Modular floor coverings. Modular pvc flooring Modular flooring

Modular floors have appeared on the construction market relatively recently, but they have already gained fame as technological and high-quality solutions for floors of any type. Modern modular coatings are used for flooring on balconies, porches, lobbies, terraces, playgrounds and sports grounds, garages, warehouses and industrial premises.

Main advantages:

  • increased strength,
  • resistance to dirt and dust, moisture and precipitation,
  • high wear resistance
  • incombustibility,
  • chemical resistance,
  • ability to withstand heavy loads,
  • reduction of vibrations in the room,
  • noise absorption,
  • ease of installation and dismantling.

Modular coating Erfolg

Created for the arrangement of gardens and household plots, eco-parking, as well as for any outdoor playgrounds intended for sports activities. Football fields, tennis courts, basketball, volleyball and badminton courts, roller skating tracks, children's multifunctional playgrounds, landscaped with modular plastic flooring, look great and will not wear and fade over time. Garden areas look great thanks to the durable, elegant and practical Erfolg modules.

Coverage from InterEco

It has anti-slip and dirt-proof properties and is therefore actively used to equip steps and porches.

The store of modular coatings of INTERECO LLC presents a huge selection of materials for arranging floors in any premises. PVC modules and outdoor plastic floor coverings are a modern solution for interiors and outdoor areas. Modular anti-slip and dirt-proof coatings are also on sale.

Cooperation with us means the lowest prices and the best terms of sale, a wide range and high quality products!

Modern materials for floor coverings that have appeared on the market open up new possibilities for decorating floors not only in residential premises, but also on terraces, balconies, gazebos, patios, technical structures, as well as arranging paths in open spaces of suburban areas.

- a relatively new type of product. They are made from different materials, and they are designed for different rooms. For their manufacture, natural wood, polyvinyl chloride, rubber, as well as composite materials are used.

Such coatings consist of separate modules, which are most often square in shape, although some of them are produced in the form of other shapes, sometimes very complex geometrically.

You can choose a coating consisting of modules for every taste. So, it could be:

Garden parquet or decking, made from thermowood of various species or from wood materials in combination with polymers;

Rubber tiles with locks - mainly used in technical rooms;

Tiles made of rubber crumb, produced without locks and fastened, most often, with glue;

PVC tiles ( PVC), suitable for residential and public buildings, as well as for covering outdoor areas.

In order to choose the right coating and know for sure how it can be laid, it is necessary to understand in detail the characteristics and installation technology of each of them.

garden parquet

Garden parquet is a surprisingly comfortable material that can improve floor surfaces and serve for a very long time. It is produced in the form of a tile, which can have a size of 30 × 30, 30 × 50, 50 × 50 cm.

It is sometimes also called decking, as it is often produced in the form of a deck or terrace board, which can have a ribbed or smooth surface. The ribbed board makes the surface non-slip, which is very important for covering terraces and stairs. The board is available in lengths from one and a half to six meters, so it is convenient to install in many cases.

garden parquet

Use of garden parquet

The quality of such parquet allows it to be used for laying:

Walkways around the outdoor and indoor pools;

garden paths;

Open and closed terraces and balconies;

In the premises of baths and saunas;

In bathrooms;

In the kitchens.

Module design

This coating is a separate modules, consisting of two layers:

The lower one, made of polyvinyl chloride in the form of a grid, on which fasteners are made for the upper layer and for fastening the tiles together;

Upper, consisting of separate removable lamellas, made of natural wood or sawdust, mixed to bind the material with polymers.

The slats are fixed on a PVC grid at a certain distance, which allows moisture not to linger on the surface, flowing down to the base under the coating.

The materials used and the technology of their manufacture

1. Natural wood

As mentioned above, lamellas are often made from natural wood. Usually, solid valuable wood species are chosen for this, such as teak, campas, azobe , kumaru and redwood. These trees grow in conditions of tropical humidity, and therefore in themselves are moisture resistant material.

But it should be noted that due to these positive characteristics, garden parquet has a fairly high price. To make the material more affordable, well-known wood species such as larch or cedar are also used for the production of lamellas.

But even the strongest and highest quality wood will not withstand long-term exposure to high humidity and ultraviolet rays, so the material undergoes special processing.

