Warehouse designations according to ppb. Warehouse fire safety

Warehouses usually store a wide variety of materials and substances, and it is necessary to place them in a particular building, taking into account physical and chemical properties, in particular related to such a category as a fire hazard. In accordance with GOST 12.1.044–89 “Fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials. Nomenclature of indicators and methods for their determination” and NPB 105-03 “Definition of categories of premises and buildings in terms of explosion and fire hazard”, warehouses are usually divided into five categories A, B, C, D and D, depending on the fire hazard of the materials stored in them.

  • Category A(explosive and fire hazardous) - premises for the storage and circulation of combustible gases, lithium, calcium carbide; premises of charging stations for alkaline and acid batteries.
  • Category B(explosive and fire hazardous) - warehouses of cylinders with ammonia; refrigerators running on ammonia; storage of flour, powdered sugar.
  • Category B(fire hazardous) - warehouses for storage of natural and artificial rubber and products from them; warehouses of cotton fiber, wool, tarpaulin, bags, leather, magnesium, titanium sponge; warehouses of timber, non-combustible materials (including metals) in combustible soft or hard containers.
  • Category G- stationary, specially equipped places for the production of welding and other hot work with fireproof materials, boiler rooms.
  • Category D- warehouses of non-combustible materials and substances in a cold state in the absence of soft or hard combustible containers (packaging), workshop rooms in which non-combustible materials are processed in a cold state.

Such a classification does not fully reflect the specific features of the storage process and limits the possibility of choosing fire safety measures for storage facilities, therefore it is more appropriate to classify warehouses of flammable substances according to the principle of uniformity of stored products, as well as depending on the risk of fire or explosion that occurs during joint storage. some substances and materials. Fire safety requirements for the joint storage of substances and materials are regulated by GOST 12.1.004–91 “Fire Safety. General requirements".

According to the device, general-purpose warehouses are divided into open (platforms, platforms), semi-closed (sheds) and closed (heated and unheated). Closed warehouses are the main type of storage facilities. When determining the admissibility of storing certain substances and material assets here, the degree of fire resistance, the classes of constructive and functional fire hazard of the latter are taken into account. The degree of fire resistance of a building is determined by the fire resistance of its building structures, the structural fire hazard class of a building is determined by the degree of participation of building structures in the development of a fire and the formation of its dangerous factors, and the functional fire hazard class of a building and its parts is determined by their purpose and features of the technological processes used.

SNiP 21-01-97 "Fire safety of buildings and structures" establishes four degrees of fire resistance of buildings - I, II, III, IV, four classes of constructive fire hazard - C0, C1, C2 and C3 (non-fire hazardous, low fire hazardous, moderately fire hazardous, fire hazardous) . According to the functional fire hazard, buildings are divided into five classes F1 ... F5, depending on the methods of their use and on the extent to which the safety of people in them in the event of a fire is at risk. Warehouses belong to class F5.2.
Workrooms for employees in buildings of warehouses of I, II and III degrees of fire resistance must be separated by fireproof walls, ceilings and have an independent exit to the outside. Installation of windows, doors internal walls workspaces are not allowed. The working premises of warehouses of the IV degree of fire resistance should be located outside the buildings of such warehouses.

Great importance for fire safety, the warehouse complex has the correct layout. When located on the territory of several buildings, it is necessary to ensure a clear division into zones with the same fire safety requirements. Buildings where materials with increased danger are stored are located on the leeward side in relation to other buildings. It is necessary that there are fire breaks between storage rooms in accordance with established standards. Structures of the IV degree of fire resistance must be located at a distance of at least 20 m from each other.

Fire breaks must always be free, they can not be used for storing materials, equipment, packaging containers and parking of vehicles. The access of fire trucks to buildings and structures along the entire length should be provided: on the one hand - with a building width of up to 18 m and on both sides - with a width of more than 18 m. The territory of the warehouse complex must be fenced and have sufficient lighting in accordance with the rules of the Electrical Installation Rules (PUE).

The main causes of fires in warehouses are: careless handling of fire, smoking in the wrong place, malfunction of electrical installations and power networks, sparks in energy and production installations, vehicles, static electricity, lightning discharges, as well as spontaneous combustion of some materials during improper storage.
All fire-fighting measures can be divided into three groups: measures aimed at preventing fires, warning measures and measures to eliminate an already existing fire.

Fire safety rules approved by the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Russian Federation dated June 18, 2003 No. 313 "On approval of fire safety rules in the Russian Federation (PPB 01-03)" (hereinafter Rules No. 313). Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation establish fire safety requirements that must be applied and complied without exception by all organizations, entrepreneurs and citizens without exception. The purpose of the application of Rules No. 313 is to protect the life and health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, state and municipal property, as well as in order to protect environment. Along with these rules, when organizing economic activity other regulatory documents on fire safety and regulatory documents containing fire safety requirements should be followed.

Section XIII of Rules No. 313 is devoted to the organization of fire safety of storage facilities. Consider the main points established by these rules.

Joint storage of materials and substances .

All materials and substances according to their ability to cause a fire, intensify it hazards are divided as follows:

  • safe - non-combustible substances and materials in non-combustible packaging that do not emit hazardous substances during a fire, and also do not form hazardous mixtures with other substances. Such substances are stored indoors or outdoors of any type;
  • low-hazard - such combustible and slow-burning substances and materials that are classified as safe, which are not subject to the requirements for dangerous goods. Storage is allowed in warehouses of all degrees of fire resistance (except Y);
  • hazardous - combustible and non-combustible substances and materials, the manifestation of the properties of which can lead to an explosion, fire, death of people, damage to structures. Hazardous Properties can manifest themselves under normal and emergency conditions in individual substances and materials, as well as in their interaction with substances and materials of other categories. Hazardous substances are stored in warehouses of I and II degrees of fire resistance;
  • especially dangerous - substances and materials that are not compatible with substances and materials of the same category are subject to storage in warehouses of I and II degrees of fire resistance, mainly in separate buildings.

Warehouse storage of substances and materials must be carried out taking into account their properties, signs of compatibility and uniformity of fire extinguishing agents.

Storage of materials.

In the event that racks are not used for storage in a warehouse, the materials must be stacked, while on the contrary doorways warehouses should remain free passages. The width of the passages should be equal to the width of the doors, but not less than 1 meter. In addition, longitudinal passages with a width of at least 0.8 meters should be arranged in warehouses; such passages in warehouses are made every 6 meters.

If materials are stored in an open area, the area of ​​one stack should not exceed 300 square meters and the distance between stacks should not be less than 6 meters.

The distance from the lamps to the stored goods must be at least 0.5 meters. At the end of the working day, all electrical equipment in the warehouse must be de-energized, emergency lighting in the warehouse is not allowed. It is also not allowed to operate in the warehouse gas stoves, electric heaters and installation of socket outlets.

Rules No. 313 establishes the features of storage of flammable and combustible liquids, combustible gases, roughage, grain, timber, lumber, coal and peat. In addition, the order of movement in the warehouse of vehicles has been established.

Requirements common to all warehouses have been established. Instructions on fire safety measures should be developed at each storage facility, signs indicating the telephone number of the call should be posted in all rooms fire brigade. In addition, in each organization, an administrative document should establish fire mode, as well as identify and equip smoking areas, establish the procedure for cleaning combustible waste, storing oiled overalls. It is necessary to determine the procedure for de-energizing electrical equipment in the event of a fire and at the end of each working day, to regulate the procedure for carrying out fire hazardous work, the actions of employees upon detection of a fire, the procedure and timing for conducting fire safety briefings.

Fire protection systems and installations must be kept in good working order at all times.

Fire alarm systems must ensure the transmission of warning signals simultaneously throughout the building or selectively in its individual parts. The sirens must be without sound volume control and connected to the network without detachable devices. In cases where warning systems are not required, the manager must determine the procedure for notifying people and appoint persons responsible for this.

Storage facilities must be provided primary means firefighting. These funds must be contained in accordance with the passport data on them. The use of fire extinguishing equipment that does not have the appropriate certificates is not allowed.

Attention should be paid to paragraph 2 of Rules No. 313, which establishes that in case of violation of fire safety requirements, organizations, their officials and citizens are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Such liability is provided for in Article 20.4 of the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses dated December 30, 2001 No. 195-FZ. Here is the full text of this article:

“Article 20.4. Violation of fire safety requirements

1. Violation of fire safety requirements established by standards, norms and rules, with the exception of cases provided for by Articles 8.32, 11.16 of this Code -

shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of five to ten minimum dimensions wages; for officials - from ten to twenty times the minimum wage; on persons carrying out entrepreneurial activity without formation of a legal entity - from ten to twenty times the minimum wage or administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days; on legal entities - from one hundred to two hundred times the minimum wage or an administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days.

2. The same actions committed under the conditions of a special fire-fighting regime shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of ten to fifteen times the minimum wage; on officials - from twenty to thirty times the minimum wage; for legal entities - from two hundred to three hundred times the minimum wage.

3. Violation of the requirements of standards, norms and rules of fire safety, which resulted in the outbreak of a fire without causing severe or moderate harm to human health or without the occurrence of other grave consequences, entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of from fifteen to twenty times the minimum wage; on officials - from thirty to forty times the minimum wage; for legal entities - from three hundred to four hundred times the minimum wage.

4. Issuance of a certificate of conformity for products without a fire safety certificate, if a fire safety certificate is mandatory, entails the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of from thirty to forty times the minimum wage; for legal entities - from three hundred to four hundred times the minimum wage.

5. Sale of products or provision of services subject to mandatory certification in the field of fire safety, without a certificate of conformity shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of from ten to twenty times the minimum wage; for legal entities - from one hundred to two hundred times the minimum wage.

6. Unauthorized blocking of passages to buildings and structures established for fire engines and equipment, entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of three to five times the minimum wage; for officials - from five to ten times the minimum wage; for legal entities - from fifty to one hundred times the minimum wage.

Learn more about questions related to organization of warehouse accounting , you can find in the book of CJSC "BKR-Intercom-Audit" " Organization of warehouse accounting ».

This material prepared by a group of methodological consultants



PPBO-114 - 84

Moscow, 1984

These rules are a revised and supplemented edition of the "Fire Safety Rules for Bases, Warehouses and Enterprises of the USSR State Supply System" 1972.

The rules were prepared by the editorial committee consisting of: N.K. Artemyeva, A.A. Baranova, T.M. Bobrova, A.S. Bondarenko, B.N. Butorin, M.P. Volkova, Yu.M. Generalov, L.V. Klement'eva, T.L. Kuznetsova, E.V. Kucherenko, Yu.A. Napylov (supervisor), V.F. Lunev, I.A. Mikhailova, V.P. Roizen, M.P. Smirnova, L.B. Sutyagina, M.G. Shchelokova, B.I. Shchetinin, N.A. Yastrebova.

With the publication of these rules, the operation of the "Fire Safety Rules for Bases, Warehouses and Enterprises of the USSR State Supply System", approved in 1972, is terminated.


1.1. These rules establish the basic fire safety requirements for enterprises and the organization of the USSR Gossnab system.

1.2. The chairmen of the Gossnabs of the Union republics, the chiefs of the main territorial departments of the Gossnab of the USSR, the heads of other organizations directly subordinate to the Committee, ensure the timely fire fighting measures at enterprises subordinate to them and during inspections of their activities, they control the organization of fire protection, the implementation of orders and other normative documents on fire safety.

1.3. In accordance with the current legislation, managers are responsible for ensuring the fire safety of enterprises and organizations.

1.4. Heads of enterprises and organizations are obliged to:

a) organize at subordinate facilities the study and implementation of fire safety rules by all engineering and technical workers, employees and workers;

b) organize a voluntary fire brigade at the facility, if there are engineering and technical personnel, and a fire and technical commission and ensure their work in accordance with the current regulations (appendices 1 and 2).

