grow dexterous, strong, healthy.

Methods: In the process of working on the study, methods of direct and indirect observation, conversations, the method of studying documents, analysis and synthesis of results, their generalization and comparison were used.

Relevance of the topic:

As a result of the creation of a children's playground in the village. Starosubkhangulovo will solve a number of important tasks: organizing leisure activities for children of preschool and primary school age; safety of life and health of children, promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

In the anniversary year of the Burzyansky district, a playground will be a good gift for our little citizens.

Main part.

1.1 Description of the project

Before starting work on the project, we decided to find a place for a playground. The fact is that our village is located between the mountains, the houses are located very close to each other and there are no free places. The playground will be located on Kyzyl Tash street, Starosubkhangulovo village (Appendix 1). When choosing a territory, I took into account the following:

    off the main road

    age of children for whom it is designed (0-16 years).

For small children, a small space for a sandbox, swing, slide is suitable. The older kids need to build a bigger playground. A small football field with goals is suitable for them; in winter, an ice rink can be poured on this site. You also need to remember that children grow up, and quite quickly. So it’s better not to build a low play complex “for centuries” for a child who is now 2-3 years old. From 3 years old, you will need a large playground, with a high slide and a swing, where not only children can play, but also adults can relax, for example, swinging on a swing.

The playground should develop, strengthen the physical and mental health of the child and at the same time be safe, prevent injuries, remote from garbage containers, landscaped and be a bright color accent in the environment.

The social significance of the project lies in the fact that it contributes to the activity of the population, establishes a close relationship between the villagers and self-government bodies.

When calculating the elements, we tried to choose not very expensive equipment. The cost estimate is given in two versions (Appendix 8), since after the first calculations I saw a huge amount. Burzyansky district is a subsidized area and the district budget will not be able to cope with such a large amount, so I decided to think over a cheaper option.

1.3. The main elements of the playground(Appendix 2,3,4,5,6,7):

To implement my plan, I calculated the cost of the installed structures, taking into account the installation costs.

Taking into account safety requirements, I selected the following designs:

  • sandbox;


    basketball playground;



1.4.Calculation table(Annex 8)

Children's project for the village of Starosubkhangulovo.

Placement of a playground in the village of Starosubkhangulovo, Kyzyl Tash street. Attached is a layout in two versions.

Start-up capital:

300,000 - 500,000 rubles.

Materials and equipment

Sand, earth, artificial cover material, play tracks

Materials: steel, moisture-resistant plywood, glued wooden poles and metal structures with a special polymer coating

Play structures: ready

Paints, varnishes

landscaping material


1 option

Option 2

fine gravel

938400 rub. per sq.m

8500 rubles.

9490 rubles

9490 rubles.

Football goals (2 pcs)

basketball court

40000 rubles

36000 rubles.

20500 rubles

20500 rubles.


16900 rubles.

16900 rubles.

benches (3 pcs.)

19470 rubles.

24000 rubles.

1243990 rubles.

19470 rubles.

13000 rubles.

123860 rubles.

The effectiveness of the project is undeniable:

    every child will have the opportunity to study, play and develop;

organization of children's leisure;

    we are heading for the mass character, for the general interest of children and adults;

    attracting children from disadvantaged families;

    inculcation and formation of skills healthy lifestyle children's lives;

increasing group coherence and collectivism among children of primary school and preschool age;

    preparation, planning, implementation of the project should help children realize their creative abilities, teach them to plan their actions, argue, reflect, develop an active life position;

    the construction of the site should contribute to the unification of parents, teachers, to draw public attention to project activities.

The head of the settlement is interested in the implementation of the project, a lot of children and their parents will be involved in the implementation of the project and will help its implementation with their voluntary unpaid work.

Today, playgrounds should become not only an element of raising a healthy society, but also a wonderful addition to the atmosphere of any yard. Multi-colored playgrounds and cheerful, carefree, perky children's laughter are a worthy alternative to gloomy, gray everyday life.

Conclusion: After calculation Money I turned to the head of the Administration of the Burzyansky District, Rustem Dinislamovich Sharipov, with a request to improve a modern playground (Appendix (9, 10). Based on the results of the reception, I wrote a letter addressed to the Head of Administration (Appendix 11) Rustem Dinislamovich agreed on the need for a playground in the village of Starosubkhangulovo. In 2015 marks the 85th anniversary of the formation of the Burzyansky district and a playground would be the best gift for the villagers.I propose a do-it-yourself model of a modern playground.

