The leaves of the seedlings of tomatoes turn yellow what to do. Seedling leaves are falling

Not all avid gardeners know why the lower leaves of tomato seedlings fall off, but meanwhile this symptom should by no means be ignored. Growing tomato seedlings requires the gardener to have certain knowledge, since only strong plants be able to survive a transplant to a new place and give excellent harvest. As a rule, leaf fall is not the only symptom of existing problems, because before that, the lower shoots may turn yellow, and then wither and dry.

Normally, in tomato seedlings, as the plant grows, only the first 2 unformed cotyledon leaves, which appear after the sprout hatches from the seed, should fall off. The fact is that these first unformed leaves contain a reserve nutrients, spending them, the plant forms new shoots and root system, after which the first leaves dry up and should fall off. If already formed shoots begin to dry and fall off, this may indicate the presence of serious problems.

Despite the widespread belief that leaf fall on seedlings is associated with damage to plants by pathogenic bacteria or fungi, this is not entirely true. Only in rare cases can an aphid attack provoke the drying of the lower shoots, but the whole plant is damaged.

In most cases, leaf fall is associated with a violation of the technology for growing tomato seedlings, therefore, first of all, you should pay attention to this very moment. The most common reasons for the fall of the lower leaves in tomato seedlings include:

  • insufficient or excessive watering;
  • excessively dry indoor air;
  • lack of lighting;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • low nutrient content in the soil mixture;
  • too small pot.

Tomato seedlings are quite capricious and, in the process of their growth, require the creation optimal conditions. Most often, the lower leaves fall off when growing plants on a balcony or windowsill, because in this case it is quite difficult for a person to create an optimal environment for the growth and development of young plants. Among other things, the reason for the fall of the leaves of tomato seedlings may lie in the improper hardening process, since taking young shoots outside under the open rays of the sun can cause small burns to appear on them.

When watering with such water, salinization of the soil is observed, which leads to the fact that the roots cannot normally consume nutrients from the ground, therefore, first of all, the lower leaves are shed. If in this case no action is taken, the death of the entire plant is possible.

Why the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow (video)


It is far from always possible to immediately determine why the leaves of the tomato seedlings fell off from below, but at the same time, if measures are not taken to improve their condition, the plants can be lost.

  • First of all, watering should be normalized. It is best to keep the soil slightly damp after watering. It is worth watering the seedlings 1 time in 5-6 days, as this will protect it from getting wet.
  • Do not water if the soil is not completely dry yet. In order for the seedlings not to get wet, water should not be allowed to accumulate in the pan on which the containers or pots with plants stand.
  • Among other things, attention should be paid to the quality of the water, since when the soil is salted, you can lose all the seedlings.
  • Water for irrigation must be defended for at least 1 week. Of course, you can use a water filter, but in addition it is still worth giving the water time to settle.

If the air is too dry in the room for growing tomato seedlings, it is necessary to spray the leaves of the plants with water using a spray bottle. In addition, to increase the humidity of the air, you can place open vessels with water next to the containers in which seedlings are grown.

If the seedlings are grown on a windowsill that is not located on the sunny side, it is necessary to move it to a more lit place. You should also pay attention to the volume of containers that are used for growing seedlings, since if the seedlings have already grown enough, its root system may be too crowded. A similar phenomenon is often observed when growing tomato seedlings in small plastic cups. The only correct solution in this case is a transplant.

During their development, tomato seedlings are extremely sensitive to the lack of nitrogen, manganese, sulfur and other nutrients. To restore the nutritional balance, it is necessary to add a biohumus layer of about 2 cm to the containers in which the seedlings are grown, and also start feeding with complex mineral fertilizers.

If, after top dressing, the yellowed leaves turn green, and the plants themselves begin to grow rapidly, accompanied by the appearance of new leaves and thickening of the stem, then the problem has been identified correctly and it is worth making mineral fertilizers at least 1 time in 2 weeks. Proper and timely treatment of tomato seedlings allows you to get a quality crop in the future.

Why do tomato seedlings dry and turn yellow leaves (video)

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Tomatoes are picky plants, and their seedlings are also quite resistant to changing conditions, rare watering and various diseases. But quite often, gardeners are faced with the fact that the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow. There are many reasons for this occurrence.

So, why do the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow and what to do about it? There are three main reasons why seedling leaves turn yellow.

This is insufficient illumination (it is recommended in rural areas from the end of April to take seedlings to heated greenhouses for a day, in the city - on loggias). Excessive watering (after picking, as well as after transplanting into the ground, it is recommended not to water the seedlings for a week, only spray if it is very hot). Poor nutrients and minerals soil (particularly affected by the lack of fertilizers containing nitrogen). The reason may also be bad conditions growing tomatoes. A common cause of leaf chlorosis is poor root function.

Violation of root nutrition occurs when the roots are damaged and due to hypothermia, both of the entire plant and only its underground part. Moreover, the violation of the temperature regime affects all phases of plant development, up to the end of fruiting.

However, when cooled, all leaves turn yellow and acquire a bluish tint. In case of mechanical damage to the roots (for example, after planting seedlings on a garden bed or when loosening the soil), only the lower leaves turn yellow. As soon as the plants take root and new adventitious roots grow, the color of the leaves and shoots is restored. It is very important to understand in time why the leaves of the tomato turn yellow, then you will have time to fight the disease.

Why do the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow and dry

Tomato - healthy vegetable of the nightshade family, containing in large numbers vitamin B group, vitamin C, sugars, mineral salts and organic acids. Tomato is a perennial plant, but in horticulture it is used as an annual.

