Caring for a myrtle tree at home. Myrtle: home care, photo of a houseplant, signs

We have already told on the pages of our Encyclopedia. Here we will talk about how to grow myrtle from cuttings to an adult tree.

Myrtle tolerates pruning and pinching well at any time of the year, with the difference that in an adult wintering plant that is at rest, without signs of growth, you can painlessly cut one branch onto a stalk, well, if you really need it - two, no more. And in a vegetative myrtle that continues to grow, you can safely drastically cut off the crown. The best time for cutting sprigs of myrtle for rooting - spring, end of winter. If you cut branches from a "sleeping" myrtle, they must be immediately transferred to conditions suitable for vegetation: warm (20-25 ° C), air humidity not lower than 50% and light (if necessary, additional lighting) - several hours of direct sun in the morning or evening.

For rooting, you can use branches from 7 to 15 cm, the optimal length is measured not in centimeters, but in a piece of the stem - rooting occurs in the semi-lignified tip of the cutting. It is clear that a 5 cm twig still has a green stem, it will simply fade. At the cut cutting, you need to cut off the lower leaves and put them on rooting in water or wet vermiculite.

As you can see, in the first variant, there is one handle in the cup, it is supported by a circle of a polyethylene foam cup cut to the diameter and cut to the center. It not only supports the cutting, but also prevents the water from evaporating too quickly. You can cut out such a circle from foam rubber.

In the second option, many cuttings are rooted in one jar. Not all of them will give roots.

What is the difference and how best to root? The fact is that if you got one single cutting, you must do as shown in the first photo. Moreover, the water must be very clean, boiled. Carefully observe the first two days - if the water remains clear, everything is fine, it just remains to wait until the roots appear. If the water turns cloudy, replace it with fresh water and add the secret ingredient to it. There is such a drug in the pharmacy Polyphepan (Polyphepan) - this is an adsorbent (black powder looks like dry earth), which will not allow water to deteriorate, prevent the development of bacteria, but does not interfere with the rooting of cuttings. It needs to be added half a teaspoon to half a glass of water.

Yuri Alexandrovich Markin shares his many years of experience (): If everything is in order with the water and the viability of the cutting, the roots form quite quickly - in the first week a callus forms (white bumps at the tip of the stem), and 2-3 weeks grow good roots. When they reach at least 5 cm, and more, it's time to transplant the cutting into the ground.

In the photo you see strong roots and the beginning of the growing season at the rooted cuttings of myrtle, but you need to plant it carefully in order to minimally injure the delicate root processes. Therefore, Yuri Alexandrovich ties the stalk to a peg. A peg stuck into the ground securely holds the cutting without deepening the root collar.

If the myrtle roots are strong, they take root instantly, and under conditions high humidity grow very fast. Thickened plantings in a common container require good ventilation of the room and timely seating in separate pots. Perhaps it is more correct to immediately plant the myrtle cuttings in separate containers, depending on the desired shape of an adult plant. If you plan to grow a dense bush, you can plant 2-4 cuttings together, if the myrtle is planned to be grown as a bole or as a potensay, then each cutting is a separate pot. Another option is the fusion of trunks, it also involves planting several cuttings in one container, but it requires some skill and preparation.

Is it possible to prune myrtle roots when transplanting rooted cuttings?

Yes, you can, if root system well developed, has many lateral roots of the upper part, then you can painlessly cut off the elongated roots. After cutting the roots, they should be sprinkled with a crushed tablet. activated carbon or ground cinnamon.

Pot dimensions for transplanting myrtle

How you choose the right pot for planting the cutting depends on its health, growth rate and appearance. Many tend to take pots with a large margin, but if the pot is large, after watering the earth will dry for a very long time, as a result, a salt effusion forms on the surface - a whitish or red coating of calcium and magnesium salts. The acidity of the soil in this case shifts to the alkaline side, in such an environment some nutrients are poorly absorbed and there is a high probability of root rotting. In a pot that is too small, especially when planting in pure peat, on the contrary, the root system of the plant can be very dry.

Here is an example, planting a rooted branch (stem thickness initially 2 mm), which has long grown, and the height has reached 75 cm from the ground.

Myrtle grew in a glass (200 g) for about two years. The thickness of the trunk at the root neck reached 6 mm. The earthen ball is almost completely mastered by the roots. If the roots of your cutting have grown only in the lower part, formed a "beard", or crawled out of the drainage holes, and the upper part of the pot has not been mastered by the roots, it makes sense to cut off those roots that stick out of the holes of the pot, or those that curled on spiral bottom, displacing all the soil. After that, you need to transplant the young myrtle again into the old pot. It can be transplanted into a new one only when the roots fill the entire space of the pot.