At enterprises with less than 15 employees, a fire brigade is organized, which is entrusted with monitoring compliance with fire safety rules, extinguishing fires and evacuating property and inventory items;

c) organize fire-fighting training (fire-fighting briefing, fire-technical minimum) for workers and employees.

fire safety briefing should be carried out at least once every 6 months, and fire-technical minimum at least once every two years;

d) establish a strict fire regime in production, administrative and auxiliary premises (equip smoking areas, establish a clear procedure for conducting hot work, rules for using electric heaters, the procedure for inspecting and closing premises after work is completed, etc.) and constantly monitor its strictest compliance by all workers and maintenance personnel;

e) periodically, but at least once a quarter, check the organization of fire protection and fire condition enterprises, the availability and serviceability of technical means of combating firefighters. The results of the inspection and measures to improve the level of fire safety, announce the order for the enterprise;

f) not to allow to work the persons who have not passed the fire-fighting briefing;

g) check at least once a quarter the organization and condition of the fire protection of the enterprise and conduct fire drills, announce the results of the check by order of the enterprise;

h) ensure the timely implementation of fire prevention measures in accordance with the instructions of the state fire supervision authorities of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs;

i) ensure the development of an action plan for workers and employees in the event of a fire and conduct at least once a year practical training to develop this plan.

1.5. The USSR Gossnab enterprises must be connected to the city telephone network. At least one of the available telephones must be provided with free round-the-clock access.

Signs are posted near telephones indicating the telephone number by which, in case of fire, you can call the nearest fire department.

1.6. Responsibility for the fire safety of warehouses, workshops, departments and other production sites, as well as administrative, public and other premises, is borne by their heads, and during their absence - by the persons performing their duties.

Signs indicating the persons responsible for fire safety are posted in prominent places.

1.7. Persons responsible for fire safety are obliged to:

a) know the fire hazard of production, as well as material assets received or stored in the entrusted area and prevent violations of the rules for their storage;

b) fulfill the requirements of these Rules in the areas of work entrusted to them;

c) monitor the serviceability of the alarm system, telephone communications, heating systems, ventilation, electrical installations, the maintenance of escape routes, driveways, fire breaks, water supply sources and take measures to eliminate the detected malfunctions;

d) to ensure that after the end of work, workplaces and premises are cleaned, the power supply is turned off, with the exception of emergency lighting, power supplies for automatic fire extinguishing and alarm systems, as well as electrical installations that, according to production conditions, must work around the clock;

e) know the rules for using the available fire extinguishing equipment and ensure their constant readiness for action;

f) ensure that fire safety briefings are carried out within the established time limits with engineering and technical workers, workers and employees at the workplace.

1.8. At the end of the working day, all warehouse and production premises should be inspected by officials appointed by order of the enterprise. The order of inspection is determined by the instruction. Warehouse closures and industrial premises is allowed only after eliminating all the shortcomings found during the inspection, removing voltage from the power grid and sealing the disconnecting devices.

1.9. On the basis of these rules, specific instructions on fire safety measures should be developed for individual premises of warehouses, enterprises and organizations, taking into account physical, chemical and flammable properties stored products and process equipment. When developing instructions, the data specified in GOSTs, OSTs, TS for products and in technical data sheets for equipment.

1.10. Instructions on fire safety measures are developed by the heads of warehouses, sections, workshops, etc., approved by the head of the enterprise (chief engineer), studied in the system fire fighting training and posted in conspicuous places.

1.11. The instructions should address the following questions:

a) the procedure for maintaining premises and territory, including evacuation routes;

b) conditions and norms of storage of products in warehouses and other premises;

c) places of smoking, use of open fire and hot works;

d) special fire-fighting measures for individual premises, non-compliance with which may cause a fire to ignite;

e) the procedure for using fire extinguishing and calling equipment fire assistance when a fire is detected;

f) the procedure for the collection, storage and disposal of combustible waste, maintenance and storage of overalls;

g) duties and actions of workers and employees in case of fire;

1.12. Everyone working at the enterprise (regardless of their position) is obliged to clearly know and strictly comply with established rules fire safety, do not allow actions that could lead to fire or fire.

1.13. Persons guilty of violating these rules, depending on the nature of the violations and their consequences, are liable in the prescribed manner.

1.14. All workers and employees must undergo special fire-fighting training in the system of industrial training in order to broadly study the fire safety rules intended for an enterprise, workshop, production site, warehouse, building or structure.

Fire-fighting training of engineers, employees and workers consists of fire-fighting briefing (primary and repeated) and classes on the fire-technical minimum (Appendix No. 3).

1.15. The head of the enterprise by his order is obliged to establish:

a) the procedure and terms for passing fire-fighting briefings and classes on the fire-technical minimum;

b) the procedure for sending newly hired employees to undergo fire-fighting briefing;

c) a list of workshops, warehouses or professions whose employees must be trained under the fire-technical minimum program;

d) a list of officials who are responsible for conducting fire-fighting briefings and classes on the fire-technical minimum;

e) the place of fire-fighting briefing and classes on the fire-technical minimum;

f) the procedure for registering persons who have undergone fire-fighting briefing and trained under the fire-technical minimum program.

1.16. Primary (introductory) fire safety briefing on compliance with fire safety measures should take place in newly hired engineers, employees and workers (including temporary ones).

1.17. For the primary fire safety briefing at the enterprise, a room (corner) equipped with the necessary visual aids(posters, diagrams, layouts, etc.) on the issue of compliance with the fire regime on the territory of the enterprise, in buildings, premises, workplaces, as well as samples of primary fire extinguishing equipment, fire equipment and fire communications available at the enterprise.

Primary fire safety briefing with employees can be carried out simultaneously with introductory briefing on safety.

At the end of the primary (introductory) briefing, the knowledge and skills acquired by the trainees should be tested. Persons whose knowledge is unsatisfied are subjected to re-briefing followed by a knowledge test.

1.18. Repeated briefing is carried out at the workplace by a person responsible for the fire safety of a warehouse, workshop, site, workshop, laboratory, and this briefing must be carried out when transferring workers and employees from one warehouse to another in relation to the fire hazard characteristics of the warehouse, workshop, laboratory, production site.

1.19. Classes on the fire-technical minimum are held according to a program specially approved by the head of the enterprise. This minimum is carried out with electric and gas welders, electricians, stokers (stokers) and financially responsible persons.

At the end of the passage of the fire-technical minimum of workers and employees, offsets must be accepted.

The results of tests for the fire-technical minimum are drawn up by the relevant act or statement with the signatures of the members of the selection committee. Persons who have not passed tests are not allowed to perform official duties.

1.20. Registration of persons who have undergone fire safety briefing and training under the fire-technical minimum program is kept in a special journal, which indicates the date of the briefing (training), who conducted the briefing (training), last name, first name, patronymic of the instructed (trainee), his position and place of work , personal signatures of the instructing and the instructed (trained).



2.1.1. The territory of the enterprise (organization) must be constantly kept clean, and after completion of work it must be thoroughly cleaned of industrial waste and combustible waste. Waste, packaging materials must be systematically removed to specially designated fenced areas and removed in a timely manner.

2.1.2. Roads, entrances to buildings (structures, fire hydrants and reservoirs), as well as approaches to fire equipment must be serviceable and free. In winter, roads, entrances, driveways and manhole covers of fire hydrants and reservoirs should be systematically cleared of ice and snow.

2.1.3. Transfers and transitions through the inside of the facility railways must always be free for the passage of fire trucks, and have continuous decks at the level with the rail heads. Parking of wagons without locomotives at crossings is prohibited. The number of moves must be at least two.

2.1.4. The closure of certain sections of roads and driveways for their repair or for other reasons that impede the passage of fire trucks must be immediately notified to the fire brigade.

For the period of road repair, detour direction signs should be installed at the facility in appropriate places or crossings through the repaired sections should be arranged.

2.1.5. Smoking on the territory of the enterprise is allowed only in specially designated areas equipped with trash cans, water containers and marked with signs reading "Smoking Area".

On the territory and in the premises where smoking is prohibited, prohibited inscriptions "Smoking is prohibited" or prohibition inscriptions are posted in prominent places. GOST 12.4.026.

2.1.6. Work in wells, tanks, where the accumulation of flammable vapors and gases is possible, is allowed only with the written permission of the administration, indicating specific precautions for working in gaseous environments. The use of open fire in this case is strictly prohibited.

2.1.7. On the territory of enterprises and organizations it is prohibited:

Erect auxiliary buildings in the gaps between buildings, as well as use them for storing materials, equipment, containers and parking of vehicles;

Cultivation of fires, burning of waste, containers and packaging materials;

Smoking in non-designated places.


2.2.1. On the entrance doors of production and storage facilities there must be signs of the category of production for explosive, explosion and fire hazard.

2.2.2. All production, storage, administrative and auxiliary premises must be promptly (but at least once per shift) cleared of combustible waste, packaging materials, etc.

2.2.3. Passages, exits, corridors, vestibules, stairs are not allowed to clutter up with various objects and equipment.

All doors of emergency exits must open freely in the direction of the exit from the building. The device of sliding and lifting doors on the escape routes is not allowed.

2.2.4. Buildings and structures, depending on their purpose, fire resistance, intensity of lightning activity in the area of ​​the enterprise's location, must be equipped with lightning protection.

2.2.5. Wooden structures of warehouse, industrial and administrative buildings must be treated with a fire retardant composition. The quality of the treatment should be checked at least once a year, and in case of loss of fire-retardant properties, re-treatment should be carried out.

2.2.6. The protective layer of plaster or other fire-retardant coating of building structures must be kept in good operating condition.

2.2.7. Storage of raw materials and semi-finished products in the workshops is allowed in an amount not exceeding a shift requirement.

2.2.8. The use of flammable and combustible liquids for washing and degreasing parts, assemblies and products is not allowed. For these purposes, use safe non-flammable technical detergents.

2.2.9. To use cleaning materials, metal boxes with tight-fitting lids should be installed after work is completed, the boxes must be cleaned of cleaning materials.

2.2.10. Welding and other hot work in warehouse, industrial buildings and on the territory should be carried out only with the written permission of the enterprise's management in strict accordance with the "Fire Safety Rules for Welding and Other Hot Work at National Economy Facilities" (Appendix No. 4).

2.2.11. Fire protection device for technological and door openings in internal walls and interfloor ceilings ( fire doors, dampers, water curtains, etc.) must always be in working condition.

2.2.12. When crossing fire barriers with various communications, the gaps between them and building structures (throughout their entire thickness) should not have non-densities through which combustion products can penetrate.

2.2.13. Attic spaces must be permanently locked, the keys to which must be in a certain place, accessible for them at any time. On the door of the attic room there should be an inscription about the location of the keys.

It is not allowed to use the attic for storing materials and objects.

2.2.14. Dormer windows in attic spaces should be glazed and permanently closed.

2.2.15. External fire escapes, as well as fences in the roofs of buildings, must be kept in good condition.

2.2.16. Overalls should be stored in rooms specially designed for this purpose (dressing rooms), isolated from warehouse and industrial premises. It is not allowed to leave oiled rags or cleaning ends in the pockets of overalls.

2.2.17. Working clothes should be washed and repaired in a timely manner. The administration of the enterprise for each warehouse, section should establish a clear procedure for replacing oiled overalls with clean ones (frequency of washing, degreasing, repair, etc.).

The use of oiled overalls in warehouses is prohibited.

2.2.18. In warehouse, production and administrative buildings enterprises are prohibited from:

redevelop industrial and office premises without developing a project in accordance with the established procedure, in violation of existing regulatory documents;

to clean the premises using gasoline, kerosene and other flammable and combustible liquids;

store explosives, gas cylinders, celluloid, plastic and polymeric materials that emit toxic substances during combustion, flammable and combustible liquids, as well as other flammable and explosive substances and materials in the premises of the basement and basement floors of warehouse, production and auxiliary buildings;

arrange working, warehouse and other premises on the staircases of buildings, lay industrial gas pipelines, pipelines with flammable and combustible liquids, arrange exits from the mines of cargo lifts, as well as install equipment that impedes the movement of people;

leave unattended heating stoves, heating devices included in the network (electric stoves, kettles, fireplaces, etc.);

thaw frozen pipes of various engineering networks with blowtorches and other methods using open fire. Heating may only be carried out with steam, hot water and heated sand

install metal bars on the windows. As an exception, in order to ensure the safety of material assets in warehouses and pantries, it is allowed to install removable or swing bars;

upholster the walls of typewriting bureaus, office rooms, with combustible fabrics that are not impregnated with flame retardants;

line with combustible materials the surface of structures in corridors, stairwells, vestibules and halls of buildings (with the exception of buildings of the V degree of fire resistance;

use cars, forklifts and other vehicles with internal combustion engines, not equipped with spark arresters, in places for storing combustible materials or non-combustible materials in combustible packaging.

