Veneered doors: pros and cons. Which doors are better to give preference to - MDF or veneer

Recently, many buyers of our country prefer to purchase interior veneered doors. Made from MDF, they are not only an environmentally friendly product that is safe for human health, but also have excellent quality and performance characteristics. The essence of the production of this type of product is to cover the MDF panels with a special oak veneer with its further tinting with varnishes of various colors and shades. This technology allows you to create doors with an original and attractive appearance, with good wear resistance and durability.

Why should you opt for MDF?

Firstly, interior MDF doors are made according to the latest technologies, which provides them with excellent quality characteristics that meet all modern requirements. Secondly, it is worth recalling the environmental friendliness, resistance to external influences, moisture, durability and reliability of this array. Thirdly, these interior veneered doors have an unusually aesthetic appearance and a huge number of color options, which allows you to translate into reality any fantasy of the designer. In addition, these products can be created according to custom order and are available in all custom sizes.

What distinguishes interior MDF doors from other doors?

  • practicality;
  • durability;
  • unpretentiousness in care;
  • wear resistance;
  • variety of colors;
  • wide model range;
  • affordable price.

How to make the right choice?

When choosing interior veneered doors, it is worth considering several nuances that will help you correct solution and get a really high-quality product. It must be remembered that the door leaf is not only a means for separating two rooms, but also important element interior, so it must match the overall style of the room. The quality of the veneer itself is also of great importance. Natural veneer has a unique pattern, it does not emit any odors, and its surface must be smooth and securely fixed.

The cost of such material cannot be very low, because high-quality and natural products are always more expensive than their artificial counterparts. It is worth buying MDF or veneered interior doors only from trusted and reliable suppliers who have a positive reputation in the market and guarantee high quality and the authenticity of their products. Only in this case the client will be satisfied with his purchase, which long years will delight him with a magnificent and pristine appearance.

Choosing interior doors to an apartment or Vacation home, our clients often ask the question: what is better, solid or veneered doors? This question can be answered quickly if you know the budget and other inputs. If you try to compare in general, then you must definitely decide on the criteria for comparison. Basically, they choose by design and everything connected with it (color, construction), by price, by service life, durability, ease of use, the beauty of the surface is also important to someone (a certain type of wood is needed), and possibly prestige or environmental friendliness.

Veneered doors with triplex glass. You will not find doors from an array of such a design.

What is the best design?

Veneered doors are very different. Through the use modern materials, it is possible to make doors of any design. Add in the many types of wood available in veneer form and you have a huge opportunity for production. Solid wood doors are more traditional, mostly made in classic design. Upon closer inspection, their "naturalness" becomes visible. This is usually noticeable by the way the surface of the tree looks, how it is processed, from what it is typed. By the way, expensive veneered doors can copy this very well, but more on that later. When a certain price threshold is reached, it becomes difficult for a non-specialist to distinguish one from the other. You need to know where to look and what to pay attention to.

What is more cost effective? Is it worth it to overpay for an array?

With the price, the situation is twofold, on the one hand, people choose doors within the budget, so you need to compare doors from one price category, and then we will do it. But quite a lot of people are wondering: is it worth overpaying for solid wood doors? This suggests that many would like to save money by opting for veneered doors. The expediency of this savings, everyone must determine for himself, and we will help you make a choice.

The doors are veneered in black ash and walnut. Such doors are easy to confuse with a real array.

Durability and maintainability

Both of them, if made with high quality, will last a long time. Damage that will appear during operation will be approximately the same. The most likely are scratches and chips on the surface. Because Both types of doors have wooden surface, but differ only in content, then the nature of the damage will be approximately the same. Small chips and scratches can be repaired with mastic in color. Can be restored lacquer coating entirely. But more serious problems, such as a peeled veneer or a cracked array, can no longer be fixed.

Undoubtedly, when buying doors for serious money, you want some kind of guarantee for the period of use. By own experience we can say that even veneered doors cost normally for 15 years. Solid wood doors last for decades. But whether such a margin of safety is needed is up to you. Usually, it takes just 10-15 years from repair to repair, and repair for interior doors is a problem - most likely the doors will not transfer it.

