Ways to arrange furniture in a rectangular room, design tips. Square living room design

Since the hall is main room in the house, then it is worth carefully planning the repair and the future atmosphere. Modern living rooms should be practical, multifunctional and most importantly comfortable and enjoyable to stay. The zoning of space or the combination of the hall with the kitchen looks quite stylish.

The project of a rectangular living room in an apartment should be created only after an interview with all the residents of the house, so that the room does not irritate or cause discomfort. Each person has his own preferences and wishes, and since everyone uses the hall, the general wishes must be taken into account.

This is the only way to make a room that for everyone will become:

  • Pleasant;
  • Convenient;
  • Attractive.

In the hall you can meet guests, work, and also get together with your family to watch TV or solve important problems. Before you spend, you should decide on the purpose of the space. For example, if the priority will be given to work, then it is necessary that there is an equipped place in the hall for this. If there are often guests in the house and stay overnight, then in this case you can’t do without extra beds in the hall.

These can be chair beds, sofa beds, as well as other structures that can be useful and not spoil the look of the room.

Rectangular living-kitchen: room features

Interiors such as the kitchen-living room look very fashionable, what will become ideal solution for an apartment in which the hall is rectangular in shape. Creating a comfortable and practical design- this is what is required by many people who believe that life should be bright and stylish.

The most important thing is that the project should be individual, since each house has its own characteristics, for example:

  • The form;
  • Length;
  • Ceiling height;
  • Location of windows and doors.

The living room-kitchen is new and modern solution designing apartments, and regardless of the size of the hall and the place for cooking, they can be combined, so that all the flaws will be hidden. It is important to consider that the interior must be practical and stylish in order to please the household and please the guests.

Stylish kitchen-living room design ideas can be found in the material:

Advantages of combining

The living room-kitchen has a large number of positive aspects that will appeal to many connoisseurs of stylish things:

  1. With this layout, it is much more convenient to cook and set the table, especially for a big holiday.
  2. In the presence of a bar counter and the absence of one of the walls, the space visually increases.
  3. It is very easy to receive a guest and immediately look after the kids, since you do not have to leave the room and will full review hall.

Proper planning of repairs and future atmosphere allows you to get beautiful room as well as stylish, creative and as comfortable as possible. If you want to combine the living room and the hall, then you need to take care of purchasing quality hood, which will eliminate the spread of odors throughout the apartment.

Creation of the design of the living room-kitchen

In the hall, almost everyone spends most of their time. Therefore, the room should be well lit and have enough space for the whole family. In the living room, the light should be slightly dimmed and not too bright, provided that there is no place to work.

When combining the kitchen and the hall, it is worth taking care of the visual zoning of the place for cooking and the place for receiving guests. This can be done through spotlights and LED backlighting.

There are a huge number of ways to install interior items or choose the color of the room. There is practically no limit on decor, products and textiles, and it all depends mainly on the household. The design of the floor in the hall can be varied in material, but it is better to lay dark canvases in color, since dust is not visible on them, and the coating will not merge with the whole room.

Choice color solution depends on:

  • Shades of furniture and its forms;
  • lighting;
  • The functionality of the room.

For those with small children, don't choose bright hues, since practical dark ones will be the most the best option. There is no need to be afraid of dark colors, and so that they do not narrow the space, it is quite possible to apply various tricks. For example, mirrors modular furniture, original decor in the form of a chandelier with butterflies and the like. Furniture and floor coverings should be such that they can be cleaned very easily, which will make them practical and durable.

Rectangular hall design

Carrying out repairs in the room area, which is not more than 16-18 m 2 can be finished in bright colors. Thus, the room will visually expand, and also become more illuminated, even with small window. You should not make the hall boring and varied, as such an interior will get bored very quickly.

To avoid such consequences, you should pay attention to:

  • Bright accents;
  • Space zoning method;
  • Juicy shades in textiles.

If the room has a dark floor, light walls and bright curtains, then it will become harmonious and pleasant to stay. Experts believe that three colors are enough to create an interesting design solution. Can be used as decoration decorative pillows, curtains with a print, photo wallpapers and similar items.

If you plan to place such decorations and accessories, then the walls in the room should be plain so that there is no feeling of clutter.