2.2.19. All premises of enterprises and organizations must be provided with primary fire extinguishing equipment in accordance with Appendix No. 5.


2.3.1. Electrical networks and electrical equipment used in enterprises, organizations and warehouses must meet the requirements of "", "" and "Safety Rules for the Operation of Electrical Installations".

2.3.2. By order of the enterprise, a person responsible for the state of electrical installations and their fire-fighting condition (chief power engineer, head of the electrical department, engineering and technical worker of the appropriate qualification) is appointed.

2.3.3. Persons responsible for the condition of electrical installations are required to:

ensure the organization of timely preventive inspections and scheduled preventive repairs of electrical equipment, apparatus and power networks, as well as the timely elimination of violations " Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations" and " Rules for the installation of electrical installations", which can lead to fires and tanning;

monitor the correct selection and use of cables, electric wires, electric motors, lamps and other electrical equipment, depending on the classification of fire and explosion hazard zones and environmental conditions;

systematically monitor the serviceability of protection devices against short circuits, overloads, internal and atmospheric surges, as well as other violations of operating modes;

monitor the serviceability of special installations and means designed to eliminate fires and fires in electrical installations and cable tunnels;

organize a system of training and instructing duty personnel on the issue of fire safety during the operation of electrical installations;

participate in the investigation of cases of fires and fires from electrical installations, develop and implement measures to prevent them.

2.3.4. Faulty electrical equipment and equipment should be immediately disconnected from the network until they are brought into a fire hazardous state.

2.3.5. Electrical equipment in buildings is constantly monitored. All electrical installations must have protection devices against fire hazard manifestations of electric current that can lead to fires and fires (short circuit, overvoltage, overload, etc.)

Faulty electrical equipment and equipment should be immediately disconnected from the network until they are brought into a fireproof state.

It is allowed to connect new pantographs to existing networks only with the knowledge of the person responsible for the power supply, after carrying out existing calculations that allow for the possibility of such connections.

2.3.6. In all premises (regardless of their purpose), which are closed and not controlled after completion of work, all electrical installations must be turned off. Warehouse electrical installations must have common disconnecting devices installed on the outer fireproof walls of buildings or on separate supports with devices for sealing or locking.

2.3.7. Portable lamps should only be used for low voltage (no more than 36 V) if they have a hose wire, a glass cap and metal mesh to protect the light bulb. The connection of these lamps should be provided from junction boxes with plug sockets.

2.3.8. Laying of overhead power lines, as well as power and lighting electrical wires over combustible roofs, sheds, stacks, storage areas for fibrous materials, peat, coal, lumber and other combustible substances is not allowed.

It is not allowed to store combustible materials in combustible packaging, combustible containers closer than 17 m from overhead power lines with voltage up to 1000 V.

Laying of electrical wires and cables in transit through warehouses and production facilities is prohibited.

2.3.9. Checking lightning protection, insulation of cables, wires, reliability of connections, protective grounding, operation of electric motors should be carried out by electricians of the enterprise, both by external inspection and with the help of instruments. The results of the inspection of lightning protection and electrical installations, detected faults and measures taken are recorded in the operational log.

Measurements of the insulation resistance of electrical networks in open structures, as well as in damp, fire hazardous and explosive premises, are made at least once every 6 months; in closed facilities with a normal environment - at least once a year.

2.3.10. Emergency lighting in the premises of warehouses, as well as the operation of electric motor devices and the installation of socket outlets for these purposes is not allowed.

2.3.11. Fusible fuse links must be calibrated with an indication of the rated current of the fuse on the stamp (the stamp is put by the manufacturer or an electrical laboratory). The rated current of fuse-links and circuit breakers must correspond to the current load.

2.3.12. Connections, terminations and branches of wires and cables must be made using crimping, welding, soldering or special clamps.

2.3.13. The device and operation of temporary electrical networks, as a rule, is not allowed. Illumination installations and electrical wiring supplying lighting fixtures in the places of construction and temporary repair and installation work must be carried out in accordance with the requirements " Rules for the installation of electrical installations ".

2.3.14. In industrial and warehouse premises with the presence of combustible materials, as well as products in combustible packaging, electric lamps must have a closed or protected design.

2.3.15. Electric motors, lamps, wiring, switchgears must be cleaned of combustible dust at least twice a month, and in rooms with significant dust emission - at least four times a month. It is forbidden to cover the electric motors with any materials.

2.3.16. Electric machines with parts normally sparking under operating conditions must be located at a distance of at least 1 meter from places where solid combustible substances are located or be separated from them by a fireproof screen.

2.3.17. To power automatic fire extinguishing installations, alarms, emergency lighting and refrigerators, an independent electrical network should be provided, starting from the input distribution device to the consumer of electricity.

2.3.18. The lighting network must be installed so that the luminaires are at least 0.2 m from the surface of building structures made of combustible materials, and at least 0.5 m from products and containers located in warehouses and industrial premises.

2.3.19. Responsible persons and duty personnel of the enterprise and organization must be provided with electric lights in case of a power outage.

2.3.20. During the operation of electrical installations it is prohibited:

Arrange temporary electrical wiring and use portable electric lamps included in the lighting network;

Leave the power grid energized after the warehouse is closed;

Install outdoor lighting spotlights on the roof of the warehouse;

Use cables and wires with damaged or lost insulation - use household electric heaters in warehouses;

Leave electrical wires and cables with uninsulated ends energized;

Use damaged (faulty) sockets, junction boxes, knife switches and other electrical installation products;

Tie and twist electrical wires, as well as pull wires and lamps, hang lamps (except for open lamps), etc. on electrical wires;

Use rollers, plug sockets for hanging clothes and other items, and also seal sections of electrical wires with paper;

Wrap electric lamps with paper, cloth and other combustible materials;

Use non-calibrated fuses as electrical protection;

Use radio and telephone wires for electrical networks.


2.4.1. Responsibility for the technical condition and control over the operation, timely and high-quality repair of heating installations by order for the enterprise is assigned to the chief power engineer (chief mechanic), and for warehouses, workshops and individual facilities of enterprises - to the heads of workshops, heads of warehouses and other facilities.

2.4.2. Warehouse buildings and premises, as a rule, must be equipped with a central heating system.

2.4.3. Stove heating is allowed only in one-story warehouses with an area of ​​​​up to 500 square meters. m when storing non-combustible materials in them.

2.4.4. Before the beginning heating season boiler rooms, calorific installations and appliances must be carefully checked and repaired with the preparation of an act of their readiness for operation. Faulty heating devices must not be operated.

2.4.5. Personnel servicing heating equipment must undergo fire safety training at least once a year.

2.4.6. Fire safety during the operation of individual boiler houses must be ensured in accordance with " Rules for the design and safety of operation of steam and hot water boilers ".

2.4.7. When the boiler house is operating on liquid fuel, a pan with sand must be installed at each nozzle, and at least two valves must be installed on the fuel line, of which one each is at the furnace and at the tank with fuel.

2.4.8. In one room of separate boiler houses, but not above boilers and economizers, it is allowed to install a supply tank with a capacity of not more than 5 cubic meters. m. In this case, the tank should be placed no closer than 2 m from the side walls of the unit.

2.4.9. In the boiler room it is prohibited:

a) perform work not related to the operation of the boiler plant, allow strangers into the boiler room, entrust the supervision of boilers to unauthorized persons;

b) allow leakage of liquid fuel or gas leakage at the junctions of pipelines, from nozzles;

c) supply fuel with extinguished or gas burners;

d) work with faulty automatic control of the furnace mode;

e) fire up boiler plants without first purging them with air;

f) dry clothes, shoes, goods and other combustible materials on boilers and pipelines;

g) to close the blinds of air heating with combustible materials;

h) allow persons who have not undergone special training to work on boiler plants;

i) installation of the fuel tank opposite the injectors;

j) use service tanks that do not have devices for removing fuel into an emergency container (safe place) in case of fire.

2.4.10. Persons directly servicing boilers in non-automated boiler rooms are prohibited from leaving working boilers unattended during the shift.

2.4.11. At each furnace in front of the furnace opening on wooden floor a metal sheet with a size of at least 50 must be nailed´ 70 cm

2.4.12. Furnace furnaces must be fired by specially designated persons (stokers) who have passed fire-fighting instruction.

2.4.13. The mode (time and duration) of furnace firing is established by the order of the head of the enterprise, taking into account local conditions.

Furnace firing should be stopped at least two hours before the end of work in the premises.

2.4.14. The distance from the ovens to the stacked products, racks and other equipment must be at least 1 m.

2.4.15. During the operation of stove heating is prohibited:

a) store fuel directly in front of the furnace opening of the furnaces;

b) use gasoline, kerosene to ignite stoves, diesel fuel and other flammable and combustible liquids;

c) leave heating stoves unattended;

d) dry and store firewood, clothes and other combustible objects and materials on stoves;

e) to heat with coal, coke or gas stoves not adapted for this purpose;

f) use for firewood firewood, the length of which exceeds the dimensions of the firebox;

g) use ventilation and gas ducts as furnace chimneys;

h) to fire furnaces with open firebox doors;

i) store in the premises a supply of fuel in excess of the daily requirement;

j) fasten antennas of radio receivers, TV sets to chimney pipes.

2.4.16. Chimneys and chimneys of furnaces are cleaned of soot before the start of the heating season and every three months during the entire heating season.

For furnaces and continuous hearths, the period for cleaning chimneys is set once every two months.

2.4.17. It is not allowed to pour out outstanding ash, slag, coal near buildings. They must be watered and removed to a safe place specially designated for this purpose.

2.4.18. Fuel (coal, peat and firewood) must be stored in rooms specially adapted for this purpose or in specially designated areas.

2.4.19. In attics, all surfaces of chimneys and walls in which smoke channels pass must be carefully sealed. mortar and whitewashed.

2.4.20. The use of household, gas, kerosene and electrical appliances, as well as home-made electric heaters for heating and cooking in warehouse, industrial, service premises is prohibited.

2.4.21. Re-equipment of furnaces for gas fuel and operation gas equipment must be carried out in accordance with Safety rules in the gas industry ".

2.4.22. It is not allowed to operate boilers, furnaces and other heating devices that do not have regulatory fire cuts (departure) from combustible building structures of buildings.

2.4.23. Heating appliances must be placed so that they have free access for inspection and cleaning.

2.4.24. Chimneys of solid fuel boilers must be equipped with reliable spark arresters.

2.4.25. Persons directly servicing boilers in non-automated boiler rooms are prohibited from leaving working boilers unattended during the shift.


2.5.1. Responsibility for the technical condition, serviceability and compliance with fire safety requirements during operation ventilation systems is carried by the chief mechanic (chief power engineer) of the enterprise or executive appointed by order of the head of the enterprise.

2.5.2. The operational and fire-fighting mode of operation of ventilation installations (systems) is determined by the operating instructions. The instructions provide (in relation to production conditions) fire safety measures, the timing of preventive maintenance of ventilation chambers, air ducts, filters, fire dampers (flaps) and other equipment, and also determines the procedure for operating personnel in the event of a fire or accident.

2.5.3. Ventilation chambers, cyclones, filters, air ducts must be systematically cleaned. Checking, routine inspection and cleaning of ventilation equipment should be carried out according to a schedule approved by the head of the enterprise. The results of the examinations must be recorded in a special journal.

2.5.4. Duty personnel supervising ventilation installations (foreman, locksmith) are obliged to carry out scheduled preventive inspections of fans, air ducts, fire-retarding devices, irrigation chambers, grounding devices and take measures to eliminate any malfunctions or violations of their operation.

2.5.5. Storage of any equipment and materials in ventilation chambers is strictly prohibited. Ventilation chambers must be kept locked at all times. Entry to unauthorized persons is prohibited.

2.5.6. At least once a week, check the general technical condition of automatic fire-retarding devices (flaps, gates, valves) installed on air ducts at the intersections of fire barriers.

Timely clean the sensitive elements of the valve drive (fusible locks, easily combustible inserts, temperature-sensitive elements, etc.) from contamination with combustible dust.