Veneered door in white ash

Ease of use

Many people know that some doors overreact to the change heating seasons and may stop closing. There are also prejudices that not all doors can be installed in the bathroom. Usually this applies to solid wood and veneer doors, but we guarantee that if the doors are made with high quality, these two problems can be forgotten. Solid wood doors are heavier than veneered ones, this can create certain inconveniences. In terms of sound insulation, there is not much difference if the box is equipped with a seal, and veneered doors with solid filling inside the leaf. Soundproofing is more affected by the presence of a glass insert and its size.

Pine sliding doors

Surface beauty, prestige, environmental friendliness

You can pick up any veneer for doors, even some exotic one. With an array in this regard, it is much more complicated and much more expensive. Even such a familiar oak, in inexpensive solid wood doors, may look worse than oak veneer, because. inexpensive raw materials initially small size and small dies are visible on the surface of the door, from which the door leaf is assembled. The veneer, on the contrary, will appear solid, thanks to the pattern selected on the surface. As the cost increases, the array becomes more beautiful, every detail door leaf informs us that we have an elite product from natural wood.

There are many ways to treat the surface of solid wood and veneer, the more expensive, the more interesting options. But the most interesting ones, such as brushing with two-color toning, are available only for the whole array.

The veneer may not have a natural pattern, but have an ordered structure created according to the designer's intention. This is the so-called Fine Line veneer. For many modern interiors, this is what you need.

There is an opinion that veneered doors are not very environmentally friendly. Although if you look, there is nothing in them that could somehow spoil the healthy atmosphere in an apartment or house. MDF or glue, with which parts of the canvas are assembled, are absolutely harmless. Many manufacturers confirm this with safety certificates.

What are solid wood doors and how are they made?

Basically, pine, alder, oak, ash and beech are used for the production of doors. The cheapest and most common solid pine doors. At a cost per canvas from 3000 to 8000 rubles.

Doors made of pine under colorless varnish.

Next in terms of availability are alder doors: from 10,000 to 16,000 rubles.

Well, the most expensive are oak, ash and beech, from 18,000 rubles.

All doors from the array are made in approximately the same way:

The raw material is dried first. Depending on the type of wood, this process is configured differently. But the common thing is that this is the longest and most important stage. If the drying modes are chosen incorrectly or in a hurry (there is always a temptation to do it faster, because drying usually takes up to 20 days), then you can pay for it. The consequences of improper drying can already be felt after the doors have been installed. And we all know these consequences: the appearance of cracks, warping, changes in geometry, etc.

After drying, the raw materials are prepared and assembled. Doors from all breeds are assembled using the technology of re-glued solid wood. This means that the dried boards are first cut into blanks with a certain geometry, and then glued under pressure into a slab. This plate is collected in several layers, and the direction of the fibers in the layers is different. This is necessary so that the layers restrain each other from expanding or contracting. The expansion coefficient of a tree, when absorbing moisture, is many times greater along the fibers than across. The trim parts (frames) and panels (internal filling of the door leaf) are cut from the plate.

After assembly, surface treatment takes place. Solid wood doors are primed, waxed, painted, enameled, varnished, stained, tinted, brushed, patinated. The choice of processing method depends on the type of wood and design. Pine is very resinous and loose, so it repels moisture and has excellent insulating characteristics. Therefore, you can often find pine doors without coating at all, for example, in saunas. The most popular finishes for pine are lacquer and wax. Alder, on the contrary, strongly absorbs moisture, so its coating should be as dense as possible and completely close the pores. Alder doors covered with enamel are very popular. The same can be said about the beech. Doors made of oak and ash allow the use of both dense and translucent coatings.

Door from the massif of an alder with a patina.

What are veneered doors and how are they made?

Veneered doors are a combination of materials. Inside is an array, the next layer is MDF, and on the surface is veneer.

What is veneer - a thin slice of natural wood. Veneer thickness in door production is about 1 mm. It is of several types. There is a veneer that completely preserves the pattern of wood, with all the stains and structure (it can be radial, tangential, depending on the direction in which the cutting is made). Such veneer is the most expensive and is made from valuable and not very breeds, with good properties. For example, the veneer of oak, ash, mahogany, anegry, etc., common in our country. And there is an inexpensive, restored veneer, or, as it is also called, fineline veneer. It is made from cheap fast-growing species such as poplar, aspen, maple. As in the case of natural veneer, it is first cut and tinted, but then glued and cut again. After this stage, the natural pattern turns into an ordered one. A pattern of longitudinal lines appears, the thickness of which is set by the initial cutting.