Growing a tomato begins with planting its seedlings. And here you may encounter topical issue drying and yellowing of the leaves. Firstly, tomatoes love high soil moisture and dry air.

Even short-term drying of the soil leads to the loss of turgor and wilting of the leaves. At high humidity air, with exposure to high temperatures, diseases can develop on tomatoes, one of which is Fusarium wilt. it fungal disease tomatoes.

At its beginning, the plants lose leaf turgor, their wilting begins, and even after watering they look wilted. This is because the mycelium has penetrated through the roots into vascular system plants and plugged it.

In diseased tomatoes, the movement of nutrients and water stops, they slow down in growth, the leaves turn yellow and die. - acceptance preventive measures: seed treatment with margotsovka, disinfection seedling boxes, verified soil mix, fertilizer seedlings of tomatoes with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers; - treatment: treatment with HOM - 40 grams per 10 liters of water. Secondly, the yellowing and death of the leaves of tomato seedlings occurs due to the density of plantings, since such seedlings experience: - lack of nutrients and moisture; - flaw sunlight and shading in planting depth; - stretching leading to a fragile stem; - ventilation decreases and contributes to the development of fungal diseases. In the third, tomato seedlings become brittle, the leaves turn yellow and fall off with a lack of light and excessive watering. Measures: Seedlings should be placed on sunny place, open windows - accustom to open air, water regularly and moderately. In the fourth, a lack of nitrogen or potassium can contribute to the yellowing and death of the leaves of a tomato. purple tint along the veins, then the leaves die off.

The stems become hard and thin. Measures: at the first signs of a lack of nitrogen nutrition, feed the seedlings with urea (urea) - 20 grams per 10 liters of water. With a lack of potassium, photosynthesis decreases.

Tomatoes are oppressed, the shoots develop poorly, the plants are bent, the tops dry out. The leaves die off completely or partially, the edge of the leaf first turns yellow. Measures: top dressing with potassium sulfate or ash is recommended - 1 tsp. for 5 liters of water.

Tomato seedlings - why it wilts, turns yellow and may even die

03/03/2015author Natalia | no comments It's a pity to see that tomato seedlings, which we nurture at an early stage of development, suddenly begin to wither, and the leaves turn yellow. All the reasons why tomato seedlings wither or their leaves turn yellow can be combined into two main groups. These are, first of all, mistakes in caring for young seedlings and diseases or pests.

Why seedlings wither

Sad spectacle. But there is more than one reason. No matter how sorry you are, you will have to pull out at least one seedling from the ground and carefully examine it - both the top and the roots. And pay attention to the ground. Any seedling loves moisture. Tomato seedlings are no exception.

But if water stagnates in the container in which you grow seedlings, then the roots may suffocate. It is in this case that the reaction of the seedlings is the wilting of the leaves. What should be done first?

Make drainage holes in the bottom of the container or, if there are any, make them wider so that excess water can drain into the pan. The second reason for wilting is too dry air in the room. Tomato seedlings love warmth, but if you put it next to a hot battery, then dry air can cause lethargy of seedlings.

In this case, tomato seedlings should be placed away from a heat source and it will come to life. Don't forget to spray it. Spraying moisture will increase the humidity of the air and give additional moisture to the leaves. The third reason is drafts.

Fresh air is useful for seedlings, but cold air flows from an open window are detrimental to young leaves - they wither. This trouble is also easily fixable - move the containers with tomato seedlings to another place or do not open the window for a while, do not make a draft. Well, the fourth reason is elementary - drying out of the soil, insufficient watering.

Just water the seedlings. All of the above reasons are tomato seedling care mistakes that are easy enough to fix. But the same mistakes can turn out to be more difficult problems, which are more difficult to deal with. Excess moisture and stagnant water in seedlings can lead to a very insidious disease - a black leg.

How to define it? Easily. Examine the stem of the seedling. It begins to darken from below, and the stalk becomes soft and may fall.

At the same time, the roots of the seedling look healthy, and the leaves wither. And then the roots and the whole plant die. On the this stage plants can no longer be helped. If you notice signs of the disease at the very beginning, when not all seedlings are affected by the black leg, but only a smaller part of them, there is only one way out: transplant healthy plants into another disinfected dish filled with new healthy soil. But it is best if you pre-warn this disease. It helps to avoid watering the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Why do tomato seedlings turn yellow?

There is not only one reason for this. Experts identify as many as six factors that contribute to the yellowing of the leaves. If you pay attention to this in time, then it is more likely to help tomato seedlings and eliminate the causes.

  1. Yellowing of the lower leaves after transplanting seedlings into the ground on permanent place. This usually happens when the seedlings grew in small pots or cells. And after transplantation, the roots began to grow intensively, taking food from the lower leaves. Try not to overgrow the root system - start transplanting plants until the roots are completely braided with an earthen ball, then the growth of the roots will be natural. Leaves turn yellow, giving off blue when top part plants or roots experience extreme temperature fluctuations. This is the reason for the violation of measles nutrition. It has already been said above that it is advisable not to allow hypothermia of tomato seedlings. Yellowing of only the lower leaves occurs when the root system is severely damaged during transplanting or loosening the soil. In order for the plant to recover, it needs time to grow new roots and leaves. Lack of moisture can also be the cause of yellowing of the leaves. As you know, the tomato plant has a long taproot that receives moisture and nutrition from the depths. And if you water your tomatoes only from above with a small amount of water, then it is this main root that lacks it. The basic rule for watering tomatoes is to water rarely, but plentifully. When yellowing, you should pay attention to where, in which part of the plant the leaves turn yellow. With a lack of nitrogen, yellow spots appear on the leaves. If there is not enough calcium, then the top of the tomato begins to turn yellow. If tomatoes receive little copper along with nutrition, then the leaves in the lower tier of the plant turn pale and turn yellow. Sulfur deficiency leads to the fact that the leaves not only turn yellow, but also thicken, become hard to the touch. There is little manganese and iron in the soil - the leaves also turn yellow at first, and then dry out. The edges of the leaves turn yellow - not enough magnesium. The top of the leaf turns yellow - not enough phosphorus, and the entire leaf - phosphorus, on the contrary, there is a lot. Fusarium fungal disease is another reason for yellowing leaves. To determine whether a plant suffers from this disease or another reason, not only yellowness will help, but also the simultaneous lethargy of the leaves, as if the tomatoes had not been watered for a long time. Of course, prevention is best for Fusarium. But, if nevertheless this happened, treat the seedlings 3-4 times with an interval of 1.5-2 weeks, for example, with Fitosporin.