Wood for the manufacture of garden parquet is placed in a hermetically sealed chamber, where it is doused with hot steam, thereby removing excess moisture from it and making it durable and waterproof. After these procedures, the material will not swell from moisture and will not dry out from hot direct ultraviolet rays. Due to its resistance to external influences, the coating will not change color or deform even after many years of use.

2. Composite material

In addition to natural wood, for the manufacture of lamellas, a wood-based composite material is used, which is called a polymer-wood composite. It consists of finely processed sawdust, which is mixed with thermoplastic. The resulting material has high moisture resistance, strength and low thermal conductivity.

Materials for production are taken in the ratio: 65-80% chopped wood and 35-20% polymer, so this composite can be safely called almost wooden.

Installation of modular garden parquet

Installation of garden parquet and decking is quite simple, and this is a clear advantage of the material, since even an inexperienced master can handle this work.

1. Garden parquet

Garden parquet can be laid on different surfaces - it can be sand, gravel and soil, but a concrete base is best suited for it. If natural surfaces are selected on the site, then it is recommended to cover them with geotextiles so that the grass does not grow through the parquet.

Laying modules on concrete or ceramic tiles does not require special preparation. The main thing is that the surface is even.

Installation is carried out quickly enough, you can easily cope with it alone and cover several square meters in just a couple of hours.

Parquet modules do not require additional devices or fasteners for connection, as they are fastened together by means of locks on the bottom layer of the tile. If the parquet module needs to be shortened, it can be easily cut with a regular hacksaw. The same is done if you need to remove a small part of the lamella so that it fits well, for example, around a pipe or along a curved wall line.

2. Terrace board

    • For laying a modular terrace board, transverse logs are required, which are fixed to a rigid base at a distance of 40 - 50 cm. When laying, the lags should have a slight slope so that water can drain from the surface, and this must be calculated in advance. Can be under the logs one side underlay hard material, such as ceramic tiles.

      terrace board

  • Metal clips are installed in the grooves located at the ends of the boards, which are then screwed to the logs.
  • After that, the next board is installed with a groove in the clips, and this is how the entire flooring fits.
  • If boards made of composite material were used, and they have cavities inside, then plugs should be installed on the sides, which will give the flooring aesthetic completeness, and also prevent water and dirt from getting inside.

Video - features of the modular coating "garden parquet"

Modular PVC covers

Polyvinyl chloride modules are a durable and reliable coating that is not afraid of mechanical stress. Therefore, it is often used in technical buildings with heavy floor loads, such as garages, workshops or warehouses. In addition, the modules are well suited for office premises, for places with a high intensity of human flow, as well as for medical institutions, kindergartens, outdoor areas and seasonal summer cafes.

Material Advantages

  • Resistance to low and high temperatures - its operation is possible in conditions from - 28 to +55 degrees.
  • Resistant to chemicals, oils, salts and mechanical stress.
  • Easy and quick installation of plates that does not require the use of additional materials and extensive experience in this work.
  • The room can be used immediately after installation of the flooring.
  • Resistant to shock and other dynamic loads.
  • The coating of PVC modules does not require special preparation of the base for it - the main thing is the strength and evenness of the surface.
  • Simple and easy dismantling of the tile if it needs to be transferred to another base.
  • Ease of repair work in the event of damage to several modules - it is enough to replace only the deformed ones, without disassembling the entire coating.
  • The environmental friendliness of the material allows it to be used in preschool and school institutions.

Foundation preparation

When preparing the base for PVC modules, you do not need to remove paint and oil stains from it, you do not need to dismantle the old coating, dry it from moisture or, conversely, moisten it. It is enough to carry out a number of minor and labor-intensive activities:

  • Clean the surface of rough and large protrusions, remove possible nails and crutches.
  • Repair pits, cracks and unnecessary holes.
  • Clean the surface from dirt, chips, sand, construction debris, it is advisable to collect dust with a vacuum cleaner.
  • If there is a possibility of moisture getting on the base under the coating, then before laying the modules, the surface must be treated with an antiseptic solution.

Installation of a modular PVC cover

Installation can be carried out on any leveled surface, and only a wooden hammer is needed to lay the material.

Installation of modules starts from the corner of the room. Be sure to leave a gap of 6 ÷ 12 mm between the wall and the coating, which will serve to compensate for the expansion of the material during thermal changes. After completion of work, the gap is closed with a plinth to complete the look.

For modular tiles on the side adjacent to the wall, the locks for the joints are cut off with a jigsaw.