2.5.7. Devices for blocking ventilation systems with automatic fire alarm and fire extinguishing systems should be contained in good condition.

2.5.8. Ventilation units serving fire and explosion hazardous premises must have a remote device for turning them on or off in case of fires and accidents in accordance with the requirements specially stipulated for each room.

2.5.9. Heating and ventilation equipment, air conditioners, metal air ducts, pipelines and installations designed to remove explosive substances from local exhausts must be grounded in accordance with the requirements " Rules for the installation of electrical installations ":

a) by connecting throughout this system in a faulty electrical circuit;

b) by connecting each system in at least two places to the ground loops of electrical equipment and lightning protection.

2.5.10. In the event of a fire, ventilation must be turned off immediately. The procedure for turning off ventilation units should be determined by the instructions on fire safety measures and carefully studied by the workers and employees of the facility.

2.5.11. In places where flammable liquids, varnishes, paints and household chemicals are stored, supply and exhaust ventilation must ensure uninterrupted air exchange.

2.5.12. The design and material of fans, regulating and other devices of ventilation systems for rooms, the air of which may contain combustible gases, vapors or dust, must exclude the possibility of sparking.

2.5.13. When operating ventilation systems, it is forbidden to use ventilation ducts as chimneys; turn off or remove fire-retardant devices; close exhaust channels, openings and grilles; leave the doors of the ventilation chambers in the open position; violate the integrity of the air ducts and their connections.


2.6.1. Fire water supply includes: external water supply networks with fire hydrants and indicators installed on them; fire reservoirs and reservoirs; pumping stations for increasing pressure in external and internal water supply networks; fire piers and entrances to natural water sources, allowing you to take water with the help of fire fighting equipment; internal fire hydrants equipped with sleeves and barrels; fixed water supply installations adapted to take water in case of fire.

2.6.2. By order of the head of the enterprise, a person responsible for the fire-fighting water supply of the enterprise must be appointed,

2.6.3. The water supply network on which fire equipment is installed must provide the required pressure and pass the estimated amount of water for fire extinguishing purposes. In case of insufficient pressure, booster pumps should be installed at the facilities.

2.6.4. In case of repair work or disconnection of sections of the water supply network, failure of pumping stations, malfunction of sprinkler and deluge installations, water leakage from fire reservoirs, the fire brigade must be immediately notified.

2.6.5. Fire-prevention reservoirs are placed on the basis of their maintenance of buildings located within a radius of not more than 200 m. The minimum capacity of the reservoir is 150 m 3.

In front of the reservoirs, platforms connected to the road or roundabouts are arranged for the simultaneous operation of two fire trucks.

2.6.6. If there are natural water sources (rivers, lakes, ponds) on the territory of the enterprise or near it (15 - 200 m), convenient entrances and piers should be arranged for them to install fire trucks and take water at any time of the year, as well as platforms for turning cars .

AT winter time for water intake from open water sources, insulated ice holes are installed with a size of at least 0.6 ´ 0.6 m, which must be maintained in a usable condition. It is recommended to freeze barrels in the hole (with the bottom under the ice), filling them with heat-insulating material. The location of the ice hole is marked with a sign with the inscription "Fire hole".

2.6.7. Behind fire tanks, reservoirs, plumbing and hydrants, sprinklers, drenchers and pumping units constant technical supervision should be carried out to ensure their good condition and constant readiness for use in case of fire or ignition.

For the constant maintenance of reservoirs, it is necessary:

Do not allow them to become clogged;

Monitor the safety and good condition of water-folding devices;

Systematically monitor the constant presence of the calculated amount of water in reservoirs.

2.6.8. Entrances and approaches to fire reservoirs, reservoirs and hydrants must be constantly free.

2.6.9. To indicate the location of the type of fire equipment and fire extinguishing agent, index signs should be used, which are placed in a conspicuous place when they are installed both indoors and outdoors.

At the location of the fire hydrant, a light or fluorescent sign must be installed with the alphabetic index PG, digital values ​​\u200b\u200bof the distance in meters from the sign to the hydrant and inner diameter pipeline in millimeters.

At the location of the fire reservoir, a light or fluorescent sign should be installed with the letter index PV, digital values ​​​​of the water supply in cubic meters and the number of fire trucks that can be simultaneously installed on the site near the reservoir.

2.6.10. Manhole covers of wells of underground fire hydrants must be cleaned of dirt, ice and snow, and the riser must be freed from water. In winter, fire hydrants must be insulated to prevent freezing.

2.6.11. Fire hydrants and fire hydrants must be maintained every six months and checked for operability by running water from the plumbing service together with representatives of the fire department and the administration of the facility.

The results of the check are recorded in a special journal (Appendix No. 17).

2.6.12. Fire hydrants of the internal fire-fighting water supply are equipped with pressure hoses 20 m long with a fire nozzle attached to it and a lever to facilitate opening the valve. Fire hoses must be dry, well rolled up and attached to taps and barrels. A set of fire hydrants equipment is placed in built-in or wall cabinets that are being sealed.

2.6.13. On the door of the cabinet for the fire hydrant must be indicated:

the letter index "PC", the serial number of the fire hydrant, the telephone number of the nearest fire department.

2.6.14. In unheated rooms in winter, the internal fire water supply must be turned off, and the water must be drained from it.

At the same time, internal fire hydrants must have inscriptions on the location and order of opening the valve or starting the pump. Everyone working in the room should be familiar with the procedure for opening valves or starting the pump.

If there is a gate valve with an electric drive, it should be opened to start the pump remotely from the start buttons installed near the fire hydrants.

2.6.15. For pumping stations designed to increase pressure in a fire-fighting reservoir, as well as for stationary fire extinguishing equipment (water supply), sprinkler, deluge equipment, carbon dioxide installations, etc.), constant supervision by the administration should be established

2.6.16. In the premises of the pumping station and the fire department, it is necessary to hang general scheme fire water supply with an indication of all fire reservoirs, hydrants, valves, diameter and length of pipes in sections of the water supply network, a pump piping scheme, a scheme of sprinkler and deluge installations of the enterprise and instructions for their operation. Each valve and fire booster pumps must have indications of their purpose. Pipelines and pumps are painted in the appropriate color.

2.6.17. Each pumping station must have a telephone connection or an alarm system connecting it with the fire department of an object or city.

2.6.18. Pumping stations must be provided with uninterrupted power supply from two independent power supply sources with automatic or manual switching from one source to another. It is allowed to use internal combustion engines as a second source of energy.

2.6.19. At the entrance to the premises of the pumping station there should be an inscription "Fire pumping station" illuminated at night.

2.6.20. All fire pumps of the water pumping station of the enterprise must be kept in constant operational readiness and checked for the creation of the required pressure by starting at least once every 10 days (with a corresponding entry in the journal in the form of Appendix No. 18).

2.6.21. All warehouse, production and administrative premises, as well as open storage areas for products must be provided with primary fire extinguishing equipment in accordance with the standards specified in Appendix No. 5.

Primary fire extinguishing equipment located in warehouses, industrial and other premises is transferred under the responsibility of warehouse managers, heads of workshops, sections and other officials.

2.6.22. To place primary fire extinguishing equipment in warehouses, industrial buildings and premises, as a rule, special fire shields, stands and cabinets should be installed.

It is recommended to compactly place fire extinguishers, shovels, crowbars, asbestos or felt sheets, lists of combat crews of voluntary fire brigades, telephone numbers of the fire department and names of officials responsible for fire safety on stands and fire shields.

Fire shields should be installed in prominent and easily accessible places, as close as possible to the exits from the premises.

2.6.23. In addition, fire stations are provided on the territory of the enterprise (cabinets, boards with the inscription "Fire station No....") with a set of: foam fire extinguishers- 2, carbon dioxide fire extinguishers - 1, sandboxes - 1, dense linen (asbestos, felt) - 1, crowbars - 2, gaffs - 3, axes - 2.

The territory is provided at the rate of one shield per area up to 5000 m 2 .

At sub-zero temperatures, foam fire extinguishers located outside the building and in unheated rooms are removed to the nearest heated rooms. At the places where fire extinguishers are stored, signs "Fire extinguishers are located here" are posted, and in those places where fire extinguishers were removed, signs are posted indicating the nearest point where they are located.

2.6.24. Fire extinguishers should be placed in places that exclude direct sunlight and direct (without protective shields) exposure to heating, heating and other heat sources.

2.6.25. The procedure for the placement, maintenance and use of fire extinguishers should be established in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturers, the current regulatory technical documentation and the following requirements:

It is not allowed to store and use fire extinguishers with a charge, including halocarbon compounds, in unventilated rooms with an area of ​​less than 15 m 2;

It is forbidden to install fire extinguishers on the ways of evacuation of people from the protected premises, except for cases where they are placed in niches;

Fire extinguishers should be placed at a height of no more than 1.5 m from the floor level to the lower end of the fire extinguisher and at a distance of at least 1.2 m from the edge of the door when it is opened;

The design or external design of the pedestal or cabinet for placing fire extinguishers must be such that it is possible to visually determine the type of fire extinguisher stored in them.

The fire extinguisher must be installed so that the instructional inscriptions on its body are visible.

2.6.26. The suitability of the charge of foam fire extinguishers must be checked at least once a year. The body of the fire extinguisher is tested annually for strength.

2.6.27. Asbestos cloths, coarse woolen cloths and felt with sizes not less than 1´ 1 m is recommended to be stored in metal cases with lids, which are periodically (at least once every three months) dried and cleaned of dust.

In places of application and storage of flammable liquids and combustible liquids, the dimensions of the sheets should be increased (2 ´ 1,5; 2 ´ 2 m).

2.6.28. In the premises and in the areas belonging to the categories of production A and B, the completion of fire stations (shields) with crowbars, hooks, axes, buckets and metal shovels (scoops), which can cause sparks, is not allowed.

2.6.29. The use of fire equipment and equipment for household, industrial and other needs not related to the training of members of the DPA and fire fighting is strictly prohibited. The use of fire equipment in case of accidents and natural disasters is allowed in agreement with the bodies of the State Fire Supervision.

2.6.30. Mobile fire equipment (fire trucks, motor pumps) and fire equipment must be in good condition. For the storage of fire trucks and motor pumps, a special heated room (fire station, garage) is equipped.


2.7.1. For the high-quality operation of the installation, the following personnel should be appointed by order of the enterprise:

The official responsible for the operation of the installation, as well as for the training of operating personnel;

Maintenance personnel for the production of technological maintenance and repair of the installation;

Operational (duty) personnel for round-the-clock monitoring of the operational state of the installation.

2.7.2. Companies that are unable to on your own carry out maintenance of installations and maintain service staff, are obliged to conclude a contract for scheduled maintenance with specialized organizations of the All-Union Industrial Association "Soyuzspetsavtomatika" of the USSR Ministry of Instrumentation or private security of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs (Appendices No. 7, 8, 9, 10).

Transferred by a specialized organization for maintenance fire fighting systems and fire automatics installations remain on the balance sheet of the enterprise, warehouse, whose managers are responsible for their safety and proper operation.

2.7.3. When performing maintenance and repair of fire automatics installations by a specialized organization, the quality control of their performance is carried out by an official responsible at the enterprise, warehouse for the operation of the installations.

2.7.4. The official responsible for the operation of the installation is obliged to ensure:

a) maintenance of installations in working condition by organizing timely maintenance and scheduled preventive repairs;

b) training of service and operational personnel, as well as instruction of workers and employees working in protected premises;

c) development of the necessary operational and technical documentation;

d) information from the State Fire Supervision authorities on all cases of failures and operation of installations.

2.7.5. The maintenance and operational personnel who discovered a malfunction of the installation must immediately inform the person responsible for the operation of the installation and take the necessary measures to eliminate the identified deficiencies.

2.7.6. Maintenance personnel are responsible for the implementation maintenance work for maintenance and maintenance of operational documentation for the installation.

2.7.7. Fire automatics installations include: sprinkler and deluge water and foam fire extinguishing installations; stationary installations of gas and aerosol fire extinguishing; automatic installations of fire and combined security and fire alarms.