Ash veneer door

In order for the veneer to lay beautifully on the base, it is sewn into large canvases on a fabric substrate, this is the so-called shirt. Natural veneer in a shirt is beautifully selected according to the pattern. In this state, the veneer is literally pressed into the MDF base by hot pressing, under enormous pressure.

The role of MDF in veneered doors is huge. The base on which the veneer is applied must be very hard. And its dimensions should not change and depend on the humidity in the room (this happens with natural wood). Otherwise, the veneer will crack. MDF is ideal for these requirements. It is durable, not expensive and is made from natural ingredients.

In order for veneered doors to be affordable, their insides must be from inexpensive solid wood, such as pine. So that the pine does not change its size and the veneer does not crack, it is glued on all sides with layers of MDF. It turns out a very strong, relatively light, constant in its geometry, multi-layered base.

The surface of the veneer is treated in the same way as an array: it is tinted, varnished, painted, sanded. Therefore, it becomes difficult to understand what is in front of us: a whole array or its thin slice.

Veneered doors in the range of 3000 to 6000 rubles are mainly covered with inexpensive fineline veneer, very popular in the color " bleached oak"and" wenge. The design in this price range is the simplest. The door leaf is initially completely smooth, in fact it is a frame and two sheets of MDF. Then, in this smooth canvas, where necessary, recesses are milled - an imitation of panels, and holes for glasses are cut out. In places where this is supposed to be done, a pine beam is laid in the canvas, the rest of the free space is filled with honeycomb filler.

In models from 6500 rubles. natural veneer is already used for the canvas, real panel constructions appear: a pine frame, MDF panels.

Further, as the cost increases, the designs of the canvases become more perfect. The voids in the frame disappear, the pine timber is replaced with more durable combined materials, including LVL timber. (LVL timber is a high-strength structural material glued from pine veneer sheets.) There is more decor in the design: glazing beads, baguette, more complex shapes panel, expensive glass.

For all veneered doors, manufacturers leave the top and bottom ends uncoated, if it is not clear whether it is an array or veneer, you need to look there.

What to choose, solid pine doors or veneered doors?

Let's try to compare inexpensive veneered doors and solid pine doors.

What is attractive pine and why buy it.

Pine has a very beautiful natural pattern, it is difficult to confuse it with something. If the pine is under a translucent coating, this pattern is noticeable and there is no doubt that we have a door made of natural wood. It's easy to see and even smell. That's the beauty of it, which is why, in many areas of design, pine doors are the standard option. For example, Scandinavian style, provence, etc. And even though the surface of such doors is softer than that of veneered ones, and even small bumps will leave marks on it, this only emphasizes the naturalness. Pine doors will react more strongly to the change of heating seasons. But if the door is made and installed according to all the rules, this will not annoy you, you may not even notice it.

Solid pine doors with White Wax finish.

Veneered doors for this money are more diverse in terms of design, you can choose from modern to classic. Undoubtedly, the surface of the varnished veneer will be harder, and there will be much less marks on it. The construction of the canvas is lighter than solid pine, but strong enough and will not cause any inconvenience. But the charm of naturalness will not be in them. Fineline's well-ordered veneer structure is more suited to modern interiors and finishing materials.

If we talk about durability, then both of them will please the owners for a long time. But of course, the surface of pine doors, under the same conditions, will collect damage faster.

Ash veneered door. Please note that the door is made in the same design as the pine doors in the previous photo.

Which is better, solid alder or veneered doors?

Alder doors start, at a cost per canvas, from a mark of 10,000 rubles. For this money, the choice of veneered doors is practically unlimited. You can choose classic doors with natural oak or ash veneer, tinted in interesting, modern shades. You can choose doors in ultra-modern design, with veneer applied in different directions, alternating with glass inserts in the same plane, etc.

Alder doors, on the contrary, will be more traditional in design, with a more natural, classic surface color. Very popular are doors with an opaque white or beige finish, usually enamel or primer. The surface of alder does not lose to veneer in hardness. A solid wood construction can last for decades.

Door from the massif of an alder with tinting "Cognac"

In general, it is difficult to say unequivocally which is better, alder or veneer. There is an obvious difference in approaches. If you want a traditionally high-quality, 100% natural door - take alder. It is not as expensive as oak, while it looks very dignified and will last a long time. If you are ready for experiments, you need a bright design, you need to match the surface to other interior items, pay attention to doors veneered with natural veneer.