It is worth noting that both too small and too large a print on the wallpaper can put pressure on the psyche and spoil appearance. Everything should be in moderation. Now it is very fashionable to use applications to decorate the halls, and they can be made by professionals or handmade and own production. If the room is located on the north side of the house, then it is better to decorate it with yellow, orange or beige. If the room is very sunny and almost the whole day is filled with light, then it is suitable for finishing it. cold color, grayscale, blue and purple.

What are the design criteria?

In order for the hall to be and remain stylish, comfortable and beautiful, you need to carefully consider some things.


  • Style;
  • Bright accents;
  • Type of furniture;
  • The presence of decorative elements.

When choosing a style for the hall, you need to decide whether the room will be zoned or combined. The style of the room depends on what the room will be used for.

Material about fashion trends in living room design will also be useful:

Design options for a rectangular hall in an apartment (video)

Absolutely every centimeter of the hall must be thought out thoroughly so that there is no ridiculous view. So that the room does not put pressure on the psyche, it is worth using material with different textures, a bar counter, a podium, a false wall, mirrors, only fashionable interior items.

Examples of repairing a rectangular living room (photo of interiors)

Starting repairs in the living room, you need to understand exactly what style solutions are suitable for this room. It should be based on the area and shape of the room, the height of the ceilings and the level natural light. Choosing the interior of the living room 18 sq. panel house, a photo various options designs can be viewed online.

Simple design in the interior of the living room

Repair in a typical panel house has its own nuances. Many series feature awkward layouts, low ceilings, and overhanging beams. Create beautiful interior in such a room is not easy, especially when the area is limited to 18 square meters. Be careful with the organization of space. Do not clutter up the room, give up unnecessary embellishment, and then your apartment will get a living room that you can rightfully be proud of.

Living room area in brown tones

Color solutions

In panel houses, the ceiling height rarely exceeds 2.75 m. Ceilings 2.55 m high are often found. They significantly eat up space. And if the room size is less than 20 square meters, then it seems tight. To visually expand the room, light colors are used in standard living rooms. The most common options are:

pastel scale

These are soft tones, such as beige, pink, marble, soft green, light gray. They will give your home an atmosphere of calm comfort and visually harmonize the space;

Bed colors in the interior of the living room

Cold gamma

It is recommended for rooms whose windows overlook south side. Cold shades are blue, graphite gray, red, black, white. Using them for interior decoration, you can play in contrast. Another option is monochrome solutions when the room is designed in different shades one color;

Living room in white

It is the best option for different style decisions. It is characterized by such colors as brown, honey, cherry, terracotta, deep yellow, dark green. These colors create a cozy space with a calm atmosphere.

Living room in natural colors

Note! If the living room has a rectangular shape (typical for houses of 137 and 606 series), it can be visually expanded. To do this, narrow walls are pasted over with light wallpaper, and wide walls with dark ones.

Style decisions

When choosing a design style for a living room measuring eighteen meters, pay attention to its area. The interior should not be redundant. For example, baroque in a panel house will not look very appropriate. Stucco, velvet and huge tapestries are pretentious for a typical apartment. Provence style, despite all its freshness, is also not suitable. This solution is for a spacious country house in standard apartment will look out of place.

Living room in the style of minimalism

The most organic design for the central room of 18 meters will be simple, but elegant solutions. They do not exclude elements of coziness and playfulness, but they are dosed in a more strict processing. So, consider the most popular style solutions for a small living room:


A style that originated in Canada, where there was an overabundance of empty spaces in the 19th century industrial premises. They began to equip apartments in them, while maintaining the primary flavor.

The loft style is characterized by brick walls(or imitation under a brick), comfortable sofas plush fabrics, iron shelving, extraordinary decorative elements. First of all, this men's style, but if you add a couple of transitional elements to it, such as curtains in structural organza or a wall of family photos, then it is quite suitable for decoration. common room.

Loft style living room

The interior, designed in this style, helps to expand the space, because everything unnecessary is removed from the room. It is characterized by a minimum of furniture, glossy surfaces and closed systems storage. This living room design option is not as cheap as it might seem.