Admit it, oh great and most experienced tomato growers, because when you started, your seedlings also hurt - as if a novice tomato expert asks here: D. Most likely, yes, it hurt. Books are books, and nothing can replace experience.

So diseases of tomato seedlings or why sick tomato seedlings.In principle, tomatoes are a Very Viable culture. Subject to certain simple rules You can't really kill her with a stick.

With the exception of some cases. So - the most common variant of diseased seedlings (in the south and in sunny areas - not relevant). The leaves gradually turn pale, turn yellow, then turn white, dry in places. The cotyledon leaves wither and fall off first, and then the rest.

What is it and how to deal with it? See the new 2014 forum thread with similar symptoms. So that such a disease does not attack your seedlings - do not water seedlings until the ground dries out.

When I started growing tomatoes, it seemed to me that I watered them sparingly. Well, I keep the earth slightly damp, as for ordinary indoor flowers. So, it is impossible to keep the earth damp all the time. Water only when it is really dry.

It is definitely time to water, even if the tomatoes are wilted even in the absence of sun. Except in those cases when they wither due to this very disease. This sore is especially rampant in conditions of insufficient illumination, in the absence of the sun.

How to save plants if they are already sick? Leaves turn yellow, turn white, dry out in spots? Are the bottom leaves starting to fall off?

Illustration for the theme. This is what a cotyledon leaf of tomato seedlings looks like, which is watered too much (or just the soil is too dense and the roots are suffocating) and which receives too little sunlight. The best treatment- less watering and expose to the sun!

First, make sure that the soil is not too dense, that the roots can breathe normally in it. In any case, you can try to save the plant in the following way. Dump the entire contents of the pot onto a piece of newspaper. Carefully scrape all the ground down to the main roots.

Try not to tear off the roots yourself. Depending on the age, either only the main pivot should remain (the age of the seedlings is up to 2-3 weeks) or plus a few secondary roots (if the seedlings are older).

Make sure the leftover roots are white and healthy. (If they are rotten, yellow or black - that's another case). Transplant the seedlings into another soil, slightly moist, light, breathable.

Pour under the spine, literally 20 milliliters of water, you can make a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. Those. water so that the earth is moist in the place of the pot where the stem and root of the plant are located. Let the rest of the earth remain slightly moist.

Further, ideally, the plant is placed on sunny window. If the roots are badly damaged, and the plant wilts in the sun, shade it, or move it to another window for a day or two. But then necessarily - a lot of sun, a lot of light. And little water.

Most likely, following such simple recommendations, the seedlings will be saved. Although there is a lot of fuss. Next time, when growing tomato seedlings, will you probably water less already? . Tomatoes practically do not suffer from this disease in southern regions, where there are no problems with the sun, as well as tomatoes that are lucky, and they are often taken out for a walk on the balcony or on the street. unless, of course, the weather permits. Here is another reason in our northwestern climate to sow tomatoes for seedlings later.

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1 Why tomato seedlings turn yellow: reasons ^

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There are several main reasons why tomato seedlings suddenly begin to turn yellow. If you deal with each situation, find out the main reasons, it will be much easier to deal with the problem.

  • If the plants begin to turn yellow from the bottom sheet, and at the same time bright red streaks can be seen on them, then the problem is a lack of nitrogen - this is the most important element for tomatoes. In this case, too small leaves can also be found. You need to use nitrogen supplements, which can quickly remedy the situation. One common reason for eating is that the plant lacks potassium. Fertilizers are also indispensable here. In the event that the leaves are also curled and speckled, then the problem is a lack of zinc. The seedlings will have to be fertilized. When the yellowness on the leaves turns into white spots, the problem is that the plant simply does not have enough iron. If you choose the right top dressing, then the problem will be solved literally in a day or two. Yellowing leads to malnutrition of the roots. Most often, this occurs due to damage to the roots during improper planting or due to a change in temperature. If the matter is in the roots, you should not worry - tomatoes can cope with this problem on their own after a while. The main thing is to try not to damage the root system anymore. A simple reason is the lack of soil in the container. If this happens to you, carefully transplant the tomatoes into a larger pot. Light problems can also cause the seedlings to turn yellow. It is best to extend the length of daylight for plants by using grow lights for at least 6 hours a day.

How to prevent yellowing of tomato seedlings? ^

Related videosVideo about proper care for seedlings of tomatoes Click on Play to view

The first thing to do to prevent the appearance of yellowness on the leaves is to create the necessary conditions for the growth and development of seedlings. So, it is important to choose the right soil, maintain a suitable level of lighting and humidity.

Do not forget about regular watering and fertilizing with nitrogen, iron and zinc. Pay attention to the choice of capacity for disembarkation: the container must have suitable sizes and a drainage hole for water to drain - the liquid should not stagnate. If the soil is wet all the time, the roots of the plant will simply begin to rot.