Today's younger generation is the future foundation of our state and society. In many ways, the future of the country as a whole depends on what kind of childhood children will have. By providing children with a happy childhood today, you adults provide us with a decent life tomorrow. That is why it is important that cheerful children's laughter be heard in every yard of our village. Children should grow up physically healthy and cheerful.


2. Organization of project activities at school. Authors-compilers: S. G. Shcherbakova, L. A. Vytkalova, N. V. Kobchenko, T. V. Khurtova.

3. Experience in the organization of research activities of schoolchildren. MAN. Author-compiler: G. I. Osipova.

So that the children in the country house or near the house do not explore the beds or any other places where they should not be, they need an interesting corner for them. As a rule, parents come to the idea of ​​the need to create a playground or a sports corner - it depends on the age and desire of the children. A self-made playground is good because during its construction it is possible to provide for the possibility of its gradual transformation. After all, what is suitable for 2-3 year olds is no longer liked by 5-6 year olds, and even more so for older children. And besides, a do-it-yourself playground is often built not so much for reasons of economy, but out of a desire to please the child: who knows better than parents what your child likes ... Someone needs pirate ship, and someone has their own, real, house with a porch, a door and all the necessary attributes.

Do-it-yourself Danish playground - a place for your favorite offspring to play in the country or in the yard

Choose a location

Will have to decide difficult task. Firstly, it is desirable that the playground be viewed from the house, and from the room in which someone is most of the time. Ideally, if the site is viewed from several rooms or points. Secondly, it should be located away from outbuildings with "aromas", if any. Thirdly, it is desirable to take into account the fertility of the soil: an infertile area or with complex geology can be allocated for the game complex: there is no need to dig into the ground, maximum - 30-40 cm bury pillars.

When choosing a place, it’s a good idea to place a children’s play area near a wall or a solid fence. These zones can sharply be fully used, and in this case they can be used for games. For example, make a mini climbing wall on the wall, fix rope ladders, slate board and other equally interesting devices for children. You probably know what your children like, and if you don’t know, you can find out: there are enough fences and walls, place different devices in different areas and watch where your child stays longer. So find out which games he is more drawn to, you will know in which direction to move on.

Slate board on the fence - children entertainment and development of fine motor skills of hands

Lighting must also be taken into account. The place for children to play should not be constantly in the shade, but the sun is also not needed. Approximately 2/3 of the site should be in the shade (, swing), and 1/3 - in the sun - if any, zone active games. If there is no shade on the site, you will have to come up with a canopy or put up a large umbrella.

At the same time, please note that there is no constant draft in the area of ​​the proposed site. Children, of course, need to be tempered, but not in this way. Even when choosing a place for a children's play area, pay attention to the fact that electrical appliances or any shields, machines and others are not located nearby. similar devices. Children are curious and inventive, so it's better not to risk it.

What area is needed

A little about the area that needs to be taken away for a children's playground. Small children don't need much space - a sandbox, a few very simple projectiles, a small pool if you think possible. It's nice to have a lawn, or a flat, smooth piece with some kind of suitable surface, where you can lie down to your heart's content. That's all. For all this, an area of ​​\u200b\u200b4-5 square meters is enough. meters.

For small children, it is desirable to enclose the area. This will give you the opportunity not to be constantly nearby, but to do your own business nearby: children in sight and safe. The fence can be any - it's all about your imagination, desire and capabilities. The main requirement is that it must be safe and durable or completely inaccessible to children. For example, like the chain-link mesh that you see in the photo above. It comes with a plastic cover. bright colors and does not look as severe as usual.

Chain-link mesh with PVC coated- a good option for the fence of playgrounds

If for some reason you don’t like this option, you can put a picket fence, which will be about the height of the children somewhere on the shoulders, the distance between adjacent planks should be such that the head does not crawl there. Fences can be painted with different colors.

Picket fence - a familiar fence in an unusual design

Just pay attention that the tops are rounded and do not have sharp corners, they are well processed: splinters are very frustrating for children. The fence must be firmly attached. With the expectation that the children will definitely hang on them and jump.

Rope fencing is rarely used, but it looks good, it performs its functions perfectly: durable, safe, aesthetically attractive.

Rope fence for a playground - durable, inexpensive, reliable and safe

For older children, the fence is a relic. For them, the field of activity is the entire site, and only something really interesting can distract them. More space is also needed here. If possible, give children under 7 years old 8-9 m 2, from 7 to 12 years old - up to 12 m 2. Here the set of shells is already more serious, which is why large areas are required.

