Useful properties of quince. Useful properties of quince for health, benefits and harms, features of use Quince bush useful properties

Quince is a tree up to 4-5 meters high with entire, ovate leaves, hairy below. The flowers are very large, mostly solitary. The fruits are hairy, almost spherical or pear-shaped.

In ancient times, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, the quince was revered as a symbol of love and fertility and was dedicated to the goddess of love, Venus.

In the wild, it is found in the east of Russia.

Quince is bred as a fruit tree, producing beautiful and fragrant fruits, and as a rootstock for grafting pears in the form culture. Distribution area - the entire Caucasus, Crimea, Moldova and Central Asia. Propagation by seeds (strong wildlings are obtained), cuttings, layering and grafting; fruits are used both raw and in compotes, jelly, jam and baked as a seasoning for meat.

quince calories

Fat-free dietary product containing only 40 kcal for every 100 g of raw fruit. People who care about their figure can also eat canned quince, the calorie content of which is only 42 kcal per 100 g.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of quince

Quince fruits contain a lot of pectin compounds, fructose, glucose, potassium salts, iron, calcium, phosphorus and copper.

Quince fruits have been used as medicine since ancient times. Folk healers in many countries widely used boiled fruits and a decoction of them for gastrointestinal diseases to improve the activity of the digestive tract. It has been established that quince has a beneficial effect on palpitations, jaundice, and diarrhea.

Quince decoction - 10 g of dry quince fruits pour 100 ml of boiling water. Take 1 tbsp. before meals in the absence of appetite, uterine bleeding.

Boiled quince fruits - pureed boiled fruits are used for liver diseases and as an antiemetic.

Fresh fruits and juice - taken for anemia, diseases of the digestive tract, which are accompanied by diarrhea and bleeding, as a diuretic, for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Quince fruits have an astringent, diuretic, hemostatic, antiseptic effect, help stop vomiting, and quince seeds have enveloping, emollient, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. That is why in medical practice a mucous decoction of quince seeds is used - for hemoptysis, uterine bleeding, diarrhea. A decoction of quince seeds is also used externally: in cosmetics, as a skin softener, as well as lotions for eye diseases, for rinsing with tonsillitis.

In the form of syrup, quince fruits are indicated for anemia. To prepare it, they are cut into small pieces, poured with water, boiled until softened, the juice is squeezed out and boiled down to a thick syrup.

Fresh fruits of quince, due to the high content of iron, are used for the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia, after a long debilitating illness, high body temperature. And the high content of pectin compounds has determined the use of quince since ancient times for intestinal diseases accompanied by diarrhea. A poultice of quince or juice is one of the most effective remedies for anal fissures. A decoction of fresh or dried quince fruits has long been used to stop heavy uterine bleeding - drink tea with finely chopped quince 3 times a day.

When shaking the seeds with water (5-100), mucus is obtained, which is used as an external enveloping, expectorant, antitussive and enveloping (for bronchitis, especially in children), emollient (for colitis and diarrhea), sedative (for peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum intestines).

In dentistry, quince mucus is used for applications for glossitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease. The mucus is prepared from whole seeds to avoid dissolving the amygdalin contained in the endosperm of the seeds.

An aqueous infusion of quince leaves (5 parts of leaves per 200 ml of boiling water) has the ability to weaken and even stop an attack of bronchial asthma.

A decoction of quince seeds is an excellent remedy for heavy uterine bleeding, especially during menopause. Take dried quince seeds on the tip of a teaspoon 3-4 times a day. Start taking one week before your period.

Quince seeds contain mucus, so they can be used as an emollient and enveloping agent. Pour 10 g of seeds with 1 glass of warm water. Shake for 7-9 min. The resulting mucus is used orally for 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day 20-30 minutes after a meal for gastritis, as an expectorant for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. And externally - for burns and skin irritation.

Quince seeds should not be crushed, as this leads to the extraction of the poisonous substance amygdalin from them, which gives the quince the smell of bitter almonds.

Ancient healers left a recipe for infertility treatment with fresh quince juice. You should drink juice - from a young month to two-thirds of it, every evening, 1 tbsp.

An aqueous infusion of quince leaves has the ability to weaken and even stop asthma attacks. To prepare it, 5 g of quince leaves are poured into 1 tbsp. hot water. Boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, squeeze and bring the volume to the original boiled water. Take 2 tbsp. 3-4 times a day before meals. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Quince leaf and seed tea is a good diuretic for kidney problems. Take 1 tbsp. dried leaves and seeds in equal amounts, pour 200 ml of boiling water, boil over low heat for 5-6 minutes, cool, strain, add honey to taste. Take 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day.

Quince fruit tea serves as a diuretic for edema of cardiovascular origin. Quince seed tea is used in folk medicine for coughs and acute respiratory diseases. Fresh quince fruits contain 30 mg / kg of iron, so the extract from them is prescribed for anemia and other ailments.


  • used:
  • with gastrointestinal diseases
  • with kidney disease
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • bronchial asthma
  • with anemia
  • to stop heavy uterine bleeding
  • with glossitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease
  • with anal fissures
  • for burns and skin irritation
  • improves the activity of the digestive tract
  • diuretic
  • hemostatic agent
  • antiseptic action
  • expectorant, antitussive
  • sedative for peptic ulcer

Dangerous properties of quince

In addition to all its medicinal properties, quince has some contraindications. It is known that the seed and pulp of quince have an astringent and fixing effect. In people who have enterocolitis or stomach ulcers, the fetus can cause spasms and blockage of the intestines, as well as irritate its mucous membrane.

Also, you should refrain from eating quince in case of pleurisy or constipation. The fluff that covers the surface of the fetus is harmful to the vocal cords and larynx, because of it a cough begins and the mucous throat is irritated. Based on this, it is recommended to refrain from using quince for people who often make speeches or are fond of singing.

From this video you will learn not only about the beneficial properties of quince, but also about who can and cannot use this product.

Quince- one of the most ancient fruits. It has a very pleasant aroma, and at the same time it is very sour (sourer than lemon). Quince brings its useful and vitamin-rich fruits in late autumn. Ripe fruits are golden yellow in color, and their shape resembles a pear.

Quince is a low-calorie product rich in fiber. There are only 48 calories in 100 grams of fresh quince. In addition, quince fruits have a high concentration of vitamin C. 100 grams of fresh quince contains 23 mg, or just over 25% of the daily requirement. Vitamin C has a lot of health benefits.

1. Has anti-inflammatory properties.
Ripe quince fruit is a rich source of vitamin C, accounting for more than 25% of the recommended daily requirement. Vitamin C helps boost immunity and helps treat inflammatory conditions. In addition, it has anti-allergic properties.

