Is the brick wall fire type 1. fire resistance brick wall

Every person wants his house to be always protected, no matter what happens.

For a long time, wooden architecture was used in all countries of the world, and accordingly, in case of a fire, no one even tried to extinguish the house, but everyone together fenced it off from others in various ways so that there would not be a massive fire in the entire village. The most famous case is the legendary arson of Rome by Emperor Nero. Then there were not many buildings set on fire, but it was impossible to extinguish, which is why the greatest city of that time burned to the ground.

Varieties of bricks

Now the most popular building material is brick, which is divided into many types. This construction material obtained by firing clay, i.e. originally designed to be fire resistant. Selected according to need different types, which are tied to this parameter:

  1. Red. The most common, its double masonry will withstand absolutely any impact, while not cracking or melting. But this does not mean that after the fire is extinguished, it will not have to be replaced, because the second time may be critical.
  2. Refractory. Due to its special properties it is used in the hottest parts of fireplaces and stoves. In one layer, it withstands temperatures under 1600 C and does not react at all. It is not suitable for construction, but in hot places it is indispensable, due to the ratio of price and quality.
  3. Clinker. It is he who has the highest fire resistance - 1800 C is not the limit, but because of some other physical properties And appearance has the highest price among all its counterparts. As a rule, only the walls of elite buildings are built from this brick.
  4. Silicate. Possesses high level fire resistance, but is much inferior to refractory and clinker. It is inexpensive, used exclusively for small works such as curtain walls.

The rest of the options have in this regard the parameters are much lower than the red.

Fire resistance measurement

The fire resistance of masonry made in one brick is 5 hours, and steel columns - only 15 minutes.

This parameter in any building material is characterized by the number of hours that it can withstand without destruction. So wooden walls ignite almost immediately, steel begins to deteriorate after 30 minutes, reinforced concrete - 2 hours, and concrete after 5. Only the strength of brickwork exceeds this indicator.

The second major factor in measuring fire resistance is fire resistance. When exposed to fire foam or cold water there is an instant change in the temperature of the wall by several hundred degrees, and sometimes it rises back again. Thus, there is an additional thermal effect. In certain cases can also get into the area of ​​the brick chemical elements and gases, which will also have a negative impact.

There are 3 types of building materials - combustible, fireproof, slow-burning.

Combustibles are wood, tar, bitumen and polymers. During a fire, they burn or smolder, and after extinguishing they have the possibility of spontaneous combustion.

Fireproof - inorganic materials and metals. They physically cannot burn or char, but some of them are still subject to deformation. Granite and marble can be completely destroyed under the influence of temperatures, steel melts, buildings made of brick and concrete remain exactly the same as they were originally.

Fire-retardant - all kinds of fiberglass, fiberboard and treated wood. This category is practically made of artificial materials, tk. even the wood has already been chemically treated. It takes some time for direct exposure to fire to ignite.

If necessary, any materials can be treated with special mixtures, after which they will increase their refractory properties, but this cannot apply to fireproof building materials.

Namely, based on all of the above, many people prefer the construction of the wall of the house and the nearest outbuildings from brick, because this with a 100% probability will save them from unexpected ignition due to external reasons. Fire resistance of bricks made according to modern technologies, as well as its availability in our time, allow you to build exactly as many buildings as you need.

It's no secret that a brick building is a solid and strong building, which is perfect for a comfortable stay. They are reliable and durable, however, of course, construction in this case will be expensive. However, this is not so important if you put all the advantages of this building material on the second scale. It will really make your home a fortress, protect it from insects and even from fire. The main advantage of such walls is that they are fire resistant - this is especially important for regions where fires happen quite often. In addition, danger can also come from within - and a fireplace can be installed close to a good wall without any fear that the wall will catch fire, especially if there are smoke and ventilation outlets behind the walls. Buildings with a wall thickness exceeding 2 bricks are recognized as the most fireproof.

Brick walls are the most fireproof

This fact does not need additional evidence, it is recorded in the manual that determines the limits of fire resistance of buildings. At the same time, it is known that walls made of hollow ceramic and silicate bricks with a thickness of 120 mm they hold back fire for 150 minutes, a thickness of 250 mm increases the protection time to 330 minutes. Gypsum stones with light concrete inside, laid out with a thickness of 120 mm, have a fire resistance of 90 minutes.

It is important to understand that brick provides the maximum degree of home safety from fire - choose this particular building material if you truly value life - yours and your loved ones.

Anything happens - often inside the house or in the territory that adjoins it, fires occur. hosts brick houses can be calm - there will be no serious consequences for buildings made of this material, even if the fire is strong and stubborn. Of course it will hurt interior decoration, but the building itself will remain indestructible - you must admit that it is much easier to deal with such consequences than to face the need to rebuild the house. No one is immune from fires, so taking care to minimize their consequences is very important. Such a structure is the best choice to date.

For the materials from which residential buildings are being built, a number of requirements are imposed, the main of which is fire resistance. A material such as brick is most suitable for this requirement, as it is capable of relatively long time withstand high temperatures in case of fire.

In the first place in the construction of buildings is always the question fire safety. Therefore, when developing projects for the construction of a new house or the reconstruction of an old Special attention given to fire regulations. They include the installation of the system fire alarm, fire fighting, smoke removal and fire alarm. The relevant authorities are responsible for monitoring the implementation of these norms. During operation, it is necessary to constantly monitor compliance with fire regulations, check the system for operability and evacuation exits.