The most important thing is to maintain the required temperature regime. The most favorable mode is about 25 degrees Celsius. Also, do not forget that tomato seeds love moisture. This makes caring for tomatoes a fairly delicate process.

Make sure that the soil does not dry out, but is not too wet.

3 Top dressing and hardening of plants - the key to the health of seedlings ^

Related videoVideo about feeding tomato seedlings Click on Play to watch

Proper feeding of tomato seedlings will avoid yellowness and other problems that can lead to death and disease of tomatoes. The first time we feed the plants after the emergence of shoots - literally in 7-10 days. Next time- in two more weeks.

For feeding, you can use special means for tomato seedlings, or prepare the mixture yourself: take 10 liters of water, dissolve 35 g of superphosphate and 5 g of urea in it. It is forbidden to use any type of top dressing on a dry clod of earth. This can lead to burns on the roots of plants, and therefore the earth must always be moistened. Problems with yellowness can also be caused by a lack of oxygen in the root system: as a result of watering and fertilizing, the soil around the roots of the plant is compacted, and a thin crust appears on the surface of the earth, which prevents the flow oxygen.

To prevent this from happening, be sure to carefully loosen the surface of the earth - for this it is better to use a picking stick so as not to damage the roots. It is important to harden the plants. About 20-25 days before planting, you need to start hardening the seedlings, accustoming the plants to direct sunlight.

You can take the container with tomatoes to the balcony or put it outside. At the same time, you should start to harden the tomatoes gradually: first set the seedlings for a few hours, then increase the time, most importantly at night, remove the plants in a warm place.

In just a couple of days, you can set seedlings for a full day and night. Now you know why tomato seedlings turn yellow, which means you can quickly fix the problem if it occurs.

Tomatoes cannot be attributed to plants that are too fastidious and require attention, which is why many gardeners grow tomato seedlings year after year. Not everyone has the necessary conditions and greenhouses, but in this case, an ordinary glazed loggia or window sill on the sunny side is also suitable, where you can place boxes with earth.

Sowing seeds, caring for emerging small sprouts, fertilizing with fertilizers, picking - these are far from all the worries that "fall on the head" of summer residents. It’s good if the plant will thank you with a good harvest, but what to do if signs of a disease appear? Many gardeners do not understand why the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow, because everything is done according to the rules, the plants are good, healthy.

And then for no reason at all appearance spoils. It should be noted that this is a fairly common phenomenon and there are a lot of reasons for its occurrence. So, why do the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow and what to do about it?

First of all, it is worth checking the humidity of the earth, highly waterlogged soil negatively affects the development of plants. If the leaf plate changes color, and not the veins, then the reason why the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow is obvious - they lack nitrogen, so you need to feed. If the lower leaves die off, then you should not worry too much.

Sometimes seedlings in a pot grow solid, and its root system is a continuous tangled ball. It is much harder for her to take root after a transplant, so until the plant adapts, the leaves will turn yellow. Do not lose sight of the quality of the seeds.

If they were initially infected with a fungus, then most likely this is the answer to the question of why the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow. Land, tools that are used in its processing can be infected.

Fungi are dangerous because a short time capable of destroying a huge number of plants, so you need to monitor the latter and remove diseased tomatoes in a timely manner. If own seeds are used, then they must be soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and washed several times in clean water. In some cases, the disease initially affects the roots, and then passes to the stem, disrupting the vascular system.

The plant is weakened because water and nutrients are not supplied to it. Here is the answer to the question of why the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow.

Such a problem can and should be fought, the main thing is to recognize the disease in the first stages. Seedling boxes must be disinfected so that there are no fungi left. It is better to take the land at the edge of the forest or in the meadows; it is advisable to prepare new soil in greenhouses every year.

All affected bushes must be collected so that no part is left of them and destroyed outside the garden or vegetable garden, because the fungus is well tolerated by the wind. It is very important to understand in time why the leaves of the tomato turn yellow, then there will be time to fight the disease.

It is better to prepare the bed in a new place where there is no infection. The soil should be dug up before planting and coarse sand should be added. Such simple tips help preserve tomatoes and harvest good harvest.

Tomato culture is very ancient. There is evidence that they were grown back in the 8th century AD, the ancient Aztecs did it. Only hundreds of years later, vegetables came to Europe, while the ancestors considered tomatoes to be a big berry.

What do tomato seedlings need to grow?

Beginners in country affairs often make many mistakes, which lead to a negative result. In order for seedlings to grow from year to year and not disappoint, you need to gain experience and knowledge. It is not enough to plant seeds in the ground from the garden to get seedlings. It is necessary to observe all the methods of agricultural technology from the first stages.

Things to consider:

  • soil nutrition - it gives strength and immunity to future seedlings, which means that it is less affected by diseases, that is, tomatoes will not turn yellow, wither, blacken;
  • light - since the school biology course, we all know that plants need light, otherwise they simply die. This is one of the main rules. There is not enough light - lamps are needed so that the lighting is at least 10-12 hours a day;
  • watering - even a child knows too. If flowers or garden crops are not watered, then the result will not be long in coming. Water must be settled so that the soil does not accumulate heavy elements. Also, it should not be icy so that the roots are not stressed;
  • top dressing - it’s not enough just to plant seeds in nutrient soil, since the seedlings will soon take everything from the soil. Then there will be a nutritional deficiency, hence the immunity falls, and the seedlings will start to hurt.

What can be concluded from the above? If you do not know why the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow, then it is worth reviewing all agricultural technology and identifying shortcomings. If measures are taken in time, then the seedlings can be easily saved and get a good harvest in the future. Let's take a closer look at everything in the next section.