Minimalism style living area

So that the room does not turn into an ascetic's cell, it is necessary to use expensive Decoration Materials with high quality surface structure. If this glossy panels, then laminated in bulk, and not plastic wrap peeling off after six months. Use of chipboard allowed, but only for cabinet frames. Facades must be made of natural wood. Another option that is acceptable in such interiors is plastic. Facades, countertops and other furniture elements are made from it. The plastic must be High Quality with scratch resistant surface.

With the advent of Swedish chain stores, this style has become very popular in our country. It is simple and cozy at the same time, does not press and creates the feeling of a real family hearth in the room. It is characterized by warm shades, natural materials and traditional patterns.

Scandinavian style in the living room

Living room in Scandinavian style

You can't help but love the Scandinavian style. Light colors and cute details create a pleasant atmosphere in the house. A large number of storage systems that Scandinavians love so much will help organize chaos even in a small living room designed for big family. It is characterized by the use a large number home textiles. Carpets, runners, bedspreads, blankets, tulle - with the help of accessories, this interior can be customized to suit every taste.

Very important! The style of the common room should please everyone who lives in the apartment. Before starting repairs, collect family council and find out the opinion of your household about the upcoming changes. Everyone should be comfortable in the updated interior.

To decorate the living room, you can choose any style. The most important thing is that it be fully sustained within one room and combined with the interior of the entire apartment.


AT typical houses the central room often has multiple uses. It is used not only as a living room. Often they have a kitchen in it, arrange a temporary bedroom or guest room. Zoning of this room is carried out depending on the purpose of use.

Zoning the living area

common room

If there is enough space in the apartment, then one room is allocated as a living room. In this case, it is easier to divide it into zones, there are not so many of them. First of all, in the common room they allocate a place to relax, where there is a sofa, armchairs and a TV. To mark the boundaries of this zone, lay a carpet or highlight this place by changing the flooring.

Another highlight option is wall decor. For example, rectangular plasterboard columns are made around the TV, vertical installations of family photos are created on the sides of the sofa.

Original design in the living room

Scandinavian style in the interior

Often in the common room there is a working area where they install computer desk or a hobby table. If they do not fit into the overall design concept, you can separate them with a screen or shelving. When planning the design of a living room of 18 sq m with a balcony, the working area is often organized there. Another way to allocate space for an office in the living room is to put the table in a niche between the cabinets and close it with sliding compartment doors.

Living room combined with bedroom

This is the most common use of the living room in modern panel houses. You can organize the sleeping area in several ways that will organically fit into the interior of the common room:

lifting bed

When folded, it is a cabinet that does not take up much space due to its shallow depth. In order to increase the functionality of this piece of furniture, choose a mirror facade;

Lift bed in the living room

sofa bed

It can have a simple or angular shape. At night it unfolds into sleeping place, during the day - this is a piece of furniture for common use;

Folding sofa in the interior of the living room

Bedroom on the second floor

For those who want to have a separate bed, the designers came up with this original solution. In the room, you can build a second floor by placing it above the work area or recreation area. In a room measuring 18 meters, it should not be too large, otherwise the room will become crowded.

Bed on the second floor in the living room

The budget option for the second floor would be to buy an attic bed. It is installed in the living room above the sofa and is used as a separate bed.

When planning the interior of a living room of 18 sq m photo in a panel house, they often provide a place for a bedroom. If you have to combine two spaces into one, try to leave areas free of furniture. They will relieve you of the feeling of a cluttered space.

Advice! If you keep some of the furniture from the old interior, it will have to be modified. It should fit perfectly into the new design. For this old sofa drag, using a fabric to match the new furniture. Cabinets, tables and shelves are painted or decorated using decoupage.


A design move that is very often used for wall decoration in small rooms. You can place a TV, a music system or a collection of your favorite vases in a niche. This decorative element is made of drywall, increasing the thickness of the wall over its entire surface. Individual elements cut out, the side sections are sutured, thus creating a structural surface.

Small niches in the interior of the living room

The inside of the niches can be glued contrasting wallpaper or put mirrors of the appropriate size there. This method of wall decoration is especially often used in panel houses, where ceiling beams hang over the wall, not allowing to stretch the suspended ceiling.