2. Useful for weight loss.
Quince fruits are low in calories but high in fiber. In addition, it contains practically no saturated fatty acids, sodium and bad cholesterol. All these properties make it an excellent product for weight loss and overall health. By improving the health of the digestive system due to the fiber contained in quince, you can lose weight.

3. Treats stomach ulcers.
The phenols present in quince have been found to be effective in healing stomach ulcers. However, not only the fruit itself is useful, but also quince juice. It calms and improves the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

4. Treats diseases of the digestive system.
Quince is an effective remedy in eliminating morning sickness in pregnant women. Quince, when mixed with honey, helps in the treatment of colitis, diverticulitis, diarrhea, constipation and intestinal infections. Quince syrup is used to treat hemorrhoids. Boiled or baked quince eliminates nausea and vomiting. Being a good diuretic, it helps to remove excess fluid from the body and reduce the risk of edema.

5. Has antioxidant benefits.
This fruit has amazing antioxidant properties due to the presence of polyphenolic compounds. Antioxidants slow down the aging process and also prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases and strokes.

6. Has antiviral properties.
Studies have shown that quince fruits have antiviral properties. The phenols contained in this fruit have significant antiviral activity as well as antioxidant properties. This helps protect the body from colds and exposure to other viral pathogens.

7. Reduces blood pressure.
Quince fruits are rich in potassium, which helps to maintain blood pressure in the acceptable range. Basically, quince helps to reduce high blood pressure. Potassium causes blood vessels and arteries to relax, thereby reducing stress on the cardiovascular system. This helps reduce the risk of developing conditions such as atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.

8. Reduces cholesterol levels.
Regular consumption of quince fruit helps lower LDL (or bad cholesterol) levels in the blood, keeping the heart healthy. This is due to its antioxidant content, which helps the body reduce fat oxidation, neutralize gliside, and reduce the amount of fatty acids found in blood vessels.

9. Contains anti-cancer substances.
The antioxidant properties of quince help the body fight free radicals and destroy malignant cancer cells. Free radicals are dangerous by-products of cellular metabolism that can cause healthy cells to mutate or die. The granules in the pulp of quince fruit contain astringent compounds known as tannins, i.e. catechin and epicatechin. Tannins protect mucous membranes from cancer by binding to cancer-causing toxins and chemicals in the colon.

10. Relieves stress.
Various antioxidants contained in quince help relieve stress and keep the nervous system calm. What's more, when you eat quince regularly, your body will produce beneficial hormones that will help you feel more energized.

11. Increases immunity.
As mentioned earlier, quince is rich in antioxidants. However, other substances, such as vitamins C and E, also stimulate the immune system in various ways. For example, vitamin C helps increase the number of white blood cells, which are the body's main defenders against pathogens, viruses, and bacteria.

12. Helps with diabetes.
High levels of dietary fiber help prevent high blood sugar levels. Unstable sugar levels can adversely affect the health of patients with diabetes. Quince helps to normalize constant blood sugar levels and even lower its levels. This is also possible due to the low glycemic index of the fruit.

13. Promotes the production of red blood cells.
Nutrients from quince's zinc and ferrite can help the body produce more red blood cells. With a higher level of red blood cells, the body compensates for the lack of iron, and at the same time, anemia and the risk of its occurrence disappear. In addition, you will have additional energy, you will gain strength of mind, daily routine tasks will be carried out with unprecedented ease.

14. Improves eye health.
The flavonoids and phyto-nutrients contained in quince fruits successfully fight free radicals that cause eye diseases and destroy their retina. Moreover, quince helps with "night blindness", especially common in adults. By regularly eating this fruit, you can reduce the risk of visual impairment.

In China, boiled quince seeds are used to make jelly, which helps to eliminate eye problems, relieve inflammation of the throat and mucous membranes.

Benefits for women

15. Useful during pregnancy.
The useful substances that make up quince, in particular potassium, calcium and iron, contribute to the normal development of the fetus. Boiled quince pulp helps fight toxicosis. Ascorbic acid, in addition to the well-known antiviral, immunostimulating properties, is able to accelerate the absorption of iron and stabilize the hematopoietic function. The diuretic property of quince will help pregnant women get rid of edema.

16. Useful for menopause.
Quince is very useful for women during menopause. At this stage of hormonal formation, severe bleeding is possible, which leads to iron deficiency anemia. Thanks to the contained substances and trace elements, quince fruits help stop bleeding, compensate for iron deficiency, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve blood circulation.

Skin Benefits

17. Skin protection
The high levels of antioxidants and vitamins found in quince are helpful in maintaining healthy and youthful skin. Antioxidants reverse the damage caused by free radicals, thereby reducing the appearance of wrinkles, fading dark spots on the skin, and helping to protect the skin from UV damage.

Hair Benefits

18. Stimulates hair growth.
Quince contains iron, copper and zinc. These three minerals, along with various other micronutrients, are essential for the production of red blood cells. When red blood cell production is high, blood circulation increases as more oxygen is distributed throughout the body. This increases blood flow to the scalp, which revitalizes the hair follicles and stimulates hair growth.

19. Heals hair.
Using quince fruits as masks and lotions, you can get rid of oily roots, strengthen hair, saturate them with essential vitamins and minerals. Hair will be shiny and smooth, and therefore beautiful and healthy.

Benefits for men

20. Prevention of inflammation of the prostate gland
Quince fruits are recommended for men as a prophylactic. Namely - in inflammatory processes of the prostate gland and bladder. Inflammatory processes can lead to complications and disrupt the function of the male genital organs.

Harm and contraindications

1. Absolutely contraindicated in certain diseases.
Quince is contraindicated in people with pleurisy, enterocolitis, chronic constipation, a tendency to allergies, individual intolerance.

2. Partially contraindicated.
It is very carefully allowed to eat quince with stomach ulcers, high blood clotting and lactation.

3. Causes irritation of mucous membranes.
Raw quince can cause irritation of the intestinal mucosa, sore throat, dysfunction of the vocal cords, coughing and, in some cases, difficulty breathing.

4. Not used with other medicines.
When combined with drugs, quince is worse absorbed by the body.

5. May cause intoxication.
Quince seeds contain substances hazardous to health - nitriles. Under the action of gastric juice, they turn into hydrocyanic acid, which is very dangerous for health. They also contain tamygdalin, which can turn into cyanide and cause toxicity. When adding this fruit to dishes, be sure to remove the seeds. However, a couple of seeds accidentally ingested with food will not cause much harm.