Causes of yellowing of the leaves of tomato seedlings

Feeding errors

As you already understood, any culture is very sensitive to the nutritional value of the soil. Tomatoes respond well to feeding, they love them. It is especially important to give regular fertilizers to those varieties that grow tall and have a powerful root system. Fertilizers must include a complex of elements in order to fully compensate for the entire deficiency. If some mineral is missing, then problems begin, including yellowing of the leaves of seedlings in tomatoes. But beginners will immediately ask the question, how to understand what exactly the seedlings lack? Everything is pretty simple.

Any problem is better to prevent than to deal with the consequences. Therefore, before the start of the summer season, buy not only elbows for seedlings, seeds, but also immediately various fertilizers, additional lighting.

The main elements that are necessary for tomatoes are potassium, nitrogen, zinc, manganese, iron, copper, phosphorus. They must be in optimal combination- of course, it is difficult for you to make the perfect top dressing yourself. But a complex preparation is easy to buy at a gardening store. You can also solve the problem when you already understand which mineral is in this moment in short supply - make up for it with the appropriate fertilizer. There will be a separate section on them. So, how to determine why the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow.

Element deficiency:

  • if you notice that the foliage of the seedlings has begun to lose its green pigment, it turns yellow, falls off regularly, and new leaves form small, then most likely the reason is a lack of nitrogen in the soil;
  • if you see that the young leaves on the seedlings begin to curl, the old ones lose their color, yellow spots appear, then this is most often a lack of potassium in the soil;
  • magnesium deficiency may indicate yellow along the veins on the leaves;
  • if the leaves turn yellow at first, then even become white, then this is an iron deficiency;
  • on seedlings you see two types of spots - brown and yellow, then this is a lack of zinc;
  • the following fact can suggest a deficiency of manganese - the leaves turn yellow here and there, often in a checkerboard pattern, moreover, the process starts from the base.

These signs, upon careful examination and observation for several days, can be seen even by a beginner. As soon as you understand which element is in short supply, you need to make up for it with top dressing. As a rule, the situation begins to change rather quickly in better side, because we repeat once again, tomatoes are a very responsive culture to fertilizers. But is it only a lack of fertilizer that can cause a problem when the leaves of tomato seedlings dry. Of course not. Perhaps the reasons are much simpler.

Insufficient lighting

This problem is easy to identify and solve. We all know that where there is a lot of sun, places, moderately humid, all plants - whether cultivated or just weeds, are fragrant. And vice versa. Tomatoes are very photophilous, of course, they can also suffer from sunlight. It is optimal to put seedlings on the southeast window, the east one, or put it next to it, creating a light lacy penumbra.

If the window is south, there is a lot of sun on it, which starts to burn strongly in spring, besides, the region is warm, then the seedlings may begin to turn yellow, because they are hot. In addition, direct rays can burn tender seedlings, especially if they also lack moisture. The easiest way to solve this problem is to remove the boxes of tomatoes to another window or put them next to the table so that there is a light shadow from the curtains, also follow the watering, the soil should not dry out and even more so lag behind the walls of the pot.

But the situation is different - what to do when tomato seedlings turn yellow from lack of light? Make additional lighting.

Lighting lamps:

  • sodium - include an optimal spectrum for seedlings, they help seedlings grow very well. But such lamps require space and are not cheap;
  • phytolamps - ideal for plants in the spectrum, used both in greenhouses and at home, suitable for growing for sale. But this light is also not cheap, and also has pink color which irritates the eyes. Optimal for those who grow seedlings in a separate room;
  • fluorescent lamps - cheap and quite well suited for small cultivation seedlings. The lamps are economical, but they emit little red spectrum, and are also dangerous if they break. Also a minus is a small coverage area;
  • diodes are very a good option but not cheap. Diodes can be bought in any color, they are economical, safe and durable.

If you have now asked the question, is it not easier to put a simple incandescent lamp over the container, then do not rush to draw conclusions. No - incandescent lamps are extremely unsuitable for seedlings, they do not emit the spectrum they need, they spend a lot of energy and, moreover, threaten to burn delicate seedlings. Which lamps to choose, you decide. If you plan to deal with seedlings all the time, then it’s better to spend money once, but buy high-quality lighting. If you are a beginner and just trying yourself, then take simple fluorescent lamps.

All lighting can be bought at gardening stores, hardware stores, online stores. In the latter case, make an order in advance, as delivery is often delayed.

Consequences of close planting seedlings

Well, everything here is simple and easy to solve. If you often sowed seedlings, dived after not into separate cups, then it is quite possible that the seedlings are suffering from their own brethren. Its roots are closely intertwined in the ground, which is important to take into account in the future when transplanting, so that there is no injury. A lot of seedlings in the tray also take a lot of food, but we have already told you about the lack of elements. In addition, seedlings shade themselves, and we also just mentioned this.

An excess of plants often leads to an excess of moisture in the soil, then diseases can begin to develop there, and the roots rot. The latter directly affects the leaves - they turn yellow, fall off, the seedlings wither and die. The solution is simple - plant the seedlings more freely, but rather in separate cups with new clean soil.

The soil

Of course, seedlings need a lot good ground. About the fact that it should be nutritious, you already understood. But that's not all. The earth must pass air well so that oxygen enters the root system, then it will develop well, nourish the entire above-ground part. If the earth is heavy, you can hardly loosen it, then it is better to replace the soil with a new one before it is too late. The mistake could be that you just took the soil from the garden, and it is not suitable for you. It is not enough to just add top dressing to the ground, you also need to add sand, peat or perlite to it for breathability. It also affects the content of excess water.