Myrtle formation

The formation of a myrtle tree occurs constantly. Trimming the ends of the shoots can be carried out repeatedly during the spring-summer season. You can grow a myrtle tree in a completely free style, shaggy bush. You can form a stem or another style. But first you need to imagine the image you want to strive for.

A myrtle tree blooming with pink buds (on the right in the photo, Pavel Karpenkov) is so beautiful not because of extreme unpretentiousness, but because it is grown in ideal conditions for it: it stands in an area where the illumination is close to sunny, the humidity is under 90% and the temperature is 24 °C It is watered every 2-3 days (does not dry out and is not flooded). Planted in soil with a mixture of akadama and sand and some soil for seedlings. Drainage is high - myrtles do not like waterlogged roots. Spray it every day.

Important: when wintering in cool and, especially cold conditions, spraying is not required, and watering is scarce.

With the help of a wire, you can pull the branches in the right direction, they are quite plastic even in adulthood. But old branches covered with brown bark can be bent gradually, smoothly, over several months.

Please note that while the myrtle tree is gaining thickness of the trunk, it does not need to be planted in a bonsai pot, the pot space is needed for the plant to disperse the trunk.

From personal experience, Borya: My myrtle grows on the northwestern window, but it will not be possible to form a spherical crown without additional lighting. I use this technique: as the branches lengthen, I tilt the largest of them to the sides almost to a horizontal position, and fix them with wire. Then, along the entire length of the branch, new shoots begin to appear from sleeping buds (before that they were in the shade), and the entire branch turns out to be densely leafy.

The size of the pot should correspond to the size of the root system and increase as the earthen clod is braided. It all depends on how many roots the myrtle has. In my opinion, it is better to take a cramped dish than a spacious one, since in the second case, part of the earth may turn sour and become unusable even before the roots have time to penetrate into it.

I prefer to plant myrtles in a mixture of some peat soil with coarse sand, in a ratio of 1: 1. Of the purchased ones, in my opinion, you can use the Cactus mixture, as the most porous and suitable for most plants.

What needs to be done to give the myrtle the appearance of a tree from a cutting

From personal experience, Borya: You need to choose the largest, central, and, most importantly, the branch of the bush you like best and cut off all the rest. It is convenient to do this with small scissors for cutting nails. Leaves need to be removed and side shoots from below to the height of the proposed trunk. This will result in a smooth trunk, which will slowly thicken.

Since, when growing in a "bush", the branches touch and, as it were, "support" each other a little, then, "left alone", this branch may for some reason be bent (from accidental grazing, or as a result of tilting towards the light, for example ). Therefore, a support in the form of a peg stuck nearby is desirable for her.

As a result, the growth of shoots on the upper leafy part begins. Those shoots that do not appear on the "crown", but on the stem, must be removed (otherwise a bush will turn out again). When the stem reaches a thickness of about 0.5 cm, the support can be removed.

Bamboo skewers (3-4 mm thick and about 30 cm long) are very suitable for the role of sticks for props. The peg should be located, in relation to the plant, from the side of the room or on the side, so as not to obscure.

Myrtle - bonsai

Many people want to have a miniature myrtle tree in a bowl, but before the myrtle trunk gains thickness (from 1.5 cm or more), there is even no question of transplanting into bonsai trees. And all plant material with which work is being done on the formation is called potensay.

An example of such work from Yuri Alexandrovich Markin:

Bonsai style Sokan

And this is Potensai - the style of Sokan "Twin Trunks". 2-3-year-old plants grown from rooted cuttings are used. Rearranged from wintering to prepare for the spring growing season - pruning and shaping to suit bonsai styles. The skeleton and stems of the first potensai are shaped in the Sokan style with ligatures and stretch marks. The height of the workpiece in the final form - 28 cm:

Formation work continues. Myrtle has its own subtleties, says Yuri Alexandrovich - fragile wood and loose bark, although, when broken, it grows together remarkably.

Before all the manipulations, I take a long shower, so that soak fabrics. When bending vertical and rather plump branches at an angle of 90 °, I sort of knead the near-stem area between my fingers - I crush it like a joint on a finger.

Next, I begin to apply a ligature to the trunk and wind up the wire on the branch to be bent. Then, the branch, together with the wire wrapped in two turns, I begin to slowly bend. Under the branch, you can substitute a screwdriver and create an emphasis at the bend. After bending the branch by more than 90 °, I rewind the ligature with the branch fixed in the desired position.