2.7.8. Based on the "Model rules for the technical maintenance of fire automatics installations" (Appendix No. 6), as well as the technical documentation of the installations manufacturers at enterprises, operating instructions approved by the head of the enterprise should be developed for personnel servicing these installations, taking into account the specifics of production.

2.7.9. Fire extinguishing installations and fire and fire alarm systems installed at the facility are subject to operational and technical maintenance, including a set of measures (technical control, preventive inspection, repair, testing, etc.) in order to maintain them in constant readiness for the task.

2.7.10. During the period of maintenance or repair work, the implementation of which is associated with the shutdown of the installation, the administration of the enterprise is obliged to ensure the fire safety of the premises (devices) protected by the installation and notify the fire brigade.

2.7.11. Fire extinguishing installations are considered fit for use if they specifications are within the limits established by the operational documentation.

Vessels and cylinders of fire extinguishing installations, content of fire extinguishing agent and pressure working environment in which less than the calculated value by 10% are subject to recharging.

2.7.12. For persons working in the protected area, instructions should be developed and posted on their actions and the procedure for evacuation in case of a signal about the operation of the installation.

2.7.13. The start-up of volumetric fire extinguishing installations should be carried out with the ventilation of the protected room turned off.

2.7.14. The room of the fire extinguishing station, which houses the starting devices, main and standby pumps, control valves and other equipment, must be locked, the keys to which must be kept by the maintenance and operational (duty) personnel. The entrance to this room is indicated by a sign and a light board "Fire extinguishing station".

2.7.15. The control and reception equipment for fire and security fire alarms should be installed in rooms with constant round-the-clock stay of people (personnel on duty), whose duty is to receive alarm signals and call the fire brigade.

Duty personnel servicing the receiving and control equipment of sprinkler and deluge fire and security alarm systems are prohibited from leaving the receiving equipment unattended.

2.7.16. In the control room or in the room where the alarm receiving equipment is installed, instructions are posted on the procedure for the duty officer or on receiving alarms about a fire and a malfunction of the installation.

2.7.17. Fire detectors in fire alarm installations must be in operation around the clock.

2.7.18. Sprinklers and detectors of fire automatics installed in places where mechanical damage is possible should be protected with special devices.

2.7.19. During the operation of fire automation is not allowed:

transfer of fire extinguishing installations from automatic control to manual control (only in exceptional cases, but this must be notified to the facility manager and the fire department);

install plugs and plugs instead of opened and faulty sprinklers;

obstruct passages to control and signal devices and devices;

use the pipelines of installations for suspension or fastening of any equipment;

connect to the power supplies of the installation, production equipment and sanitary appliances;

install shut-off valves and flange connections on supply and distribution pipelines;

install instead of faulty detectors of a different type or principle of operation, as well as close the blocking loop in the absence of a detector at its installation site;

store products at a distance of less than 0.9 m from sprinklers and 0.6 m to detectors.



3.1.1. Warehouses in their design, number of storeys and fire resistance must be strictly consistent with the fire hazard of stored products, their value and significance (Appendix No. 12).

3.1.2. When storing products, the rules for the joint storage of substances and materials must be observed, taking into account signs of uniformity of ignition and fire extinguishing agents (Appendix No. 15).

3.1.3. Fire doors in openings connecting sections of warehouses must be kept in good condition.

3.1.4. The passages against the gates in warehouses in all cases must be at least the width of the gates, and against the doorways with a width equal to the width of the doors, but not less than 1 m, and between the products and the lamp not less than 0.5 m.

3.1.5. The distance between the wall and the stack (rack) must be at least 0.8 m.

3.1.6. Glazed partitions installed in warehouses to protect the workplaces of storekeepers, accountants and operators should not prevent the evacuation of people or property in case of fire.

3.1.7. It is forbidden to install combustible and hardly combustible partitions in warehouses to divide them into compartments or for the purpose of arranging auxiliary premises (smoking room, for rest, eating, etc.).

3.1.8. During a thunderstorm, work in warehouses with flammable materials should be stopped, doors and windows closed, the territory and warehouses should be monitored by persons working in warehouses, members of a voluntary fire brigade.

3.1.9. The gates of warehouse buildings must be with an electric or pneumatic drive mechanism, as well as with a device for manual closing and opening.

3.1.10. Gates arranged at the gates for the evacuation of people must open in the direction of the exit from the warehouse and be painted in a contrasting color that differs from the color of the gate.

The use of gates for the passage of railway rolling stock as evacuation exits is not allowed.

3.1.11. It is forbidden to store products in rooms through which transit electric cables, gas communications pass and in rooms with oil-filled equipment.

3.1.12. Installation of gas stoves and household electric heaters in the production areas of warehouses is not allowed.

3.1.13. Storage of goods and loading mechanisms on the ramps of warehouses is not allowed. Materials unloaded onto the ramp must be removed by the end of the warehouse.

3.1.14. Storage of wooden empty containers should be carried out on specially designated areas outside the warehouse and production facilities.

3.1.15. In warehouses, materials not stored on racks should be stacked. With a warehouse width of 10 m or more, in the middle of it there must be a longitudinal passage of at least 2 m.

3.1.16. Aisle widths and stacking areas should be marked with clearly visible demarcated lines marked on the floor.

3.1.17. The order of entry of transport into the territory, the number of its simultaneous presence, parking places, as well as the access control and inside the object regime are determined by the administration of the object.

3.1.18. Vehicles must not be left on the territory of warehouses after the end of work.

3.1.19. Mechanisms and equipment for loading and unloading and storage operations and hose cables of electric forklifts must be in good condition.

3.1.20. The pits of windows arranged in the storage rooms of the basement floors to remove smoke must be kept clean, and the windows must have good glazing; it is not allowed to install deaf non-metallic gratings on pits and windows, as well as block up or block window openings.

3.1.21. In warehouses and premises where flammable liquids and combustible liquids (varnishes, paints, solvents), gas cylinders and products in aerosol packaging are stored, on outside doors (gates) an information card should be posted describing the fire hazard of goods stored in the premises: the maximum allowable amount of materials in tons (cylinders with gases - in pieces) and fire extinguishing measures (Appendix No. 16).

3.1.22. In warehouses it is forbidden:

store products in bulk and lay them close to radiators and heating pipes;

install spotlights for outdoor lighting on the roof of the warehouse;

unpack and pack materials directly in the storage areas of warehouses;

use in warehouses transport, with internal combustion engines.


3.2.1. Chemicals (solid and liquid) should be stored in accordance with the requirements of GOSTs or relevant technical specifications.

3.2.2. It is allowed to store under a canopy only those chemicals that do not decompose, do not heat up and do not ignite from moist air or water (for example, sodium chloride, copper sulfate, sodium sulfate, calcium sulfate, etc.).

3.2.3. In order to reduce the fire hazard of warehouses, it is necessary to comply with the restrictions on the capacity of hazardous chemical substances specified in Appendix No. 15.

3.2.4. Signposts should be posted on the territory of enterprises supplying products, prohibiting the entry of unauthorized persons into areas of permanent hazardous production sites (pumping, bottling, flammable liquids parks, loading and unloading racks).

3.2.5. Storage of chemical products must be carried out in strict accordance with the storage compatibility table in closed warehouses or under sheds in open areas, depending on the physical, chemical and fire hazard properties of the products and the climatic region (Appendix No. 14).

3.2.6. The container in which chemical products arrive must be in good condition, without leakage, without leakage of liquid that protects the substance from spontaneous combustion or decomposition (for example, for phosphorus - brine or water, for alkali metals - mineral oil, for some types of organic peroxides - water ), and other symptoms of a problem.

If any defects are found, the container must be immediately removed from the warehouse.

3.2.7. In a warehouse where substances that react with water or are heated by it are stored (for example, calcium carbide, quicklime etc.), installation of water supply, water or steam heating, sewerage is not allowed.

These rooms must be protected from the ingress of atmospheric and groundwater.

3.2.8. It is forbidden for personnel to enter, in wet or damp clothing and shoes, warehouses where alkali metals and other substances that react with water are stored.

3.2.9. Containers with chemicals must have an inscription or a label with the name of the substance, indicating its characteristic properties (oxidizing agent, combustible or self-igniting, etc.).

Bags, drums, barrels and other containers with chemicals entering the warehouse should be stored on racks or in stacks.

3.2.10. During loading and unloading operations, damage to containers, impacts, falls from a height, spillage of liquids, spillage of substances, etc. should not be allowed.

Spilled and spilled substances must be removed immediately.

3.2.11. For loading and unloading operations with packaged chemical products, equipment should be used depending on the explosion and fire hazard of the products.

3.2.12. In places of storage issuance and packaging of chemicals is not allowed. For this purpose, it is necessary to provide special premises.

3.2.13. Alkali metals should be stored only in insulated compartments located at the end of the storage room. Warehouse compartments must be protected from water ingress.

Compartments adjacent to compartments containing alkali metals shall contain only non-flammable chemicals.

3.2.14. Liquid bottles may only be stored in baskets or wooden crates.

3.2.15. Floors in enclosed storage areas and under sheds for chemical storage should be resistant to chemicals, have a smooth surface, and have a slope for flushing the substance.

In places of runoff, it is necessary to have pits, a collector for collecting wastewater.

3.2.16. Degassing of metal, glass and other containers cannot be carried out in places where substances are stored. For this purpose, special premises or platforms should be provided.

3.2.17. Ammonium nitrate should be stored in independent, not lower than II degree of fire resistance, non-attic one-story buildings.

3.2.18. In warehouses for ammonium nitrate, it is prohibited to install pits, channels, trays and other recesses in the floor.

3.2.19. Saltpeter is stored in a stack no more than 2 m high.

3.2.20. Storage of calcium carbide should be carried out only in closed, dry, unheated rooms.

3.2.21. Storage of calcium carbide is carried out in stacks of no more than 3 tiers in height with horizontal storage of drums and no more than two tiers with vertical storage.

The width of the passages between stacked drums with calcium carbide must be at least 1.5 m.

3.2.22. The floors of warehouses for the storage of calcium carbide must be raised at least 20cm from the ground.

3.2.23. Premises for the storage of calcium carbide must have supply and exhaust ventilation.

3.2.24. The use of steel tools in the calcium carbide store is prohibited.

3.2.25. Even temporary unloading of calcium carbide in rain, snow is not allowed if the drums are not protected from moisture.

3.2.26. Storage of methyl bromide, chloropicrin and dichloroethane is allowed only in an isolated fireproof room.


3.3.1. In one room it is allowed to store no more than 200 m 3 flammable liquids or 1000 m 3 HZH. At the same time, no more than 1200 m 3 of flammable liquids or 6000 m 3 of hot liquids should be stored in the warehouse building.

3.3.2. Storage of flammable and combustible liquids must be carried out in a room equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation that meets regulatory requirements.

3.3.3. The floor in the warehouse must have a smooth surface and a slope for draining flammable and combustible liquids.

3.3.4. At the entrance to the warehouse, there must be a threshold with a ramp at least 0.15 m high, which prevents liquid from spilling in the event of an accident.

3.3.5. Store liquids only in proper containers. Stacking barrels with flammable and combustible liquids in warehouses should be carried out carefully (to avoid bumps with each other) and always with the caps up.

3.3.6. Manual laying of barrels with oil products on the floor is allowed in no more than two tiers.

3.3.7. When storing products, the height of the rack (stack) should not exceed 5.5 m.

3.3.8. Barrels should be stacked on each tier of the rack in one row in height, regardless of the type of oil products.

3.3.9. It is forbidden to spill and package flammable liquids and combustible liquids in the premises where they are stored.

3.3.10. The equipment used in warehouses for flammable liquids and nitro products must be explosion-proof.

3.3.11. It is allowed to release flammable liquids and liquids to consumers only from bottling or dispensing departments into sealed containers with tightly closed plugs (lids).

3.3.12. In the bottling room, all places for filling products into containers must be equipped with local suctions.

3.3.13. In the bottling rooms, any work not related to pouring products into containers, as well as storage of empty and filled containers and foreign objects is not allowed.

3.3.14. Containers from flammable and combustible liquids (barrels, containers) should be stored in special areas with tightly closed plugs and hatches. The stacking height of the container is not more than four tiers.