An important factor is the acidity of the soil. It is tested using litmus paper, which is sold in pharmacies, garden stores or on the Internet. Tomatoes do not like acidic soil, like many crops. Normal pH is 6-6.5. If the soil is acidic, that is, the indicators are much lower than 6, then lime, chalk, fluff, dolomite flour, mix and check the indicators again with paper.

If you did not find litmus paper, then you can understand that your soil in the area is acidic by the vegetation that grows wildly on such soils - horsetail, hosts, heather, plantain.

But not only acidic soil bad effect on seedlings, but also salty. You can understand that you are using salty soil, and it has a bad effect on seedlings, by the fact that a white or yellow coating appears on the surface of the earth. Seedlings are best transplanted into new soil. If you can not pick up the soil yourself, then just buy ready-made.

Wrong watering

Another most common and easily solved reason. To understand that you are flooding the ground heavily, you can by the fact that your soil almost does not dry out, mold has appeared. Also a clear sign of the bay is the cotyledon leaves of the tomato seedlings turn yellow. From excess moisture, a pathogenic environment begins to develop, which leads to diseases, rotting of the roots. You need to water the seedlings as the soil dries out, every day it should be only slightly moist and well loosened. You can neither pour seedlings, nor, conversely, let it dry out when the soil moves away from the walls of the trays. Water must be defended for a day.


Of course, one of common causes the appearance of yellow leaves on fragile seedlings may be a disease.

  • Rot that occurs against the background of excess moisture. The solution is to reduce watering or transfer to new soil. Also keep an eye on room humidity and temperature.
  • Fusarium. It can also occur against the background of excess moisture and in the cold. Adjust watering, temperature. The seedlings are treated with "Fitosporin" twice in a row, after which they take a break of 14 days and repeat the treatment again.
  • Late blight. If the leaves begin to turn yellow and brown spots appear, then immediately spray them with a salt solution - 1/2 tablespoon of salt per liter of water. You can apply a solution of the drug "Trichopolum" in water. 10 tablets per bucket and pour 15 ml of brilliant green here. The same tool can be used to prevent diseases during flowering.

What to do if the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow

Let's summarize all of the above. You already know why tomato seedlings turn yellow, you could also understand what to do. We will talk about replenishing the deficiency of one or another element in the last section, but in all other cases everything is quite simple.

  • If you have flooded seedlings, then it is advisable to remove the seedlings from the ground and assess the damage on the roots. Then transplant into a new, well-drained and nutritious composition.
  • Keep the temperature in the room within 23-26 degrees.
  • If you notice yellowing, then you can immediately feed the seedlings with a complex preparation, if you know for sure that the reason is not in acidity, not in the bay.
  • If the earth is acidic, then you will have to transplant it into a new soil, having previously checked it with litmus.
  • If the seedlings began to turn yellow after picking, then shade it and only occasionally water it, let it get stronger.
  • If the seedlings are crowded, then rather divide them, and remember that the light needs to be thought out in advance.

Top dressing for tomato seedlings


This tool will help to form a good aerial part or simply green seedlings. The thing is that urea contains a lot of nitrogen - more than 45%. They begin to feed her seedlings after germination, then every 14-20 days. After picking, they stand for 10-14 days for seedlings to take root. Sold in stores in the form of white balls. Approximate consumption - 20-30 grams per bucket of warm water.

  • affordable price;
  • high concentration of nitrogen;
  • very fast effect;
  • simplicity and versatility in use;
  • disease prevention;
  • the possibility of using for foliar feeding.
  • nitrogen should not be given to plants during flowering and after, otherwise fruits will not be set;
  • it is important to observe concentration, as seedlings can get burned;
  • slightly acidifies the soil.

Manganese solution

They can make up for the deficiency of manganese in the soil. It is used as a foliar spraying - once every 7-10 days throughout the growing season. The solution should be slightly pinkish.

  • serves as an excellent preventive measure;
  • budget tool;
  • disinfects;
  • can always be used, and also for soil dressing.
  • high concentration can lead to the death of plants.


One of the oldest and most popular means. wood ash includes several elements at once - potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and others in smaller quantities. The recipe may look like this - a glass of ash is dissolved in a bucket of water, kept for 2 days. You can shed the area and use for spraying.

  • cannot be used as a complete feed, it is better to combine ash with organic matter;
  • the effect of top dressing is quite short, you will have to make it often.

Potassium nitrate

This top dressing contains not only potassium, which is needed by both seedlings and future fruits, but also phosphorus and nitrogen. They feed with saltpeter and seedlings, and bushes in the beds. The norm is 1% solution, top dressing is combined with watering. Dilute 10 grams per bucket of water.

  • well helps to fill the deficiency of elements;
  • can be used throughout the growing season;
  • affordable price;
  • disease prevention.
  • you must strictly observe the concentration and precautions, as you can get poisoning.

Yellowed leaves are the first signs that the plants are not comfortable. Yellow leaves seedlings may also indicate the appearance of the disease. There can be several reasons why tomato seedlings begin to turn yellow.

Yellowing of tomato seedlings is quite common. Strong seedlings suddenly begin to turn yellow, wither, spots appear on the leaves, the upper tips begin to curl. To get rid of these problems and help the plant recover, you should understand the cause of the appearance of a bad disease and take all necessary measures to prevent it.

There are many reasons for yellowing. In order to take action, you first need to figure out why the leaves began to turn yellow.

The most common mistakes in care and landing

Yellowed leaves signal the appearance of problems associated with the wrong care.