Also, it is possible to perform a directed fracture, i.e. break a branch and wrap it around with raffia, and then apply a ligature (the main subtlety is not to break it completely when applying raffia and ligature, skill and a sensitive tactile sensation of the material are required).

You can apply another way to thick branches. Make a crescent cut under the branch, in the place of the intended bend, to the middle or 2/3 of the thickness of the branch. The cut is made in thin sections with adjustment (bending and refining the position of the branch in the final form), if not enough, then another thin fragment is removed from both sides (such as slices).

Further according to the scheme - winding with raffia and applying a ligature. If it's hard to bend copper wire in insulation with a cross section of 2.5 mm, then you can put two wires of 1.5 mm each or several wires of an even smaller cross section folded together - an example is the photo above (lower left corner), the coil of wire in the photo with myrtle. This wire can be used for both ligatures and stretch marks.

Bonsai Ikadabuki style

Another example of work on the formation of myrtle bonsai in the Ikadabuki style from Gennady Boronin (). The author also modestly calls it only an attempt at formation: "2 years trying to become a bonsai." The height of the myrtle tree is 27-30 cm.

Photographs and materials used: Yu. A. Markin (YUM), Borya, Natali, barsuchok, Alexander, P. Karpenkov (beomaster), G. Boronin (Genn).

Common myrtle is an evergreen plant, sung in myths. It conquers with the aroma of flowers, shiny green leaves and the ability to create a bush, tree or bonsai from it at home. In a closed circuit of greenhouses, apartments, offices, the common myrtle flower is grown. It is believed that this is a paradise tree that has taken root on earth.

What conquered the myrtle of indoor flower growers

In the Mediterranean, myrtle is a tree up to 4 meters high. All parts of it are healing, not for nothing that the name is translated as a balm. Indoor myrtle ordinary preserved beneficial features. Only growth became lower, more than a meter in height in room conditions does not rise. But obedient branches can be directed according to the designer's idea and even grow a small grove of trees on a tray. Common myrtle, a flower, you can look at photos of its compositions endlessly.

Many years will pass, jewelry work will be required before the master creates such a miracle from a bush. This is art. But it is not easy to grow a simple fragrant bush of myrtle. In Germany, every girl used to take care of her tree from a very young age. When she got married, the flower became the talisman of a young family. The more beautiful the bride had myrtle, the more family happiness prophesied to this family. Such an understanding could also be a subtext. If a girl has already found an approach to a flower, she will also understand her husband, tame her, and there will be happiness in the family.

Myrtle is known as a cult plant not only in ancient greece. It is a symbol marital fidelity, peace and tranquility in the house and now. Wedding wreaths of myrtle and rose ropes symbolize the fidelity of the spouses.

Myrtle brings health to the house. The leaves of the culture emit a pleasant smell, the flowers are fragrant. Scientists have determined that a small bush destroys up to 80% of microbes flying in the air. The smell of a flower on all the inhabitants of the room has a calming effect - pacifies!

For colds, steam inhalations with ordinary myrtle leaves are useful. And when the plant blooms with white and pinkish flowers, it is impossible to look away from it. Its dried berries are a spice.

Myrtle ordinary, caring for him at home

It is not easy to create conditions under which a plant thrives, sharing a home with a person. Myrtle is a special plant. He requires love and care more than other window sill dwellers.

The main task for the development of a flower is to be able to provide it with cold wintering. In a city apartment with central heating there is hardly a bright corner with a temperature of about 10 degrees. A closed loggia or balcony can save the situation, where in winter you can keep an ordinary myrtle plant.

Let's start with the fact that we bought a flower in a store, grown in distant Holland. beautiful tree conquered with its bright foliage, healthy appearance.

But a little time passed, and it became clear that the leaves were beginning to dry out and fall off. And although there are a lot of them, the bush is still fluffy, but the urgent need to see what's with the roots made me carefully remove it from the container. There, among the tangle of tangled roots, there was almost no earth. Incomprehensible composition, similar to household waste and granules of some substance, probably fertilizer, which the plant feeds on. It is necessary to transplant the myrtle, this is a common practice for all purchased flowers, transplanted after a two-week quarantine.

Common myrtle care includes the following:

  • transfer;
  • pruning;
  • content temperature;
  • mode of watering, wetting of leaves, fertilizer;
  • elimination of problems.