Cherry veneer doors

What to order, solid wood doors (oak, ash, beech) or veneered?

Here you can compare directly, because. there are interior doors with oak and ash veneer trim. Their cost starts from 8,000 rubles per canvas and can reach up to 20,000 for canvases with expensive glasses and complex designs.

Oak veneer door

The cost for an array of oak or ash only starts at 25,000 rubles. In the very affordable option, these are doors from the most inexpensive raw materials. This can be seen on the surface of such doors, because. the blanks from which the canvas is made are small, the door looks like a type-setting parquet.

Solid oak door with matched pattern, no parquet effect

Veneered doors will compare favorably on their plan, because. their veneer pattern is usually beautifully matched and located on the surface, sometimes even too perfectly. But thanks to the parquet look, solid wood doors look more natural, it catches the eye.

From 35,000 rubles, you can order massive doors made of high-quality raw materials, with lamellas beautifully selected on the surface, which will look like solid wood doors. High-quality doors also differ in design; in their manufacture, an interesting profile of panels and standing parts is selected. The increased thickness of the canvas, instead of the standard 40 mm, can enhance the impression. they make it 50mm. and more. This allows you to achieve stunning surface relief, with large elevation changes. One look at such doors is enough to understand what they are made of.

Door with solid ash panels, close-up

Ash veneer, close-up

Veneered doors are interesting because with this natural material you can create very cool things, which are very expensive or impossible to make from solid wood. For doors, you can select the type of wood, tint it in desired color and place on the surface as needed. You can make parts with different directions of the pattern, you can combine different veneers, make glossy or glass inserts. Veneered doors with large triplex glass are very popular, but such models are not made from solid wood.

But there is a technique that you definitely will not find on veneered doors. Brushing will help to make solid wood doors even more spectacular, especially with two-tone staining. Brushing, from the English “brush”, is literally the removal of soft fibers from the surface of a tree with a metal bristle. It turns out a pattern of grooves, which are tinted in a color that favorably sets off the main one. The brushing depth can be adjusted from 0.5 to 2 mm.

Before comparing them, let's make a reservation right away and say that these coverages are very close to each other. Both veneer and solid wood are natural materials, they have a lot in common, but each one also has its own nuances. We will talk about them in the article, and to make the comparison more clear, we will compare according to specific parameters: price, production technology, design, etc.

What are they made of?

Visually, the coatings are similar, but the design of the door leaf and the technology of its production are radically different.

Veneered door. At the heart is a frame made of solid wood, which manufacturers cover with MDF sheets. They are glued on thinnest layer natural wood- veneer, and a finishing varnish is already applied to it.

Solid wood door. Two options are possible - either the door is made from a solid array, or from a glued one. The door is also varnished.

What looks better?

Choosing between veneer and solid wood in terms of design, the former seems to be more preferable. Let's explain why:

    natural veneer offers a greater choice of shades and textures than solid wood. It is a fact. If suddenly you don’t have enough shades, you can sacrifice a little naturalness and choose an even richer fine-line veneer in terms of design.

    more species of trees can be used for the production of veneered coatings than for solid wood. This results in more varied colors and textures.

    the canvas can be supplemented with glass inserts, incl. and big ones.

    you can create original drawings on a fine-line veneer canvas. Take a look at our collection of doors for an example.

About array

With an array, not everything is so clear. The quality of the coating, its appearance depend on the type of wood - you can take a cheap pine and proudly call it an array, or you can take an expensive oak, beech or ash.

The more expensive the array, the better quality coating, the more it will convey the naturalness of the material compared to the same veneer. Just remember, a solid pine door for 5,000 rubles. at the nearest construction market and a factory door for 25,000 rubles. are different weight classes.

Also, when choosing a door, start from the style of the interior. Below we have outlined the recommended matches between door materials and interior styles.


As for the veneer, that for the array, almost all of them coincide. Apart from a couple of nuances, there is not much difference between them:

    both coatings do not tolerate direct sunlight - the coating may fade over time. If you need to install it in such a place, choose another coating better.

    veneer and solid wood doors are made from natural wood. It is environmentally friendly and safe for health.

    strength. If laid out in descending order, then the strength rating will look like this: first, hardwoods; then veneer and solid alder; pine array.

    weight. Veneered doors are easier to open due to their lighter weight. Some manufacturers also use honeycomb filler to lighten the canvas.

    in terms of noise and heat insulation, the array and veneer are on the same level, but on the condition that there is no honeycomb filler in the veneered sheet structure, and a sealant is used in the boxed timber.

