Weigela (49 photos): types, features of its planting and cultivation. Weigela garden in the flowerbed: planting and care Weigela species and varieties description

Early Bouquet Rose

Weigela, due to its decorative qualities, will become an unconditional decoration of any garden. Unfortunately, it is not often found in the territories suburban areas, but gradually wins more and more love of gardeners.

This is a winter-hardy deciduous shrub belonging to the honeysuckle family. In nature, there are 15 various kinds this plant. Three of them have taken root in Russia: early, Middendorf and blooming.

Plant flowering months May to June and August to September. The shrub at this time is covered with numerous lush inflorescences of pale pink, cream, boiling white, pleasant yellow and others. pastel colors. By the middle of flowering, the color becomes more saturated and bright.

Types and varieties of weigela in Russia

  • Weigela early grows on Far East, preferring rocky or forest soil. The shrub rises from 1.5 to 2 meters in height, has spherical crown, bright pink inflorescences with yellow tint in the throat, consisting of 2-4 flowers collected on one peduncle.
  • Middendorf reaches a height of 1-1.5 meters and has ascending shoots with bright green leaves. Inflorescences collected from 3-6 flowers on a common peduncle are yellowish in color with orange dots.
  • blooming- this tall shrub, which grows up to 3 meters, and the diameter of its crown is 3.5 meters. Large tubular flowers, pale pink with white color, collected in inflorescences. This species includes the following varieties:
  • "Purpurea" has brown-red leaves and dark pink flowers with a yellowish center. The height of the shrub is 1-1.5 m, the crown in diameter reaches 2 meters. On the winter time this variety requires shelter.
  • "Alba"- a 3-meter tall shrub with white-pink inflorescences.
  • "Variegata"- frost-resistant variety with small leaves, 2-2.5 m high. The flowers of the shrub are large, 3.5 cm in diameter, they are collected in juicy pink brushes.
  • "Nana Variegata"- this dwarf variety with white-pink or juicy pink flowers, good for alpine slides because it prefers rocky soil.
  • "Costeriana Variegata"low bush with yellowish edged leaves.
  • "Siebold argenteo marginata"- medium height variety with dark green leaves bordered with white, blooms with pink flowers. When grown in middle lane, shrub requires winter shelter because it is not winter hardy.


grow in Russia and hybrid varieties weigels, which have a height of 1 to 3.5 meters and a variety of colors of inflorescences. These include: Bristol Ruby, Gustav Malle, Debuss, Eva Rathke, Fieri Lemoine, Rosea, etc.

  • Best months for planting weigels, of course, are spring ones, as there is an active sap flow, which gives the plant strength for good rooting. It is possible to plant a shrub in the fall, in this case even winter-hardy varieties need insulation for cold weather.
  • Beneficial features weigels are in its decorative qualities. Its varieties are used in different ways - it can be single and group plantings, curbs and hedges. Throughout the summer, the shrub will be a true decoration of the garden, and during flowering it will simply become its pearl.

Weigela reproduction

Propagated by seeds and cuttings.



It must be remembered that seeds can only be stored for one year in a cool place, for example, in a refrigerator. In subsequent years, they lose their germination and become unsuitable for reproduction.

  • In spring, seeds are sown in flowerpots or boxes in nutrient soil consisting of garden soil, sand and peat. In order for the seeds to give friendly shoots, they create greenhouse conditions by closing the flowerpots with glass or film.
  • When the second pair of leaves appears on the shoots, they are seated in a separate bowl.
  • The annual seedling has one stem with 3-4 pairs of leaves, it grows up to 6-9 cm in height.
  • Next spring, flowerpots with seedlings must be taken out to open air and put in partial shade for hardening. In the second year, weigela grows up to 45-60 cm, and it can be planted in open ground.
  • The flowering of a shrub grown from seeds will occur only in the fourth year after sowing.

This breeding method is good for breeders when breeding new varieties. Under normal circumstances, it is better to use other methods.


shrub planting

If you want to grow a healthy beautiful bush, take into account many factors for his comfort. Need to choose favorable place for landing, provide suitable soil and care.

Location selection

For weigela, a place in partial shade or in the sun is well suited. It is better to choose a calm area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe territory so that the wind cannot damage the inflorescences.

It is necessary to plant seedlings at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from each other, taking into account the further growth of the shrub, for this it is necessary to provide for a sufficiently large plot of land.

Soil preparation

Loose is suitable for weigela, fertile soil. Therefore, it is best to prepare it yourself from leaf and sod land and humus, in proportions of 2: 1: 2.