Plant transplantation is carried out in a pot with a good drainage hole. The pot is taken larger than the one in which the plant is settled. The roots are freed from the substrate and planted in new land the required composition. Do not bury the trunk. Create a drainage layer of at least 5 cm. Half of the soil composition consists of soddy soil, the second half represents equal shares of peat, sand and humus. In the future, a flower transplant should be done by transshipment if the myrtle does not dry out and the roots are healthy.

Pruning or pinching the growing crown is necessary so that the branches do not stretch and the plant is compact. After spring pruning the plant quickly releases young foliage and begins to bloom.

Cut off tops can be rooted, getting young myrtles. The cuttings are germinated in water, then placed in light soil under a cap until new leaves begin to be released.

The room where ordinary myrtle is kept should be bright, with good air exchange. The direct rays of the sun will dry the foliage and it will begin to fall off. In summer, the plant likes to be on outdoors. In winter, the room should also be bright, cool, with high humidity.

Water the plant sparingly, but often, so that the ground is constantly moist, but not wet. Water should not contain chlorine and hardness salts. It is better if it is filtered in a jug with carbon cartridges. Regular spraying, a tray of moss will help keep desired humidity around myrtle.

Myrtle ordinary should not be allocated a place in the bedroom. His essential oils act excitingly, and restful sleep will be disturbed. For the same reason, drugs from myrtle should not be taken at night.

Twice a month during the period of warm keeping, from March, fertilizing watering should be done. If a green tree is grown or a bonsai is formed, fertilizers are taken for ornamental houseplants. For flowering bush you need to take a different composition, with a predominance of phosphorus salt.

The plant rebels and sheds foliage if the following conditions are created for it:

  • the sun's rays burning the crown;
  • non-compliance with the water regime and microclimate;
  • warm wintering;
  • lack of light in summer and winter;

He regards all this as a lack of love and drops the leaves.

Is it possible to revive a dying plant

As soon as drying, falling leaves become noticeable, you need to arm yourself with a magnifying glass. Perhaps on your flower wound up spider mite. The first sign will be yellowing of individual leaves. It can settle if the leaves are rarely moistened, and the air in the room is dry. If the yellowing of the leaves is massive, then the reason may be overflow and rotting of the roots.

If there are live branches, the plant must be reanimated. First of all, revise the roots, remove all damaged ones. Sprinkle the places of cuts with crushed coal, then with Kornevin. Free the ground part from the leaves, perform a deep pruning. Leave only live branches. Take the land for planting light so that it does not hold water. Frequent watering make water with microdoses of Kornevin. And wait, perhaps the plant will come to life. It is better not to bring the flower to such a state.

The content of the myrtle of an ordinary house - video

An evergreen shrub called myrtle is known to almost everyone. There are many legends about this plant; it is mentioned in the legend of Adam, who, after being expelled from Paradise, came to earth, taking with him a branch of this tree from the Garden of Eden. Ancient myths repeatedly mention the myrtle wreath of Aphrodite. For many peoples, myrtle was considered a symbol of peace, love, kindness and recognition, and personified moral purity and sublimity. Today, this flower is grown in any corner of the planet, if necessary, creating favorable conditions for its development.

motherland exotic plant considered the Mediterranean and the Middle East. In nature, myrtle reaches a height of three meters and adorns parks and gardens in warm regions. And in countries with temperate climate myrtle will not be able to develop on the street, so it is grown at home.

Description of myrtle and its features


Myrtle is an evergreen tree-like shrub and belongs to the Myrtle family. Today there are more than 100 varieties of this plant. The leaves of each of them have their own shade and shape; fruits also differ in color.

grown at home common myrtle, which decorates the interior like an ornamental tree. Plant height varies between 30–50 cm; occasionally the tree reaches 1 meter.

Straight branching stems and the opposite arrangement of small oblong leaves on them form a rounded crown. AT flowering period the plant pleases with white, light pink or cream flowers, which are simple and double and are located on long pedicels. Blue-black berries with a pleasant smell appear closer to autumn. Myrtle can be propagated by cuttings or seeds that are in ripe fruits.


The leaves of the shrub are known as a source of essential oils. The content of phytoncides in them contributes to air purification in room. They have a beneficial effect on the mood and performance of a person. Myrtle shrub is purchased even for the prevention of colds and to reduce allergic reactions.

Many girls and women are familiar with healing properties essential oil from myrtle, which helps in cleansing and maintaining skin health. It is added to the compositions of creams, gels and shampoos, mixed with other oils.

Myrtle berries are used as food, and also added to medicinal tinctures.