3.3.15. In the warehouses of flammable and combustible liquids in containers, it is prohibited:

use a tool made of metal capable of generating sparks;

store flammable and combustible liquids in open or defective containers, as well as in containers that do not meet the requirements established by the standards for packaging and storage;

throw barrels while loading and unloading;

store empty containers and any other materials and equipment.

3.3.16. The territories of tank farms and especially the areas inside the embankment should be cleared of liquid, debris, dry grass and leaves. The storage of combustible materials in this area is prohibited.

3.3.17. The bunding of a reservoir or a group of reservoirs must always be in good condition.

3.3.18. Breathing valves and flame arresters installed on tanks must be properly adjusted and maintained in good condition. The platform where they are located must be connected to the landing of the tank by a bridge; walking directly on the roof of the tanks is prohibited.

3.3.19. The filling or emptying of the tanks can only be started after checking the correct opening and closing of the relevant valves. The product must flow under the liquid layer. Feeding the product into the tank in a "falling jet" is not permitted.

3.3.20. When filling and draining liquids with a vapor flash point of 61 degrees. From and below, maintenance personnel must be especially careful to open and close the hatch covers of tanks, attach hoses and other devices to tanks, while avoiding shock. The tool used during loading and unloading operations must be made of metal that does not give sparks when struck.

3.3.21. During the operation of tanks, it is necessary to systematically monitor the serviceability of breathing valves and flame arresters. At air temperature above 0 degrees C - at least twice a month.

3.3.22. Cleaning of tanks, pipes and other equipment should be carried out mechanically using explosion and fire safe methods. For manual cleaning, equipment must be used that excludes sparking.

3.3.23. When inspecting tanks, sampling or measuring liquid levels, only explosion-proof rechargeable flashlights may be used for lighting.

3.3.24. Repair work on the tank is allowed only after the tank is completely empty of the liquid, the pipelines are disconnected from it, all hatches are opened, thorough cleaning, steaming and washing, air sampling from the tank and analysis for the absence of explosive concentrations.

3.3.25. Before repairing tanks, it is necessary to cover with felt all the valves on adjacent tanks and pipelines (in summer, moisten the felt with water). Electric and gas welding equipment should be located no closer than 50 m from existing tanks.

3.3.26. When filling drain devices into a tank, do not allow the lid and tool to fall and hit the tank, check the proper grounding of the drain devices.

3.3.27. To trap combustible and flammable liquids, as well as mechanical impurities from sewage, sewerage networks arrange treatment facilities, traps. These structures are fire hazardous objects, therefore it is prohibited to carry out hot work at a distance closer than 20 m to them.

3.3.28. For transportation by squeezing, only inert gases, carbon dioxide, nitrogen should be used. Pipelines with flammable and combustible liquids should be purged with an inert gas after pumping.

3.3.29. For pumping flammable liquids, hermetic pumps (with a shielded electric motor) and pumps with mechanical seals should be used.

When using stuffing box pumps for pumping flammable liquids, they must be equipped with seals of increased reliability.

3.3.30. Warming of solidified liquids in the discharge and filling risers and tank devices should be carried out only with steam, hot water or heated sand.

3.3.31. When loading and unloading operations, a strict fire regime must be established. Spilled liquids during these operations must be cleaned up, and cleaned areas should be covered with sand. It is prohibited to carry out repair work, the use of open flames, smoking, the use of ordinary portable electric lamps for lighting.

For local lighting of places where loading and unloading operations are carried out, only explosion-proof rechargeable lamps can be used.


3.4.1. Cylinders with gases should be stored in closed warehouses and in open areas, protected from the effects of precipitation and sunlight.

3.4.2. To protect cylinders from direct exposure to sunlight, the glass of window and door openings of the warehouse must be matte or painted over with white paint.

3.4.3. The warehouse should accept cylinders with gases that have not yet expired period of periodic inspection.

3.4.4. When turning cylinders by hand, it is forbidden to take on the valves.

3.4.5. It is not allowed to touch the valves of oxygen cylinders and cylinders with compressed air with hands and rags contaminated with oil and fats.

3.4.6. Poison gas cylinders must be stored in special rooms. Cylinders with all other gases may be stored both in special rooms and in open areas, protected from precipitation and sunlight.

3.7.4. Cylinders with combustible gases (hydrogen, acetylene, propane, ethylene, etc.) must be stored separately from cylinders with oxygen, compressed air, chlorine, fluorine and other oxidizers.

3.4.8. Cylinders with faulty ventilation, damaged body (with cracks, dents, severe corrosion) are not allowed for storage.

3.4.9. During loading, unloading and storage, cylinders should not hit each other, caps and cylinders should not fall to the floor.

3.4.10. If cylinders with a gas leak are found, they must be immediately removed from the warehouse.

3.4.11. Warehouses for storing gas cylinders must have permanently operating forced ventilation to ensure safe concentrations of gases. It is not allowed to operate warehouses with non-working ventilation.

3.4.12. The distance from the cylinders to the radiators of water heating or steam low pressure must be at least one meter.

3.4.13. It is not allowed to store other substances, materials and objects (flammable liquids, combustible liquids, acids, tow, rags, etc.) in gas cylinder warehouses.

3.4.14. The floors of warehouses for cylinders with combustible gases must be flat with a non-slip surface made of materials that exclude sparking when hit by any objects.

3.4.15. It is not allowed that in each isolated compartment of the warehouse there are more than 500 cylinders with flammable or poisonous gases or more than 1000 cylinders with non-flammable and non-toxic gases, and the total capacity of the warehouse exceeds 3000 cylinders (in terms of 40 liters).

3.4.16. Gas-filled cylinders with shoes must be stored in a vertical position in one row in height. To protect against falling, cylinders should be installed in specially equipped nests, cages or fenced with a barrier.

3.4.17. Cylinders without shoes may be stored horizontally on wooden ramps or racks.

The height of the stack when laying the cylinders should not exceed 1.5 m, all valves should be closed with safety caps and turned in one direction. The stacks must be equipped with gaskets to prevent cylinders from rolling and from contact with each other.

3.4.18. In the event of a fire in a warehouse, simultaneously with extinguishing the fire, it is necessary to intensively cool gas cylinders and remove them from the danger zone.

If the cylinders are very hot or are in the fire, then water for cooling must be supplied from behind the shelter.


3.5.1. Acids should be stored in separate fireproof rooms isolated from other rooms or on sites adapted for this purpose, under sheds made of fireproof materials that exclude direct sunlight and precipitation.

3.5.2. Bottles with acids should be installed in racks with a height of no more than two tiers.

3.5.3. When stored on the floor, acid bottles should be grouped by name and placed in groups of no more than 100 pieces in each in two or four rows, separated by a rim with a height of at least 15 cm. Passages should be left between the groups at least 1 m wide.

3.5.4. Acid bottles should be stored in wicker baskets or wooden crates lined with straw or shavings. Flammable packaging of bottles must be treated with a flame retardant.

3.5.5. When storing acids, especially nitric and sulfuric, it is necessary to monitor the tightness of the container, to prevent cases of acids getting on wood, straw and other organic materials. Damaged bottles and their packaging must be immediately removed from the warehouse.

3.5.6. In warehouses of acids, it is necessary to have a stock ready solutions neutralizing agents (for nitric acid - solutions of chalk, lime or soda, for others - solutions of soda or caustic soda) for the immediate neutralization of accidentally spilled acids.

3.5.7. Concentrated nitric acid must not be poured into glass bottles.

3.5.8. For dilute nitric and sulfuric acids, the materials used in the packaging of glass bottles must be impregnated with a solution of lime, Glauber's salt, a saturated solution of calcium (magnesium) chloride or ammonium sulfate.

3.5.9. To prevent acid spills in case of an accident, a 15 cm high ramp or threshold is installed at the entrance to the warehouse.

3.5.10. Do not use stoppers made of organic material to close bottles.

3.5.11. The bleach warehouse must be unheated.

3.5.12. Barrels and drums when storing bleach in several rows are laid in a horizontal position; three-tiered stacking is allowed for 275-liter drums, four-tiered - for 150 - 200-liter drums; for 50 and 100 liters - five-tier stacking.

The end barrels and drums in each of the tiers must be wedged.

3.5.13. Storage of lime chloride in open areas and under sheds is prohibited.

3.5.14. It is not allowed to store explosives, flammable products, oils, metal products, compressed gas cylinders in the same room with bleach.


3.6.1. Openings are not allowed in fire walls. If there are openings, they must be sealed with fireproof material to the thickness of the wall.

3.6.2. Electrical wiring in the warehouses of rubber products should be laid with an armored cable or wires in gas pipes.

3.6.3. Storage areas should be well ventilated with permanent natural ventilation.

3.6.4. Specifically, storage conditions, classification of warehouses for explosive and fire hazard for each item, see Appendix No. 12.

3.6.5. Warehouses of celluloid and products from it should be located only in one-story detached buildings. Windows should be at the top of the walls and painted white.

3.6.6. It is allowed to store no more than 40 tons of celluloid and products from it in one warehouse building, and no more than 4 tons in one section.

Storage of any other combustible materials in the celluloid warehouse is prohibited.


3.7.1. Powdered and crushed materials must be stored in accordance with the requirements of GOSTs and specifications.

3.7.2. Joint storage of crushed substances that, when interacting with each other, cause ignition or explosion, as well as those that react differently to the fire extinguishing agents used, is not allowed.

3.7.3. It is necessary to ensure that the floors in warehouses are level, without damage and without gaps, so that powder products cannot accumulate and can be easily cleaned.

3.7.4. Before loading powder products, the warehouse must be thoroughly cleaned from the remnants of previous batches.

3.7.5. Containers with powder products arriving at the warehouse should be carefully examined. Storage of substances is allowed only in serviceable containers, which must have an inscription or a label with the name of the material.

3.7.6. Shredded products entering the warehouse in bags, drums, barrels and other containers should be stored on racks or in stacks. The dimensions of the stacks and the gaps between them must be determined by the instructions. The instruction should also define the most safe ways loading and unloading of the product with effective capture of dust released into the air.

3.7.7. When storing polymeric powder materials in rubberized and polyethylene bags (for example, caprolactam resins), the upper jute packaging should be removed.

3.7.8. During storage, stacks of bulk materials must be placed in such a way that mixing of various substances is excluded during storage and transportation.

3.7.9. Racks intended for stacking crushed substances in containers must be fireproof, stable and have inscriptions on the maximum permissible loads for them.

3.7.10. Crushed and powder materials must not be stored at a distance of 1 m from radiators.

3.7.11. When storing initiators, peroxides, metal powders and other similar substances, the containers must not be exposed to direct sunlight.

3.7.12. When storing powders that melt during combustion, it is necessary to provide devices that prevent the free spread of the melt over the floor, from room to room or into stairwells.

3.7.13. To combat free formation and caking of powders during their storage in bins, it is necessary to provide devices for loosening the material (device for aerating, electric vibrators, mechanical agitators, etc.).

3.7.14. If phenomena of self-heating or decomposition of the stored material are detected, it is necessary to immediately remove the damaged container from the warehouse and take measures to eliminate the process that has begun.

3.7.15. All operations related to opening containers, crushing, loosening and packaging of powder products must be carried out in rooms isolated from storage areas.

3.7.16. If it is necessary to open a container with fine metal powder, metal carbides and other substances capable of emitting combustible gases when interacting with moisture or decomposing, it is necessary to use a tool that does not spark during friction and impact.

3.7.17. Scattered powder, damaged containers, scraps of paper bags and burlap should be immediately removed from the premises.

3.7.18. Empty containers from powder products should be thoroughly cleaned and stored in a separate place.

3.7.19. All premises of the warehouse and its equipment must be systematically cleaned of settled dust. Terms and methods of cleaning must be indicated in the instructions.


4.1. Work in paint and varnish shops and workshops should be carried out only with active supply and exhaust ventilation with local exhausts from manual painting jobs, painting cabinets, baths and chambers.

4.2. All work related to the spraying of paint materials must be carried out in specially arranged chambers. Spray booths, bathtubs, cabinets and dryers must be equipped with independent exhaust system ventilation not associated with general shop ventilation.

Exhaust ventilation of spray booths should not be operated without water sprinklers (hydraulic filters) or other effective devices, to remove paint particles, so as not to contaminate the inner surface of the air ducts with combustible deposits.