Panel houses, for the most part, were built 30 years ago. Internal walls and partitions are considerably dilapidated, during the repair they will have to be restored. To achieve the modern standard, the walls will have to be leveled. This can be done with plaster or use special Construction Materials. For decorating walls in a panel house, they most often use:

Wall panels

Most cheap option- it's plastic. These panels are very easy to install. They are sequentially attached to the guide, creating a single canvas. There are also wooden and fabric panels, which usually decorate the lower half of the room.

Wall panels in the interior of the living room


For common rooms, it is recommended to use durable non-woven wallpaper. Another option is structural paper coverings, which include various composite elements such as stone chips, bamboo and straw.

This wall covering is the most wear-resistant. It can be dyed and washed. Most often used in rooms with a very uneven wall surface, textured plaster helps to hide this shortcoming.

Textured plaster in the interior of the living room


Ceiling decoration sets the tone for the entire room. In a small living room, it is painted in light colors, creating a feeling of spaciousness. The number of fixtures is calculated individually, and depends on the natural level of illumination and the preferences of the apartment owners. To decorate the ceiling in a panel house, the following materials are recommended:


With it, you can create the ceilings of the most complex structures. But with a room area of ​​​​18 meters, you should not get involved in a heap of levels. If there are protruding beams in the living room, they should be sewn into horizontal boxes running parallel to the plane of the ceiling. A flat ceiling is sewn up in one level, trying to save space.

Multi-level plasterboard ceiling in the living room


Stretch ceilings in the living room of 18 sq m have many advantages. They visually expand the space, quickly installed, protect against leaks. When choosing stretch ceilings pay attention to the smell: if they smell strongly of chemicals, this fabric should be discarded.


Plastic Wall panels many use for decoration of ceilings. This option allows you to simulate various surfaces(wood, marble). They are quickly mounted and look neat and practical.

Ceiling panels in the living room

The choice of furniture for the living room 18 meters

  • After the renovation is completed, furniture is chosen for the living room. The whole family will have to gather in this room, so you need to take care of good couch. It can have any shape, the most important thing is the quantity seats must match the number of family members;
  • Can arrange additional places. Put a couple of chairs or put a thick mattress in a beautiful cover on a low chest of drawers. In an inconspicuous place on the wall, you can hang a pair of folding chairs for unexpected guests;
  • A table is another must-have attribute of a living room. If it is used as a dining room, then choose big table round or square shape. Another option is a transforming table that can be folded to size coffee table and do not take up much space;
  • The living room is sure to provide storage space. It can be modern sideboards, open shelving or closed systems. The main thing is that they do not clutter up the space and are combined with the rest of the furniture;
  • The final chord of the renovation in the living room is the choice of curtains and other home textiles. If you like privacy, choose blackout curtains, through which the silhouettes of people in the apartment are not visible. For lovers of light and air, a transparent veil with a fantasy ornament or an organza with a pattern is suitable;
  • Wear-resistant carpet can be laid on the floor. Jute coverings are considered a good option for a common room, as they have a dirt-repellent effect.

Functional furniture in the living room interior

When creating an interior in the living room, do not hesitate to embody your ideas and wishes in it, because this is your room, and you will spend a lot of time in it. But a sense of proportion does not hurt - do not get carried away with bright colors and various patterns, they will get bored in a couple of months.

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55+ Rectangular Room Design Ideas

Stylish interior of a small living room

Not all houses and apartments have proportional rooms, that is, close to a square shape, a rectangular room is more common. This form creates some difficulties in creating the interior, which can also be eliminated with the help of various ways. Do not despair because of the wrong layout, in any case, you can properly furnish the room with furniture that will make the design cozy and comfortable.

Visual increase in space in a rectangular room

No matter what area the room will be - 12 or 18 square meters. m. - the main task of its design will be the creation of a proportional and easy-to-use room. To solve this problem, you can hire experienced designer, but you can also think of everything yourself. Before you arrange the furniture, you need to think about installing dividing partitions. The design of the ceiling, walls and floor had to be thought out in detail. This is the only way to get a multifunctional room.