It should be remembered that the myrtle shrub can be dangerous. In sensitive people, it causes bouts of nausea and headaches due to its pleasant, but strong smell. Yes, and other people are advised to keep it in the kitchen or in the living room, but not in the bedroom.

Necessary conditions for growing myrtle of an ordinary house and caring for it

Myrtle ordinary does not require complex care, but, like any plant, it needs certain conditions for development.

flower prefers moderate temperature at + 21–25 degrees. It is better to grow a plant on the windowsill of an east, west or south window. Insolation will not harm the shrub; myrtle needs sunshine. But for room myrtle the aggressive sun will be dangerous, from which it should be protected at least with a curtain. On the northern windowsill, the shrub slows down its development; flowering is not observed in this direction.

Myrtle is not afraid of drafts. A well-ventilated room will be favorable for him.

Indoor shrub needs high humidity , which distinguishes his homeland with a subtropical climate. In warm seasons, the tree needs abundant watering, but with the obligatory drain from the pan excess moisture so that the root system does not rot. spray the leaves follows every day; we must not forget to carry out the procedure on especially hot days, otherwise the plant may dry out due to the overdried substrate. Water must be defended or filtered so that there is no lime in the soil, which can kill the plant.

From the beginning of spring to the end of summer, they feed indoor myrtle complex fertilizers every two weeks. You can use mineral and organic supplements, but in moderation.

rest period

The tree blooms from summer to autumn. When cold weather sets in, the active vegetation of the shrub slows down. The degree of watering the plant is reduced (only once a week) so that when low temperatures there was no hypothermia of the shrub. Also stop feeding the plant. Optimum temperature in winter period for him it will be + 5–10 degrees. A glazed balcony without heating will be an excellent place for wintering myrtle.

In a room with a higher temperature and a dry atmosphere, it is necessary to water the plant more often and spray its crown. If there is not enough moisture, this is expressed in wilting and dropping myrtle leaves. Recovery houseplant should improve care measures behind him, otherwise by the summer it will not bloom.

pruning myrtle

A beautiful and neat crown of a tree can be achieved by pruning the shoots. The shape of the crown can be any, it all depends on the wishes of the owner of the plant. Some create a whole composition, turning an ordinary shrub into an exotic and extraordinary tree.

Plant handles pruning well, which is performed every two years in the spring, when active vegetation has not yet begun. In summer, only young shoots are pinched.

Pinching and pruning of shoots should occur with additional feeding without chlorine in the composition. It is not advised to get involved in frequent cutting of myrtle: pruning can aggravate the formation of flower buds.

Myrtle transplant

A tree-like shrub is characterized by a slow growth of the root system. An adult plant is transplanted in the spring of just once every 3-4 years into a larger container. Young myrtle is transplanted annually.

The tree is transplanted by transshipment so that the root system is not injured.

Reproduction of myrtle at home

Myrtle at home is propagated in two ways:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds.

Plant propagation by cuttings

Rooting pot is selected low and wide. You can buy a ready-made soil mixture or cook it yourself. To do this, take leafy soil and sand in a ratio of one to two. The temperature of the finished soil should be + 18–20 degrees.

Cuttings should be cut from side shoots 7–9 cm long. The lower leaves are removed. For processing the cut, Kornevin or Heteroauxin is used. The cuttings are planted in the ground and covered with a bag or glass, which must be lifted from time to time so that the plants breathe.

Rooting takes place during two to three weeks. Then the cuttings are planted in different pots.

Myrtle from seeds at home

The seed method of propagating myrtle is not as popular as cuttings. This is explained by the fact that when propagated by seeds, myrtle loses some generic characteristics. Seed germination is very slow. The first flowers should be expected only after 3-4 years.

The substrate is a mixture of peat and sand in the same ratio. The soil is poured into a pot and watered. Additionally, a fungicide can be applied. Seeds are distributed on the surface of the substrate and covered thin layer earth. Having made greenhouses using glass or a bag, the pot is placed in a room with a temperature +18–21 degrees. Airing is done regularly, while maintaining the required level of humidity.

Seeds germinate in 1-2 weeks. Dive sprouts into pots occurs when they have two leaves of sufficient size. The soil is made from turf or peat land with sand. Seedlings are transplanted by transshipment.

Fertilizing starts one month after transplant plants in separate containers.

The shrub can be propagated by seeds already in February with the organization of additional illumination, then by the summer with proper care the plant will develop well.