Digging a hole is done in advance, it should be 50 x 50 x 40 cm in size. It is provided with drainage from broken brick, graphic or expanded clay, its layer is at least 10-15 cm. Further, nutrient soil is laid in it and a depression is made in the middle, which is filled with water.

Landing and transplant

  • Now you can plant weigela seedlings in the prepared hole or transplant mature plant. In any case, the root is set in such a way that the root neck remains at ground level.
  • When transplanting a shrub, you need to dig it out very carefully so as not to damage the roots. Then they are cleaned and examined, they should not have any pathological changes and raids. If they are available, it does not make sense to transplant; in this case, it is worth growing a seedling from a cutting.
  • After planting, the plant is watered and mulched with peat or sawdust.


In order for the cultivation of shrubs to be successful, they need to be looked after. Only when created for a plant comfortable conditions you can grow a chic bush that will delight the owners and guests of the site throughout the summer.


You need to start watering the weigela in early spring. At least 8-10 liters of water is poured under each bush. This is especially important to do if the winter was not very snowy.

If the summer turned out to be hot and dry, the shrub must be watered every other day, especially if it is planted in a sunny, open area.


Mulching is carried out immediately after planting, it is carried out with sawdust, peat or dry leaves. This layer will help retain moisture and make it easier for oxygen to reach the roots of the plant. During summer period this process is carried out 2-3 times.

Care after flowering

When the bush has faded, it is necessary to remove all inflorescences from it in order to next year, he again pleased with violent flowering. This period is best time pruning of the entire bush. For greater bushiness, all young shoots of the plant should be shortened by half.


If weigela does not bloom in due time, then everything has not been created for it. the necessary conditions. The case may not be enough nutrient soil or the wrong landing site.

You can try to correct the situation by applying special dressings, which are presented in a large assortment in flower shops, and also choose another place in the garden for the shrub.

Treatment for diseases and protection from pests

So that not a single row of leaves on the plant turns yellow, and aphids do not appear, which is the main pest for weigela, it is necessary to periodically prevent diseases. It consists in processing the shrub with the following solutions:

  • solution laundry soap+ 0.4% nicotine sulfate;
  • anabasin sulfate 0.2% solution;
  • trichlormegaphos 0.2% solution;
  • chlorophos 0.3%;
  • infusions of hot pepper, shag, garlic or onion.

(variety description, photo)

Weigela blooming French Lace Brigella- a small sprawling fast-growing shrub, up to 2 m tall, with straight, slightly falling shoots, variegated oblong leaves - a yellow stroke is undulating on the main green color. It blooms in June and then again with ruby ​​bells.
Decorative. Decorative due to the variegated elongated green leaves with a yellow edging and rich flowering ruby ​​flowers in the shape of a bell. Due to the characteristic repeated flowering, ruby ​​beauty can be observed throughout almost the entire summer.
Usage. Used for single and group landings, in flower garden compositions for contrast.
Plant characteristics. After flowering, it needs pruning, mulching with sawdust and drainage is necessary. Likes rich, moist soils. On the winter period shelter is needed.

How to buy flowering weigela seedlings French Lace Brigella
in the nursery "Siberian garden"

In our nursery, you can buy weigela seedlings of flowering French Lace Brigella at open marketplaces and in nursery stores. Addresses, work schedule, phones outlets see section "Contacts"(in the top menu).

Nursery "Siberian Garden" delivers seedlings in Russia. You can order plants in our online store at: order.site or follow the link in the top menu. Information about the conditions for placing orders, their payment and delivery of seedlings in Russia can also be found in the online store in the relevant sections.

Nursery Siberian Garden sells seedlings in bulk and invites for cooperation organizations involved in the sale of seedlings, landscape design, as well as organizers of joint purchases. The terms of cooperation can be found in the section "Wholesalers"(in the top menu).

Every gardener strives to ennoble his site with beautiful long-flowering plants. It is to these that the chic weigela shrub, which has become very popular recently, belongs.

Weigela is an ornamental shrub that belongs to deciduous species. The name of the plant was in honor of a German scientist, chemist, pharmacologist, botanist and owner botanical garden Christian Ehrenfried von Weigel. The homeland of weigela is considered to be Central Asia, which indicates the thermophilic culture. In the middle latitudes there will be proper cultivation frost-resistant varieties shrub.