The tiles are interconnected by locks, which are called "dovetail" - they are located along the edges of the module. The lock of one tile is installed without distortions in the lock of the other and gently tapped on top with a wooden hammer until the modules are completely connected.

If the last slabs to be laid do not fit into the floor area, then they are also adjusted by cutting off the excess part with a jigsaw.

Modules can be stacked without displacement, i.e. a solid slab is attached to a solid slab. If you use two colors, you get a kind of chessboard.

They can also be laid with an offset of the modules of the next row relative to the previous one - in this case, a “brickwork” pattern is obtained. If just such an option is conceived, then the modules are laid in this order and join the lock element located at the corner of the slab with the middle of the other, as if outlining its location. Then they hammer one part of the castle into another. When the two modules are docked, then the work will go easier.

Using modules of different colors, you can lay out an aesthetic pattern on the floor, which will decorate the room.

PVC modular covers

Is it difficult to care for such a coating?

Caring for a modular coating is not difficult. Small debris, dust and sand should be regularly removed from the surface by simple sweeping or using a vacuum cleaner.

Wet cleaning can be carried out with the use of detergents, and greasy stains can be removed with degreasing compounds.

In technical rooms, the surface is often treated with an acrylic-based polish, which will give the coating a special effect.

Types of relief drawings

PVC modules for flooring have different relief patterns, from which you can choose the one you need for a particular room.

Such a relief is called "grain"

The presented relief is called "grain", and it is often chosen for installation in workshops and garages, as well as in production shops. Its advantage for flooring in these areas is that the pattern is not deep, and it will be easy to clean from debris and dust. At the same time, the surface is not slippery and pleasant to walk on.

PVC coating with "coin" relief

Another popular module pattern is the "coin". These boards are available in a variety of bright colors and can easily be used to cover outdoor playgrounds or indoors. Flooring from such modules will give the room brightness and make it fun. In addition to the decorative effect, the coating has a number of other advantages specifically for children's institutions, and the most important of them are environmental cleanliness and the fact that it is not slippery, and therefore safe.

Shallow relief, like "orange peel"

The coating, similar to an orange peel, is often called “orange”. It can often be found in sports and gyms, as well as in the production workshops of food enterprises. This choice is justified by the fact that the relief on the modules not deep, and they do not collect a lot of dust, so this floor is easy to put in order.

Shagreen leather surface - excellent anti-slip properties

Somewhat reminiscent of the relief of an orange peel and the texture of "shagreen", which is used in gyms, corridors of medical institutions, physiotherapy exercises, shop halls and in the shops of some enterprises.

Modular tiles with a universal pattern can be used in any premises, from children's playrooms to exhibition halls, from fitness clubs to administrative buildings, as well as in all public and industrial premises.

In addition to the presented relief drawings, there are others from which you can choose any one to your liking.

Video: Features of Modular PVC Coatings

Rubber modular coatings

Rubber modular coatings are used in many indoor and outdoor areas - tennis courts, playgrounds, garden and park paths, as well as other places of work and recreation.

Some types of rubber modular coatings are used for flooring in garages and workshops. They perform their functions perfectly due to their positive qualities.

With some assumption, special tiles or blocks, panels, which are made of rubber crumb, can also be attributed to modular coatings. The raw material is obtained from from shredded rubber obtained by recycling old products, such as recycled car tires.

The crushed material is supplemented with dyes and stabilizers, and tiles or panels are formed from this mass. The shape can be rectangular, have a complex configuration characteristic of paving slabs, and also repeat the shape due to its curvilinear shapes, precisely fitted to each other (puzzle).

If the tile has locks, then it does not require special preparation of the base - it is enough that the surface is even. Materials such as sand, gravel, small stone, soil or concrete are suitable for the base.

Rubber tile, which has the usual square shape, but does not have clutch locks, is laid only on a flat, fairly smooth surface and is planted on the adhesive mass.

Positive qualities of the material

Good heat and sound insulation;

Strength and durability;

Resistance to moisture and ultraviolet;

Wear resistance, withstands high mechanical loads;

Environmental safety, no odors;

Resistance to chemically active liquids;

Ease of care for the coating;

Ease of repair (it is enough to replace one or more damaged segments);

The coating is not slippery and pleasant for walking, which is very important in winter and autumn-spring.