4.3. In spray booths with an electrostatic field, when the exhaust ventilation is turned off, the operating voltage should be automatically removed.

4.4. Paint and varnish materials must arrive at workplaces in ready-made. Compilation and dilution of varnishes and paints of all kinds must be carried out in a specially allocated, isolated room.

4.5. Varnishes, paints, solvents should be stored in the dispensing pantry of the workshop in metal containers or factory packaging, in quantities not exceeding the daily requirement. It is prohibited to store stocks of paints at workplaces.

The required amount of paint and varnish material at workplaces should not exceed half-shift needs and should be in serviceable barrels or cans equipped with tight-fitting lids.

4.6. Bathtubs with a capacity of up to 0.5 m 3 for painting products and parts by immersion should be equipped with side suctions and tight-fitting lids. Painting baths with a capacity of more than 0.5 m 3 should be placed in special chambers equipped with ventilation. In the event of an accident or fire, provision must be made for draining the liquid from the baths.

4.7. Paint-heating tanks should be located outside the paint chambers. Serviceability of tanks and their protective fittings, as well as painting equipment, including rubber hoses, must be checked periodically. In the event of a malfunction, painting work cannot be carried out.

4.8. All metal parts of equipment and fixtures used in spray painting must be properly grounded.

4.9. Paint sprayers, hoses, injection tanks, containers and other painting equipment at the end of each shift must be cleaned and washed from paint and varnish residues with ventilation running. Non-flammable liquids should be used to flush painting equipment.

4.10. Brushes, brushes, rags, spray guns after work should be stored in tightly closed buckets (or cans) under the hood or in ventilated metal lockable cabinets.

4.11. Cleaning of exhaust ventilation ducts, as well as gratings of bathtubs and walls of cabinets in drying and spray chambers should be carried out depending on the accumulation of paint, but at least twice a month. In some cases, ventilation pipes can be developed for cleaning from precipitation, taken out of the room and subjected to burning in a place specially designated for this purpose.

To facilitate the cleaning of the chambers from paint residues, the walls of the chambers should be covered with thin layer grease, grease, petroleum jelly or PS-40 composition. When cleaning the surface from deposits of nitro-colors, do not allow impacts on metal constructions. Scrapers should be of soft metal, excluding sparking. Collected waste paints must be removed from the workshop, as they are flammable and some of them may ignite spontaneously.

4.12. For washing and degreasing products and parts, non-flammable compounds, pastes, solvents and emulsions, as well as ultrasonic and other fire-safe installations, should be used.

4.13. Spilled paints and varnishes and solvents on the floor should be immediately removed with sawdust, water and other compounds. Cleaning of epoxy paints and varnishes should be done with paper, and then with a rag moistened with acetone or ethyl cellosolve, after which the spilled area should be washed warm water with soap. Washing floors, walls, equipment with flammable solvents is prohibited.

4.14. In painting and varnishing shops it is forbidden:

use open fire for cooking glue and heating paints;

paint outside the chambers and cabinets or in other places not intended for this;

leave after work painting materials and empty containers from under them. At the end of work in the workshop, they should be removed to the pantry.

4.15. In pantry varnishes and paints it is forbidden:

store stocks of paints, varnishes, solvents in quantities exceeding their daily requirement, as well as in faulty and open containers;

perform work with faulty exhaust ventilation;

allow joint storage of paints, varnishes, with cleaning and other fibrous materials;

use a tool to open containers that can cause sparks during operation.

Transfusion of varnishes and paints from one container into another or into working utensils must be carried out on metal pallets with sides not lower than 5 cm.


5.1. The working surfaces of tables, racks, fume hoods designed to work with flammable and explosive liquids and substances must have non-combustible coatings. To work with acids, alkalis and other chemically active substances, tables and cabinets must be made of acid-resistant materials with non-combustible material sides (to prevent spilling liquid outside the cabinet, table).

5.2. All work in the laboratory related to the possibility of releasing toxic and flammable vapors and gases should be carried out only in fume hoods, which must be kept in good condition. Do not use fume hoods with broken glass or faulty ventilation.

5.3. Glassware with acids, alkalis and other caustic substances may only be carried in special metal or wooden boxes lined with asbestos. For sulfuric and nitric acids use wooden boxes, baskets and shavings is allowed provided that they are treated with a flame retardant.

5.4. Cylinders with compressed, liquefied and dissolved combustible gases must be installed outside the laboratory building in metal cabinets. Cabinets must have ventilation holes.

5.5. Leave running installations (devices) unattended, even on a short time, is prohibited.

5.6. Stocks of flammable liquids and combustible liquids intended for laboratory purposes should be stored in a special metal box with the inscription "Flammable", installed away from heating devices and outlets. Containers must be labeled with the name of the substance they contain.

5.7. In the workplace, flammable liquids may only be present in quantities necessary to carry out the work. The joint placement of substances whose chemical action can cause a fire or explosion is not allowed.

5.8. It is forbidden to heat containers with flammable liquids on an open fire, as well as on electric heaters.

5.9. Reagents remaining after analysis should be collected in special containers with appropriate labels and, as necessary, put into storage or destroyed.

5.10. The amount of combustible reagents and materials should not exceed the needs of the current day. Upon completion of work, combustible reagents and materials must be removed to fireproof places.

5.11. Upon completion of work in the laboratory, the person responsible for the fire-prevention condition of the premises must:

extinguish burners, other fire devices and turn off electric heaters;

close all gas and water taps; close bottles and jars with reagents and other materials with stoppers, remove them permanent place storage;

turn off lighting and ventilation in all rooms.


6.1. The production equipment of woodworking shops and workshops, heating appliances and power electrical equipment must be cleaned of wood dust, shavings and other combustible objects as necessary, but at least once a shift, and building structures and electric lamps - at least once every two weeks.

During breaks and at the end of the shift, motors and starters should be thoroughly cleaned by blowing air from dust accumulated in them.

6.2. wood waste as they accumulate in the process of work and after it is completed, it must be removed from the workshop. For better waste removal, woodworking machines must have efficient local suctions. The operation of machines with the ventilation systems turned off is prohibited.

6.3. Collected wood waste caught by cyclones must be removed in a timely manner. It is impossible to allow overloading of cyclones and contamination of the site at their location.

6.4. Waste from the production of woodworking shops can be used as fuel in boiler houses, disposed of as a chemical or other type of raw material, or removed to specially designated places. Their accumulation on the territory of the workshop is not allowed.

6.5. Module storage rooms, dryers and areas occupied by timber must be free from wood chips, shavings, etc. Can't break established norm allowable occupancy of the premises.

6.6. To avoid overheating, do not violate the terms of lubrication of rubbing parts of equipment and bearings in machine tools, motors, etc. Lubrication periods should be specified in workshop instructions. Sawdust and wood dust must not be allowed to enter the lubricating oil. at bearing temperatures above 45 - 50 degrees. The machine must be stopped to find out the cause of overheating and eliminate it.

6.7. Heating of the glue should be done with steam or electric heaters of a closed type. Glue cookers should be located in an isolated room or a safe place designated for this purpose. Adhesives made of synthetic resins have an increased fire hazard, since flammable and combustible liquids serve as solvents for them. These adhesives must be stored in fireproof pantries or iron boxes in a separate place.

6.8. Finished products must be taken out of the workshop to a warehouse or other place designated for this purpose outside the workshop. Timber, semi-finished products and products should be located only in the places designated for this, so as not to obstruct the passages and approaches to fire extinguishing equipment.

6.9. It is forbidden to store combustible materials in production premises in an amount exceeding the shift rate; leave oils, varnishes, varnishes, glue and other combustible materials and objects uncleaned after finishing work.

6.10. Buildings (rooms) of dryers must be fireproof. With the location of the heating batteries in the lower part drying chambers steam pipes should have a smooth surface and be covered with a grid on top. Periodically, but at least once a week, it is necessary to clean the chambers and battery locations from wood chips, debris, etc.

6.11. For each dryer, a limit is set allowable rate loading it with materials and the maximum allowable temperature regime work. Temperature control in process dryers should be carried out systematically.

6.12. Containers stored in warehouses must be stacked. The width of the passage between the stacks and the walls must be at least 0.8 m.

6.13. During open storage of containers, stacks are placed in groups with an area of ​​​​not more than 900 m2. The distance between stacks in a group is not standardized.

6.14. The area of ​​the square of groups of stacks should be no more than 4.5 hectares, between groups of stacks in a quarter, longitudinal and transverse gaps of 10 m should be arranged.

6.15. Between quarters of groups of stacks, fire breaks of at least 25 m should be arranged.

In a warehouse with an area of ​​2.1 to 4.5 hectares, a fire break of at least 25 m is arranged, dividing the warehouse into two parts.

6.16. Warehouses with an area of ​​more than 18 hectares must be divided by fire zones with a width of at least 100 m into sections of no more than 18 hectares each.

6.17. In warehouses with an area of ​​​​more than 2 hectares, fire passages must be eliminated:

in fire breaks between quarters and at outside parties quarters;

in fire zones;

to fire fighting waters.

6.18. Containers requiring repair, with the capacity of the container repair enterprise of 0.5 and 1.8 million tare units per year, should be located at a distance of 12 and 20 m, respectively. less than 50 m.

6.19. The box-barrel container must be stacked in a certain order.

Random stacking of containers received for repair is not allowed.

6.20. When storing containers under sheds, the area of ​​the latter should not exceed 1200 m 2.

6.21. Barrel containers should be stacked in no more than 5 tiers, while the height of the stack should not exceed four meters. When mechanized stacking (using box pallets, containers, electric and forklifts and other loading machines), the height of the stack should not exceed 5 m.


7.1. Fiber and paper secondary raw materials should be stored in bales in closed warehouses. In some cases, it is allowed to store bales under sheds.

7.2. In rooms where chemical fibers are stored that can melt in a fire, it is necessary to provide devices that limit the free spreading of the spread (sides, thresholds with ramps, etc.).

7.3. In warehouses and under sheds, fibrous material must be stacked. The distance from the top of the stacks to the fixtures should be at least 0.5 m.

The dimensions of the stacks, their placement and the maximum allowable amount of stored fiber must be specified in the shop manual.

7.4. Stacks of fibrous materials (vegetable and artificial origin) under canopies should be covered with tarpaulin from the sides.

In hot weather, the tarp should be moistened with water. The distance from fences to sheds and stacks should provide free passage.

7.5. Unpressed materials should be stored in separate areas or specially designated areas and sent for sale or processing in the first place.

7.6. Together with fibrous materials, storage of other materials (chemicals, flammable liquids, oils and other combustible liquids) is prohibited.

7.7. It is not allowed to open bales of fibrous material in the warehouse.

7.8. It is forbidden to perform production operations on equipment, installations and machines with malfunctions that could lead to fires and fires, as well as when the instrumentation is turned off, by which the specified modes of temperature, pressure, concentration of combustible gases, vapors and other technological parameters are determined.

7.9. Engineering and technical personnel and workers in production workshops must know how to strictly follow the rules technical operation technological equipment; not allow work on faulty equipment; promptly identify defects in the operation of mechanisms and immediately eliminate malfunctions that cause a fire hazard; strictly comply with the schedules of preventive maintenance of machine tools, machines, units, etc., as well as:

check the serviceability and presence of lubrication in oily rotating and rubbing parts and transmission equipment;

remove twisted fiber bundles from rotating machine parts, especially near bearings;

before starting the machine equipped with local suction, turn on exhaust fans and ventilation units;

remove fumes, fluff and dust from machines (machine), electric motors and ballasts during the machine (machine) stop for refueling or other breaks;

keep the workplace clean at all times.

7.10. Conveyor drive belts must be of proper width, non-metallic stitched. When starting and stopping the machines (machine), slipping of the belts is not allowed.

7.11. The design and operation of conveyors must exclude the formation of sparks by rotating parts during their operation.

7.12. Lubrication of bearings and all rubbing parts of machines and transmissions must be carried out regularly in accordance with the Rules for Technical Operation. Filler holes for bearing lubrication must have caps or metal valves. Overheating of bearings is not allowed.