The main reasons are:

  • Lack of sunlight and excess moisture
  • Frequently sown seedlings
  • Micronutrient deficiency
  • High acidity of the soil
  • Lack of space after disembarkation

Often seedlings in the northern and middle regions suffer from a lack of light. Abundant watering exacerbates the situation, and the leaves begin to turn yellow.

Often sown seedlings also cause a lack of light. It grows, grows stronger, begins to block the sunlight with foliage.

Micronutrient deficiency leads to yellowing. Trace elements leading to yellowing:

  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Manganese

If the earth too salty the leaves will also start to turn yellow. Salt soil can be identified by white or yellowish spots that stand out on the surface of the earth - plaque.

Incorrectly selected container- the cause of yellowing. If the container is too small, the growing roots become crowded, the seedlings begin to hurt, the leaves turn yellow.

If the roots of the seedlings are crowded, the tomato can get sick

What to do if the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow

Having dealt with the causes of yellowing, consider ways to prevent them.

With a lack of sunlight, seedlings put on the sunny side window sills. For additional lighting, lamps are used that extend the daylight hours at home by 5 hours.

Seedling material must be watered properly.

Improper watering also leads to yellowing. With a lack or excess of moisture, the seedling material turns yellow. Watering is rare, but plentiful.

If planting is too frequent, shading occurs, transplanting into separate pots will help fix this.

    • If there is not enough nitrogen, the leaves turn pale, fall off, new ones grow smaller. Fertilizing with nitrogen will eliminate nitrogen deficiency.
    • If new leaves become curly, and older ones turn yellow and fall off, it is necessary to water or feed with potassium nitrate.
    • The leaves turn yellow between the veins - lack of magnesium. Spraying with magnesium nitrate will fix the problem.

The appearance of brown spots indicates a lack of zinc. New ones become stained, dry, fall off. A solution of zinc sulfate will correct the situation.

  • If they turn light green or even White color, seedlings do not have enough iron. Requires top dressing.
    The leaf lacks manganese, it begins to turn yellow at the base, turns staggered. In this case, you can fertilize and spray the plant with a solution of potassium permanganate.

If the leaves turn yellow between the veins, there is not enough magnesium.

The earth can become saline when watering with hard water or an excess of fertilizers. In this case, the earth is removed from the surface by 3 cm and watered with soft or rain water. It will be possible to feed only after a few weeks.

Seedlings that have turned yellow due to lack of space for the roots can be saved if they are planted in deeper and more spacious containers.


The cause of the appearance of yellow leaves of tomatoes can be the occurrence of diseases.

The appearance of yellow spots provokes fungal disease entitled fusarium. Leaves with this disease not only turn yellow, but also wither. The seedlings are sprayed with Fitosporin 2-3 times, after 1-2 weeks the procedure is repeated.

Often tomato seedlings are affected by the disease blackleg. It occurs with excessive watering. The roots become thin and black. To prevent the appearance of a black leg, the temperature regime and proper watering should be observed.

A common tomato disease that also affects eggplant, potatoes, peppers is called Phytophthora. Phytophthora occurs when excess moisture and low temperatures. Brown spots appear. Late blight develops very quickly, it is urgent to take action.

A solution will help to combat phytophthora table salt. To do this, 0.5 tbsp of salt is dissolved in 5 liters of water and the seedlings are sprayed.

Why leaves turn yellow

Understanding the reasons is not so difficult, if you pay attention which leaves of the seedlings turned yellow. There are several reasons for the yellowness of the lower leaves:

  • Overwatering
  • lack of light
  • Excess fertilizer

cotyledon leaves may turn yellow due to heavy watering. The roots of the plant begin to suffocate in the water and they begin to turn yellow.

Tops the tomato turns yellow with a lack of phosphorus.

There are other factors that can lead to yellowing of the leaves.

After transplant

Seedlings may turn yellow after transplanting. The fact is that the plant needs time to acclimatize in a new place.

In this case, shade it for a couple of days from the sun.

On the windowsill

If the seedlings are on the windowsill, the cause may be sunburn . In this case, it is necessary to protect it from direct sunlight.

After the pick

Leaves may turn yellow after picking. Some gardeners when picking too much damage to the roots seedlings, which leads to stress.

After landing in the ground

It is necessary to plant seedlings of tomatoes in soil containing a sufficient amount of copper, which is necessary for the normal growth of tomatoes. With a lack of copper, it begins to turn yellow.

In the open ground

AT open field seedlings may begin to turn yellow due to a lack of trace elements in the soil.

Yellowing may be caused weather . Too cold weather disrupts the metabolism of the plant. In hot weather and rare watering, tomatoes can get burned.

What is missing tomato seedlings

Seedling material must be constantly monitored, even a slight change in the color of the plant signals changes or even the onset of the disease.

Important feed properly and on time. The first time she is fed when the first true leaf appears. The second time - 7-10 days after picking.

What to feed

The first dressing is made from copper solution. Top dressing is carried out after one true leaf appears. To do this, prepare a solution of copper at the rate of 1 tsp. copper per 1 liter. water. Seedling material is watered with the prepared solution. Thus, seedlings will be processed from phytophthora.

For good growth seedlings need nitrogen. The second dressing is done 7-10 days after picking. For top dressing, urea is used. 1 st. l. urea per 10 liters. water. Abundantly water the seedlings with a solution.

Even the slightest changes should not be ignored, because this indicates improper care, and can also cause diseases. With the correct determination of the cause of yellowing, it will be possible to prevent problems and grow strong, healthy seedlings.