Beautiful modern room

Dividing wall in the zoning of an oblong room

Living room in modern style with tall windows

A rectangular room cannot be comfortable if zoning is not used. This is the only way that will allow you to highlight the recreation area in the room and workplace. Also, the room can be divided into a bed with a dressing room. This can be achieved with the help of partitions that will rest tightly against the ceiling. To date, new methods of zoning have been invented. They share the space with filament curtains or transformable screen.

With the help of a partition, you can create a dressing area in the bedroom

A rectangular room can be original due to a carefully thought-out interior. That is why, before starting the registration process, you should read some tips and tricks:

  • Wall decoration can be made from various materials. They should visually expand the space. Today, most often there are rooms of 12 and 18 square meters. m.. and for them it is better to choose the material and colors depending on the location of the window. On the opposite wall from the window, you can stick wallpaper in light shades. Mirror and glossy surfaces will perfectly cope with this task. The interior plan plays an important role. Having thought through every detail in advance, you can create a luxurious interior;

White color in the interior will help to visually make the room larger.

Lovely loft style bedroom

  • The floor can help with zoning, so the entire area of ​​the room should be covered. special material. It will allow you to change the way of laying. The floor can be covered with laminate or other material. The combination of finishes will make the floor unique;

Zoning a child's room with a floor

  • The ceiling of a rectangular room does not have to be white color. If you decide to do cozy design, then the following colors should be used for painting: sand, beige, gray.
  • Arrangement of furniture should be done in such a way that the room does not give the impression of a corridor.

In rectangular rooms, great attention should be paid to the arrangement of furniture.

Rectangular living room design

The living room is the most important room in a house or apartment. Attention should be paid to some points that will make a non-standard room unique and harmonious. Living room area can be 18 sq.m. and more. The feeling of spaciousness can be achieved with a large doorway, as shown in the photo. by the most the best option there will be installation sliding door. It will save space and increase space. The plan for arranging furniture should be thought out in advance.

A small Art Nouveau living room can be cozy too

Stylish living room in dark colors

Brickwork will fit perfectly into the interior of an oblong room

A cozy interior will be created with a light floor. made from laminate. With it, each piece of furniture will become light and will look good in the room. The floor can be finished not only with laminate, but also parquet board. It all depends on the capabilities and wishes of the owner. Anyway flooring should be laid perpendicular to big walls to figuratively expand the area. In the design of a rectangular room, you can use square patterns and elements.

Properly selected flooring will also help expand the space.

It is better to decorate the living room in bright colors:

An example of a bright living room is shown in the photo. This coloring will actually help eliminate all layout defects and visually expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Walls painted in two colors will look stylish and original enough, that is, the upper and lower parts will be separated by a horizontal line.

Cream color in the interior of the living room

So that the living room does not seem small, it is better to opt for light colors of wall decoration.

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Comfortable rectangular bedroom

Very often, a bedroom in houses has an area of ​​​​12 or 18 square meters. m. When you develop a design plan, you should "square" the room. In the photo you can see how square elements will look great in rectangular room. The square shape can be a nightstand, pouffe, picture frame on the wall or dressing table. In the same way, a square carpet with the same square elements can be laid on the floor.

Square decor elements will help make the room more regular.

Gorgeous small bedroom interior

Spectacular hi-tech bedroom

You can also eliminate the defects of a disproportionate room with the help of furniture. Its correct choice and arrangement will make even a small bedroom of 12 sq.m. cozy and big. If the bedroom is very elongated, then you can install a closet or dressing room near a small wall. Near the bed tables or cabinets will look good. Before repairing and decorating the bedroom, you should draw up a plan not only for design, but also for arranging furniture. So it will be convenient to determine how this or that version of the furniture composition will look better.

A bed placed across will make narrow bedroom visually a little wider

It is better to arrange furniture with ergonomic features along a long wall. The furniture has non-standard parameters, which will eliminate unnecessary defects in the room. The room is 12 or 18 sq.m. it will be difficult to place bulky furniture. Because of it, the patency in the room will be reduced. The interior plan can be changed thanks to window openings, as well as spot lighting on the ceiling. Very often, floor lamps are installed on the floor, but lamps are on the tables. Central lighting can also be, it should be diffused and soft.

Minimalist bedroom interior

For a long bedroom, instead of a chandelier, it is better to use spot lighting.