Chemical composition of the product

The nutritional value of quince (100 g) and the percentage of the daily value:

  • The nutritional value
  • vitamins
  • Macronutrients
  • trace elements
  • calories 48 kcal - 3.37%;
  • proteins 0.6 g - 0.73%;
  • fats 0.5 g - 0.77%;
  • carbohydrates 9.6 g - 7.5%;
  • dietary fiber - 3.6 g - 18%;
  • water - 84 g - 3.28%.
  • A 167 mcg - 18.6%;
  • With 23 mg - 26.6%;
  • E 0.4 mg - 2.7%;
  • B1 0.02 mg - 1.3%;
  • B2 0.04 mg - 2.2%;
  • beta-carotene 0.4 mg - 8%;
  • PP 0.2 mg - 1%.
  • potassium 144 mg - 5.8%;
  • calcium 23 mg - 2.3%;
  • magnesium 14 mg - 3.5%;
  • sodium 14 mg - 1.1%;
  • phosphorus 24 mg - 3%.
  • iron 3 mg - 16.7%.


Quince is one of the fruits that are rich in nutrients. However, quince can be tricky. If you do not know some of the features of its use and application, you can get the opposite effect.

With the correct use of quince fruits, side effects and the risk of complications can be reduced to zero. Follow all of the above recommendations.

Additional useful information about quince

How to use

1. In cooking.
Quince can be used to make jams, jellies, marmalades and puddings, and, like a pear and an apple, you can take it for a snack or breakfast. Different countries use quince in different ways, often using its juice as a flavoring agent. In some European countries, such as Spain, quince is added to pasta and served as a side dish with cheese. In Morocco, quince fruit is added to meat soups or sun-dried into a dried fruit and eaten sprinkled with cinnamon.

To get the maximum benefit from this fruit, it is recommended to eat it raw. The fruit contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, which is destroyed during heat treatment. In addition, fresh quince contains fiber, which is very useful for restoring intestinal microflora. Fresh quince can be chopped and added to tea instead of lemon.

As mentioned above, in Europe, quince is used to make jelly, marmalade or marshmallow. In this form, the fruit retains many of its nutrients. A sweet dessert will be a tasty and healthy addition to the main course. Quince marshmallow is easy to make at home, as the fruit contains a large amount of pectin, which gels the marshmallow.

For cooking, you need 1 kg of quince and 1 liter of honey. Quince cut into small pieces and remove the seeds from it. Then boil and grate. Add liquid honey to the resulting puree and mix thoroughly. The resulting sweet mass must be boiled over low heat until it lags behind the walls of the pan. Put the finished marshmallow on greased baking sheets and level it so that its layer is about 1 cm. Next, the baking sheets should be placed in the oven and the marshmallow should be dried at a low temperature on both sides. Roll up the dried marshmallow.

3. In cosmetology.
You can make masks, lotions, scrubs and much more from quince. External use of quince helps to get rid of oily skin, eliminates oily sheen, tightens pores, cleanses the skin and acts as an antiseptic. A decoction of quince seeds can be used as an emollient for the skin.

Quince oil is also used to heal cracked lips caused by cold. To strengthen hair and dye gray hair, you can use a decoction of quince leaves. To eliminate dandruff, a decoction of quince seeds is rubbed into the scalp. A decoction of the leaves is used to strengthen and color hair with early graying. A decoction of seeds normalizes the sebaceous glands and eliminates dandruff. To nourish aging skin, it is useful to massage with a piece of fresh quince.

How to choose

Quince can be purchased at any fruit store, they sell it in supermarkets. When buying fruit, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • Skin color. It should be a uniform yellow color, without the slightest green tint.
  • The fruit should have a characteristic pleasant aroma, indicating its ripeness.
  • If the quince has marks from impacts or mechanical damage, dents, its shelf life will be significantly reduced.
  • Despite the fact that the quince itself is quite hard to the touch, excessive "stone" density is a sign of the immaturity of the fruit.
  • When buying, it is better to choose dense and large fruits.

How to store

  • It is best to store quince in the refrigerator in a plastic or (preferably) paper bag.
  • Staying in the cold improves the taste of this fruit.
  • The shelf life of quince in the refrigerator is 4 months.
  • It is not recommended to put quince in the refrigerator next to pears, as they speed up the ripening of quince and shorten its shelf life.
  • Favorable temperature for quince storage is 0 °С, air humidity is 90%.
  • You can cut the quince into pieces and store frozen.

History of occurrence

Mankind has known quince for about four thousand years. It originally grew wild. Until now, quince grows like this in Asia Minor, in the Caucasus, in the mountainous area near Turkey, Iran, and also in the hills of New Zealand.

The name “quince” appeared in an ancient Greek manuscript around 600 BC. According to some historical scientific journals, the ancients called the fruit of the quince the golden apple. In fact, the quince appeared much earlier than the apple, but unfortunately it is less popular due to its sour taste.

Initially, quince, along with mountain ash, pear, apples, belonged to the pear genus. However, there are many differences between these fruits, which led scientists to separate the fruit into a separate genus, the Japanese pear. It included the following types of quince: Chinese, evergreen, chaenomeles. Despite a number of common features, which include hard flesh, a large number of seeds, a specific strong aroma and a stony structure, these plants had numerous differences. Therefore, in 1822, each species of quince was separated into a separate monotypic genus: Japanese (quince) - Henomeles, Chinese - Pseudodocinia, evergreen - Docinia.

Today, quince is cultivated in 40 countries around the world. In addition, fruit-bearing trees can be found in Northern Iran, Latvia, Belarus, Crimea.

How and where is grown

The quince tree is deciduous and quite small. Ripe fruits are yellowish-gold in color, they are a bit like pears in shape and consistency. Quince is native to the Eurasian region including Uzbekistan, Armenia, Turkey, Hungary, Macedonia and other nearby regions. Some researchers believe that when apples were mentioned in ancient history, quince was most likely meant.

Quince is widely used in the food industry in different countries. The height of an adult fruit tree reaches five meters. Quince leaves are similar to apple leaves, inflorescences are large white or pink. The fruits, depending on the variety, are spherical or pear-shaped and yellow, light lemon, dark yellow. The fruit is similar in size to a large apple. The peel of quince is covered with small villi, but as it matures, it becomes smooth. The taste is sweetish, tart, astringent. The pulp is low-juicy, astringent, sweetish, fragrant and rather hard due to the large number of stony cells. The seeds are reddish-brown with a mucous membrane, contain a poisonous substance (amygdalin), which gives the fruit the smell of bitter almonds.

The bark of the quince tree is quite thin and smooth. Leaves ovate or oval. From above they are glossy and dark green, from below they are much lighter and more rough. Quince blooms with single large (4-5 cm) flowers of white or pink color. As a rule, the flowering period falls on May - June, and the fruits ripen by mid-autumn (from September to late October). Quince cultivation is limited by average annual temperatures of +8…9 °C and an absolute minimum of -15 °C.

Quince is cultivated as a fruit, medicinal and ornamental species. Growing trees is not difficult, as quince tolerates drought easily and can grow in any soil. The main requirement for cultivation is sufficient lighting, in the shade the quince blooms weakly and bears fruit poorly, the fruits lose their unique aroma. Prolonged lack of moisture adversely affects the quality of the fruit pulp: it becomes hard. However, an excess of moisture can also impair the taste of quince.