Weigela shrubs have rarely growing cross-paired leaves, slightly oval in shape and serrated edges. Unusual bell flowers or gromophones, as they are also called, grow in inflorescences of 5-6 pieces and reach up to 5 cm in diameter. They have a very pleasant aroma and color scheme- white, all shades of pink, cream, purple and red. Weigela fruits look like a small round box, consisting of two halves, which is filled with seeds. Distinctive feature flowers can be called the ability to change its color several times during the flowering period - from light pink to bright red. Weigela, blooming in June-July, can bloom again in August, so you have a chance to enjoy the beauty of this plant for almost the entire season. Weigela, depending on the variety, can reach a height of 50 cm to 2-3 m. The shrub looks great as a border along the paths, and can serve as a hedge instead of boring fences.

How beautiful weigela blooms you can see in the photo:

Varieties and types of weigela

In total, weigela has about 15 varieties growing in Central Asia, in the Far East and even on the island of Java. We list the most popular of them:

  1. Weigela is early, it is also pleasant - it grows mainly in the Far East. It reaches a height of almost 2 m, has juicy green leaves and inflorescences of 3-4 flowers. bright pink color. The flowering period starts from the first days of May and lasts up to 30-40 days.
  2. Weigela Middendorf - a bush of medium height (1-1.5 m) has bright yellow single flowers with an orange center. The flowering period is May-June and July-August.
  3. Weigela hybrid is a profusely flowering bush of medium height (up to 1.5 m) with a wide dense crown. Flowers can be red, white, pinkish, purple and lilac shade. The most popular varieties:
  • weigela bristol, she is also weigela ruby ​​- a variety bred in the USA in the early 40s of the 20th century. The bush grows up to 3 m in height, the crown reaches 3.5 m in diameter. It has large bright green leaves. The flowers are bright red, one might say almost ruby ​​​​colored along the edge and with a bright orange center. The flowering period is June-July. Differs in rapid growth;
  • weigela "Red Prince" - a variety also bred in the USA. Bush up to 1.5 m in height with bright red flowers, which look almost ruby ​​against the background of juicy green leaves.
  1. Weigela Florida (blooming) - a shrub up to 3 m in height has inflorescences of 3-4 bright pink flowers. Flowering period - end of May - mid-June. It has several varieties:
  • weigela purple (red) - a bush of medium height (up to 1.5 m) with a wide dense crown. It has red-brown leaves and bright pink flowers with a yellow center. Flowering period - June-July;
  • "Nana Purpurea" - a complete reduced copy of the purple weigela;
  • Alba - dwarf species weigels. flowers white color from the moment of withering, they begin to acquire a pinkish tint;
  • "Variegata" - the most frost-resistant type of culture, has small green leaves and brushes of small bright pink flowers;
  • weigela pink - a low bush with flowers of a bright pink hue outside and white inside;
  • variety "Victoria" - a dwarf bush up to 1 m in height has red-brown leaves and flowers of almost crimson color.

Growing weigela

Weigela is not a particularly whimsical plant, but some knowledge and skills for those who want to grow crops will still not hurt.

Weigela reproduction

The plant reproduces in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

Cuttings are a more common method of propagation among gardeners. Weigela seeds are bred more often in nurseries.

Stages of cuttings:

  1. Do not use wood cuttings, otherwise you will have to wait a long time for the result - at least 5 years. For cuttings, young green shoots are more suitable.
  2. It is best to cut the cuttings in early June.
  3. Choose cuttings 10-12 cm long, cutting them at right angles with a sharp garden knife.
  4. There should be 2-3 leaves on the handle.
  5. Treat the cut shoots with a solution that stimulates growth and leave them in a darkened room at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C for 10-12 hours. Well, if you have a greenhouse, it will be most comfortable for cuttings to germinate in it.
  6. Later, prepared cuttings can be planted in peat-sandy soil to a depth of 0.5-1 cm so that they take root.
  7. Sprinkle the cuttings with sand and cover with foil.
  8. Be sure to moisten the cuttings 1-2 times a day. You can not water, but spray the seedlings.
  9. If you do everything right, then in 35-40 days the cuttings will take root.
  10. After 1.5-2 years, it will be possible to plant a plant on permanent place.

Stages of propagation by seeds:

  1. Weigela seeds do not require special preparation before planting.
  2. Collect fertilized soil mixed with sand in boxes and sow seeds in it.
  3. Sprinkle a small layer of sand on top and tighten with a film.
  4. After 3 weeks, the first shoots will sprout.
  5. When the first 2-3 leaves appear, the seedlings must dive.
  6. In spring, seedlings can be planted in open ground.
  7. Seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place, as in the case of cuttings - after 1.5-2 years.