    Like any natural material, veneer and solid wood are sensitive to sudden changes in temperature and humidity conditions. The veneer does not tolerate high humidity, array - high humidity and dry air. There is only one piece of advice here - whatever material you choose, maintain a normal temperature and humidity regime. Manufacturers must indicate it in the door passport.

    damage resistance. Chips and scratches on both veneer and solid wood can be tinted with a special tool to match the canvas. If the problem is more serious - the array has cracked, the veneer has peeled off, then this is already irreparable.

The search for interior doors most often begins with a corresponding request on the Internet. And you don't know why more eyes scatter: from the number of manufacturers or products offered. MDF, veneer, eco-veneer, metal, solid wood - it seems easier to give up and take it at random. To ease the torment of choice, the TAM.BY team talked to Alexey Voitekhovich, Deputy Director for Development at Vist, and figured out all the nuances.

Of course there are tips. If we compare modern market interior doors with what it was 12-15 years ago, we can safely say: now it is not difficult to choose doors of any color, shape, size and finish. Previously, buyers did not have such an opportunity. Therefore, there is something to talk about here.

The main thing is that the selected doors fit color scheme and the style of the room in which they will stand. Although now buyers increasingly prefer white tones. Mainly because White color- universal. It suits any style and interior, gives the room lightness.

As for design, it is better to choose fully or partially glazed doors for the living room and kitchen. They are also suitable for children. For greater child safety, you can choose doors with tempered glass. He is not afraid of shock and temperature changes.

Deaf doors are often placed in living rooms and utility rooms. And in the bathroom and bathroom - doors with matte or patterned opaque partial glazing.

By the way, for the doors to the bathroom is still worth Special attention give to the material. It must be able to tolerate moisture well. Therefore, giving preference to an array, ask the seller if there is a water-repellent coating on the door.

Solid wood, veneer, MDF - how to decide on the material?

Array. Everything is simple here. These are natural wood doors. They are durable, high-quality, environmentally friendly, but quite expensive. If you have spent money on repairs, you have designed an apartment in classical style, then, of course, you should not save on doors. But this special case. As for the shortcomings, the doors spliced ​​from pieces different breeds wood, may have a non-uniform color, because. pine, alder, oak, ash absorb varnishes and paints in different ways. This is not a marriage, but a feature of the materials.

Veneer. Veneered doors have a more complex prefabricated structure. wooden frame pasted over MDF panels that save it from deformation. The top of the door is covered with a thin cut natural veneer. Such doors look no worse than an array, but they are more practical, easy to restore and unpretentious in maintenance. Another significant advantage is the wider range options finishes: from transparent or tinting varnishes, to recently popular enamels. This allows the use of veneered doors in interiors implemented in any style.

MDF. These doors are made from pressed small sawdust. Frame structures are hollow inside. Therefore, they are not as durable as paneled and tsargovy. The first are assembled from inserts in the frame of the door leaf (panels). Inserts can be from an array or combined materials. Tsargovye doors - two vertical racks, connected by three or more transverse bars - tsargs.

MDF doors are low cost and wide model range. True, they react poorly to moisture if the manufacturer saves on materials.

We have decided on the material, but what about the design?

It is better to choose a design based on the characteristics of the room. The most popular - hinged. It fits into any interior, is reliable, durable, easy to operate, quick to install and easy to repair. But for all its merits swing doors“eat up” a significant part of the space.

To solve this problem, you can install doors-books or doors-accordions. When opened, they fold in two or even several times. This saves a lot of space. Especially this design will be appreciated by the owners of apartments with small rooms. Also, “books” and “accordions” are often installed in bedrooms and dressing rooms.

Another option to save space is sliding structures. They are often installed in the front area. They can consist of one sliding leaf or two sliding. Compartment doors made of frosted glass transmit light well, visually increasing the space. Also, these designs can be used for zoning two adjacent rooms.

Now gaining popularity roto or rotary designs. When the door is opened, it simultaneously swings open and moves aside, making the so-called rotational movement. At the same time, the canvas itself does not go beyond the doorway, but remains in it. A notable advantage of this design is space savings. Plus, you can open the door both on yourself and away from you. True, you will have to spend money on installing such doors and problems may arise with the repair of a complex mechanism.