7.13. During the operation of the first loosening unit (battery of mixer feeders, bale opener, horizontal and vertical openers, head feeder) it is necessary:

bales of cotton, flax fiber, etc. unpack in a specially prepared clean place with scissors. The use of axes, crowbars and other similar tools for this purpose should not be allowed;

do not allow metal and solid objects (bolts, nuts, pieces of wire, stones, slag, etc.) to enter the machines;

lay cotton, skim and waste on the supply grid in uniform layers no more than 8 - 10 cm thick, since thicker layers can cause overload of electric motors, breakage of needles or teeth with the formation of sparks; quickly respond to light signaling signals from feeders-mixers about overloading of machine chambers;

machines loosening cotton, flax fiber, wool, artificial fibers, waste and waste, as well as pneumatic transport pipes, equip with magnetic traps;

in the system of pneumatic transportation of cotton, wool, flax fiber, artificial fibers, fumes, fires, dust to remove solid objects (stones, slag, clumped soil, etc.) arrange special traps;

check the wiring between the individual organs of the baking machines to be carried out at least twice a month;

fanning of machines, machine tools, other equipment is carried out according to the schedules approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise.

7.14. It is necessary to ensure constant monitoring of temperature and pressure in the drying units. At the end of the operation of the drying units, it is necessary to remove raw materials from them and stop the supply of steam.

7.15. The premises of the warehouse and its building structures, as well as the area adjacent to the warehouses, must be systematically cleaned of fibers, fluff and dust.

7.16. It is necessary to limit the admission of people to the warehouses of fibrous materials.

7.17. Steam locomotives running on solid fuel and equipped with spark arresters, with closed blowers and siphons, can approach sheds with fibrous material at a distance of no closer than 50 m, and to closed warehouses - no closer than 25 m.

7.18. Steam locomotives running on liquid fuel, with closed blowers and siphons, are allowed to sheds with fibrous material at a distance of no closer than 30 m, and to closed warehouses - no closer than 15 m.

7.19. Cars, engine trucks, and truck cranes are allowed to the sheds with fibrous materials at a distance of no closer than 3 m, and tractors - no closer than 10 m. All these modes of transport must have serviceable, reliable spark arresters. Vehicles must only approach the stack with the side opposite to the exhaust direction.

7.20. Acceptance and storage of oiled secondary raw materials is prohibited.

7.21. The premises of fibrous materials warehouses must be equipped with automatic alarm or fire extinguishing installations.

7.22. It is advisable to extinguish fibrous materials with water with wetting agents or foam.


8.1. Storage of cars at auto enterprises is carried out indoors, under sheds and in special open areas.

When placed indoors or under sheds, the distance between the side walls of the machines and the wall (column) must be at least 0.8 m. The distance between the rear wall and the wall or fence must be at least 1 m.

When installing wooden sheds, it is allowed to store no more than 20 cars under them. With more cars wooden awnings separated by a fire wall.

8.2. Premises for car maintenance (with the exception of rooms for washing, cleaning cars) should be separated fire walls from car storage areas.

8.3. In enterprises with more than 25 vehicles, in order to create conditions for their operation in case of fire, a plan for the arrangement of vehicles should be developed with a description of the priority and order of evacuation.

The plan should provide for the duty of drivers at night, on weekends and holidays, as well as the order of storage of ignition keys.

To ensure the withdrawal of cars, a duty tractor must be allocated, provided with towing cables or rods at the rate of one cable (rod) for 10 cars, but not less than 2 per parking lot.

8.4. To ensure exit from pits (ditches, trenches), in addition to ladders, metal brackets are provided on the wall of the pit (ditches, trenches).

8.5. As a rule, low-pressure water or air heating combined with supply and exhaust ventilation.

When installing furnace or gas heating, it is not allowed to place furnace, view and cleaning doors of furnaces in rooms for storage and maintenance of cars, painting, carpentry, vulcanization, accumulators.

Furnace and other doors are taken out to a special vestibule. Application iron furnaces and iron chimneys are not allowed.

8.6. The exhaust ventilation systems of the painting, battery and oil regeneration areas are not allowed to be combined with each other and with the ventilation of other rooms.

8.7. Parking of cars and tankers carrying flammable liquids and combustible liquids should be organized in a separate box or on a separate site.

8.8. It is not allowed to repair cars with tanks filled with fuel or cylinders filled with gases and crankcases filled with oil in car repair rooms and utility rooms, with the exception of maintenance work No. 1.

8.9. In the premises of cars, as well as in parking lots under canopies and in open areas, it is prohibited:

install vehicles in excess of the norm, violate the way they are arranged, reduce the distance between vehicles and between vehicles and structures;

leave loaded cars in parking lots;

use fire, smoke and work with portable blacksmith forges, blowtorches and portable welding machines;

store vehicles with open fuel tank caps;

recharge batteries;

store any materials and items, with the exception of equipment related to these premises;

wash car bodies, parts, as well as hands and clothes with gasoline or kerosene;

store fuel (excluding fuel) in the tanks of vehicles;

use portable lamps with a voltage of more than 36 V, as well as lamps without hose drives, glass caps and metal mesh;

refuel cars with fuel, as well as put cars in the garage if there is a leak or seepage of fuel from the tanks without first draining it.

clutter up the main and emergency gates and driveways or allow the installation of cars against them;

leave cars with the ignition on;

carry out maintenance by people who do not have the appropriate qualifications.

8.10. In all areas of parking, maintenance and repair of vehicles, garbage and waste must be cleaned. Spilled oil and fuel should be immediately removed with sand and sawdust, used sand or sawdust should be collected in special metal boxes with lids installed outside the garage.


9.1. Repair, charging and aggregate should be located in rooms separated from each other by fireproof walls (partitions), communicating with each other through a corridor or a fireproof vestibule.

9.2. With a small number of rechargeable batteries (more than 10 pcs.), It is allowed to combine battery repair and charging in one room, provided that a special cabinet equipped with an independent exhaust hood is equipped for charging.

When placing acid batteries in fume hoods, they inner surface painted with acid-resistant paint, and when placing alkaline batteries - with bituminous paint.

The fume hood should be installed no closer than 5 meters from the place of work with electric soldering irons. The use of fire devices (blowtorches, etc.) in this case is prohibited.

The charging board must be installed on the opposite side of the fume hood.

9.3. Electrical equipment (lights, plug connections, etc.) in batteries must be explosion-proof.

9.5. Wiring to the batteries must be carried out by firmly reinforced and acid-resistant varnished tires. The connecting terminals are made of copper or lead.

Connection and disconnection of wiring from batteries is carried out only when the charging current is turned off and the load rheostats are turned off.

9.5. The charging room is equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation (for acid and alkaline batteries separately) at the rate of 8 - 10-fold air exchange in the charging room and 4 - 5-fold air exchange in the storage room.

The inclusion of ventilation in the chimneys and the general ventilation network of the building is not allowed.

9.6. When installed in the charging room, no more than five trucks for charging batteries, it is allowed to have only natural ventilation. Intake openings for natural ventilation should be located at the highest points.

9.7. When the ventilation stops, a lock must be provided to turn off the charging current.

9.8. It is forbidden to repair batteries in battery rooms; install alkaline and acid batteries in the same room, as well as charge faulty electric cars.


10.1. Information storages of computer centers (rooms for storing punched cards, punched tapes, magnetic tapes and packages) should be located in separate rooms equipped with fireproof racks and cabinets.

Storage of punched cards, punched tapes and magnetic tapes on racks should be carried out in metal cassettes.

It is not allowed to build in cabinets for storage of any materials and products in computer rooms.

10.2. The placement of warehouses, fire and explosion hazardous industries above or below the computer, as well as in adjacent premises (with the exception of information storage facilities) is not allowed.

10.3. The ventilation system of computer centers must be equipped with a device that provides automatic shutdown in case of fire, as well as fire and smoke arresting devices.

10.4. The air supply to the computer for cooling must be provided through air ducts.

The air supply in each computer must be carried out through an independent air duct. Connection of these air ducts to a common manifold is allowed only after fire and smoke dampers.

10.5. The computer power supply system must have an interlock that ensures its shutdown in the event of a shutdown of the cooling and air conditioning system.

10.6. Work on the repair of computer units (blocks) directly in the machine room is not allowed. They must be produced in a separate room (workshop).

10.7. Non-flammable detergents must be used to wash the parts.

Flushing cells and other removable devices with flammable liquids is not allowed only in special rooms equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation.

10.8. It is forbidden to leave unattended plugged into the network radio electronic equipment used for testing and control of computers.

10.9. At least once a quarter, dust must be removed from all units and components of machines, cable channels and interfloor space.

10.10. Computer center buildings should be equipped with automatic fire alarms. When placing computer centers in rooms built into buildings for other purposes, the installation of fire detectors must be provided in all rooms of this building.

Smoke detectors must be installed in computer rooms and racks, behind false ceilings in information storages, storerooms of spare equipment (parts). In all other rooms of computer centers, cable and ventilation ducts, installation of thermal fire detectors is allowed.

To extinguish possible fires, computer centers should be equipped with automatic installations for volumetric (gas) extinguishing of extinguishing agent in cable channels and trays.


11.1. In the event of a fire, the actions of the administration of the enterprise, organization, warehouse, workshop, local fire brigade, voluntary fire brigade should first of all be aimed at ensuring the safety of people and their evacuation.

To alert people about a fire, both the internal radio broadcasting network and other specially installed broadcast networks, as well as alarm bells and other sound signals, should be used.

11.2. Every worker or employee who discovers a fire or fire must:

a) report it immediately to the fire brigade;

b) start extinguishing the fire with the fire extinguishing means available at the workplace (fire extinguisher, internal fire hydrant, stationary fire extinguishing installation, etc.);

c) take measures to call the head of the warehouse, the head of the shop, shift, foreman, section or other official.

11.3. The head of the workshop, shift, foreman, warehouse manager or other official who arrived at the fire site is obliged:

a) check whether the fire brigade has been called;

b) report the fire to the management of the enterprise;

c) lead the management of fire fighting until the arrival of fire assistance;

d) allocate a person who knows the location of access roads and water sources well for the meeting of fire departments;

e) check the inclusion and operation of the automatic (stationary) fire extinguishing system;

f) remove from the premises of the workshop, warehouse or danger zone all workers and employees who are not involved in the elimination of the fire;

g) in the event of a threat to people's lives, immediately organize their rescue, using all available forces and means for this;

h) if necessary, call gas rescue, medical and other services;

i) stop all work not related to fire extinguishing measures;

j) organize, in case of fire, the need to turn off electricity, stop transporting devices, units, apparatus, shut off gas steam and water communications, stop ventilation systems, activate smoke exhaust systems and take other measures that help prevent the spread of fire;

k) provide measures to protect people involved in fire extinguishing from possible collapse of structures, damage electric shock, poisoning, burns;

l) simultaneously with fire extinguishing, cool structural elements of buildings and technological equipment that are at risk from exposure to high temperatures.

11.4. Upon arrival at the fire of the fire departments, the representative of the enterprise who led the fire extinguishing is obliged to inform the senior fire chief of all the necessary information about the fire; measures taken to eliminate it, as well as the presence in the premises of people involved in the elimination of fire, the presence in warehouses of explosive and flammable materials, cylinders with gases.

When a representative of an enterprise is included in the firefighting headquarters, he is obliged to:

a) advise the head of the fire extinguishing on the specific features of the burning object, also inform him of the presence and location of explosive toxic and radioactive substances, gas cylinders, electrical installations under voltage;

b) provide the headquarters with manpower and engineering and technical personnel to perform work related to fire extinguishing and evacuation of property;

c) provide vehicles for the transportation of funds that can be used for extinguishing;

d) ensure, at the direction of the head of the fire extinguishing, disconnection or switching or switching of various communications, pumping out flammable and combustible liquids from containers and apparatus, etc.;

e) coordinate the actions of engineering and technical personnel in the performance of work related to fire extinguishing.

11.5. For an internal investigation of a fire (ignition) that has occurred, a commission should be appointed with the participation of a representative of the state fire supervision body in it to establish the circumstances, the cause of the fire, the perpetrators, the conditions that contributed to its occurrence and the development of preventive measures. Based on the results of the investigation, an act is drawn up, and, if necessary, appropriate orders are issued.

² StroyConsultant²

Applications not included