Choice of location and soil

First of all, you need to decide on a place where the weigel will be comfortable, and choose favorable soil for it:

  1. The shrub prefers light or slightly shaded elevated areas protected from the wind most of all. tall trees or small buildings.
  2. Weigela loves fertile loose soils, and at the same time does not tolerate waterlogging. Try to plant the plant away from areas prone to flooding and prolonged water standing. From growing in the field with high level ground water it is desirable to refuse altogether.
  3. Weigela can't stand acidic soils, they must be quenched with lime.
  4. In dark areas, weigela blooms later, the flowering period is reduced or does not begin at all.

Planting weigela

Best of all, weigela takes root in the spring, from March to April. If you plant a shrub in the fall, it may grow slowly or even die. In case you managed to purchase seedlings in the fall, it is better to dig them in a reclining position and wrap the crown with foil until spring. If you plan to buy seedlings from a nursery, then choose bushes that are at least 3 years old.

So, planting weigela consists of the following steps:

  1. Dig up the selected area and add organic and mineral fertilizers, then dig the soil again.
  2. Dig a hole 50-60 cm deep.
  3. At the bottom, be sure to lay drainage in the form of gravel and sand with a layer of 15 cm.
  4. If you plant several bushes at once, then the distance between them should be at least 3 m for high grades and 1 m for dwarf weigela.
  5. Lower the seedlings into the hole without deepening root collar and cover it with earth.
  6. Pack and mulch the soil around the shrub, then water it.

Weigela, which is planted correctly, will quickly take root and bloom in the first summer season.

Weigela care

Weigela, despite not very troublesome cultivation, still needs a certain and regular care:

  1. Be sure to regularly moisten the soil, but do not overdo it so as not to kill the plant.
  2. Loosen the soil as often as possible, this will enrich it with oxygen.
  3. Regular weeding is required.
  4. Mulch the soil after each loosening and weeding, this will help reduce the amount of watering and the growth of weeds around shrubs. As mulch, you can use sawdust, tree bark or dry foliage, grass.
  5. Trim dry and frostbitten branches every spring and autumn.
  6. And, of course, you need to feed the bushes with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Shrub nutrition

If you have properly prepared the soil and fed it with fertilizers, then for the first 2 years you don’t have to worry too much, the bushes will have enough of all the necessary trace elements. After 2 years, feed as follows:

  1. Weigela needs the first feeding in the spring, after the snow melts. This will stimulate the growth of the plant, help to appear a large number young shoots. Apply a mixture of nitrogen, potash and phosphorus fertilizers to the soil. Before fertilizing the soil, be sure to read the instructions for each fertilizer so as not to harm the shrubs.
  2. The period of the second feeding is the end of May or the beginning of June, during the period of bud formation, but even before flowering. Apply superphosphates and potassium sulphate, nitrogenous fertilizers are not needed during this period, as they will slow down the maturation of the wood and may even cause plant rot. Superphosphates will help abundant flowering, and potash fertilizers will strengthen the branches, thereby preparing them for the winter season so that they do not suffer from frost.
  3. The third and last top dressing is carried out in the fall, after the shrubs have faded. The best fertilizer during this period will be wood ash(200 g per 1 sq. m). Add it to the soil and dig it up.

Shrub pruning

First 2-3 years young plant needs only sanitary pruning in case of frostbite or damage to branches. Further pruning of the weigela is carried out as follows:

  1. Frozen, damaged, weakened and diseased branches are pruned in early spring.
  2. At the end of each summer, after flowering, until young shoots begin to grow, decorative pruning is carried out, forming a shrub crown. In case of delay, postpone pruning until autumn, so as not to damage new branches, which may re-bloom.
  3. Every 3-4 years, it is necessary to rejuvenate shrubs by removing old branches that are more than 3 years old. Rejuvenating pruning protects the plant from diseases and pests that like to settle in the bark of old shoots.

Pest control

Like any plant, weigela is very attracted to various pests that serve as carriers of diseases. The most dangerous of them are:

  • aphids green and black;
  • leaf-eating caterpillars;
  • spider mites;
  • thrips;
  • Chafer;
  • bears.