Decoration of a children's rectangular room

The design of the children's room should be selected in accordance with the wishes of the child. It must also comply with certain norms and rules in order to furnish the room beautifully. The interior plan will allow you to shorten the children's room, as in the photo. As a rule, a children's room in an apartment or house has a small area, only up to 12 sq.m. However, there are such layouts in which the area of ​​​​the room is 18 sq.m.

Small but very cozy children's room

Competent design of the walls can make the room more square.

The photo shows an interior design with multi-colored wallpaper. They will perfectly stand out from the general background of the room. Very often, wall murals with bright patterns or 3D wallpapers are glued to the walls. If the room has high ceilings, then vertical stripes can be applied to the walls. They make great space for working area or sleeping place.

Gorgeous kids room interior design with colorful wallpaper

3D wallpaper wallpaper in a teenager's room

You can share a room with an area of ​​both 12 and 18 sq.m. The area plays an important role in drawing up an interior plan, but with the help of modern developments and technologies, you can come up with excellent zoning options, which are shown in the photo.

Zoning in the children's room with a partition

Successful combination of a children's room and a balcony


In apartments modern type often there are rooms that have a narrow area with many aspects and nuances. The owners, whose living room has a small area, need to properly plan the arrangement of furniture and interior items so that the living room has a visually more space and did not create the appearance of a tunnel.

What color to choose?

You can choose a variety of design for a narrow area, helping to bring any designer's decision to life and make the room not only cozy, but also spacious to the maximum. First of all, for a small room, you should choose light colors for wall coverings and the same furniture.

This color will help expand the indoor area and add light. For creating home comfort you can use pale orange or yellow colors, as well as with a touch of yellow, you can pick up a carpet or lamps.

When choosing bright colors furniture should not be bulky with a small glass coffee table. Furniture can be selected taking into account bright design objects. In the living room with narrow walls the ends can be decorated in bright colors, and the walls in.

Dark tones, type , for a small living room are not recommended. To decorate the ends of the walls will help painting or pasting with photo wallpaper with a landscape. Curtains or blinds of dark shades are suitable for a narrow living room.

Colors for a living room with a narrow area can only be pastel or light colors - they will give proportionality to the perimeter. You can place accents by combining bright colors with darker ones. you can glue plain with a weak, indistinct pattern.

You can expand the living room with the help of pasted against each other light wallpaper. When dividing a room into sections and gluing it in different color wallpaper, you can expand the space and add sophistication to the design. When it is important to remember that dark shades narrow the area, and light ones visually expand and lengthen it.

Large patterns on the walls also narrow the room, and a small pattern is great for rooms with a narrow area. Large format patterns are applied only to wide walls. On walls close to each other, you can apply a discreet pattern in the form of stripes that visually increase the width of the room.

Furniture and lighting

Adding mirrors at the end of the room will also visually expand it and give it a square shape. Finishing the living room should begin with the ceiling, after leveling and cleaning the surface. After cleaning the ceiling, it is covered with latex white paint. Walls can also contain an ornament or discreet pattern. Colors should be different from pieces of furniture, not have variegated shades and caustic colors.

When creating a design in a narrow living room, it should be excluded, as they give the room an elongation, which makes it look like a corridor. Furniture for a narrow room should be low with lots of shelves or chests of drawers. To free up space, in addition to furniture, there should be a round table and a shelf for installing plasma.

Advice. You should not install too bulky interior details - everything should be light, unobtrusive, harmonious.

For example, instead of heavy chairs, you can put airy puffs, instead of a bright colorful picture on the wall - neutral painting, instead of a massive coffee table - a neat glass table. Shelves should also be light.

Should be with an intense light source for general lighting, installed strictly in the middle of the room. To add brightness to the living room of a narrow perimeter, you can use the built-in cornices in a circle led strip with a dimmer, which will allow you to change the brightness of the glow at any time. Pendants will help to diversify the interior of the living room. small size multi-colored sconces that rotate around their axis to illuminate any area of ​​the room.

Furniture arrangement

Expand the room and make it unusual will help design decision, in which the arrangement of the sofa and armchairs is used in the middle of the room with a preliminary division into sections. This arrangement will free the passage along the walls and visually give it width. Also an effective solution would be to install furniture along one wall of the room.