The advantage of quince trees over apple and pear trees is the lack of periodicity in fruiting, that is, the quince harvest can be obtained annually. The tree can bear fruit for several decades in a row without deteriorating the quality of the fruit. Quince is propagated by cuttings, layering, shoots and seeds, and the characteristics of the variety can be preserved only with vegetative propagation.

In the Caucasus, it grows on dry soil, and often grows around overgrown water bodies, forming thickets between coastal grasses. The fruits of cultivated trees reach 2 kg, wild - 60-100 grams. Wild quince bears fruit poorly, with only 2–10 fruits per plant. On the territory of Russia, quince is not widely used. In our country, it grows only in the south of the European part of the country.

  • The famous apple of discord, presented by Paris to Aphrodite and which became the root cause of the Trojan War, was nothing more than the fruit of a quince.
  • In ancient Greece, this fruit, presented as a gift to a girl, was considered a declaration of love. Quince was revered as a symbol of love and fertility.
  • Traditionally, quince fruits were thrown under the wheels of the newlyweds' chariots.
  • Bright lemon-yellow color, delicate aroma and similarity of forms led to the common people calling quince the “golden apple”.
  • Freckles were removed with quince juice in ancient times.
  • In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, quince was used to scent clothes and rooms.
  • The word "marmalade" comes from the Portuguese name for quince - marmelo.
  • Wild quince grows on the edges of forests and mountain slopes, sometimes rising up to 1400 meters above sea level.
  • The weight of the quince fruit can reach 2 kg.
  • Avicenna (a medieval Persian scientist) in the Canons of Medical Medicine devoted a whole chapter to the beneficial properties of this wonderful plant.
  • In Russia, there is a river called Quince (Penza region).

And this is not at all accidental.

The view looks great as a protective barrier along a narrow country path. And the bushes look especially colorful during the flowering period. The bright red-pink flowers of the plant go well in the garden with most ornamental species.

The main value is its rounded dense fruits, which are abundantly covered with shoots. In addition to important vitamins, they are rich in a whole range of useful substances that can please not only with unusual taste characteristics, but also with a powerful beneficial effect on the overall health of the body.

And today we have to more deeply discover Japanese quince, as well as all sorts of useful properties and contraindications for using it for medical purposes.

Short description

Refers to dicotyledonous flowering. The natural habitat of the species is Japan, and the plant is also widespread in Europe and China. Regarding botanical taxonomy, the species belongs to the genus Henomeles of the Rosaceae family. That is why the Japanese quince is so similar in appearance to many household rosaceae, which are popular in the garden.

Chaenomeles belongs to deciduous low shrubs, the maximum height of which does not exceed 3 m. Young shoots have a bright color, which changes to brownish-black over time. The scaly-felt structure of the outer covers of mature branches changes to smooth and bare.

The leaves are small, obovate or spatulate in shape, narrowed towards the base, with a serrated edge. Their length on average does not exceed 5 cm, and their width is 3 cm.

During the flowering period, the shrub is covered with small ones. Their size in diameter does not exceed 4 cm, and the shades are dominated by bright pink or red-orange hues. Sepals and petals are egg-shaped.
After flowering, apple-shaped green fruits appear on the bush, almost spherical in shape, which, after full ripening, become a delicate yellow hue. The flesh of the fruit is edible, but very hard and dense with abundant inclusions of small brown seeds.

The chemical composition of fruits

Chaenomeles fruits are rich in many beneficial substances and compounds. Ripe fruits contain about 12-13% of sugars. Among them, fructose, glucose and sucrose predominate, which are in the following ratio of 3:2:1.

In addition to sugars, quince fruits contain a huge amount of organic acids (from 1 to 4%), among which the largest quantities are: malic, citric, tartaric, ascorbic, fumaric and chlorogenic acids.

In addition, traces of caffeic, coumaric, folic and quinic acids have recently been found.

The pulp of the fruits of chaenomeles is rich in vitamins and useful microelements. Among them are vitamins A, E, C, PP, B vitamins (B1, B2, B6), traces of vitamin K. Trace elements are represented by: iron, cobalt, nickel, boron, manganese, titanium, copper, aluminum.

In addition, the fruits are rich in large quantities in such substances: catechins, anthocyanins, tannins, eptcatechin, flavonol quercetin, carotene and fatty oil, which includes isooleic acid and glycerin of myrimistic acid.

Useful and medicinal properties

Derivatives of the fruits of chaenomeles have anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, diuretic effects on the human body.

The vitamin C present in the fruits contributes to the abundant production of interferon, as a result of which the body is able to instantly cope with any infectious colds, as well as strengthen general immunity.

In addition, the medicinal properties of Japanese quince contribute to the normalization of nervous and muscular activity, the improvement of the metabolic processes of the body, the restoration and acceleration of the course of basic biochemical reactions.
Infusions and decoctions of fruits are used as hemostatic and tonic. Often, fresh fruits of the shrub in folk medicine are used to achieve a choleretic or diuretic effect, which contributes to the introduction of toxins from the body, harmful substances, toxins, and also promotes the regeneration of tissues of the genitourinary system and liver.

The fiber-rich pulp is actively used to treat disorders of the digestive tract. With heart failure or edema, quince is able to remove excess fluid from the body, which facilitates the course of diseases.

In addition, in general medical therapy, the fruits of this plant are used to eliminate the local irritating effects of chemicals on the human body and slow down their absorption, as well as to alleviate severe toxicosis in women during pregnancy.

Japanese quince seeds have found their application in the preparation of expectorant and enveloping folk remedies.

Did you know?Turkey occupies the first place of honor in the industrial harvesting of quince. One fifth of the world's quince crop is grown in this country.

Traditional medicine recipes

In folk medicine, both fruits and leaves of quince are actively used for the preparation of medicinal products, and a complete surprise for many is the fact that even the seeds of this are suitable for the preparation of medicines.

Let us consider in more detail the most popular folk methods for preparing medicines from chaenomeles.

A decoction of plant seeds in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract has an enveloping, healing and anti-inflammatory effect on a person, and in case of a cold, such a remedy will help eliminate bronchitis and other manifestations of the disease.

To prepare it, 10 g of seeds are poured into 250 ml of warm water, after which the mixture is stirred for 10 minutes and filtered through gauze. The resulting mucous liquid is taken 4 times a day, 1 tablespoon after meals.

Important! When preparing products from quince seeds, crushing the seeds is strictly prohibited, since in this case toxic substances will be released into the infusion, which threaten severe poisoning.

To alleviate the course of arterial hypertension, traditional medicine recommends an alcohol infusion from the leaves of the shrub.