Playground cover

This is a complex topic with a very difficult choice. While the children are small, it is perfect for them (there is special composition herbs with high abrasion resistance). He is not so attractive in appearance, but is able to endure little pranksters with almost no damage. The disadvantage of lawns is the need for regular care: watering, mowing, etc.

For small children perfect coverage on the playground - lawn grass

The lawn can no longer cope with the load from the games of grown children. Especially in the zone of active games: near slides, swings. These are the most problematic areas. If you leave these areas "as is", then during the rain a puddle forms under them, after a couple of "races", turning into a swamp. There is a good solution: make a drainage pad out of crushed stone, and put sand on top of it or lay a rubber coating like that used in stadiums. It is durable and strong.

To remove moisture from the area of ​​​​the playground, they remove the soil to a depth of 15-20 cm, fall asleep and ram the rubble, pour it on top and also ram the sand. Both layers are about 10-15 cm each. During construction, you can already stop at this: landing on such a site is already not bad. But the sand is gradually pulled apart, and it will have to be periodically updated. You can spread a rubber mat. This is already more serious, only it will be necessary to make a slight slope so that the water rolls off it during the rain. Someone just lays rubber mats, which are replaced as they wear out.

Another way out is to fill the entire site with fine, sifted sand. It will periodically need to be leveled and topped up, but this is perhaps the most practical way out.

Sand playground cover - from the category of "quickly and without much hassle"

Another option is to pour crushed bark. Another question is that not everyone has the opportunity to take this bark. But if there is, try it. The covering is soft and not traumatic. Only it is necessary to grind it well and remove the chips that may be there.

Of the more technologically advanced, we can offer the following:

  • Regupol. Factory rubber coating, laid on a flat concrete or asphalt base. The cost is $25-70 per square meter.
  • Coating of crumb rubber with the addition of a binder. It is poured onto a prepared leveled area (it is possible on compacted sand laid on top of crushed stone). The price is $25-80 per square meter.
  • Modular high density PVC systems. Plates that are connected according to the principle of puzzles. The price of a "square" is $50-70.
  • artificial grass. It is laid on a prepared base of quartz sand and crumb rubber, requires water drainage. Depending on the height of the pile, it costs from $40 to $80.

It's hard to choose. There are too many mutually exclusive requirements and desires, but something will have to be chosen. The most common option is lawn, the second most popular is sand. The remaining coatings are applied only in places - in the most "loaded" parts.

The choice of equipment for the playground

Planning the elements of the playground is best with children. After all, it is for them that you are going to build play area, and it is to their desires that you need to listen. Often we try to reproduce what, in our understanding, should be interesting for them, and then we are surprised that the children play anywhere, but not on the site, which they built with such love. All because you embodied your desires and expectations, not children's. Listen to what the child wants, walk around the guests who already have similar facilities, see where the child spends more time. On this basis, it is already possible to build something.

For kids, there must be a sandbox on the playground. This develops their coordination, allows them to develop faster. The usual design - four boards - is not a problem to knock down, but I want it to be also beautiful. For the boys, the sandbox-machine will be interesting. It is made of two-color painted moisture-resistant laminated plywood.

Under the hood is a toy box. Inside in the cockpit, there is also an “entrance” to this box.

In general, wooden cars for boys are great fun. They are passionate about it. another option from an old barrel.

Behind, by the way, you can also arrange a sandbox ...

Another one interesting idea- how to make a shadow over the playing area: fix a rod at a height, throw an awning over it, making a kind of tent. And it's not hot, and there is shade.

Almost a ship...

Children's houses

The most popular part of the play corner with children: your own house, where you can hide from all-seeing eye adults, set their own rules. For children, it does not matter what their house is built of. They play well in a fabric tent, a hut made of branches. There are many designs that are quickly and easily "built". Moreover, even the smallest can be involved in this construction: it will be even more interesting to play in a house built with your own hands.

For example, a hut. Watch children play. This is exactly the building that they erect most often. In different regions they call it differently: someone is their “headquarters”, someone is “home”, a hut, a halabuda. They usually use sticks, bedspreads, other improvised material. Based on this "chalabudostroenie", several of the following designs of houses for children were made.

Most cheap way build a summer children's house: put a few poles in a hut, plant them around the bindweed and wait a couple of weeks until they grow up. The shape of this living hut can be any: in the form of a cone, as in the photo, a traditional hut, more like a house, etc. Tie the poles together with twine, plastic clamps, or something similar. It is only important to ensure a sufficiently stable frame, otherwise naughty children can overwhelm the structure.