Ideal for a narrow area is a small armchair and a sofa or two armchairs with a table.

Important. To prevent a narrow living room from looking like a tunnel span, you should not put all the furniture along the wall.

You can fill the remaining space by installing a zigzag shelf with a niche for the TV. Another wall of the room can be decorated with glass shelving or shelves with an ekibana composition.

Not all houses and apartments have proportional rooms, that is, close to a square shape, a rectangular room is more common. This form creates some difficulties in creating the interior, which can also be eliminated using various methods. Do not despair because of the wrong layout, in any case, you can properly furnish the room with furniture that will make the design cozy and comfortable.

Visual increase in space in a rectangular room

No matter what area the room will be - 12 or 18 square meters. m., - the main task of its design will be the creation of a proportional and easy-to-use room. To solve such a problem, you can hire an experienced designer, but you can also think through everything yourself. Before you arrange the furniture, you need to think about the installation dividing walls. The design of the ceiling, walls and floor had to be thought out in detail. This is the only way to get a multifunctional room.

A rectangular room cannot be comfortable if zoning is not used. This is the only way that will allow you to highlight the recreation area in the room and workplace. Also, the room can be divided into a bed with a dressing room. This can be achieved with the help of partitions that will rest tightly against the ceiling. To date, new zoning methods. They divide the room with filament curtains or a transformable screen.

A rectangular room can be original due to a carefully thought-out interior. That is why, before starting the registration process, you should read some tips and tricks:

  • Wall decoration can be made of various materials. They should visually expand the space. Today, most often there are rooms of 12 and 18 sq. m., and for them it is better to choose the material and colors depending on the location of the window. On the opposite wall from the window, you can stick wallpaper in light shades. Mirror and glossy surfaces will perfectly cope with this task. The interior plan plays an important role. Having thought through every detail in advance, you can create a luxurious interior;
  • The floor can help in zoning, so the entire area of ​​​​the room should be covered with a special material. It will allow you to change the way of laying. The floor can be covered laminate or other material. The combination of finishes will make the floor unique;
  • The ceiling of a rectangular room does not have to be white. If you decide to make a cozy design, then you should use the following colors for painting: sand, beige, grey.
  • Arrangement of furniture should be done in such a way that the room does not give the impression of a corridor.

Rectangular living room design

The living room is the most important room in a house or apartment. Attention should be paid to some points that will make a non-standard room unique and harmonious. Living room area can be 18 sq.m. and more. The feeling of spaciousness can be achieved with a large doorway, as shown in the photo. The best option would be to install sliding door. It will save space and increase space. The plan for arranging furniture should be thought out in advance.

A cozy interior will be created with the help of fair sex made from laminate. With it, each piece of furniture will become light and will look good in the room. The floor can be finished not only with laminate, but also with parquet. It all depends on the capabilities and wishes of the owner. In any case, the flooring should be laid perpendicular to the large walls in order to figuratively expand the area. In the design of a rectangular room, you can use square patterns and elements.

It is better to decorate the living room in bright colors:

  • Cream;
  • Light gray;
  • Lilac;
  • Beige ;
  • Light blue;
  • Light green.

Example of light living room presented in the photo. This coloring will actually help eliminate all layout defects and visually expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Walls painted in two colors will look stylish and original enough, that is, the upper and lower parts will be separated by a horizontal line.

Comfortable rectangular bedroom

Very often, a bedroom in houses has an area of ​​​​12 or 18 square meters. m. When you develop a design plan, you should "square" the room. In the photo you can see how square elements will look great in a rectangular room. The square shape can be a nightstand, pouffe, picture frame on the wall or dressing table. In the same way, a square carpet with the same square elements can be laid on the floor.

You can also eliminate the defects of a disproportionate room with the help of furniture. Its correct choice and arrangement will make even a small a bedroom of 12 sq.m. cozy and big. If the bedroom is very elongated, then you can install a closet or dressing room near a small wall. Near the bed tables or cabinets will look good. Before repairing and decorating the bedroom, you should draw up a plan not only for design, but also for arranging furniture. So it will be convenient to determine how this or that version of the furniture composition will look better.