To do this, 100 g of finely chopped fresh leaves are poured into 250 ml of vodka and infused for 7 days, after which they are filtered through gauze. The resulting remedy is taken 20 drops 2 times a day.

A decoction of the leaves of chaenomeles helps to eliminate the manifestations of bronchial asthma and inflammatory diseases of the stomach. To prepare it, 5 g leaves are poured into 250 ml of boiling water and insisted in a water bath for about 15 minutes.

After that, the mixture must be removed from the heat, left to cool for 45 minutes, and then strain. Take the infusion no more than 4 times a day, 2 tablespoons before meals.

A decoction of quince fruits or syrup helps to improve the condition of the blood system and treat anemia, general immunity and the course of colds.

In order to prepare the syrup, you need to clean the fresh fruits, finely chop, pour a glass of water and cook until they become soft.

After that, remove the pulp and strain it through a sieve. The resulting liquid must be boiled to the consistency of syrup.
In order to get a decoction of quince, 1 tablespoon of finely chopped fruit is poured into 250 ml of boiling water and boiled for about 10-15 minutes. After that, the mixture is covered with a lid and infused for 30 minutes.

The resulting broth is filtered through gauze and taken before meals, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Important!You should not abuse quince products, as their long-term use can cause constipation. And during the period of breastfeeding, an overdose of the mother's body with highly active components of quince can lead to constipation and colic in the baby.

Application in cosmetology

In cosmetology, quince has found its application as widely as in traditional medicine. With the help of juice from fresh fruits at home, you can remove freckles, improve the general condition and color of the skin of the face.

In addition, fruit juice is one of the best remedies that helps to properly care for oily skin. Daily rubbing of infusions from quince seeds into the skin of the face will help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

In addition, lotions from this decoction can quite effectively eliminate puffiness and age-related changes around the eyes, as well as give the face youth and freshness.
A decoction of the leaves of the plant helps to mask gray hair, strengthen it and improve the overall condition of the scalp. Water infusion will help eliminate dandruff, brittleness and excessive oiliness of hair, cope with exacerbations of seborrhea and similar diseases.

In addition, Japanese quince products are an ideal component for creating various lotions and masks for the care of any skin type.

Collection, preparation and storage of medicinal raw materials

Since the fruits of the shrub, like most plants, are a seasonal product, there is an urgent need to preserve until the next season not only the taste, but also the useful qualities of Japanese quince derivatives to the maximum.

For this, in folk practice, a lot of recipes for preparing it for the winter were invented, which we will talk about later.


The fruits are harvested only after they are fully ripe. In this case, they accumulate the maximum amount of necessary nutrients. A distinct sign of a mature fruit is its color change from pale green to bright yellow or orange.

Did you know?Quince is one of the most ancient plants used in medical practice. The ancient Greeks were engaged in collecting and harvesting the fruits of the shrub.

The ideal period for collecting is late autumn, but you need to have time before the first frost.

  1. Preparing jam: the fruits of the plant are peeled, crushed and poured with boiling syrup. For 1 kg of fruit, 1.5 kg of sugar and 400-500 ml of water are used. After that, the mixture is boiled for about 5 minutes and removed from heat for 6 hours to infuse. After that, boil for no more than 5 minutes and remove from heat for 12 hours. The procedure is carried out 5 times, after which the jam is ready for sterilization and bottling.
  2. Preparation of candied fruits: the fruits of the shrub are peeled, finely chopped and poured with hot syrup. For 1 kg of fruits, 1.2 kg of sugar and 600-700 ml of water are taken. The mixture is infused for about 6 hours, then boiled for 5 minutes and left to infuse for about 12 hours. After that, the procedure is carried out 4 more times, then the liquid is removed through a sieve, and the remaining fruits are dried.
  3. Boiling to the state of marmalade: peeled and finely chopped fruits are rubbed through a metal sieve or meat grinder and 1.3 kg of sugar is added per 1 cl of fruits. Next, the mixture is boiled until a characteristic viscous consistency appears, sterilized and poured into jars.
  4. Dried fruits: the fruits are peeled, finely chopped and dried in a warm place to a characteristic state. Seeds can also be dried and used to make infusions in the winter.

Quince belongs to the Rosaceae family, which gives it the right to be considered a close relative pear Five useful properties of pear fruit for humans. What are useful pears for women and men. Its composition is vitamins and nutrients in pears. Benefits and harms of pears for health. And apple The article presents the 20 most useful properties of apples for human health, as well as their contraindications and harm. For what diseases is it recommended to use these fruits. Benefits of apples for weight loss.. Quince belongs to a monotypic genus and therefore is represented by one species - common quince.

They have quince fruits and other names such as " Quite"- German," dulya"- Bulgarian," haiva"- Azerbaijani," pigwa"- Polish. The name quince, familiar to us, has Turkish roots.

Quince and its beneficial properties have been known to mankind for more than 4 thousand years. The birthplace of this amazing plant is considered North Caucasus, it was from there, researchers believe, that this culture came to Asia, Ancient Greece and Rome. The benefits and harms of quince for the body were studied by the ancient Greeks, who were very fond of this fruit for its juicy and bright taste and gave it the name golden apple. In general, in mythology, quince fruits symbolize love and fertility, so they were often used in various rituals associated with marriage.

Quince is the earliest known fruit. Studies note that it was the quince, and not the apple, that became the forbidden fruit that Eve sipped in the garden of Paradise. And the dispute known to all historians, because of which the Trojan War began, arose, according to the same historians, because of the fragrant quince. It was her god of love Paris handed over to the beautiful Elena.

Now quince naturally grows in the Caucasus, Central Asia and southern Europe, and is grown artificially almost all over the world, even in northern countries such as Norway. The quince plant is a shrub about 5 m high. Quince fruits are shaped like an apple or pear, lemon or dark yellow in color with a tart and astringent, but sweet taste. Quince fruits ripen in July-August. It is worth saying that this fruit is quite unusual - you should not eat it raw. Raw quince fruits are hard and sour. And when cooked, they become sweet and delicate in taste.

The benefits of this mysterious fruit are praised in many legends and ancient tales. And indeed, this fact of the uniqueness of quince has been proven and beyond doubt.


The chemical composition of any product determines its useful properties. As for quince fruits, its component composition strongly depends on the growing area and variety. Quince ordinary contains an impressive amount of mineral and biologically active substances: various organic acids, pectins, vitamins, tannins, catechins. And the esters in the quince skin - enantho-ethyl and pelargon-ethyl - determine the unusual aroma of this fruit.