In general, it is not necessary to wait until the plants grow. You can sew a fabric cover, make an entrance, like in a wigwam ... There are a lot of opportunities for using fantasy.

Fast and absolutely safe way building a children's hut - fasten cloth panels on the hoop. Hang this design, for example, on a tree. Under it, lay out the mats, attach the panels to the edges. It will turn out great summer house in which children will be cool and comfortable.

A hoop and fabric hut - fast, cheap, safe

Moreover, this design is suitable not only for girls. Hang a camouflage net or camouflage fabric on the hoop. The boys will definitely make their headquarters in it.

If your child dreams of a house like yours, there are even more options. It is usually built frame technology: pillars are buried in the corners, the lower and upper trims are attached to them. Bottom trim- the basis for the floor, the top - the ceiling. If the house is planned high, a sandbox is often placed below. The house located on top closes it from rain and sun.

If the house is planned at ground level, construction can be started in a different way. Set the blocks on which it will stand level, lay a beam (80 * 80 mm or 100 * 100 mm) on them, connect it into a rectangle, fasten the corners with metal patch plates. After already attach to the bottom frame in the corners of the rack, which will become a support for the walls and roof.

Some children like to have a house, just like adults have: with a porch, a real door and a window, a sofa ... This is also what parents have done more than once. The basis is the same: a beam from which the frame of the building is assembled, and it is sheathed depending on the desire. Faster to work with sheet material, such as waterproof plywood, longer - with boards or clapboard.

House, as from a fairy tale - carved, on a stump

Slides for children

Slides are no less popular with children. The fast descent is a lot of fun. This is where parents get in trouble. What to make a children's slide? The traditional coating - a sheet of stainless steel - has now become very expensive, and it is dangerous to leave it on the street unattended - they will carry it away. Ordinary steel will not work - it rusts very quickly, so you have to look for a replacement. There are several options:

And only a hill in the country or near the house is very rarely done. Usually this is only a part of the game complex, which includes various shells: rope and ordinary ladders with different angles slopes, hanging paths, nets, swings on chains or ropes, poles with crossbars and, in general, everything you can think of. You will find a few ideas below in the photo gallery.

Wooden slide - only part of the play area for children in the country


Suspended are popular not only among children, but also among adults. There are quite a few different options- from models for toddlers, to older children. Some of them you saw in the photo above. To create such entertainment, not many materials are needed: chains or ropes on which the seat will be attached.

If you use ropes, you must regularly check their condition: they become less durable from exposure to the sun and can fray. Chains are more reliable in this regard: they can withstand heavy loads, but they pose another danger: moving chain links can pinch the skin. It is very painful, and large hematomas are obtained. But there is a way out. To keep it safe, hoses are put on the chains in those places where they are taken by hand. Their shell protects the hands of children and adults who swing the swing (or ride themselves).

Only bad luck - curious kids love to pick pipes, so check them periodically. Sometimes covers made of very thick fabric tarpaulin type.

Often there are questions about how to attach chains or ropes to the crossbar. The most popular solution is the carbine. But they have two drawbacks: when rocking, they creak quite strongly, and besides, they gradually wear out. The rate of wear depends on the mass of the swinging children (they do not always sit on the swing one at a time) and on the intensity of use. Both problems can be partially solved by periodic lubrication, but only partially. The second option is to use bearings, but welding is indispensable here. See the photo below for a few options on how to attach a swing to the crossbar.

Where to get such devices? In shops selling rigging. You may find other ideas there.

Often the question arises: how and from what to make a seat. Yes, from anything. Even from a tire or from a piece of tarp, an old chair - wooden or plastic, just a piece of board. Craftsmen manage to use the old chair.

A circle tied with ropes is a great option

Old swing chair - why not?

Having slightly modified them and hung them only slightly above the ground, we teach not a swing, but a simulator for developing balance. Of particular interest to the boys will be the option with a board from a skateboard. And on a wide platform you can swing while sitting ...

Stairs and walkways

Ladders are one of the key elements that connects all the disparate parts into a single whole, allowing you to move from one projectile to another. They are made from well-crafted wood. The steps should be round (at least 5 cm in diameter, so that it is convenient to take it with your hands) and straight. You can make rope steps: they are harder to climb, but they develop coordination well.

Rope climb - difficult, but very interesting to overcome

Hang a rope net on one side, make a rope ladder. Rope shells are not in vain present in all extreme shows. They are safe, but require well-developed coordination and dexterity. At first, it’s hard for the kids, but it’s precisely for such “shells” that they are drawn.