These pests are especially dangerous for young shrubs. More often harmful insects are active in drought. But, since weigela no longer blooms during this period, they are not dangerous for flowers, but they can harm the foliage. If you notice aphids on the leaves or spider mite, process shrubs by special means. And here root system Weigela is constantly in danger. Remember, that:

  1. You can bring the larvae of the bear and the May beetle along with organic fertilizers.
  2. Carefully monitor the leaves of the weigela - if they begin to turn yellow and curl, then it is urgent to treat the root system: pour the soil at the roots with karbofos.
  3. If you know that a bear is found on your site, then add a bear tox when planting a weigela in a hole.

Preparing for winter

When the shrubs fade and the leaves fall from them, the period of preparation for winter begins:

  1. Cut off damaged and broken branches.
  2. Remove the fallen leaves and sprinkle the near-stem circle with earth, forming a mound 20-25 cm high.
  3. Tie the branches of the shrub and wrap them with oilcloth, burlap or cover with roofing material.

As you can see, weigela is not whimsical to grow and caring for it is simple. This beautiful and noble plant deserves to be grown in your favorite garden.

Growing weigela. Video

Weigela hybrid- Weigela hybrida Jaeg.

It has a graceful spreading crown and luxurious flowering. Shrub up to 1.5 m tall. It is especially beautiful during flowering. The flowers are tubular-funnel-shaped, solitary or collected in a loose inflorescence. They bloom on young leafy shoots. They are pink, purple, white, pinkish-violet and violet-carmine of various shades, have a delicate, pleasant aroma.

Under this name, several hybrid forms are combined that differ in the color of flowers and leaves. They are obtained as a result of crossings between species of weigel: flowering, garden, Korean and abundantly flowering. In horticulture, hybrid forms are used more often than wild species.

In Russia, the following varieties are popular among amateurs:

"Bristol Ruby" ("Bristol Ruby") - variety obtained in the USA in 1941. The height of the bushes is 2.5-3 m, the crown diameter is up to 3.5 m. The leaves are bright green, 6-10 cm long. The flowers are ruby ​​red at the edges, sometimes with an orange-red center. Blossoms in June-July, grows quickly.

Weigela "Bristol Ruby"
Photo by Andrey Ganov

"Gustav Malle" ("Gustave Mallet") - a hybrid between blooming and in Korean. Shrub up to 2.5 m tall. It has large (up to 5 cm in diameter) pink-carmine flowers with a wide white border. Blooms in late May for three weeks. In GBS since 1948, 3 samples (5 copies) were grown from seedlings obtained from Potsdam and from cuttings taken from collection plants. Height 2.8 m, crown diameter 250 cm plant grows from late April to October. The growth rate is average. Blooms in June. The fruits are not tied. Winter hardiness is high. 100% of cuttings take root when treated with phyton.

"Debussy" ("Desboisii") - a hybrid between garden and c. profusely flowering, with dark carmine small flowers. Blooms profusely in the second half of May for 20 days. Shrub 2.5-3 m tall. One of the early flowering varieties.

"Eva Rathke" ("Eva Rathke") - a hybrid between Korean and c. profusely flowering. Obtained in 1890 in Poland (Gdansk). Low shrub (0.7-1 m tall), compact, crown diameter 2-3 m. Leaves elliptical, pointed, 6-10 cm long, bright green. The flowers are red-carmine, tubular, shiny, lighter inside. Blooms in June-August, grows moderately fast. In Moscow winters with shelter.

"Fieri Lemoine" ("Feerie Lemoine") - bush up to 1 m high, flowers rather large, light pink. The origin of the variety is unknown.

"Rosea" ("Rosea")- a hybrid between blooming and in Korean. It has very large flowers with a spike-shaped limb, pink, slightly dazzled with white. The height of the bush is up to 1.5 m, the crown is spreading. Leaves are variegated red in autumn. This variety winters better than all the above, it needs only a little cover with a leaf.

Varieties are widely known abroad:

"Candida" ("Candida")- a hybrid between blooming and in Korean with pure white flowers. Shrub up to 2 m high. Flowers retain purity of color even during wilting. Blooms in the third decade of May. Flowering continues for three weeks.

"Styriaka" ("Styriaca")- a hybrid between Korean and c. profusely flowering with light green leaves and pink flowers 2.5 cm long, reminiscent of the color of strawberries. It blooms profusely in May-June, when the flowers fade, they become carmine. Flowering lasts 16-18 days. The height of the bush is 2-2.5 m, the diameter of the openwork crown is 3 m. It grows quickly. Winters with cover. Unlike other weigels, cut flowers remain fresh for a long time. In GBS since 1948, 1 sample (2 copies) was grown from seedlings obtained from Germany. Height 1.5 m, trunk diameter 150 cm plant grows from late April to October. The growth rate is average. Blooms from mid-June to early July. The fruits are not tied. Partially freezes over in winter. 100% of cuttings take root when treated with phyton.