Why myrtle dries up

Usually, drying of indoor myrtle occurs if it is not properly cared for. The main reasons for this:

Myrtle diseases

In addition to drying, myrtle can get sick from other factors.

  • Excess moisture. If water is not drained from the pan, the root system begins to rot, a fungus appears in it and bacteria begin to multiply. With the rapid development of the disease, the death of the plant occurs. Therefore, it is necessary to remove excess moisture in time.
  • insect pests. Aphids, scale insects and spider mites suck the juices from the plant and damage all its parts. Leaves curl or appear on them dark spots. It is necessary to frequently inspect the myrtle in order to notice the appearance of pests in time and treat the tree with an insecticide. If necessary, processing is done twice.

Proper care of myrtle at home contributes to its good development without disease and abundant flowering in summer time.

Amateur flower growers manage to grow the most exotic ones on their windowsills, whose homeland is hot tropical countries. Small evergreen trees in pots look very beautiful, pleasing to the eye with their bright foliage all year round.

Myrtle is a member of the Myrtle family. Its branch has long been considered a symbol of peace and silence. The tree got its name due to the aroma exuded by the leaves containing essential oils. These oils are used to make church incense.

Myrtle was revered by the ancient Greeks and Jews. The plant is often mentioned in biblical stories. The world branch is a required attribute wedding bouquet bride belonging to the British royal family.

The shrub is common in the countries of Southern Europe, North Africa, Western Asia. It can be found in the Caribbean and Florida.

Myrtle blooms with small white or pinkish flowers, sitting singly. After flowering, small white or black with blue berries form on the shoots. Each fruit contains up to 15 seeds.

Scientists know three types of Myrtaceae, including Saharan myrtle and common myrtle.

The plant prefers bright diffused lighting, therefore, placing it on the windowsill, it is advisable to choose eastern or west side. But the tree should still be protected from direct sunlight.

Myrtle grows well in light-drained fertile soil. For landing, you can buy ready soil or mix in equal proportions soddy soil, sand, peat, humus.

The shrub has a pronounced rest period, which falls on winter time. These days, it is required, if possible, to place it in a room with an air temperature of 10-13 ° C and occasionally water it, preventing the soil clod from drying out. Such wintering will provide more lush bloom next summer.

The rest of the time, myrtle requires more careful care. The earth in a pot with a plant should not dry out, but stagnant moisture should not be allowed either. At low humidity in the room, the shrub should be periodically sprayed with soft settled water. In summer, the tree can be taken out on the street and left in a container or buried with it in a well-lit place, protected from drafts.

During the period of vegetative growth, myrtle is required. If flowering is required from a tree, phosphorus and potassium should predominate in fertilizers. Nitrogen is needed for leaf growth. You can use universal fertilizer for decorative and deciduous houseplants.

Propagation by cuttings

One of the popular and simple ways obtaining new specimens - propagation of myrtle by cuttings. This method is most effective in late summer and spring. In autumn, the chances of rooting sprouts are reduced.

From one of the shoots of an adult tree, a green or semi-lignified cutting 12-15 cm long is cut with a sharp knife, from the lower part of which the leaves are cut off. Green shoots take root faster. The stalk can be stored in a damp rag for a day if it is not possible to immediately implement it.

The base of the shoot is treated with a root stimulator and placed in a container with a mixture of perlite and vermiculite.

For successful rooting, the sprout needs to create almost absolute humidity. For these purposes, you can use a glass or plastic container, which is covered with a stalk from above. The container must have drainage holes to release excess moisture.

The cutting is planted to a depth of 3 cm. The substrate at its base is compacted. The container is placed in a warm shaded place. In the hot time of the day, it can be ventilated by removing the upper part for a short while.

Within a month, subject to necessary conditions the stalk takes root. In this case, the plant can be planted in a permanent container. Drainage is poured on its bottom in layers. different size- first large, then smaller. Expanded clay, gravel, broken brick, Styrofoam.

On top of the drainage layer is densely poured - a mixture of vermicompost, hardwood soil and perlite. The plant is planted vertically, pulling at the base of the trunk. The soil is abundantly moistened. Excess water is drained, and the settled soil is filled up with a new layer. Spread a small amount of vermiculite on top.

For the first time, the escape needs to be provided with greenhouse conditions by covering it with a glass jar or a cut top plastic bottle with cap. Periodically, the greenhouse is opened for a while so that the plant gradually begins to harden. After a month, the bottle (jar) can be removed.

Cuttings can be rooted in water. The container with the escape is placed in the shade warm place. Within 1.5 months, the root system will begin to develop. After that, the plant can be planted in a container with soil.