A rope wall and ladder is a great way to make the playground more interesting to play with.

Here is the main set of elements from which children's playgrounds. For older boys, you can add a horizontal bar and rings. They already need to develop not only coordination, but also muscle strength. In general, there can be a lot of ideas. Some of them are in the photo below. We hope that the playground made by your efforts will bring joy to children, and pleasure to you: it is always nice to look at what you have done with your own hands.

Photo of playgrounds and elements

Water mattress in the heat - the best place recreation

Getting off the platform from the ropes - for coordination of movements

Playground with a house on high legs - drawing with dimensions

One of the options for a children's house with a sandbox under one roof

Hemp - a handy projectile

Children's corner - pirate ship

Metal complex - for those who know how to cook metal

Many parents want to make a playground with their own hands on suburban area. This will keep the child busy and safe.

To build a playground in the country, you need to mark the territory, determine the number of elements and their mutual arrangement. If children's playgrounds are located within the plot, then a separate fence for them is not necessary. If the site is located outside the site, then it must be fenced.

After determining the area that can be allocated for the playing area, specific elements are selected. The less space, the fewer elements can be placed.

Playground details

If the construction of a playground is carried out for the first time, then the process cannot be called simple. Special training and the availability of certain knowledge will simplify the work, but not everyone owns them. You have to be prepared for some challenges.

Relatively rarely, a playground in the country includes complex elements or attractions. In most cases, traditional and fairly simple solutions are used.

It is imperative to define functional purpose of the structure. There are differences between facilities for preschool children and adolescents. If the children are preschool and primary school age, then the playground in the country should include a sandbox, a swing, a slide and a small number of stairs. Such a do-it-yourself playground is quite easy to do.

do-it-yourself playground photo step by step instructions

In the second case, the game structure should be more complex. It turns out that the sandbox is no longer needed, but areas for playing basketball or other ball games are required. Simulators, complex climbing devices are being installed. It is already more difficult to build such a playground in the country.

Do-it-yourself playground in the country. step by step photos

After necessary elements will be determined, required to be done plan. It is necessary to complete a drawing with the marking of all the main parts and you can start building a playground with your own hands.

When building a playground, be sure to take into account that the following is prohibited:

  1. put the sandbox next to the swing;
  2. place the slide in such a way that the descent leads to the roadway;
  3. install structures outside adjoining territory without a fence.

playground ship with their own hands. A photo

After creating the drawing, the calculation and purchase of the necessary materials is carried out. Making a playground with your own hands is not easy, including calculating the materials, but the photos will become hints in this work. When the calculations are completed, the materials are purchased and the simplest basic parts are assembled, then you can move on to more complex elements. The advantage of a playground in the country is that it can be gradually changed and completed.

The most important thing when building a playground with your own hands, you need to take care of it. security. All elements must be carefully checked and securely connected. Parts should not have sharp corners, protruding joints and other potentially dangerous elements.

do-it-yourself playground made of wood

Do-it-yourself playground. Option 2

On my own personal plot you can build a play complex for children with your own hands. The project may include the following elements: a slide with stairs, a house in the form of a balcony, vertical stairs with ropes, a swing, etc.

Do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions for building a playground

Designing and purchasing required material. For the construction of the site, it is necessary to purchase timber, namely pine boards and bars of various sections. For this project, you will need timber of the following section: 100x100mm, 100x50mm, 50x20mm, 150x20mm, 50x50mm.

do-it-yourself playground. Photo step by step

From the bars we cut out the future supports and cross-sections. We then process them with grinder and sanding sheets. After that, the bars must be covered with an antiseptic solution.

playground in the country. Master class instruction

A frame is assembled from ready-made supports. For connection, wood screws with a diameter of 8 mm are used.

Next, you need to dig holes about one meter deep and install a frame in them. 10-15 cm should remain above the ground. It is impossible to do this work alone. It will be necessary to take two or three more people to help. The frame must be level. After that, it should be rolled with rubble and, holding it in this state, attach the transverse beams to the frame. Finally, the installed supports must be poured with concrete mix.

Tip: in order for the site not to fail, it is necessary to put bricks under the supports.

Till concrete mix freezes - you can start assembling the stairs and installing the railings. Our playground will have two rows of railings located at different levels. Thus, it will be convenient for children of any age to play on such a playground. We cover all wooden elements with varnish or paint.