Video: reliable garage floor made of rubber modules

If it's time to update the flooring in the garage, or decide to lay paths on the garden plot, insulate the play area in the children's room or ennoble the floor on the balcony or terrace, then you won't find a better flooring than modular slabs. Moreover, of all the modular flooring on the market, you can always find one that will be to your liking.

Turning to the online store site, you can always buy modular anti-splash coatings wholesale and retail.

About Modular Covers

Modular mudguards are used in commercial areas to reduce the amount of dirt carried on shoes and wheels of light vehicles. Such coatings can be made of plastics (primarily PVC) or rubber. In addition, there are special dirt-protective carpets.

PVC Modular Covers

PVC modular covers are used in high traffic areas. Dirt is retained thanks to the protrusions and depressions on the surface. Such floors are often laid at the entrances to shops, shopping centers, office buildings and other public facilities with high traffic. In addition, they are often used in warehouses: ruggedized coatings are able to withstand even a truck turn.


  • the shops;
  • shopping centers;
  • kindergartens and kindergartens and schools;
  • hospitals and clinics;
  • railway stations and airports;
  • other public buildings;
  • warehouse and production facilities

Rubber modular coatings

Soft modular rubber covers not only trap dirt and form a non-slip surface, but also partially absorb shocks. They are often used in the garage and "wet" industrial premises.


  • warehouses;
  • industrial premises;
  • transport corridors
  • pools and baths.

Advantages of modular coatings

  • a wide range of patterns and colors
  • high strength and wear resistance;
  • effective retention of dirt;
  • moisture resistance;
  • low electrical conductivity;
  • ease of installation and cleaning;
  • low price.

Dirt-resistant carpets

Modular dirt retention carpets are usually made from PVC, polyethylene or polypropylene. Dirt is held by the pile. Such coatings have relatively low wear resistance and are used in areas with low and medium traffic.

This flooring is made up of individual wooden panels with a specific pattern. The surface of the shield, which is called the module, consists of miniature dies. In classic modular parquet, each plank has a chamfer (bevel on the edge), which makes the pattern more intricate and expressive. In the mini-modular - the dies go without a bevel, since the small size causes a more compact decor. In both cases, the design impresses with original patterns with complex geometries. There is no place for boring trivial forms. Such decors can be presented in the form of a hexagon, a cross inscribed in a rhombus, etc.

The design of the shield consists of two layers, by analogy with an engineering board. The upper layer is made of valuable wood of one/several types - oak, walnut, ash and other traditional and exotic species. As a rule, it is processed with a finishing coating: oil, varnish, wax. And the lower layer, depending on the manufacturer, can be presented in various variations, for example, moisture-resistant birch plywood. Modular flooring is mounted only on glue and has connecting profiles - thorn-groove.

Modular parquet: price

Modular parquet belongs to the elite category of finishing materials. It costs more than traditional plank flooring. This is due to the peculiarities of its manufacture (labor-intensive painstaking work) and the complex specifics of the decor. The following factors also affect the final cost:

  • raw materials - what kind of wood is the floor made of (oak, ash, walnut).
  • country of production - the cost of foreign models is higher than domestic ones due to significant transportation costs,
  • processing nuances: the type of finish, the presence of additional design effects - brushing, toning, manual processing, etc.

Catalog of modular parquet

We represent models of the following brands:

  • CROWNWOOD is a brand exclusively represented in our store. It produces elite parquet from ash, oak, American walnut with a thickness of valuable wood of 3 mm. The design of the models is made in the form of original asymmetric compositions, complemented by an elegant chamfer. The collections are represented by an abundance of shades: white, beige, red-brown, golden, chocolate, smoky. The surface is protected from dirt and damage by several layers of natural oil or eco-friendly water-based varnish. Models have a durable 2-layer construction with a tongue-and-groove locking system that resists impact loads of various strengths.
  • Coswick - the floors of this Canadian brand have earned the recognition of buyers all over the world: the USA, Russia, European countries. Among the famous collections - "Versailles", "Trianon", "Lange", "Cheverny" - noble floors made of oak, American walnut. The decors are distinguished by their natural hues, accentuated by toning. Patterns are made in the form of squares, rhombuses, asymmetric lines. Particularly impressive are models whose surface is made of two types of wood - an original combination of textures and a colorful transition of tones. The surface of the floors is treated with hard wax (fully retains the natural properties of the material) and elastic varnish (spectacular gloss, increased protection against water).