"Newport Red ("Newport Red") - cultivar with bright green leaves and large flowers. The height and diameter of the crown of the shrub is about 3 m. The leaves are bright green. Flowers carmine red to purple. Corolla length 3 cm. Flowering time: June-July. Flowering time is about three weeks. It grows quickly, winters with shelter.

"Marc Tellier" ("Marc Tellier") - shrub up to 3 m tall. The flowers are very large, up to 5 cm in diameter, carmine-pink. Blooms from the end of May. Flowering time is 20 days. Flowers do not fade in the sun.

"Pierre Duchartre" ("Pierre Duchartre") - shrub up to 1.5 m tall. The buds are blackish. The flowers are medium in size, dark brown-red with a purple edge. Blooms in late May for three weeks.

Among the Weigel group with different leaf colors are interesting: f sieboldii argenteo-marginata - with white-bordered leaves and pink flowers; f. kosteriana variegata - undersized, with yellow-bordered leaves and pink flowers; f. nana variegata - white-and-white, dwarf, with almost white flowers, etc.

"Looymansii Aurea". A small shrub about 1 m high, a little wider. Leaves 5-8 cm long. At the beginning of summer they are pale yellow, and then turn green. The plant is also spectacular at the time of flowering in spring, when it is covered with pink flowers collected in a brush. This weigela is best planted in light partial shade, in the light it often suffers from heat.In light shade, it looks, although not as golden, but more attractive, since it does not “burn” in the sun.

Most hybrid forms can be cultivated in the southern and middle zones of the European part of Russia. Insufficiently hardy, needs shelter for the winter in central Russia. Likes moist, fertile soils.

(Weigela) is a deciduous shrub of the Honeysuckle family that can effectively decorate your garden. Weigela will delight with pink, red, cream, yellow and white bell flowers twice a year - in spring and at the end of summer. It is noteworthy that the color of the inflorescences during flowering is not the same: the newly opened corollas are pale, but gradually they gain strength and become brighter.

Planting weigela

The best time for landing is March-April. During the autumn planting, the seedlings do not have time to take root and die, so if you purchased plants in the fall, you should not rush - wait until spring. weigel in an inclined position and cover the crown with earth. When buying, take an interest in the age of the plant - specimens that are more than 3.5 years old adapt well to new conditions.

Flowering weigela sapling "Nana Purpurea"

Choose your landing area carefully. Weigela is photophilous, warmth and abundance of the sun are prerequisites for full development. Leaves and flowers are easily damaged by the wind - the planting site must be secure.

The shrub prefers loose, fertile soil, does not tolerate compaction and waterlogging of the soil. The soil should be regularly, preferably after each. If this is not possible, then cover the ground or.

To the bottom landing pit lay out gravel and sand with a depth of 50 cm (layer thickness - 15 cm), plant the bushes at a distance of 3 m from each other. Do not deepen the root hole. soil mixture should include sand, turf and humus in a ratio of 2:2:1.

Weigela reproduction

The most common way to propagate weigela is. Wood cuttings are ineffective, and the results will have to wait a long time - 5 years, so reproduction is most often used using green cuttings. It is better to carry it out before the start of kidney formation, i.e. in April-May. The length of the cuttings is 10-12 cm. Make the cut straight, leave two leaves on the handle.

After treatment with a growth stimulator - (150 mg / l of water), the shoots are left in dark room at +20°C for 12 hours. Then they are planted for rooting in a sand-peat mixture, sprinkled with sand and covered plastic wrap. Planting depth - 0.5 cm. Water the plant twice a day. Roots appear on the 25-40th day. It is recommended to transplant to a permanent place after 1.5 years.

A shrub with bright green leaves that persist even in winter, grows up to 3 m. Large tubular flowers, collected in small inflorescences, are pink at the edges and white inside. This type of weigela blooms in May - early June.

Reaches 1.5 m in height. The bells, located in semi-umbellate inflorescences, are first white, then pink, and then acquire a rich carmine hue. It blooms in early June, the duration of flowering is 10-15 days.

One of the fastest growing species, reaching 3 m in height. The drooping flowers are red at first, and then lose intensity and become light pink. Blooms in May.

Place plants better in groups of 3-5 copies, which are combined in color of corollas, size and shape of bushes and coincide in terms of flowering.

Weigela blooming "Nana variegata" in the garden

The space between the bushes can be planted, or.