For the floor you will need boards 250x25 mm. Of these, it is necessary to make a continuous flooring. The dimensions of the floor of the upper floor, according to our project, were 100x250 cm. To give rigidity, bars with a section of 50x100 mm were laid under the floor.

From the end part it is necessary to install a vertical ladder. For its manufacture, strips of 20x50 mm were needed. In the future, it will be possible to hang a rope near it, on which children can climb.

After that, you can start making a support for the beam, on which the rope and swing will be located. For greater stability, it was decided to make them crosswise. The supports are connected to the sample and fixed with bolts. Next, you need to mark up and dig holes. After that, a transverse beam is made on a support. Finished construction installed in a pit, covered with rubble and poured with a concrete mixture.

While the concrete hardens, you can start making the manhole. This will require OSB sheet, beam 50x50 mm and transverse stiffeners from a beam with a section of 50x20 mm.

We proceed to the manufacture of a balcony on the second floor. On such a balcony, you can install a table and chairs so that children can relax and have a snack. For the manufacture of such a design, OSB sheets will be needed.

At the testamentary stage of building a gaming complex with your own hands, it is necessary to check the site for sharp corners, protruding parts and defects. If there are any, then they must be removed so that children are not injured.

Photos of playgrounds

Modern, including home-made, children's playgrounds are very diverse. There are many interesting options their design. Let's consider some.

. Game complex consists of two rope swings, a house, a sandbox, a ladder and a slide. The house is located on the second tier, a slide departs from it. Under the house is a sandbox, protected from the sun. On the side is a rope ladder.

playground in uniform knight's castle, which has several game elements. On the side there are rope swings. On the lower tier there is a house and sandbox containers. To climb up there are wooden and rope ladders, as well as an inclined board with stops and a rope. A slide has been installed for the descent.

Playground for the smallest. It is a vast space for a sandbox, along the sides of which there are benches. One of the corners is occupied playhouse in which you can hide or hide from the sun.

Game complex with a house on the bottom tier. On one side of the house is a small table with benches. On the other side is a climbing aid. On the side are swings and children's gymnastic rings.

.small complex, consisting of two swings, slides and ladders. The swing is on the side so that the swingers do not touch other children. Ladders are presented in two types: wooden with stops for climbing and rope. The upper platform is covered with a roof that allows you to hide from the sun or rain.

Diverse and compact game complex, including many elements. Below, under the upper house, you can fill up the sandbox. To the side are tables and benches. You can climb up on a board with stops and a rope, on a net or on a rope ladder. For the descent there is a plastic wavy slide.

. wooden town consisting of two towers. They are connected by an arched ladder to which a swing is attached. One tower has a grand staircase with railings, a slide and other details. The second tower is equipped with a rope and an arched bridge with stops.

The playground is made in deliberately rough style. It is equipped with an upper platform from which a slide descends. You can get on wooden stairs, on a rope vertical grid, on a board with stops or on a rope.

do-it-yourself playground made of wood

Wooden play complex with plastic slide, swings on chains and gymnastic rings. You can get to the slide by climbing the wooden beams or by overcoming the inclined board with stops, and then moving on your hands along the gymnastic rings.

Relatively simple but varied playground designed for children different ages. There is a sandbox and a comfortable gentle staircase, a wide slide. Older children will be interested in a board with holes for emphasis and the like. metal stairs On the sides.

Very interesting in form and a kind of children's complex that can decorate the site. For entertainment, there is a slide, a wooden vertical ladder, a climbing frame with stops, a net located under the upper playhouse.

. Spacious playground with three types of swings, one of which is for the little ones. There are two towers different heights connected by a bridge. descends from the smaller metal slide. There are several ways to climb the towers.

Game complex in the form ship looks original and will be of interest to most children. It has a cabin, several structures on which you can climb top platform. A slide is provided for the descent.

Relatively simple platform. Under the upper house there is a sandbox, additionally protected from the sun on the side. The slide is plastic, slightly curved. The playground is equipped with two types of swings. Some of them are designed for swinging together.

A playground that can be called: for children and parents. Swings in the form of chairs will also appeal to adults. They are hung on strong metal chains. Children can ride down the slide or climb onto the observation deck, which is located on the opposite side of the slide.

Playground in "log" style has many corners where you can hide on the lower tier. At the top there are multi-level platforms, which you need to climb up the stairs with stuffed planks. You can go down the hill.

. The most simple a playground consisting of pillars placed in a triangle and crossbars between them. Swings, nets, rope ladders are hung on the crossbars. There is also a platform from which a slide descends.