Myrtle, obtained from the cutting, will begin to bloom in 2-3 years.

Reproduction by seeds

Another way of division is myrtle reproduction. This method is more time consuming and is less in demand among amateur flower growers.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the shelf life of seeds. If their age is more than a year, then germination is significantly reduced.

To increase germination, stratification is carried out - the artificial creation of a dormant period, after which the plant must come out of hibernation. To carry out the procedure, take a small container and plastic bag, pour sand or vermiculite there and moisten. Then mix it with seeds.

On one's own harvested seeds it is necessary to pickle with potassium permanganate (1 g of the substance per half a glass of water) during the day. Sand used as soil should be calcined or also spilled with potassium permanganate or preparations for disinfection.

The mixture of inoculum and substrate is placed in a refrigerator for 2 months at a temperature of 0 to +4ºС. The container must be ventilated periodically. Some gardeners recommend alternating periods of cooling with heating - keep the seeds in the refrigerator at night, and leave them on the windowsill for the day.

Later specified period cold-aged myrtle seeds are planted in light soil or peat tablets. From above you need to pour a thin layer of soil 1-2 mm thick. myrtle is very photophilous and germinate in good light.

The soil is moistened, the container with crops is covered with glass or film and placed on the windowsill at a temperature of +20 to +25ºС. Seeds periodically need airing. Seedlings will appear in 1-2 weeks. After the appearance of the first sprouts, they need to provide additional lighting.

When the seedlings throw out 2 true leaves, they are picked. The top is pinched, and each sprout is transplanted into a separate container. After 1-1.5 months, seedlings can be planted in permanent containers.

Myrtle, grown from seeds, usually blooms only in the fifth year of life.

Transplant and pruning

Young plants need to be replanted every year. This procedure is carried out before the flowering period. A container is selected for planting, slightly larger than the previous one. Optimal Width its - 2 times less than the diameter of the crown.

Myrtle transplantation is carried out by transshipment. The soil is moistened. The plant is carefully taken by the trunk and pulled up.

Together with an earthen clod, it is installed in a new container. The soil is filled up and slightly compacted.

Adult plants are transplanted less often - every 3-4 years.

AT vivo Myrtle communis usually grows up to 3-5 meters in height. In apartments, this flower has a height of 50-60 centimeters, occasionally it can grow up to 1 meter.

The plant is a tree with whole dense leaves up to 5 centimeters long, from which essential oils are obtained. The latter are widely used in the perfume industry and medicine.

Myrtle is popular in interior design in apartments and offices, creating a landscape on household plots. It grows slowly compared to other indoor plants - with favorable conditions its annual growth can be only 10-15 centimeters.

It tolerates pruning well, so overgrown flowers can be cut, including to give the crown the necessary shape.

Myrtle communis has medicinal properties. Essential vapors can kill up to 80% of indoor microbes, including those that cause tonsillitis and tuberculosis. It is actively used in homeopathy.

A photo

You can visually familiarize yourself with the Myrtle Communis flower in the photo below:

Home Care

Mirt communis does not require special care at home. A flower is demanding in terms of creating for it optimal conditions, and may not forgive the owner for forgotten watering, lack of top dressing or too dry air.

Features of care after purchase

Myrtle is very sensitive to conditions during the period of adaptation. So, the flower quite often sheds leaves after purchase, due to the change of greenhouse conditions to indoor ones. In this case, it is recommended to spray it succinic acid or "Epin", and temporarily placed under the package.

Next, the plant needs to be ventilated every day (avoid drafts!), Provide diffused bright light. During the adaptation period, try not to change either the lighting, or the irrigation regime, or the frequency of spraying.


For the successful development of common myrtle, it needs to ensure the flow a large number scattered light. It will endure short-term exposure to direct rays without problems, but when placing the pot on the south side of the apartment, you need to think about additional protection in summer period.

ATTENTION! The optimal location of the myrtle is on the western or eastern side. There he will receive a sufficient amount of light without the risk of burns. You can put it on the north window, but this may affect the quality of flowering.

By the flower, you can immediately determine the lack of light - its branches will be thin, the leaves will become small, sparse and acquire a light green hue. When transferring myrtle from a dark zone to a more illuminated one, it should not be done abruptly - it must be gradually accustomed to an increased amount of light.


For growth in summer, a moderate temperature is needed - within + 18-20 degrees. And here in winter, on the contrary, it is desirable to provide myrtle with a temperature of + 6-8 degrees. In this case, in the summer it will bloom profusely and beautifully.