Also becoming popular hidden doors. Their basis is hidden in the wall metal box, and the canvas itself merges with the wall, forming a single plane. There are many options for finishing such a door: from photo wallpaper and paint, to decorative plasters and cork coverings.

Doors have been chosen, but what else to look for when buying?

In the case of products made from natural materials or veneer, you need to be prepared for the fact that they will not be the same. Each door has its own pattern of annual rings on the cut. Also, unprepared buyers are often confused by the different shades found on the same canvas. But this is not a defect.

The fact is that the density of veneer layers or array plates can vary. Here it is worth considering the multidirectionality of the wood pattern when stitching. Also different shades can be seen on the border of the standing and jumpers. All this is not a disadvantage. These are the features of natural wood products.

By the way, our expert cited the Scandinavian countries as an example, where a pronounced texture of veneer with numerous knots is valued more than a homogeneous one.

If you have chosen a door covered with enamel, then pay attention to the absence of chips and cracks, especially at the ends, glazing beads, in places where fittings are inserted. Also, the enamel door should have a uniform, even surface, without foreign inclusions.

In the case of a door covered with PVC film, CPL-pressed plastic or impregnated texture paper, special attention should be paid to the quality of gluing the covering material to the leaf or the base of the product. We are talking about boxes, platbands and additional elements. There should be no bubbles, scoring, delamination. With such defects, the door will not last long.

Often, when selling doors, we are faced with a situation where the buyer, relying on his experience, tries to take measurements himself, and in some cases even carry out the installation himself. In the installation of doors, as in any work, there are enough professional subtleties and nuances that are unknown to a person who encounters this problem for the first time. Therefore, the involvement of specialists in the end will help save not only time and money, but often nerves.

It is absolutely not superfluous to ask the seller for a manufacturer's certificate. Give preference to better known brands and manufacturers with a good reputation. Now all the information is easy to find on the Internet.

When you compare prices, do not forget about accessories. Locks, hinges, latches also cost money. When buying, do not hesitate to ask questions to the store consultant. The more information you learn, the easier it will be to choose a quality product.

Quality doors require maintenance. How to deal with it?

Firstly, you need to wipe the doors with special ones suitable for the material of a particular

doors means. Almost all products can be cleaned with water alcohol solution in a ratio of 1 to 10. A professional tools for washing can be bought at any hardware store.

Secondly, in no case should you use powders, especially with abrasive particles. They will damage the finish.

To refresh or clean the door, first wipe it with a dampened and then dry soft cloth. Whatever the door is made of excess moisture more likely to harm her. Don't forget about it.

If cracks and scratches appear on glossy doors, they can be masked with wax polish.

These simple rules will help you long time enjoy shopping.

Almost no room is complete without an interior door. For the manufacture of doors used a variety of materials.

One of the most popular are MDF and veneered doors. Which of them is better can be determined by recognizing their main characteristics.

The high demand for MDF interior doors is due to their low cost. The combinations of such doors are huge: from simple canvases to individual design. MDF doors are lightweight, easy to maintain, and they are also resistant to external aggressive environments.

In addition to the positive side, MDF doors also have disadvantages. Despite the fact that the outer surface of the doors is processed by special means, they are afraid of moisture, ultraviolet rays, chemical substances. Such interior doors will cost inexpensively.

Veneered doors can be different material, but upper layer made from veneer. The origin of veneer can be varied: from natural wood species or artificially created.

Doors made of natural veneer stand out for their unusual and stylish design, however, their cost is much higher than that of artificial material. The texture and color palette of veneer doors depends on the type of wood. Due to the high cost, such doors are not particularly in demand, more and more buyers prefer to purchase doors made of artificial veneer. They are not so strong, but their appearance is barely distinguishable from natural. Veneered doors are more demanding to maintain.

The differences between MDF and veneered doors are obvious. Natural veneer doors have the natural color of wood and the characteristics of a natural material. MDF doors are created artificially, their texture is identical.

Veneer doors with mechanical damage can be restored, which cannot be done for MDF doors. The price indicator also varies significantly, it is natural that the doors from natural material will be expensive.

When making a choice in favor of a particular door, you should rely on your own wishes regarding further exploitation doors, taking into account all the nuances and possibilities.