100 g of quince fruit contains:

Vitamin A 40 IU 1%
Vitamin B1 0.020 mg 2%
Vitamin B2 0.030 mg 2%
Vitamin B3 0.200 mg 1%
Vitamin B5 0.081 mg 1.5%
Vitamin B6 0.040 mg 3%
Vitamin B9 3 mcg 1%
Vitamin C 15 mg 25%
Vitamin E 0.12 mg 1%
Vitamin K 4.5 mcg 4%

Quince - 13 Health Benefits

Quince is a medicinal plant, and the fruits, seeds and leaves of this fruit, from which jam is also made, have benefits. To do this, they undergo a special heat treatment.

Quince seeds, or rather mucus from seeds, is used in the textile industry, it is used to give gloss to fabrics.

Quince has long gained fame as a dietary product. All those who follow the figure, go in for sports, need easily digestible food. Quince fruits are a wonderful component of a balanced diet - there are no fats, cholesterol and almost no sodium.

Pectin substances, which are part of quince fruits in large quantities, make the fruit useful for workers in hazardous industries, as well as for people living in areas contaminated with radioactive substances. Pectins absorb and remove toxins from the human body.

Quince in every sense is a very useful fruit, it exhibits healing properties in relation to many organs and functions of the body of men and women.

  1. Anti-inflammatory properties

    Due to the presence of a large amount of vitamin C, quince fruits contribute to boost immunity What foods should you eat to boost your immunity during the cold and flu season? In the article you will find 15 useful products that can strengthen your immune system. and useful in the treatment of inflammatory diseases.

    This is interesting:

    The article presents the most popular, natural foods that help the body reduce inflammatory effects in the body. These are mainly readily available, inexpensive and popular products sold in stores.

  2. Dietary Properties

    Dietary fiber from fruits and low calorie The article has selected a convenient list of products with a minimum calorie content. These foods will not only help you lose weight, but will also be beneficial for your health. make the product indispensable in the matter of weight loss and improving the health of the body as a whole.

  3. Antioxidant Properties

    The polyphenols that make up the quince fruit give it amazing properties. Antioxidants block free radicals, thereby slowing down the aging process of the body and reducing the risk of developing many serious diseases, such as heart attack and stroke.

  4. Anti-cancer properties

    Free radicals and malignant cancers are blocked by catechins and epicatechins, tannins found in quince fruits. These substances are known to have excellent antioxidant properties and protect the mucous membranes of the body from the reproduction of cancer cells.

  5. Expectorant and antitussive properties

    In the treatment of coughs and other viral diseases of the respiratory tract, a decoction of quince leaves or seeds is often used, which envelops and soothes irritation in the throat, promotes expectoration of mucus. And essential oils have an excellent antimicrobial effect, which prevents the spread of infection.

  6. laxative property

    pectins and cellulose The article provides a large number of validated scientific studies on the health benefits of fiber. Fiber for weight loss, lowering sugar and cholesterol levels, preventing constipation and much more. contribute to the effective cleansing of the intestinal walls from harmful substances. The choleretic properties are also enhanced, which lowers blood cholesterol levels In this article, based on scientific research, we have selected the top 10 foods to lower cholesterol and cleanse blood vessels.. At the same time, the activity of the digestive system as a whole is normalized.

  7. diuretic property

    Due to the high content of vitamins and minerals, quince fruits have good diuretic properties, and thus are useful for people suffering from hypertension, edema, and kidney failure.

  8. Useful properties of quince for women

    Vitamins C and PP, which are part of the seeds of the fruit, contribute to the fact that the fruits avocado Avocado - its useful properties and contraindications. The composition of the fruit, its use in traditional medicine, cosmetology and cooking. Interesting facts about avocados. successfully used as a hemostatic agent during critical days in women. As a preventive measure, experts recommend adding pieces of quince to ordinary tea.

  9. Anti-burn property

    Quince juice has a drying and antibacterial effect, which is great for treating minor burns.

  10. Help during pregnancy

    The presence of easily digestible iron in quince in collaboration with copper gives it good hematopoietic properties, which is so necessary for the health of pregnant women during iron deficiency. By the way, pregnant women will benefit from another important property of quince fruits for their comfortable life, namely antiemetic.

  11. healthy digestion

    Thanks to pectin substances, quince is suitable for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases such as ulcers, diarrhea, vomiting, colitis, and intestinal infections. And quince juice is suitable for the treatment of hemorrhoids, lotions are used for this.

  12. The benefits of quince for the health of the nervous system

    Curative are the properties of quince in violation of the functions of the nervous system. Antioxidants What are antioxidants and what are their beneficial properties for the body? The content of antioxidants in food. Should I take antioxidants in pharmaceutical preparations?, which are part of quince, have anti-stress effect The article provides 16 evidence-based ways to relieve stress. How to relieve stress and nervous tension on your own, at home and without the use of pharmacological drugs. and perfectly relieve nervous tension in the body, thereby improving mood and adding vigor to the body.

  13. Cosmetic properties

    Fruit organic acids contained in ripe and juicy fruits make it possible to use quince fruits for cosmetic purposes. Fruit pulp masks have excellent antiseptic and nourishing properties. Such a mask will perfectly cope with acne, as well as fatigue and oily skin.

The name of the dessert "marmalade" comes from the Portuguese "marmelo", which can literally be translated as "quince puree". This fact is confirmed by the fact that thanks to pectins, quince can be used to make excellent jelly, jams and marmalade.


Quince is a popular woody plant that grows in places with loamy soil. Here is a list of common varieties containing a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

The described varieties are also diverse. Among them are:

  • muscat quince,
  • Krasnodar
  • marble,
  • Persian sugar,
  • amber
  • champion,
  • golden ball
  • and other types.

Useful properties of quince for the body of men and women

The nutrients in quince provide the body with a number of benefits:

    vitamin C increases the body's susceptibility to viruses and infections, improves immunity;

    iron reduces the risk of developing anemia;

    high concentration antioxidants neutralizes the action of free radicals, which often lead to the development of cancer and premature aging;

    pectins contribute to the cleansing of the intestinal walls, and the binding properties tannins help in the treatment of diarrhea.

Regular consumption of quince relieves the symptoms of insomnia and chronic fatigue The main causes of chronic fatigue syndrome, its symptoms and methods of diagnosis. What are the available ways to treat and overcome this syndrome. improves mental state. Useful properties of the fruit are used in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Rutin Rutin (vitamin P, rutoside) is a flavonoid found in plants, fruits, and vegetables. From the article you will learn about the benefits of this vitamin, contraindications, content in products and compatibility with drugs., contained in fresh fruits, prevents the development of hypertension and reduces the risk of atherosclerotic plaques. The diuretic effect of quince juice improves the functioning of the genitourinary system, helps fight edema and cystitis.

The fruits and leaves of the woody shrub are widely used in folk medicine. They serve as raw materials for the preparation of infusions used in the treatment of bronchitis, diabetes, asthma. Quince seeds are often used as the basis for decoctions that improve the condition of the body with pain in the area. stomach And intestines. Fruit juice helps fight cracks in the anus, hemorrhoids and rectal prolapse.