If the owner does not have the opportunity to create such conditions for the wintering period, then the plant may well spend this time in a normal room, but then it must be carefully watered and sprayed.

Without it in winter, the flower will most likely lose all the leaves, but this is not dangerous. It is important to continue watering and in the spring it will turn green again, however, it will not bloom this year.

Air humidity

Myrtle communis loves moisture, and therefore from spring to autumn it must be constantly sprayed. In winter, subject to room temperature, it is not required.


It is necessary to produce only settled water, do not use chlorinated or hard water. In the period from spring to autumn, abundant watering is carried out when it dries up. upper layer soil. In winter, subject to the conditions for temperature (+6-8 degrees), watering is rare, limited, otherwise thorough. It is impossible to allow the transformation of the earth into a dry lump, but if this happens, it is recommended to immerse the pot in water entirely.

Also for myrtle, excessive watering and stagnant water in a pot are detrimental- this can lead to rotting of the root system, damage to it by bacteria and fungus. After watering, the water from the pan must be drained.

ATTENTION! A good guideline for the need for watering is the tips of the branches. At that moment, when the earth begins to dry out, they sink down. If you skip watering, then the branches will finally wilt and the plant will shed its leaves.


Myrtle blooms with fragrant white flowers that appear in early summer. The intensity of flowering may decrease from unfavorable wintering conditions, excessive shearing of young plants. Grown from seed, he begins to bloom from 3-5 years of age.

Pollination can be done with a brush. If the procedure was successful, then dark blue juicy berries appear in the fall. When ripe, seeds can be obtained from them, which are later used for reproduction.

Fertilizers (top dressing)

To stimulate growth, fertilizing can be done from spring to autumn, once every two weeks. It uses organic or mineral fertilizers. In winter, fertilizing is not necessary. It is not advisable to use mixtures containing lime. After transplanting, fertilizer application must be suspended for 1-1.5 months.


The best time for this is early spring, before the flowering period begins. Young plants need to be repotted every year, choosing a pot 2-3 centimeters larger than the previous one. It is important during the operation not to bury the base of the trunk into the ground. In the future, you can carry out the procedure once every 2-3 years, changing the upper and lower layers of the soil, filling up fresh drainage. Optimal composition soil - one part of peat, humus and sand, and two parts of soddy land.

ATTENTION! For drainage, it is best to use expanded clay or washed pebbles. In no case should foam be used for these purposes - it is compacted under the pressure of the soil, preventing it from breathing, which leads to acidification and rotting of the roots.


It is carried out with the help of seeds and shoots. Seeds are sown on top of the soil, after which it is poured in a thin layer on top. Myrtle seeds germinate 1-2 weeks after sowing.

Planting cuttings can be carried out at any time of the year. To do this, take semi-lignified cuttings 5-8 centimeters in size, the cut is processed with a root formation stimulator.


After planting the seeds, the pot is covered with a film or glass, periodically ventilated and maintained at a temperature of about +19 degrees. After 1-2 leaves appear on the seedlings, they can be planted in individual pots. Flowering begins after 5 years.

If cuttings are planted in a pot, it is covered with a film or glass, and placed in a temperature of + 18-20 degrees. The stalk takes root within 3-4 weeks. After that, young plants can be planted in separate pots 7 centimeters in size. When the roots have filled the entire container, the lump is transferred to a new large pot.

Diseases and pests

Myrtle can not be called too fastidious, however, it is sensitive to air temperature, humidity and light. Failure to do so may result in the following problems:

  • leaves turn yellow and begin to curl- flower receives sunburn, it is necessary to protect from direct rays or move to a more shaded place;
  • leaves small, pale- lighting is not enough, it is necessary to move it closer to the light;
  • the plant shed its leaves is the standard defensive reaction of the myrtle to unfavourable conditions. These may include lack of light, high air temperature, lack of watering.

With a strong overflow, rotting of the base of the stem and root system begins, fungal disease. Unfortunately, in this case, it is almost impossible to cure the myrtle and it dies.

Due to the violation of conditions, some types of pests may appear - spider mites, whiteflies, scale insects or aphids. All of them, except for scale insects, are treated by washing running water and insecticide treatment.

In the case of the scab, it is necessary to find unaffected processes and use them for cuttings. The rest of the flower will have to be destroyed.

Myrtle- beautiful evergreen which can be used to grow bonsai. It does not require excessive maintenance, however, it may not forgive forgotten watering.