The role of the constructive solution of the structure in fire protection

except special systems alerts, attention paid and constructive solution building, which also provides fire safety. The materials from which the building is erected are of decisive importance. Yes, fire resistance brick wall will be much higher than wood.

Fire resistance limit of the building and its structural elements

Fire resistance limit- the time period during which the structural elements of the building are not destroyed and fulfill their purpose under the influence of fire and high temperatures. The unit of this indicator is minute or hour. Symbol– REI 120, REI 70, REI 60, etc., where 120, 70, 60 are fire resistance times in minutes. A structural element with an REI of 120 can withstand high temperatures from a fire for 120 minutes without collapsing.

The fire resistance index is the main indicator of fire safety.

Structural elements must meet the following characteristics:

  • incombustibility;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • mechanical stability.

Also, the fire resistance limit REI 120 indicates that the paths along which people will be evacuated during emergency must be made of materials that can withstand at least 120 minutes under high temperatures.

The fire resistance limit of a structure depends on several indicators:

  • the complexity of the design solution of the building;
  • layout;
  • number of storeys;
  • the number of people in the building.

The thickness of the structure being erected and the physical and chemical characteristics of the materials have a direct impact on the level of fire resistance of a particular structure.

Building products are characterized by three stages limit state. It is they who affect the resistance to flame.

Broken material integrity. In the structure of the material, voids are formed through which fire penetrates and harmful substances formed as a result of combustion.

Bearing failure. This stage is characterized by deformation and destruction of the material. If the maximum critical level is reached, then the building cannot be operated in the future.

The fall in thermal insulation qualities. At this stage, the surface of the structural elements is heated to the limit values.

The limit of flame propagation on the structural elements of the building

The time after which structural elements are destroyed under the action of fire:

  • wooden elements - instantly;
  • steel elements - 30 minutes;
  • reinforced concrete - 2 hours;
  • concrete - 5 hours;
  • brickwork in one brick - 5 hours.

Varieties of materials according to their ability to spread fire:

  • combustible. Such materials include wood, coal, polymers and bitumen. Under the action of a flame, these materials begin to smolder, and they can also ignite spontaneously. The level of flame spread for horizontal structural elements is more than 250 mm, for vertical ones - more than 400 mm;
  • fireproof. These include: materials of inorganic origin and metal;
  • slow-burning (fiberglass, fiberboard and treated wood). Such materials have a level of fire spread vertically - up to 400 mm, horizontally - up to 250 mm.

Brickwork has a high fire resistance limit, since brick is a fireproof material.

To give any material refractory properties, it is enough to treat them with a special mixture.

Brick walls and partitions in the role of protecting the building from fire

Brick buildings have long been considered the most reliable, durable and warm. In addition, such a building is easy to build on your own. An important point is that the fire resistance of a brick wall has a high performance. For this reason, it is this material that is used not only for the construction of load-bearing structures, but also as a means that can protect against fire.

Partitions and walls

For reliable protection of the building from the destructive effect of fire, it is necessary during construction to give preference to materials with high fire resistance, such as fireclay brick. Walls and partitions built from this material will serve as a reliable barrier that protects the house from further spread of the flame. Of considerable importance is the fact that such structures are able to withstand prolonged contact with the flame without collapsing.

When erecting walls and partitions, it is necessary to take into account their thickness:

  • walls (partitions) with a thickness of 65 mm have a fire resistance limit of 0.75 hours;
  • partitions or walls of 120 mm each have a value of 2.5 hours;
  • if the walls (partitions) are 250 mm thick, then REI will be more than 5.5 hours;
  • with protection made of facing brick, having a thickness of 65 mm, REI is 2.5 hours;
  • with continuous masonry with a thickness of 150 mm from the level of resistance to fire depends on the vertical load acting on the structure.

When building walls, the following types of bricks are used:

  1. Silicate. The materials for the manufacture of such bricks are lime and sand. The brick is distinguished by white light. It is able to withstand high temperatures (up to 600 degrees). Such material, due to its great resistance to fire, is used for the construction of ventilation channels;
  2. Ceramic. The material for its manufacture is clay, which is processed under the influence of a temperature of over 1000 degrees. Thanks to this, full-bodied ceramic brick has a high fire resistance.
  3. Heat resistant. Such brick can be used for the construction of chimneys, fireplaces, stoves, air ducts in high-rise buildings, smoke exhaust systems, furnaces in production, etc. Heat-resistant brick is divided into fireclay and clinker. Fireclay is used for the construction of furnaces, air ducts and fireplaces, and clinker can be used for the construction of a blast furnace, vaults, etc. Such material can withstand temperatures up to 1800 degrees.

How to choose the right material

The material manufacturing technology affects the fire resistance limit. Great importance has how correctly it was fired. In order to check the quality of the material, you can do the following: hit the brick. High-quality material makes a sonorous slightly metallic sound, improperly burned material - a dull and booming sound.

Another option to check the quality of the material is to try breaking it up. If a brick is made according to technology, then it will fall apart into large pieces. If the material crumbles and frays, it is of poor quality.

When choosing a brick, the humidity has importance. High humidity indicates that the material was manufactured in violation of technology. Under the action of high temperature, the construction of such a material will crumble.

Also of no small importance is the solution on which the structure is made. When erecting a brick structure for stoves and fireplaces, it is necessary to use clay-based solutions intended for these works.

When erecting a building, special attention must be paid to fire safety requirements. The brick wall reliably protects the building from the rapid spread of fire. Therefore, it is best to build a building of brick.