The benefits of quince for men

The inclusion of fresh fruits in the diet helps to strengthen the heart and blood vessels, reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Substances in the composition of the fruit improve performance genitourinary system, protect prostate from the formation of malignant tumors.

Benefits for women with menopause

Fresh fruits, along with juice, decoction or infusion from the seeds or leaves of the plant, alleviate the symptoms of menopause. Vitamins and minerals in their composition:

    prevent the occurrence of heavy bleeding;

    reduce the risk of developing iron deficiency anemia;

    improve blood circulation;

    strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

During pregnancy and lactation

Substances in the composition of the fruit help pregnant women to remove symptoms of toxicosis eliminate bouts of nausea. With absence allergies To relieve allergy symptoms, it is not necessary to immediately turn to Benadryl, Claritin or other medicines. You can alleviate the manifestation of the disease in a natural way at home. fresh fruits are recommended to be included in the diet of lactating women. Through the mother's milk, the baby receives the iron necessary for its full development, potassium All about the benefits and harms of potassium for human health. 14 beneficial properties of the mineral for the body, side effects and contraindications, deficiency and sources of potassium replenishment. And calcium Useful and healing properties of calcium for our body. Features of the influence of calcium on our health and what foods contain it the most. .

Despite its benefits, quince should not be abused. The recommended norm of fruits is 3 pieces per week.

For children

The introduction of quince, like any other product, into the children's diet requires prior consultation with a pediatrician. The villi on the peel of the fruit become a common cause of a "red" throat and cough. They irritate the larynx of children, causing a number of inconveniences. In the absence of contraindications and allergic reactions, baked or boiled fruits are allowed to be given to babies from 10-11 months.

Benefits for diabetics

The number of people with diabetes is increasing year by year. The main reason for its appearance is associated with a violation of the conversion of glucose into glycogen in the body. A decoction of quince leaves helps to prevent sudden jumps in the substance. Its action normalizes blood sugar levels. To prepare a drink, it is enough to pour a handful of vegetable raw materials into 300 ml. boiled water and leave for a couple of hours. In finished form, the decoction is recommended to take 60 ml. 3 times a day.

For the elderly

The inclusion of the fruits of a woody plant in the diet helps older people reduce the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases. A large amount of vitamins and minerals in their composition not only improves the functioning of many body systems, but also improves immunity and helps fight viruses and infections.

Quince in weight loss diets

The fruits of the woody plant contain a small amount of fat and cholesterol. For this reason, nutritionists recommend them to those who follow a weight loss diet. Substances in quince improve digestion, suppress hunger, and help fight excess weight. Tea based on parts of the shrub has a fat-burning effect. Its action stimulates the body's metabolism. To prepare a drink, you need to mix 15 gr. chopped quince pulp and 10 gr. cornflower flowers. The resulting mixture is poured into 0.5 liters. boiling water, wrap and leave for 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the composition should be filtered and consumed throughout the day in small portions.

This is interesting:

Are all calories the same and does it matter what food they come from? Is 100 calories from candy as effective for weight loss as 100 calories from broccoli? What you need to know about calories for weight loss.

Quince - harm and contraindications

With a whole range of useful properties, quince fruits have a number of serious contraindications. Quince fruit can harm the health of people suffering from:

  • chronic constipation
  • pleurisy;
  • enterocolitis;
  • exacerbation of stomach ulcers.

Remember that fluff on the surface of quince can cause an allergic reaction and irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat. Therefore, this fruit is harmful to the ligaments and thus contraindicated for people who speak in public.

You should also not bite into quince seeds, they contain a harmful, poisonous substance - amygdalin, an overdose of which leads to severe poisoning and even death.

In modern landscape design, quince is often used as an ornamental plant, due to the fact that it can be cut and used to create a hedge.

Quince - use in medicine

Useful properties of the fruits of the plant are used in medicine:

    Decoctions based on quince seeds and leaves help fight colds. Their expectorant properties improve the process of sputum discharge.

    Drinking fresh fruit juice 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals reduces the frequency of asthmatic attacks.

    Leaf infusions, which have a diuretic effect, are used in the treatment of hypertension, kidney disease and edema.

    Lotions soaked in quince juice restore damaged tissues in case of hemorrhoids, stop bleeding.

    Morning intake of baked fruits relieves the symptoms of toxicosis, which often worries women in the first trimester of pregnancy.

The use of quince in cosmetology

The nutrients contained in parts of the woody plant are used in cosmetics to improve the condition of the skin and hair.

Quince as medicine

Vitamins and minerals in the composition of fruits, plants, seeds of a woody plant are used in the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

  1. When vomiting

    Compotes, decoctions or tea based on parts of a woody plant help get rid of nausea, vomiting or bouts of toxicosis. A similar effect can be achieved from baked fruits or a spoonful of jam mixed in water or tea.

  2. For digestive problems

    Quince infusion is often used to combat diarrhea and indigestion. In many ways, this is facilitated by tannins and sorbent components. To prepare the drug, it is necessary to pour pre-cut fresh fruits with a liter of boiled water. It is recommended to keep the composition in a thermos for at least an hour, and then take it throughout the day. As an alternative to fresh fruits, dried leaves or quince jam are often used.

  3. With bronchitis

    The anti-inflammatory and emollient properties of the infusion from the seeds of the plant are used in the treatment of respiratory diseases, including bronchitis.

    Sahara 11 reasons why sugar is bad for the body. The article presents more than forty scientific studies on its harmful effects on human health.. Place the quince peel in a saucepan, add 0.5 kg. sugar and water. Bring to a boil, strain. Pour the pieces of quince with the resulting broth and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Leave until completely cool. The next day, repeat the procedure, warming up the composition over low heat for an hour, and then arrange it in sterilized jars.

    Quince compote

    Quince baked in the oven

      Wash the fruit, remove the core and cut into 4 pieces.

      Arrange the pieces in cupcake tins.

      Add honey and sugar to taste on top.

      Bake for 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees.

    Quince juice

    Quince juice contains a large amount of vitamins and mineral salts, pectins and phytoncides. Its regular use helps to remove toxins, toxins and radionuclides. Other benefits include:

    Quince fruits are revered in many countries. In Armenia, quince petals are used in the preparation of national salads. In Azerbaijan, a dance is named after the quince, the name of which sounds like ayvagyuli.

    Features of purchase and use

    Fresh quince has a tart and sour taste. Its fruits are quite hard, so it is rarely used in this form. You can achieve softness if you leave the collected fruits to lie down for 2-3 months.

    Fresh fruits are traditionally used to make jam, jam, marmalade. Compotes, sauces, gravies are prepared from them, and even added to tea.

    Daily intake

    In the absence of contraindications, the use of quince is rarely harmful. But it still shouldn't be abused. The fixing properties of fruits often lead to constipation. To avoid health problems, follow 2 fruits per day.