On any suburban area such a crop as a tomato grows. Tomatoes are usually grown seedling way. And this process is very time-consuming, requiring knowledge and accuracy. After all, even a recently sprouted sprout is subject to a lot of diseases and, if certain rules are not followed, an improperly created microclimate, it can die. The question of why the leaves of tomato seedlings dry is of interest to many vegetable growers, especially beginners. This article will consider the main reasons for this phenomenon and give recommendations for improving the condition of the plant.

Each summer resident should understand why the leaves on tomato seedlings dry up in order to prevent such a situation, as well as to eliminate it in a timely manner. Otherwise, there is a chance to ruin the future crop. An attempt to re-sow the seeds may fail, because there simply is not enough time. Yes, and there is a risk of making a mistake again.

Causes of fall of all leaves

The main indicator of tomato health is green mass.

Usually, an experienced farmer immediately sees why tomato seedlings are drying up, and, having taken appropriate measures, quickly corrects the situation. But as for beginners, they rarely manage to improve the condition of seedlings. Therefore, before engaging in seed germination, it is worthwhile to carefully study the features of tomato cultivation, as well as the problems that may arise in the process.

That's why the leaves fall off the tomato seedlings grown on the windowsill:

Causes of drying of the lower leaves

Often, the tomato seedlings dry the leaves located at the bottom of the plant. This is typical for pale seedlings. Lower ones first. Then they dry up and fall off. This situation raises many questions. Inexperienced summer residents cannot understand the reason for this state of the plant. In fact, everything is simple.

Why the lower leaves of tomato seedlings dry out is described below:

  1. Lack of nitrogen. At the same time, the bush becomes sluggish, the foliage becomes faded. New leaves are inconspicuous and small.
  2. Potassium deficiency. The lower leaves with a lack of this element turn yellow and dry.
  3. Excess moisture as a result of improper irrigation.
  4. Lack of lighting.

Thus, the deficiency of certain elements is main reason why the lower leaves of tomato seedlings fall most often. There is no need to worry too much here. The situation is quite fixable.

Causes of drying of the tips of the leaves

Sometimes gardeners observe the following situation: at the tomato seedlings, the tips of the leaves dry, turn yellow and curl. And there are many reasons for that. Consider the most common.

Why the tips of the leaves of tomato seedlings dry is described below:

  • Dry air in the house. To do this, pay attention to the condition of other plants. Perhaps they also dry out the tips of the leaves.
  • Salted soil.
  • Lack of an element such as potassium. This is usually characteristic of the soil, which is characterized by high acidity.

Thus, there are many reasons why the lower leaves of tomato seedlings dry out. And it is important to correctly determine why such a situation with seedlings occurred.

Other reasons for the poor condition of tomato seedlings

The temperature is too high - that's why the leaves of the tomato seedlings fall on the window. Probably the crate of sprouts is near a functioning battery. Then the container will need to be moved to another location. You can also try to isolate the container from the heat source with plywood sheets.

Sometimes, after picking, the farmer observes that the leaves begin to dry out. Most likely, the roots were damaged during the transplant procedure. What to do in this case, how to save tomato seedlings and bring them back to life? There is an exit. It is necessary to spray the plant with a weak solution of a mineral complex fertilizer.

How to save tomato seedlings?

When the leaves of tomato seedlings dry, every vegetable grower should know what to do. First, you need to determine the root cause of this condition. And already, proceeding from this, try to improve the situation.

Experts give such advice:

It is important to note that it is extremely difficult to fight fungal diseases, it is much easier to carry out prevention.

To do this, it is desirable to collect seeds for future seedlings from healthy, adult shrubs. It is even better to buy seed in a specialized store. Before sowing, it is good to pickle the seeds with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The container for seedlings should be disinfected. All instruments too. The soil should be of high quality, in which there is no infection.

Potassium deficiency is easily replenished by irrigating the soil with infusion on banana peel or ash infusion. Such top dressing is done three times a week. In order to avoid a problem with the fact that the lower leaves of tomato seedlings dry, one must be able to apply fertilizers correctly and on time.

  1. With a shortage of sunlight, seedlings should be moved to a more lit place. You can also create artificial lighting by installing a fluorescent lamp.

When the leaves of tomato seedlings fall off, inexperienced vegetable growers do not know what to do, which is why they often lose their crops, although it is quite possible to save the plant. For example, try transplanting sprouts into fresh soil. In any case, such a procedure will not harm. To perform this operation from the roots, you need to carefully remove the old earth. Roots should be carefully examined. If they turned yellow, turned black, rotted, you will have to throw out such seedlings.

If they are in good condition, continue transplanting. The soil should be light, with good aeration. It is advisable to pour a spoonful of manganese solution under each young growth.
Glasses with sprouts are placed in a sunny place. But, if tomato seedlings dry after transplantation, it must be placed in the shade for a while. Probably, the roots were damaged during the procedure. It is important to give them time to get stronger, take root. And then put it in a sunny place.

A situation often arises: a summer resident works on seedlings tirelessly, but even with sufficient watering, correct top dressing all the same, tomato seedlings disappear - few people know what to do in this case. Why are the sprouts in such a state if all the rules for growing are followed? Here it is important to check that the soil is not infected with fungal infections, viruses and other pathogens. Probably needs a transplant into new soil. You can try to defeat the infection by spraying with special industrial solutions against pests and fungi.

Conclusions about the poor condition of seedlings

Thus, it is easy to judge the condition of the bushes by the green mass. Often summer residents are faced with the fact that the lower leaves of tomato seedlings fall off, the sprouts wither, wither, fade, the leaves become stained. All this suggests that the rules of cultivation are not observed, there is no necessary for the plant microclimate, or there is a fungal infection, a virus. Therefore, you need to be able to determine the root cause and know, be able to restore its vitality.