On a note

  • Rectangular wooden planks laid at an angle are the first primitive examples of modular parquet. This is how the floors were decorated 3000 years ago in ancient Rome.
  • In Medieval Russia, there was an analogue of such parquet - oak brick coatings. They were laid on lime or sand mixed with resin. Skilled craftsmen painted them with bright colors made from plant components.
  • Among the popular decors of modern modular parquet are Versailles Square, Chantilly, Aremberg.

Modular parquet laying

NPP GC offers you modular floor coverings made of PVC and polypropylene. Modular floor coverings made of modern materials have a number of advantages compared to traditional types of floor coverings:

  • Fits on any flat base, even sloping.
  • It is mounted quickly and easily (1 worker - 100-200 m 2 per day), while the premises can continue to be used.
  • Does not slip, which is especially important for rooms with high humidity
  • Has high soundproofing properties
  • Well dampens vibrations from the working equipment.
  • Possesses high resistance to mechanical influence, influence of alkalis and acids.
  • Does not support combustion.
  • Easily removed and installed during repairs, it can be easily transferred from one room to another.

Modular floor SENSOR

Modular PVC floor coverings of the Sensor series (Russia)

Coating name up to 100 sq.m. from 100 sq.m. from 500 sq.m. from 1000 sq.m.
Coatings 7 mm, Z-lock (dovetail)
Modular coating SENSOR TECH (7 mm) 500x500


Modular coating SENSOR RICE (7mm) 500x500


Modular coating SENSOR AVERS (7mm) 500x500


Threshold Z-lock (7 mm) per piece
Coatings 7 mm, T-lock




Modular coating SENSOR STIKS (7mm) 500x500 Action!!!
Threshold T-lock (7 mm) per piece
Coatings 5 ​​mm, Z-lock (dovetail)
Modular coating SENSOR TECH (5 mm) 500x500


Modular coating SENSOR RICE (5 mm) 500x500


Modular coating SENSOR AVERS (5 mm) 500x500


Coatings 5 ​​mm, T-lock
Modular coating SENSOR EURO (7 mm) 500x500


Modular coating SENSOR BIT (7 mm) 500x500


Modular coating SENSOR SIGMA (7 mm) 500x500


Modular coating SENSOR STIKS (7mm) 500x500


Coatings of the FACTOR series
Modular coating SENSOR FACTOR (6 mm) 375х375


Modular coating SENSOR FACTOR (8 mm) 375х375


Modular coating SENSOR FACTOR (10 mm) 375х375


Modular coating SENSOR FACTOR Sport (14 mm) 375х375


Dirt protection
Modular coating OPTIMA (9 mm) 250x250


Modular coating OPTIMA (16 mm) 250x250


Modular coating OPTIMA DUOS (16 mm) 250x250


Pool and shower cover
Modular coating AQUA 250x340


Covering for wet areas
Modular coating CANAL (14 mm) 375x375


Tactile tiles
PVC tile 300x300 diagonal, stripes, squares, coins

160 per piece




TPU tile 300x300 diagonal, stripes, squares, coins

290 per piece




* when buying more than 1000 sq. m. prices are agreed additionally

Basic colors of modular PVC coverings of the Sensor series

Modular floor M-Tile (Russia)

Modular PVC floor coverings of the M-Tile series (Russia)

Coating name up to 100 sq.m. from 100 sq.m. from 500 sq.m. from 1000 sq.m.
Modular coating JETON (7mm) 500x500


Modular coating HARD STEEL (7 mm) 500x500


Modular coating HARD STUDDED (7 mm) 500x500


Modular coating SPORTLINE (7 mm) 500x500


Modular coating UNIVERSAL (5 mm) 500x500


Modular coating DIAMOND (7 mm) 500x500


M-Tile color surcharge (grey base color)

Modular floor for a country house

Modular flooring for a country house

Coatings with a hidden lock
Modular coating SENSOR SECRET TECH (7 mm) 500x500


Modular coating SENSOR SECRET AVERS (7 mm) 500x500


Modular coating VEROPOL COM (6 mm) 408х408 Action!!!


Modular coating VEROPOL PROF (7.5 mm) 500х500 Promotion!!!


Modular coating VEROPOL BASE (6 mm) 500x500


Modular coating VEROPOL STONE (7 mm) 500x500