    How to choose and store quince

    When buying quince, pay attention to its appearance and softness. Give preference evenly yellow fruits with no green spots. The presence of dents and black dots on the peel indicates a low-quality product.

    Cold storage

    Freezing helps to preserve the maximum of vitamins and minerals in quince. Pre-washed and dried fruits are peeled, wrapped in cling film and put in the refrigerator. In this form, the fruit retains its freshness. for 2 months.

    Women in the Czech Republic and Slovakia use the aromatic properties of quince, its delicate fruity aroma gives a wonderful freshness to clothes and rooms.

It is rather difficult to meet a person who would be indifferent to quince, because these bright fruits differ not only in delicious taste, but also have many advantages. This plant began to be cultivated by people one of the very first, and today there are many varieties that differ in fruit size and shade, although they have one thing in common - wonderful properties. Why is quince so valued, the beneficial properties and contraindications of fruits, and in what culinary research can this delicious delicacy be used?

Quince, what is this fruit

Where does quince grow, what kind of fruit is it and is it possible to grow this miracle on your own? Fruits grow on low trees, which rarely rise more than 5 m. It can also be a shrub with several thick stems. Fruits can taste like the most common fruits around the world - apples and pears.

The homeland of the plant is Asia, but now it can be found all over the world. The place where an unpretentious tree could not take root is the harsh Arctic regions. Severe frosts are the only thing that can scare a plant.

A tree can bear fruit for almost a hundred years, but it grows extremely slowly, so after planting the crop, you will have to wait a long time. There are several hundred plant varieties, you can choose not only seedlings that will give fruits similar to apples, but also more exotic dwarf or even decorative types of fruits.

Regardless of the variety, quince, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are not even discussed, since they have long been found out, prefers moist loams. When buying a seedling, you should definitely take care to provide all the needs of the tree, otherwise the fruit will be small and dry.

What does quince look like, photo

Despite the considerable popularity of these fruits, you can meet people who are completely unfamiliar with these fruits. In order not to stand at a loss in front of the counter in a store with outlandish fruits, you definitely need to see exactly how the quince looks like, the photo will certainly help you figure it out.

The fruits of the tree in appearance may resemble apples or pears, but only in appearance, the taste of fruits is something in between these gifts of nature. Much here depends on the variety - some fruits can hardly even be called quince. Among the most common varieties are Crimean early, Aurora, Excellent student. They differ in taste, juicy pulp and shelf life.

Cultivated varieties can produce fruits of different sizes. Some of them can grow up to 2 kg, wild birds do not differ in such large fruits - most often they do not exceed 100 gr.

Why quince is useful - medicinal properties of fruits

How to use quince correctly, the beneficial properties and contraindications of fruits - you definitely need to know these features in order to get the most benefit from them for the body and affect diseases. The uniqueness of this wonderful plant is that in addition to fruits, leaves and even bark can be used in treatment. The only thing that is not needed for the preparation of medicinal formulations is flowering, it does not contain anything useful for the human body.

It should be remembered that raw fruits are practically useless - only after heat treatment can they be used to influence diseases. How useful is quince for the body? She has a lot of useful qualities:

  1. anemia treatment;
  2. ability to stop bleeding;
  3. recovery of forces after operations;
  4. lowering cholesterol;
  5. fat burning;
  6. normalization of blood pressure;
  7. beneficial effect on the fetus during pregnancy;
  8. positive effect on insomnia.

You can use the peel of the fruit to make tea - this fragrant tasty drink will protect against colds and increase the body's defenses.

Quince, benefits and harms to humans

For what ailments quince should be actively used, the benefits and harms of fruits - this must certainly be clarified even before eating the fruits, otherwise it will take a long time to wait for positive results. Against what ailments do doctors recommend the use of delicious fruits?

Quince can be used for such ailments:

  1. with a strong cough;
  2. with diseases of the digestive tract;
  3. with inflammatory processes in the eyes (including barley);
  4. with cosmetic problems (pimples, rashes, wrinkles).

Despite a lot of positive qualities, fruits can lead to serious problems, especially if you are careless about contraindications. Fruits should not be consumed in case of allergic reactions to certain substances that quince abounds in, with ulcers and gastritis. Dangerous fruits will certainly be with constipation and can lead to complications. With active consumption, they can adversely affect the vocal cords.

Quince as eaten raw

Many people who first purchased appetizing-looking fruits are certainly interested in how exactly quince is used, how such hard fruits are eaten raw. It should be remembered that they are practically not consumed in this way - only after heat treatment they become suitable for use in food.

Of course, some varieties of fruits are quite soft, so you can try to eat them without cooking. It should be remembered that hard pulp can injure the walls of the esophagus or stomach. Even if this does not happen, there may be pain in the abdomen.

Another feature to remember is that fruit seeds are quite harmful to humans. After heat treatment, they lose their negative properties, but when eating raw fruits, it is better to remove them immediately and enjoy only the pulp.

How quince is used in cooking, cooking recipes

In cooking, quince is often used in the preparation of not only pastries, but also first courses or snacks, there are cooking recipes of varying complexity, so you can cook a delicious treat yourself.

Soup with quince:

  1. Mix vegetable and butter, fry onion on it.
  2. Add potato cubes, quince (if the skin of the fruit is too thick, it is better to remove it), a few cloves of garlic to the almost ready onion.
  3. Pour in a little water, simmer until the potatoes are cooked.
  4. Puree with an immersion blender, add cream, salt, favorite spices.
  5. Bring to a boil, serve.

You can garnish the soup with chopped green onions or parsley.

Chutney - Indian spice:

  1. Cut the quince into small beautiful cubes.
  2. Saute diced onion in vegetable oil until translucent.
  3. Add fruit cubes, grated ginger root, spices, honey and be sure to raisins to the onion (pre-soak it briefly in hot water).
  4. Pour vinegar into the mass, send the container to a small fire and simmer at a low boil for at least two hours.
  5. Be sure to stir the mixture during cooking.
  6. Serve with grilled or grilled meats.

On the basis of the fruit, you can also prepare a delicious drink, for this, simply cut the fruit into small slices, pour in plenty of water and bring to a boil. Raisins, dried fruits, pieces of apples or pears will not be superfluous here. Do not remove, cook for a few minutes. The finished drink can be supplemented with sugar, honey, vanilla or cinnamon. You can drink it cold or hot - it will equally benefit. It is especially important to include tea in the diet in the winter season - the fragrant liquid has a positive effect on the immune system and protects against colds.

What wonderful qualities quince has, useful properties and contraindications, the best ways to use fruits - you definitely need to know these features. This will help to get not only the pleasure of eating simple culinary masterpieces, but also enrich yourself with a mass of wonderful substances that have a beneficial effect on the body.

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